Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. The exact prevalence, however, is unknown. The majority of pre-eclampsia related deaths in LMIC occur in the community and therefore, interventions must be focused at this level. There are a number of unique challenges facing LMIC but the principles of care for women with pre-eclampsia remain the same as in well resourced settings.
Three primary delays lead to an increased incidence of maternal mortality from pre-eclampsia- delays in triage, transport and treatment. There are a number of other challenges facing LMIC and the health care worker shortage is particularly significant. Task shifting is a potential strategy to address this challenge. Community health care workers, specifically lady health care workers, are an integral part of the health care force in many LMIC and can be employed to provide timely care to women with pre-eclampsia.
Prevention strategies should be applied to every pregnant woman since we cannot predict who will develop pre-eclampsia given the limitation in resources. Aspirin and calcium are the only two recommended therapies at this time. Measuring blood pressure and proteinuria is challenging in LMIC due to financial cost and lack of training. A detection tool that is affordable and can be easily applied is needed. Magnesium sulfate is the drug of choice for the prevention and treatment of eclampsia but it is underutilized due to barriers on multiple levels.
Pregnant women in low and middle income countries [LMIC] are amongst the most vulnerable populations in the world. Worldwide, hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal death. Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia follows second and cause significant maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Sepsis, obstructed labour and unsafe abortion round up the top five causes of direct maternal death in LMIC. This is in contrast to high income countries where the top five causes are hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, pulmonary embolism, hemorrhage, abortion and ectopic pregnancy respectively. 99% of maternal mortality occurs in LMIC and many of these deaths are preventable. Most of the mortality occurs at the community level and effective community level interventions are lacking.
In 2001, the United Nations Millennium Declaration was translated into eight goals, one of which is to improve maternal health (Millennium Development Goal [MDG] 5). The target for the MDG 5 is to reduce the maternal mortality ratio by three quarters from 1990 to 2015. However, only 23 countries are on track to achieve the MDG 5 by 2015. In light of this, unprecedented high-level attention has been given to maternal health in the last few years. Governments, donor agencies, the private sector, policy makers, international and national civil society organizations, and program managers from governmental and non-governmental organizations have collaborated to assess progress, revise existing strategies, and launch new, innovative approaches to achieving the MDG 5.
One such initiative is PRE-EMPT (PRE-eclampsia-Eclampsia Monitoring, Prevention and Treatment), which has been recently funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. PRE-EMPT consists of a number interrelated projects that will be conducted over a four year period in select LMIC in Africa and South Asia. The overarching theme of this initiative is to reduce the maternal and perinatal consequences of pre-eclampsia. The primary goal is to improve community level case ascertainment and interventions as most maternal mortality and morbidity occurs in this setting. The secondary goal is to develop multifaceted international research collaboration and LMIC-oriented pre-eclampsia knowledge translation activities.
The principles of care of women with pre-eclampsia in LMIC are the same as in high resource countries. However, there are special considerations and challenges unique to LMIC. This section will address the relevant issues with a focus on existing gaps and barriers for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of pre-eclampsia. It will emphasize task shifting particularly at the community level and it will highlight the contributions that PRE-EMPT will make in this area. It is worth highlighting that this chapter is intentionally unemotional while acknowledging that maternal health is a human right. The aim of the section is to list the facts relating to the care of women with pre-eclampsia in LMIC.
Definition of LMIC
There are 144 LMIC according to the World Bank classification of countries. Countries are categorized according to income based on the 2009 Gross National Income (GNI) per capita. The groups are: low income, $995 or less; lower middle income, $996–$3,945; upper middle income, $3,946–$12,195; and high income, $12,196 or more. There are 40 low income countries, 56 lower middle income countries and 48 upper middle income countries.
Epidemiology of pre-eclampsia in LMIC
Worldwide, pre-eclampsia is the second leading cause of direct maternal death. The exact prevalence of pre-eclampsia and associated mortality and morbidity in LMIC is unknown. Historically, most population level studies and surveys have focused on the prevalence of eclampsia rather pre-eclampsia. The reporting quality of these studies examining causes of maternal mortality has been generally poor; only 50% have included definitions for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy making it difficult to accurately estimate the prevalence of pre-eclampsia.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that at least 16% of maternal deaths in LMIC result from the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, of which eclampsia is the primary contributor. This global average, however, hides the significant variation in the prevalence between countries. Hypertensive disorders were reported as the cause of 9.1% in each of Africa and Asia, but 25.7% in each of Latin America and the Caribbean. In Mexico, for example, pre-eclampsia is the leading cause of death. 2.3% of women with pre-eclampsia progress to developing eclampsia in LMIC as compared to 0.8% of women in high income countries.
