Assisted Reproduction

Assisted Reproduction

Geoffrey H. Trew1,2,3,4 and Stuart A. Lavery5

1 Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK

2 Imperial College London, London, UK

3 Imperial College Healthcare NHS, London, UK

4 IVF Hammersmith, London, UK

5 Department of Reproductive Medicine, Hammersmith and Queen Charlotte’s Hospitals, London, UK

Assisted conception is the facilitation of natural conception by some form of scientific intervention. It has been available for many years, but one of the first recorded and possibly best‐known instances of assisted conception was that performed by the eminent surgeon John Hunter in London in 1785. The husband, in this infertile couple, had hypospadias and artificial insemination of ejaculated sperm was performed on the wife. This resulted in a successful pregnancy and subsequent birth. This basic assisted conception continued until scientific techniques improved in the middle of the twentieth century. The advent of improved techniques, particularly in the form of ovulation induction and controlled ovarian stimulation, has allowed the successful treatment of the anovulatory female. The purification and use of human menopausal gonadotrophins (hMGs) in the 1960s led to multiple follicular development allowing in vitro fertilization (IVF). Over the last 40 years there have been dramatic improvements in the treatment of both the infertile female as well as the male. There is now a full panoply of techniques with acronyms ranging from the more well known such as IUI, IVF, ICSI and PGD, through to ones that have now become more esoteric due to lack of success rates such as DOT, PROST and even DIPI (Table 52.1). With these advances it is possible to treat the vast majority of subfertile men and women successfully and give them the child they so desire.

Table 52.1 Assisted contraception abbreviations.

Acronym Definition
IVF In vitro fertilization
IUI Intrauterine insemination
ICSI Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
PGD Pre‐implantation genetic diagnosis
PGS Pre‐implantation genetic screening
DOT Direct oocyte transfer
PROST Pronuclear stage transfer
DIPI Direct intraperitoneal insemination
MESA Microepididymal sperm aspiration
PESA Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration
TESE Testicular sperm extraction
GIFT Gamete intrafallopian transfer

Investigations prior to assisted conception

Even though the diagnosis may have been made and the most appropriate form of treatment decided upon, there are a few essential investigations that should be performed prior to any form of assisted conception. These will not only ensure the best results when the assisted conception is performed, but also reduce the chance of any diagnosis being missed before multiple cycles are embarked on with the subsequent emotional and financial cost to the patient if they are unsuccessful.


Tests of ovarian reserve have been utilized for many years; previously an early follicular phase follicle‐ stimulating hormone (FSH) level was used and is still the mainstay in most countries. The use of anti‐Müllerian hormone (AMH) is now more widespread and gives a more accurate assessment of ovarian reserve. It has better intra‐ and inter‐cycle variability and has a better correlation with ovarian response to superovulation and better success rates than any other blood test. Indeed it is often used to assess the patient’s suitability for techniques such as IVF prior to treatment. A very low level (<3 pmol/L) would suggest a live‐birth rate of less than 2% and hence IVF using the patient’s own eggs would rarely be succesful. Conversely, a high level (>50 pmol/L) would suggest very sensitive ovaries and a higher chance of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) if the dose of FSH is not reduced and an antagonist protocol used.

Most forms of assisted conception, excluding egg donation, require normal ovarian reserve to have any significant chance of success. If the patient has irregular periods, then prolactin, thyroid function and, if appropriate, testosterone and sex hormone‐binding globulin (SHBG) levels should also be measured.

If the patient is undergoing a licensed form of assisted conception under the 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, then both the male and female partner have to be screened for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. If either partner is positive for the above conditions this does not preclude them from being treated but unless specific embryo cryopreservation facilities are available, embryo freezing of surplus embryos cannot be performed because of the theoretical risk of cross‐infectivity between the patient’s embryos and unaffected embryos from other patients.


Virtually all ultrasound scanning in assisted conception is performed transvaginally. The initial scan assesses several areas.

