High-resolution optical coherence tomography can be used noninvasively to evaluate vaginal morphologic features, including epithelial thickness, to assess this protective barrier in transmission of sexually transmitted infections and to monitor tissue response to topical medications and hormonal fluctuations. We examined the use of optical coherence tomography to measure epithelial thickness noninvasively before and after topical treatment with a drug that causes epithelial thinning.
Study Design
Twelve female sheep were treated with intravaginal placebo (n = 4) or nonoxynol-9 (n = 8). Vaginal optical coherence tomography images were obtained before and 24 hours after treatment. Four sheep in the nonoxynol-9 group were also examined on days 3 and 7. Vaginal biopsies were obtained on the last examination day. Epithelial thickness was measured in optical coherence tomography images and in hematoxylin and eosin-stained histologic sections from biopsies. Statistical analysis was performed using analyses of variance (significance P < .05).
Baseline optical coherence tomography epithelial thickness measurements were similar (85 ± 19 μm placebo, 78 ± 20 μm nonoxynol-9; P = .52). Epithelial thinning was significant after nonoxynol-9 (32 ± 22 μm) compared with placebo (80 ± 15 μm) 24 hours after treatment ( P < .0001). In the 4 nonoxynol-9-treated sheep followed for 7 days, epithelial thickness returned to baseline by day 3, and increased significantly on day 7. Epithelial thickness measurements from histology were not significantly different than optical coherence tomography ( P = .98 nonoxynol-9, P = .93 hydroxyethyl cellulose).
Drug-induced changes in the epithelium were clearly detectable using optical coherence tomography imaging. Optical coherence tomography and histology epithelial thickness measurements were similar, validating optical coherence tomography as a noninvasive method for epithelial thickness measurement, providing an important tool for quantitative and longitudinal monitoring of vaginal epithelial changes.
The natural protective barrier provided by the vagina is vitally important to women’s health, as evidence indicates that the loss of this barrier has been linked to increased risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. In addition to this critical role of protection against pathogens, there are implications for drug delivery and mucosal vaccine development, both of which may be affected by changes in the vaginal epithelium because of hormonal fluctuations from the menstrual cycle or hormonal contraceptives.
The epithelial layer is an important component of the protective vaginal barrier, which also includes microflora, vaginal fluid, lamina propria, and immune cells. Changes in the integrity of the vaginal epithelium occur under the influence of hormones, inflammation, and infection, therefore being able to noninvasively characterize components of the vaginal barrier under various conditions would provide insight into enhancing its protective effect or identifying women at greater risk of infection because of diminished barrier function. A dramatic illustration of the hormonal effects on vaginal epithelium is seen in the macaque, which has large fluctuations in vaginal epithelial thickness during the menstrual cycle, with thicker epithelium in the follicular phase, and thinner epithelium in the luteal phase. In humans, epithelial thickness variations are also present, however, less pronounced, with epithelial thickness variations occurring during the menstrual cycle and with use of hormonal contraceptives. Both vaginal cell layer and epithelial thickness decrease in the luteal phase, with decreased epithelial thickness after depomedroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) treatment similar to that in the luteal phase.
Vaginal epithelial thickness may play a role in acquisition of sexually transmitted infections (STI). Genital ulcerative disease, with focal loss of the epithelial barrier, has been linked to an increased risk of HIV. Macaques are more likely to acquire simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) in the late luteal phase, and treatment with progestins, mimicking the luteal phase, leads to thinning of the vaginal epithelium and increased infection with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). In contrast, treatment with estrogen, which increases the vaginal epithelial thickness, is protective against SHIV infection. Clinical studies have shown a link between increased HIV incidence and the use of DMPA, a contraceptive that may thin the vaginal epithelium. Nonoxynol-9 (N-9), a spermicide with in vitro action against HIV that was tested for prevention of HIV in clinical trials, actually increased HIV acquisition, a finding that may be due in part to epithelial disruption and thinning. In addition to providing protection from STIs, the vagina is used as a route for drug or vaccine delivery; vaginal epithelial integrity and thickness can impact drug delivery and determine whether effects are local or systemic.
Historically, vaginal administration of drugs has been underused, but with new drug delivery mechanisms such as advances in intravaginal rings, the numbers of papers and patents related to vaginal drug delivery for local and systemic drug release have recently increased dramatically. Some current vaginally administered treatments for local or systemic effects include hormone replacement, contraception, infertility treatment, treatment of local infections, and, more recently topical microbicides, medications designed to prevent the acquisition of HIV and other STIs. The vagina is also being explored as a route for vaccine delivery. As the number of vaginally administered drugs continues to increase, it is increasingly important to understand drug and vaccine effects on vaginal physiology and microstructure. Drug delivery in the vagina relies on a variety of parameters, including drug properties, vaginal pH, characteristics of vaginal fluid and cervical mucus, and vaginal epithelial thickness. Vaginal epithelial thickness can be affected by local administration of drugs, as seen after treatment with N-9, with epithelial thinning considered a marker of drug toxicity. A noninvasive measure of vaginal epithelial thickness could be an important part of drug development to predict uptake of drug as well as drug safety.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) uses a noninvasive probe-based imaging system to achieve resolutions of 15-20 μm with depths of up to 1.5 mm, sufficient for visualization of the epithelial layer and underlying lamina propria. Its use has been explored in gynecology to image the lower reproductive tract to evaluate for dysplasia and to evaluate the epithelial response to drug treatment. These studies emphasized the use of visual-based scoring systems to describe changes in morphology of the epithelium and epithelial-stromal interface. In the toxicity studies, OCT was shown to be more sensitive when compared with standard method of colposcopy for detection of epithelial disruption.
In a sheep model characterized as a good model for the human vagina, we explored the use of OCT to measure vaginal epithelial thickness after the application of vaginal products and noninvasively monitored changes in the vaginal epithelial thickness over time. Whereas prior studies have focused on developing a scoring system for noninvasive assessment of epithelial disruption, the present study focuses on noninvasive longitudinal measurement of epithelial thickness, comparing OCT with histology findings. In this study, we used a compound known to cause epithelial thinning to show the ability of OCT to measure drug-induced epithelial thickness changes.
Materials and Methods
All animal studies were approved by the IACUC at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX. Twelve yearling female sheep were evaluated to determine whether epithelial changes were detectable after treatment with either hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) or N-9, to validate OCT epithelial thickness measurement with histology epithelial thickness, and to demonstrate the use of OCT for longitudinal observations of recovery of the vaginal epithelium after injury. The reproductive tract of the sheep has been used as a model for the evaluation of the vagina and cervix. Sheep were anesthetized with ketamine/diazepam and isoflurane, intubated, and positioned supine on a V-tilt table. A speculum was placed in the vagina and a colposcope used to visualize the vagina and cervix. The sheep were examined at baseline and after treatment during which OCT images of the vagina were obtained with the Imalux Niris OCT imaging system (Cleveland, OH) as previously described. After the baseline examination on day 0, the sheep were treated with a single 5 mL dose of the “universal placebo” HEC gel (Reprotect, Baltimore, MD) (n = 4) or 2% N-9 (Gynol-II; Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ) (n = 8) with the operators masked to treatment group. Twenty-four hours after treatment (day 1), colposcopy and OCT were repeated. In 4 sheep treated with N-9, examinations were also performed on posttreatment days 3 and 7. On the last day of the study (day 1 for 8 sheep; day 7 for 4 sheep treated with N-9), animals were euthanized and vaginal biopsies obtained at the site of OCT imaging. Biopsies were hematoxylin and eosin-stained and digital photographs of histology slides were obtained. Epithelial thickness of 12 OCT images per sheep per examination was measured with Presto 32 software at 3 points across each image. Epithelial thickness was measured on histology images from 4 vaginal biopsies per sheep using Image J at 9 points along the image. Both techniques used manual identification of epithelium and then line tools to measure the length of a line spanning from the surface to the epithelial-lamina propria boundary as previously described. Epithelial thickness measurements were compared using analyses of variance (ANOVA) with a value of P < .05 considered statistically significant. A power calculation was made based on preliminary data in the sheep model. With 4 sheep per group, the study had 81% power to detect a difference of 40 μm (approximately 3-4 cell layers of stratified squamous epithelial cells) between groups assuming a standard deviation of 16.5 μm.
OCT images show clear definition of the vaginal epithelium. Figure 1 shows posttreatment OCT images and corresponding histology images for the placebo and N-9 groups, with obvious thinning of the epithelium detected by OCT and histology in the group treated with N-9. The OCT images are in cross-section similar to standard histology orientation of epithelium with the z-axis reflecting depth into the tissue. The upper dark band represents the glass window of the imaging probe. The next moderately dark band represents the epithelium and the brighter band below the epithelium represents the lamina propria.