In contrast to maternal mortality rate which is underestimated, our current estimates of pre-eclampsia may be an overestimate as they are predominantly derived from facility-based data. Most of the maternal deaths in LMIC occur at the community level and the vast majority of women do not present to a health care facility. In the community setting, verbal autopsy is used to determine the cause of death by retrospectively asking the woman’s relatives about symptoms she may have had prior to her death. Although there is a WHO standardised verbal autopsy tool, many countries have adapted it for individual use. The verbal autopsy tool has not been validated for diagnosing pre-eclampsia and pre-eclampsia related death and therefore, its diagnostic accuracy is unknown.
PRE-EMPT will aim to first determine the accuracy of the verbal autopsy questionnaire and then, prospectively determine the prevalence of pre-eclampsia and pre-eclampsia related mortality and morbidity in the community setting. This is in keeping with the mandate that the WHO Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan, has established when she stated that “reliable health data and statistics are the foundation of health policies, strategies, evaluation and monitoring”.
Overview of challenges in LMIC
The Safe Motherhood Initiative, launched in 1987 and targeted towards improving emergency obstetric care, has made access to high quality obstetric care throughout pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, one of its priorities. Despite this, the absence of pre-conception care coupled with a lack of effective and universal antenatal care remains a serious challenge in LMIC. Many women with pre-eclampsia, particularly, at the community level are missed due to the lack of antenatal care. These women are more likely to develop serious complications resulting in maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.
Antenatal care utilization is around 68% in LMIC compared to 98% in high resource settings. The region of the world with the lowest levels of use is South Asia, where only 54% of pregnant women have at least one antenatal care visit. In the Middle East and North Africa, use of antenatal care is somewhat higher at 65% of pregnant women. In sub-Saharan Africa, generally the region with the lowest levels of health care use, 68% of women report at least one antenatal visit. These figures, however, show an improvement of around 20% in the last decade.
Not surprisingly, there is marked urban/rural differential in accessing antenatal care in LMIC. Whereas 86% of women in urban settings will have one antenatal visit, only 65% of women rural settings will have the same. For repeated antenatal visits, 61% of women in urban women report four or more antenatal visits compared to 39% of rural women.
when women do access care, there are three primary delays that lead to the increased incidence of maternal mortality due to pre-eclampsia: delays in triage, in transport, and in treatment. These delays occur at the community, primary health center, and hospital facility level respectively. There are a number of factors that lead to these delays: lack of financially feasible and accurate point-of-care diagnostics, inadequate means and/or routes of transportation and unavailability of appropriate treatment due to financial cost or lack of pharmaceutical support including barriers to registration and production.
There is also a current shortage of health care workers. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that there are 58 crisis countries facing an acute health care worker crisis. 36 of these countries are in sub Saharan Africa. In addition to the shortage of health care workers, inappropriate skill-mix is an issue. For example, in Bangladesh, there are around five physicians and two nurses per 10,000 people. The ratio of nurse to physician is only 0.4 to 1. Furthermore, there is an uneven distribution of qualified health care workers in urban settings compared to rural areas.
As in well resourced settings, at the facility level, the introduction and adoption of evidence-based clinical practice remains challenging. Currently, there is no clear policy or country specific standard of care for pre-eclampsia. Access to evidence and guidelines may be limited in LMIC due to financial cost. However, resources such as the WHO Reproductive Health Library (RHL) are free, available online and are particularly targeted for LMIC. RHL takes the best available evidence on sexual and reproductive health from Cochrane systematic reviews and presents it as practical actions for clinicians to take to improve health outcomes.
