Renal Disease in Pregnancy

Key Abreviations

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ACOG

Adult respiratory distress syndrome ARDS

Acute renal failure ARF

Arginine vasopressin AVP

Asymptomatic bacteriuria ASB

Blood urea nitrogen BUN

Disseminated intravascular coagulation DIC

End-stage renal disease ESRD

Erythropoietin EPO

Glomerular filtration rate GFR

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase G6PD

Hemolytic uremic syndrome HUS

Intrauterine growth restriction IUGR

Immunoglobulin Ig

Intravenous pyelogram IVP

Mycophenolate mofetil MMF

Positive end-expiratory pressure PEEP

Red blood cell RBC

Urinary tract infection UTI

White blood cell WBC


Prior to just decades ago, women with preexisting renal disease were strongly discouraged from attempting pregnancy because of the expectation of poor perinatal outcome and the likelihood of renal disease progression. Currently, through better understanding of the prognosis and treatment of kidney disease during pregnancy, women with most renal conditions are no longer discouraged from attempting conception. This even holds true for women who have undergone renal transplantation.

This chapter first reviews the normal changes in the kidney and urinary collecting system in pregnancy and then it follows with the basic evaluation of maternal renal status, acute and chronic renal disorders in pregnancy, and the treatment of the post–renal transplant patient.

Altered Renal Physiology in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is associated with significant anatomic changes in the kidney and its collecting system (see Chapter 3 ). These changes begin to occur shortly after conception and may persist for several months postpartum. The kidney is noted to increase in size and weight during the course of a pregnancy. Of more clinical significance is the marked dilation of the collecting system, including both the renal pelvis and ureters. This dilation is most pronounced on the right side and is most likely due to hormonal changes (i.e., from progesterone, endothelin, relaxin) and mechanical obstruction by the gravid uterus ( Fig. 39-1 ).

FIG 39-1

A, An intravenous pyelogram of a gravid patient in the late second trimester with flank pain. The image was taken in the anteroposterior view 15 minutes after the instillation of contrast dye. Note the dilation of the renal pelves bilaterally, with the right side more dilated than the left. The fetus is seen in the vertex position. B, The same patient in the right lateral view.

Renal plasma flow increases greatly during pregnancy . It peaks by the end of the first trimester, and although it decreases near term, it remains higher than in the nonpregnant woman. This change is due in part to increased cardiac output and decreased renal vascular resistance. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increases by 50% during a normal gestation . It rises early in pregnancy and remains elevated throughout gestation, and the percentage increase in GFR is greater than the percentage increase in renal plasma flow. This leads to an elevation of the filtration fraction, which results in a fall in serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine values.

Because GFR increases to such a great degree, electrolytes, glucose, and other filtered substances reach the renal tubules in greater amounts. The kidney handles sodium efficiently, reabsorbing most of the filtered load in the proximal convoluted tubule. Glucose reabsorption, however, does not increase proportionately during pregnancy. The average renal threshold for glucose is reduced to 155 mg/dL from 194 mg/dL in the nonpregnant individual. Therefore glycosuria can be a feature of normal pregnancy.

Urate is handled by filtration and secretion. Its clearance increases early in pregnancy and leads to lower serum levels of uric acid. In late pregnancy, urate clearance and serum urate levels return to their prepregnancy values. Serum urate levels are elevated in women with preeclampsia. Whether this is due to decreased renal plasma flow, hemoconcentration, renal tubular dysfunction, or other renal circulatory changes remains unclear. A summary of the renal changes in normal pregnancy is shown in Table 39-1 .

TABLE 39-1


Increased renal size Renal length is about 1 cm greater on radiographs. Postpartum decreases in size should not be mistaken for parenchymal loss.
Dilation of pelves, calyces, and ureters Dilation resembles hydronephrosis on ultrasound or IVP and is usually more prominent on the right side. Should not be mistaken for obstructive uropathy.
Upper urinary tract infections can be more virulent.
Changes in acid-base metabolism The renal bicarbonate reabsorption threshold decreases. Serum bicarbonate is 4 to 5 mM/L lower in pregnancy.
PCO 2 is 10 mm Hg lower in normal pregnancy.
PCO 2 of 40 mm Hg represents retention in pregnancy.
Renal water osmoregulation The osmotic threshold for AVP release decreases. Serum osmolarity is decreased by approximately 10 mOsm/L.

