Hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, may be caused by primarily hepatotropic agents such hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses that produce disease almost exclusively in the liver, whereas other agents, such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), adenovirus, and the hemorrhagic fever viruses, produce hepatitis as part of a systemic or disseminated illness. Hepatitis may be subclinical or silent, or symptomatic with acute or chronic clinically manifest hepatitis, and may progress to fulminant or fatal disease. Both immunocompetent and immunocompromised children of all ages may contract infectious hepatitis, and their age, immune status, and history of exposure may provide clues to identification of the most likely etiologic agent. Noninfectious causes such as autoimmune disease, storage and metabolic disorders, toxins, medications, or other chemicals are also important causes of hepatitis and liver injury in children. Hepatic steatosis associated with childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes is a rapidly growing public health concern. Vasculitis, cardiac disease, hypoxic injury, or trauma also may damage the liver.
Presented in this chapter is a general approach to an infant or child with hepatitis or hepatic dysfunction from an infectious perspective. Detailed information regarding the diagnosis and management of each particular pathogen can be found in the respective chapters in the section of this textbook dedicated to infections with specific microorganisms.
The earliest descriptions of outbreaks of hepatitis in the ancient world most likely involved hepatitis A virus (HAV), and it was known as epidemic jaundice and catarrhal jaundice or acute yellow atrophy of the liver if the disease was severe or fulminant. The earliest recorded outbreak in the United States occurred in Norfolk, Virginia, in 1812. During wartime, outbreaks of “camp jaundice” or “field jaundice” occurred and probably were caused by HAV, yellow fever, or leptospirosis. Not until 1973 was the cause of “infectious hepatitis” determined to be a 27-nm, nonenveloped viral particle, originally designated enterovirus 72, now known as HAV. Infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) has a relatively more recent history. The earliest description was in the late 1880s in an epidemiologic study published by Luerman in 1885 in Germany, where an outbreak of prolonged hepatitis was described in shipyard and warehouse workers who received smallpox vaccine contaminated with human material. Other outbreaks of “serum hepatitis” have been described in association with percutaneous therapies, such as gold for rheumatoid arthritis or contaminated vaccines stabilized with human serum. In the early 1970s, the HBV infectious particle in serum was called the Dane particle . Subsequently the Australian (Au) antigen (discovered in the blood of an Australian aborigine), now known as the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), was characterized and subsequently used to diagnose HBV. Soon after, parenterally transmitted “non-A, non-B hepatitis” was described and subsequently identified in 1989 as the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The 1970s also marked the discovery of hepatitis delta virus (HDV), a “defective helper virus” that replicates only in the presence of HBV and is associated with chronic or fulminant hepatitis. In the 1990s, another enterically transmitted non-A, non-B hepatitis virus was found to be associated with outbreaks of infectious hepatitis in developing parts of the world. It was characterized originally as a calicivirus-like particle and subsequently named hepatitis E virus (HEV).
Clinical Manifestations and Evaluation
Patient History
The clinical approach to evaluating and managing a child with hepatitis includes careful attention to the age at presentation; initial signs and symptoms; history of exposure to potential pathogens, toxins, or medications; the presence of underlying conditions; travel to endemic areas; vaccination history; family history of intravenous drug use or liver or metabolic disorders; or behavioral risk factors (intravenous drug use, unprotected sexual contact [male-female, male-male]). Presenting symptoms in older children with acute hepatitis are nonspecific and may include fever, vomiting, anorexia or aversion to specific foods, change in taste and smell, lethargy and malaise, weight loss, dark urine, pale stool, jaundice, icterus, or even pruritus. Abdominal pain is a common complaint and is usually mild, dull, or aching; located in the right upper quadrant; and unaffected by meals, body position, or defecation. Often an antecedent viral syndrome or “flulike” illness is noted 7 to 14 days before the onset of hepatitis. Rarely a “serum sickness–like syndrome” may occur at the onset of the illness, before jaundice