HIV-serodiscordant couples desiring a child: ‘treatment as prevention,’ preexposure prophylaxis, or medically assisted procreation?


We sought to assess the residual risk of HIV transmission, cost, and cost-effectiveness of various strategies that can help fertile HIV-uninfected female/HIV-1-infected male on combination antiretroviral therapy with plasma HIV RNA <50 copies/mL couples to have a child: (1) unprotected sexual intercourse (treatment as prevention); (2) treatment as prevention limited to fertile days (targeting fertile days); (3) treatment as prevention with preexposure prophylaxis (tenofovir/emtricitabine); (4) treatment as prevention and preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days; or (5) medically assisted procreation (MAP).

Study Design

This was a model-based, cost-effectiveness analysis performed from a French societal perspective. Input parameters derived from international literature included: 85% probability of live births in different strategies, 0.0083%/mo HIV transmission risk with unprotected vaginal intercourse, 1% HIV mother-to-child transmission rate, and 4.4% birth defect risk related to combination antiretroviral therapy when the mother is infected at conception. Targeting fertile days and preexposure prophylaxis were estimated to decrease the risk of HIV transmission by 80% and 67%, respectively, and by 93.4% for preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days (the relative risk of transmission considering the combination of both strategies assuming to be (1-80%)*(1-67%) = 16.6% in basecase). Tenofovir/emtricitabine monthly cost was set at €540.


The HIV transmission risk was highest with treatment as prevention and lowest for MAP (5.4 and 0.0 HIV-infected women/10,000 pregnancies, respectively). Targeting fertile days was more effective than preexposure prophylaxis (0.9 vs 1.8) and associated with lowest costs. Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days was more effective than targeting fertile days (0.3 vs 0.9) with a cost-effectiveness ratio of €1,130,000/life year saved; MAP cost-effectiveness ratio when compared with preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days was €3,600,000/life year saved. Results were robust to multiple sensitivity analyses.


Targeting fertile days is associated with a low risk of HIV transmission in fertile HIV-uninfected female/male with controlled HIV-1 infection couples. The risk is lower with preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days, or MAP, but these strategies are associated with unfavorable cost-effectiveness ratios under their current costs.

In fertile, HIV-serodiscordant couples, and more specifically in HIV-1-infected male/HIV– female couples, who desire a child, medically assisted procreation (MAP), such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) together with washed semen followed by negative viral testing, is recommended in most high-income countries. This strategy allows safe procreation but is associated with costs and constraints such as access to referral centers that are often far from the couple’s home.

It has recently been suggested that the risk of transmission of HIV through unprotected vaginal intercourse in serodiscordant couples, although not 0, is very low. This strategy, called “treatment as prevention,” has been adopted in Switzerland. Its use in HIV1+ male on combination antiretroviral therapy with undetectable plasma viral load/HIV– female couples who desire a child can avoid MAP use, but cannot rule out a residual risk of HIV transmission. Unprotected vaginal intercourse during fertile days, ie, ovulation period determined by urine ovulation testing, can be used to reduce the risk of transmission.

In serodiscordant couples, the risk of HIV transmission may be further decreased through preexposure prophylaxis, which consists in having unprotected sexual intercourse while the HIV– partner receives a tenofovir/emtricitabine combination. In HIV+ male on combination antiretroviral therapy with undetectable plasma viral load/HIV– female couples who desire a child, preexposure prophylaxis can be either used continuously or only during fertile days, with protected sexual intercourse on other days. However, preexposure prophylaxis is associated with additional costs and unknown toxicity in pregnant women.

In France, guidelines regarding the reproductive strategies for HIV-serodiscordant couples desiring a child were updated in September 2013 and experts continue to recommend MAP and IUI. However, they also admit that treatment as prevention can be proposed as an alternative strategy if the couple is fertile, the couple is lacking genital injury and other sexually transmitted diseases, and plasma viral load is permanently undetectable in the HIV+ partner. Additionally, it is stated that in this case the couple should target fertile days. In contrast, preexposure prophylaxis is not recommended because of a lack of large-scale studies. However, in the United States, recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines have for the first time recommended preexposure prophylaxis as one of several options of safe conception for HIV-serodiscordant couples although this was an expert-based recommendation and not based on a specific analysis in this population. The aim of this model-based analysis was to use all available knowledge on the efficacy, toxicity, and cost of treatment as prevention and preexposure prophylaxis to assess the residual risk of HIV transmission, cost, and cost-effectiveness of a combination of these new HIV sexual transmission prevention strategies vs the recommended MAP strategy in HIV+ male on combination antiretroviral therapy with undetectable plasma viral load/HIV– female couples who desire a child.

