Sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence in women: a systematic review and metaanalysis

Materials and Methods

The Society of Gynecologic Surgeons Systematic Review Group includes members with clinical and surgical expertise on female SUI and in the conduct of systematic reviews and guideline development. This project was considered exempt from institutional review board approval.

Data sources and searches

We searched MEDLINE and Cochrane Central Register for Controlled Trials from Jan. 1, 1990 through April 12, 2013 ( Figure 1 ). We excluded older studies because the TVT was not available in the United States prior to this. Search terms included “urinary incontinence,” “urgency,” “sling,” “obturator,” “retropubic,” “pubovaginal,” “vaginal tape,” “urologic surgical procedures” (instrumentation or adverse effects), and related terms. The search was limited to comparative studies, cohort studies, and systematic reviews. The search was further limited to human and English-language studies. Meeting abstracts were excluded. Any review articles obtained in this search were excluded after reference lists were reviewed and articles not originally in the search were obtained. Study authors were not contacted.

Figure 1

Literature flow

PVS , pubovaginal slings.

These studies were potentially eligible to be included for adverse event (AE) analyses; Several studies had 3 arms and provided data for multiple comparisons; For noncomparative studies, the following minimum sample size criteria were used: minisling obturator, n ≥120; minisling retropubic, n ≥100; obturator midurethral sling (MUS), n ≥1000; pubovaginal fascial, n ≥300; pubovaginal synthetic, n ≥120; retropubic MUS, n ≥1000; § Several studies reported on ≥2 slings; # Only from randomized controlled trials (RCTs).

Schimpf. Sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 .

Twelve reviewers independently double-screened the abstracts using the computerized screening program Abstrackr (Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA). To establish relevance and consensus among reviewers, all 12 screened and achieved consensus on an initial batch of 300 abstracts. Potentially relevant full-text articles were also independently double-screened by 12 reviewers.

Study selection

For the principal evaluation of outcomes, we included peer-reviewed randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with at least 12 months of follow-up ( Table 1 ). Trials were excluded from outcomes analysis for poor randomization schemes, such as alternate assignment of patients or assignment based on day of the week or birth date. We included RCTs that compared ≥2 sling procedures or a sling procedure to Burch urethropexy performed in adult women for SUI. Studies that compared Burch urethropexy to any other surgery were excluded. Bulking injections were excluded because they are not similar enough to sling surgeries regarding cure, perioperative data, or AEs. When a study included 3 arms, it was analyzed as multiple 2-arm comparisons. For the evaluation of AEs we also included trials excluded from RCT analysis, nonrandomized comparative studies, and cohort (pre-post) studies of any follow-up duration. Because of the volume of these studies, sample size limitations were placed to restrict the number of studies to only those with the most patients and therefore highest potential for identifying a complication ( Figure 1 ). Studies included for AEs had to evaluate at least 1 sling type, and information about any other comparator surgery was not collected. Sling types of interest included MUS (retropubic, obturator), pubovaginal slings at the bladder neck (biologic, synthetic, or autologous), and minislings. All studies had to report results for cohorts (or study arms) of women who all received the same sling type (or Burch urethropexy); studies that combined women who received different sling types in their analyses were excluded. Studies that examined various aspects of surgical technique, anesthesia, or surgeon training were excluded if the same type of sling was used in each arm. Data were excluded if the surgical product used was not available in the United States as of April 2013.

