Strategies for Pediatric Practitioners to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Children

High intake of fruits and vegetables (FV) is associated with a decreased risk for many chronic diseases and may assist in weight management, but few children and adolescents consume the recommended amounts of FV. The pediatric practitioner can positively influence FV consumption of children through patient-level interventions (eg, counseling, connecting families to community resources), community-level interventions (eg, advocacy, community involvement), and health care facility-level interventions (eg, creating a healthy food environment in the clinical setting). This article reviews the importance of FV consumption, recommended intakes for children, and strategies by which pediatric practitioners can influence FV consumption of children.

Choices individuals make around what, where, and how much they eat and drink are influenced by many factors. Various socioecological models have been proposed to explain how these multiple factors of influence can shape individual behavior. The framework proposed by Story and colleagues groups these factors into 4 main levels: individual (eg, skills, preferences), social environment (eg, social support), physical environment (eg, retail and food service opportunities in settings such as schools, worksites, early care and education, and the broader community), and macrolevel influences (eg, systems-level factors such as social norms, food marketing, and food production). Health care providers traditionally have focused on individuals and individual factors to improve patient health, such as knowledge about the importance of healthy behaviors and improved self-efficacy to make healthy choices. However, there is growing recognition that a focus on the individual is not sufficient and strategies acting at multiple levels are needed to improve health, including diet quality. This recognition has led the public health community, including health care providers, to augment individually focused strategies with policy, systems, and environmental approaches. These methods emphasize the importance of a coordinated, systems-wide approach that engages individuals, families, communities, organizations, health professionals, and policymakers. This broad approach recognizes that, although individuals are responsible for their own health, opportunities need to be available in order for individuals to make healthy choices.

Establishing healthy eating habits early in life may have lifelong impacts on individuals. Dietary exposures and practices in early childhood and youth predict dietary behaviors in adolescence and adulthood. The pediatric practitioner can positively influence fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption of children by considering all levels of the socioecological model. Through counseling during clinic visits, the practitioner may be able to directly influence the food choices of caregivers and their children. Practitioners can also recommend community resources to improve access to healthier foods, such as FV, and be community advocates for these resources. By creating a healthy environment in the clinical setting, practitioners can provide healthy options for patients, families, and employees, and serve as role models for the community.

This article reviews the importance of FV consumption, recommended intakes for children, and strategies by which pediatric practitioners can influence FV consumption of children where they live, access care, play, and learn. These strategies are summarized in Box 1 .

Box 1

  • Patient-level interventions: assess, counsel, and provide resources

  • Promote caregiver behaviors that encourage FV consumption by children (specific topics and strategies that may be suggested to caregivers are summarized in Box 2 ).

  • Give a FV prescription at clinic visits (available at: ).

  • Integrate assessment of, and counseling on, FV consumption into clinical practice. The American Academy of Pediatrics provides a guide for coding that can be useful for billing purposes.

  • Engage individuals external to the medical practice who offer support and connections to community resources.

  • Be familiar with resources that promote healthy behaviors, such as food assistance programs (eg, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children [WIC], WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program [FMNP], and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program [SNAP]), farmers markets, cooking classes, and community gardens.

  • Develop referral guides to these community resources.

  • Community-level interventions: advocate for and support change

  • Influence policies and environments where children play and learn through advocacy, community involvement, and collaborations with local and state health departments, schools, early care and education (ECE), recreation facilities, and community organizations.

  • Support school district policies and programs that increase the quality and quantity of nutritious foods offered through the school environment and engage kids in nutrition education and experiential learning activities. Examples include school salad bars (eg, Let’s Move! Salad Bars to Schools ), gardens, the HealthierUS School Challenge, and school wellness policies and committees.

  • Support programs and policies that incentivize retail outlets to sell nutritious foods and to locate in underserved neighborhoods.

  • Learn how to advocate for community change with resources such as The National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality Be Our Voice Campaign ( ) and the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Policy Opportunities Tool ( ).

  • Health care facility-level interventions: create an environment supportive of FV consumption

  • Be a role model for patients and the community through practices and offerings at health care facilities.

  • Provide healthy food options for patients, guests, and employees.

  • Host a farmers markets or community-supported agriculture program for employees and the community.

  • Create guidelines for increasing FV in vending, food service venues, hospital shops, and inpatient meals.

  • Consult the Health and Sustainability Guidelines for Federal Concessions and Vending Operations for FV guidelines: (available at: ).

