Paroxysmal Disorders


Paroxysmal neurologic symptoms are often referred to by the generic term “spells”; these paroxysmal events can be neurologic, cardiovascular, or gastrointestinal in origin. Most paroxysmal neurologic symptoms can be properly evaluated, diagnosed, and managed by following a systematic approach. A detailed history will often be sufficient to make the diagnosis or to significantly narrow down the diagnostic differential. A few well-selected tests will then allow the physician to correctly diagnose and treat the child. The physician should aim first to assess for signs of serious or emergent neurologic disease, and second to form a differential diagnosis to guide further investigations and treatment ( Fig. 30.1 ).


Approach to the child with a suspected convulsive disorder. CBC, complete blood count; CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computed tomography; EEG, electroencephalography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.


A careful description of the event or events from beginning to end, including re-enactments by the parents of any unclear physical symptoms, is critical.

Pertinent questions include:

  • Was this the first such event, or have there been multiple events?

  • Is there a single type of event, or multiple events?

  • What was the child doing at the time of each spell—were they awake, asleep, playing, or sitting quietly?

  • If they were asleep, how long had they been asleep, or what time of day or night did the spell occur?

  • If abnormal tone or movements were involved, was the child rigid or limp, and which limbs were involved? Were the movements rhythmic and synchronous, or were they alternating, migratory, or stop-start?

  • If the child was unresponsive or had alteration of awareness, what did the parents do to ascertain their level of responsiveness? Did the parents try touching them to regain their attention, or merely call their name?

  • How long did the event last, and how did the child behave afterward?

  • Did the child describe any symptoms prior to the onset of the actual event, or was there any abnormal behavior that the parents witnessed prior to the event?

  • Were there any signs or symptoms of illness associated with the spell? Were any fevers documented?

  • Has there been any behavioral, developmental, or academic regression since the start of the events?

  • Is the child developmentally normal? If not, has the child’s development always been abnormal, or was there a regression at some point?

  • Were there any problems during pregnancy or the delivery?

  • Has the child ever had a significant head injury or central nervous system (CNS) infection?

  • Is there any family history of similar events, or any other neurologic disorders?

Parents frequently record videos of these spells on their mobile devices, which are ideal for the physician to review.

Physical Examination

The physician should compare vital signs, including blood pressure and head circumference, to previous measurements if possible. Elevated blood pressure can be indicative of pain, anxiety, increased intracranial pressure, or hypertensive encephalopathy. Hypotension may suggest syncopal events or sepsis. Dramatic increases in head circumference in infants may indicate intracranial pathology.

A general physical examination, including the cardiopulmonary and abdominal examinations, should be performed; abnormalities may indicate a nonneurologic cause for spells. Dysmorphic features or cutaneous findings can provide clues toward an underlying syndrome.

An ophthalmologic examination can be as simple as obtaining a red reflex and observation of eye movements in young children. Eye movements may be observed by having the patient track a moving object or toy; abnormalities such as deviation, nystagmus, or new-onset limitations in range of motion may indicate a structural cause for the spells such as hydrocephalus or a mass lesion. In cooperative older children, the physician should attempt a funduscopic examination. Papilledema is a clue to increased intracranial pressure but unfortunately is only readily appreciable after 2-3 weeks of increased intracranial pressure; it will not be present with acute disturbances leading to increased intracranial pressure.

The child will provide important information about their mental status and developmental status through simple conversation. Conversations about toys, school, or family members in the room can provide information about orientation, aphasia, dysarthria, and fund of knowledge for age. If there are any questions about whether any facial asymmetry is new-onset, parents may be able to provide old photographs; most people have some degree of facial asymmetry at baseline that may only be noticed after a frightening event causes the parents to observe the child more closely.

Muscle strength can be ascertained by manual testing in a cooperative older child, or observing natural play or strength of resistance to examination in a younger child. If a child can easily perform age-appropriate actions such as crawling, walking, running, climbing, or grabbing for objects, and strongly resists examination, they are fairly likely to have grossly normal strength in their major muscle groups. Tone can be checked by passively moving the patient’s limbs, or suspending an infant in your hands to check if they start to slide through your grip. Low tone (hypotonia) can also be detected by observing gait or observing how the child sits; “W”-sitting (sitting with knees together and heels outside of their hips) may be another clue. Low strength (weakness) should be distinguished from hypotonia or ataxia; an example of normal strength but low tone might be an infant with motor delays and head lag who vigorously opposes examination; a child with normal strength but ataxia might vigorously oppose examination but cannot accurately reach to push away the examiner.

A normal physical examination does not rule out the presence of a neurologic disorder, but generally indicates a disorder that does not require immediate intervention and that more time can be spent carefully evaluating all diagnostic possibilities. In children with baseline neurologic abnormalities, such as children with cerebral palsy, knowledge of their base line physical examination, abilities, and behavior is critical in deciding how urgently they need to be evaluated further. Parents can be very helpful in determining a child’s baseline behavior in this case.

Red Flags

After obtaining a history of the events, the presence of “red flags” in the history or examination should strongly prompt referral to the emergency room:

Increased Intracranial Pressure or Large Intracranial Mass

  • Hypertension and bradycardia

  • 3rd or 6th nerve palsy; anisocoria, ptosis, diploplia

  • Forced-seeming and persistent downward deviation of both eyes (tonic downward gaze deviation)

  • Papilledema

  • Severe vomiting that is exquisitely positional (i.e., strongly provoked by the transition from lying to sitting)

  • Engorged scalp veins

  • Bulging fontanel or split cranial sutures in an infant

  • Presence of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VP shunt) with any of the above symptoms should prompt concern about shunt malfunction

Ongoing Status Epilepticus

  • Waxing and waning responsiveness after a convulsive seizure has ended, particularly with periods of complete unresponsiveness

  • Persistent eye deviation after a convulsive seizure has ended

  • Persistent tachycardia after a convulsive seizure has ended

  • Persistent confusion or delirium, even if the child is able to speak and walk

Stroke or Complicated Migraine

  • Focal weakness or numbness, particularly if accompanied by slurred speech or confusion (if the spell is remote and the patient has returned to a normal baseline, suggest expedited referral to a neurologist)


  • Fever

  • Nuchal rigidity

  • Positive Kernig or Brudzinski signs

  • Bulging fontanel

The following red flags should prompt an urgent or even emergent referral to a pediatric neurologist, including direct communication with a neurologist for proper triaging:

  • Infantile spasms

  • Clusters of abdominal “crunches” or “startles,” particularly when the child is falling asleep or waking up from sleep

  • Developmental plateau or regression

  • Loss of visual attentiveness

Any developmental regression in infants or toddlers that has been present for more than 1 month (or sooner, for dramatic or progressive regressions) is concerning; change in handedness after 4-5 years of age is also a red flag.

Paroxysmal Spells of Altered Behavior or Movement

Paroxysmal neurologic symptoms can have neurologic, psychiatric, pulmonary, cardiovascular, or gastrointestinal causes. For this reason, during the investigation of a paroxysmal event, generic terms such as “spells,” “convulsions,” or “altered mental status” are more appropriate to use rather than “seizures,” which implies a very specific etiology and may falsely eliminate diagnostic possibilities. Witnesses may use terms such as “grand mal,” “petit mal,” or even “generalized tonic-clonic” (GTC) to describe events; these descriptors should not be taken at face value or thought to only describe epileptic seizures.