Table 1

Randomized controlled trials included in systematic review

Study Study quality r Intervention Comparator n, intervention n, comparator Follow-up duration OC SC Po AE QoL SF
MUS vs Burch
Bai et al, 2005 a B Retropubic MUS (TVT) Burch 31 33 12 mo X X
Bandarian et al, 2011 C Obturator MUS (TOT, unspecified) Burch 31 31 25 mo mean X X X
Foote et al, 2006 C Retropubic MUS (SPARC) Laparoscopic Burch 49 48 24 mo X X X X
Liapis et al, 2002 C Retropubic MUS (TVT) Burch 36 35 24 mo X X X X
Paraiso et al, 2004 b B Retropubic MUS (TVT) Laparoscopic Burch 36 36 21 mo X X X X X
Persson et al, 2002 B Retropubic MUS (TVT) Laparoscopic Burch 38 33 12 mo X X X X
Sivaslioglu et al, 2007 A Obturator MUS (Safyre T) Burch 49 51 24 mo X X X X
Téllez Martínez-Fornés et al, 2009 B Retropubic MUS (TVT) Burch 24 25 36 mo X X X X X
Wang and Chen, 2003 B Retropubic MUS (TVT) Burch 49 49 22 mo X X X X
Ward et al, 2002 c B Retropubic MUS (TVT) Burch 169 175 5 y X X X X X
PVS vs Burch
Albo et al, 2007 (SISTEr Trial) d A PVS (autologous fascia) Burch 326 329 24 mo X X X X X
Bai et al, 2005 a B PVS (autologous fascia) Burch 28 33 12 mo X X
Culligan et al, 2003 e B PVS (Gore-Tex) Burch 17 19 73 mo X X X
Enzelsberger et al, 1996 C PVS (dura mater) Burch 36 36 36 mo X X X
Amaro et al, 2009 C PVS (autologous fascia) Retropubic MUS (TVT) 21 20 44 mo X X X X
Bai et al, 2005 a B PVS (autologous fascia) Retropubic MUS (TVT) 28 31 12 mo X X
Guerrero et al, 2010 f B PVS (autologous fascia) Retropubic MUS (TVT) 79 50 12 mo X X X X
Sharifiaghdas and Mortazavi, 2008 B PVS (autologous fascia) Retropubic MUS (TVT) 52 48 40 mo X X X X X
Tcherniakovsky et al, 2009 C PVS (autologous fascia) Obturator MUS (Safyre T) 20 21 12 mo X X X
Retropubic vs obturator MUS
Aniuliene, 2009 C TVT TVT-O 114 150 12 mo X X X
Araco et al, 2008 B TVT TVT-O 108 100 12 mo X X X X
Ballester et al, 2012 g B Retropubic ISTOP Transobturator ISTOP 42 46 48 mo X X X X X
Barber et al, 2008 h A TVT Monarc 88 82 18 mo X X X X X X
Deffieux et al, 2010 A TVT TVT-O 75 74 24 mo X X X X X X
El-Hefnawy et al, 2010 C TVT Obturator MUS (unspecified) 19 21 20 mo X X X X
Freeman et al, 2011 A TVT Monarc 93 100 12 mo X X X X X
Karateke et al, 2009 A TVT TVT-O 83 84 14 mo X X X X X
Krofta et al, 2010 A TVT TVT-O 149 151 12 mo X X X X X X
Liapis et al, 2006 C TVT TVT-O 46 43 12 mo X X X X
Richter et al, 2010 (TOMUS Trial) i A TVT Obturator MUS (TVT-O or Monarc) 298 299 24 mo X X X X X X
Rinne et al, 2008 j A TVT TVT-O 136 131 36 mo X X X X X
Ross et al, 2009 B Retropubic MUS (Advantage) Obturator MUS (Obtryx) 105 94 12 mo X X X X X X
Scheiner et al, 2012 k B TVT Monarc 80 40 12 mo X X X X X X
Scheiner et al, 2012 k B TVT TVT-O 80 40 12 mo X X X X X X
Schierlitz et al, 2008 l B TVT Monarc 82 82 36 mo X X X X X
Teo et al, 2011 B TVT TVT-O 66 61 12 mo X X X X X
Wang F et al, 2010 A TVT Obturator MUS (out-to-in) 70 70 12 mo X X X X X
Wang W et al, 2009 B TVT TVT-O 160 155 36 mo X X X
Wang YJ et al, 2011 m B TVT TVT-O 32 36 12 mo X X X
Zullo et al, 2007 n B TVT TVT-O 35 37 5 y X X X X X X
Retropubic MUS vs retropubic MUS
Andonian et al, 2005 B SPARC TVT 41 43 12 mo X X X X
Tseng et al, 2005 B SPARC TVT 31 31 24 mo X X X
Obturator MUS vs obturator MUS
Abdel-Fattah et al, 2010 (E-TOT Trial) o B ARIS TOT (out-to-in) TVT-O (in-to-out) 171 170 12 mo X X X X X
Scheiner et al, 2012 k B Monarc TVT-O 40 40 12 mo X X X X X
Minisling vs any other sling
Andrada Hamer et al, 2013 B TVT-Secur H TVT 64 69 12 mo X X X X
Barber et al, 2012 A TVT-Secur U TVT 136 127 12 mo X X X X X X
Hinoul et al, 2011 A TVT-Secur H TVT-O 97 98 12 mo X X X X X
Hota et al, 2012 A TVT-O TVT-Secur 44 42 12 mo X X X X X
Kim et al, 2010 B TVT-Secur U TVT-Secur H 53 62 12 mo X X X X X X
Lee et al, 2010 A TVT-Secur U TVT-Secur H 165 165 12 mo X X X X X X
Masata et al, 2012 p A TVT-Secur U TVT-O 65 68 24 mo X X X X X
Masata et al, 2012 p A TVT-Secur H TVT-O 64 68 24 mo X X X X X
Masata et al, 2012 p A TVT-Secur U TVT-Secur H 65 64 24 mo X X X X X
Oliveira et al, 2011 q C TVT-Secur H TVT-O 30 30 12 mo X X X
Oliveira et al, 2011 q C MiniArc TVT-O 30 30 12 mo X X X
Oliveira et al, 2011 q C TVT-Secur H MiniArc 30 30 12 mo X X X
Tommaselli et al, 2010 B TVT-Secur H TVT-O 42 42 12 mo X X X X
Wang YJ et al, 2011 m B TVT-Secur TVT 34 32 12 mo X X X
Wang YJ et al, 2011 m B TVT-Secur TVT-O 34 36 12 mo X X X