Opportunities for pediatric practitioners to influence children’s fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption

FV provide many important nutrients, including potassium, folate, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and many phytochemicals. Higher intake of FV is associated with a decreased risk for many chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers. In addition, replacing energy-dense foods with FV may assist in healthy weight management. This benefit is especially important given the childhood obesity epidemic in the United States, where 32% of children 2 to 19 years old are overweight or obese (defined as body mass index [BMI] for age equal to or greater than the 85th percentile) and 17% are obese (BMI for age equal to or greater than the 95th percentile). The Expert Committee Recommendations on the Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity states that pediatric weight management and behavioral counseling should include encouraging families to consume recommended levels of FV.

Because of the many benefits of FV consumption, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 (DGA 2010) recommends increased consumption of FV for all Americans 2 years and older, and emphasizes the importance of eating a variety of these foods, specifically mentioning dark green, orange, and red vegetable subgroups. DGA 2010 stresses the importance of whole food sources (fresh, frozen, canned, and dried), rather than juice, because juice may contain less fiber and other important nutrients. When juice is consumed, it should be 100% fruit or vegetable juice. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends no more than 120 to 180 mL (4–6 ounces) of 100% juice daily for children 1 to 6 years of age and no more than 240 to 360 mL (8–12 ounces) daily for children 7 to 18 years of age.

The US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) food guide, MyPlate, highlights the importance of FV as part of a healthy diet with its key message of “Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.” MyPlate’s FV recommendations are based on an individual’s caloric requirements, which depend on age, sex, and physical activity level. Among sedentary youth, recommendations range from 1 cup of fruit and 1 cup of vegetables for boys and girls 2 to 3 years old, to 1.5 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables for girls 14 to 18 years old and 2 cups of fruit and 3 cups of vegetables for boys 14 to 18 years old (individuals with higher levels of physical activity need more). Caregivers and practitioners can refer to MyPlate ( ) for individualized FV recommendations, information on serving sizes, and an overall healthy eating plan.

Few children and adolescents consume the recommended amounts of FV. Nationally representative findings from the 1999 to 2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) found that children aged 2 to 5 years met recommendations for fruit intake, but not for vegetable intake, with an average consumption of 1.29 cup equivalents and 0.76 cup equivalents of fruit and vegetables, respectively. Among children aged 6 to 11 years, mean fruit intake was 0.99 cup equivalents and mean vegetable intake was 0.98 cup equivalents. In a separate study of NHANES 1999 to 2002 data, 56.0% of adolescents consumed less than 1 serving of FV daily. The 2003 to 2004 NHANES showed that among adolescents (12–18 years old), median intakes were 0.51 cups of fruit and 1.21 cups of vegetables, and only 6.2% of adolescents met calorie-specific recommendations for fruit intake and 5.8% for vegetable intake.

Although FV consumption is low among children and adolescents 2 to 18 years of age in all sociodemographic groups (sex, age, race/ethnicity, and household income), there are some differences among groups. Findings from NHANES 1999 to 2002 showed that fruit intake was higher among younger compared with older children, among Mexican-Americans compared with non-Hispanic whites, and among those living in households with an income greater than 350% of the federal poverty level versus those living in households with an income between 130% and 350% of the federal poverty level. Vegetable intake was higher among boys than girls and higher among older compared with younger children; however, there was no difference in consumption by either race/ethnicity or household income.

Patient-level interventions: the health care visit

The Expert Committee on the Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity recommends that health care providers conduct a focused assessment of behaviors that have the strongest evidence for association with energy balance and that are modifiable, including the number of FV servings consumed each day. At a minimum, this assessment should be done at each well-child visit and include ability and readiness to change.

In addition to assessment, health care providers should advise caregivers to encourage consumption of the recommended amounts of FV by children and the whole family. Specific ways that caregivers can influence children’s FV consumption are discussed later and summarized in Box 2 . Materials for caregivers and patients to take home (eg, healthy snack ideas and handouts on incorporating FV into the child’s diet) can reinforce and elaborate on provider advice. The Expert Committee recommends that providers reinforce and build on health promotion messaging campaigns that are already being delivered in the community (eg, the 5-2-1-0 message) because patients may recognize and identify with them. Toolkits, such as the 5-2-1-0 Keep ME Healthy toolkit, are helpful to streamline, standardize, and coordinate assessment and counseling for busy health care providers and physician extenders. A “FV prescription” written on a prescription pad to document and emphasize the importance of consuming recommended FV servings each day can be provided at clinic visits and is available as part of the First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! In the Clinic Initiative resources. Lifestyle and weight management issues should be addressed with all patients, regardless of presenting weight, at least once a year.