Epileptic Seizures

An epileptic seizure is a paroxysmal alteration in behavior, motor function, and/or autonomic function occurring in association with excessive synchronous neuronal activity in the CNS. Seizures may be considered “provoked” or “unprovoked,” referring to whether they were precipitated by an acute cause such as illness, concussion, metabolic derangement, or toxic ingestion. The term “symptomatic” refers to whether the seizures represent a symptom of a known chronic disorder, such as a structural, genetic, or metabolic abnormality. Epilepsy is a disorder in which there are recurrent unprovoked epileptic seizures ( Table 30.1 ).

TABLE 30.1

Types of Epileptic Seizures

Self-Limited Seizure Types
Focal Seizures

  • Focal sensory seizures

    • With elementary sensory symptoms (e.g., occipital and parietal lobe seizures)

    • With experiential sensory symptoms (e.g., temporoparietooccipital junction seizures)

  • Focal motor seizures

    • With elementary clonic motor signs

    • With asymmetric tonic motor seizures (e.g., supplementary motor seizures)

    • With typical (temporal lobe) automatisms (e.g., mesial temporal lobe seizures)

    • With hyperkinetic automatisms

    • With focal negative myoclonus

    • With inhibitory motor seizures

  • Gelastic seizures

  • Hemiclonic seizures

  • Secondarily generalized seizures

  • Reflex seizures in focal epilepsy syndromes

Generalized Seizures

  • Tonic-clonic seizures (includes variations beginning with a clonic or myoclonic phase)

  • Clonic seizures

    • Without tonic features

    • With tonic features

  • Typical absence seizures

  • Atypical absence seizures

  • Absence with special features:

    • Eyelid myoclonia

    • Myoclonic absence

  • Tonic seizures

  • Myoclonic seizures

  • Myoclonic atonic seizures

  • Negative myoclonus

  • Atonic seizures

  • Reflex seizures in generalized epilepsy syndromes

Epileptic Spasms
Continuous Seizure Types

  • Generalized status epilepticus

  • Generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus

  • Clonic status epilepticus

  • Absence status epilepticus

  • Tonic status epilepticus

  • Myoclonic status epilepticus

Focal Status Epilepticus

  • Epilepsia partialis continua of Kojevnikov

  • Aura continua

  • Limbic status epilepticus (psychomotor status)

  • Hemiconvulsive status with hemiparesis

Precipitating Stimuli for Reflex Seizures

  • Visual stimuli

    • Flickering light—color to be specified when possible

    • Patterns

    • Other visual stimuli

  • Thinking

  • Music

  • Eating

  • Praxis

  • Somatosensory

  • Proprioceptive

  • Reading

  • Hot water

  • Startle

Modified from Berg AT, Berkovic SF, Brodie MJ, et al. Revised terminology and concepts for organization of seizures and epilepsies: report of the ILAE commission on classification and terminology, 2005–2009. Epilepsia. 2010;51:676-685.

Epileptic seizures must be clearly distinguished from nonneurologic paroxysmal disorders caused by psychiatric, cardiovascular, pulmonary, or gastrointestinal causes. There are also paroxysmal disorders that are neurologic but nonepileptic in nature, such as tics, dystonias, stereotypies, or other movement disorders. The correct diagnosis is critical to avoid unnecessary testing, interventions, and medication trials. However, multiple types of events, both epileptic and nonepileptic, may occur in the same patient, necessitating that each spell be properly characterized.

Epidemiology and Causes of Seizures and Epilepsy

If febrile seizures are included, approximately 3.5% of children experience some kind of seizure by the age of 15 years; most seizures occur before the age of 3 years. The majority of children who present with a seizure do not have or will not develop epilepsy. Many children presenting with a seizure have febrile convulsions, which are a provoked, age-dependent paroxysmal neurologic condition; 13% of children with seizures have acute symptomatic seizures other than febrile convulsions; and 8% have single, unprovoked seizures of unknown cause. The incidence of acute symptomatic seizures is highest in the 1st year of life; the most common causes of these predominantly neonatal seizures are infection and metabolic disorders. After age 4 years, head injury is the most common cause of acute symptomatic seizures, and infection is the next most common.

The incidence of epilepsy among children younger than 15 years is 45-85/100,000 in developed countries. It is highest in younger children; in those younger than 1 year, it is ~100/100,000. The prevalence of active epilepsy in patients taking antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) is between 4.3 and 9.3/1000, or about 0.5-1% of the population. Traditionally, between 60% and 80% of children with epilepsy have no identifiable etiologic factors for the disease; however next-generation gene sequencing technology has moved the estimated underlying genetic etiology to approximately 40%. Of those children in whom a cause is identified, population-based studies report the following presumed causes: infection in 5%; head trauma in 3%; and miscellaneous causes (tumors, malformations of cortical development, vascular malformations, and cerebral infarction) in 2%. Epilepsy is found in association with other long-standing neurodevelopmental abnormalities in 13% of children.


It is estimated that a genetic etiology underlies epilepsy in approximately 40% of individuals. In some circumstances, unique clinical phenotypes can be a guide to the underlying etiology. Apnea or systemic shock requiring intubation and ventilation is seen in severe metabolic epileptic encephalopathic syndromes such as nonketotic hyperglycinemia, pyridoxine-5’-phosphate oxidase deficiency, molybdenum cofactor deficiency, pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy, Leigh syndrome, congenital neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, and atypical MECP2 . The characteristic syndactyly of the 2nd and 3rd toes is seen in steroid metabolism disorders, Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome in particular, which additionally has associated genitourinary tract abnormalities. Skin exanthems are highly suggestive of biotinidase deficiency. Atypical coarse or thin hair and wormian bones are seen in copper disorders such as Menkes syndrome. Cardiomyopathy is characteristic of mitochondrial disorders including Barth syndrome and fatty acid oxidation disorders and is also seen in RASopathies and cobalamin C deficiency. Atypical fat distribution and a prominent suprapubic fat pad are seen in congenital disorders of glycosylation. The value of genetic testing and the circumstances in which genetic testing should be offered varies widely between centers. Gene panels are available that provide sequencing information from 20 genes to greater than 400 genes dependent on the commercial testing facility being utilized. Heterogeneity is mostly responsible for this variability in clinical testing; 1 gene can cause various types of seizure disorders (clinical heterogeneity), or a specific subtype of seizure may have several genes with causal associations (genetic heterogeneity). Gene panels are designed to group disorders with common ages of onset and phenotypic characterizations together, thereby offering broad coverage in a cost-effective manner. There are circumstances in which targeted sequencing is still warranted ( Tables 30.2 and 30.3 ).

TABLE 30.2

Clinical Conditions for Targeted Gene Sequencing

Targeted Gene Sequencing Clinical Condition Advantage of Testing
SCN1A Dravet syndrome. Consider testing for recurrent episodes of febrile status epilepticus, intractable tonic–clonic seizures during the 1st year of life, epileptic encephalopathy attributed to vaccination, and adults with a history consistent with Dravet syndrome Avoidance of sodium channel blockers, aggressive seizure management, justification of stiripentol, bromides, etc.
PCDH19 Females presenting with multiple clusters of brief febrile seizures and developmental delay or regression, particularly if there is a family history consistent with paternal transmission Prognosis and potential forthcoming treatment options
SLC2A1 Onset of absence seizures <4 yr old, particularly if there is a family history of paroxysmal exercise-induced dyskinesia Initiation of a ketogenic diet
POLG Prior to starting valproic acid in patients with drug-resistant seizures and developmental delay or regression Avoidance of potentially fatal liver failure starting as early as 2 mo after initiation of valproic acid therapy
HLA-B*1502 Prior to starting carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, and lamotrigine in patients of Asian descent Avoidance of a potentially fatal reaction (Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis)

Modified from Ream MA, Patel AD. Obtaining genetic testing in pediatric epilepsy. Epilepsia 2015:56:1505-1514.