  • Ovarian morphology: if there are underlying polycystic ovaries, they may be hyperresponsive to stimulation with gonadotrophins.
  • Presence of ovarian cysts: if present, suitable treatment should be arranged.
  • Many centres now also measure the antral follicle count (AFC) as this is also used in the dose calculation of FSH for the stimulation phase of IVF.
  • The ovaries are assessed for accessibility, not just for the monitoring itself but also if transvaginal oocyte retrieval (TVOR) is planned in order to ensure that this can be performed without undue difficulty. Sometimes in patients who have abdominal adhesions due to iatrogenic causes, previous pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis, then gentle abdominal pressure can be applied during the screening ultrasound to ensure that the ovary can be moved down to a more accessible position for egg collection.
  • The uterus is also assessed for the presence of abnormalities such as uterine fibroids to ensure the endometrium appears normal and there are no other abnormalities.
  • The rest of the pelvis is also screened in a systematic fashion to exclude other pathology.

Uterine cavity and tubal patency

Both the uterine cavity and the fallopian tubes should be examined prior to all forms of assisted conception. For techniques such as IUI, where either one or both fallopian tubes are required to be patent, it is obvious why both the cavity and the tubes should be checked. Less obviously, the fallopian tubes require inspection for techniques such as IVF, even though they are not required for the actual procedure. We know from grade A evidence [1] that the presence of hydrosalpinges can significantly reduce the implantation rate due to reflux of the hydrosalpingeal fluid into the uterine cavity. The integrity of the uterine cavity should be evaluated as various forms of pathology, including intrauterine adhesions, congenital abnormalities such as large septate uterus, submucous fibroids and intrauterine polyps, can all significantly reduce the implantation rate and hence the subsequent live‐birth rate from all forms of assisted conception. If a significant problem is noted in the uterine cavity, this would normally be corrected prior to the assisted conception cycles being performed. The uterine cavity and the fallopian tubes can be investigated using the following methods.


Hysterosalpingography (HSG) has been used for many decades but had a reputation for being painful. With newer techniques, and in particular the advent of suction caps and small balloon catheters, the need for unnecessary trauma is obviated. It allows assessment of both the uterine cavity and the fallopian tubes and it is an extremely useful screening test that can be performed with a high degree of accuracy without the need for a general anaesthetic. It is recommended that chlamydial screening be performed beforehand, preferably as part of the initial work‐up of the female partner, and antibiotic cover for the procedure should be used.

Hystero‐contrast sonography

Several ultrasound techniques have been developed to try to assess tubal patency. In most an echogenic fluid is instilled inside the uterine cavity and into the fallopian tubes, which can be tracked by transvaginal ultrasound. This can be a good method for assessing tubal patency, but due to the high echogenicity of the fluid it can sometimes miss uterine cavity lesions such as mild intrauterine adhesions and the subtle distortions caused by submucous fibroids [2]. This can be avoided by initially using sterile saline to outline the endometrial cavity before using ultrasound contrast medium, which by design is relatively echogenic.

Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy

These are commonly performed infertility investigations, particularly if the patient has other presenting complaints, especially pelvic pain.

If a screening test such as HSG has been performed and an intrauterine lesion found, then hysteroscopy would also be performed. If the diagnosis is confirmed the lesion is removed, for example intrauterine adhesions can be divided hysteroscopically, or submucus fibroids can be extracted by transcervical resection.

Male partner

A comprehensive semen analysis should be performed on all males referred for assisted conception to ascertain the most appropriate technique suitable for the patient. Most assisted conception units look at the normal World Health Organization (WHO) sperm criteria including sperm morphology; generally, IVF is used if the parameters are good and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) if there is a problem with any of the parameters. The presence of other problems, such as anti‐sperm antibodies within the ejaculate, are also ascertained and, if present, further samples can be obtained with the patient ejaculating directly into culture medium to try to lessen the impact of these antibodies on sperm function. This can sometimes mean that a sample severely affected by anti‐sperm antibodies only deemed suitable for IVF can sometimes be ‘upgraded’ to techniques such as IUI if ejaculation into medium is performed. Overall, the proportion of IVF and ICSI procedures performed worldwide is roughly equal, although the popularity of ICSI is increasing.