Materials and Methods

Study design

We performed a model-based decision analysis to compare the following 5 reproductive strategies: (1) unprotected sexual intercourse (treatment as prevention strategy); (2) unprotected sexual intercourse limited to fertile days determined by urine ovulation testing (targeting fertile days); (3) treatment as prevention and preexposure prophylaxis, using a continuous tenofovir/emtricitabine combination; (4) treatment as prevention and preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days; and (5) MAP: sperm washing and 6 IUI attempts at most per couple. We did not consider in vitro fertilization among our strategies because the couples were supposed to be fertile. Outcomes included cumulative risk of HIV heterosexual transmission to HIV– partner and mother-to-child transmission, risk of birth defects, life expectancy of both woman and child, costs, and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios, measured in €/life year of both woman and baby saved. We applied the guidance of the World Health Organization Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, which suggests that an intervention be labeled “cost-effective” in a given country if its incremental cost-effectiveness ratio is <3 times the nation’s gross domestic product per capita. Since the French gross domestic product per capita is €30,000, programs delivering life year saved for <€90,000 were deemed “cost-effective.” Because our goal was to inform decision making at the level of the French National Health Service, we conducted our analyses from a modified societal perspective (excluding indirect costs), and discounted costs, and life expectancy, at 4%/annum. We report lifetime medical costs in 2013 euros; €1 was equivalent to US$1.32 in January 2013.

Model and population

We constructed a Markov model to simulate a hypothetical cohort of 10,000 fertile HIV-serodiscordant couples desiring a child over 1 year with the male partners being treated for HIV with undetectable blood viral load and the female partners (HIV–) being 33 years old. The model was run over 12 cycles (1 year), and simulated the HIV– women’s trajectory when the couple initiated the reproductive strategy until they became pregnant and/or they tested HIV+, or at 12 months. Figure 1 describes the decision process for each cycle. For each cycle (month), women could be pregnant or not. If pregnant, women were routinely tested for HIV, as were their babies if the test was positive. For each scenario, babies could be born with birth defects according to different probabilities (ie, if the mother was on highly active antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy or not) and if she received preexposure prophylaxis in treatment as prevention using a continuous tenofovir/emtricitabine combination and limited to fertile days. For nonpregnant women, HIV testing was performed every 3 cycles for natural insemination strategies and at each cycle for the MAP strategy. Therefore, 5 terminal stages were defined: (1) woman uninfected and baby uninfected; (2) woman infected and baby uninfected; (3) woman infected and baby infected; (4) woman uninfected and no baby; and (5) woman infected and no baby. The model was constructed and analyses were performed using software (TreeAge Pro 2014; TreeAge Software Inc, Williamstown, MA).

Figure 1

Decision tree

For each cycle, insemination strategy was performed and women became pregnant according to respective probabilities. Women were routinely tested for HIV if pregnant, and tested for each cycle of medically assisted procreation or every 3 months in other strategies. Infected tested nonpregnant women stopped to inseminate (exited model), and noninfected (or nontested) women started new cycle. Pregnant women also stopped to inseminate and babies became infected (if women were HIV+) and/or had birth defects according to respective probabilities.

Mabileau. Procreation in HIV-serodiscordant couples. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