Advantage; Boston Scientific Corp., Natick, MA; Gore-Tex; Gore Medical, Flagstaff, AZ; ISTOP, CL Medical, Winchester, MA; MiniArc; AMS, Minnetonka, MN; Monarc; AMS; Obtryx; Boston Scientific Corp.; Safyre; Promedon, Cordoba, Argentina; SPARC; AMS; TVT-O; Ethicon Gynecare, Cincinnati, OH; TVT-Secur, Ethicon Gynecare.

AE , adverse event; MUS , midurethral sling; OC , objective cure; Po , perioperative outcomes; PVS , pubovaginal sling; QoL , Life-of-life outcomes; SC , subjective cure; SF , sexual function outcomes; TOMUS , Trial of Midurethral Slings; TVT , tension-free vaginal tape; TVT-O , tension-free vaginal tape obturator.

Schimpf. Sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 .

a 3-Arm trial comparing PVS (autologous fascia) vs TVT vs Burch

b Jelovsek et al 2008

c Ward et al 2004 and Ward et al 2008

d Tennstedt et al 2005, Tennstedt et al 2008, Chai et al 2009, Kraus et al 2011, Brubaker et al 2012

e Sand et al 2000

f Trial also included PVS (Pelvichol) arm (n = 72) that was not included as Pelvichol is off market

g Daraï et al 2007 and David-Montefiore et al 2006

h Barber et al 2008

i Albo 2008, Brubaker et al 2011, Zyczynski et al 2012, Albo et al 2012

j Laurikainen et al 2007 and Palva et al 2010

k 3-Arm trial comparing Monarc vs TVT vs TVT-O

l Schierlitz et al 2012 and De Souza et al 2012

m 3-Arm trial comparing TVT-Secur vs TVT vs TVT-O

n Angioli et al 2010

o Abdel-Fattah et al 2010 and Abdel-Fattah et al 2012

p 3-Arm trial comparing TVT-Secur H vs TVT-Secur U vs TVT-O

q 3-Arm trial comparing TVT-O vs TVT-Secur H vs MiniArc

r A (good), B (fair), C (poor).

