Produced by cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts (primarily)
Ninety-two amino acid alpha subunit (identical to leutinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)); 145 amino acid β-subunit (unique to hCG)
Serum/urine pregnancy tests are sensitive to levels of 1–20 mIU/mL (varies by test)
Within 24 hours of implantation (about 3 weeks after last menstrual period (LMP)), β-hCG is detectable in maternal serum. A sensitive pregnancy test can be (+) 1–2 days after implantation
Peak maternal levels reach about 100 000 mIU/mL (60–80 days after LMP); then decline; nadir about 16 weeks, and stay at this level for remainder of pregnancy (Figure 1-1)
After pregnancy (delivery or loss), it takes approximately 6–70 days for β-hCG to return to undetectable levels
Elevated levels also in molar pregnancy, renal failure with impaired hCG clearance, physiological pituitary hCG, and hCG-producing tumors (GI, ovary, bladder, lung)
Figure 1-1
Mean concentration (95% CI) of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in serum of women throughout normal pregnancy. (Used with permission from Cunningham F, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, et al. Chapter 9. Prenatal care. In: Cunningham F, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, et al., eds. Williams Obstetrics. 24th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2013.)

See Table 1-1, Guidelines for Transvaginal Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Pregnancy Failure in a Woman with an Intrauterine Pregnancy of Uncertain Viability
Diagnostic Findings for Nonviable Pregnancy* |
EDD is 280 days after the first day of the LMP (assumes regular, 28-day cycles, ovulation occurring at day 14, accurate recall)
Ultrasound in the first trimester (up to 13-6/7 weeks) is the most accurate method to establish/confirm gestational age (GA)—accuracy of ±5–7 days
If IVF pregnancy, age of the embryo, and date of transfer are used (day 5 transfer, EDD is 261 days from transfer date; day 3 transfer, EDD is 263 days from transfer date)
Average fetal heart rate (FHR) 90–110 bpm at 6 weeks. Poor prognosis if less than 90 bpm
See Table 1-2 for LMP vs ultrasound for establishing EDD
Most accurate method to establish/confirm EDD
Crown-Rump Length (CRL) (Figure 1-2)
Use if GA is less than 14-0/7 weeks
Accurate ±5–7 days
Midsagittal plane
Maximum length as a straight line from cranium to caudal rump
Average of three discrete measures
If CRL >84 mm (corresponding to about 14-0/7 weeks), accuracy of CRL decreases. Use other parameters
For dating, typically use BPD, HC, FL, and AC. See Figure 1-3
Weeks 14-0/7–21-6/7: ±7–10 days
Weeks 22-0/7–27-6/7: ±10–14 days
Figure 1-3
Fetal biometry. A. Biparietal diameter, and head circumference. B. Femur length. C. Abdominal circumference. Used with permission from Cunningham F, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, et al. Chapter 10. Fetal imaging. In: Cunningham F, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, et al., eds. Williams Obstetrics, 24th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2013.

Transverse view, transthallamic view
Visualize thalami (*) and cavum septum pellucidum (arrows)
Cerebellar hemispheres should not be visible
Outer edge of skull to inner edge
Same view as BPD; measure outer edges of calvarium
Measured from blunt end to blunt end, parallel to shaft
Landmarks: Fetal stomach (S), spine, umbilical vein joining portal vein (forms a “J”). Most variability among measures
Least reliable method; accuracy ±21–30 days
Must use clinical picture to guide as a small fetus may have intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
Adjust EDD if this is first ultrasound and discrepancy from LMP is >21 days
May need repeat ultrasound to evaluate interval growth
Three Stages of Labor
First stage: Onset of contractions until complete cervical dilation
Second stage: Complete cervical dilatation to expulsion of the fetus
Third stage: Expulsion of the fetus to expulsion of the placenta
First stage of labor
Latent phase: Begins with maternal perception of labor.
“Prolonged” when >20 hours in nulliparas and >14 hours in multiparas
Active phase: Point where rate of cervical dilation significantly increases
Active-phase labor abnormalities
Protraction disorder: Slower progress than normal
Cervical dilatation of <1.2 cm/h for nulliparous and <1.5 cm/h for multiparous
Arrest disorders: Complete cessation of progress
Absence of cervical change for ≥2 hours if adequate uterine contractions and cervical exam at least 4 cm
Cervical Dilation (cm) | Para 0 | Para 1 | Para 2+ |
3–4 | 1.8 (8.1) | – | – |
4–5 | 1.3 (6.4) | 1.4 (7.3) | 1.4 (7.0) |
5–6 | 0.8 (3.2) | 0.8 (3.4) | 0.8 (3.4) |
6–7 | 0.6 (2.2) | 0.5 (1.9) | 0.5 (1.8) |
7–8 | 0.5 (1.6) | 0.4 (1.3) | 0.4 (1.2) |
8–9 | 0.5 (1.4) | 0.3 (1.0) | 0.3 (0.9) |
9–10 | 0.5 (1.8) | 0.3 (0.9) | 0.3 (0.8) |
Second stage—with epidural | 1.1 (3.6) | 0.4 (2.0) | 0.3 (1.6) |
Second stage—NO epidural | 0.6 (2.8) | 0.2 (1.3) | 0.1 (1.1) |
Figure 1-4
Contemporary labor curve. Average labor curves by parity in singleton term pregnancies with spontaneous onset of labor, vaginal delivery, and normal neonatal outcomes. P0, nulliparous women; P1, women of parity 1; P2+, women of parity 2 or higher. (Used with permission from Zhang J, Landy H, Branch DW, et al. Contenporary patterns of spontaneous labor with normal neonatel outcomes. Obstet Gynecol. 2010;116(6):1281. Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.)

