Relationship between interpregnancy interval and congenital anomalies


To assess the association between interpregnancy intervals and congenital anomalies.

Study Design

A retrospective cohort study on women who had 2 consecutive singleton births from 1999–2007 was conducted using a linked dataset from the Alberta Perinatal Health Program, the Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System, and the Alberta Health and Wellness Database. Interpregnancy interval was calculated as the interval between 2 consecutive deliveries minus the gestational age of the second infant. The primary outcome of congenital anomaly was defined using the International Classification of Diseases. Maternal demographic and obstetric characteristics and interpregnancy intervals were included in multivariable logistic regression models for congenital anomalies.


The study included 46,243 women, and the overall rate of congenital anomalies was 2.2%. Both short and long interpregnancy intervals were associated with congenital anomalies. The lowest rate was for the 12-17 months category (1.9%, reference category), and increased rates were seen for both short intervals (2.5% for 0-5 months; adjusted odds ratio, 1.32; 95% confidence interval, 1.01–1.72) and long intervals (2.3% for 24-35 months; adjusted odds ratio, 1.25; 95% confidence interval, 1.02–1.52). Statistically significant associations were also observed for folate independent anomalies, but not for folate dependent anomalies.


The risk of congenital anomalies appears to increase with both short and long interpregnancy intervals. This study supports the limited existing studies in the literature, further explores the types of anomalies affected, and has implications for further research and prenatal risk assessment.

See related editorial, page 498

Birth spacing is an established independent predictor of pregnancy outcomes. Both short and long interpregnancy intervals have been shown repeatedly and in different populations to be associated with multiple adverse fetal outcomes, including fetal growth restriction, preterm birth, perinatal death, and maternal morbidity and mortality. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this prevailing phenomenon, including postpartum nutritional stress and hormone imbalance, but the folate depletion hypothesis appears to be the most commonly cited. Serum studies have shown that women in late pregnancy and early postpartum are relatively folate-depleted. In addition, low serum folate in pregnancy has also been associated with fetal growth restriction and preterm birth, and this relationship appears to be mitigated by folate supplementation.

Folate deficiency has been associated with increased rates of certain congenital anomalies, such as neural tube defects, cleft lip and palate, cardiovascular defects, urinary tract anomalies, and limb defects. Because women with short interpregnancy intervals are relatively folate deficient, it is conceivable that women with short interpregnancy intervals may also be at risk of congenital anomalies. The association between interpregnancy interval and congenital anomaly rate was recently reported in 2 large studies. Both the Israeli retrospective cohort study and the American case-control study found congenital malformations to be associated with both short (0-5 months) and long interpregnancy (≥60 months) intervals. However, further information pertaining to specific categories of anomalies was not available in either study. Studies investigating specific anomalies, such as neural tube defects, have been limited by the potential confounding associated with case-control design, as well as a high proportion of terminations and miscarriages in study populations. Furthermore, results have been conflicting, as 1 retrospective cohort study found increased risk of isolated cleft palate to be associated with long, but not short interpregnancy intervals.

The purpose of this study is primarily to determine the relationship between interpregnancy intervals and all congenital anomalies; and, secondarily, to determine the relationship between interpregnancy intervals and specific categories of anomalies known to be associated with folate deficiency, and whether the relationship varies with folate-dependent or folate-independent anomalies.

Materials and Methods

Ethics approval

Ethics approval for this study was granted by the University of Alberta Health Research Ethics Board: Panel B (Health Services Research).

Data sources

The Alberta Perinatal Health Program is a province-wide program that collects perinatal data from provincial delivery records for all hospital births and registered midwife attended births in Alberta. Patient records from this database were linked to the Alberta Health and Wellness database, which holds extensive information on patients in the Alberta health care system, to obtain more detailed maternal demographic information, as well as the Alberta Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System, which collects information on all infant and fetal anomalies including terminations and early losses, to obtain more complete information on anomalies.