Outcomes of interest from RCTs fell into 6 categories: objective cure, subjective cure, perioperative outcomes, quality of life or satisfaction, sexual function, and AEs ( Table 2 ). Studies with nonrandomized designs were included only for AEs. Information on cost was not collected.

Table 2

Categorization of outcomes analyzed from randomized controlled trials

Outcome category of interest Specific outcomes collected
Objective cure Cough stress test
Pad testing
Urodynamic stress incontinence
Voiding diary data
Subjective cure Sandvik Incontinence Severity Index
International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire (ICIQ)
Patient Global Impression of Improvement (PGI-I)
Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory (PFDI)
Urinary Distress Inventory (UDI)
Bristol female lower urinary tract symptom (BFLUTS)
Measures such as “better” or “satisfied”
“Would recommend to a friend”
Met expectations
Perioperative outcomes Estimated blood loss, time to return to normal activity/work, operative time, hospital time, length of stay, length of use of catheter, pain
Quality of life or satisfaction Kings Health Questionnaire (KHQ)
Measures of activities of daily living
Urinary Incontinence Quality-of-life Scale (I-QOL)
Bristol female lower urinary tract symptom (BFLUTS)
Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire/Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (PFIQ/IIQ)
International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire (ICIQ)
CONTILIFE (Quality-of-life Assessment Questionnaire Concerning Urinary Incontinence)
Sexual function Bristol female lower urinary tract symptom (BFLUTS)
Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire, IUGA-Revised (PISQ-IR)
CONTILIFE (Quality-of-life Assessment Questionnaire Concerning Urinary Incontinence)
“Return to normal sex life”
Adverse events Table 3

IUGA , International Urogynecology Association.

Schimpf. Sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 .

Data extraction and quality assessment

Data were extracted by 1 of 12 reviewers using a standard data extraction form and confirmed by another; discrepancies were resolved by consensus. We extracted data on study characteristics, participant characteristics, funding source, details on the interventions, length of follow-up, outcomes of interest measured, and how these outcomes were assessed. After data extraction, the lead reviewer and methodologist categorized all outcomes extracted from the RCTs into the 6 outcome categories listed above. Two reviewers also categorized all AEs into 22 categories as listed in Table 3 . The underlying data, together with additional extracted information, are accessible online at in the project Sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence in women: Society of Gynecologic Surgeons 2013.

Table 3

Rates of AEs by sling type analyzed from randomized controlled trials and included AE studies