occurs, and is characterized by fever, rash, and arthritis. In contrast, neonates and young children rarely have signs and symptoms from infection with hepatotropic viruses and are more likely to have clinical disease with agents that cause congenital or perinatal infection, such as CMV, herpes simplex virus (HSV), rubella virus, parvovirus B19, or Treponema pallidum, especially if extrahepatic signs such as splenomegaly, skin lesions, microcephaly, or hearing loss are present. Neonates and young infants often become seriously ill with multisystem involvement that accompanies disseminated HSV, enteroviruses, or adenoviruses and show signs of acute, massive hepatocellular necrosis. These signs can include irritability or lethargy, jaundice, ascites, abdominal distention, hepatomegaly, acholic stools, anasarca, and coagulopathy. Patients from developing countries with a personal or maternal history of blood transfusions should be screened for HBV, HCV, HDV, and CMV, whereas attendance at summer camp or an institutional environment coupled with a lack of vaccination might warrant HAV screening. Recent treatment with antifungal azoles, antibiotics (macrolides, cyclines, isoniazid), antiepileptics, or even hepatotoxic over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen may suggest drug-induced hepatitis. Exposure of older children to feral kittens can be suggestive of infection with Bartonella henselae or Toxoplasma gondii. Children receiving cancer chemotherapy may have drug-induced hepatitis, and those who have experienced prolonged neutropenia may have fungal disease of the liver. Children with fulminant hepatitis are critically ill and initially may have persistent fever, protracted nausea and vomiting, severe abdominal pain, worsening jaundice, fluid retention with ascites, easy bruising, bleeding, and encephalopathy with seizures or coma. Patients with chronic hepatitis, on the other hand, often are clinically asymptomatic unless complications such as cirrhosis or chronic liver failure develop.
Physical Findings
Physical examination of a child with hepatitis should focus on the abdomen, liver, and spleen but also should include a careful evaluation for extrahepatic manifestations of systemic disease. Tender hepatomegaly, with or without ascites, scleral icterus, and jaundice, is often noted on physical examination of patients with acute hepatitis. Percussion over the right lower part of the thorax may produce right upper quadrant pain. Fever may or may not be present. Extrahepatic physical findings associated with the hepatotropic viruses, especially HAV, HBV, and HCV, include systemic vasculitis with rash or urticaria, polyarthralgia, and polyarthritis, similar to serum sickness or polyarteritis nodosa. A generalized papular rash, known as Gianotti disease, may accompany HBV infection, especially in young children. Rarely a patient with acute viral hepatitis may exhibit Raynaud phenomenon, bullous lesions, or erythema nodosa on the extensor surfaces. Skin excoriations may be present if jaundice-associated pruritus is severe, and older children and adolescents may have vascular spiders or exacerbation of acne. A child who also has conjunctivitis, pneumonitis, and a maculopapular rash may have disseminated adenoviral disease. Generalized lymphadenopathy accompanied by pharyngitis and splenomegaly, in contrast, suggests systemic infection with CMV or EBV. Idiosyncratic reactions involving the liver may occur at any time; however, drug-related hypersensitivity hepatitis occurs 1 to 5 weeks after exposure to the agent and usually is accompanied by rash and fever on examination and evidence of nephritis, eosinophilia, and neutropenia. Neonates with acute fulminant hepatitis from disseminated HSV, enteroviruses, or adenoviruses may have fever or hypothermia, respiratory distress, abdominal distention, coagulopathy, myocarditis, seizure-like activity, or a sepsis-like syndrome. Physical examination of a child with fulminant hepatitis and liver failure may actually reveal a normal or small liver with new-onset irritability, confusion, lethargy, or personality changes. As hepatic failure ensues, the patient may become deeply jaundiced, icteric, and encephalopathic with hyperreflexia, decerebrate posturing, involuntary movements, and asterixis or may even become comatose. A distinctive sweet, fecal smell (also called fetor hepaticus ) likely from ammonia, mercaptans, and ketones shunted from the liver to the lungs of a patient also may be appreciated by an astute observer. Physical examination of a child with chronic hepatitis, on the other hand, may reveal a normal or enlarged liver with splenomegaly. Splenomegaly is often the hallmark of portal hypertension related to chronic liver disease. If the child is obese, fatty infiltration of the liver should be considered as a cause of liver inflammation and dysfunction.
