Malformation syndromes

  • Chapter Contents

  • Introduction 792

  • Basic terms in dysmorphology 792

  • Clinical evaluation of a neonate with birth defects 794

  • Prenatal history 794

  • Perinatal history 794

  • Family history 794

  • Instant syndrome diagnosis by pattern recognition – gestalt 795

  • Investigating the malformed neonate in the absence of diagnosis 796

    • Clinical photographs 796

    • Radiological images 797

    • Chromosomal examination 797

      • Reasons for ordering chromosomal examination in the neonatal intensive care setting 798

    • Molecular genetics analysis 798

    • Metabolic testing 798

  • Genetic counselling and support for families 798

  • Chromosomal anomalies/microdeletion syndromes 799

    • Down syndrome 799

    • Turner syndrome 799

    • Common microdeletion/duplication syndromes 799

  • Single-gene disorders identifiable in the neonatal period 800

    • The face 800

      • Facial asymmetry 800

      • Hypotelorism 801

      • Hypertelorism 802

      • Syndromal conditions 802

    • The head 802

      • Macrocephaly 804

      • Microcephaly 804

      • Craniosynostosis 806

      • Saethre–Chotzen syndrome 806

      • Apert syndrome 806

    • Central nervous system 807

      • Neural tube defects 807

      • Encephalocele 807

      • Myelomeningocele 807

      • Holoprosencephaly 808

      • Lissencephaly 808

      • Miller–Dieker syndrome 808

      • Walker–Warburg syndrome 808

    • Cardiovascular system 809

      • Congenital heart defects 809

    • Gastrointestinal system 809

      • Gastroschisis 809

      • Omphalocele 809

      • Hirschsprung disease 809

      • Waardenburg syndrome 810

      • Mowat–Wilson syndrome 810

      • Congenital diaphragmatic hernia 810

    • Genitourinary system 810

    • Musculoskeletal system 811

    • Skin 811

    • Vascular anomalies 812

  • Genetic conditions related to growth deficiency 813

  • Genetic conditions related to overgrowth 814


The demarcation between inborn errors of metabolism and genetic syndromes can be indistinct at a clinical level. Conditions of a primarily metabolic nature often manifest by multiple congenital anomalies, for example glutaric aciduria type II and Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome ( ; ). Conversely, malformation syndromes can be underlined by changes in a metabolic enzyme, as recently demonstrated in the case of Miller syndrome ( ). This indistinction between metabolic disease and malformation syndrome is understandable because of mutation in genes that are part of complex metabolic pathways.

It is estimated that about 5% of newborns have a serious congenital anomaly. Screening tests recognise 2–3% of these anomalies by invasive methods prenatally or at birth, and another 2% of newborns will have developmental or functional anomalies recognised during the first year of life ( ). A more refined presentation of the epidemiological basis of congenital malformation syndromes suggests that 6% of birth defects arise in the context of chromosomal abnormalities; 7.5% are considered monogenic in origin; 20% are multifactorial and 6–7% are caused by environmental factors, including teratogens, infections and maternal disease ( ; ). Although rare in absolute numbers, birth defects represent an important public heath problem. Some 20–30% of all infant deaths and 30–50% of deaths after the neonatal period are attributed to congenital anomalies ( ). Birth defects account for 15–30% of pediatric hospitalisations and they incur proportionally higher healthcare costs than other hospitalisations ( ). For the main categories of birth defects the incidences are estimated at 0.43% for the nervous system and eye, 0.87% for the cardiovascular system, 0.77% for muscle and skeleton, 0.74% for the genitourinary tract and 0.11% for cleft lip and palate (CLP) defects ( ). The purpose of this chapter is to elucidate the diagnostic process in the newborn presenting with malformation.

Basic terms in dysmorphology

Malformations are the result of an intrinsic embryological process that fails to complete as specified by developmental genes. The process of development of a specific tissue or organ can be halted, delayed or misdirected, with the result that a structure is permanently abnormal. Malformations take place usually during the process of organogenesis in the first 2 months of embryonal life. Common examples would be congenital heart defects (CHDs), intestinal atresias and polydactylies.

  • Example: Cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) is one of the most common congenital anomalies. It results from the failure of union of the frontonasal processes of the face with the lateral maxillary prominences at about 7 weeks’ gestation. Isolated midline CP appears to be a different malformation process to that of CLP in the context of different syndromal associations. Up to 80% of affected patients are males and the defect shows a large variation in frequency based on ethnic origin. High rates are observed in babies from the southwestern USA and from the west coast of Canada. There is a 1/1000 incidence in Caucasians and 0.4/1000 in African Americans. A recent congenital anomalies review showed the overall prevalence of CL/P was 9.92 per 10 000. The prevalence of CL was 3.28 per 10 000 and that of CLP 6.64 per 10 000. About three-quarters of cases were isolated, 15.9% had malformations in other systems and 7.3% occurred as part of recognised syndromes ( ). In common with many other malformations, CL/P arise as multifactorial conditions and the end point of the deviant developmental process can have a multitude of causes – chromosomal, monogenic, biochemical and environmental. CL can be identified in pregnancy by sonography at about 13 weeks of gestation and CP, although easily missed on ultrasound screening, may be seen at about 18 weeks’ gestation. The finding of CL/P should prompt a careful examination for other anomalies, and this should be more detailed in the neonatal period. The challenge of correct diagnosis consists in discerning non-syndromal from syndromal conditions when the input of a geneticist can be pivotal.