Sling category Studies Summary estimate of incidence (95% CI) Events Total n Range of AE proportions across studies
Estimated blood loss >200 mL
Obturator 4 0.22% (0.03–1.59%) 1 448 0.00–1.79%
Minisling 3 1.1% (0.5–1.9%) 10 888 0.00–3.68%
Retropubic 4 1.5% (1.0–2.1%) 33 2071 0.21–4.76%
Burch 3 0.00% (0.00–7.73%) 0 105 0.00–0.00%
Obturator 6 0.17% (0.02–1.22%) 1 584 0.00–0.40%
Retropubic 13 0.40% (0.28–0.55%) 31 8105 0.00–4.00%
Minisling 5 0.51% (0.23–1.14%) 6 1177 0.00–0.74%
Pubovaginal 5 1.9% (0.9–3.2%) 10 515 0.00–5.17%
Obturator 18 0.59% (0.35–0.89%) 17 2995 0.00–2.41%
Retropubic 25 0.88% (0.74–1.0%) 184 15,950 0.00–16.13%
Minisling 2 0.85% (0.21–3.44%) 2 236 0.74–1.00%
Burch 4 1.4% (0.6–2.6%) 8 542 0.00–5.71%
Pubovaginal 5 2.2% (1.2–3.4%) 14 677 0.00–5.17%
Retropubic 2 0.00% (0.01–1.64%) 0 488 0.00–0.00%
Obturator 6 0.16% (0.02–1.14%) 1 624 0.00–0.40%
Minisling 11 0.74% (0.40–1.2%) 19 1809 0.00–6.49%
Pubovaginal 5 0.99% (0.39–1.9%) 8 696 0.00–2.63%
Return to operating room for erosion
Burch 2 0.28% (0.04–2.03%) 1 352 0.00–0.30%
Minisling 3 1.4% (0.5–2.8%) 5 399 0.53–2.86%
Pubovaginal 5 1.6% (0.8–2.7%) 16 640 0.00–12.50%
Retropubic 12 1.9% (1.0–3.0%) 13 703 0.00–6.45%
Obturator 7 2.7% (1.5–4.3%) 14 518 0.00–8.24%
Burch 4 0.00% (0.02–6.22%) 0 130 0.00–0.00%
Retropubic 29 1.4% (1.1–1.7%) 84 5684 0.00–12.90%
Minisling 19 2.0% (1.5–2.6%) 61 2408 0.00–19.05%
Obturator 31 2.2% (1.7–2.7%) 66 3253 0.00–10.00%
Pubovaginal 10 5.4% (4.0–7.0%) 48 851 0.00–15.52%
Wound infection
Minisling 3 0.31% (0.05–0.80%) 2 852 0.00–1.04%
Obturator 14 0.74% (0.43–1.1%) 14 2348 0.00–2.11%
Retropubic 13 0.75% (0.54–0.98%) 43 5781 0.00–13.04%
Pubovaginal 3 2.6% (0.8–5.4%) 4 174 0.85–5.56%
Burch 5 7.0% (4.3–10%) 17 269 3.13–9.68%
Urinary tract infection
Minisling 13 3.6% (2.8–4.6%) 72 1762 0.74–18.33%
Pubovaginal 4 4.2% (2.5–6.3%) 21 420 1.84–18.75%
Obturator 21 4.3% (3.4–5.2%) 88 1826 0.00–16.79%
Burch 7 5.9% (4.2–7.9%) 55 648 0.00–31.51%
Retropubic 21 11.0% (9.7–11%) 718 6286 0.00–23.33%
Bowel injury
Obturator 5 0.00% (0.00–1.96%) 0 410 0.00–0.00%
Retropubic 7 0.34% (0.09–1.36%) 2 594 0.00–1.57%
Minisling 1 0.74% (0.10–5.30%) 1 136 0.74–0.74%
Burch 1 3.13% (0.44–23.63%) 1 32 3.13–3.13%
Nerve injury
Minisling 1 0.00% (0.02–5.95%) 0 136 0.00–0.00%
Retropubic 4 0.06% (0.01–0.43%) 1 1642 0.00–0.07%
Obturator 3 0.61% (0.09–4.36%) 1 165 0.00–1.72%
Ureteral injury
Retropubic 1 0.00% (0.00–9.25%) 0 88 0.00–0.00%
Pubovaginal 4 0.18% (0.03–1.26%) 1 567 0.00–1.28%
Burch 1 0.61% (0.15–2.46%) 2 329 0.61–0.61%
Obturator 1 1.22% (0.17–8.87%) 1 82 1.22–1.22%
Vascular injury