TABLE 30.3

Identified Genes for Epilepsy Syndromes *

Epilepsy Type Gene Protein
Infantile Onset
Benign familial neonatal seizures KCNQ2 Potassium voltage-gated channel
KCNQ3 Potassium voltage-gated channel
Benign familial neonatal infantile seizures SCN2A Sodium channel protein type 2α
Early familial neonatal infantile seizures SCN2A Sodium channel protein type 2α
Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy (EIEE) CDKL5 (EIEE2) Cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5
ARX (EIEE1) Aristaless-related homeobox
TSC1 Hamartin
TSC2 Tuberin
SCN1A (EIEE6) Sodium channel protein type 1α
PCDH19 (EIEE9) Protocadherin-19
KCNQ2 (EIEE7) Potassium voltage-gated channel
STXBP1 (EIEE4) Syntaxin binding protein 1
SLC2A1 Solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 1
ALDH7A1 α-Aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (antiquitin)
POLG DNA polymerase subunit γ1
SCN2A (EIEE11) Sodium channel protein type 2α
PLCβ1 (EIEE12) Phospholipase C β1
ATP6AP2 Renin receptor
SPTAN1 (EIEE5) α 2 -Spectrin
SLC25A22 (EIEE3) Mitochondrial glutamate carrier 1
PNPO Pyridoxine-5′-phosphate oxidase
Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (early onset) SCN1A Sodium channel protein type 1α
SCN1B Sodium channel protein type 1β
GABRG2 γ-Aminobutyric acid receptor subunit γ2
SCN2A Sodium channel protein type 2α
Childhood Onset
Childhood-onset epileptic encephalopathies SCN1A Sodium channel protein type 1α
PCDH19 Protocadherin-19
SLC2A1 Solute carrier family 2, facilitated GTM1
POLG DNA polymerase subunit γ1
SCN2A Sodium channel protein type 2α
Early-onset absence seizures, refractory epilepsy of multiple types, at times with movement disorder GLUT-1 deficiency syndrome, SLC2A1 gene Solute carrier family 2, facilitated GTM1
Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus SCN1A Sodium channel protein type 1α
SCN1B Sodium channel protein type 1β
GABRG2 γ-Aminobutyric acid receptor subunit γ2
SCN2A Sodium channel protein type 1α
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (more commonly presents in adolescence) EFHC1 EF-hand domain-containing protein 1
CACNB4 Voltage-dependent L-type calcium channel
GABRA1 γ-Aminobutyric acid receptor subunit α1
Progressive myoclonic epilepsy (different forms present from infancy through adulthood) EPM2A Laforin
NHLRC1 NHL repeat-containing protein 1 (malin)
CSTB Cystatin-B
PRICKLE1 Prickle-like protein 1
PPT1, TPP1, CLN3, CLN5, CLN6, CLN8, CTSD, DNAJC5, MFSD8 Multiple proteins causing neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsies (presents in childhood through adulthood) CHRNA4 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor α4
CHRNB2 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor β2
CHRNA2 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor α2
Adolescent Onset
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) See Childhood-Onset JME
Progressive myoclonic epilepsy (PME) See Childhood-Onset PME
Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsies (AD-NFLE) See Childhood-Onset AD-NFLE
Autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy (usually presents in adulthood) LGI1 Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1

* Note that the same gene (different mutations) often appears as causing different epilepsy syndromes.

Most of these genes can be tested for through commercially available targeted single-gene sequencing or through commercially available gene panels or though exome sequencing ( ).

Whole-exome sequencing should not be considered “end of the line” or “last resort,” as the window of opportunity for targeted intervention may pass while more conventional options are investigated in the interim. This is particularly relevant in new-onset intractable or refractory seizures. There are several cases reported with digenic seizure disorders or rare metabolic disorders that will not be easily detected through more routine metabolite analysis, but benefit from early targeted intervention to reduce morbidity and improve overall quality of life. The general consensus for evaluating patients with suspected congenital disorders of glycosylation, mitochondrial disorders, or otherwise complex atypical disorders is to utilize exome sequencing as a first-line diagnostic test, with yields of up to 30% in these circumstances.

Seizure Classification and Terminology

Seizures are characterized according to their clinical semiology and presumptive etiology (see Table 30.1 ). Seizures can be difficult to classify and identify without a careful description of their onset, unfolding, and aftermath. Multiple seizure types may have the same brief general description, such as “twitching” or “staring.” Without further details as to duration, additional symptoms, and postictal behavior, they may be incorrectly classified as to type, even if they are accurately determined to be seizures. This is clinically relevant because improper classification can lead to inappropriate treatment; for example, some antiepileptic medications for focal seizures will exacerbate generalized seizures.

Clonic movements are rhythmic, nonsuppressible, position-independent jerking movements (low frequency, high amplitude) caused by involvement of the motor cortex. They can be unilateral or bilateral, and can start with 1 body part and spread. If bilateral, they are synchronous, and do not alternate from 1 side to the other in a bicycling fashion. This should be distinguished from clonus , which is rhythmic twitching of a limb, generally the foot, caused by hyperreflexia and lack of descending cortical inhibition due to CNS injury such as is seen in cerebral palsy or stroke. This is generally provoked by movement, excitement, and positioning, and can be suppressed or halted by gently repositioning the affected limb. There is no alteration of alertness with clonus. In newborns, jitteriness (high frequency, low amplitude) may also be mistaken for clonic seizure activity; this tends to be stimulus-provoked and suppressible.

The term tonic refers to a change in tone as a manifestation of seizure activity, which clinically presents as stiffening or arching. This can occur as the only manifestation of a seizure (tonic seizure), or may be followed by clonic jerking, which is the so-called tonic-clonic seizure (GTC or grand mal). Atonic seizures refer to seizures where a sudden, brief loss of tone in the neck or entire body causes a head nod or fall to the ground. This type of seizure must be distinguished from falls due to complete loss of consciousness or those due to tonic stiffening of the entire body. With atonic seizures, the loss of tone is sudden but brief, and the patient is quickly responsive afterward.

Automatisms are semipurposeful movements that usually occur with impairment of consciousness either during or after a seizure, and can be very useful for identifying a spell as a seizure. They may be a perseveration of an activity in progress at ictal onset, such as turning pages of a book, or novel semipurposeful movements arising during the seizure. These novel movements are most often a mixture of masticatory, oral, and lingual movements (lip smacking or grimacing) and simple fragmentary limb movements, such as fidgeting with a held object or pulling at clothing. In infants, orofacial automatisms are more likely than complex gestures and must be distinguished from the normal behavior of infants. Automatisms can both be seen in focal seizures, specifically those of temporal lobe onset, as well as in some generalized seizures, specifically absence epilepsy, so they are not specific to a broad category of seizure.

Impairment of consciousness , defined as an alteration in awareness of external stimuli, may be combined with a complete loss or impairment of responsiveness to external stimuli. Assessment of consciousness during seizures is often difficult, particularly in young children. It is possible to be unresponsive because of an inability to speak or articulate clearly (aphasia, apraxia, or paralysis). It is also possible to be responsive to external stimuli, but to have altered awareness, often demonstrated by complete amnesia for events immediately before, during, or after the seizure, which implies that memory was not acquired during the seizure because of ongoing neuronal dysfunction. It is possible to have complex motor behaviors without loss of complete awareness or amnesia; frontal lobe seizures commonly have this presentation, and must be carefully distinguished from nonepileptic events. Both focal and generalized seizures can be associated with impairment of consciousness; the term dyscognitive is used to describe this symptom.