Study cohort

The study included any women who had given birth to an infant in northern Alberta, Canada, from Jan. 1, 1999, to Dec. 31, 2007, identified from the Alberta Perinatal Health Program database. The year 1999 was chosen as the start point for the study to ensure that our cohort fell completely within the Canadian mandatory folate food fortification era which began in 1998. The study excluded women with multiple gestations. We also excluded records with incomplete information on maternal age, gravidity, parity, or gestational age, since the validation of interpregnancy intervals was dependent on this data.

Independent variables

Interpregnancy intervals were calculated as the interval between 2 consecutive deliveries minus the gestational age of the second infant. Interpregnancy intervals were categorized as follows: 0-5 months, 6-11 months, 12-17 months, 18-23 months, 24-35 months, and 36 months or more. To further characterize our study population and to evaluate potential confounders, further information was collected with respect to maternal demographic variables (age, use of social assistance) and maternal obstetric history (gravidity, parity, maternal diseases including preexisting diabetes, previous anomaly, or perinatal death).

Outcome variables

Congenital anomalies were defined according to the World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases. Cases coded as aneuploidies were not included. Our primary outcome measure was all congenital anomalies according to interpregnancy interval. Our secondary outcome measures were all folate-dependent anomalies, specific categories of folate-dependent anomalies, and all folate-independent anomalies by interpregnancy interval. Based on our national consensus guidelines, folate-dependent anomalies were defined as neural tube defects, cleft lip and palate, cardiovascular defects, urinary tract anomalies, and limb defects. Other anomalies were classified as folate independent anomalies.

Statistical analysis

Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 20 (SPSS Inc, Armonk, NY) and a P < .05 was considered for statistical significance. Results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) for continuous variables, numbers and percentages for categorical variables. The χ 2 tests and logistic regression analyses were used for bivariate data analysis. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression models were developed and the primary outcomes of interest were different congenital anomalies. Independent variables included demographic and socioeconomic characteristics as well as categorized interpregnancy interval as main variables of interest. Variables found to be statistically significant ( P < .05) in the multivariable model and important confounding variables (ie, maternal age, parity, prepregnancy diabetes, previous pregnancy with anomaly, and index infant sex) were kept in the final model.


From the Alberta Perinatal Health Program Database, a dataset was generated consisting of 185,844 records of women who had given birth to an infant in northern Alberta from Jan. 1, 1999 to Dec. 31, 2007. Duplicate records and records with only 1 delivery in the study time frame were excluded. Records with missing or inconsistent information on age, gravidity, parity, and gestational age were also excluded. This resulted in a final study cohort of 46,243 women who had 2 consecutive singleton births in the study period ( Figure 1 ).

Figure 1

Selection of study cohort from linked dataset, Alberta, 1999-2007

From 185,844 records of women who had given birth to an infant in northern Alberta from Jan. 1, 1999 to Dec. 31, 2007, duplicate records, records with only 1 delivery, and records with missing or inconsistent information on age, gravidity, parity, and gestational age were excluded, to provide the final study cohort of 46,243 women who had 2 consecutive singleton births. Women with multiple gestations excluded prior to dataset generation.

Chen. Interpregnancy intervals and congenital anomalies. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 .

A description of the study population is shown in Table 1 . Most interpregnancy intervals (76.9%) were between 6 months and 35 months. With respect to the index pregnancy, most women were between 20-34 years of age (83.3%) and para 1 (70.4%). With respect to index birth, the vast majority of infants were born at term (93.2%) and weighed more than 2500 g (95.9%).

Table 1

Description of total study population and by presence of all congenital anomalies and folate-dependent and independent anomalies