Laboratory Diagnosis
Laboratory evaluation of a child with acute hepatitis should include general blood and urine chemistries (complete blood cell count with differential, electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, urinalysis), tests of hepatic function (albumin, glucose, ammonia, coagulopathy panel, factors V and VII), and tests of hepatic inflammation/obstruction (serum aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase [AST/ALT], alkaline phosphatase, γ-glutamyltranspeptidase, bilirubin). Serologic tests (i.e., HAV IgM, HBsAg, HCV Ab), cultures, or detection assays (i.e., HCV RNA quantitative polymerase chain reaction [PCR]) for specific pathogens of interest according to the patient’s screening laboratory results, history, or physical findings should also be pursued. Neonates with elevated aminotransferase levels should be tested for enterovirus and herpes simplex virus with PCR of blood and CSF to assess for viremia and meningoencephalitis.
In many forms of viral hepatitis, the white blood cell count may be low, usually between 3000 and 4000/mm 3 . Atypical lymphocytes also may be seen. Eosinophilia suggests a drug hypersensitivity reaction. If significant leukocytosis is present, sepsis or fulminant hepatitis should be considered. A rising creatinine value may indicate development of hepatorenal syndrome. Urinalysis may reveal dark urine and the presence of urobilinogen. Hematuria with casts or other signs of nephritis in an older child may signify an autoimmune disorder or a drug-induced process as the cause of the hepatitis.
The hepatic aminotransferases, including AST and ALT, will be elevated in patients with acute hepatitis, often before the onset of clinical symptoms. Most forms of acute hepatitis will be accompanied by elevations of 500 IU/mL or greater. A neonate with aminotransferase levels higher than 1000 IU/mL may have a potentially life-threatening infection with bacterial sepsis, HSV, enterovirus, or adenovirus. Similarly older children with fulminant hepatitis or hepatic necrosis may have significantly elevated aminotransferase levels. These values may begin to fall after reaching a pinnacle; however, if the γ-glutamyltranspeptidase or conjugated bilirubin level continues to rise, this may indicate disease progression with massive hepatocyte necrosis rather than improvement. Prothrombin time, international normalized ratio, and albumin and glucose levels usually are normal in cases of uncomplicated acute viral hepatitis, but if coagulation factors become prolonged and hypoalbuminemia and hypoglycemia persist, fulminant hepatitis should be considered. Direct markers of hepatic synthetic function such as factors V and VII will also be low in the setting of liver failure. Serum bilirubin, both conjugated and unconjugated, may be elevated, but it is rarely higher than 4 mg/dL unless fulminant hepatitis with hepatic failure is present. Exceptions to this rule include patients with underlying hemolytic states such as glucose-6-dehydrogenase deficiency or sickle-cell disease; such patients may exhibit marked jaundice and high indirect hyperbilirubinemia even if the viral hepatitis otherwise is mild. Some patients will have low levels of nonspecific autoantibodies, such as an elevated homogeneous pattern of antinuclear antibodies, decreased complement levels, or false-positive Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test reactions. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate usually is normal or slightly increased in acute viral hepatitis.
Laboratory investigation to determine the specific cause of the patient’s hepatitis includes an evaluation for the hepatotropic viruses. This often includes detection of serum HBsAg and hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb; IgM), serum hepatitis A virus antibody (HAV Ab; IgM), serum hepatitis C antibody (HCV Ab), serum hepatitis D antibody (HDV Ab) especially if the hepatitis is fulminant, and hepatitis E antibody (HEV Ab) if the travel history suggests exposure). Because they progress to chronic infection, both HBV and HCV can be detected with real-time PCR testing. PCR-based testing is not useful for the acute hepatitis viruses because the viremia precedes clinical symptoms. Many of the nonhepatitis viruses may be identified by serologic tests that detect virus-specific IgM antibody or by fourfold rises in viral-specific IgG antibody. In certain circumstances, isolation of the specific viral agent in cell culture or detection of viral nucleic acid by PCR in blood, cerebrospinal fluid, body fluids such as saliva or stool, or liver tissue provides the confirmatory evidence. Bacterial pathogens may be detected by culture for agents associated with granulomatous hepatitis, such as Brucella and Mycobacterium, or by a variety of culture, serology, or appropriate skin tests. In neonates, gram-negative enteric organisms (e.g., Escherichia coli ) identified from the blood or urine are common causes of jaundice and hepatic dysfunction. Noninfectious causes of hepatitis should also be considered. Autoimmune hepatitis may be identified by persistent hypergammaglobulinemia and the presence of autoantibodies, such as F-actin and anti–liver-kidney-microsome antibodies (anti-LKM). Laboratory tests that evaluate for metabolic diseases include serum amino acids and urine-reducing substances and organic acids, sweat chloride testing for cystic fibrosis, α 1 -antitrypsin levels and protease inhibitor typing, serum ceruloplasmin and 24-hour urine collection for copper to rule out Wilson disease, and an iron panel for hemochromatosis. Acute hepatotoxicity from overdose of acetaminophen may be predicted from elevated acetaminophen levels. A urine or serum toxicology screen can assess for other toxic substances. Anatomic causes of hepatic dysfunction, such as biliary atresia in infants and hepatic tumors or steatosis in older children, usually require diagnostic imaging such as ultrasonography or liver biopsy for diagnosis.