Obturator 2 0.00% (0.00–6.75%) 0 120 0.00–0.00%
Retropubic 4 0.08% (0.04–0.18%) 6 7149 0.00–0.09%
Overactive bladder/urgency
Burch 3 4.3% (2.5–6.5%) 17 387 2.86–21.74%
Obturator 8 5.3% (4.2–6.5%) 106 1485 0.00–34.53%
Minisling 11 5.4% (4.4–6.5%) 103 1769 2.22–21.00%
Retropubic 15 6.9% (6.0–7.7%) 374 3486 0.76–45.00%
Pubovaginal 5 8.6% (6.5–11%) 55 558 3.37–38.10%
Retention lasting <6 wk postoperatively
Minisling 13 2.1% (1.5–2.8%) 36 1778 0.00–5.88%
Obturator 17 2.3% (1.8–3.0%) 70 2629 0.00–10.00%
Retropubic 18 3.1% (2.7–3.5%) 248 7127 0.00–21.74%
Pubovaginal 10 12% (10.2–14%) 158 1053 3.03–81.97%
Burch 5 17% (13–21%) 55 288 0.00–32.88%
Retention lasting >6 wk postoperatively
Obturator 6 2.4% (1.4–3.6%) 70 2629 0.00–10.00%
Retropubic 9 2.7% (2.1–3.4%) 248 7127 0.00–21.74%
Minisling 2 3.3% (1.6–5.7%) 36 1778 0.00–5.88%
Pubovaginal 6 7.5% (5.4–10%) 158 1053 3.03–81.97%
Burch 4 7.6% (4.7–11%) 55 288 0.00–32.88%
Return to operating room for urinary retention
Burch 4 0.00% (0.00–1.54%) 0 522 0.00–0.00%
Obturator 22 1.1% (0.7–1.5%) 23 2342 0.00–6.67%
Retropubic 21 1.2% (0.9–1.7%) 48 3103 0.00–24.00%
Minisling 12 1.9% (1.2–2.9%) 16 970 0.00–5.00%
Pubovaginal 15 3.0% (2.3–3.9%) 57 1667 0.00–7.69%
Groin pain
Pubovaginal 2 0.34% (0.09–1.36%) 2 591 0.00–0.61%
Minisling 12 0.62% (0.30–1.1%) 14 1619 0.00–5.26%
Burch 2 1.10% (0.42–2.98%) 4 364 0.00–11.43%
Retropubic 12 1.5% (1.0–2.1%) 29 1811 0.00–5.56%
Obturator 17 6.5% (5.3–7.7%) 128 1594 0.00–36.67%
Leg pain
Retropubic 4 0.62% (0.16–2.51%) 2 322 0.00–1.69%
Minisling 4 1.6% (0.5–3.2%) 4 337 0.00–2.63%
Obturator 7 16% (13–19%) 112 649 3.66–60.87%
Bladder perforation
Obturator 32 0.70% (0.46–0.98%) 22 4000 0.00–4.76%
Minisling 6 0.85% (0.40–1.5%) 12 1138 0.00–4.41%
Pubovaginal 14 2.3% (1.5–3.3%) 23 1069 0.00–5.56%
Burch 10 2.8% (1.7–4.1%) 19 753 0.00–6.25%
Retropubic 41 3.6% (3.3–3.9%) 420 11,390 0.00–24.39%
Urethral perforation
Burch 1 0.00% (0.00–34.04%) 0 25 0.00–0.00%
Obturator 7 0.20% (0.05–0.80%) 2 1013 0.00–1.72%
Retropubic 8 0.41% (0.19–0.72%) 17 2211 0.00–5.37%
Minisling 1 2.70% (0.38–20.26%) 1 37 2.70–2.70%
Vaginal perforation
Pubovaginal 1 0.00% (0.00–2.46%) 0 326 0.00–0.00%
Burch 2 0.21% (0.03–1.50%) 1 475 0.00–0.30%
Retropubic 12 0.73% (0.40–1.2%) 19 1892 0.00–15.00%
Minisling 10 1.3% (0.8–1.9%) 20 1538 0.00–4.84%
Obturator 20 2.8% (2.2–3.5%) 82 2498 0.00–10.87%
Deep vein thrombosis
Obturator 2 0.00% (0.00–12.03%) 0 68 0.00–0.00%
Retropubic 3 0.06% (0.01–0.43%) 1 1660 0.00–0.07%
Pubovaginal 4 0.35% (0.09–1.42%) 2 567 0.00–1.28%
Burch 3 0.58% (0.11–1.4%) 4 506 0.00–3.23%