Variable Total All congenital anomalies Folate-dependent anomalies Folate-independent anomalies
n % n % n % n %
Total 46,243 100 1000 100 765 100 235 100
Interpregnancy interval, mo
0-5 3281 7.1 82 8.2 60 7.8 22 9.4
6-11 8397 18.2 180 18.0 134 17.5 46 19.6
12-17 10,186 22.0 190 19.0 155 20.3 35 14.9
18-23 7982 17.3 167 16.7 120 15.7 47 20.0
24-35 8961 19.4 209 20.9 162 21.2 47 16.2
36+ 7436 16.1 172 17.2 134 17.5 38 14.9
Maternal age, y
<20 1288 2.8 22 2.2 13 1.7 9 3.8
20-34 38,530 83.3 822 82.2 622 81.3 200 85.1
35+ 6425 13.9 156 15.6 130 17.0 26 11.1
2 23,504 50.8 488 48.8 378 49.4 110 46.8
3 11,758 25.4 258 25.8 191 25.0 67 28.5
4+ 10,981 23.7 254 25.4 196 25.6 58 24.7
1 32,544 70.4 701 70.1 531 69.4 170 72.3
2 8279 17.9 174 17.4 134 17.5 40 17.0
3+ 5420 11.7 125 12.5 100 13.1 25 10.6
Prepregnancy diabetes
No 45,122 99.1 973 98.3 746 98.3 227 98.3
Yes 417 0.9 17 1.7 13 1.7 4 1.7
Other maternal disease
No 39,783 87.4 851 86.0 652 85.9 199 86.1
Yes 5756 12.6 139 14.0 107 14.1 32 13.9
Prior perinatal death
No 44,594 97.9 955 96.5 729 96.0 226 97.8
Yes 945 2.1 35 3.5 30 4.0 5 2.2
Prior anomaly
No 45,121 99.1 959 96.9 732 96.4 227 98.3
Yes 418 0.9 31 3.1 27 3.6 4 1.7
Prior small for gestation
No 45,056 98.9 975 98.5 746 98.3 229 99.1
Yes 483 1.1 15 1.5 13 1.7 2 0.9
Prior large for gestation
No 44,468 97.6 969 97.9 740 97.5 229 99.1
Yes 1071 2.4 21 2.1 19 2.5 2 0.9
Smoking in index pregnancy
No 35,570 78.1 768 77.6 597 78.7 171 74.0
Yes 9969 21.9 222 22.4 162 21.3 60 26.0
Illicit drug(s) in index pregnancy
No 44,904 98.6 975 98.5 752 99.1 221 96.5
Yes 635 1.4 15 1.5 7 0.9 8 3.5
Need for social assistance in index pregnancy
No 39,681 87.6 867 86.7 661 86.4 206 87.7
Yes 5629 12.4 133 13.3 104 13.6 29 12.3
Index pregnancy outcome
Livebirth 45,846 99.1 911 91.1 691 90.3 220 93.6
Stillbirth 231 0.5 26 2.6 21 2.7 5 2.1
Neonatal death 166 0.4 63 6.3 53 6.9 10 4.3
Index infant sex
Female 22,480 48.7 383 38.4 290 38.0 93 39.7
Male 23,669 51.3 614 61.6 473 62.0 141 60.3
Index infant gestational age, wks
<28 306 0.7 47 4.7 39 5.1 8 3.4
28-34 607 1.3 39 3.9 27 3.5 12 5.1
34-37 2244 4.8 91 9.1 63 8.2 28 11.9
37+ 43,088 93.2 823 82.3 636 83.1 187 79.6
Index infant birthweight, g
<1000 289 0.6 50 5.0 41 5.4 9 3.9
1000-1500 197 0.4 17 1.7 13 1.7 4 1.7
1500-2500 1424 3.1 76 7.6 55 7.2 21 9.0
2500+ 44,262 95.9 854 85.7 655 85.7 199 85.4

Chen. Interpregnancy intervals and congenital anomalies. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 .

The overall rate of congenital anomalies was 2.2%. Both short and long interpregnancy intervals were associated with congenital anomalies ( Figure 2 ). The lowest rate (1.9%) was observed for 12-17 months, and increased rates were seen for both short intervals (2.5% for 0-5 months) and long intervals (2.3% for 24-35 and 36+ months). Compared with our reference interval of 12-17 months, significantly increased odds of all congenital anomalies were observed for intervals 0-5 months (unadjusted odds ratio [OR], 1.35; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.04–1.75), 24-35 months (OR, 1.26; 95% CI, 1.03–1.53), and 36+ months (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.01–1.53) ( Table 2 ).

May 11, 2017 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Relationship between interpregnancy interval and congenital anomalies

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