Input parameters

Input parameters of the model are presented in Table 1 . In this model-based analysis, we compared the reproductive strategies considering an 85% cumulative probability of live births, which was assumed to be the same for the different strategies. This assumption is based on the pregnancy success rate in fertile couples after 12 cycles when sexual intercourse is unprotected, the women being between 32-35 years old. The pregnancy rate per cycle was 14.6% for natural insemination (85% after 12 cycles), instead of 27.1% for MAP, as we considered a maximum of 6 IUI attempts per woman (85% after 6 cycles). For the unprotected vaginal intercourse strategy, the risk of HIV transmission to the woman was an estimated 0.0083%/mo, with a 1% subsequent HIV mother-to-child transmission rate in the case of HIV transmission to the female partner, and a 4.4% birth defect risk related to combination antiretroviral therapy use in the female during the pregnancy, the risk being 2.3% in the French general population. We hypothesized that the infected mother was treated with combination antiretroviral therapy during the first trimester of pregnancy. Ovulation generally lasts from 2-5 d/cycle, but we assumed a large range of values for the relative risk reduction in targeting fertile days to take the uncertainty into account, decreasing the heterosexual transmission risk by 0-90% (base case = 80%) when compared with the unprotected vaginal intercourse strategy. We estimated that preexposure prophylaxis decreased the risk of heterosexual HIV transmission by 67% (base case) to 90%. In the case of preexposure prophylaxis during targeting fertile days, the risk of sexual HIV transmission was assumed to decrease by 93.4% (the relative risk of transmission considering the combination of both strategies assuming to be (1-80%)*(1-67%) = 16.6% in basecase). Preexposure prophylaxis was assumed to be discontinued as soon as mothers knew they are pregnant within the first 2 weeks of gestation. Consequently, no additional birth defect risk associated with preexposure prophylaxis was considered since during this early period the developing embryo is not susceptible to teratogenesis. IUI was performed after sperm washing and HIV testing of the washed sample, so the risk of transmission related to this strategy was an estimated 0.0001%. Input variables considered were derived from the international literature and/or were discussed by an expert group composed of infectious diseases specialists, gynecologists, health economists, and MAP specialists. Life expectancies for HIV– women and babies were derived from 2010 estimates of the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, assuming a 36% reduction in life expectancy for HIV+ patients as compared with the general population ; this was varied over a wide range in the sensitivity analysis.


Before each strategy, we considered that couples were tested for sexually transmitted infections (eg, HIV, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and syphilis) and that each woman’s fertility was confirmed with usual tests ( Table 1 ). However, expenses related to these costs being strictly the same for each strategy, we did not include them in the analysis.

Table 1

Input parameters

Health outcomes Baseline values Ranges Sources
Success rate of pregnancy (overall) 0.85 Fixed
Baseline transmission risks in HIV-serodiscordant couples desiring child
Transmission risk from male to female partner/mo 0.000083 0.0–0.001
Mother-to-child transmission, overall risk 0.01 0.005–0.03
Strategies to reduce heterosexual transmission
Intrauterine insemination involving sperm washing and negative HIV testing of washed sample
Maximum no. of cycles 6 NABM
Residual risk of transmission per cycle 0.000001 0.0–0.01
Preexposure prophylaxis with tenofovir/emtricitabine in uninfected woman
Relative risk reduction of transmission 0.67 0.67–0.9
Targeting fertile days with urine ovulation test
Relative reduction of length of exposure 0.8 0–0.9 Discussed
Targeting fertile days associated with preexposure prophylaxis
Relative reduction of length of exposure 0.934 0.67–0.99 Calculated
Birth defects
Highly active antiretroviral therapy regimens initiated in first trimester of pregnancy if woman is HIV+ 0.044 0.025–0.07
Birth defects in general population 0.023
Life expectancy
Age of woman in HIV-serodiscordant couple desiring child, y 33.0 25.0–35.0
Life expectancy of women age 33 [25–35] y in French general population 52.0 50.0–60.0 INSEE 2010 [French general population]
Life expectancy at birth (50% male, 50% female) 81.0 77.6–84.3 [boy–girl] INSEE 2010 [French general population]
Reduction in life expectancy for HIV+ patients with early presentation (mean CD4 count 510 cells/mL) as compared with general population 0.64 0.6–1.0 [French HIV population]
Costs (in 2013 euros) a
Costs related to insemination strategies
Intrauterine insemination
Initial fixed costs (preconception counseling, transportation to referral center, semen collection, and sperm washing) 405.30 205.30–810.60
Procedure costs per cycle (intrauterine insemination, transportation to referral center) 561.57 387.29–646.91
Urine pregnancy test, unit costs 8.10
HIV testing of couple, unit costs 18.90
Tenofovir/emtricitabine (preexposure prophylaxis), drug costs/mo 536.40 457.50–536.40
Urine ovulation tests, costs/mo 17.00 12.00–50.00
Consultation with physician 23.00
Costs related to HIV transmission
Lifetime (undiscounted) costs for HIV care if woman infected at conception 641,000 350,000
Lifetime (undiscounted) costs for HIV care if baby born infected 1,000,000 500,000
Discount rate 0.04 0.0–0.04

INSEE , French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies; NABM , Nomenclature des Actes Biologiques Médicale.