More gradual increase in rate of cervical dilation as labor progresses
No clear transition from “latent” to “active”
Rates of cervical dilation less than 1 cm/h before 5–6 cm
From 4 to 6 cm, nulliparous and multiparous women dilate at essentially same rate (more slowly than historical definitions)
Beyond 6 cm, multiparous women have a slightly faster labor
Active phase may not start until at least 6 cm dilated
Median duration from 6 cm to complete dilation was 2.1 hours in nulliparas and 1.5 hours in multiparas
NOTE: these data excluded all women with cesarean delivery (CD) and compromised neonates. Only women who achieved vaginal birth with a normal infant outcome were included
Table 1-3 shows duration of labor from one cm of dilation to the next
Failed induction of labor: Failure to generate regular contractions and cervical change after at least 24 hours of oxytocin administration, with artificial membrane rupture if feasible
First-stage arrest: 6 cm or greater dilation with membrane rupture and no cervical change for
≥4 hours of adequate contractions (>200 Montevideo units (MVUs))
≥6 hours if contractions are inadequate
Second-stage arrest: No progress (descent or rotation) for
≥4 hours in nulliparous women with an epidural
≥3 hours in nulliparous women without an epidural
≥3 hours in multiparous women with an epidural
≥2 hours in multiparous women without an epidural
Bandl’s ring: Pathological retraction ring or constriction of uterus that develops with prolonged obstructed labors. Associated with thinning of lower uterine segment. May also occur between delivery of first and second twin
Prolonged first stage has been associated with increased risk of chorioamnionitis, but this is not an indication for CD
Duration of second stage and association with
Neonatal outcomes: Results are conflicting. Some studies show no relationship between adverse outcomes and longer pushing duration; however, others have shown adverse outcomes (5 min Apgar <7, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission, increased neonatal morbidity)
Maternal outcomes: More adverse outcomes with longer duration, such as higher rates of puerperal infection, third/fourth degree perineal lacerations, and postpartum hemorrhage. Also decreased probability of spontaneous vaginal delivery as time increases. After a ≥3 hour second stage, one of four nulliparas and one of three multiparas women deliver spontaneously
Performing low or outlet operative deliveries in fetuses not believed to be macrosomic may reduce risk of CD
*ACOG/SMFM obstetric care consensus. Safe prevention of the primary cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol. 2014;123:693–711.
Most common indications
Labor arrest (34%)
Abnormal or indeterminate (formerly nonreassuring) FHR (23%)
Fetal malpresentation (17%)
Multiple gestation (7%)
Suspected fetal macrosomia (4%)
See Table 1-4 for ACOG/SMFM Recommendations for Safe Prevention of Primary Cesarean Delivery
Recommendations: Safe Prevention of the Primary Cesarean Delivery (CD) |
First Stage of Labor |
Prolonged latent phase (>20 hours in nulliparas; >14 hours in multiparas) is not an indication for CD |
Cervical dilation of 6 cm should be threshold for active phase in labor |
CD for active-phase arrest in first stage if:
Second Stage of Labor |
Before diagnosing arrest of labor (if maternal/fetal status allows):
Operative vaginal delivery (by experienced/trained physicians) is a safe alternative to CD |
Manual rotation of fetal occiput (if malposition) is reasonable prior to performing operative vaginal delivery/CD. Assess fetal position |
Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring |
Consider amnioinfusion for repetitive variable fetal heart rate decelerations |
Scalp stimulation can assess fetal acid-base status |
Induction of Labor (IOL) |
If <41-0/7 weeks, IOL generally performed for maternal/fetal indications |
If ≥41-0/7 weeks, IOL generally performed to reduce risk of CD/perinatal morbidity and mortality |
Cervical ripening methods should be utilized if cervix is unfavorable |
Before diagnosing failed IOL (if maternal/fetal status allows):
Other |
Assess fetal presentation beginning at 36-0/7 weeks to allow for external cephalic version |
Limit offering CD for suspected fetal macrosomia unless estimated fetal weight is:
Counsel patients on Institute of Medicine weight guidelines to avoid excessive weight gain |
In twin gestation, if presentation is either cephalic/cephalic or cephalic/noncephalic, women should be counseled to attempt vaginal delivery. Outcomes are not improved with CD |
Preterm | 20-0/7-36-6/7 |
Late preterm | 34-0/7-36-6/7 |
Early term | 37-0/7-38-6/7 |
Full term | 39-0/7-40-6/7 |
Late term | 41-0/7-41-6/7 |
Post term | ≥42-0/7 |
Medically Indicated Late Preterm and Early Term Delivery (Table 1-5)
Early Term Delivery
Non-medically indicated delivery before full term (39 weeks) is not appropriate
Differences in morbidity and mortality between neonates delivered at 37 (and 38) weeks compared with 39 weeks are consistent across multiple studies
Adverse neonatal outcomes in Early Term deliveries:
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Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
Transient tachypnea of the newborn
Ventilator use
NICU admission
5-minute Apgar <7
Neonatal mortality
Although greatest risks of Early Term delivery are respiratory, nonrespiratory morbidity is also increased. Documenting fetal lung maturity does NOT justify early nonindicated delivery
A reduction of nonindicated deliveries before 39 weeks should not be accompanied by an increase in expectant management of those with maternal or fetal indications for delivery before 39 weeks
Late Term and Post Term
Risk factors for Post Term (about 5% of pregnancies): Nulliparity, prior post term pregnancy, male fetus, maternal obesity, possible genetic predisposition, fetal disorders (anencephaly, placental sulfatase deficiency)
Post Term associated with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality
Neonatal convulsions, meconium aspiration syndrome, 5-minute Apgars <4, NICU admission
