Pediatric Cochlear Implantation

Cochlear implantation is a revolutionary yet time-sensitive treatment for deaf children that must be performed within a critical window of time, in early life, for a congenitally deafened child to receive maximum benefit. Potential candidates should therefore be referred for evaluation early. Primary reasons for delay of cochlear implantation include slow referrals for care, parental delays, and payer delays. It is vital that all newborn children undergo hearing screening to identify deaf children at birth, and for parents, health care providers, and health care payers to be educated about the indications, important benefits, and reasonable risks of cochlear implantation for deaf children.

Key points

  • Cochlear implants have revolutionized the treatment and quality of life of children born with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss.

  • Of the children born with profound hearing loss in the United States, 50% now receive at least 1 cochlear implant; bilateral implantation is becoming increasingly more common.

  • The surgery to place a cochlear implant is straightforward in most cases and children can usually go home the same day.

  • Congenitally deafened children who are implanted within a critical window of time, early in life, have better outcomes than those implanted at older ages.

  • The benefits of cochlear implantation are far reaching and include not only improved hearing and speech but also improved quality of life, better educational opportunities, and increased earning potential.

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Oct 2, 2017 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Pediatric Cochlear Implantation

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