In contrast to malformations, deformations are caused by extrinsic factors or mechanical forces that distort otherwise normal structures. They usually happen during the second trimester and are caused by intrauterine constraint, including oligohydramnios, maternal factors such as abnormalities of the uterus (bicornuate), small pelvic outlet or fetal factors such as twin pregnancy and abnormal presentation. Once the mechanical force is removed, most of the deformations will correct over the course of several months up to years using conservative (casts, braces, physiotherapy) or invasive (surgery) methods.

  • Example: Arthrogryposis is a term used for a group of conditions characterised by usually non-progressive congenital joint contractures at multiple sites. In some situations there is only limb involvement, but in many instances there is a neuromuscular and/or central nervous system (CNS) involvement and only half of the children with arthrogryposis ever receive a specific diagnosis. What is common to various forms of arthrogryposis is reduced movement in utero. While some forms of arthrogryposis have an identified genetic defect, offering the possibility of confirmation of clinical diagnosis through molecular testing, the general evaluation of a newborn with joint contractures should bear in mind several possible forms of pathology. A problem of neurological origin is found in about 90% of patients (e.g. CNS anomaly). A muscular disorder such as a congenital myopathy or congenital myasthenia is found in 5–10% of cases, not counting the cases when the mother herself has a myopathic process (myasthenia gravis, myotonic dystrophy). While in some cases arthrogryposis is the effect of a deformation process as a result of constriction of the cavity by uterine fibroids or anomalies, maternal hyperthermia and maternal use of cocaine or exposure to misoprostol are rare but well-established alternative causes of this clinical presentation ( ; ).

When destruction of a previously normal tissue causes a structural defect, the result is called disruption. This can be produced not only as a result of mechanical forces, but also by phenomena such as haemorrhage, ischaemia, trauma and teratogens. An example would be the amniotic bands or amniotic disruption causing partial amputation of fetal limbs by constriction rings formed from strands of amniotic tissue. Examination of the placenta and membranes is usually diagnostic.

Both deformation and disruption are events that affect previously normally formed structures. As a consequence, there is no intrinsic factor acting, so no concern for mental handicap.

Dysplasias refer to abnormal cellular organisation within a specific tissue which results in structural changes that are persistent and can progress and worsen as the tissue grows and functions. In contrast with the other pathogenetic mechanisms, disruption can produce changes throughout the person’s lifetime. There are many forms of dysplasia, examples of which might be storage disorders, skeletal dysostoses and ectodermal dysplasias.

  • Example: Achondroplasia is the most common skeletal dysplasia, being present in 1/26 000 individuals. The disorder is transmitted as an autosomal-dominant trait with complete penetrance. Most cases are sporadic, and there is an association with advanced paternal age ( ). Although diagnosable in pregnancy by ultrasound because of micromelia and macrocephaly, many cases are likely to be missed, as foreshortening of bones is not evident until the third trimester. Molecular confirmation of diagnosis is available, there being a single common mutation identifiable in over 95% of cases. The physical characteristics which will alert the neonatologist to this likely diagnosis include proximal (rhizomelic) shortening of the arms and legs with redundant skin folds on limbs; the hands have a trident configuration and there is limitation of elbow extension ( Fig. 31.1 ). These long-bone characteristics are accompanied by macrocephaly with frontal bossing and midface hypoplasia. Suggestive radiological findings include small skull base and foramen magnum, narrowing of the interpedicular distance in the lumbar spine and short vertebral bodies, square iliac wings, flat acetabula, narrowing of the sacrosciatic notch and the ‘collar hoop’ sign ( ). Of concern is the risk of premature sudden death arising from acute foraminal compression of the upper cervical cord or lower brainstem ( ). While there can be hypotonia in the neonatalperiod and delayed motor milestones initially, intelligence and life expectancy are normal.

    Fig. 31.1

    (a) A baby with achondroplasia. Note the short upper limbs, particularly noteworthy in the humeri, and the relative narrowing of the chest. (b) The trident hand sign.

Based on a clinical classification, birth defects can be classified as isolated defects, syndromes, associations and sequences.