Seizure etiology was previously divided into idiopathic, cryptogenic, and symptomatic . There were also separate categories for infantile spasms and neonatal seizures. The terms genetic, structural, metabolic, and unknown are currently used to characterize presumptive etiologies ( Table 30.4 ).

TABLE 30.4

Suggested Scheme for an Etiologic Classification of Epilepsy

Main Category Subcategory Examples *
Idiopathic epilepsy Pure epilepsies due to single-gene disorders Benign familial neonatal convulsions; autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy; generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus; severe myoclonic epilepsy of childhood; benign adult familial myoclonic epilepsy
Pure epilepsies with complex inheritance Idiopathic generalized epilepsy (and its subtypes); benign partial epilepsies of childhood

  • Symptomatic epilepsy

  • Predominantly genetic or developmental causation

Childhood epilepsy syndromes West syndrome; Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Progressive myoclonic epilepsies Unverricht-Lundborg disease; dentato-rubro-pallido-luysian atrophy; Lafora body disease; mitochondrial cytopathy; sialidosis; neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis; myoclonus renal failure syndrome
Neurocutaneous syndromes Tuberous sclerosis; neurofibromatosis; Sturge-Weber syndrome
Other neurologic single-gene disorders Angelman syndrome; lysosomal disorders; neuroacanthocytosis; organic acidurias and peroxisomal disorders; porphyria; pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy; Rett syndrome; urea cycle disorders; Wilson disease; disorders of cobalamin and folate metabolism
Disorders of chromosome function Down syndrome; fragile X syndrome; 4p− syndrome; isodicentric chromosome 15; ring chromosome 20
Developmental anomalies of the cerebral structure Hemimegalencephaly; focal cortical dysplasia; agyria-pachygyria-band spectrum; agenesis of the corpus callosum; polymicrogyria; schizencephaly; periventricular nodular heterotopia; microcephaly; arachnoid cyst
Predominantly acquired causation Hippocampal sclerosis Hippocampal sclerosis
Perinatal and infantile causes Neonatal seizures; postneonatal seizures; cerebral palsy
Cerebral trauma Open head injury; closed head injury; neurosurgery; epilepsy after epilepsy surgery; nonaccidental head injury in infants
Cerebral tumor Glioma; ganglioglioma and hamartoma; DNET; hypothalamic hamartoma; meningioma; secondary tumors
Cerebral infection Viral meningitis and encephalitis; bacterial meningitis and abscess; malaria; neurocysticercosis; tuberculosis; HIV
Cerebrovascular disorders Cerebral hemorrhage; cerebral infarction; degenerative vascular disease; arteriovenous malformation; cavernous hemangioma
Cerebral immunologic disorders Rasmussen encephalitis; SLE and collagen vascular disorders; inflammatory and immunologic disorders
Degenerative and other neurologic conditions Alzheimer disease and other dementing disorders; multiple sclerosis and demyelinating disorders; hydrocephalus and porencephaly
Provoked epilepsy Provoking factors Fever; menstrual cycle and catamenial epilepsy; sleep-wake cycle; metabolic and endocrine-induced seizures; drug-induced seizures; alcohol- and toxin-induced seizures
Reflex epilepsies Photosensitive epilepsies; startle-induced epilepsies; reading epilepsy; auditory-induced epilepsy; eating epilepsy; hot water epilepsy
Cryptogenic epilepsies

DNET, dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.

From Shorvon SD. The etiologic classification of epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2011;52:1052-1057.

* These examples are not comprehensive, and in every category there are other causes.

By definition, the causes of the cryptogenic epilepsies are “unknown.” However, these are an important category, accounting for at least 40% of epilepsies encountered in adult practice and a lesser proportion in pediatric practice.

Focal Seizures

Localization-Related Seizures, Partial Seizures

Focal seizures are seizures in which the first clinical and electroencephalogram (EEG) changes indicate initial activation of a system of neurons limited to part of 1 cerebral hemisphere. The clinical symptoms and signs of focal seizures reflect the functional anatomy of the region of the brain undergoing the abnormal neuronal discharge.

When consciousness is impaired, this was historically known as a complex partial seizure; if there is no apparent loss of consciousness, this was known as a simple partial seizure. These terms have been replaced by the more descriptive terms focal seizure with impairment of consciousness or focal dyscognitive seizure in the case of complex partial seizures, and focal seizure without impairment of consciousness for simple partial seizures.

An aura is the portion of a seizure that is experienced before any loss of consciousness. Some auras can be difficult for a patient to describe; asking them if they know a seizure will happen before it happens, even if they cannot articulate precisely what they are experiencing, is one way to approach the topic. Examples of auras include an epigastric rising sensation; nausea; visual, auditory, or olfactory hallucinations; or limbic symptoms such as fear or a sensation of déjà vu. An aura may be suspected in very young children if there is a change in behavior before seizures, such as interrupting an activity to seek out parents, or complaining of abdominal pain. The presence of an aura is traditionally thought to be indicative of a focal seizure without impairment of consciousness, as it implies focal cortical dysfunction, but some studies have reported that up to 64% of patients with documented idiopathic generalized epilepsy experience some form of aura, possibly due to asymmetric propagation of the discharges through the thalamocortical networks.

Nonepileptic events such as migraines or syncope may also have a prodrome, further highlighting the value of a comprehensive history in distinguishing types of events.

The progressive symptoms of some seizures after the initial aura reflect the spread of the abnormal electrical discharge beyond the region of onset, which is why a detailed history is critical for evaluating paroxysmal spells and determining the likelihood that they represent seizure activity.

Focal seizures can have motor and/or sensory components, depending on which areas of what is termed eloquent cortex become involved in the seizure. However, the seizure may originate in a portion of the cortex that does not produce obvious physical symptoms (termed the silent or noneloquent cortex ), and physical signs of the seizure only develop if the seizure discharge spreads to involve eloquent cortex. Seizures with clear electrical abnormalities but minimal or absent physical symptoms are commonly referred to as electrographic seizures or subclinical seizures . Subclinical electrographic seizures, particularly during sleep, can be associated with deterioration in development, behavior, attention, and learning.

Focal motor seizures produce rhythmic jerking (clonic) movements of the limb or limbs contralateral to the primary motor cortex involved. Other focal motor seizures include involuntary turning of the head and eyes in 1 direction (version), vocalization, and speech arrest. There may be tonic stiffening and extension of the arm ipsilateral to the seizure onset.

Involvement of the sensory cortex produces simple somatosensory experiences such as paresthesia or numbness, often with a dysesthetic quality, and visual, auditory, olfactory, or gustatory phenomena. Some of these sensory phenomena can be quite complex, including structured visual hallucinations, sensations of depersonalization, and affective symptoms such as anxiety or fear. Epileptic phenomena are a rare cause for such phenomena, and a broad differential diagnosis should be considered for paroxysmal spells where the primary symptoms are sensory or affective.

As the seizure continues to spread, both cerebral hemispheres may become engaged, and there is generalized clonic jerking of the body that closely resembles a GTC seizure. These secondarily generalized seizures may be mistaken for a generalized seizure if the onset is not witnessed. Occasionally after a seizure, there is persistent focal weakness or hemiparesis known as Todd palsy , which is strongly suggestive of a contralateral focal onset to the seizure.