Important coexistent pathologies

There are several other coexistent pathologies that can significantly reduce the successful outcome of assisted conception or increase the complication rates associated with it.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are very commonly detected by transvaginal scanning of the infertile woman. It has always been difficult to ascertain the causality between these fibroids and the patient’s infertile status, but the presence of fibroids does not necessarily mean there is a direct causal link between fibroids and infertility. On the other hand, there are a number of reported case series where removal of fibroids resulted in subsequent improved conception rates of between 30 and 80% [3]. It was previously thought that fibroids only significantly reduced implantation rates if the uterine cavity was distorted. Two series examined the effect of fibroids in other locations on implantation in IVF cycles. In the first of these, Eldar‐Geva [4] showed that intramural fibroids significantly reduced implantation rates; this was then confirmed by Hart et al. [5]. Both of these studies confirmed the impact of fibroids that do not distort the uterine cavity but this appears to be only true for fibroids above 3 cm in size. Therefore, any patient who has fibroids larger than 3 cm, and in particular who has recurrent implantation failures, should be considered for myomectomy prior to further assisted conception. Although treatment of these fibroids does appear to have an impact on implantation rates, in a randomized trial Surrey et al. [3] failed to demonstrate improved live‐birth rates.


There have been several studies that have shown the adverse effect of hydrosalpinges on IVF outcome. Indeed, three randomized controlled trials were included in the Cochrane review [6] to see if salpingectomy would be useful for patients with hydrosalpinges prior to undergoing IVF. Surgical treatment of these hydrosalpinges versus non‐surgical treatment increased the odds of live birth plus ongoing pregnancy (odds ratio, OR 2.13, 95% CI 1.24–3.65) and of pregnancy (OR 1.75, 95% CI 1.07–2.86). It has now been shown that removal of these diseased tubes by salpingectomy prior to IVF leads to the implantation rates that would be expected in patients unaffected by hydrosalpinges. Whether these hydrosalpinges should be removed or blocked in the proximal portion (by clipping or coagulation) will depend on several factors such as degree of damage and whether the patient has pain associated with the hydrosalpinges. Salpingectomy used to be the routine recommendation but more units are now coagulating the proximal portion because of the worry that salpingectomy may compromise ovarian vasculature and reduce subsequent response to stimulation [7 6]. Most practitioners would individualize the treatment of hydrosalpinges and take all other variable parameters into consideration, ranging from any male factor present through to degree of tubal disease, as well as the known ovarian function of the patient prior to removing them.

Polycystic ovaries

Polycystic ovaries as seen by ultrasound are an extremely common finding in women of childbearing age and can occur in about 30% of patients. Patients with polycystic ovaries can be more difficult to stimulate with gonadotrophins for either IUI or IVF. Initially there can be a degree of resistance at lower doses but then a very narrow therapeutic window before the patient hyperstimulates, and this can quite often lead to cycle cancellation. In view of the severe complications resulting from OHSS, one should always start with a low dose and then increase in small increments until the appropriate therapeutic window is achieved. Some have advocated the use of laparoscopic ovarian drilling to try to improve this therapeutic window, as well as the pre‐cycle administration of insulin‐sensitizing agents such as metformin. There is now evidence that metformin does not improve the success rate but can improve the safety of the cycle.

Endometriotic cysts

Endometriosis is a common coexistent pathology in patients undergoing assisted conception. Although there is little evidence that the routine treatment of peritoneal endometriosis results in a significant improvement in assisted conception cycles, there can be benefit in treating large endometriomas (>44 cm) prior to IVF. It is thought this may benefit the cycle in several ways, including the ovarian response itself and overall number of eggs obtained (particularly in the ovary containing the endometrioma). The second concern with ovarian endometriomas is that these can be inadvertently punctured during TVOR and there is a significant increase in ovarian abscess formation if this occurs. Pre‐cycle drainage by needle aspiration can also be a cause of ovarian abscesses and this is generally not advised. If the size of the ovarian endometrioma is felt to be significant so that it may adversely affect cycle outcome or increase the chance of inadvertent needling, then it is better for the endometrioma to be surgically treated prior to initiation of the cycle. Prolonged downregulation with GnRH analogues can shrink the cysts and also improve the overall success rates.