Infectious Causes
Hepatitis Viruses
Five hepatotropic viruses are known to cause infectious viral hepatitis in children: hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E ( Box 47.1 ).
Primary hepatotropic
Hepatitis A virus
Hepatitis B virus
Hepatitis C virus
Hepatitis D virus
Hepatitis E virus
DNA viruses
Epstein-Barr virus
Erythrovirus (human parvovirus B-19)
Herpes B virus
Herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2
Human herpesviruses 6, 7, and 8
Varicella zoster virus
RNA viruses
Hemorrhagic fever viruses
Human immunodeficiency virus
Measles virus
Rubella virus
Syncytial giant-cell hepatitis
Atypical mycobacteria
Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG)
Bacillus cereus toxin
Bartonella henselae and Bartonella quintana
Brucella spp.
Listeria monocytogenes
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Sepsis syndrome with cholestatic jaundice
Urinary tract infection in neonates
Leptospira species
Treponema pallidum
Coxiella burnetii
Ascaris lumbricoides
Entamoeba histolytica
Plasmodium spp.
Toxoplasma gondii
Aspergillus spp.
Candida spp.
Cryptococcus neoformans
Histoplasma capsulatum
Anoxic liver damage
Autoimmune hepatitis
Biliary atresia
Drugs and toxins
Hemophagocytic syndrome
Kawasaki disease
Metabolic and genetic disorders
Obesity with hepatic steatosis (fatty infiltration)
Reye syndrome
Sickle-cell crisis
Toxic shock syndrome
Hepatitis A virus.
HAV (see Chapter 168 ) is a member of the Picornaviridae and formerly was known as enterovirus 72. A small, nonenveloped RNA virus with icosahedral symmetry ( Fig. 47.1 ), HAV is transmitted by the fecal-oral route among young and school-aged children receiving care in group settings such as daycare, summer camp, schools, and institutions. The incubation period is 30 days but ranges from 15 to 50 days. HAV infection in young children often is asymptomatic, and outbreaks in children are recognized first when symptoms occur in adult caretakers. Older children are more likely to have the classic symptoms of nausea, malaise, jaundice, and tender hepatomegaly. Rarely HAV causes fulminant hepatitis. Acute HAV infection is diagnosed serologically by detecting HAV IgM antibody in serum. No licensed, specific antiviral treatment is available. However, prevention may be accomplished by passive immunization with immune globulin or active immunization with licensed inactivated HAV vaccines. Two monovalent HAV vaccines are approved and recommended for all children 12 months of age or older in a two-dose series in the United States.

Hepatitis B virus.
HBV (see Chapter 157 ), previously known as the Dane particle and hepadnavirus type 1, is a member of the Hepadnaviridae and is a DNA virus that is a 42-nm, nonenveloped spherical particle ( Fig. 47.2 ). There are eight known genotypes, of which A through D are the most predominant in the United States. It is highly transmissible through parenteral exposure to blood or blood products, organ transplantation, or intravenous drug use; it is also transmissible sexually and perinatally. The incubation period is prolonged, usually 90 days, with a range of 45 to 180 days reported. Neonates may acquire HBV vertically from HBV-infected mothers, especially those who are positive for hepatitis Be antigen (HBeAg) and/or those with very high HBV DNA levels (>10 7 ). Whereas neonates and toddlers rarely are symptomatic, older children and adults may have mild to moderate symptoms of acute hepatitis or progress to fulminant or fatal disease. HBV also is a common cause of chronic hepatitis in children, with 10% of older children and adults infected with HBV being affected. The figure rises to approximately 30% in infancy or early childhood and reaches a striking 90% to 95% in infants born to HBeAg-positive mothers.