Generalized Seizures

Generalized seizures are defined as seizures in which the first clinical changes indicate initial involvement of both hemispheres. Motor involvement, if present, is bilateral, as are the initial EEG changes. Consciousness is impaired in most generalized seizures, but not in all; for instance, brief myoclonic seizures and some atonic seizures may not be associated with any impairment of consciousness.

Absence (petit mal) seizures begin with sudden interruption of activity and staring; they are usually brief and end abruptly without postictal confusion. Simple absence seizures consist of only motionlessness and a blank stare lasting for several seconds, with immediate postictal reanimation. Lip-smacking, fumbling, or searching hand movements, or convulsive swallowing can appear during longer seizures, or preictal activities may be continued in a slow, automatic manner. Paroxysmal alterations in autonomic function may also accompany absence seizures, including pupillary dilation, pallor, flushing, sweating, salivation, piloerection, or a combination of these. Absence seizures that are more typically accompanied by eyelid fluttering, facial twitching, or myoclonic jerks of the trunk or extremities are referred to as complicated absence seizures. Atypical absence seizures are described as absence seizures with a less abrupt beginning and end, with more pronounced changes in muscle tone, and of longer duration. Distinctions should be made between the clinical features of absence seizures, focal dyscognitive seizures, and episodic daydreaming ( Table 30.5 ). Staring spells that are prolonged beyond 15-20 seconds are less likely to represent absence seizures due to incorrect duration. Staring spells in infants and toddlers are also unlikely to represent absence seizures due to incorrect age of onset. Early-onset generalized epilepsy is associated with rare genetic syndromes. Children with prolonged staring spells, particularly starting at a young age, are at higher risk of partial-onset seizures or behavioral spells.

TABLE 30.5

Differential Diagnosis of Episodic Unresponsiveness Without Convulsions

Clinical Absence Seizures Focal Dyscognitive Seizures Staring, Inattention
Frequency Multiple daily Rarely more than 1-2/day Daily, situation dependent: e.g., may occur only at school
Duration Often <10 sec, rarely >30 sec Average duration >60 sec, rarely <10 sec Seconds to minutes
Aura Not present May be present Not present
Abrupt interruption of child’s activity Yes: e.g., speech arrest midsentence; pause while eating, playing, or fighting Yes Activities such as play or eating are not abruptly interrupted, no sudden onset
Eyelid flutter Common, often with upward eye movement Uncommon, but may be present No
Myoclonic jerks Common Uncommon Not present
Automatisms Occur in longer absences, usually mild Frequent and often prominent No
Responsiveness Unresponsive Unresponsive Responds to touch
Postictal impairment None Postictal confusion and malaise is typical; drowsiness may also occur No
EEG Generalized 3-Hz spike-and-wave complexes Regional epileptic discharges (most often frontal or temporal) Normal
MRI Normal Focal structural lesions not uncommon (e.g., tumor) Normal
First-line medication Valproate, ethosuximide Carbamazepine, phenytoin, valproate None

EEG, electroencephalogram; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.

Tonic-clonic seizures are perhaps the most dramatic of the epileptic seizures. The tonic phase begins with sudden sustained contraction of facial, axial, and limb muscle groups, and there may be an initial involuntary stridorous cry or a moan secondary to contraction of the diaphragm and chest muscles against a partially closed glottis (the ictal cry ). The tonic contraction is maintained for seconds to 10s of seconds, during which time the child falls if standing, is apneic and may become cyanotic, may bite the sides of their tongue, and may pass urine. The clonic phase of the seizure begins when the tonic contraction is repeatedly interrupted by momentary relaxation of the muscular contraction. This gives the appearance of generalized jerking as the contraction resumes after each relaxation. At the end of the clonic phase, the body relaxes and the patient is unconscious with deep respiration. If roused, the patient is confused, may complain of muscle soreness, and usually wishes to sleep.

Myoclonic seizures are sudden, brief, shocklike contractions of muscles. They may involve the whole body or a portion of the axial musculature such as the face and trunk, or they may be limited to the limbs. They can be isolated or repetitive, irregular or rhythmic. Myoclonic seizures arise from the cortex and are associated with a distinct EEG pattern. Some forms of myoclonus are of brainstem or spinal origin; those occurring without other seizure types are not regarded as epileptic myoclonus but thought of as movement disorders .

Generalized tonic seizures begin in the same way as tonic-clonic seizures; a massive generalized contraction produces any combination of facial grimacing, neck and trunk flexion or extension, abduction or elevation of the arms, and flexion of the hips. Subtle tonic seizures may produce only facial grimacing and slight neck and trunk flexion. Tonic seizures may be accompanied by pronounced autonomic activity with diaphoresis, flushing, pallor, and tachycardia, even when the muscular contraction is slight.

Atonic seizures are characterized by a sudden decrease or loss of postural muscle tone. The extent of muscle involvement may vary; an atonic seizure may be limited to a sudden head drop with slack jaw or may result in a fall because of loss of axial and limb muscle tone. The falls are referred to as drop attacks , and because they are unexpected and sudden in onset, they often result in injury.

Diagnostic Evaluation of a Seizure Disorder

Electroencephalographic Studies

The incidence of EEG epileptiform activity in normal children without a history of seizures is very low (<2%); such findings are associated with a strong family history of genetic epilepsy. The incidence of recurrent epileptic seizures in patients with focal EEG spikes is 83%. In a child with suspected seizures, the finding of focal or generalized epileptiform activity on the EEG supports a diagnosis of epilepsy, whereas multiple negative EEG studies capturing both wakefulness and sleep argue against such a diagnosis, and should prompt the physician to consider alternative diagnoses and to attempt to record the episodes.

There are 2 basic types of EEGs: conventional and amplitude-integrated . A conventional EEG utilizes 19 or more electrodes distributed symmetrically over both hemispheres and along the midline. A routine outpatient EEG is run for at least 20 minutes, and more often 40-60 minutes. A prolonged EEG, or long-term monitoring, is run for over 24 hours, and can even be performed for over a week at a time. This type of prolonged study can be performed on an ambulatory basis at home, or as an inpatient in an epilepsy monitoring unit. Amplitude-integrated EEG, by contrast, utilizes only 2 or 4 EEG electrodes, and is primarily used in neonatal intensive care units.

An EEG should always attempt to capture sleep, and most will include hyperventilation and photic stimulation, all of which potentially activate epileptiform discharges, increasing the diagnostic yield. Hyperventilation produces absence seizures in about 80% of children with childhood absence epilepsy. Intermittent photic stimulation produces generalized epileptic discharges in several of the generalized epileptic syndromes, but photosensitivity is overall rare in epilepsy. Recording during wakefulness and sleep performed after sleep deprivation may have the highest yield. Overnight recording in the hospital provides for prolonged sampling of the interictal EEG in wakefulness and spontaneous sleep. For any patient with refractory seizures or an uncertain diagnosis, the use of video and EEG monitoring is usually helpful in clarifying the diagnosis. Defining the exact seizure type may lead to modification of drug treatment or consideration of epilepsy surgery, or a nonepileptic paroxysmal disorder may be discovered.

A single normal EEG does not definitively exclude a seizure disorder, particularly in people with infrequent seizures or seizures in specific contexts, such as illness or sleep.