Patients should be advised that smoking significantly reduces the effectiveness of all forms of assisted conception and that they should therefore quit smoking.


It is recommended that a patient should have a body mass index (BMI) of between 19 and 30. Outside this range success rates of assisted conception are reduced. If the BMI is above 30, not only are success rates lower but miscarriage rates higher and complications such as OHSS increased. It is therefore recommended that the female partner should be encouraged to lose weight.

Types of assisted conception

There are many types of assisted conception available in the modern unit. These range from less invasive procedures such as IUI through to the widely known IVF, with or without ICSI. The use of other procedures such as gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) has reduced due to the improving success rates of IVF. Other techniques associated with assisted conception cycles such as pre‐implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and pre‐implantation genetic screening (PGS) are also performed in a few specialized centres.

Intrauterine insemination

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is where a prepared sample of sperm (normally produced by masturbation) is inseminated into the uterine cavity at the appropriate time of the patient’s menstrual cycle. Approximately 2 weeks later a pregnancy test is performed to see if the cycle has been successful.


IUI can be performed in a natural cycle, with Clomid alone, with Clomid and then FSH injection, or purely with FSH. If any form of ovulation induction has been used, it is also quite common to use a single human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) injection approximately 36 hours prior to the insemination to ensure optimal timing with ovulation.


Although for unstimulated cycles it is possible just to perform urinary luteinizing hormone (LH) monitoring using home dipstick methods, this does not give the best success rates. If any form of ovulation induction has been used, then it is recommended that more accurate monitoring is performed. This is normally achieved by transvaginal ultrasound and has benefits of not only deciding the best time to give the dose of hCG and hence the timing of the insemination, but also ensuring that ovulation induction is having the desired effect, i.e. one (or at most two) developing follicle(s) over 18 mm. If there are more than two follicles, this can be detected by ultrasound, the cycle cancelled and the patient advised against having unprotected intercourse due to the increased risk of higher‐order multiple pregnancies.

The overall success rate, as with any subfertile couple, depends on multiple factors, most importantly female age and, with IUI, the quality of the sperm. Though IUI can be used for mild male factor problems, it is not recommended for anything more severe. Success rates of around 5% per cycle have been quoted for unstimulated IUI, increasing to 8–10% per cycle for stimulation with Clomid and 12–18% per cycle when FSH is used in the protocol. Although success rates of 35% have been quoted in literature, these tend to be highly selective series and not necessarily representative of a general case mix of patients across a wider age range [8].


The main complication of IUI is higher‐order multiple births and occurs when FSH has been used. Most centres would expect a twinning rate of 10–15% and a triplet rate of less than 1%. If the triplet rate is higher than 1%, and in particular if there are even higher numbers than this, then this is normally due to inadequate monitoring and inadequate numbers of cycles being cancelled when an over‐response of the ovaries has been seen.

Although ovarian hyperstimulation can occur, particularly in the protocols where FSH is used, this would normally be mild to moderate at most, and it is very unusual to get a case of severe hyperstimulation in IUI cycles. If this happens it tends to be when an inappropriate starting dose of FSH has been used and again when inadequate monitoring has been performed.

The patient should also be warned about the possibility of ectopic pregnancies, and most clinics would offer an early ultrasound scan in the patients who have had a positive pregnancy test at between 6 and 7 weeks’ gestation.


IUI is a relatively simple technique that is cost‐effective and can be offered by both secondary and tertiary fertility centres. It is not as invasive as IVF and allows fertilization to occur within the fallopian tubes and therefore it is generally acceptable to most religious groups.


