In utero exposure to a maternal high-fat diet alters the epigenetic histone code in a murine model


Data from animal models show that in utero exposure to a maternal high-fat diet (HFD) renders susceptibility of these offspring to the adult onset of metabolic syndrome. We and others have previously shown that epigenetic modifications to histones may serve as a molecular memory of the in utero exposure, rendering the risk of adult disease. Because mice heterozygous for the Glut4 gene (insulin sensitive glucose transporter) born to wild-type (WT) mothers demonstrate exacterbated metabolic syndrome when exposed to an HFD in utero, we sought to analyze the genome-wide epigenetic changes that occur in the fetal liver in susceptible offspring.

Study Design

WT and Glut4 +/− (G4 +/− ) offspring of WT mothers that were exposed either to a control or an HFD in utero were studied. Immunoblotting was used to measure hepatic histone modifications of fetal and 5-week animals. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by hybridization to chip arrays (ChIP-on-chip) was used to detect genome-wide changes of histone modifications with HFD exposure.


We found that levels of hepatic H3K14ac and H3K9me3 significantly increased with HFD exposure in WT and G4 +/− fetal and 5-week offspring. Pathway analysis of our ChIP-on-chip data revealed differential H3K14ac and H3K9me3 enrichment along pathways that regulate lipid metabolism, specifically in the promoter regions of Pparg, Ppara, Rxra, and Rora .


We conclude that HFD exposure in utero is associated with functional alterations to fetal hepatic histone modifications in both WT and G4 +/− offspring, some of which persist up to 5 weeks of age.

According to the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis, the in utero experience can have a profound effect on the individual. Studies have suggested that the effects of a suboptimal intrauterine milieu can persist into adulthood. In utero exposure to either a maternal low-protein diet, caloric restriction, or a maternal high-fat diet (HFD) is associated with an increased susceptibility to the adult onset of metabolic syndrome. In the current era of obesity, studies concerning how a mother’s HFD may influence the health of her offspring are of increasing relevance. HFD consumption during pregnancy is associated with gestational diabetes mellitus. Animal models of in utero HFD exposure have shown that offspring are more susceptible to fatty liver in early life and increased adiposity, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease in adulthood. The question therefore remains, how can the memory of an exposure only experienced during gestation be maintained over the lifetime of the individual?

The possibility that epigenetic modifications contribute to this memory is intriguing. Epigenetic modifications constitute changes to the local chromatin structure that do not change the underlying DNA sequence. The addition or removal of posttranslational histone modifications alongside changes in DNA methylation patterns are potential mechanisms that could contribute to the memory of an in utero exposure. Some histone modifications are enriched within the promoters of transcriptionally active genes, such as acetylation of lysine 14 of histone H3 (H3K14ac) ; other modifications such as trimethylation of lysine 9 of histone H3 (H3K9me3) are enriched in promoters of repressed genes as well as within heterochromatin. It is also well established that activating and repressive marks are not mutually exclusive, even within the same promoter. During embryogenesis, chromatin domains that contain both repressive and activating motifs cluster throughout the genome. Our previous work in a nonhuman primate model has demonstrated that HFD exposure in utero alters the fetal hepatic histone code. Specifically, hepatic H3K14ac is increased in the HFD-exposed fetal animals. H3K14 appears particularly sensitive to the intrauterine milieu because it is also modified in a rat model of nutrient restriction in skeletal muscle. How these modifications are established and their relationship to the susceptibility to the adult onset of disease remains to be investigated fully.

Not every animal exposed to an HFD is equally susceptible, begging the question as to whether the offspring genotype may serve as a modifier of the in utero environment. We have studied offspring heterozygous for the Glut4 gene (G4 +/− ) from wild-type mothers that were fed an HFD. Glut4 haploinsufficiency results in peripheral insulin resistance, altered lipid metabolism, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. It has been shown that exposure to an HFD during critical periods of development leads to development of metabolic syndrome such as increased adiposity, impaired glucose tolerance, and insulin insensitivity in G4 +/− and wild-type offspring. Interestingly, genotype-dependent differences were observed, which suggests that haploinsufficiency of Glut4 may result in a different metabolic remodeling in response to the HFD. Thus, it is possible that an interaction between the in utero environment (exposure to a maternal HFD) and the offspring genotype (specifically a heterozygous deletion of Glut4 ) may lead to different epigenetic changes that either protect against or increase the risk of the development of metabolic disease.