Neuroimaging Studies

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is superior to computed tomography for the evaluation of epilepsy. Any patient with a history or examination suspicious for focal-onset epilepsy should have MRI of the brain, unless the syndrome is clearly that of benign focal epilepsy of childhood with centrotemporal spikes. MRI may also reveal an abnormality in patients with symptomatic generalized epilepsy. Functional neuroimaging is important in the assessment of candidates for surgical resection in patients with intractable seizures. When available, a 3.0 Tesla MRI of the brain with specific protocols dedicated to epilepsy evaluation (e.g., proper alignment of the imaging axis with the hippocampi) is preferred.

Evaluation of the First Seizure

There is no clinical sign or diagnostic investigation that determines with certainty whether a child presenting with a first seizure has epilepsy or has had an isolated seizure. The assessment of patients with a first seizure must include a search for etiologic agents and features that may indicate the risk of recurrence. Factors to be considered include the circumstances of the seizure, the health of the child in the time before the seizure, the recent sleep patterns, the possibility of abuse or trauma, and the chance of ingestion of prescription or street drugs or syndromes such as the neurocutaneous disorders ( Table 30.6 ).

TABLE 30.6

Neurocutaneous Syndromes

Clinical Syndromes and Findings Investigations
Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Facial hemangioma, “port-wine stain” upper face, division of cranial nerve V; bilateral in 30%, absent in 5%, associated truncal and limb hemangiomas in 45% CT scan: calcification, MRI scan with gadolinium
EEG: attenuation of background rhythms, epileptiform discharges
Intracranial leptomeningeal angiomatosis
Epilepsy in 70-90%, usually before 2 yr and before hemiparesis, intractable in 35%
Intellectual disability in 50-60%
Hemiparesis in 30%, often with hemisensory deficit and hemianopia
Tuberous Sclerosis
Diagnostic criteria *
Any 1 of the following:
Facial angiofibroma (adenoma sebaceum, nasolabial folds, and nose becomes more prominent with age) or periungual fibromas Physical examination
Cortical tubers, subependymal nodule, giant cell astrocytoma MRI examination: T1 and T2 sequences with gadolinium
Multiple retinal hamartomas (usually asymptomatic) or multiple renal angiomyolipomas (usually asymptomatic, may manifest as hematuria, hypertension, or renal failure) Funduscopic examination and renal ultrasonography, abdominal CT scan
Or any 2 of the following:
Infantile spasms (seizures in 90%, most commonly generalized; infantile spasms and myoclonus) History and physical, EEG; focal or generalized abnormalities
Hypomelanotic papules (ash leaf spots; in 80-90%, 1-2 cm oval or leaf-shaped) Wood lamp examination in darkened room
Single retinal hamartoma Funduscopic examination
Subependymal or cortical calcification on CT scan CT scan of the brain
Single renal angiomyolipomas or cysts Renal ultrasonography or abdominal CT scan
Cardiac rhabdomyomas (single or multiple; may obstruct outflow, cause arrhythmias, or cause conduction defects) Echocardiography, ECG
First-degree relative with tuberous sclerosis (autosomal dominant disorder, 80% of cases represent new mutations) Examination of parents; echocardiography, MRI scans
Also associated:
Mental retardation in 50-66%
Shagreen patches; hamartomatous skin lesion in lumbosacral region in 50%
Pulmonary involvement, fibrosis Chest radiograph
Skeletal abnormalities Hand, feet (cystic), long bone (sclerotic) radiographic changes
Epidermal Nevus Syndrome
Hamartomatous lesions; subclassified according to most predominant histologic and clinical features (e.g., linear nevus sebaceus, see below) Careful examination of the scalp, skin folds, and conjunctiva; funduscopic examination
Sporadic, affects both sexes equally; CNS abnormalities are common with epidermal nevus syndrome, including seizures (25% of patients), intellectual disability, and neoplasia; also, skeletal abnormalities, including kyphoscoliosis and hemiatrophy Spine and limb radiographs, as appropriate
Linear nevus sebaceus; hairless verrucous yellow-orange or hyperpigmented plaques on the face and scalp
Epilepsy in 76%
Intellectual disabiity in 60%
Associated neuronal migration disorders MRI scan of the brain
Malignant transformation of a skin lesion
Other Neurocutaneous Syndromes Associated with Seizures
Neurofibromatosis; cutaneous lesions include café-au-lait spots, axillary freckling, neural tumors; seizure types include generalized tonic-clonic, partial complex, and partial simple-motor MRI scan of the brain
Incontinentia pigmenti; involvement includes linear papular-vesicular cutaneous lesions at birth, later pigmentation, ocular and dental anomalies; female-to-male ratio > 20 : 1 (boys may die in utero); seizure types include neonatal onset and later generalized tonic-clonic Skin biopsy; ophthalmology examination
Hypomelanosis of Ito (incontinentia pigmenti achromians)

CNS, central nervous system; CT, computed tomography; ECG, electrocardiogram; EEG, electroencephalogram; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.

* See .

The recurrence risk after a first unprovoked seizure, usually defined as a seizure or flurry of seizures within 24 hours in patients older than 1 month, is ~40-50%.

The most important predictor of recurrence appears to be the existence of an underlying neurologic disorder. The existence of intellectual disabilty or cerebral palsy is a common antecedent to epilepsy, as is a history of significant head injury. An EEG with generalized or focal epileptiform discharges or with focal or generalized slowing is also predictive of recurrence. Focal seizures are more likely to be associated with recurrence, although patients with such seizures are also more likely to have an existing neurologic deficit or an abnormal EEG. The duration of the first seizure or a presentation in status epilepticus is not associated with a higher incidence of recurrence. A family history of epilepsy is not a predictor of recurrence. Earlier age at onset, particularly before the age of 12 months, has been associated with a higher risk of recurrent seizures.

Most authorities believe that the majority of patients with a first seizure should not be treated unless the risk of recurrence is judged to be significantly higher than average. An abnormal neurologic examination, an abnormal MRI of the brain, and abnormal EEG all increase the risk of recurrence; the greater the number of risk factors, the more likely an AED may be initiated after a first known seizure, although some neurologists will still elect to wait for a second confirmed seizure. In adults or adolescents, the issues of driving and employment may influence the decision to treat a first seizure, but in otherwise healthy and developmentally normal children, there is almost no indication for chronic AED treatment in response to a single seizure. Activities such as bathing, driving, and swimming must be carefully supervised.

The decision to begin AED therapy is usually made after a patient has had 2 or more seizures in a short interval of time (6-12 months). Treatment with AEDs lowers the recurrence rate by about 50%.

Status Epilepticus

Status epilepticus is a medical emergency where epileptic seizures are prolonged or occur in rapid succession without recovery between the seizures. There are 2 general categories of status epilepticus: convulsive and nonconvulsive (“subclinical”) status epilepticus. Convulsive status epilepticus may involve repetitive or prolonged GTC, myoclonic, or tonic seizures. Nonconvulsive status epilepticus may involve repeated or continuous absence seizures or focal dyscognitive seizures with an altered state of consciousness lasting hours or even days.

The most common duration of a seizure defined as status epilepticus is 30 minutes or longer, but seizures continuing for more than 5-10 minutes warrant immediate attention, as they are statistically likely to progress to status epilepticus. One third of children presenting with status epilepticus have no history of epilepsy, another third have a history of chronic epilepsy, and an acute illness or injury has caused status epilepticus in another third. One of the most common precipitants of status epilepticus in people with a known history of epilepsy is abrupt discontinuation of a daily AED.

Status epilepticus has a significant acute mortality rate, partly because of the underlying cause of the seizures; intracranial infections (meningitis, encephalitis), poisoning, acute metabolic disorders, and head injuries are some of the most common causes.