Increased risk of macrosomia (twofold), increasing risk of operative and CD, and shoulder dystocia
More frequent oligohydramnios (increasing risk of FHR abnormalities, meconium, umbilical cord pH <7)
Increased fetal mortality compared to 40 weeks
41 weeks—1.5 fold; 42 weeks—1.8 fold; 43 weeks—2.9 fold
Post Term associated with increased maternal risks:
Severe perineal lacerations, infection, postpartum hemorrhage, CD
Trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) failure rate increases with GA
Before 40 weeks: 22.2% failure rate
After 41 weeks: 35.4% failure rate
Fetal testing: Start at 41-0/7 weeks. Insufficient data to define optimal type/frequency. Twice weekly modified biophysical profiles (BPPs) [Nonstress test (NST) + amniotic fluid index (AFI)] or BPPs are reasonable
Membrane sweeping reduces risk of late term and post term
Induce labor after 42-0/7 weeks
Condition | Delivery Timing |
Placenta previa | 36-0/7–37-6/7 |
Placenta previa and suspected accreta, increta, percreta | 34-0/7–35-6/7 |
Prior classical CD | 36-0/7–37-6/7 |
Prior myomectomy | 37-0/7–38-6/7 |
IUGR (singleton) – otherwise uncomplicated | 38-0/7–39-6/7 |
IUGR (singleton), with oligohydramnios, abnormal Dopplers, maternal co-morbidity (eg, preeclampsia, chronic hypertension) | 34-0/7–37–6/7 |
Oligohydramnios | 36-0/7–37-6/7 |
Preterm premature rupture of membranes | 34-0/7 |
Maternal Hypertension | |
• Chronic, controlled on no medications | 38-0/7–39-6/7 |
• Chronic, controlled on medications | 37-0/7–39-6/7 |
• Chronic, difficult to control | 36-0/7–37-6/7 |
• Gestational | 37-0/7–38-6/7 |
• Preeclampsia – severe | At diagnosis after 34-0/7 |
• Preeclampsia – mild | At diagnosis after 37-0/7 |
Maternal Diabetes | |
• Pregestational, well controlled and no other complications | 39-0/7–40-0/7 |
• Pregestational with vascular complications | 37-0/7–39-6/7 |
• Pregestational, poorly controlled | Individualized |
• Gestational, well controlled on diet or medications | 39-0/7–41-0/7 |
• Gestational, poorly controlled | Individualized |
Twins: | |
• Di-Di twins | 38-0/7–38-6/7 |
• Mono-Di twins | 34-0/7–37-6/7 |
• Di-Di, isolated IUGR | 36-0/7–37-6/7 |
• Di-Di, IUGR with abnormal Dopplers, maternal co-morbidity (eg, preeclampsia, chronic hypertension) | 32-0/7–34-6/7 |
• Mono-Di, isolated IUGR | 32-0/7–34-6/7 |
Although often stated that IOL increases rate of CD, the relationship between IOL and CD is controversial. Data are insufficient!
When IOL is compared to expectant management, either NO difference in CD or a decreased risk of CD has been reported in women undergoing IOL
Predictors of successful vaginal delivery: Multiparity, favorable cervix
Cervical ripening methods should be used with an unfavorable cervix as they are associated with a lower rate of CD
Latent phase is longer in IOL
Elective IOL should not be performed before 39-0/7 weeks (increased neonatal morbidity and mortality)
No consensus on IOL versus expectant management at full term (39-0/7–40-6/7 weeks)
No single definition to differentiate favorable from unfavorable
Bishop Scoring System has been used (Table 1-6). Originally developed to predict likelihood of multiparous women at term to enter spontaneous labor. Generally
Favorable: Bishop’s score >8 has same likelihood of vaginal delivery with IOL as spontaneous labor
Unfavorable: Bishop’s score ≤6
Score | Dilation (cm) | Effacement (%) | Station* | Consistency | Position |
0 | Closed | 0–30 | −3 | Firm | Posterior |
1 | 1–2 | 40–50 | −2 | Medium | Midposition |
2 | 3–4 | 60–70 | −1,0 | Soft | Anterior |
3 | 5–6 | 80 | +1,+2 | – | – |
PGE1–Misoprostol (Cytotec®)
Effective for ripening and induction
Most common complication is tachysystole (with or without FHR changes)
Optimal dose and dosing interval not known
Previous uterine scar
Misoprostol 25 μg is placed in the posterior fornix of the vagina
Frequency of administration: Every 3–6 hours
Higher dose (50 μg) may be appropriate in certain cases; however, there is a greater risk of tachysystole
Oral dosing is possible (buccal, sublingual); however, limited data are available
Oxytocin should not be administered <4 hours after last misoprostol dose
PGE2 – dinoprostone (Cervidil®, Prepidil®)
Cervidil®: Dinoprostone 10 mg, timed-release vaginal insert, leave in up to 12 hours. Can remove if tachysystole or FHR abnormalities. Oxytocin may be started 30 minutes after removal
Prepidil®: Dinoprostone 0.5 mg in 2.5 mL gel for endocervical administration. Repeat dose in 6–12 hours. Maximum dose 1.5 mg in 24 hours. Oxytocin should not be started prior to 6–12 hours after final dose
Previous uterine scar
Caution if glaucoma, severe hepatic or renal dysfunction, or asthma
Directly dilate cervix
Cause release of prostaglandins
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Balloon Catheters (Foley Bulb)
Placenta previa, vasa previa, low-lying placenta
Place using aseptic technique. Insert either under direct visualization (use ring forcep and pass through cervical os) or place similar to an intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC)
Instill 30–60 mL saline into balloon; apply traction (tape to inner thigh)
If bleeding or resistance, discontinue
No consensus on management of Foley bulb in setting of ruptured membranes
Foley bulb plus oxytocin does not appear to shorten time to delivery when compared to Foley bulb alone
Osmotic Dilators
Laminaria Tents
Absorb moisture and gradually expand
Removed after 12–24 hours
Designed for first and second trimester termination
No large-scale trials for term cervical ripening
Membrane Sweeping
Increases likelihood of spontaneous labor within 48 hours. Insufficient data for recommendations if GBS (+)
Insufficient evidence on amniotomy alone for IOL; however, with oxytocin, may be shorter interval to delivery
Gradual increase in uterine response to oxytocin from 20 to 30 weeks, then plateaus from 34 weeks until term. Sensitivity then increases with spontaneous labor
Uterus responds within 3–5 minutes; steady level in plasma by 40 minutes
Various protocols exist; institutions typically standardize their own protocols
Low-dose oxytocin protocols typically involve increases of 1–2 mU/min every 15–40 minutes.