Box 2

  • Individual level: getting kids involved

  • Garden. Planting seeds and watching the plants grow teaches kids many lessons, and they are thrilled when they can eat their homegrown produce. If space is limited, try growing tomatoes, peppers, and herbs.

  • Cook with your kids. Allow them to help choose the recipes and plan meals featuring FV.

  • Take kids to a local farm or community garden to see where their food comes from. Some farms even let you pick your own FV to purchase and take home.

  • Cut FV into interesting shapes and let children dip their vegetables in a favorite sauce or dip. Kids love to interact and have fun with their food.

  • Social environment: positive feeding interactions among caregivers and children

  • Expose children to a variety of FV. Do not be discouraged if your child does not like a new food at first. It may take 10 exposures or more before a child accepts a new food.

  • Guide children’s eating by setting reasonable limits, but avoid controlling feeding practices (eg, overly pressuring and overly restricting food).

  • Eat together regularly as a family.

  • Provide a variety of healthy options and allow children to explore. Do not worry if they do not eat every food you offer.

  • Role model healthy behaviors. Let your children see you eating FV during meal and snack times.

  • Physical environment: FV readily available to children during meals and snacks

  • Make FV more accessible than less healthy snacks by having them washed, cut, and ready to eat in a bowl on a counter, or at eye level in the refrigerator. Try not only carrot and celery sticks but red and green pepper strips, broccoli florets, and cucumber slices.

  • Incorporate chopped, sliced, and shredded vegetables in dishes such as pasta, chili, soups, casseroles, and pizza.

  • Try fresh FV in season when they are tastier and lower in cost.

  • Try canned, frozen, and dried fruits and vegetables because they are easily stored.

  • Incorporate fruits and vegetables throughout the day, and make FV half the plate:

    • At breakfast, top cereal with fruit or add fruit to pancakes.

    • At lunch, try salad as a main dish or add vegetables to sandwiches.

    • Dinner can be offered as courses, with salad as an appetizer and fruit as a dessert.

    • Pack FV for kids to take to school, early care and education (ECE), the playground or pool, or to camp for meals and snacks.

  • Provide FV when bringing snacks for classroom activities and sports events instead of soda, chips, and cookies; ask other caregivers to do the same.

  • Get involved at your child’s school or early care and education (ECE) center. Encourage staff to offer FV at meals and snacks and to provide opportunities for children to work with FV through cooking, gardening, and farm-to-school programs.

Strategies pediatric practitioners can advise caregivers to use to encourage fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption in children

Practitioners can connect patients with financial and community resources that may be useful in helping children make and sustain health behavior changes. Food assistance programs such as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) recently added FV vouchers to the regular benefits. In addition, most states and many Indian Tribal Organizations participate in the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) which provides coupons for fresh FV. These coupons can be used to purchase FV from eligible farmers, farmers markets, or roadside stands. There are many community programs that provide financial incentives to those who use Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly known as food stamps) benefits at farmers markets. Nutrition assistance programs provide enrolled individuals with resources and opportunities to participate in cooking classes, which may improve food preparation knowledge and skills and increase the healthier food choices of participants. Additional community resources may include information about local farmers markets, community gardens, and farm-to-school activities. The health care provider can identify these and other community resources that promote healthy behaviors, develop referral guides, and engage individuals external to the practice, such as registered dieticians or community health workers, who offer support and connection to such resources.

Incorporating assessment, counseling, and community resource provision into pediatric practice is important but challenging and may require changes in health care provider offices and in health care systems. The Expert Committee endorses the use of the chronic care model as the basis for a health care practice that integrates patient self-management, health care, and community resources to provide more comprehensive and useful care. Because reimbursement and billing methods are important in this health care approach, AAP provides a guide for coding. For example, a patient identified with overweight or obesity (International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification [ICD-9-CM] codes 278.01, 278.02) during a well-child check could return for a visit with a physician extender for a health and behavior assessment (Current Procedural Terminology [CPT] code 96150) or medical nutrition therapy (97802) visit.