Mabileau. Procreation in HIV-serodiscordant couples. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

a In January 2013, €1 was equivalent to US$1.32.

Costs for MAP were derived from the French nomenclature for clinical pathology procedures (Nomenclature des Actes Biologiques Médicale), which fixes the cost of such procedures in France. For MAP we considered 2 preconception visits (gynecologist and medical technologist–€23 each) for both women and men, and 1 additional visit for men for semen collection with sperm washing (a sperm bundle being used for a mean of 3 attempts, which was to be repeated after 3 unsuccessful cycles). The total mean cost of the preconception process for MAP was €405.30, including transportation to the referral center for both women (once) and men (twice) (€100/100-km round-trip).

For each MAP cycle, we considered additional procedures related to the IUI, including laboratory procedures for semen preparation and medical procedures for ovulation induction, insemination, and ultrasound. Treatments for ovarian stimulation (a low dose of Puregon given from day 3 to the day of ovulation induction) and to trigger ovulation (human chorionic gonadotropin 5000) were also included in costs. Costs of Puregon were included because for a part of fertile women, ovarian stimulation has been reported to provide best results than without it in HIV-infected women; it mostly brings monoovulation stimulation when it is initiated over the time of dominant follicle selection (over day 6 or 7) and facilitates its monitoring; and had not been suspected to increase the risk of breast cancer and birth defects, contrary to clomiphene citrate. Total mean cost for each MAP cycle was an estimated €561.57 (procedures and treatments). We also considered transportation of the woman to a referral center for each cycle.

Costs for preexposure prophylaxis included drug costs (€536.40/mo for continuous tenofovir/emtricitabine com bination) and visit costs (infectious diseases specialist and gynecologist at the beginning, then one to an infectious diseases specialist every 3 months–€23 each). Targeting fertile days without preexposure prophylaxis included visit costs at the beginning (infectious diseases specialist and gynecologist), then urine ovulation test costs (€17/mo). Costs for urine pregnancy testing (€8.10/U/mo) and for HIV testing (€18.90/U/mo for MAP, and /trimester for others) were also included for each strategy. Total lifetime costs related to HIV care for HIV+ women and their babies were added to costs associated with each strategy (€641,000 for a life expectancy of 33 years and €100,000,000 for a life expectancy of 52 years, respectively). We based our calculations on costs related to HIV published by Sloan et al who estimated a lifetime cost of €534,800 for a life expectancy of 27.5 years for patients presenting to care early.


Sensitivity analyses were performed for the parameters with the greatest impact, considering a wide range of values ( Table 1 ), to validate the robustness of our outcomes. We first varied parameters in 1-way sensitivity analyses and then performed 2-way sensitivity analyses with major and uncertain parameters. We considered the baseline probability of sexual transmission from male to female to be between almost 0-0.058%/mo, as estimated by Cohen et al. Considering the uncertainty of the risk reduction associated with targeting fertile days, we varied it from 0.1-1 since targeting fertile days does not necessarily mean that couples have no unprotected sexual intercourses outside the ovulation period (generally lasting 2-7 days). Moreover, couples could decide to have more sexual intercourse during this period to multiply their chances of pregnancy, resulting in a decrease in relative risk reduction of transmission. Although preexposure prophylaxis was assumed by Baeten et al to reduce the risk of transmission by 67%, we increased the relative risk reduction of preexposure prophylaxis to 90% considering recent estimations by Dai et al. Costs related to preexposure prophylaxis were also varied to take into account that prices could be reduced in the future (eg, due to new generic drugs). Finally, we decreased the reduction of life expectancy for people infected by HIV to 0% considering that the life expectancy of patients treated early and adherent to care and treatment is similar to that of the general population.