High-dose oxytocin protocols may involve increases of 3–6 mU/min every 15–40 minutes
At Johns Hopkins, our high-dose protocol is 4 mU/min increases every 15 minutes
40 mU/min is usually maximum dose
Increase oxytocin per protocol until an adequate contraction pattern is achieved
Adequate labor in MVUs: 200
Dilation and evacuation (D&E) is associated with fewer complications than IOL
Rare complications of both D&E and IOL include hemorrhage, cervical laceration, retained products of conception, infection; uterine perforation in D&E; and uterine rupture in IOL
IOL may be preferable at times (fetal anomalies, genetic disorders)—intact fetus
Adding mifepristone, a progesterone receptor antagonist that primes the uterus and cervix, appears to shorten expulsion time
With IOL, consider premedicating for fever/nausea/vomiting/diarrhea. IV PCA or epidural for pain management
See Table 1-7 for IOL regimens for second trimester termination of pregnancy
ACOG (up to 26 weeks) | Society of Family Planning (24–28 weeks) | |
Mifepristone Plus Misoprostol |
| |
Misoprostol |
| |
Oxytocin (if misoprostol not available) |
14-0/7–26-0/7 weeks: Oxytocin 200 units in 500 mL NS at 50 mL/h (20 units/h)
Place laminaria prior to starting oxytocin
High doses for prolonged periods of time can lead to water retention and hyponatremia
Check electrolytes after 7–12 hours
26-1/7–28-0/7: Oxytocin 200 units in 500 mL NS at 25 mL/h (10 units/h)
If placenta has NOT delivered: Can start Oxytocin 40 units in 100 mL NS at 50 mL/h
If D&C, antibiotic prophylaxis with doxycycline (100 mg IV) or cefazolin (2 g IV)
Rates are declining
Account for approximately 3.6% of births in the United States (vacuum:forceps is 4:1)
Failure to result in delivery: Forceps 0.4%; vacuum 0.8%
Fetal (nonreassuring fetal status) and maternal (exhaustion, prolonged second stage, maternal comorbidities such as heart disease) indications
Do not switch from vacuum to forceps or vice-versa due to increased neonatal morbidity
Prior to performing, ensure
Fetal position and station
Adequate maternal anesthesia
Empty maternal bladder
Personnel for neonatal resuscitation are available if needed
Contraindicated if under 34 weeks gestation or estimated fetal weight is <2500 g
A maximum of three “pop-offs,” three sets of pulls, and/or a total vacuum application time of 15–30 minutes is commonly recommended. No data-based guidelines are available
Application (Figure 1-5)
Apply at “flexion point”—center of cup approximately 3 cm in front of posterior fontanelle and 6 cm from anterior fontanelle
Avoid placing over fontanelles
Palpate around entire cup after placement to verify maternal tissue is not under cup
Consider lowering suction level between contractions
Do not attempt to rotate the fetal head or use rocking movements
Maximum suction pressure should not exceed 600 mm Hg
Fetal risks (Figure 1-6)
Retinal hemorrhages (20–40%)
Superficial abrasions (10%)
Cephalohematoma (delineated by suture lines, limited in size) (14–16%)
Clinically significant fetal risks
Subgaleal hemorrhage (2.6–4.5%). Bleeding not contained by sutures
Intracranial hemorrhage (<0.5%)
Skull fracture (<0.5%)
Figure 1-7
Forceps placement. A. The forceps are symmetrically placed and articulated. B. The direction of gentle traction for delivery of the head is indicated (arrow). (Used with permission from Cunningham F, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, et al. Chapter 29. Operative vaginal delivery. In: Cunningham F, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, et al., eds. Williams Obstetrics. 24th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2013.)

Sagittal suture should be perpendicular to the plane of the forcep shanks
Posterior fontanelle should be midway between blades and one finger’s breadth above plane of shanks
With fenestrated blades, a small but equal amount of fenestration should be felt on each blade
Facial nerve injury (<0.5%)
Cephalohematoma (2%)
Depressed skull fracture
Maternal: Third and fourth degree lacerations (13–44%)
Type | Classification |
Outlet |
Low |
Mid |
High |
Classical instruments
Elliot type
Overlapping shanks
Short, rounder cephalic curve
Best for round, unmolded heads, no caput
Examples: Tucker–McLane, Elliot
Simpson type
Parallel, separated shanks
Long, tapering cephalic curve
Fit better on longer, molded heads
Examples: DeLee, Irving
First degree | Superficial laceration of vaginal mucosa. May extend into skin at introitus |
Second degree | Laceration that involves the vaginal mucosa and perineal body. May extend to the transverse perineal muscles and requires repair |
Third degree | Laceration that extends into the muscle of the perineum and may involve the transverse perineal muscles and external anal sphincter. Does not involve rectal mucosa |
Fourth degree | Involves rectal mucosa |
Per ACOG, “The best available data do not support liberal or routine use of episiotomy … there is a place for episiotomy for maternal or fetal indications, such as avoiding severe maternal lacerations or facilitating or expediting difficult deliveries”
Median: “Midline” (Figure 1-8)
Place fingers between fetal head and perineum. Incise 2–3 cm aiming at 6:00
Extends to the transverse perineal muscles
Easier repair; better healing
Greater risk of extension into a third or fourth degree
Mediolateral: 45 degrees from midline
Similar technique with scissors aimed at 5:00 or 7:00, toward ipsilateral ischial tuberosity
Bulbospongiosus is main muscle that is incised
More difficult to repair
Increased blood loss
Increased pain
Antibiotic prophylaxis should be considered with third and fourth degree repairs—single dose of a second-generation cephalosporin or clindamycin if allergic to penicillin
Figure 1-9