The success rates are lower than those with IVF, and if the cycle fails less information is obtained than with an IVF cycle, particularly pertaining to possible egg or subsequent embryo quality. It also requires at least one healthy fallopian tube and reasonable sperm parameters. If monitoring is suboptimal, then there can be a significant increase in higher‐order multiple births, with the expected sequelae.


  • Unexplained infertility.
  • Mild male factor.
  • Ejaculatory problems.
  • Cervical problems.
  • Ovulatory disorders.
  • Mild endometriosis.
  • To optimize the use of donor sperm.

In vitro fertilization

In vitro fertilization is where the mature oocyte is surgically removed from the ovary and then fertilized with sperm in the laboratory. The world’s first successful IVF baby was delivered by Patrick Steptoe in 1978 after a number of years collaborating with Robert Edwards. Over the last 25 years the success rates and types of IVF have greatly improved and at present there are well over 2 million babies born throughout the world by this technique.


  • Severe tubal disease: tubal blockages.
  • Severe endometriosis.
  • Moderate male factor.
  • Unexplained infertility.
  • Unsuccessful IUI.


Initially, simple forms of ovulation induction using Clomid and hMGs were used. Over the last 20 years protocols have been refined and these are now classified into three main categories:

  1. natural cycle;
  2. long protocol (agonist cycles);
  3. short protocol (antagonist cycles).

Although there are other short protocols using agonists, these are now less used due to poorer success rates.

Agonist cycles

Long protocols are still at present the most widely used protocols throughout the world. They involve the use of a GnRH agonist that can be taken nasally on a daily basis (e.g. buserelin, nafarelin) or as a daily subcutaneous injection (e.g. buserelin, leuprorelin) or as a depot preparation (goserelin, leuprorelin). The agonist is given continuously and initially increases the production of gonadotrophins (FSH and LH) from the pituitary gland. If this continuous administration is maintained, then downregulation of the GnRH receptors is achieved. This causes a reduction in LH and FSH levels and thus a reduction in stimulation of the ovary. As a result folliculogenesis is suppressed and blood estradiol levels fall to menopausal levels within 3 weeks. As long as the agonists are continued then the ovary is suppressed unless exogenous gonadotrophins are given. The start of agonist administration can be on either day 2 of the menstrual cycle or, more commonly, day 21. The rationale behind using these long protocols is to create a temporary menopause from which the ovaries can then be stimulated by the daily use of FSH/hMG injections.

In a mid‐luteal start (normally around day 21), the patient is reviewed when her period starts approximately 7–10 days after the agonist is initiated. A scan and often a blood estradiol level are performed to ensure the patient is adequately suppressed. If this is the case, then gonadotrophins are started the following day and continued until an adequate ovarian response is gained.

An early follicular, or day 2, start can also be used and the patient bought back for her scan and blood test on average 2 weeks later to see if she is suppressed. As in the luteal start, if adequate suppression is obtained, then exogenous gonadotrophins are started and then continued until satisfactory ovarian response is obtained.

Antagonist protocols

Antagonists (ganirelix and cetrorelix) have been in common use for the last 10 years. The antagonist has an almost immediate effect on the pituitary and, unlike agonists, does not need several days to achieve menopausal levels of the pituitary‐derived gonadotrophins. Therefore the patient is prevented from having a premature LH surge and ovulating spontaneously within an hour of the start of the antagonist. A daily dose of 0.25 mg is normally given and there is also a 3‐mg dose of cetrorelix that can last for several days. The drugs are given subcutaneously and are started either on a fixed day of FSH stimulation (normally on the 5th day of stimulation) or when the lead follicle is a certain size by ultrasound monitoring (normally 14 mm). The antagonists are continued alongside the gonadotrophin stimulation until an adequate response is achieved and then stopped prior to the hCG injection.

The benefits of antagonists over agonists are:

  • no menopausal side effects;
  • no cyst formation from the initial gonadotrophin surge;
  • shorter cycle duration;
  • less gonadotrophin required per cycle, therefore lower drug costs;
  • antagonist cycles should be used in patients with polycystic ovaries as they have a lower incidence of OHSS which allows the use of an agonist trigger.