AVP, vasopressin; IVP, intravenous pyelography; PCO 2 , carbon dioxide tension.

Modified from Lindheimer M, Grünfeld JP, Davison JM. Renal disorders. In Barron WM, Lindheimer M, editors. Medical Disorders During Pregnancy, 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2000:39-70.

Asymptomatic Bacteriuria

The prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) in sexually active women has been reported to be as high as 5% to 6%. The diagnosis of ASB is based on a clean-catch voided urine specimen. To secure a diagnosis, the urine culture should reveal greater than 100,000 colonies/mL of a single organism. Some investigators have suggested that two consecutively voided specimens should contain the same organism prior to establishing the diagnosis of bacteriuria. Bacteriuria occurs in 2% to 7% of pregnancies, particularly in multiparous women, a similar prevalence as seen in nonpregnant women. The pathogenic organisms are also similar in species and virulence factors to those observed in nonpregnant women (see Chapter 53 ); thus the basic mechanism of entry of bacteria into the urinary tract is likely to be the same for both groups. Bacteriuria often develops in the first month of pregnancy and is frequently associated with a reduction in urine concentrating ability, which suggests involvement of the kidney. The smooth muscle relaxation and subsequent ureteral dilation that accompany pregnancy are believed to facilitate the ascent of bacteria from the bladder to the kidney . As a result, untreated bacteriuria during pregnancy has a greater propensity to progress to pyelonephritis (up to 40%) than in nonpregnant women. If a urine culture is negative for bacteria at the first prenatal visit, the risk of developing acute cystitis is less than 1%.

It is important to diagnose and treat ASB in pregnancy. If left untreated, a symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI) will develop in up to 40% of these patients. Recognition and therapy for ASB can eliminate 70% of acute UTIs in pregnancy. Nonetheless, 2% of pregnant women with negative first-trimester urine cultures develop symptomatic cystitis or pyelonephritis. This group accounts for 30% of the cases of acute UTI that develop during gestation. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends routine screening of all women for ASB at their first prenatal visit. Some debate has surrounded whether the patient should collect a first void sample or simply a clean-catch sample . In pregnant women, the contamination rate of midstream samples is comparable for morning and clean-catch samples. Other than progression to more serious infection, however, little evidence suggests that ASB has an effect on pregnancy outcome.

Escherichia coli is the organism responsible for most cases of ASB and UTI during pregnancy . Women can therefore be safely treated with nitrofurantoin, ampicillin, cephalosporins, and short-acting sulfa drugs ( Box 39-1 ). Sulfa compounds should be avoided near term because they compete for bilirubin-binding sites on albumin in the fetus and newborn and therefore pose a risk for kernicterus. Nitrofurantoin should not be used in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency because of the risk for hemolytic crisis; if the fetus has a G6PD deficiency, it may also experience hemolysis. Therapy for ASB is recommended for 7 days, and a follow-up culture should be performed 1 to 2 weeks after discontinuing therapy. Approximately 15% of women will experience a reinfection or will not respond to initial therapy. Therapy in these cases should be reinstituted after careful microbial sensitivity testing. Women with a recurrent UTI during pregnancy and those with a history of pyelonephritis should eventually undergo imaging of the upper urinary tract. This procedure may be delayed until 3 months postpartum so that the anatomic changes of pregnancy can regress.

Box 39-1

Antimicrobial Treatment Regimens for Pregnant Women with Bacteriuria *

* The agent of choice should be given for a 7-day course. A repeat urine culture is recommended 2 weeks after the treatment has been completed.

  • Amoxicillin 500 mg 3 times a day

  • Ampicillin 500 mg 4 times a day

  • Cephalexin 500 mg 4 times a day

  • Nitrofurantoin 100 mg 4 times a day

  • Sustained release nitrofurantoin 100 mg 2 times a day

  • Trimethoprim 160 mg with sulfamethoxazole 800 mg 2 times a day

Occasionally it can be difficult to distinguish severe cystitis from pyelonephritis, although the presence of fever suggests upper tract infection. Although the drugs used for treatment are similar, pyelonephritis during pregnancy generally requires intravenous (IV) antibiotics. Sandberg and coinvestigators studied symptomatic UTI in 174 women and found that C-reactive protein was elevated in 91% of pregnant women with acute pyelonephritis and in only 5% of women with cystitis. They also noted that the urine-concentrating ability was lower in women with acute pyelonephritis. Because the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is normally elevated in pregnancy, they found that this was not a useful parameter for distinguishing pyelonephritis from cystitis.


