Fig. 5.1
Median motor study stimulating at the wrist (a) and at the antecubital fossa (b), recording abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle

Fig. 5.2
Ulnar motor study stimulating at the wrist (a), below the elbow (b), and above the elbow (c), recording abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscle

Fig. 5.3
Ulnar motor study illustrating electrode placement for recording of the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle

Fig. 5.4
Phrenic motor study stimulating at the neck, recording the diaphragm

Fig. 5.5
Tibial motor study stimulating at the ankle (a) and popliteal fossa (b), recording abductor hallucis brevis (AHB) muscle

Fig. 5.6
Peroneal motor study stimulating at the ankle (a), below the fibular head (b), and popliteal fossa (c), recording extensor digitorum brevis (EDB) muscle

Fig. 5.7
Peroneal motor study stimulation below the fibular head (a) and popliteal fossa (b), recording tibialis anterior (TA) muscle
Table 5.1 Electrode Placement for Upper Limb and Phrenic Motor Nerve Conduction Studies
Stimulation site | Recording site |
Median nerve (to abductor pollicis brevis) | |
Distal stimulation site at wrist. Cathode placed at middle of proximal wrist crease (between tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis). Proximal stimulation site at antecubital fossa. Cathode placed just medial to biceps tendon. | G1 placed over belly of APB muscle. This is midpoint of first metacarpal bone alone lateral edge of thenar eminence (care needed to ensure electrode not placed too medially or it will overlie flexor pollicis brevis). G2 is over first MCP joint. |
Ulnar nerve (to abductor digiti minimi) | |
Stimulator placed at the medial wrist. Cathode placed at proximal wrist crease just lateral to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon. Proximal stimulation site (#1) on medial arm just about 5 cm distal to the ulnar styloid. Proximal stimulation site (#2) on medial, upper arm about 5 cm proximal to the ulnar styloid and in-between the belly of the biceps and triceps muscles. | G1 is placed over belly of ADM muscle which is located at the mid-point of the fifth metacarpal bone. G2 is over the fifth MCP joint. |
Ulnar nerve (to first dorsal interosseous) | |
Stimulator placed at the medial wrist. Cathode placed at proximal wrist crease just lateral to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon. Proximal stimulation sites as above. | G1 is placed over belly of FDI muscle on the dorsal aspect of the first webspace. G2 is placed over the first MCP joint or alternatively over the trapezoid bone (palpable prominence proximal to the shaft of the second metacarpal). |
Radial nerve (to extensor indices proprius) | |
Stimulator place on dorsolateral radius. Cathode is 8-10 cm proximal to G1 in adult limb. | G1 is placed on the belly of the EIP on the dorsal forearm, 5 cm proximal to the ulnar styloid. G2 is placed 4 cm distal to G1. |
Phrenic nerve (to diaphragm) | |
Stimulator is placed beneath the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (in posterior triangle of the neck) just above the clavicle. | G1 is placed 1–2 finger breadths above the xiphisternium. G2 is placed along the anterior costal margin in a straight line above the iliac crest)a. |
Table 5.2 Electrode Placement for Lower Limb Motor Nerve Conduction Studies
Stimulation site | Recording site |
Tibial nerve (to abductor hallucis) | |
Distal stimulation site at ankle. Cathode placed posterior to medial malleolus. Proximal stimulation site at mid-popliteal fossa. Stimulator should be pressed firmly inward and not allowed to angle laterally so as to avoid co-stimulation of peroneal nerve. | G1 placed below navicular prominence at the mid-point between the metatarsal phalangeal (MTP) joint and heel along the medial arch of the foot. G2 is placed over the first MTP joint. |
Common peroneal nerve (to extensor digitorum brevis) | |
Distal stimulation site at ankle. Cathode placed over the anterior ankle, above the level of the malleoli and just lateral to the tibialis anterior tendon. Proximal stimulation site (#1) at fibular head. Cathode is placed just below the fibular head and pressed in ward such that the cathode and anode span the fibular head. Proximal stimulation site (#2) at knee. Cathode is placed laterally in the popliteal fossa so that it rests just medial to the hamstring tendon. If placed too medially and/or if high stimulation is used this can cause co-stimulation of the nearby tibial nerve. | G1 is placed over belly of EDB muscle which is usually a visible prominence in line with the inferior border of the lateral malleolus. G2 is over the fifth MCP joint. |
Common peroneal nerve (to tibialis anterior) | |
Stimulator sites at the fibular head and the knee as described above. In cases of suspected mononeuropathy it is particularly helpful to study contralateral side. | G1 is placed over belly of TA in the anterior-lateral leg at the junction of the upper and middle 1/3-of the leg (i.e. 1/3 of the distance between the tibial tuberosity and the inter-malleolar line). G2 is placed over the distal tibialis anterior tendon at the level of the malleoli) |
For upper limb motor NCS in babies or in older children who wriggle, my preference is to study the ulnar motor nerve (to abductor digiti minimi (ADM) or first dorsal interosseous (FDI)) instead of the median nerve when possible. This is because positioning of the recording electrodes over the thenar eminence for a median motor study is less secure and an unwilling or upset child can remove them easily by making a fist or flexing the fingers. The study can be achieved more quickly and efficiently in these cases by studying the ulnar nerve to FDI, in which the recording electrodes are located on the dorsum of the hand.
The peroneal motor study recording EDB muscle is a straightforward and easily recorded lower limb motor recording in most children. For children under 6 months it is my preference to sample the posterior tibial motor nerve to AHB; this is also a convenient choice for repetitive nerve stimulation in neonates, when required. An additional benefit of choosing the tibial motor in the very youngest and smallest of children is that it permits accurate confirmation of the course of the posterior tibial nerve behind the medial malleolus and can help to guide placement of the recording electrodes for the medial plantar sensory study. This is one situation in which I will often perform the technically easier motor study before carrying out the sensory study.
