Chapter 542 History and Physical Examination
Gynecologic Examination
The clitoris may appear large in proportion to the other genital structures, especially in premature infants. If the clitoris appears enlarged, the clitoral width should be measured; values >6 mm in a newborn indicate a need for further evaluation. If clitoromegaly and ambiguous genitals are present, the immediate concerns of the obstetrician and pediatrician are to obtain expert consultation for the infant and to counsel the parents. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is the most common cause of ambiguous genitals (accounting for >90% of cases), and salt-wasting forms can lead to rapid dehydration and fluid and electrolyte imbalance (Chapter 570). Delay of diagnosis and treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia may be life-threatening.
Infants and Prepubertal Girls
As puberty approaches, the child experiences increasing endocrine activity of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal gland, and ovaries (Chapter 555). The labia majora begin to fill out and the labia minora thicken and elongate as a result of increased estrogen levels. The hymen thickens and becomes more redundant. Clear or white physiologic secretions may be present. Breast buds begin to appear, initially with one side first, or as a pair.