Counseling Topics: Factors that Influence Children’s FV Intake

The following strategies are organized by the first 3 levels of the socioecological model (individual, social environment, and physical environment). This article focuses primarily on the home setting; however, other settings in which children typically spend time are also discussed, such as school and early care and education (ECE, which includes pre-K, Head Start, child care centers, and family homes).

Individual level

Knowledge of recommendations

Dietary counseling should include discussion of FV recommendations for families. Although knowledge alone is not sufficient to alter dietary behaviors among children and adolescents, it has been associated with higher FV intake in children. Two observational studies of the determinants of FV intake among 11-year-old children in several European countries found positive associations with FV intake among those with knowledge of national recommendations. A review of studies from the United States and Europe examining the determinants of FV consumption and FV interventions among children 6 to 12 years old found evidence of a positive association between knowledge of FV recommendations and FV intake.

Taste preferences

Children’s and adolescents’ taste preferences are associated with FV intake. A 2006 review found that, in all studies identified that analyzed the influence of taste preferences (n = 11), there was a positive association with intake of fruit and/or vegetables. Research suggests that infants have a genetic predisposition to prefer certain tastes, such as those that are sweet, and therefore may initially reject food that tastes bitter, including vegetables. However, such preferences may be altered as children become more familiar with foods through multiple exposures (10 or more), modeling by parents and caregivers, and positive experiences with these foods. Pediatric practitioners can advise caregivers to provide opportunities, such as those discussed later, for children’s FV preferences to develop.

Hands-on experiences: gardening and cooking

Practitioners can advise caregivers to engage children in hands-on experiences, such as growing and preparing FV. These experiences may help children cultivate a lasting, healthy relationship with food, and a lifetime of healthy eating behaviors. Youth participation in gardening can positively influence FV consumption and related factors, such as willingness to taste fruits and/or vegetables ; increased knowledge of, positive attitudes toward, and preferences for fruits and/or vegetables ; and improved availability of FV at home. Although most evidence linking gardening to FV consumption has focused on youth settings outside the home (eg, school, after school, and community settings) and in conjunction with nutrition education, home gardening may also be an effective way to encourage children’s FV consumption. A telephone survey in rural Missouri found that parents and their preschool children who frequently ate homegrown produce ate significantly more FV than those who rarely or never ate it. Increased frequency of eating homegrown FV was also associated with more home availability of produce, preschooler’s preference for FV, and parental role modeling of eating FV. Involvement in community gardens has also been associated with increased FV intake among adults, thus families could consider community gardening as well. Additional experiential activities that caregivers may share with their children to promote FV include visiting farmers markets and farms (eg, pick-your-own farms) and participation in community-supported agriculture to receive produce boxes on a regular basis.

Involvement in the selection of, preparation of, and cooking of FV increases children’s exposure to, and familiarity with, these foods, 2 important factors in the development of food preferences. A cross-sectional study of middle school and high school students found that students who frequently assisted with dinner preparations had higher intakes of FV, fiber, folate, and vitamin A, as well as lower intakes of less healthy foods. Developing children’s cooking skills may have lasting impacts as they become independent adults. A cross-sectional study of young adults 18 to 23 years old, found that more frequent food preparation was associated with higher FV intake.

Social environment

Caregiver feeding practices

Caregiver-child interactions around food, meals, and nourishment can have a major impact on children’s food preferences, their ability to regulate food intake, and FV consumption. Caregiver feeding practices, such as pressure to finish all food provided, may be rooted in historical threats of undernutrition and the economic significance of food, both of which may be less relevant in contemporary society. For example, overnutrition is a growing problem among youth, with 32% of youth being overweight or obese. The percentage of disposable income spent on food has decreased from 21% in 1950 to 9% in 2010. Pediatric practitioners should be aware of the historical and cultural meanings of food, and feeding and parenting practices used among the racial/ethnic groups they serve.

Child feeding is a reciprocal interaction between children and caregivers in which each party has a distinct role. Caregivers are responsible for determining what, where, and when children are served to eat, whereas children determine how much and whether or not they do eat. A caregiver’s role is to establish clear eating guidelines that support children in making healthy choices, not to overly restrict or pressure children to eat certain foods or all the food served.