Results of the baseline analysis regarding the residual risk of HIV transmission, cost, and cost-effectiveness of different strategies are presented in Table 2 . In a population of 10,000 HIV-serodiscordant couples desiring a child, the HIV+ male partner being treated by combination antiretroviral therapy with an undetectable plasma viral load, and the HIV– woman being aged 33 years, the probability of HIV transmission to the woman was highest with unprotected sexual intercourse and lowest for MAP, followed by preexposure prophylaxis during fertile periods. Unprotected sexual intercourse resulted in 5.4 heterosexual transmissions and 0.014 mother-to-child transmissions/10,000 pregnancies over 1 year, preexposure prophylaxis in 1.8 heterosexual transmissions and 0.005 mother-to-child transmissions/10,000 pregnancies, and MAP, no transmission. Targeting fertile days (0.9 heterosexual transmissions) was associated with fewer transmissions than preexposure prophylaxis. Targeting fertile days was the strategy associated with the lowest costs with a mean cost of €786/couple, and preexposure prophylaxis with the highest costs at €3836/couple, followed by MAP at €3208/couple. With preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days, costs were €1324/couple.

Table 2

Effectiveness, cost, and cost-effectiveness of reproductive strategies in HIV-serodiscordant couples

Reproductive strategy a Mo Pregnancy probability HIV+ women b HIV+ babies b Birth defects Life expectancy c (undiscounted) Life expectancy c (discounted d ) Costs e (discounted d ) Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio f
Targeting fertile days 12 85.00% 0.9 0.002 195.5 113.046 40.408 €785.90
Treatment as prevention 12 84.98% 5.4 0.014 195.5 113.030 40.404 €786.67 Dominated g
Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days 12 85.00% 0.3 0.001 195.5 113.049 40.409 €1324.29 1,128,000
MAP 6 85.00% 0.0 0.000 195.5 113.050 40.409 €3207.79 3,595,000
Preexposure prophylaxis 12 84.99% 1.8 0.005 195.5 113.043 40.408 €3836.32 Dominated g

MAP , medically assisted procreation.

Mabileau. Procreation in HIV-serodiscordant couples. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

a Five reproductive strategies were compared: (1) unprotected sexual intercourse (treatment as prevention), (2) treatment as prevention during fertile days determined by urine ovulation testing (targeting fertile days), (3) treatment as prevention and preexposure prophylaxis (tenofovir/emtricitabine combination), (4) treatment as prevention and preexposure prophylaxis during fertile period, (5) MAP with sperm washing and 6 intrauterine insemination attempts at most per couple

b Per 10,000 pregnancies

c Of both woman and child, woman being age 33 y (eg, 113.046 = life expectancy of woman = 44.199 + life expectancy of baby = 68.847), rounded off to 3 decimal places

d Life expectancies and costs related to HIV care were discounted with rate of 4%/annum

e In January 2013, €1 was equivalent to US$1.32

f Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios are rounded off to nearest €1000/life year saved–comparator strategy is always next smallest, not dominated, alternative

g Dominated: less effective and more costly than some alternative strategies.

When considering the life expectancy of both the woman and the baby, unprotected sexual intercourse was less effective and more costly than targeting fertile days (ie, dominated). Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days was more effective but also more costly than targeting fertile days and associated with a cost-effectiveness ratio of €1,127,725/life year saved when compared with this strategy. Preexposure prophylaxis was less effective and more expensive than preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days than targeting fertile days (ie, dominated). MAP, during which no transmissions were considered to occur, was more effective but also more costly than preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days and associated with a cost-effectiveness ratio of €3,595,000/life year saved.

Table 3 presents results from 1-way sensitivity analyses for the most impactful and uncertain input parameters with corresponding incremental cost-effectiveness ratios. Compared with the baseline analysis, targeting fertile days remained the most cost-effective strategy in all scenarios. When the probability of sexual transmission was reduced to a residual risk, treatment as prevention became cost-effective and MAP and preexposure prophylaxis even less cost-effective (€6,533,730/life year saved and dominated, respectively). When the relative risk reduction of targeting fertile days was reduced to 0%, targeting fertile days and preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days were dominated by treatment as prevention and MAP, respectively, with lower effectiveness and higher costs. The cost of preexposure prophylaxis reduced to €0 decreased preexposure prophylaxis and preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days cost-effectiveness, which became cost-effective below a cost of preexposure prophylaxis at €35; targeting fertile days was in particular dominated by preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days with higher cost but a lower incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. When the reduction of life expectancy related to HIV was reduced to 0% (ie, no reduction compared with the general population), treatment as prevention became less expensive than targeting fertile days, but targeting fertile days remained very cost-effective (€3137/life year saved compared with treatment as prevention).