Figure 2 shows that mean vaginal epithelial thickness measured by OCT in the 2 treatment groups was not significantly different at baseline ( P = .52) (85 ± 19 μm HEC, 78 ± 20 μm N-9), however, epithelial thinning measured by OCT was significant in the N-9 group (32 ± 22 μm) when compared with the HEC group (80 ± 15 μm) ( P < .0001) 24 hours after treatment. After treatment, the N-9 group had significantly thinner epithelium than the HEC group when measured by histology as well ( P < .0001). After treatment with either HEC placebo or N-9, mean epithelial thickness measured by OCT was not significantly different than epithelial thickness measured by histology (32 ± 22 μm N-9, 81 ± 15 μm HEC) ( P = .98 and P = .93, respectively). Effect size calculation using the overall standard deviation of 15.75 μm in this study, showed that there was 80% power to detect a difference of 18 μm between histology and OCT epithelial thickness measurements. This is within the 15-20 μm axial resolution of the OCT imaging system.

Results from observations in N-9 treated sheep for 7 days after treatment ( Figure 3 ) show that OCT can be used longitudinally to monitor recovery of the vaginal epithelium after injury. After treatment on day 1, vaginal epithelial measurements were thinner than at baseline (36 ± 7 μm day 1, 66 ± 13 μm day 0) ( P = .03). On day 3, the vaginal epithelium recovered in thickness (61 ± 4 μm day 3) and was similar to that at baseline ( P = .60). However, on day 7, the vaginal epithelium was thickened at 99 ± 15 μm when compared with baseline ( P < .001). OCT thickness on day 7 was similar to histology (90 ± 10 μm; P = .40).

OCT images show clear definition of the vaginal epithelium. Figure 1 shows posttreatment OCT images and corresponding histology images for the placebo and N-9 groups, with obvious thinning of the epithelium detected by OCT and histology in the group treated with N-9. The OCT images are in cross-section similar to standard histology orientation of epithelium with the z-axis reflecting depth into the tissue. The upper dark band represents the glass window of the imaging probe. The next moderately dark band represents the epithelium and the brighter band below the epithelium represents the lamina propria.