Isolated defects

Most birth defects involve a single organ or region of the body. Common examples are CL/P, CHDs, club foot and neural tube defects (NTDs). Except for the involvement of some major genes that show a mendelian pattern of distribution in families, the majority of single defects show a multifactorial aetiology, indicating the involvement of both genetic and non-genetic factors. It is not unusual for different ethnic groups to show different frequencies of congenital anomalies (e.g. NTD incidence is lower in Japan than in Ireland).

  • Example: NTDs represent a failure of closure of neural groove that is usually complete by 28 days’ gestation (see Chs8 , 9 for more information about the antenatal and postnatal diagnosis and prognosis of these conditions). In about 80% of cases this defect occurs in isolation. Such instances are considered multifactorial conditions with several non-genetic factors incriminated to date, including maternal diabetes, prepregnancy obesity and use of anticonvulsant medication, especially folic acid antagonists such as valproate ( ). Folic acid supplementation, an important public health intervention, has reduced the incidence of NTDs between 31% and 78% in countries such as Canada, the USA and Chile, but compliance remains a challenge. In addition, NTD prevalence varies with race and ethnicity. Recurrence risk can be variable (2–10%) and it is influenced by the number of cases identified in the pedigree ( ).


When a constellation of anomalies occurs repeatedly in the same combination, this pattern is called a syndrome. The fundamental point about a syndrome is that all the features may be explained by a common causative factor, whether that be a mutation in a single gene, the presence of additional chromosomal material or a teratogen. The clinical practice of dysmorphology teaches that a single underlying cause of birth defects can result in abnormalities in different organs, or in multiple structures at different times during the intrauterine period, a concept called pleiotropy. Another characteristic encountered in syndromal conditions is variable expressivity, which refers to different severity of a phenotype in individuals with the same genetic defect. Penetrance is a characteristic that refers to the probability that a gene will have a phenotypic expression at all. When an individual has a genetic mutation associated with a phenotype but fails to express it, the gene is said to show reduced penetrance.

  • Example: A recognisable syndrome evident by the time of birth, with multiple dysmorphic features and birth defects, is Cornelia de Lange syndrome ( Fig. 31.2 ). Newborns show marked growth retardation and often fail to thrive, manifesting with swallowing and feeding difficulties, and projectile vomiting. They initially present with hypertonicity and a low-pitched, weak cry. There is microbrachycephaly and the eyebrows are bushy with synophrys, long and curly eyelashes, a short nose with anteverted nostrils, and a long philtrum with thin upper lip. These infants are usually hirsute and may show cutis marmorata. Some 25% manifest severely malformed limbs with phocomelia or micromelia. Life-threatening complications relate to apnoea, aspiration, and complications related to bowel obstruction and cardiac defects.

    Fig. 31.2

    Cornelia de Lange syndrome, showing the typical facial features and associated limb malformations. Note the nasogastric feeding tube.


Some anomalies and physical features are seen happening together in a non-random fashion more often than would be expected by chance, but the link between these anomalies is not strong enough to justify a definition of a syndrome. This collection of features is called association. Variable expressivity can complicate the picture when deciding on classifying a combination of features a syndrome or an association. A good instance of an association is VACTERL, standing for vertebral anomalies (hemivertebrae, fused vertebrae, ± rib anomalies in upper, midthoracic and lumbar region), anal atresia (or fistulae, ± genital defects including hypospadias, bifid scrotum), cardiac anomalies (in 80% of cases, of various types), tracheo-oesophageal fistula, oesophageal atresia (80% have an associated tracheo-oesophageal fistula), renal anomalies (in 80% of cases including renal agenesis/dysplasia) and limb defects (restricted to the upper limbs, usually bilateral and preaxial). It is found in about 1.6/10 000 newborns, with most patients having three to four features. To secure a diagnosis of VACTERL there is need for at least one anomaly of the limbs, thorax and pelvis/lower abdomen ( ).


A sequence represents the clinical outcome of a chain of events that cause a pattern of multiple defects, all emanating from a single primary malformation. Robin sequence illustrates this concept very well. It is observed in 1/8500 births. The initiating defect is represented by the mandibular hypoplasia which determines that the tongue be placed posteriorly and in the way of the closing palatal shelves that will remain open in a rounded U-shaped CP. Affected neonates should be monitored for the risk of airway obstruction and apnoea. Mortality rates up to 30% have been reported. The sequence of micrognathia, glossoptosis and cleft of the soft palate is accompanied by feeding difficulties requiring nasogastric tube feeding and is related in many cases to lower oesophageal sphincter hypertonia, failure of oesophageal sphincter relaxation at deglutition, and oesophageal dyskinesis ( ). Pierre Robin sequence is usually isolated, but can form part of a genetic syndrome (e.g. Stickler syndrome) ( ).