Acute hepatitis B is diagnosed serologically by the presence of HBsAg and hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb), which can identify infected patients in the window period. HBV DNA also may be detected and quantified in serum by PCR during acute hepatitis. Individuals with HBeAg in their serum are highly infectious. Diagnosis of chronic HBV requires a combination of persistent clinical symptoms and laboratory abnormalities and persistence of HBsAg and/or HBV DNA for at least 6 months. Primary hepatocellular carcinoma also is a long-term complication of HBV infection. Successful resolution of infection with HBV is marked serologically by the presence of antibody to HBsAg, known as hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb). For children with chronic HBV, the decision to treat is largely based on ALT level, HBV viral load, and liver histology. Treatment of children is still controversial and should be considered for children with persistently elevated ALT levels for at least 6 months (12 months if HBeAg negative) in order to avoid treating patients who are undergoing spontaneous HBeAg seroconversion. First-line therapy remains interferon-α in children with immune active chronic HBV. In cases where interferon-α is not recommended, or in compensated or decompensated cirrhosis, treatment with nucleos(t)ide analogues such as entecavir for children older than 2 years of age or tenofovir for children older than 12 years of age is recommended. Liver transplantation has been attempted in patients with end-stage HBV-associated cirrhosis, with variable results. Prevention is achieved by passive immunization with hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) in the delivery room and active immunization with licensed recombinant vaccines. Pregnant women with chronic hepatitis B should have their HBV viral load and HBeAg status determined to assess their risk for vertical transmission. All infants born to infected women should receive hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) at delivery and a vaccination within 12 hours of birth. The standard of care for prophylaxis of HBV vertical transmission is evolving, with tenofovir or telbivudine administration to mothers having HBV DNA with more than 10 5 copies continuing during pregnancy through the postpartum period to suppress HBV viremia.
Hepatitis C virus.
HCV (see Chapter 177 ) is a single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus in the genus Hepacivirus, family Flaviviridae. At least six distinct genotypes and 100 subtypes have been identified throughout the world and appear to have a variable effect on the development of clinical disease and response to antiviral therapy. It is transmitted most commonly to children and adolescents who have been exposed to blood products, clotting factor concentrates before 1987, hemodialysis, organ transplantation, intravenous drug use, cocaine snorting, or tattoos and piercing procedures performed at parlors that do not practice sterile technique. Perinatal transmission from an HCV-seropositive mother to her infant also occurs at an estimated risk of 5%, especially if the mother is HCV RNA positive at delivery. Infection with HCV usually does not cause acute hepatitis; however, chronic hepatitis develops in more than 50% of children infected with HCV. In adults, cirrhosis, end-stage liver failure, and hepatocellular carcinoma also may develop. Infection with HCV is diagnosed serologically by detecting the presence of HCV antibody and confirming with HCV RNA quantification by PCR. Peginterferon-α2b (PegIntron) plus ribavirin is still the only US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved therapy for children age 3 to 12 years with HCV. Achieving a sustained virologic response (SVR), defined as being HCV RNA negative 6 months after discontinuation of treatment, is the standard of care. The rates of achieving SVR with treatment in children with genotypes 2 and 3 are much higher (75–80%) than in genotype 1 (35–40%). Treatment response, and even spontaneous clearance without treatment, seems to be strongly influenced by a genetic polymorphism near the IL28B gene. More recently approved directly acting antiviral therapies for adults are being tested in children through currently ongoing clinical trials. In 2017, the FDA approved two all-oral drugs, sofosbuvir alone and combined sofosbuvir/ledipasvir, for treatment of children age 12 to 17 years. With this new therapy, SVR is defined as being HCV RNA negative 12 weeks (3 months) after discontinuation of therapy. Liver transplantation may be performed in patients with end-stage liver disease. Currently no biologic products or vaccines are licensed for prevention of infection with HCV. The hypermutation rate of HCV has hindered the development of such products because a vaccine that is protective across multiple genotypes will be necessary for global protection.