In attempts to ensure healthful eating patterns in their children, caregivers may use controlling strategies, such as restriction or pressuring to eat. However, these strategies often have unintended, negative effects when used with preschool-aged children. Restriction refers to limiting children’s access to certain foods, usually foods deemed unhealthy, such as sweets and energy-dense snacks. In general, evidence indicates that overly restricting foods consumed by preschool children, especially those that are highly palatable, often leads to increased selection and consumption of the restricted foods when they are available. Research indicates that this feeding practice disrupts children’s ability to self-regulate their food intake, which may lead to overconsumption and excess weight gain over time. Appropriate clinical advice to caregivers is to make FV readily available and provide children with opportunities to experience and consume foods in moderation without overly restricting foods deemed to be less healthy. As with restriction, pressuring children to eat is also counterproductive. Studies of preschool children have shown that pressuring children to eat (eg, ignoring comments regarding satiety, begging them to eat) is associated with negative feelings toward, and low consumption of, the pressured foods. In contrast, feeding practices such as encouraging children to try new foods, encouraging children to eat FV (eg, offering praise or congratulations for trying FV), and providing children with a variety of healthy food options have been linked to healthy dietary patterns among children.

Caregivers may use controlling behaviors in response to individual characteristics of their children, such as neophobia (fear or reluctance to try new foods). Feeding practices that may help overcome or lessen food neophobia include breastfeeding and repeated exposure to, and parental modeling of, eating the refused foods.

Caregiver influence on FV consumption through feeding practices may be especially salient during early childhood but become less important as children’s autonomy increases and they begin to exert more developmentally appropriate control over their own eating. Among children aged 6 to 18 years, evidence indicates that neither parental restriction nor parental pressure to eat is associated with children’s FV intake. However, caregivers can still positively affect their children’s FV consumption in a variety of ways, including modeling healthy eating habits.

Role modeling

Caregivers are important role models in shaping children’s dietary intake, including FV consumption. Pediatric practitioners should advise caregivers that their personal healthy behaviors have the potential to positively shape their children’s food preferences and behaviors. Parental FV intake is positively associated with children’s FV intake, which may be a result of parental modeling. Although this relationship may be mediated by other factors such as FV availability, practitioners should encourage caregivers to increase their own consumption of FV as a way to encourage the consumption of such foods among children. Thus, intervention programs and other resources that promote FV intake among adults may subsequently be helpful in improving children’s FV intake.

Family meals

The Expert Committee advises practitioners to encourage parents to eat family meals with their children. A 2011 meta-analysis found that children and adolescents who shared family meals 3 or more times per week were more likely to eat healthy foods (including FV) than those who shared fewer family meals (increased odds of 24%). In addition, regular family meals can have positive long-term benefits on FV consumption. During family meals, caregivers have an opportunity to repeatedly expose children to a variety of FV and to model and encourage healthy eating behaviors. Furthermore, family meals have been associated with a host of other benefits for children, including academic achievement, language development, and reduced risk for substance abuse and eating disorders. Research suggests that television viewing during family meals has a negative impact on FV consumption and therefore should be avoided. Thus, pediatric practitioners should encourage caregivers not only to increase the frequency of family meals but also to promote the quality of the family meal experience through positive mealtime interactions.

Physical environment

Availability and accessibility

Caregivers can create a supportive environment for children to make healthy choices by ensuring that a variety of FV are available in the home, easily accessible (eg, washed, cut, at eye level in the refrigerator), and served to children during meals and snacks. Availability and accessibility are positively associated with FV intake in children and adolescents and may be able to overcome low taste preferences. For example, a study of middle school and high school students found that, even when children’s taste preferences for FV were low, greater home availability was associated with higher intake. The amount of FV in the home compared with less healthy foods may also be an important factor in consumption. A recent cross-sectional study found that the ratio of more-healthful to less-healthful foods and FV availability and accessibility in the home were both positively associated with higher intake of FV among children and adolescents. Thus pediatric practitioners can assist caretakers in understanding the importance of their role as gatekeepers who control the foods that are brought into the home.

Practitioners should encourage caregivers to serve a variety of FV prepared in appealing ways to their children during meals and snacks. Current recommendations encourage individuals to fill half their plates with FV during meals, which can be done in a variety of ways, such as topping cereal with fruit, serving a salad with dinner, and adding vegetables to pastas. In addition, caregivers should be advised to pack FV for children to take to school, ECE, community venues such as pools, playgrounds, and sporting events, and other places where children spend time outside the home, because this may influence them to eat more FV. Caregivers can also encourage and support efforts to make FV more available within these settings.

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Oct 3, 2017 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Strategies for Pediatric Practitioners to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Children

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