Clinical evaluation of a neonate with birth defects

The role of the geneticist is to diagnose a child with congenital anomalies and malformation syndromes by understanding the contribution of genetic and non-genetic factors to the aetiology of the child’s condition.

The key elements of an ideal history and clinical examination are outlined as follows, recognising that the reality often falls short of the ideal.

Prenatal history

  • Natural conception or pregnancy through assisted reproductive technologies

  • Singleton or twin (may be diagnosed initially and lost after) gestation

  • Maternal and paternal age at conception

  • Parity

  • Maternal health issues (pre-existent diseases, illnesses in pregnancy)

  • Teratogenic exposures (medication, alcohol, tobacco, drugs)

  • Periconceptional supplementation (folate, vitamins)

  • Onset and quality of fetal movements, amniotic fluid volume

  • Prenatal testing (nature of testing, when and where performed)

    • Non-invasive (first-trimester screen, maternal serum screen, ultrasound examination) versus invasive testing (chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, preimplantation genetic diagnosis) and results.

Perinatal history

  • Duration of pregnancy

  • Intrapartum course and duration

  • Intrapartum drug and medication exposure

  • Fetal presentation

  • Mode of delivery

  • Complications of delivery, need for resuscitation (methods used)

  • Infant’s condition at birth (growth parameters, Apgar score, physical examination)

  • Examination of placenta

  • Neonatal course.

Family history

  • Three-generation family history with health information in all relatives (names, date of birth, date of diagnoses for affected individuals)

  • Consanguinity

  • Ethnic background

  • Infertility

  • Miscarriages, abortions, stillbirths, neonatal and childhood deaths

  • Birth defects, birth marks

  • Mental retardation (learning disabilities, schooling history), behavioural issues

  • Disorders that ‘run in the family’

  • Prior genetic testing, screening

  • Access to medical records (release of information forms), family photographs.

Clinical examination should address all systems in an organised manner, paying particular attention to major and minor malformations and to physical variations. In certain circumstances, such as a background family history suggestive of a similar condition, other family members should be examined. Medical photographs can be of particular value in the process of genetic evaluation of the family as part of reaching or confirming a diagnosis and documenting changes over time. A number of recent textbooks offer clear advice on the evaluation of dysmorphic features and growth parameters ( ; ). Typically, the evaluation of the dysmorphic neonate might comprise:

  • General examination:

    • Alertness, posture, positioning, colour, respiratory effort

  • Growth parameters:

    • Assessment of proportionality and symmetry

    • Assessment of gestational age by physical parameter, including length, weight and head circumference expressed in percentiles or in standard deviations from the mean

    • Specific measurements to document subjective observations of physical features such as suspected hypertelorism ( )

  • Detailed examination:

    • Head – observe shape, symmetry, sutures, fontanelles

    • Scalp – describe hair patterning, texture, colour, location of hair whorls, the presence of scalp aplasia

    • Facial features:

      • Forehead shape, bitemporal distance, supraorbital ridges, description of eyebrows

      • Eyes – pupils (reactivity to light, red reflexes), iris (colour, patterns, presence of colobomas), description of cornea, examination for cataracts, description of orbits (hyper- or hypotelorism, dystopia cantorum), palpebral fissure inclination (down-, upslanting or horizontal) and length, measurement of inner and outer canthal distance and interpupillary distance, description of eyelashes

      • Nose – appearance of nasal root, bridge and base, including columella and patency and shape of nares

      • Mouth – philtrum, appearance of upper (vermilion border) and lower lip, and intraoral examination, including soft and hard palate, uvula, alveolar ridges, teeth, tongue and frenulae

      • Mandible – shape and symmetry

      • Zygomatic area description

      • Ears – location, rotation, configuration and size, patency of ear canals and examination of tympanic membranes

    • Neck – posterior hairline, presence of sinus tracts, torticollis, redundant skin or webbing, apparent shortening

    • Chest – shape, symmetry, circumference, location of nipples, accessory nipples

    • Lungs – symmetry of breath sounds, note adventitious sounds

    • Cardiovascular – colour, peripheral pulses, perfusion, heart sounds and murmurs, blood pressure

    • Abdomen – shape, appearance of umbilicus, muscle tone, integrity of wall, enlarged organs or masses, presence of bowel sounds

    • Genitalia – size, appearance, palpation of testes (in males), presence of ambiguity

    • Anus – location and patency

    • Skeletal system – proportions, appearance (presence of reduction or duplication of segments), length, range of motion (including hips) of limbs; symmetry of spine, presence of sinuses or hair tufts in intergluteal cleft, presence of clavicles, and scapular shape and position

    • Hands and feet – shape, full length, finger length, description of nails and creases (palmar, phalangeal and flexion, plantar)

    • Skin – pigmentation pattern (areas of increased or decreased pigmentation, correspondence with the lines of Blaschko), dimples, vascular or other lesions, or excessive peeling, lumps and bumps

    • Neurological – tone, response, alertness, primitive and deep tendon reflexes, normal and abnormal movements.