Pyelonephritis complicates 1% to 2% of all pregnancies and can result in significant maternal morbidity, and it is among the most common nonobstetric causes for hospitalization during pregnancy. A recent 18-year retrospective analysis showed “the incidence of acute antepartum pyelonephritis during pregnancy was 0.5% (2894/543,430). Women with pyelonephritis in pregnancy were more likely to be black or Hispanic, young, less educated, and nulliparous; they initiate prenatal care late in gestation and use tobacco during pregnancy. Pregnancies of women with pyelonephritis, compared with those without, were more likely to be complicated by anemia (26.3% vs. 11.4%; odds ratio [OR], 2.6; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.4 to 2.9), septicemia (1.9% vs. 0.03%; OR, 56.5; 95% CI, 41.3 to 77.4), acute pulmonary insufficiency (0.5% vs. 0.04%; OR, 12.5; 95% CI, 7.2 to 21.6), acute renal dysfunction (0.4% vs. 0.03%; OR, 16.5; 95% CI, 8.8 to 30.7), and spontaneous preterm birth (10.3% vs. 7.9%; OR, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.2 to 1.5). Most of the preterm births in this series occurred between 33 and 36 weeks. Recurrent pyelonephritis has been implicated as a cause of fetal death and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). As noted above, an association between acute pyelonephritis and preterm labor is apparent. Fan and coworkers, however, have shown that if pyelonephritis is aggressively treated, it does not increase the likelihood of premature delivery or low birthweight. Hill and colleagues reported 440 cases of acute pyelonephritis over a 2-year period and noted the disease to be more common in younger primigravid women without racial predilection. The majority of cases (53%) presented during the second trimester. The most common pathogen was E. coli, which accounted for 83% of cases; gram-positive organisms accounted for another 11.6%.

Acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy is most often treated on an inpatient basis with IV antibiotics. Empiric therapy should be begun as soon as the presumptive diagnosis is established. Therapy can be tailored to the specific organism after antibiotic sensitivities have been determined, and because septicemia may occasionally result from pyelonephritis, blood cultures should be obtained if patients do not respond rapidly to initial antibiotic therapy. Generally, a broad-spectrum first-generation cephalosporin is the initial therapy of choice. Fan and coinvestigators reviewed 107 cases of pyelonephritis and noted that 33% of the cases were resistant to ampicillin and 13% were resistant to first-generation cephalosporins; current rates of resistance to ampicillin and first-generation cephalosporins are likely higher. If resistance to more common therapies is encountered, a later-generation cephalosporin or an aminoglycoside can be safely administered. Peak and trough aminoglycoside levels should be measured whenever these are used, and serum creatinine and BUN level should be followed as well. During the febrile period, acetaminophen treatment is advised to keep the maternal temperature below 38° C.

IV antibiotic therapy should be continued for 24 to 48 hours after the patient becomes afebrile and costovertebral angle tenderness subsides. After the cessation of IV therapy, treatment with appropriate oral antibiotics is recommended for 10 to 14 days. Upon termination of therapy, urine cultures should be obtained each trimester for the remainder of gestation. After an episode of acute pyelonephritis, antibiotic suppression should also be implemented and should be continued for the remainder of the pregnancy. Nitrofurantoin 100 mg once or twice daily is an acceptable regimen for suppression. In a study by Van Dorsten and colleagues, nitrofurantoin suppression reduced the rate of subsequent positive cultures from 38% to 8%. However, nitrofurantoin did not lower the rate of positive cultures if inpatient antibiotic selection was inappropriate or if the urine culture was positive at the time of discharge.