The goals of the emergency management of status epilepticus are as follows :

  • 1.

    Maintain normal cardiorespiratory function and cerebral oxygenation.

  • 2.

    Stop clinical and electrical seizure activity, and prevent its recurrence.

  • 3.

    Identify precipitating factors.

  • 4.

    Correct any metabolic disturbances (hypoglycemia, hyponatremia) and prevent systemic complications such as cardiovascular collapse, cardiac arrhythmia, pneumonia, and renal failure.

Table 30.7 sets out a plan of initial assessment and management of convulsive status epilepticus. Lorazepam and diazepam are rapidly acting anticonvulsants when given intravenously, but must be combined with a primary AED, as their duration of action is short. Side effects include sedation, depressed respiration, decreased ability to protect the airway, and hypotension.

TABLE 30.7

Management of Convulsive Status Epilepticus

Priority Examination and Laboratory Investigations Management
On arrival Airway patency and respiratory rate, inspect pharynx, chest auscultation, BP, pulse, temperature; level of consciousness; response to command, pain; serum Na, K, glucose, creatinine, Ca, Mg; CBC, liver function studies, AED levels; serum and urine toxins screen; arterial blood gases, chest radiograph Airway protection; suction pharynx and give supplemental oxygen
Rectal antipyretic to lower temperature if elevated, IV access and administer: 25% glucose IV, 2-4 mL/kg, and lorazepam * IV, 0.1 mg/kg (to a maximum of 8 mg) as a bolus and fosphenytoin IV, 20 mg/kg at 150 mg/min with ECG monitoring and collection of serum level after loading dose
* If immediate IV access is not possible, give diazepam 0.3-0.5 mg/kg rectally and fosphenytoin IM and arrange for central line or intraosseous access
After initial treatment Neck stiffness, funduscopy, signs of trauma, rashes, symmetry of motor function and reflexes

  • If patient is febrile: appropriate cultures, other studies depending on age and other symptoms

  • If any suspicion of head injury: obtain urgent CT scan

If seizures continue Patient’s level of consciousness becomes depressed with lorazepam and PB, and an EEG is necessary to assess adequacy of therapy

  • Arrange ICU bed and consider intubation; give further bolus of lorazepam 0.05-0.1 mg/kg, and push PHT serum level above 30 mg/L with further loading dose (~10 mg/kg)

  • In an ICU setting, if seizures continue with PHT levels of 30-40 mg/L, then add PB 20 mg/kg IV loading over 15-30 min

  • Continued clinical or electrical seizures may necessitate induction of pentobarbital therapy: loading dose of 5-15 mg/kg, followed by IV infusion of 1-3 mg/kg/hr titrated by EEG monitoring to achieve burst suppression pattern; maintain for 24-48 hr and review

  • Elective intubation and ventilation, arterial line, BP monitoring

After stabilization or in tandem with escalating therapy LP; if acute febrile illness with papilledema or focal neurologic signs, then CT/MRI first If LP is delayed and intracranial infection is suspected, then cover with antibiotic and antiviral therapy

AED, antiepileptic drug; BP, blood pressure; Ca, calcium; CBC, complete blood count; CT, computed tomography; ECG, electrocardiogram; ICU, intensive care unit; IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; K, potassium; LP, lumbar puncture; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; Na, sodium; Mg, magnesium; PB, phenobarbital; PHT, phenytoin.

* Give lorazepam if actively convulsing; this may not be required in patients with serial seizures who can be quickly loaded with fosphenytoin.

Phenytoin, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital, or valproic acid could be used in conjunction with the benzodiazepines in providing longer-lasting anticonvulsive action.

Phenytoin is less commonly used. It has a rare but serious complication called purple glove syndrome, which occurs in 1.7-5.9% of intravenous administrations; within 2 hours of administration, there is pain, bluish discoloration, and swelling of the affected limb. Treatment involves discontinuation of the phenytoin, elevation, and icing of the affected limb; compartment syndrome is a potential complication.

Fosphenytoin, a prodrug of phenytoin, can be administered either intravascularly or intramuscularly. Fosphenytoin has a maximum infusion rate of 150 mg PE/min; when it is infused faster, hypotension and arrhythmias may occur.

Valproate can be given intravenously and may be the appropriate therapy for patients with known idiopathic and symptomatic generalized epilepsies. It is also generally appropriate for children with a known static cerebral injury presenting with status epilepticus as their first seizure, such as a child with a history of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy who presents at age 4 in status epilepticus. It is contraindicated in children with known or suspected mitochondrial disease, multisystemic disease of unknown etiology, known hepatic disease, or in children under the age of 2 years.

Nonconvulsive status epilepticus may arise when frequent focal dyscognitive seizures or absence seizures occur. In both of these settings, discrete seizures may not be identifiable; instead, the child may present with confusion, clouded consciousness, and partial responsiveness or a stuporous state, all of which can last hours or even days. It should be treated urgently as soon as it is identified, especially if focal dyscognitive status is suspected, in which case treatment should follow that outlined for convulsive status epilepticus. In absence status epilepticus, intravenous benzodiazepines are usually effective but should be used in conjunction with intravenous valproate or oral ethosuximide.

Classification of Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes

The clinician should attempt to determine whether the seizure disorder is focal or generalized, and then whether there is evidence of underlying brain dysfunction. Both the focal and generalized epilepsies in otherwise developmentally normal children respond favorably to treatment, and there is a good chance of long-term remission. Structural epilepsies may benefit from surgical intervention. Genetic and metabolic epilepsies respond less predictably to treatment, and the chance of remission is less certain.

Identification of 1 of the epileptic encephalopathies of infancy and childhood has grave prognostic significance ( Table 30.8 ). These epilepsies vary in the seizure types and EEG features, but have certain features in common: specific age at onset and expression, intractable seizures, cognitive dysfunction, arrest in development, conspicuous interictal epileptic discharges on the EEG, and a poor response to treatment.

TABLE 30.8

Cryptogenic and Symptomatic Epileptic Encephalopathies

Neonates and Infants

  • Early epileptic encephalopathy

  • Early infantile myoclonic epilepsy

  • Migratory partial seizures of infancy

  • West syndrome (infantile spasms)

  • Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infants

  • Epilepsy in association with inherited disorders of metabolism (see Table 30.10 )

    • Lysosomal storage disorders

    • Urea cycle disorders

    • Aminoacidurias

Children and Adolescents

  • Lennox-Gastaut syndrome

  • Myoclonic-astatic epilepsy

  • Atypical benign partial epilepsy

  • Acquired epileptic aphasia (Landau-Kleffner syndrome)

  • Continuous spike-and-wave patterns in slow-wave sleep

  • Epilepsy in association with inherited disorders of metabolism

  • Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies

  • Progressive myoclonus epilepsies

  • Epilepsy in association with systemic disorders involving the central nervous system

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus, other vasculitides

Neonatal Period

The paroxysmal disorders seen in the neonatal period (birth to 8 weeks) are presented in Table 30.9 .

TABLE 30.9

Paroxysmal Disorders of the Neonatal Period

Paroxysmal Nonepileptiform Disorders

  • Jitteriness

  • Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus

Acute Symptomatic Seizures and Occasional Seizures

  • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

  • Intraventricular hemorrhage

  • Acute metabolic disorders *

  • Sepsis-meningitis

Epileptic Syndromes

  • Benign idiopathic neonatal convulsions

  • Familial

  • Nonfamilial

  • Ohtahara

  • Symptomatic focal epilepsy

  • Brain tumor

  • Malformations of cortical development

  • Inherited metabolic disease; mitochondrial disorders

  • Early-onset generalized epileptic syndromes with encephalopathy

  • Early myoclonic encephalopathy

  • Early infantile encephalopathic epilepsy

* Hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hyponatremia, hypernatremia, hyperammonemia.