Instant syndrome diagnosis by pattern recognition – gestalt

A gestalt diagnosis precludes the need for extensive investigation. Such an instance is represented by the case of Ellis–van Creveld syndrome, shown in Figure 31.3 , where the postaxial polydactyly, deep-set small nails and natal teeth clearly signal the underlying condition and prompt the experienced dysmorphologist towards the cardiac evaluation which the diagnosis mandates ( ). Gestalt diagnosis is a powerful tool in the approach of the experienced dysmorphologist but can be misleading or downright harmful in the hands of the inexperienced. However, when deployed with accuracy and sensivitity, the gestalt diagnosis can benefit patients, their families and neonatologists.

Fig. 31.3

(a, b) Ellis–van Creveld syndrome with typical postaxial polydactyly and small, deeply set nails. Note the multiple frenula.

Investigating the malformed neonate in the absence of diagnosis

The range of investigations deployed by clinical geneticists is very broad, from histopathological examination, through biochemical analysis, to multiple different approaches to chromosome evaluation and the search for mutation at the single-gene level. Accordingly, the course of investigation pursued in any given case will vary. Sometimes very elaborate and wide-ranging investigation fails to clarify the diagnosis in a child whose clinical presentation strongly suggests a syndromal basis. From the many thousand different investigations open to the geneticist in respect of a specific case, the focus is on the series of investigations that maximise the likelihood of securing a definite diagnosis in any given case ( ).

A number of general investigations such as chest and abdominal X-rays and general chemistry are usually available by the time the geneticist sees the patient. Physical examination by the neonatologist often raises suspicions in the light of which more detailed investigations are undertaken, such as echocardiography in the event of a heart murmur being noted, or an abdominal ultrasound if hepatomegaly is identified.

Clinical photographs

Clinical photographs often act in conjunction with the physical examination when there is the need to document physical features and/or a facial gestalt. They can be used for different reasons:

  • 1

    A genetic condition said to ‘run in the family’ from information collected through family history and pictures of relatives can help in identifying a diagnosis in the index case ( Fig. 31.4 : Sheldon–Hall syndrome and arthrogryposis).

    Fig. 31.4

    This baby was referred with (a) immobile facies, (b) distal arthrogryposis and possible motor delay. However, maternal examination showed the same features with absence of the distal interphalangeal skin creases and distal arthrogryposis since infancy (c and d). The diagnosis is Sheldon–Hall syndrome, an autosomal-dominant cause of distal arthrogryposis associated with normal development.

  • 2

    Photographs may be used to compare with similar phenotypes already published in the literature in order to reach a diagnosis.

  • 3

    Photographs may turn out to be useful at a later follow-up visit in a patient with an unknown diagnosis but nonetheless a likely syndromal presentation. In some conditions patients ‘grow into their syndrome’, meaning that facial gestalt may become more evident with time (Williams syndrome is a case in point).

Radiological images

The utility of X-rays in genetics, especially in regard to the skeletal system, cannot be overemphasised. A good example might be the finding of butterfly vertebrae in a neonate with cholestasis that should suggest a possible diagnosis of Alagille syndrome. In the event of neurological symptoms or the neonate with an abnormal head size (micro- or macrocephaly), or where there is an unusual contour of the skull, a head and brain magnetic resonance imaging will be the modality of choice ( ). For example, in the hypotonic neonate, the recognition of a ‘molar tooth sign’ suggests a diagnosis of Joubert syndrome ( Fig. 31.5 ).

Fig. 31.5

(a) Axial T1-weighted image demonstrating the classical ‘molar tooth’ appearance of the midbrain caused by a narrow isthmus (white arrow) and large superior cerebellar peduncles (black arrows). (b) Sagittal T1-weighted image demonstrating a small dysplastic cerebellar vermis (white arrows) and small narrow isthmus (single solid white arrow).

(Courtesy of Dr Ethna Phelan.)

Chromosomal examination

Chromosomal examination has been part of the armamentarium of clinical geneticists for over 50 years. Many banding techniques have been developed over the years to permit the detection of aneuploidies and the identification of microscopically apparent structural aberrations, including deletions and translocations. Better techniques have improved the resolution of chromosome examination, offering the opportunity for better analysis and identification of microdeletions, microduplications or subtle translocations. At a resolution of more than 650 bands, alterations as small as 3–5 Mb can be detected using chromosome preparation on peripheral blood; for detection of subtle rearrangements in patients with either abnormal or normal standard karyotypes, molecular cytogenetics may be useful (e.g. fluorescence in situ hybridisation – FISH) ( ). A history of a ‘normal’ chromosome examination does not preclude a diagnosis of chromosomal disease, as improved techniques may identify previously unresolved/unresolvable and unidentified chromosomal disease.