Based on our findings of an altered hepatic epigenome in a nonhuman primate model of maternal HFD consumption, we sought to determine (1) whether an increase in hepatic acetylation is observed similarly in a murine model of maternal HFD exposure and (2) whether offspring that are susceptible genetically to metabolic syndrome (the G4 +/− offspring) have a similarly altered hepatic epigenome with HFD exposure in order to study whether diet × genotype interactions may also contribute to offspring disease susceptibility. Because the paternal germline is the source of the Glut4 haploinsufficiency (and Glut4 is not expressed in the liver until late postnatal life ), any intrauterine genotypic contribution would be attributable only to altered placental glucose and/or nutrient uptake in G4 +/− offspring.

In this study, we found that fetal hepatic H3K14ac and H3K9me3 increase with maternal HFD exposure. These alterations were also observed in animals at 5 weeks of age. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by hybridization to a promoter array chip (ChIP-on-chip) was used to determine which promoters on a genome-wide scale show differential enrichment for H3K14ac and H3K9me3 in response to maternal diet. We observed that these modifications are enriched predominantly among those gene promoters that relegate to lipid metabolism networks. We conclude that HFD exposure in fetal life is associated with significant alterations of distinct histone modifications that render enriched occupancy in the promoters of genes that regulate lipid metabolism.

Materials and Methods

Murine model

All animal procedures were done in accordance with approved institutional review board protocols from both Baylor College of Medicine and Albert Einstein College of Medicine as previously described. Wild-type CD1 female mice were maintained on a control breeding chow (PicoLab Mouse Diet #5058; 9% fat, 20% protein, 53% carbohydrate; Lab Diet, Brentwood, MO) or high-fat (Product #F3282; 35.5% fat as lard, 20% protein, 36.3% carbohydrate; Bio-Serv, Frenchtown, NJ) diet 2 weeks before mating with G4 +/− males throughout gestation and lactation. Offspring were weaned onto a low-fat diet (Pico Lab Mouse Diet #5053; 4.5% fat, 20% protein, 54.8% carbohydrate; Lab Diet) at postnatal day 21. The animals that were used in this study were male wild-type and G4 +/− offspring. For fetal tissue, pregnant mice were killed at embryonic day 18.5. Fetuses were killed by decapitation, and the organs were harvested immediately and snap frozen with liquid nitrogen.

Experimental methods can be found in the Appendix ( supplemental information ).


Hepatic H3K14 acetylation and H3K9 trimethylation increase with HFD exposure in utero and during lactation

Immunoblotting was used to determine whether hepatic histone modifications are altered in either wild-type or G4 +/− offspring with HFD exposure ( Figure 1 , A). In fetal liver at embryonic day 18.5, H3K14ac is increased in both the wild-type (3.6-fold; P = .002) and G4 +/− (3.0-fold; P = .002) offspring with HFD exposure ( Figure 1 , B). H3K9me3 is also increased with HFD exposure in both the wild-type (5.7-fold; P = .007) and G4 +/− (4.6-fold; P = .047) fetal offspring ( Figure 1 , C).

Figure 1

H3K14ac and H3K9me3 increase with in utero high-fat diet exposure

A, Wild-type ( WT ) mothers were exposed to either a control or high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation. Epigenetic changes in both WT and Glut4 gene ( G4 +/- ) offspring were characterized. B, Immunoblotting with antibodies specific for each histone modification reveal that acetylation of lysine 14 of histone H3 ( H3K14ac ) is significantly increased in the fetal liver in the WT and G4 +/− offspring. C, Similar results are seen for trimethylation of lysine 9 of histone H3 ( H3K9me3 ) in the fetal animals. D and E, The increase in each modification persists in the livers of 5-week-old animals in both WT and G4 +/− offspring. All results were normalized to total histone H3. Results are displayed as fold change compared with control diet-exposed animals. A single asterisk denotes a probability value of < .05; double asterisks denote a probability value of < .005.

C , control; HF , high fat; WTC , wild-type, control.

Suter. High-fat diet alters hepatic histone code. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 .

Immunoblotting was performed similarly on livers from 5-week-old animals that were exposed in utero to a maternal control or HFD and weaned onto a low-fat diet 2 weeks before the tissue was harvested. In these animals, both H3K14ac and H3K9me3 are significantly increased in HFD-exposed animals compared with control diet in both wild-type and G4 +/− offspring ( Figure 1 , D and E). Relative levels of fetal hepatic H3K27me3, H4K20me3, H3K9ac, H3K18ac, and H3K4me3 were found to be unchanged with HFD exposure in the fetal wild-type animals, so they were not further assessed ( Supplementary Table 1 ).