The most common maternal complications associated with pyelonephritis are anemia, septicemia, transient renal dysfunction, and pulmonary insufficiency. Pulmonary injury that resembles adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can occur in pregnant women with acute pyelonephritis. Clinical manifestations of this complication usually occur 24 to 48 hours after the patient is admitted for pyelonephritis. Some of these women will require intubation, mechanical ventilation, and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). ARDS is believed to result from endotoxin-induced alveolar capillary membrane injury. Towers and colleagues found evidence of pulmonary injury in 11 of 130 patients with pyelonephritis. A fever of greater than 39.4°C, a maternal heart rate above 110 beats/min, and gestation beyond 20 weeks were factors associated with increased risk for pulmonary injury. The most predictive factors were fluid overload and tocolytic therapy.

Women with prior urinary tract surgery are at increased risk for pyelonephritis. Austenfeld and Snow reported 64 pregnancies in 30 women who had previously undergone ureteral reimplantation for vesicoureteral reflux. During pregnancy, 57% of these women experienced one or more UTIs, and 17% had more than one UTI or an episode of pyelonephritis. More frequent urine cultures and aggressive therapy during pregnancy are recommended for this group of high-risk parturients.

Acute Renal Disease in Pregnancy


Urolithiasis affects 0.03% of all pregnancies, a frequency similar to that of the general population. Colicky abdominal pain, recurrent UTI, and hematuria suggest urolithiasis. If the diagnosis is suspected, IV pyelogram (IVP) should be considered, which limits this study to the minimum number of exposures necessary to make the diagnosis. Ultrasound can also be used to establish the diagnosis without radiation exposure. However, ultrasound alone may be limited in securing a diagnosis of urolithiasis. In a recent multicenter, longitudinal study the authors noted, “Of the group treated surgically after imaging with ultrasound alone, 23% had no evidence of a ureteral stone, resulting in the lowest positive predictive value of the modalities used. Alternative imaging techniques, particularly low-dose computerized tomography, offer improved diagnostic information that can optimize management and avoid unnecessary intervention.” Newer ultrasound flow studies can actually follow flow from the ureter to the bladder, and they can detect obstruction without the use of ionizing radiation. If transabdominal ultrasound is limited, transvaginal ultrasound can also be used to visualize the distal ureter. Urine microscopy may detect crystals and can help distinguish the type of stone before it is passed. Serum calcium, phosphorous, and urate levels should be assayed for any woman with renal calculi to assist in the evaluation for possible hyperparathyroidism and gout.

Because of the physiologic hydroureter of pregnancy, 75% to 85% of women with symptomatic urolithiasis will spontaneously pass their stones. Treatment should therefore be conservative and should consist of hydration and narcotic analgesia. Epidural anesthesia has been advocated to establish a segmental block from T11 to L2, although it is unknown whether this promotes passage of the stone. Ureteral stenting to relieve obstruction is an option for managing pregnant women with renal stones. For refractory cases, nephrostomy tubes can also be used. It should be noted that pregnancy increases the risk of stent encrustation, which requires frequent stent exchange every 4 to 6 weeks until delivery. Lithotripsy is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Recurrent UTI with urease-containing organisms causes precipitation of calcium phosphate in the kidney that may lead to the development of staghorn calculi. Surgery is rarely indicated in women with this condition during gestation. Individuals with staghorn calculi should have frequent urine cultures, and bacteriuria should be treated aggressively. Recurrent infections pose a risk for chronic pyelonephritis with resultant loss of kidney function.

Glomerular Disease

Acute glomerulonephritis is an uncommon complication of pregnancy, with a reported incidence of 1 per 40,000 pregnancies. Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is rarely observed in the adult population. In this disorder, renal function tends to deteriorate during the acute phase of the disease but usually recovers in time. Acute glomerulonephritis can be difficult to distinguish from preeclampsia. Periorbital edema, a striking clinical feature of acute glomerulonephritis, is often seen in preeclampsia. However, hematuria, red blood cell (RBC) casts in the urine sediment, and depressed serum complement levels support the diagnosis of glomerulonephritis. A rise in antistreptolysin O titers may secure the diagnosis of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.

Treatment of acute glomerulonephritis in pregnancy is similar to that for the nonpregnant individual. Blood pressure control is essential, and careful attention to fluid balance is advised. Sodium intake should be restricted to 500 mg/day during the acute disease, and serum potassium levels must also be carefully monitored.