Laceration repair. A. Reapproximate anorectal mucosa and submucosa in a running or interrupted fashion using 4–0 chromic or Vicryl. Place sutures approximately 0.5 cm apart down to the anal verge. B. A second layer is placed through the rectal muscularis using 3–0 Vicryl in a running or interrupted fashion. This “reinforcing layer” should incorporate the torn ends of the internal anal sphincter, the glistening white fibrous structure between the anal canal submucosa and the fibers of the external anal sphincter (EAS). The internal sphincter may retract laterally. C. End-to-end approximation of the EAS: a suture is placed through the EAS muscle, and four to six interrupted 2–0 or 3–0 Vicryl sutures are placed at the 3, 6, 9, and 12 o’clock positions through the connective tissue capsule of the sphincter. Grasp EAS tissue with Allis clamps. Place posterior then inferior sutures first. D. Sutures through the EAS (blue suture) and inferior capsule wall. E. Sutures to reapproximate the anterior and superior walls of the EAS capsule. Complete repair as typical second degree laceration (not shown). Place anchor stitch above the wound apex using 2–0 or 3–0 suture (Vicryl) and reapproximate vaginal mucosa with interlocking stitches. After reapproximating the hymenal ring, the needle and suture are positioned to close the perineal incision and a continuous closure with absorbable 2–0 or 3–0 suture is used to close the fascia and muscles of the incised perineum. The continuous suture is then carried upward as a subcuticular stitch. The final knot is tied proximal to the hymenal ring. (Used with permission from Cunningham F, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, et al. Chapter 27. Vaginal Delivery. In: Cunningham F, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, et al., eds. Williams Obstetrics. 24th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2013.

End-End Repair
Grasp ends of the external anal sphincter muscle and capsule with Allis clamps
Place interrupted sutures at the 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, and 12:00 positions through the capsule of the sphincter. Place the inferior and posterior sutures first
Repair second degree in typical fashion
Overlapping Repair
Alternative method
Current data do not suggest this repair provides superior results compared to end-end
Identify apex
For rectal mucosa, use 4-0 suture in running or locking fashion. Should not penetrate mucosal layer. Place reinforcing layer through rectal muscularis (3-0 suture) in running or interrupted fashion
Repair third degree as above
Trial of labor (TOL) or trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC): A planned attempt to labor by a woman with a previous CD
VBAC: Vaginal birth after cesarean; successful trial of labor
Unsuccessful or failed TOL: CD after a TOL
Elective repeat CD: Planned CD in woman with one or more prior CDs
Evidence suggests that women with at least a 60–70% chance of VBAC have equal or less maternal morbidity when they undergo TOLAC than women undergoing repeat CD. If less than 60% chance of success, more chance of morbidity with TOLAC
Success rates for trials of labor are consistently high (overall: 60–80%)
VBAC Calculator:
Factors Associated with Increased Success
Prior vaginal birth
Spontaneous labor
Nonrecurring indication (ie, breech)
Birth weight <4000 g
Prior successful VBAC. Rate of VBAC increases with each prior VBAC.
No prior SVD: 63% VBAC
Prior SVD before CD: 83% VBAC
Prior VBAC: 94% VBAC
Factors Associated with Decreased Success
Recurrent indication for initial CD (ie, second stage arrest)
Increased maternal age
Nonwhite ethnicity
GA >40 weeks
Maternal obesity
Short interpregnancy interval
Increased neonatal birth weight
Labor augmentation/induction
Uterine rupture: Complete separation of all uterine layers leading to possible fetal or maternal compromise
Uterine scar dehiscence: Often an occult scar separation with intact uterine serosa; does not lead to fetal or maternal compromise
Rate of symptomatic uterine rupture for women who undergo TOL: 0.7–0.8%. See Table 1-9 for Rates of Uterine Rupture according to prior uterine incision type
Low vertical uterine incision: LIMITED DATA. ACOG says likely same success rate as low transverse; NIH says “increased” risk of rupture
Unknown scar: Only a problem if high clinical suspicion of previous classical CD
Women with more than one prior CD
Per ACOG: Limited data; however, it is reasonable to attempt TOLAC in patients with two previous CDs. One large study showed no increase in uterine rupture rates with multiple prior CDs (0.9% versus 0.7% with one CD); another found increase from 0.9% with one prior CD to 1.8% with two prior CDs
Labor augmentation/induction
Oxytocin: Possible increase in risk of rupture (up to 1.5% versus 0.8% with spontaneous labor)
Misoprostol: Increased risk of rupture
Single versus double layer uterine closure: conflicting data; studies suggest possible decreased uterine rupture in 2 layer closure versus 1 layer closure
Twins: Similar outcomes to singletons. No increased risk
Nonreassuring FHR pattern with decelerations or bradycardia
Loss of station
New onset intense uterine pain
Vaginal bleeding
No data suggest monitoring with IUPC is superior to external monitoring to prevent uterine rupture
External cephalic version (ECV) is not contraindicated in women with prior CD if appropriate candidate for TOLAC and ECV
Effective regional anesthesia may be used and will not mask signs and symptoms of uterine rupture
TOLAC should be undertaken at facilities equipped to perform immediate emergency deliveries
Low-Lying Placenta
Placental edge within 2 cm of internal os
Follow-up ultrasound recommended at 32 weeks gestation
Vaginal delivery more likely if placental edge is 10–20 mm from os
Placenta Previa
Placenta covers internal os
Follow-up ultrasound recommended at 32 weeks gestation
Incidence of placenta previa: 1:200 births
Risk factors for placenta previa: Previous CD, maternal age, smoking, multiples, multiparity, previous uterine curettage
Placenta covers os in about 5% of pregnancies midpregnancy; the majority resolve when the upper third of cervix develops into lower uterine segment; placenta “migrates” away
Presentation: Painless vaginal bleeding (most commonly around 34 weeks)
On 32 week follow-up ultrasound: If still low-lying or previa, follow-up transvaginal ultrasound recommended at 36 weeks