Hepatitis D virus.
HDV (see Chapter 157 ), also known as the delta agent, delta virus, helper virus, and defective virus, is a small, 37-nm RNA virus that requires the presence of HBV, especially HBsAg, to replicate. HDV can coinfect a patient simultaneously or subsequent to infection with HBV. Like HBV, HDV is acquired by exposure to blood products or clotting factors, intravenous drug use, or sexual contact. It also may be transmitted by liver transplantation, and vertical transmission has been reported. Infection with HDV occurs more commonly in Europe, South America, Africa, and the Middle East and appears to be less common in the United States. The incubation period after superinfection occurs is 1 to 2 months, but it is similar to that for HBV (90 days) if coinfection occurs simultaneously. Coinfection with HDV is associated with more severe disease or progression to fulminant hepatitis in HBV-infected patients. Laboratory diagnosis includes detection of HDV antibody (IgG, IgM) and HDV RNA by PCR, although this is not commercially available. Treatment with peginterferon-α2b results in sustained HDV clearance in about one-fourth of patients. Because HDV cannot be transmitted to or infect humans without HBV, prevention of HBV infection by vaccination prevents the acquisition of HDV infection. HDV coinfection of individuals already infected with HBV, however, cannot be prevented by any licensed biologic product or vaccine.
Hepatitis E virus.
HEV (see Chapter 170 ) is a small RNA virus that is transmitted by the fecal-oral route. HEV infection in U.S. residents is a rare occurrence, but it may be a common cause of acute, self-limited viral hepatitis in developing countries and has been linked to outbreaks associated with contaminated water supplies and/or breakdowns in public health during times of conflict. The incubation period is an average of 6 to 7 weeks. HEV appears to cause a mild to moderate acute hepatitis, especially in adults, and has a high case-fatality rate in pregnant women. Chronic hepatitis is only seen in immunosuppressed patients. Laboratory diagnosis is established by detection of IgG and IgM antibody to HEV in serum or detection of HEV RNA by PCR in serum or feces performed in reference laboratories or at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). No antiviral agent is licensed for HEV, although ribavirin has been shown to achieve a sustained virologic response. A vaccine against HEV is licensed for use in China and has demonstrated significant protection that is durable and safe in pregnant women.
Herpesviruses are large DNA viruses with icosahedral symmetry and a glycoprotein envelope, and they share the biologic properties of latency and reactivation. Infections with this family of viruses, the Herpesviridae, may be primary or recurrent. All the human herpesviruses (HHVs) and one of the primate herpesviruses (herpes B virus) can cause acute hepatitis during the course of a systemic illness, but primary hepatitis with these viral agents is an unusual event.
Herpes simplex virus.
HSV-1 and HSV-2 most often cause mucocutaneous vesicles or ulcers, and dissemination usually occurs during periods of relative immune compromise, such as pregnancy, the neonatal period, malnutrition, congenital or acquired immunodeficiency syndromes, or organ transplantation. Transient, subclinical hepatitis may occur during acute mucocutaneous HSV disease, but fulminant hepatitis with hepatic necrosis rarely has been documented in a normal host. A special exception to this observation is HSV-associated primary hepatic necrosis and disseminated HSV disease in pregnant women. Most cases occur during the late second or early third trimester, and most, but not all, cases are associated with primary infection with HSV-2. Obvious skin lesions may not be present. This disease is associated with high mortality rates in both the mother and infant. Neonates, both term and preterm, are at risk for the development of neonatal HSV hepatitis as part of a disseminated HSV disease that includes viral sepsis–like syndrome, coagulopathy, abdominal distention with hepatomegaly and ascites, pneumonitis with respiratory distress, and meningoencephalitis. Skin lesions often are absent in this form of HSV disease. Neonatal HSV hepatitis develops most often in the child’s first 2 weeks of life, and aminotransferase levels may initially be slightly elevated and then rise to be more than a thousand times higher than normal as disease progresses. Recipients of solid organ, bone marrow, and stem cell transplants may have HSV infection with dissemination within the first 3 weeks after undergoing transplantation, most often as a result of reactivation. Patients with hepatitis secondary to HSV infection may be shedding HSV from a mucocutaneous source or may be viremic, with virus detected in the blood by DNA PCR. Some patients may require analysis of ascites fluid or liver biopsy for confirmation. Acyclovir therapy is recommended for HSV-associated hepatitis, in preventing posttransplant HSV disease, and in preventing HSV infection of neonates born to HSV-infected mothers. Children with HSV fulminant hepatitis have significantly better survival rates than adults before and after liver transplantation.