Packham and coworkers extensively reviewed 395 pregnancies in 238 women with primary glomerulonephritis. Remarkably, only 51% of the infants were born after 36 weeks’ gestation. Excluding therapeutic abortion, the fetal loss rate was 20%, with 15% occurring after 20 weeks’ gestation. IUGR was noted in 15% of the cases, and maternal renal function deteriorated in 15% of pregnancies and failed to resolve following delivery in 5% of the study population. Hypertension was recorded in 52% of the pregnancies and developed prior to 32 weeks’ gestation in 26%. In most cases, this blood pressure elevation was not an exacerbation of chronic hypertension. Eighteen percent of the women who developed de novo hypertension in pregnancy remained hypertensive postpartum, and increased proteinuria was recorded in 59% of these pregnancies and was irreversible in 15%. The highest incidence of fetal and maternal complications in women with glomerular disease occurred in those with primary focal and segmental hyalinosis and sclerosis, whereas the lowest incidence was observed in non–immunoglobulin A (IgA) diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis . The presence of severe vessel lesions on renal biopsy was associated with a significantly higher rate of fetal loss after 20 weeks’ gestation. Packham and coworkers also studied 33 pregnancies in 24 patients with biopsy-proven membranous glomerulonephritis. Fetal loss occurred in 24% of pregnancies, preterm delivery was reported in 43%, and a term liveborn infant was delivered in only 33% of patients. Hypertension was noted in 46% of these pregnant women, and 30% had proteinuria in the nephrotic range during the first trimester. The presence of significant proteinuria during the first trimester correlated with poor fetal and maternal outcome.

Jungers and associates described 69 pregnancies in 34 patients with IgA glomerulonephritis. The fetal loss rate in this group was 15%. Preexisting hypertension was statistically associated with poor fetal outcome. Hypertension at the time of conception also correlated with a deterioration of maternal renal function during pregnancy. Hypertension in the first pregnancy was highly predictive of recurrence of hypertension in a subsequent pregnancy. Kincaid-Smith and Fairley analyzed 102 pregnancies in 65 women with IgA glomerulonephritis and noted that hypertension occurred in 63% of pregnancies, and it was severe in 18%. In this subset of women, a decline in renal function was observed in 22%. Abe reported 240 pregnancies in 166 women with preexisting glomerular disease and found that 8% of the pregnancies resulted in a spontaneous abortion, 6% in a stillbirth, and 86% in a liveborn infant. Most losses occurred in women with a GFR less than 70 mL/min and preexisting hypertension. Even though the majority of women with significant renal insufficiency had good pregnancy outcomes, the long-term prognosis for these cases was worse if the GFR was less than 50 mL/min and the serum creatinine was more than 1.5 mg/dL. The histopathogenic diagnosis of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis seemed to carry the worst prognosis: 29% developed hypertension and 33% demonstrated a long-term decrease in renal function.

Imbasciati and Ponticelli summarized six studies that comprised a total of 906 pregnancies in 558 women with preexisting glomerular disease. The overall perinatal mortality was 13%. Hypertension, azotemia, and nephrotic-range proteinuria were the strongest predictive factors for a poor pregnancy outcome. In this report, the histologic type of glomerulonephritis had little correlation with pregnancy outcome. Hypertension persisted in 3% to 12% of patients who developed hypertension for the first time during pregnancy. In 25% of patients, hypertension worsened during pregnancy and normalized postpartum. Some of these cases represented superimposed preeclampsia. However, this diagnosis can be difficult to establish in women with baseline hypertension and proteinuria. Remarkably, only 3% of these 166 women experienced an acceleration of their glomerular disease after pregnancy.

Acute Renal Failure in Pregnancy

Acute renal failure (ARF) is defined as a urine output of less than 400 mL in 24 hours. To establish the diagnosis, ureteral and urethral obstruction must be excluded. The incidence of ARF during pregnancy is approximately 1 per 10,000. It is most frequently observed following sepsis or in cases of sudden severe volume depletion as a result of hemorrhage. ARF may also be observed with marked volume contraction associated with severe preeclampsia, dehydration from hyperemesis gravidarum, and with acute fatty liver of pregnancy.