The adoption of evidence depends on whether the practice is consistent with the values, beliefs and current needs of the local medical team and the population it serves, as well the simplicity of the intervention or treatment, adaptability of the practice to local conditions. Magnesium sulfate (see section titled “ Treatment of Pre-eclampsia ”) is one such example, where despite robust evidence, the uptake of evidence based practice has been low due to multiple systemic barriers.
PRE-EMPT will develop strategies and solutions that are easily adoptable, financially feasible and targeted at the community level where the majority of pre-eclampsia related maternal mortality and morbidity occur. PRE-EMPT has an emphasis on task shifting and will focus on the role of community health workers (CHW) or lady health care workers (as they are known as in many countries) in the care of women with pre-eclampsia. Task shifting is discussed below. The gender of the CHW is very important as women themselves are more comfortable around female health care providers. Furthermore, it may be the societal norm to seek care from females rather than from male health care providers. A 2009 analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys from 41 LMIC found that nearly one quarter of women listed not having a female health provider as a reason that they did not go to a health facility to give birth.
The focus on the community level will also raise awareness and perhaps, counter the existing regional myths, beliefs and misinformation about pre-eclampsia. Most women who survive pre-eclampsia do not champion this issue due to the misconceptions that personal hygiene or sexual infidelities may have been the cause. The lack of champions hinders advocacy for pre-eclampsia.
PRE-EMPT will also collaborate with the WHO to develop, distribute, and implement evidence- based and culturally appropriate knowledge translation tools. This will be critical in reducing the burden of life-ending, life-threatening, and life-altering maternal and perinatal complications of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. The knowledge translation tools that will be developed will be suitable for use at the community, primary health clinic, and hospital levels to improve evidence based clinical decision-making. Ultimately, these can be used to inform policy making at the professional association, government, and national service health care levels ( Table 1 ).
Overview of challenges in LMIC
The Safe Motherhood Initiative, launched in 1987 and targeted towards improving emergency obstetric care, has made access to high quality obstetric care throughout pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, one of its priorities. Despite this, the absence of pre-conception care coupled with a lack of effective and universal antenatal care remains a serious challenge in LMIC. Many women with pre-eclampsia, particularly, at the community level are missed due to the lack of antenatal care. These women are more likely to develop serious complications resulting in maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.
Antenatal care utilization is around 68% in LMIC compared to 98% in high resource settings. The region of the world with the lowest levels of use is South Asia, where only 54% of pregnant women have at least one antenatal care visit. In the Middle East and North Africa, use of antenatal care is somewhat higher at 65% of pregnant women. In sub-Saharan Africa, generally the region with the lowest levels of health care use, 68% of women report at least one antenatal visit. These figures, however, show an improvement of around 20% in the last decade.
Not surprisingly, there is marked urban/rural differential in accessing antenatal care in LMIC. Whereas 86% of women in urban settings will have one antenatal visit, only 65% of women rural settings will have the same. For repeated antenatal visits, 61% of women in urban women report four or more antenatal visits compared to 39% of rural women.
when women do access care, there are three primary delays that lead to the increased incidence of maternal mortality due to pre-eclampsia: delays in triage, in transport, and in treatment. These delays occur at the community, primary health center, and hospital facility level respectively. There are a number of factors that lead to these delays: lack of financially feasible and accurate point-of-care diagnostics, inadequate means and/or routes of transportation and unavailability of appropriate treatment due to financial cost or lack of pharmaceutical support including barriers to registration and production.
There is also a current shortage of health care workers. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that there are 58 crisis countries facing an acute health care worker crisis. 36 of these countries are in sub Saharan Africa. In addition to the shortage of health care workers, inappropriate skill-mix is an issue. For example, in Bangladesh, there are around five physicians and two nurses per 10,000 people. The ratio of nurse to physician is only 0.4 to 1. Furthermore, there is an uneven distribution of qualified health care workers in urban settings compared to rural areas.
As in well resourced settings, at the facility level, the introduction and adoption of evidence-based clinical practice remains challenging. Currently, there is no clear policy or country specific standard of care for pre-eclampsia. Access to evidence and guidelines may be limited in LMIC due to financial cost. However, resources such as the WHO Reproductive Health Library (RHL) are free, available online and are particularly targeted for LMIC. RHL takes the best available evidence on sexual and reproductive health from Cochrane systematic reviews and presents it as practical actions for clinicians to take to improve health outcomes.