Varicella-zoster virus.
Varicella-zoster virus also causes mucocutaneous vesicles in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts. Primary infection is known as varicella (also chickenpox) and is associated with primary and secondary viremias that often seed the visceral organs. Approximately one-fourth of healthy children experiencing varicella will have silent hepatitis with aminotransferase levels at least twice normal. Fulminant hepatitis with varicella is rare and generally is seen in immunocompromised hosts. Patients have severe abdominal pain with little nausea or vomiting, skin lesions may or may not be present, and aminotransferase levels may be more than a thousand times higher than normal. Zoster in a normal host is not associated with fulminant hepatitis, but immunocompromised hosts may experience disseminated zoster with hepatitis and hepatic necrosis. The diagnosis often is based on clinical findings, but direct PCR testing of cutaneous lesions or blood may help establish the diagnosis. Treatment with acyclovir is recommended. Varicella may be prevented or attenuated by passive immunization with varicella-zoster immune globulin or intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or by active immunization with a licensed live virus vaccine.
CMV infection usually is asymptomatic but can cause gastroenteritis, pneumonitis, or a mononucleosis-like syndrome that consists of fever, lymphadenopathy, and atypical lymphocytosis. Hepatitis occurs as part of these syndromes but often is silent or mild and rarely is accompanied by jaundice. Granulomatous hepatitis also may be associated with CMV. Infants born congenitally infected with CMV frequently have hepatosplenomegaly, elevated aminotransferase levels, and conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. The hepatitis that neonates and infants experience with postnatal infection is self-limited and generally resolves within the first few months of life. If hepatitis with cholestasis persists, other diseases such as extrahepatic biliary atresia should be considered. Solid organ and marrow transplant recipients and patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other immunodeficiency states may experience persistent fever, malaise, leukopenia, and hepatitis caused by primary or recurrent infection with CMV. Severe liver disease can occur in transplant recipients and may be associated with graft-versus-host disease or graft rejection. CMV-associated hepatitis may be diagnosed clinically and supported by evidence of high-level CMV viremia and/or demonstration of involvement of the end organ by liver biopsy. Treatment with ganciclovir, valganciclovir, foscarnet, or cidofovir appears to be beneficial in immunocompromised hosts, and prophylaxis or preemptive therapy with antiviral agents or CMV hyperimmune globulin may prevent the development of severe CMV disease in transplant recipients.
Epstein-Barr virus.
EBV infection can be asymptomatic but is a frequent cause of a mononucleosis-like syndrome with mild hepatitis. However, in rare patients with a genetic X-linked predisposition, a severe, often fatal lymphoproliferative syndrome with prominent liver involvement may develop. Transplant recipients also may be susceptible to posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD), in which the liver may be involved. In addition, patients with tumors associated with EBV, such as lymphoma, may have hepatic involvement. The diagnosis of mononucleosis usually is clinical and supported by a positive heterophile or “Monospot” test in a child older than 4 years or by specific EBV serologic tests such as detection of IgM antibody to viral capsid antigen (VCA). PCR testing for EBV should not be used in the diagnosis of acute mononucleosis. The immune response to EBV in immunocompromised hosts may be unusual, and the diagnosis of PTLD generally is suspected by an exponential increase in EBV DNA genome copies in peripheral blood, generalized adenopathy, visualization by positron emission tomography, and the presence of histopathologic features on biopsy. Treatment options for PTLD include reducing immunosuppression, rituximab (anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody), adoptive immunotherapy, interferon-α, and anti–interleukin-6 antibody. Antiviral agents such as acyclovir or foscarnet should be used only as an adjunct therapy because they are less effective in the latent phase of PTLD.