The incidence of ARF in pregnancy has decreased over the years. Stratta and colleagues reported 81 cases of pregnancy-related ARF between 1958 and 1987, which accounted for 9% of the total number of ARF cases that required dialysis during that time. In three successive 10-year periods (1958–1967, 1968–1977, and 1978–1987), the incidence of pregnancy-related ARF fell from 43% to 2.8% of the total number of cases of ARF. The incidence declined from 1 in 3000 to 1 in 15,000 pregnancies over the study period. In these 81 cases of ARF, 11.6% experienced irreversible renal damage, the majority of which occurred in the setting of severe preeclampsia-eclampsia.

Renal ischemia is a common phenomenon in cases of ARF. With mild ischemia, quickly reversible prerenal failure results; with more prolonged ischemia, acute tubular necrosis occurs. This process is also reversible because glomeruli are not affected. Severe ischemia, however, may produce acute cortical necrosis. This pathology is irreversible, although on occasion, a small amount of renal function is preserved. Stratta and colleagues have reported 17 cases of ARF complicating pregnancies over 15 years, and all were observed in the setting of preeclampsia-eclampsia; cortical necrosis occurred in 29.5% of the cases, and progression of ARF to cortical necrosis did not appear to be related to maternal age, parity, gestational age, duration of preeclampsia prior to delivery, or eclamptic seizures. The only significant risk factor associated with cortical necrosis was placental abruption. In another study, Turney and coworkers demonstrated that acute cortical necrosis, which occurred in 12.7% of their patients with ARF, was associated with a 100% mortality within 6 years.

Sibai and colleagues studied the remote prognosis in 31 consecutive cases of ARF in patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Eighteen of the 31 patients had “pure” preeclampsia, whereas 13 pregnancies had other hypertensive disorders and renal disease; of the 18 patients with pure preeclampsia, 5% required dialysis during hospitalization, and all 18 patients had acute tubular necrosis. Of the other 13 women, 42% required dialysis, and three patients had bilateral cortical necrosis. The majority of pregnancies in both groups were complicated by placental abruption and hemorrhage. All 16 surviving patients in the pure preeclampsia group recovered normal renal function on long-term follow-up. Conversely, 9 of the 11 surviving patients in the nonpreeclamptic group required long-term dialysis, and four ultimately died of end-stage renal disease. In a follow-up study, Turney and colleagues found that maternal survival was adversely affected by increasing age. Their 1-year maternal survival rate was 78.6%, and follow-up of survivors showed normal renal function up to 31 years after ARF.

Individuals with reversible ARF experience a period of oliguria of variable duration followed by polyuria, or a high-output phase. It is important to recognize that BUN and serum creatinine levels continue to rise early in the polyuric phase. During the recovery phase, urine output approaches normal. In these patients, it is important to monitor electrolytes frequently and to carefully treat any imbalance. The urine to plasma osmolality ratio should be determined early in the course of the disease. If the ratio is 1.5 or greater, prerenal pathology is likely, and the disorder tends to be of shorter duration and of less severity. A ratio near 1.0 suggests acute tubular necrosis.

The main goal of treatment is the elimination of the underlying cause. Volume and electrolyte balance must be evaluated frequently. To assess volume requirements, invasive hemodynamic monitoring may be useful. This is especially true during the polyuric phase. Central hyperalimentation may also be required if renal failure is prolonged.

Acidosis frequently occurs in cases of ARF. Therefore, arterial blood gases should be followed regularly. Acidosis must be treated promptly because it can exacerbate hyperkalemia, which can be fatal. If hyperkalemia develops, potassium restriction should be instituted immediately. Sodium bicarbonate, used to treat acidosis, may overload the patient with sodium and water. In such cases, peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis may be necessary. The main indications for dialysis in ARF of pregnancy are hypernatremia, hyperkalemia, severe acidosis, volume overload, and worsening uremia.

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

The hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is a rare idiopathic disorder that must be considered when a patient exhibits signs of hemolysis and decreasing renal function, par­ticularly during the third trimester and in the postpartum period. This idiopathic syndrome may occur as early as the first trimester and as late as 2 months postpartum, and it is part of a spectrum of disease that may also include thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP; see Chapter 44 ). Most individuals have no predisposing factors. Prodromal symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and a flulike illness. A review of 49 cases documented a 61% mortality rate, although with improved intensive care monitoring and treatment, the prognosis is now much improved.