Hepatic gene expression of histone-modifying enzymes is reduced in wild-type 5-week-old offspring with HFD exposure during lactation

Because of the observed increase in histone acetylation in the fetal and 5-week-old animals, we hypothesized that expression levels of histone acetyltransferases would be altered. GCN5 is a histone acetyltransferase of histone H3. HDAC1, HDAC3, and SIRT1 deacetylate histone H3K14. Hepatic messenger RNA levels of these genes were measured in both fetal and 5-week-old animals in the wild-type and G4 +/− offspring. Although we failed to observe a significant alteration in expression in the fetal animals ( Figure 2 , A) at 5 weeks of age, Sirt1 expression was decreased significantly when compared with the control diet-exposed cohort in both wild-type and G4 +/− animals ( Figure 2 , B). In wild-type offspring, gene expression of Gcn5 , Hdac1, and Hdac3 were also significantly reduced in 5-week-old offspring that experienced both prenatal and postnatal HFD exposure ( Figure 2 , B).

Figure 2

Hepatic SIRT1 levels are reduced with maternal high-fat diet exposure

A, With the use of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, the levels of the histone acetyltransferase Gcn5 and the histone deacetylases Hdac1 , Hdac3 , and Sirt1 were analyzed. No significant changes with high-fat diet exposure in wild-type ( WT ) and Glut4 gene ( G4 +/- ) animals were found. B, Gcn5 , Hdac1 , and Hdac3 are all significantly decreased in the WT, but not in the G4 +/− , animals. Sirt1 was significantly decreased with high-fat diet exposure in both groups. A single asterisk denotes a probability value of < .05; double asterisks denote a probability value of < .005.

Suter. High-fat diet alters hepatic histone code. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 .

ChIP-on-chip reveals that global H3K14ac and H3K9me3 are both enriched at the transcription start site, regardless of genotype or diet exposure in the fetal liver

To determine the localization of H3K14ac and H3K9me3, ChIP-on-chip was performed on the fetal liver from wild-type and G4 +/− offspring that were exposed to either control or HFD in utero ( Figure 3 , A). Enrichment (as measured by log 2 immunoprecipitation [IP]/input) of these modifications was plotted throughout the array as a means of internal validation. Consistent with previous epigenome-wide characterizations, we observed robust enrichment in a broad region surrounding the transcription start site (TSS) in each of the 8 groups that were studied ( Figure 3 , B and C).

Figure 3

ChIP-on-chip reveals a distinct profile for acetylation of lysine 14 histone H3 and trimethylation of lysine 9 of histone H3 localization

A, This schemata shows an overview of the samples processed by chromatin immunoprecipitation ( ChIP ) for ChIP-on-chip analysis. Livers from fetal wild-type ( WT ) or Glut4 gene ( G4 +/- ) animals that had been exposed to either a control or a high-fat diet in utero were used for ChIP with the use of either acetylation of lysine 14 of histone H3 ( H3K14ac ) or trimethylation of lysine 9 of histone H3 ( H3K9me3 ) antibodies. Localization of both H3K14ac and H3K9me3 in B, WT or C, G4 +/− animals surrounding the transcription start site was calculated with log 2 immunoprecipitation [IP]/input. D, Partek Genomic Suite (Partek Inc, St. Louis, MO) was used to generate lists of genes with differential promoter occupancy between control and high-fat diet exposed animals. In the WT animals, H3K14ac was enriched differentially in the promoters of 1942 genes with high-fat diet exposure and H3K9me3 in 2781 genes. There were 454 genes that were common to each group. In G4 +/− animals, H3K14ac was differentially enriched in the promoters of 3667 genes and H3K9me3 in 3373 genes. There were 755 genes common to each group. E, To compare the overlap in genes marked by each modification in WT and G4 +/− offspring, a Venn diagram was created. In the WT offspring, 1942 were enriched differentially with high-fat diet exposure; in the G4 +/− offspring, 3667 genes show differential enrichment. Less than 10% (427 genes) are shared between the 2 groups. For H3K9me3, the WT offspring have 2781 genes, and the G4 +/− offspring have 3373 genes that are enriched differentially by virtue of high-fat diet exposure. Only 566 genes are similar between the WT and G4 +/− offspring.

Suter. High-fat diet alters hepatic histone code. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 .

H3K14ac and H3K9me3 are differentially enriched in genes that are involved in lipid metabolism in the fetal liver

To determine promoter-specific changes of H3K14ac and H3K9me3 in the fetal animals, gene lists were generated from the ChIP-on-chip data that demonstrated differential enrichment over input ( Supplementary Tables 2-9 ). We then determined which genes had differential enrichment between the control and HFD groups ( Supplementary Tables 10-13 ). Of interest were the genes that were altered significantly for both H3K14ac and H3K9me3: 454 genes in the wild-type animals and 755 genes in the G4 +/− animals ( Figure 3 , D). To determine whether there is an offspring genotype effect on histone modification localization, the generated gene lists were analyzed for overlap for each modification between wild-type and G4 +/− offspring ( Figure 3 , E). When comparing genes that were enriched differentially between control and HFD for H3K14ac, 8% of genes (427/5182 total) were enriched similarly between wild-type and G4 +/− liver; 10% of the genes (566/5588 total) that were enriched for H3K9me3 were found in both wild-type and G4 +/− liver.