Definitions: Abnormal attachment of the placenta to the uterine wall. See Figure 1-10
Accreta: General term used to describe condition when placenta invades and is inseparable from uterine wall
Increta: Invasion into myometrium
Percreta: Invasion through myometrium and serosa, occasionally into adjacent organs such as the bladder
Occurs in approximately 3:1000 deliveries
Risk Factors
Placenta previa, especially if prior CD (Table 1-10)
Prior uterine surgery
Increasing parity
Maternal age >35
Sensitivity: 77%
Specificity: 96%
Positive predictive value: 65%
Negative predictive value: 98%
Sensitivity and specificity are comparable with ultrasound
May be useful to determine extent of invasion and involvement of abdominal/adnexal structures or when ultrasound is nondiagnostic
Average blood loss at delivery is 3–5 L
90% require blood transfusion
40% require more than 10 units of packed red blood cells
About two-thirds require cesarean hysterectomy
Maternal mortality is as high as 7%
Management of suspected placenta accreta
Timing of delivery must be individualized. PLANNED delivery is associated with fewer complications and less blood loss
Multidisciplinary team, including pelvic surgeon (eg, gynecologic oncologist)
Maternal and neonatal outcome is optimized in stable patients with planned delivery at 34 weeks without amniocentesis for FLM
Avoid manual removal of placenta. Leave placenta in situ → hysterectomy
Infection in newborn within first week of life. (Late Onset GBS—infant older than 6 days)
Leading infectious cause of morbidity and mortality in infants in the United States
Mortality higher among preterm (about 20–30% if ≤33 weeks versus 2–3% in full term)
Risk factors for early-onset GBS disease in infants
Maternal genital tract colonization (10–30% of pregnant women)
GBS UTI any time during pregnancy (2–7% of women). Surrogate for heavy maternal colonization (even if vaginal-rectal swab is negative)
GA less than 37-0/7 weeks
Prolonged rupture of membranes (≥18 hours)
Intra-amniotic infection (≥38.0 C)
Young maternal age
Black race
Previous delivery of infant with invasive GBS disease
Collect at 35–37 weeks GA in all women unless diagnosed with GBS bacteriuria in this pregnancy or previous infant with invasive GBS disease
Swab lower vagina (introitus), followed by the rectum (through anal sphincter)
If planned CD
Patients should still undergo routine screening for GBS at 35–37 weeks. Onset of labor or rupture of membranes (ROM) may occur before the planned CD
Administer antibiotics IF labor/ROM
Results good for 5 weeks
Appropriate antibiotics ≥4 hours before delivery highly effective. Shorter duration (≥2 hours) may provide some protection
No medically indicated obstetric procedure should be delayed to achieve 4 hours of prophylaxis prior to delivery
Indications for prophylaxis (Table 1-11)
Antibiotic recommendations (Figure 1-11)
Penicillin is the agent of choice; ampicillin is an acceptable alternative
Increasing resistance to erythromycin (25–32%) and clindamycin (13–20%)
Erythromycin NO LONGER recommended
Algorithm for GBS Prophylaxis in Preterm Labor (Figure 1-12)
Intrapartum GBS Prophylaxis Indicated | Intrapartum GBS Prophylaxis Not Indicated |
Number of contractions in a 10-minute window, averaged over 30 minutes
Normal: ≤5 contractions in 10 minutes, averaged over a 30-minute window
Tachysystole: >5 contractions in 10 minutes averaged over a 30-minute window
Always note presence/absence of associated FHR decelerations
Applies to both spontaneous and induced labor
The terms hyperstimulation and hypercontractility are not defined and should be abandoned!
Baseline: Mean FHR (rounded to 5 bpm) in 10-minute window, excluding accels, decels, and periods of marked variability (>25 bpm). Baseline must be for at least 2 (not necessarily contiguous) minutes in any 10-minute segment
Normal: 110–160 bpm
Tachycardia: >160 bpm for 10 minutes or longer
Bradycardia: <110 bpm for 10 minutes or longer
Variability: Fluctuations in baseline FHR that are irregular in amplitude and frequency
Absent: Amplitude from peak to trough undetectable
Minimal: Amplitude from peak to trough detectable but ≤5 bpm
Moderate: Amplitude from peak to trough 6–25 bpm
Marked: Amplitude from peak to trough >25
Accelerations: Abrupt increase (onset to peak <30 seconds) in the FHR
At ≥32 weeks, acceleration has peak of ≥15 bpm above baseline, with a duration of ≥15 seconds but <2 minutes from onset to return
Before 32 weeks, acceleration has peak of ≥10 bpm above baseline, with a duration of ≥10 seconds but <2 minutes from onset to return
Prolonged acceleration: ≥2 minutes and <10 minutes
If an acceleration lasts >10 minutes it is a baseline change
Decelerations: Decrease in FHR associated with contractions or other physiologic events. Periodic decelerations are abrupt (peak <30 seconds) or gradual (peak >30 seconds); recurrent if occur with ≥50% of contractions in any 20-minute window; intermittent if occur in less than 50% of contractions (see Figure 1-13)
Early Deceleration
Usually symmetrical, gradual decrease and return of FHR associated with a contraction
From the onset to the FHR nadir of ≥30 seconds
Nadir of deceleration occurs at the same time as peak of contraction
Decrease ≤15 bpm below FHR baseline
In most cases, onset, nadir, and recovery are coincident with the beginning, peak, and end of contraction
Due to head compression
Late Deceleration
Usually symmetrical, gradual decrease and return of FHR associated with a contraction
From the onset to FHR nadir reached of ≥30 seconds
Deceleration is delayed in timing—nadir occurs after peak of contraction
In most cases, onset, nadir, and recovery occur after the beginning, peak, and end of contraction
Reflect transient or chronic uteroplacental insufficiency
Variable Deceleration
Abrupt decrease in FHR—from the onset to FHR nadir of <30 seconds
Decrease in FHR is ≥15 bpm, lasting ≥15 seconds, and <2 minutes duration
If progress to greater depth and longer duration, more indicative of impending fetal acidemia