AE , adverse event; CI , confidence interval.

Schimpf. Sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014.

We assessed the methodological quality of each RCT using predefined criteria from a 3-category system modified from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Studies were graded as good (A), fair (B), or poor (C) quality based on the likelihood of biases and completeness of reporting. Grades for different outcomes could vary within the same study.

Data synthesis and analysis

We were able to identify comparisons for MUS vs Burch, pubovaginal slings vs Burch, pubovaginal slings vs MUS, retropubic MUS vs obturator MUS, retropubic MUS vs retropubic MUS (based on route of passage), obturator MUS vs obturator MUS (based on route of passage), and minisling vs other sling. When at least 3 RCTs compared the same surgeries for the same outcomes and provided adequate data for metaanalysis (including for AEs), we performed random effects model metaanalyses to estimate pooled odds ratios (ORs). We included data from the time point closest to 12 months’ follow-up that were reported. For objective cure, studies used cough stress test, pad test, or both methods. Across studies, we treated the different methods as equivalent (ie, we included both methods in the metaanalyses), but when a single study reported both methods, we preferentially chose stress test over pad test or a combined outcome (both pad and stress tests). When at least 3 studies (pre-post, nonrandomized comparative, or RCT) reported the same AE for the same sling type, we performed random effects model metaanalyses of the arcsine transformed proportion of women with the outcome. The arcsine transformed proportion was used to minimize bias due to the nonnormal distribution when proportions are close to 0. However, when the total number of events was <3 or metaanalysis gave an implausible summary estimate, the exact proportion and confidence interval (CI) were calculated for the total number of events and women at risk. These absolute rates of AEs are compared qualitatively between procedures, and all data are presented in Table 3 .

For each comparison of different sling types (or vs Burch), we generated an evidence profile by grading the quality of evidence for each outcome according to the Grades for Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation system. The process considered the methodological quality, consistency of results across studies, directness of the evidence, and imprecision or sparseness of evidence to determine an overall quality of evidence. Four quality rating categories were possible: high (A), moderate (B), low (C), and very low/insufficient (D). Evidence profiles for the reviewed studies are in the Appendix .

We developed clinical practice guideline statements incorporating the balance between benefits and harms of the compared interventions when the data were sufficient to support these statements. Each guideline statement was assigned an overall level of strength of the recommendation (1 = strong, 2 = weak) based on the quality of the supporting evidence and the size of the net benefit. The strength of a recommendation indicates the extent to which one can be confident that adherence to the recommendation will do more good than harm. The wording and its implications for patients, physicians, and policymakers are detailed in Table 4 .

Table 4

Society for Gynecologic Surgeons Systematic Review Group sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence in women, clinical practice guidelines

Midurethral sling vs Burch (open or laparoscopic)
For women considering midurethral slings or Burch procedures for treatment of SUI, we suggest either intervention for objective and subjective cure and that decision be based on: (1) which adverse events are of greatest concern to patient; and (2) any other planned concomitant surgeries (vaginal vs abdominal route). (1A)

  • Midurethral slings may result in lower rates of perioperative adverse events such as blood loss, postoperative pain, operating room time, hospital stay, bowel injury, wound infection, and hematomas. (1C)

  • Burch procedures may result in lower rates of return to operating room for retention, erosion, overactive bladder symptoms, and groin pain. (1C)

Pubovaginal sling vs Burch
For women considering pubovaginal slings or Burch procedures for treatment of SUI, we recommend pubovaginal slings to maximize cure outcomes. (1A)

  • Burch procedure results in lower rates of erosion, overactive bladder symptoms, and retention requiring reoperation. (1C)

  • Pubovaginal slings result in lower rates of wound infection, bladder/vaginal perforation, and bowel injury. (1C)

Pubovaginal sling (biologic and synthetic) vs midurethral sling (only TVT was studied)
For women considering pubovaginal or midurethral sling for treatment of SUI, we recommend midurethral sling for better subjective cure outcomes. (2C)

  • Midurethral slings may result in lower rates of perioperative outcomes such as operating room time, blood loss, and hospital stay. (2D)

  • Pubovaginal slings may result in lower rates of adverse events such as urinary tract infection and vaginal perforation. (2D)

Retropubic vs obturator midurethral slings
For women considering retropubic or transobturator midurethral sling, we recommend either intervention for objective and subjective cure and that decision be based on which adverse events are of greatest concern to patient. (1A)

  • Retropubic slings result in lower rates of sling erosion, need to return to operating room for treatment of sling erosion, groin/leg pain, and vaginal perforation. (1D)

  • Transobturator midurethral slings result in shorter operative time, fewer bladder/urethral perforations, less perioperative pain, fewer urinary tract infections, and less overactive bladder symptoms. (1D)

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May 10, 2017 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence in women: a systematic review and metaanalysis

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