and Spencer W. Beasley2
Department of Urology, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Paediatric Surgery Department Otago, University Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch, New Zealand
The general clinical features are described and then the causes obvious on external examination. There are sections on respiratory distress relieved by crying (choanal atresia), the frothy baby (oesophageal atresia), severe or progressive respiratory and respiratory distress that occurs suddenly (pneumothorax).
Oxygenation of the fetus is achieved through gas exchange in the placenta. At birth, this connection with the placenta is lost, and the infant becomes dependent on the lungs which, within seconds of birth, fill with air and pulmonary blood flow increases. Respiratory distress in the newborn occurs if (1) the lungs are unable to expand because of obstruction of the upper airways, (2) there is inadequate room within the thoracic cage for lung expansion to occur or (3) the infant cannot produce sufficient negative intrathoracic pressure to inflate the lungs.
In the premature infant, lack of surfactant allows the alveoli to collapse and leads to respiratory distress (hyaline membrane disease); this condition will worsen significantly the respiratory difficulties experienced by the newborn with a coexisting anomaly which interferes with respiration. When respiratory distress is recognized in the newborn, its cause must be established promptly by careful examination and a chest x-ray.
Occasionally, antenatal ultrasound examination detects major congenital anomalies which cause respiratory insufficiency at birth. For example, the presence of bowel in the thorax with mediastinal shift is indicative of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, and, in such a case, the mother should be transported to a major institution for the birth of her child. As soon as the child is born, the diagnosis can be confirmed and immediate resuscitation instituted.
Clinical Features
The first sign of respiratory distress in the neonate is restlessness (Table 20.1) which may be overlooked at first but is soon accompanied by tachypnoea. The relatively horizontal position of the ribs and lack of bucket-handle movement means that the neonate cannot increase the anteroposterior and transverse diameters of the thorax and relies almost entirely on diaphragmatic movement for effective inspiration (Fig. 20.1). Increase in respiratory effort is achieved by increased diaphragmatic effort and is manifested clinically by protrusion of the upper abdomen, grunting on expiration and flaring of the nostrils. The pliability of the ribs supporting the sternum allows the negative intrathoracic pressure during inspiration to cause retraction of the sternum. If the abdomen is distended already from air swallowing or the passage of air through a tracheo-oesophageal fistula, the diaphragm is pushed upwards, and ventilation is compromised further (Fig. 20.2). In severe respiratory distress, oxygenation across the lungs is impeded and cyanosis develops.

Table 20.1
Signs of respiratory distress in the neonate
1. Restlessness |
2. Tachypnoea |
3. Increased respiratory effort with sternal retraction |
4. Cyanosis |

Fig. 20.1
The effect of the shape of the rib cage on ventilation in the neonate

Fig. 20.2
The effect of excess air in the stomach on neonatal ventilation
Progression of respiratory distress results in respiratory failure and, subsequently, cardiovascular collapse. The signs of respiratory distress are not specific for the cause. In some situations, the underlying abnormality is immediately apparent, although a chest x-ray may be required to make a diagnosis.
Cause Obvious on External Examination
Examine the face and neck. Look for a small undercut lower jaw (micrognathia). This may be seen in association with a cleft of the secondary palate (Pierre-Robin syndrome), which can be detected by inspecting the roof of the mouth using a torch. Sometimes, the larger defects are palpable by running the little finger across the roof of the mouth, but this technique is less reliable and the diagnosis is made with greater certainty if seen directly. The small jaw confines the tongue to the back of the mouth where it may fill the cleft and cause obstruction of the nasopharynx (Fig. 20.3). The infant is nursed prone because in the supine position, the tongue falls backwards and exacerbates the obstruction. Persistence of respiratory distress in the prone position may necessitate additional manoeuvres, such as the insertion of a nasopharyngeal airway or a tracheostomy.

Fig. 20.3
The cause of respiratory obstruction in Pierre-Robin syndrome
A large lymphatic malformation, or ‘cystic hygroma’, involving the floor of the mouth or the pharynx may cause upper respiratory tract obstruction and demand early tracheostomy. The cystic hygroma may involve much of the neck and extend through the thoracic inlet into the anterior mediastinum, causing tracheal compression or displacement (Fig. 20.4). The swelling is ill-defined, fluctuant and composed of many cysts which transilluminate brilliantly. Haemorrhage or infection may cause the cysts to enlarge rapidly and obstruct the airway further (see Chap. 11 for further description).

Fig. 20.4
External compression of the airway with a congenital cervical hamartoma, for example, ‘cystic hygroma’
Respiratory Distress Relieved by Crying
The newborn infant is an obligate nose breather with little ability to breathe through the mouth, even where there is complete obstruction of the nasal passage. Choanal atresia is an uncommon anomaly where there is obstruction of the nasal airway and is important in that, if not recognised at birth, a fatal outcome may result. In complete bilateral choanal atresia, respiratory distress develops rapidly and is severe. The child becomes increasingly distressed and cyanotic, but rapidly turns pink when crying, with relief of the obstruction as air is exchanged via the mouth. The diagnosis of choanal atresia is suggested by the sudden improvement in the infant’s condition on crying and the observation that the asphyxia is relieved by an oropharyngeal airway. The diagnosis is confirmed by inability to pass a small but firm nasogastric tube through either nasal passage. The tube should be directed posteriorly from the nostril in a horizontal plane beneath the turbinates (Fig. 20.5) and not upwards along the line of the nose. An alternative method of demonstrating complete nasal obstruction is to drip saline or Agarol into each nostril and note whether drainage occurs into the oropharynx. It is imperative that the oral airway remains in place until surgery has established a patent nasal passage on each side.