Paroxysmal Nonepileptic Disorders


Jitteriness or tremulousness is a common movement disorder of neonates. It can be confused with seizures, especially if superimposed on normal tonic postural reflexes. Jitteriness, characterized by rhythmic alternating movements of all extremities with equal velocity in flexion and extension, only occasionally has a true synchronized clonic appearance. Jitteriness is not accompanied by eye deviation or staring, is stimulus sensitive, and can usually be stopped by gentle passive flexion of the moving limb.

Jitteriness in the newborn can be associated with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, and drug withdrawal; if any of these causative factors are identified, there may also be a higher risk of epileptic seizures. In otherwise healthy infants, jitteriness seems to be a benign movement disorder, resolving by 10-14 months of age.

Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus.

Myoclonic jerks may appear during sleep in some healthy neonates. It has been reported within hours of birth and may disappear over the next few months or persist into childhood. The jerks can be bilateral and synchronous or asymmetric; they may migrate between muscle groups during an episode. They are repetitive but do not disturb sleep. These jerks have been described in all stages of sleep but are most prominent in quiet sleep; they are not confined to sleep onset. Features distinguishing this phenomenon from epilepsy are its presence exclusively during sleep with disappearance on awakening, normal EEGs, and normal psychomotor development.

Acute Symptomatic Seizures and Occasional Seizures

Most neonatal seizures are acute symptomatic seizures, and the number of children who continue to have seizures after the neonatal period is relatively small. Neonatal seizures have been classified according to the clinical features as subtle, tonic, clonic, and myoclonic. However, not all of these clinical seizure types have consistent ictal EEG patterns. The classification of neonatal seizures reflects the variable, poorly organized, and often subtle clinical expression of epileptic seizures at this age. Typical GTC or absence seizures are not seen at this age, perhaps because of the limited capacity of the neonatal brain for interhemispheric synchrony. Patterns include the following:

  • Clinical seizures consistently associated with an EEG seizure pattern:

    • Clonic seizures with focal or multifocal jerking of the face or extremities fit this category, as do focal tonic seizures with focal tonic posturing of a limb or asymmetric posturing of the axial musculature. Clinical seizures with consistent focal jerking or posturing of 1 limb are most consistently correctly identified at the bedside, and are most commonly associated with a focal structural defect, such as a focal perinatal stroke.

  • Clinical seizures sometimes associated with an EEG seizure pattern:

    • Myoclonic seizures consist of single or multiple flexor jerks of the upper or lower limbs. An ictal EEG pattern is not always seen in this group. Fragmentary (multifocal) myoclonus is not always associated with an ictal EEG.

  • Clinical seizures not consistently associated with an EEG seizure pattern:

    • These include motor automatisms characterized by a diversity of signs, including any of the following: wide-eyed staring, rapid blinking, eyelid fluttering, drooling, sucking, repetitive limb movements such as rowing or swimming with the arms or pedaling with the legs, apnea, hyperpnea, tonic eye deviation, and vasomotor skin color changes. This group of subtle seizures is generally associated with EEG background abnormalities such as suppression; the seizure itself may not have a consistent EEG correlate. This is reflective of diffuse cerebral dysfunction, such as seen in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy or metabolic disorders.

    • Generalized tonic seizures and focal and multifocal myoclonus are also often not associated with neonatal ictal EEG patterns, and when seen in stuporous or comatose children, the jerks may not be epileptic. However, if the EEG is completely normal, it is unlikely that the behaviors of concern represent subtle seizures.

Some simple clinical observations should guide the assessment of neonates with episodic abnormal behaviors. Epileptic behaviors are typically repetitive and stereotyped, but are not provoked by stimulation of the child or increased with increasing intensity of a stimulus. Nonepileptic movements may disappear with repositioning of a limb or the child. Gentle restraint of a limb should be able to suppress or abort nonepileptic motor activity, whereas epileptic movements are still palpable. The association of abnormal eye movements with unusual behavior or limb movements suggests a seizure rather than nonepileptic behavior.

Diagnostic investigations.

EEG monitoring is useful in the evaluation of suspicious fluctuations in vital signs in neonates who are paralyzed and intubated or comatose, or in neonates with subtle but repetitive episodes of unusual behavior.

Many neonatal intensive care units have the capability to perform amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG), which is a reduced electrode monitoring method that uses time-compressed baseline trends of 2 or 4 channels of EEG to allow the bedside practitioner to look for changes suspicious for seizure. However, both the sensitivity and specificity of aEEG are lower than that of full-montage conventional EEG; less than 50% if only a single channel of aEEG is available, but up to 76% and 78%, respectively, when 2 channels of raw EEG are available for comparison and direct review by expert aEEG interpreters. Conventional EEG is recommended over aEEG when both are available; however, the use of aEEG is associated with lower total seizure duration in neonates compared to no monitoring.

Proper treatment must include a thorough search for the cause of the seizures, because many conditions necessitate specific treatment. The possible etiologic factors are numerous and diverse ( Tables 30.10 and 30.11 ). The most common cause is hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (60-65%); it is important to make a positive diagnosis of this historically and to exclude conditions such as local anesthetic toxicity, pyridoxine-dependent seizures, prenatal injury, and metabolic encephalopathies that may masquerade as perinatal asphyxia.

TABLE 30.10

Causes of Neonatal Seizures

Ages 1-4 Days

  • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

  • Drug withdrawal, maternal drug use of narcotics or barbiturates

  • Drug toxicity: lidocaine, penicillin

  • Intraventricular hemorrhage

  • Acute metabolic disorders

    • Hypocalcemia

      • Perinatal asphyxia, small for gestational age

        • Sepsis

        • Maternal diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or hypoparathyroidism

    • Hypoglycemia

      • Perinatal insults, prematurity, small for gestational age

      • Maternal diabetes

      • Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia

      • Sepsis

    • Hypomagnesemia

    • Hyponatremia or hypernatremia

      • Iatrogenic or inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

  • Inborn errors of metabolism

    • Galactosemia

    • Hyperglycinemia

    • Urea cycle disorders

    • Pyridoxine deficiency (must be considered at any age)

Ages 4-14 Days

  • Infection

    • Meningitis (bacterial), encephalitis (enteroviral, herpes simplex)

  • Metabolic disorders

    • Hypocalcemia

      • Diet, milk formula

    • Hypoglycemia, persistent

      • Inherited disorders of metabolism: galactosemia, fructosemia, leucine sensitivity

      • Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia

      • Anterior pituitary hypoplasia, pancreatic islet cell tumor

      • Beckwith syndrome

  • Drug withdrawal, maternal drug use of narcotics or barbiturates

  • Benign neonatal convulsions, familial and nonfamilial

  • Kernicterus, hyperbilirubinemia

Ages 2-8 Weeks

  • Infection

    • Herpes simplex or enteroviral encephalitis, bacterial meningitis

  • Head injury

    • Subdural hematoma, child abuse

  • Inherited disorders of metabolism

    • Aminoacidurias, urea cycle defects, organic acidurias

    • Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy

  • Malformations of cortical development

    • Lissencephaly

    • Focal cortical dysplasia

  • Tuberous sclerosis

  • Sturge-Weber syndrome

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