Table 3

One-way sensitivity analysis

Reproductive strategies a HIV+ women b HIV+ babies b Life expectancy c Costs d Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio e
Base case
Targeting fertile days 0.9 0.002 40.408 785.9
Treatment as prevention 5.4 0.014 40.404 786.67 Dominated f
Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days 0.3 0.001 40.409 1324.29 1,128,000
MAP 0.0 0.000 40.409 3207.79 3,594,745
Preexposure prophylaxis 1.8 0.005 40.408 3836.32 Dominated f
Risk of sexual transmission g = 0.00001% (base case = 0.0083%)
Treatment as prevention 0.0 0.000 40.409 690.46
Targeting fertile days 0.0 0.000 40.409 769.55 Extendedly dominated h
Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days 0.0 0.000 40.409 1318.9 Extendedly dominated h
MAP 0.0 0.000 40.409 3207.79 6,533,730
Preexposure prophylaxis 0.0 0.000 40.409 3804.89 Dominated f
Risk of sexual transmission g = 0.058%
Targeting fertile days 5.4 0.014 40.404 883.91
Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days 1.8 0.005 40.407 1356.58 141,706
Treatment as prevention 31.9 0.084 40.38 1362.32 Dominated f
MAP 0.0 0.000 40.409 3207.79 958,224
Preexposure prophylaxis 10.5 0.028 40.399 4024.65 Dominated f
Relative risk reduction of targeting fertile days i = 0% (base case = 80%)
Treatment as prevention 4.6 0.012 40.405 786.67
Targeting fertile days 4.6 0.012 40.405 865.82 Dominated f
MAP 0.0 0.000 40.409 3207.79 540,444
Preexposure prophylaxis 1.5 0.004 40.408 3836.32 Dominated f
Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days 1.5 0.004 40.408 3938.28 Dominated f
Relative risk reduction of targeting fertile days i = 90%
Targeting fertile days 0.5 0.001 40.408 779.16
Treatment as prevention 4.6 0.012 40.405 786.67 Dominated f
Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days 0.2 0.000 40.409 1103.81 1,156,030
MAP 0.0 0.000 40.409 3207.79 4,925,807
Preexposure prophylaxis 1.5 0.004 40.408 3836.32 Dominated f
Relative risk reduction of preexposure prophylaxis j = 90% (base case = 67%)
Targeting fertile days 0.8 0.002 40.408 785.9
Treatment as prevention 4.6 0.012 40.405 786.67 Dominated f
Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days 0.1 0.000 40.409 1320.53 833,663
MAP 0.0 0.000 40.409 3207.79 5,241,357
Preexposure prophylaxis 0.5 0.001 40.408 3814.39 Dominated f
Cost of preexposure prophylaxis = €0 (base case = €540)
Preexposure prophylaxis 1.5 0.004 40.408 718.66
Targeting fertile days 0.8 0.002 40.408 785.9 Extendedly dominated h
Treatment as prevention 4.6 0.012 40.405 786.67 Dominated f
Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days 0.3 0.001 40.409 794.24 17,464
MAP 0.0 0.000 40.409 3207.79 4,606,377
Reduction of LE = 20% (base case = 36%)
Treatment as prevention 4.6 0.002 40.406 784.72
Targeting fertile days 0.8 0.001 40.408 785.57 319
Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days 0.3 0.000 40.409 1324.18 1,468,702
MAP 0.0 0.004 40.409 3207.79 4,012,453
Preexposure prophylaxis 1.5 0.012 40.408 3835.68 Dominated f
Reduction of life expectancy = 0%
Treatment as prevention 4.6 0.002 40.406 777.99
Targeting fertile days 0.8 0.001 40.408 784.42 3137
Preexposure prophylaxis limited to fertile days 0.3 0.000 40.409 1323.8 1,915,060
MAP 0.0 0.004 40.409 3207.79 4,406,611
Preexposure prophylaxis 1.5 0.012 40.408 3833.46 Dominated f

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May 6, 2017 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on HIV-serodiscordant couples desiring a child: ‘treatment as prevention,’ preexposure prophylaxis, or medically assisted procreation?

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