Electrode Placement for Motor NCS
Recommended placements of stimulating and recording electrodes for routine pediatric studies of the limbs and trunk are presented in Table 5.1 and Figs. 5.1–5.7. In all cases an effort has been made to provide anatomical surface markings and distances to guide electrode placement. These are based on standard placement protocols in adults [27, 28]. However, the described positions utilize landmarks rather than fixed linear measures to allow for the size variability in children.
It is important to accord equal attention to placement of both the active (E1, also known as G1) and the reference (E2, also known as G2) electrodes. Although the reference is sometimes referred to as the “indifferent” electrode, it is well established that the tendon is not in fact electrically inactive. The placement of the reference has a major role in determining the morphology (whether bifid or simple) of the recorded CMAP [29].
As presented in Table 5.1, it is sometimes beneficial to choose an off-tendon site for the reference in order to achieve a sharp negative take-off for the CMAP. This is notably the case for ulnar motor recording from the first dorsal interosseous muscle. It is not infrequent to observe a prominent positive deflection in FDI CMAP recordings, even when the reference is placed over the second and not the first MCP joint, which many authors report to be preferable [30]. In my experience the trapezoid bone, an off-tendon site proposed by Seror, produces sharper take off for FDI than either of the MCP sites and it is therefore my preference [31].
The importance of standardizing placement of surface recording electrodes is emphasized by the work of Phongsamart and colleagues, which demonstrates that positioning of the reference influences not only CMAP morphology but also distal motor latencies [32].
Common Pitfalls in Stimulation and Recording
The presence of an initial positive deflection in the CMAP wave-form at conventional gain implies technical error and may be explained by one of two things. Firstly there may be mal positioning of either E1 (G1) relative to the motor-point (end-plate region) of the target muscle or there may be mal positioning of E2 (G2) leading to an abnormal electrical contribution from the reference. The second possibility is that positioning of the recording electrodes is accurate but that there is volume conduction from another source that is contaminating the recording; this occurs in situations of over-stimulation with subsequent radial spread of the stimulus to adjacent nerves (e.g., a median motor study causing co-excitation of ulnar-innervated thenar muscles because of spread of stimulus to the ulnar nerve at the wrist) [2].
Another effect of over-stimulation is longitudinal spread of the stimulus along the nerve beyond the site of the surface cathode. It is suggested that supramaximal stimulation of 15–20 mA results in longitudinal spread of stimulus current by some 3 mm, which produces depolarization at a more distal node of Ranvier. At stimuli of 60 mA (which may be required to elicit CMAPs in come demyelinating neuropathies), the extent of longitudinal spread can be as much as 12 mm; this affects latencies and alters calculations of motor conduction velocity [2].
The dangers of both radial and longitudinal spread of stimulus away from the site of the surface cathode are particularly real in children because of their smaller limbs. It is therefore required to strike a balance between using stimuli that are truly supramaximal and using stimuli that exceed this and which spread elsewhere. As a general rule, in the absence of demyelinating neuropathy, stimulus intensities of >50 mA can be avoided in almost all children unless it is required to stimulate very proximal sites such as Erb’s point, or the phrenic nerve in the neck; neither is a routine site of stimulation in children.
The possibility of under-stimulation in pediatric NCS is another potential pitfall, as in adults, but the risk of this occurring is higher in some pediatric situations when the child becomes uncomfortable and the neurophysiologist is tempted to rush through the nerve conduction studies and avoid escalating the distress. Under-stimulation can occur when the given stimulus is too low or when it is off-target with respect to the underlying motor nerve as may happen, for example, if the child is moving during the test. The consequence of under-stimulation is to give the impression of abnormally low CMAP amplitudes or to create an impression of motor conduction block (see below).
As discussed in Chap. 4, the small distances involved in pediatric EMG will also increase the likelihood and scale of error related to over- or under-measurement of distances for calculation of velocities. For this reason, the examiner must be consistent with positioning of the limbs (e.g., right angled measurement of ulnar motor nerve conduction around the elbow) in all cases.
It is important to be aware that marked drops (21–43%) in tibial CMAP amplitude from abductor hallucis normally occur between distal and proximal stimulation sites of stimulation. This is a product of phase cancellation and physiological temporal dispersion and should not be misinterpreted as motor conduction block without evidence of demyelination from other nerves [33]. The phenomenon is less marked in children, particularly in the very young where the distances between proximal and distal stimulation are relatively short. The second point is that for lower limb F-wave measurement it is best to choose the tibial and not the peroneal motor nerve, in which F-waves are harder to elicit without recourse to very high supramaximal stimuli.
Interpreting the Data
Interpreting Low Amplitude CMAPs
Having excluded technical artifact, the finding of reduced CMAP amplitudes can imply a range of physiological causes, some common, some quite rare. For simplicity these can be divided into those that derive from nerve, from the NMJ or from the muscle.

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