It is essential that adequate monitoring is performed during stimulation of the ovaries with exogenous gonadotrophins. Serial transvaginal ultrasound to assess follicular growth should be used. A decreasing number of units continue to use serial estradiol levels to add to the information obtained from the ultrasound. The use of serial estradiol can be useful in some patient groups, particularly if an under‐ or over‐response is anticipated. An under‐response can sometimes be anticipated in the older patient or the patient with previously raised FSH levels. An over‐response can sometimes be anticipated if there has been a previous over‐response or if the patient has polycystic ovarian morphology on her initial diagnostic ultrasound. There seems to be no value in routine estradiol monitoring.

Monitoring during the stimulatory phase allows the dose to be increased or decreased, if appropriate, as well as the timing of the hCG injection.

hCG injection

This is used to induce final maturation of the oocytes prior to oocyte retrieval. Generally, recombinant hCG 250 µg subcutaneously in a prefilled pen is used. If urinary hCG is used, then a dose of 10 000 IU is given, although in patients with an over‐response this can be decreased to 5000 IU. hCG should be given when either one or two lead follicles have reached 18 mm. The injection is normally given around midnight to allow for oocyte retrieval approximately 35 hours later prior to physiological ovulation occurring. If the hCG injection is incorrectly administered, then either very few or no eggs are obtained at the egg collection.

Agonist trigger

If the patient is at significant risk of OHSS then, rather than using an hCG trigger with a prolonged half‐life and subsequent prolonged stimulation of the corpora lutea, an agonist trigger can be used. This gives a more normal LH surge with a shorter half‐life. This has been shown to significantly reduce the rates of severe OHSS. If an agonist trigger is used, then the luteal phase support is often modified (see section on luteal phase support). Agonist triggers are also used in egg donor cycles where the risk of OHSS has to be lower and the embryos are nor replaced in the donor herself.

Oocyte retrieval

Originally, this was done laparoscopically but the advent of real‐time ultrasound has allowed a less invasive oocyte retrieval by ultrasound‐directed needling of the ovaries. Smaller and better‐quality ultrasound probes, particularly with the advent of transvaginal scanning, has allowed both the monitoring of the ovary during stimulation and the actual retrieval itself to be performed transvaginally. Virtually all oocyte retrievals are performed by this transvaginal ultrasound‐directed route. The laparoscopic route is still occasionally used if the ovaries are inaccessible transvaginally. This can occasionally occur in frozen pelvises or when the ovaries have been moved out of the pelvis prior to pelvic irradiation.

TVOR can be performed under general anaesthesia or, more commonly, local anaesthesia or some form of intravenous sedation. The procedure generally takes 20–30 min, depending on how many follicles are present. Either a single‐use disposable needle is used or a double‐channel needle that allows ‘flushing’ of the follicle if the egg is not obtained on simple aspiration. The needle is inserted under ultrasound control directly into the follicles of one ovary and the fluid aspirated and given directly to the embryologist. If the egg is not found after all the fluid has been aspirated, then the follicle is flushed and re‐aspirated to try to find the egg, as well as using gentle needle agitation (Fig. 52.1). After all the follicles have been exhausted from one ovary, the needle is then withdrawn and reinserted under ultrasound control into the other ovary and the process repeated. After the ultrasound probe is removed, the vaginal vault is checked for bleeding; although bleeding is usually not a problem, occasionally an absorbable suture has to be inserted under direct vision for a specific bleeding point. Most patients go home a few hours after the procedure has been completed.

Image described by caption.

Fig. 52.1 Human oocyte with cumulus cells.

Embryo transfer

Eggs are fertilized either by routine insemination with a concentration of approximately 100 000 normally motile sperm per millilitre or by ICSI (see later section). They are incubated in a commercially prepared culture medium under strict laboratory conditions. The temperature within the incubators is carefully controlled, as are the gas content, humidity and pH.