Due to cord or head compression. Can occur at any time
When associated with contractions, onset, depth, and duration may vary
Prolonged Deceleration
Visually apparent decrease in FHR below the baseline
Decrease in FHR is ≥15 bpm, lasting ≥2 minutes, but <10 minutes
If lasts ≥10 minutes or longer, it is a baseline change
Sinusoidal Pattern: Smooth, sine wave–like undulating pattern with a cycle frequency of 3–5 per minute which persists for ≥20 minutes
Ominous pattern; seen with chronic fetal anemia
Actual FHR baseline is indeterminable and baseline variability is absent/minimal
Pseudosinusoidal pattern seen when narcotics given in labor
Fetal Tachycardia: Potential causes: Chorioamnionitis, pyelonephritis, other maternal infections, medications (terbutaline, cocaine, stimulants), hyperthyroidism, placental abruption, fetal bleeding, fetal tachyarrhythmias
Prolonged Decelerations/Fetal Bradycardia: Potential causes: Maternal hypotension (post-epidural), umbilical cord prolapse/occlusion, rapid fetal descent, tachysystole, placental abruption, uterine rupture, congenital heart abnormalities
Minimal Variability: Potential causes: Maternal medications (opioids, magnesium sulfate), fetal sleep cycle (20–60 minutes), fetal acidemia
Category I | Baseline: 110–160 bpm Baseline FHR variability: moderate Late or variable decelerations: absent Early decelerations: present or absent Accelerations: present or absent |
Category II | Baseline rate
Baseline FHR variability
Periodic or episodic decelerations
Category III | Absent baseline FHR variability and any of the following:
Sinusoidal pattern |
Continue expectant management
Require evaluation, continued surveillance, initiation of appropriate corrective measures, and reevaluation.
FHR accelerations and/or moderate variability are highly predictive of normal fetal acid–base status
Abnormal; increased risk for fetal acidemia
Associated with increased risk for neonatal encephalopathy, cerebral palsy (CP), neonatal acidosis
Predictive value for abnormal neurologic outcome is poor
If unresolved by intrauterine resuscitative measures (Table 1-13), typically requires expeditious delivery
Goal | Associated Fetal Heart Rate Abnormalitya | Potential Intervention(s)b |
Improve fetal oxygenation and uteroplacental blood flow |
Take steps to diminish uterine activity |
Relieve umbilical cord compression |
Vibroacoustic stimulation (VAS): Position on maternal abdomen. Apply stimulus for 1–2 seconds. If response is not elicited, may repeat up to three times for progressively longer durations of up to 3 seconds. If acceleration of 10 beats for 10 seconds, scalp pH is at least 7.20
When fetal scalp stimulation is followed by an acceleration of 15 bpm lasting 15 seconds, the fetal pH value is at least 7.20
Apgar Score | |||
Sign | 0 Point | 1 Point | 2 Points |
Heart rate | Absent | <100 bpm | ≥100 bpm |
Respiratory effort | Absent | Weak cry, hypoventilation | Good, crying |
Muscle tone | Limp | Some extremity flexion | Active motion |
Reflex irritability | No response | Grimace | Cry or active withdrawal |
Color | Blue, pale | Acrocyanotic (body pink, extremities blue) | Completely pink |
Clinical tool to assess clinical status of newborn and response to resuscitative measures
Affected by many factors: Maternal sedation, anesthesia, congenital malformations, trauma, interobserver variability, infection, cardiorespiratory conditions
Five-minute Apgar has prognostic significance for survival. A score of 0–3 at 5 minutes correlates with neonatal mortality but does not predict later neurologic dysfunction
Not intended to define asphyxia injury or predict neurological outcome; however, low Apgar scores at 5 and 10 minutes confer an increased relative risk of CP. Yet most infants with low Apgar scores will not develop CP
If 5-minute Apgar is ≥7, unlikely that peripartum hypoxia-ischemia played a major role in causing neonatal encephalopathy
Umbilical cord artery metabolic acidemia has a relatively weak predictive value for longer-term complications, such as neonatal encephalopathy or CP
Neonatal arterial blood gases obtained within 1 hour after birth can be interpreted in a similar fashion to umbilical cord arterial blood gas samples
Obtaining Umbilical Cord Gases
Both arterial and venous should be sampled to ensure artery has been sampled
Doubly clamp cord. If delay in obtaining is more than 20 minutes, store on ice. Interpret base deficit with caution
pH, Po2, and Pco2 values remain essentially unchanged for up to 60 minutes in clamped vessels
If umbilical artery pH >7.2, unlikely that intrapartum hypoxia played a role in causing neonatal encephalopathy
Umbilical artery pH <7.0 or base deficit ≥12.0 mmol/L increases chances that neonatal encephalopathy (if present) had an intrapartum hypoxic component
Base deficit 12–16 mmol/L: 10% with moderate-severe complications
Base deficit >16 mmol/L: 40% with moderate to severe complications
Is a continuum of increasing risk of neonatal encephalopathy with worsening acidemia. Even with significant acidemia, most newborns will be neurologically normal
Primarily from a deficiency of pulmonary surfactant (produced by Type II pneumocytes), which increases surface tension, causing collapse of small alveoli and overinflation of large alveoli
Major cause of morbidity and mortality in preterm infants
Incidence (Table 1-15)
Increased risk if male or Caucasian (compared with Asian, Black, Hispanic)
Increased risk if delivered by CD
Elective CD at term
Compared to delivery at 39 weeks, the Odds Ratio of RDS with delivery at
37 weeks is 4.2
38 weeks is 2.1
Administration of antenatal corticosteroids reduces risk of RDS by enhancing maturational changes. (See Preterm Labor (PTL) section for more information)
Reduction in RDS (relative risk: 0.66; thus 34% reduction)
Reduction in moderate to severe RDS (relative risk: 0.55)
In original study, maximum benefit occurred when delivered more than 48 hours but less than 7 days after administration
Minimal interval between administering steroids and delivery needed to achieve benefit is not yet known