The adoption of evidence depends on whether the practice is consistent with the values, beliefs and current needs of the local medical team and the population it serves, as well the simplicity of the intervention or treatment, adaptability of the practice to local conditions. Magnesium sulfate (see section titled “ Treatment of Pre-eclampsia ”) is one such example, where despite robust evidence, the uptake of evidence based practice has been low due to multiple systemic barriers.
PRE-EMPT will develop strategies and solutions that are easily adoptable, financially feasible and targeted at the community level where the majority of pre-eclampsia related maternal mortality and morbidity occur. PRE-EMPT has an emphasis on task shifting and will focus on the role of community health workers (CHW) or lady health care workers (as they are known as in many countries) in the care of women with pre-eclampsia. Task shifting is discussed below. The gender of the CHW is very important as women themselves are more comfortable around female health care providers. Furthermore, it may be the societal norm to seek care from females rather than from male health care providers. A 2009 analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys from 41 LMIC found that nearly one quarter of women listed not having a female health provider as a reason that they did not go to a health facility to give birth.
The focus on the community level will also raise awareness and perhaps, counter the existing regional myths, beliefs and misinformation about pre-eclampsia. Most women who survive pre-eclampsia do not champion this issue due to the misconceptions that personal hygiene or sexual infidelities may have been the cause. The lack of champions hinders advocacy for pre-eclampsia.
PRE-EMPT will also collaborate with the WHO to develop, distribute, and implement evidence- based and culturally appropriate knowledge translation tools. This will be critical in reducing the burden of life-ending, life-threatening, and life-altering maternal and perinatal complications of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. The knowledge translation tools that will be developed will be suitable for use at the community, primary health clinic, and hospital levels to improve evidence based clinical decision-making. Ultimately, these can be used to inform policy making at the professional association, government, and national service health care levels ( Table 1 ).
The role of task shifting
Given the shortages of the health workface and skill-mix imbalances, task shifting may be a promising strategy. Task shifting is defined as delegating tasks to existing or new personnel with either less training or narrowly tailored training. The primary objective of task shifting is to increase productivity and efficiency by increasing the number of health care services provided at a given quality and cost, or alternatively, to provide the same level of health care services at a given quality at a lower cost. Another objective of task shifting is to reduce the time needed to scale up the health force, as the personnel performing the shifted tasks require less training.
Tasks can be delegated to non-physician clinicians, medical assistants, nurses and community health care workers. CHW are lay members of communities who work within the local health care system and share ethnicity, language, socioeconomic status and life experiences with the community members they serve. They are an integral part of the health care force in many LMIC where they are employed to provide culturally appropriate health education and information, informal counseling and guidance on health behaviors. CHW also advocate for individual and community health needs and provide some direct services. For example, in Pakistan, CHW have been trained to promote antenatal care including the use of iron and folate in pregnancy and to promote breastfeeding.
The 2010 State of the World’s Mothers report states that female health care workers have a critical role in saving the lives of women, newborns and young children. It further states that relatively modest investments in female health workers can have a measurable impact on survival rates in isolated rural communities. The use of CHW in Nepal has resulted in more women accessing prenatal care, more trained birth attendance and a decline in maternal and perinatal mortality. In India, there is a team of 54,000 women community health volunteers who have been trained to dispense drugs, provide nutrition counseling, manage childhood illnesses, provide essential newborn care and identify danger signs that require prompt referral to a health care facility for proper treatment. This has resulted in reduction of the rural infant mortality rate from 85/1000 to 65/1000 in four years.
Outside of pregnancy, there is high quality evidence demonstrating the potential for task shifting as an important policy option. For example, randomized controlled trials have shown that there were no significant difference in patient assessment, drug recommendation, WHO clinical stage assignment and tuberculosis status assessment in HIV/AIDS patients receiving antiretroviral therapy from CHW in Kenya and Uganda.
However, a number of issues have also been raised with task shifting such as quality and safety concerns, professional and institutional resistance, and the need to sustain motivation and performance. One particular concern is that quality of care may decrease if CHW are given complex tasks. However, contextual factors like appropriate leadership, training and workplace infrastructure will be important in addressing this concern and determining the success of a skill-mix policy change.

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