Body asymmetry or streaks of pigmentation identified on the physical examination may be indicating an underlying diagnosis of a mosaic condition. A normal chromosome examination on blood may mislead the neonatologist as to the real diagnosis, and chromosome examination of another tissue may reveal the true cause of malformation. The condition of Pallister–Killian syndrome, caused by mosaicism of tetrasome 12p, exemplifies this. Presenting clinically with variable features comprising coarse facial features, temporal alopecia, diaphragmatic hernia, accessory nipples, poor feeding and hypotonia, the abnormal chromosome 12 is often absent on blood chromosomes, being lost in the rapid turnover of lymphocytes. However, skin biopsy and karyotype of the more slowly growing fibroblasts will generally reveal the true cause of the abnormal clinical profile by affording the identification of the abnormal chromosome 12 ( Fig. 31.6 – clinical and cytogenetic). When ordering FISH, there is a need for a clear clinical hypothesis as to underlying diagnosis as this investigation is targeted to specific regions in the genome (e.g. FISH for 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, ELN on chromosome 7q11 for Williams syndrome). Chromosomal microarray is a new method for screening the chromosomes for abnormalities of dosage at a high-resolution scale and, offering a higher diagnostic yield (15–20%) than G-banding, it is suggested that it will become the first-tier cytogenetic diagnostic test for patients with multiple congenital anomalies ( ). The results may be associated with significant counselling and diagnostic pitfalls and, at the time of writing, it is still a specialist tool of the experienced clinical geneticist and not suitable for more widespread use in clinical practice.

Fig. 31.6

(a, b) Newborn baby with Pallister–Killian syndrome. Note the coarse facial features and the paucity of temporal hair.

Reasons for ordering chromosomal examination in the neonatal intensive care setting (these might also be considered reasons to request a genetic consult!)

  • Family history of a chromosomal anomaly in previous child

  • Chromosomal rearrangement in one of the parents (e.g. balanced translocation)

  • Problems of early growth and development in a previous child

  • Stillbirth and neonatal death

  • Infants with two or more major malformations

  • Infants with a single major malformation or multiple minor malformations who are also small-for-dates

  • Infants with a single major malformation who also have multiple minor anomalies.

Molecular genetics analysis

Molecular genetics analysis should always be based upon a strong diagnostic suspicion. The number of tests available in accredited laboratories around the globe continues to expand but the number of positive findings in respect of a specific analysis is often very low (<10%) which, in terms of the cost of these analyses, represents very poor value for money. Molecular testing done on a research basis in unaccredited laboratories may need further validation in a diagnostic laboratory in the event of wishing to use such data for predictive genetic purposes.

Metabolic testing

Metabolic testing needs to be done when specific signs of a metabolic disorder are raised during the neonatal clinical presentation. The metabolic genetics team will be the most appropriate to evaluate the need for specific tests (see Ch. 35, part 3 ). Pre- and postnatal growth deficiency, in a hypotonic neonate with microcephaly, ptosis, downslanting palpebral fissures, short nose, CP, a cardiac defect, hypospadias and/or cryptorchidism, Y-shaped 2–3 syndactyly and postaxial polydactyly, may clinically suggest Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome and be confirmed by the demonstration of abnormality of 7-dehydrocholesterol ( Fig. 31.7 ).

Fig. 31.7

(a, b) The combination of ambiguous genitalia, syndactyly and postaxial polydactyly in this neonate signals the diagnosis of Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome.

Genetic counselling and support for families

The principal focus of the geneticist remains that of assisting the clinicial team to reach a diagnosis in order to assist in prognosis and management, and to advise parents on recurrence risk. Frequently this requires the involvement of a multidisciplinary team who will need to continue to offer management to the child for several years.

Chromosomal anomalies/microdeletion syndromes

Down syndrome

Down syndrome is by far the most common chromosomal disorder with prevalence highly dependent on maternal age. While about 1 in 1500 children are born with Down syndrome in mothers 20 years old, this incidence is about 1 in 100 in women 40 years of age. With the advent of prenatal diagnosis programmes for advanced maternal age the majority of children with Down syndrome are now born to younger women. About 78% of Down syndrome pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion. Babies are usually recognisable by their distinctive pattern of facial and extrafacial features. One of the first signs in a neonate with Down syndrome is hypotonia. Down syndrome babies can be microcephalic with a brachycephalic skull (short anteroposterior length), large fontanelles and midface hyoplasia that gives a flat appearance from the profile. The face is round in the neonate, and there are upslanted palpebral fissures and epicanthal folds. In children with light-coloured eyes, a pattern of peripheral spots on the irises can be observed (Brushfield spots: Fig. 31.8 ). The nose is short with a low nasal bridge and small nares and the mouth is small with downturned corners. Lips can be cracked, and the tongue can have a fissured aspect and a tendency to protrude that may give the impression of macroglossia. The ears are small, can have a cupped or squared shape and overfolded helices. It is not unusual for infants to have cutis marmorata and there can be an excess of folds in the nuchal area. The hands are short with a triangular shape of the middle phalanx on the fifth finger that gives a lateral curved aspect called clinodactyly. There can be a gap between the hallux and second toe, known as a sandal gap.

