Role of 3-dimensional ultrasound in ovarian cancer staging

Ovarian cancer staging by imaging, is still a challenging process. Experienced gynecologic sonographers are required for the detection and staging of ovarian cancer.

We report the case of a symptomatic 43-year-old woman who complained of abdominal pain and bowel symptoms. Apart from 2-dimensional ultrasonography, we performed a 3-dimensional (3D) ultrasound, which showed the presence of a solid, irregular, left ovarian mass of 78×67×62 mm. The mass had a highly vascularized color score of 4 and adhered to the uterine fundus ( Figure 1 ). Two round implants of 32×33 mm and 24×27 mm, were also seen on the right diaphragmatic peritoneum and abundant ascites were noted ( Figure 2 ). Using 3D-ultrasonography, we clearly visualized regular intestinal loops ( Figure 3 ), along with multiple pelvic and sigmoid subcentimeter peritoneal implants ( Figure 4 ). These findings were confirmed by laparoscopy.

Aug 28, 2022 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Role of 3-dimensional ultrasound in ovarian cancer staging

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