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) with hemolysis usually accompanies HUS. However, DIC is not the cause of the syndrome. Microscopically, the kidney shows thrombotic microangiopathy. The glomerular capillary wall is thick, and biopsy specimens taken later in the course of the disease show severe nephrosclerosis and deposition of the third component of complement (C 3 ).

Some investigators believe that this syndrome is due to decreased renal production of prostacyclin, infusions of which have been used to treat these patients, although such therapy remains experimental. One observer noted a decrease in antithrombin III in a woman with postpartum HUS. This patient was successfully treated with an infusion of antithrombin III concentrate.

Coratelli and coworkers reported a case of HUS diagnosed at 13 weeks’ gestation and confirmed by renal biopsy. Circulating endotoxin was detected and was progressively reduced by hemodialysis performed daily from the third to the ninth day of the disease. Complete normalization of renal function occurred by day 34. These investigators propose that initiation of early dialysis may play an important role in supporting patients through the disease process. They also propose that endotoxins are key pathogenic factors in the disorder. In contrast, Li and coworkers failed to measure any endotoxin in a patient’s serum who developed HUS after an uncomplicated cesarean delivery; this patient eventually underwent dialysis and recovered. Plasma exchange in cases of ARF caused by postpartum HUS can be vital to the treatment of this condition.

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Adult polycystic kidney disease is an autosomal-dominant disorder that usually begins to manifest during the fifth decade of life. Reproductive-age women may occasionally display symptoms, and hypertension is a key component of this disorder. If a woman with adult polycystic kidney disease becomes pregnant, hypertension may be greatly exacerbated and may not improve following delivery. However, the overall prognosis for the disorder does not appear to worsen with an increasing number of pregnancies.

Vesicoureteral Reflux

Although vesicoureteral reflux may be exacerbated with pregnancy, it usually does not result in morbidity unless reflux becomes severe. If reflux is significant enough to warrant surgery, this should ideally be undertaken prior to pregnancy. Even with surgical correction, women with ureterovesical reflux remain at increased risk for pyelonephritis and should have urine cultures performed frequently. If indicated prior to pregnancy, antibiotic suppression should be continued.

Brandes and Fritsche have reported a case of ARF that resulted from ureteral obstruction by a gravid uterus. This case was complicated by a twin gestation with polyhydramnios at 34 weeks’ gestation. The serum creatinine level peaked at 12.2 mg/dL but resolved immediately after amniotomy. In cases remote from term, ureteral stenting or dialysis may be necessary if significant obstruction and/or reflux is present.

Renal Artery Stenosis

Renal artery stenosis is rarely discovered during pregnancy. This disorder may present as chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia or as recurrent isolated preeclampsia. Although Doppler flow studies may be suggestive, renal angiography is the most specific and sensitive diagnostic test. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty can be carried out at the time of angiography.

Nephrotic Syndrome

The nephrotic syndrome was initially described as a 24-hour urine protein excretion equal to or in excess of 3.5 g, reduced serum albumin, edema, and hyperlipidemia. Currently, the syndrome is defined by proteinuria alone, which is often the result of glomerular damage. The most common etiology of nephrotic syndrome in pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, is preeclampsia. Other etiologies include membranous and membranoproliferative glomerulopathy, minimal change glomerulopathy, lupus nephropathy, hereditary nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, renal vein thrombosis, and amyloidosis.

Women with a newly diagnosed or persistent nephrotic syndrome need close monitoring during pregnancy. Whenever possible, the etiology of the proteinuria should be determined. In some cases, steroid therapy may be used to treat this condition; however, depending on the etiology, its use can actually aggravate the underlying disease process. One common complication of nephrotic syndrome in pregnancy is profound edema secondary to protein excretion, which is further complicated by the normal decline in serum albumin associated with pregnancy. Another complication is the development of a hypercoagulable state precipitated by urinary losses of antithrombin III, reduced levels of proteins C and S, hyperfibrinogenemia, and enhanced platelet aggregation. For this reason, prophylactic anticoagulation may be considered for affected pregnant women.

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Mar 31, 2019 | Posted by in OBSTETRICS | Comments Off on Renal Disease in Pregnancy

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