Fig. 31.8

Brushfield spots in the iris of a baby with Down syndrome.

In addition to the distinctive physical features, children with Down syndrome frequently have congenital anomalies that may affect their chances of survival, especially CHDs. About half of Down syndrome neonates are found to have a heart defect, often requiring surgical repair. The most common heart defect is perimembranous ventricular septal defect (VSD), followed by patent ductus arteriosus and atrial septal defects (ASDs). Overall the incidence of congenital defects in Down syndrome children is increased twofold, including duodenal atresia and stenosis, and Hirschprung disease.

In all, 95% of Down syndrome cases result from an extra full chromosome 21, known as trisomy 21. Most of the remaining 5% of cases arise from a robertsonian translocation (see Ch. 8 , Fig 8.8 for definition) between chromosome 21 and another acrocentric chromosome, most commonly chromosome 14, in a parent, while a small number of cases represent mosaicism for trisomy 21. In the very rarely encountered situation where a robertsonian translocation involves the two chromosomes 21 in a parent, the recurrence risk approaches 100%. These cases involving parental chromosomal anomalies need specific counselling, best undertaken by specialists in a genetics clinic.

Turner syndrome

Turner syndrome is a rare sex chromosomal aneuploidy characterised by a complete or partial monosomy for one of the X chromosomes. It occurs in 1 in 5000 births, and in most cases is due to a 45,XO chromosomal complement that results from chromosomal nondisjunction and no maternal age effect has been noted. Over 95% of 45,XO conceptions are spontaneously aborted, mostly because of hydrops and nuchal cystic hygroma. Other characteristics include cardiac anomalies (20%), especially bicuspid aortic valve (30%) and coarctation of aorta (10%). In the surviving fetuses signs of congenital lymphoedema appear as residual puffiness over the dorsum of the fingers and toes with narrow, hyperconvex and/or deep-set nails. Small stature is also evident from birth and some subtle dysmorphic features may include low posterior hairline with the appearance of short neck with lateral webbing and loose skin. Facies may have a narrow maxilla (palate) with a relatively small mandible, inner canthal folds and prominent auricles. Newborns may have cubitus valgus, dislocated hips and broad chest with widely spaced nipples. About 60% of Turner syndrome patients can have renal anomalies, including horseshoe kidney, double or cleft renal pelvis, so an abdominal ultrasound as well as an echocardiogram is recommended in the neonatal period. A standard chromosomal examination will diagnose the condition. Girls with Turner syndrome are usually of normal intelligence; only about 10% have significant delays, need special education and require ongoing assistance in adult life.

Common microdeletion/duplication syndromes

Microdeletion/duplications are not usually visible by routine karyotype and may be the cause of several multiple congenital anomalies/mental retardation syndromes. Microdeletion/duplication means that an area of the chromosome (of several megabases) containing usually tens of genes is missing or duplicated respectively (contiguous gene syndrome). This large genetic imbalance explains the complexity of the phenotypes observed. While specific FISH analysis can be ordered to confirm a clinical diagnosis of such a microdeltion syndrome, syndromes caused by microdeletion/duplication may also be diagnosed using targeted microarray-based comparative genomic hybridisation (array-CGH) studies. Deletion and duplication are expected to occur with the same frequency, with the former expected to have more severe clinical consequences as the general rule, that trisomy is better tolerated than monosomy, may apply. Below are listed the most common microdeletion/duplication syndromes that can be diagnosed in the neonate or small infant and their chromosomal location:

  • Sotos syndrome – 5q35

  • Williams syndrome – 7q11.23

  • Langer–Giedion syndrome – 8q24

  • Wilms tumour–aniridia syndrome (Wilms, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies and mental retardation: WAGR) – 11p13

  • Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) – 11p15

  • Prader–Willi and Angelman syndrome – 15q11-13

  • Smith–Magenis syndrome – 17p11.2

  • Miller–Dieker syndrome – 17p13.3

  • Velocardiofacial/22q11.2 deletion syndrome – 22q11.2.