Some studies suggest benefits may be seen after several hours
Few indications
May help identify a fetus at risk of RDS; however, a positive FLM test does not reliably predict other adverse outcomes
Even if FLM testing is mature before 39 weeks, neonate is still at higher risk of adverse outcomes than neonate delivered after 39 weeks without FLM testing
FLM testing should not be performed when delivery is mandated for fetal or maternal indications
Various tests have been used
Lecithin-to-sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio
Phosphatidyl-glycerol (PG)—Detection
Lamellar body count
3–4% of term pregnancies
Decreases with increasing GA
Earlier GA with higher percentage of footling breech compared to later GA when most are frank breech
“The decision regarding the mode of delivery should depend on the experience of the health care provider …. Planned vaginal delivery of a term singleton breech fetus may be reasonable under hospital-specific protocol guidelines for both eligibility and labor management” [ACOG Committee Opinion No. 340, July 2006]
Spontaneous delivery: No traction or manipulation of fetus. Often occurs in very preterm, previable, deliveries
Assisted breech delivery (partial breech extraction): Most common type of vaginal breech. Fetus delivers spontaneously up to umbilicus. Maneuvers used to assist in the delivery of the remainder of the body, arms, and head
Total breech extraction: Feet grasped; entire fetus extracted. Ideally, it should be used only for second twin; not singleton as cervix may not be dilated to allow passage of head
Leave fetal membranes intact as long as possible to act as dilating wedge and prevent cord prolapse
Do not exert traction until fetal umbilicus is past perineum
Pinard maneuver may be needed to deliver legs (after fetal umbilicus reached). Exert pressure in popliteal space of knee and flex knee; guide thigh away from trunk as trunk is rotated in opposite direction (Figure 1-16)
With thumbs over sacrum and fingers resting on anterior superior iliac crests (to minimize soft tissue injury), apply gentle, steady downward/outward traction until scapulae are visible (Figure 1-17)
Maternal expulsive efforts will assist
Lovsett maneuver to deliver extended or nuchal arms. Slide 2 fingers along humerus until elbow is reached. Sweep forearm across chest and out of vagina
Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit maneuver: May be needed to deliver fetal head.
Principle is traction down the axis of the birth canal and flexion of the fetal head (Figure 1-18)
Index and middle finger on fetal maxilla
During delivery of the head, avoid extreme elevation of the body, which may result in hyperextension of the cervical spine and potential neurologic injury
Figure 1-18
A. Flexion of the head is maintained by suprapubic pressure provided by an assistant. B. Pressure on the maxilla is applied simultaneously by the operator as upward and outward traction is exerted. (Used with permission from Cunningham F, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, et al. Chapter 28. Breech delivery. In: Cunningham F, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, et al., eds. Williams Obstetrics. 24th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2013.)

Consider IV nitroglycerin (50–100 μg)
Dührssen Incisions: See Figure 1-19. Bandage scissors used to make one to three incisions extending the full length of the cervical lip, typically at 2 and 10 o’clock, possibly 6 o’clock also. Incisions may extend into lower uterine segment or broad ligament and may injure uterine vessels, ureter, and bladder
Piper Forceps: Designed to deliver the aftercoming head. See Figure 1-20
Grasp one or both (preferably) feet (Figure 1-21)
Apply traction on feet and ankles
Gentle downward traction until hips are delivered
Deliver with typical breech maneuvers
Associated with multiparity, cephalopelvic disproportion, fetal anomalies (anencephaly, anterior neck mass), macrosomia, platypelloid pelvis, prematurity, and PPROM.
Occurs in 1:500 live births
Majority in mentum anterior position (about 60%)
Approximately 26% will be in mentum posterior position
Nearly one-third to one-half in mentum transverse and mentum posterior positions will spontaneously convert to mentum anterior position during labor
Only mentum anterior are likely to deliver vaginally. As chin passes under symphysis, slight flexion may occur
Persistent mentum posterior will not deliver vaginally (unless very preterm). CD is indicated
Occurs in about 1:500 to 1:1500 deliveries
If persistent, not compatible with vaginal birth unless fetus is very small
50% will spontaneously convert to face or vertex presentation. Labor may progress with careful monitoring. Deliver by CD if arrest of progress
Women near term with breech presentation should be offered version attempt
Best GA to perform: Most common GA in trials is about 36 weeks. Per ACOG (Practice Bulletin No. 13, 2000), preferred candidates have completed 36 weeks of gestation (ie, may do at 36-0/7)
Needs to be performed in a facility with access to CD
Successful in 35–86%; average 58%
Short-term fetal bradycardia may be seen in more than 20%, but urgent CD for nonreassuring FHR occurs in less than 1% (1:600)
Tocolysis: Terbutaline 0.25 mg subcutaneously 5–10 minutes prior to procedure may increase success
Anesthesia: Conflicting evidence. A meta-analysis suggested success rates were higher with regional anesthesia (59.7% compared with 37.6%)
NST should be performed before and after procedure
No evidence is available to support immediate IOL after successful ECV
Contraindications: The usual contraindications to vaginal birth (ie, placenta previa, prior classical CD vasa previa)
Relative contraindications: Ruptured membranes, oligohydramnios, known uterine or fetal anomaly, unexplained uterine bleeding, active labor
Previous low segment transverse CD is NOT a contraindication. Similar success rates, but limited data on safety of procedure

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