For the genomic regions that were enriched for H3K14ac or H3K9me3 between control and HFD-exposed animals ( Supplementary Tables 10-13 ), HOMER, the motif discovery software, was used to determine which transcription factor binding sites were significantly (Benjamini q-value < 0.05) represented in the dataset. In the wild-type animals, there were no known motifs that were enriched in either the H3K14ac or H3K9me3 datasets. However, analysis of the G4 +/− offspring revealed 9 significantly enriched motifs ( Figure 4 ). H3K14ac is enriched differentially in regions that contain Gata1, 2, and 4 and Myf5 binding motifs. H3K9me3 is enriched differentially in regions that contain GFY, E2F, E2F4, and RUNX-AML binding motifs.

Figure 4

Known motifs differentially enriched by maternal high-fat diet exposure

HOMER was used to determine known motifs enriched within the acetylation of lysine 14 of histone H3 (H3K14ac) and trimethylation of lysine 9 of histone H3 (H3K9me3) datasets.

Suter. High-fat diet alters hepatic histone code. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 .

Genes important for lipid metabolism are enriched differentially in H3K14ac and H3K9me3 in fetal livers of wild-type and G4 ± offspring

The generated gene lists were analyzed with ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) to determine which biologic networks are represented differentially. For each group, lipid metabolism was the top network to be identified ( Supplementary Table 14 ). In each analysis, 4 genes that were involved in lipid metabolism consistently emerged as central convergence nodes for the differentially represented pathways: Pparg , Ppara , Rora , and Rxra . Enrichment of H4K14ac and H3K9me3 within gene-specific promoters was interrogated with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) on ChIP’ed DNA with the use of primers that were proximal to the TSS ( Supplementary Table 15 ). Indeed, both H3K14ac and H3K9me3 were enriched among both wild-type and G4 +/− fetal liver after in utero HFD exposure compared with control diet ( Figure 5 , A-D).

Figure 5

Promoter enrichment of H3K14ac and H3K9me3 in fetal animals

Both acetylation of lysine 14 of histone H3 (H3K14ac) and trimethylation of lysine 9 of histone H3 (H3K9me3) are enriched at site specific promoters with high-fat (HF) diet exposure in the fetal liver. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by site-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used to determine enrichment (as calculated by percent input) of either H3K14ac or H3K9me3 within the promoters of A, Pparg , B, Ppara C, Rora or D, Rxra for wild-type (WT) and G4 +/− offspring. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to determine if expression of each gene was altered in either the E, WT or F, G4 +/− offspring.

C , control.

* P < .05; ** P < .005.

Suter. High-fat diet alters hepatic histone code. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 .

We hypothesized that, if there were an enrichment of these modifications with HFD exposure, this enrichment should correlate with significant alterations in gene-specific transcription. Pparg , Ppara , Rora, and Rxra expression was quantified by qPCR ( Figure 5 , E and F). Pparg was increased in the G4 +/− HFD-exposed fetuses compared with the control diet group. Expression levels of Ppara , Rora, and Rxra were not altered in HFD-exposed fetuses in either the wild-type or G4 +/− groups.

Promoter enrichment of H3K14ac and H3K9me3 is reversed at 5 weeks of age, despite HFD exposure during lactation

We performed qPCR on H3K14ac and H3K9me3 ChIP’ed DNA using primers proximal to the TSS. At 5 weeks of age, both modifications are enriched with maternal HFD exposure in the Pparg promoter, but only among G4 +/− offspring ( Figure 6 , A). In HFD wild-type animals, there was a significant decrease in H3K14ac in the Ppara promoter ( Figure 6 , B). Similarly, both H3K14ac and H3K9me3 were decreased in the Rora promoter with HFD exposure ( Figure 6 , C). There were no significant changes in the Rxra promoter ( Figure 6 , D). However, messenger RNA expression analysis demonstrated that Ppara expression was decreased significantly after maternal HFD exposure in both the wild-type and G4 +/− 5-week-old offspring ( Figure 6 , E and F); messenger RNA expression of Pparg and Rxra were decreased significantly only in the G4 +/− offspring ( Figure 6 , F).

May 11, 2017 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on In utero exposure to a maternal high-fat diet alters the epigenetic histone code in a murine model

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