Since velocardiofacial/22q11.2 deletion syndrome represents the most common microdeletion syndrome, a more detailed discussion is required. It is an extremely pleiomorphic condition, having been described by several different paediatric subspecialties in the absence of recognition that the different reports represented the same condition ( ; ). A prevalence of 1 in 4000 births is based on a more severe phenotype and generally thought to be an underestimate ( ). This condition encompasses DiGeorge sequence, characterised by a pattern of malformations as a result of developmental abnormalities in third and fourth branchial arches, emphasised by defects of thymus, parathyroids and great vessels ( ). Hypoplasia (aplasia) of thymus with consequent deficit of cellular immunity is responsible for a predisposition to severe infections and the use of live vaccines should be avoided if this diagnosis is suspected or confirmed. Blood products should be irradiated to eliminate the risk of graft-versus-host disease. Hypoparathyroidism is responsible for hypocalcaemia that can produce easily treatable seizures in the neonatal period and thereafter.

Cardiovascular malformations derive from anomalies of the conotruncus and are found in 74% of affected individuals, representing the most important cause of death associated with this syndrome ( ). The most common heart defect is VSD followed closely by aortic arch defects and tetralogy of Fallot ( ). Most patients have palatal dysfunction, if not necessarily cleft, resulting in velopharyngeal insufficiency and a minority having overt CP ( ). Neonatal feeding problems, in particular nasal regurgitation of milk in term babies, is one of the most common clues to this syndrome, and should be an indication for genetic evaluation. Antenatal diagnosis is possible and indeed should be offered in the event of a conotruncal defect being identified – FISH for 22q11.2 is undertaken on amniocytes. The syndrome is inherited from one of the parents in about 7% of cases, in which event a history of learning disability and possible psychiatric disorder may be divined. The risk of learning difficulty reaches 70–90% in children with DiGeorge syndrome.

Single-gene disorders identifiable in the neonatal period

Single-gene disorder conditions indicate an aetiological origin attributable to mutations within a specific gene locus, which differentiates them from chromosomal aberrations where, by definition, a large amount of genetic material is involved. For didactic purposes, we will maintain the concept of single-gene disorders to introduce various examples of anomalies of genetic origin. Mendelian disorders usually refer to genetic diseases showing a mendelian pattern of inheritance of a trait (e.g. dominant, recessive), caused by a mutation in the nuclear DNA with pathogenic consequences. These disorders are listed in McKusick’s reference Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database, available on the internet through the National Library of Medicine ( ). As of March 2011, 21140 genetic conditions are listed, more than half of which have an established molecular basis. Autosomal conditions relating to genes in chromosomes from 1 to 22 comprise 19845 disorders, and fewer than 1200 conditions relate to sex chromosomes (X and Y).

A particular mechanism of character transmission relevant to the neonatologist is imprinting. This phenomenon refers to the fact that some genes are expressed in a parent of origin manner.

Major anomalies are congenital malformations that have important functional consequences (e.g. CHD) and indicate that an important developmental process has been severely affected. Most of the time they may be identified during the prenatal period or at birth and medical intervention is needed to correct them. On the other hand, minor anomalies are unusual morphologic features of no medical importance, but can raise cosmetic concerns to the patient (e.g. preauricular tags). They are also indicators of some level of alteration of a normal morphogenetic process, and can be valuable ‘handles’ for a specific pattern of malformations. The significance of minor anomalies is to alert the clinician to the possibility of associated but undetected major malformations.

The face

The face offers many possible diagnostic clues to a clinical geneticist and it is often the recognition of an abnormal facial appearance by neonatologists that sets in train the chain of events leading to a diagnosis. As seen in the physical examination section, a large variety of facial features need to be observed by the trained eye in recognising normal and abnormal variants, and their interpretation in the context of the general clinical presentation. Facial structures develop from 4 weeks’ gestational age and at about 8 weeks the embryonal face is recognisable. There are five primordial structures that contribute to face development, including paired maxillary and mandibulary prominences and a frontonasal prominence, and they derive from migration of the neural crest cells. A multitude of intrinsic genetic factors and local conditions contribute to the growth and development of these structures in a certain way that will culminate with a person’s individual facial appearance ( ).

A classical example of syndrome described in dysmorphology as having a recognisable gestalt is Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome (RTS) ( Fig. 31.9 ). RTS is characterised by postnatal onset of growth deficiency and a well-described gestalt. Patients can have microcephaly with large anterior fontanelle, downslanting palpebral fissures, heavy eyebrows and long eyelashes and hypoplastic maxilla with narrow palate. There is a characteristic prominent or beaked nose with or without nasal septum extending below alae nasi and short columella ( ). The classic hallmark of the condition is the broad great toes and thumbs, sometimes angled in a radial direction. Respiratory infections, constipation and feeding difficulties are frequent problems in infancy. The majority of cases are sporadic. Mutation of the CREBBP locus (>60%) is the main cause of the phenotype while mutation at a second locus, EP300, has been reported in a handful of cases in whom CREBBP analysis proved negative ( ).

Apr 21, 2019 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Malformation syndromes

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