Traditionally, most embryos were transferred at day 2 or 3 following egg collection. There is now good evidence that if embryos are left in extended culture conditions and transferred on day 5 (at the blastocyst stage), higher pregnancy rates can be achieved [9]. Indeed, day 5 or blastocyst transfer is the default position in most units. Approximately 55–60% of all mature eggs fertilize normally and these are graded by the embryologist on day 2 (Fig. 52.2). At present, the guidelines in the UK from the Humam Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) state that only two embryos should be transferred in people under the age of 40, unless exceptional circumstances are present, but over the age of 40 three embryos can be transferred. With increasing success rates and concerns over multiple births, many units now electively transfer one embryo if the patient is under 38 years old, unless she has had multiple previous failed cycles. Although this may have a slight effect on success rates, the other normal embryos are frozen and hence if a cycle is unsuccessful, the patient can undergo repeated single embryo transfers from frozen embryo replacement cycles. Evidence from elective single embryo transfer programmes in Scandinavia and Belgium has shown that twin rates can be virtually eliminated whilst maintaining acceptable overall pregnancy rates [10].

Image described by caption.

Fig. 52.2 Human embryo 2 pronuclear (PN) stage day 1, normal fertilization.

The potential benefits of a day 2 transfer are that a single‐stage culture medium can be used and also that the majority of normal embryos survive to this stage. After two or three embryos have been replaced, there may be surplus embryos of a satisfactory quality that are suitable for cryopreservation. The potential downside of a day 2 transfer is that in a normal menstrual cycle, the day 2 embryo is still in the fallopian tube and not in the uterine cavity. Also it is much more difficult to accurately grade a day 2 or 3 embryo. The benefit of a day 5, or blastocyst, transfer is that the embryo has been replaced when it would physiologically be in the uterine cavity –this may have some benefits regarding certain growth factors that can improve embryo development. Blastocyst transfer also allows better selection of embryos as some abnormal embryos perish between day 2 and day 5 (Figs 52.352.6).

Image described by caption.

Fig. 52.3 Four‐cell stage, day 2.

Micrograph of eight-cell stage, day 3 of human embryo.

Fig. 52.4 Eight‐cell stage, day 3.

Micrograph of morula, day 4.

Fig. 52.5 Morula, day 4.

Micrograph of blastocyst, day 5.

Fig. 52.6 Blastocyst, day 5.

Embryo transfer is performed without anaesthetic. A Cuscoe’s speculum is generally used to visualize the cervix, which is cleaned carefully, and a sterile single‐use embryo transfer catheter is carefully inserted through the cervical canal. Where in the uterine cavity the embryos are replaced is a topic of great debate, but it is not uncommon for them to be placed in the mid‐cavity portion and generally to stop insertion of the catheter before the fundus where it could potentially cause some slight trauma and bleeding. Evidence suggests that embryo transfer should be performed under ultrasound guidance as this allows more accurate placement of the embryos in the uterine cavity and has been shown to significantly improve success rates [11]. After the outer sheath has been inserted in the correct location, an inner catheter containing the embryos is inserted into the outer sheath. When it is in the correct position a very small aliquot of fluid is used to emit the embryos from the end of the catheter. The inner catheter is then removed and handed back to the embryologist to confirm that no embryos have been retained in the inner catheter. If the catheter is clear, the outer sheath is gently withdrawn and the speculum removed.

Although there is no chance that the embryos can ‘fall out’, many patients are not surprisingly very cautious at this stage and quite often are allowed to rest in a supine position for up to 2 hours before being allowed to leave the hospital. There has been no evidence that leaving the patients in a supine position increases pregnancy rates, but it may help the patients psychologically.

Luteal phase support

With modern assisted conception utilizing either agonist or antagonist protocols, some form of luteal phase support (LPS) is necessary. Although natural cycle IVF does not need this, superovulation may impair normal corpus luteal function and the use of LPS has been shown to improve success rates [12]. The use of LPS with antagonist cycles is more debatable, but pregnancy rates without it are generally thought to be significantly lower [13]. LPS is broadly divided into three types: (i) use of luteotropic preparations such as hCG, (ii) use of progestogens or progesterone and (iii) use of more intense regimens when there has been an agonist trigger. hCG is given by subcutaneous injection in small aliquots that stimulates the patient’s own ovaries to produce more progesterone. It has been shown to be as efficacious as progesterone but does require an injection and also increases the risk of OHSS in some patients.

The use of progesterone is more common and it can be given as tablets, injections, vaginal gel or vaginal pessaries/rectal suppositories. Intravaginal or rectal use of progesterone achieves extremely good tissue levels very rapidly. It is known that LPS should be given for a minimum of 2 weeks, but some clinics routinely offer it up to 12 weeks or even later. However, there is little good evidence that continuing it beyond 2 weeks significantly improves pregnancy rates. The minimum dose is 200 mg/day but the most commonly prescribed dose is 400–800 mg/day.

The more intense regimens utilize injectable intramuscular progesterone with estradiol supplementation, normally in the form of tablets. The progesterone and estradiol are both routinely continued if the pregnancy test is positive. It is not uncommon for the injectable progesterone to be changed to a vaginal preparation at around 8 weeks of gestation because of the pain caused by the repeated deep intramuscular injections required for the oil‐based progesterone preparation.

Pregnancy test

The wait between the embryos being replaced and the pregnancy test is the most psychologically stressful time for the majority of patients. Some patients can start bleeding early, prior to the pregnancy test. Progesterone supplementation can also delay bleeding, even if the pregnancy test is negative. Generally, pregnancy tests are performed around 14 days from embryo transfer and can either be done at home with a urinary pregnancy test or at the clinic with a serum pregnancy test. A home pregnancy test is more convenient for the patient, and the currently available kits have excellent levels of sensitivity down to detection rates of 25 IU. If the pregnancy test is positive and in the normal range, then it is usual to offer the patient a transvaginal scan 2–3 weeks later to ensure that the pregnancy is intrauterine and also to assess its viability. If the initial hCG level is low, then this is often repeated 48 hours later to assess the rise; it if it is suboptimal, then the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage has to be considered and appropriate follow‐up organized.


All assisted conception treatment cycles in the UK have to be reported to the national regulator, the HFEA. Details of all these treatments can be accessed by both patients and professionals on the HFEA website ( The latest consolidated figures are from 2013 and show that 49 636 women had 64 600 cycles of IVF or ICSI, and 4452 cycles of donor insemination were performed; 14 062 pregnancies were reported as a result of this treatment. There has been a significant increase in the number of patients having an elective single embryo transfer, and as a result multiple pregnancy rates have fallen significantly while overall pregnancy rates have shown a small increase (Table 52.2). This table also reflects the very significant impact that female age has on the chance of a successful pregnancy outcome. In comparison, male age has very little impact.

Table 52.2 Pregnancy rates (%) per embryo transfer for IVF using the patient’s fresh eggs.

Age (years) 2012 2013
18–34 41.5 41.8
35–37 35.9 38.3
38–39 29.7 30.2
40–42 21.6 23.1
43–44 10.6 12.4
≥45 3.4 7.0
All ages 34.6 35.5

Treatment cycle numbers are increasing at approximately 3.9% per annum, with 13 839 babies born as a result of IVF treatment using fresh eggs. Over recent years there has been a proportionately greater increase in the number of treatments using frozen and thawed embryos compared with treatment cycles using fresh embryos. In 2013, 12 320 cycles using frozen embryos were performed (10% annual increase). The age‐stratified pregnancy rates are presented in Table 52.3, where it can be seen that age has less of an impact because the embryos transferred were collected when the woman herself was younger.

Table 52.3 Pregnancy rates (%) per frozen embryo transfer.

Age (years) 2012 2013
18–34 30.0 33.4
35–37 28.3 30.9
38–39 25.0 29.1
40–42 22.7 25.2
43–44 14.2 13.0
≥45 9.3 13.0
All ages 27.5 30.6
Sep 7, 2020 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Assisted Reproduction

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