Human herpesviruses 6, 7, and 8.
These viruses may involve the liver, especially in immunocompromised patients. Infection with HHV-6 in recipients of liver transplants is usually a result of reactivation and has been associated with acute rejection, portal lymphocyte infiltration, and graft dysfunction. Even though HHV-6 commonly can be detected in blood and tissue, high viral loads have been associated with decreased graft survival. Normal hosts with primary HHV-6 infection may have a silent hepatitis with mild elevation of aminotransferase levels. Rarely severe disseminated disease with fulminant hepatitis has been linked to HHV-6 and HHV-7. HHV-8 (also known as Kaposi sarcoma virus ) causes a complex neoplasm involving the skin, mucous membranes, and internal organs, most often in severely immunocompromised patients. Although rare, it has been reported in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children with advanced AIDS. Recipients of solid organ transplants may be infected with HHV-8. The liver is a common site of visceral disease caused by HHV-8, which most often is associated with tumors rather than hepatitis. Diagnosing infection with HHV-6, HHV-7, or HHV-8 is difficult because of the ubiquity of these viruses and their viral DNA in humans, but the diagnosis is supported by serologic evidence and by detection of viral DNA in blood, in secretions, or, more specifically, in tissue. No specific licensed antiviral therapy is available, but these viruses may be inhibited by ganciclovir, foscarnet, and cidofovir. Response also may be noted after withdrawal or reduction of immunosuppression. Chemotherapy may be indicated in some cases of HHV-8.
Herpes B virus.
Also known as herpesvirus simiae or Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1, herpes B virus is an α-herpesvirus of monkeys that causes severe disease in humans. It can be transmitted from Asian monkeys, such as rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys, to humans through bites or contact with mucous membrane secretions from infected monkeys. The human disease associated with herpes B virus involves skin vesicles at the portal of entry, regional lymphadenitis, and hemorrhagic encephalitis. The virus also may disseminate to the liver and lungs and produce hemorrhagic necrosis, with a high mortality rate. The diagnosis is made by isolation of virus or detection of viral DNA by PCR in specialized reference laboratories, and the virus is inhibited by acyclovir and ganciclovir.
Adenoviruses are small DNA viruses that are members of the viral family Adenoviridae. They usually are respiratory or enteric pathogens, but they can cause disseminated disease with hepatitis and hepatic necrosis in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts and neonates. Patients often have fever, malaise or lethargy, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, cough, respiratory distress, vomiting and diarrhea, and a viral sepsis–like syndrome. Hepatitis is marked by hepatomegaly and by elevated aminotransferases and bilirubin. A specific viral diagnosis is made by detection of adenoviral DNA by PCR from blood. Adenovirus serotype 5 generally is associated with severe hepatitis, followed in frequency by types 1 and 2. For bone marrow and stem cell transplant recipients and liver transplant recipients at high risk for acquiring severe or fatal adenovirus-associated disease, surveillance blood DNA PCR testing, serotyping, and genotyping may allow early intervention before severe, disseminated disease develops. No licensed antiviral therapy is available, but the virus is inhibited by cidofovir, an antiviral agent with broad-spectrum activity against many DNA viruses, and brincidofovir.
Erythroviruses: Human Parvovirus B19
Erythroviruses (e.g., human parvovirus B19) are small DNA viruses. They are members of the family Parvoviridae and are responsible for a variety of illnesses, including erythema infectiosum (also called fifth disease), arthritis, and anemia. Liver involvement, often severe, may be seen in intrauterine infection with hydrops fetalis. Fulminant liver failure with massive hepatic necrosis also has been reported in patients with aplastic anemia. Pediatric patients with fulminant liver failure from the hepatotropic viruses have more severe disease and high mortality rates when coinfected with human parvovirus B19. Persistent infection is seen in immunocompromised hosts. Parvovirus infection can be diagnosed by detection of virus-specific IgM antibodies or detection of viral DNA in blood, serum/plasma, bone marrow, or tissue. No specific antiviral therapy is available, but immunocompromised patients with chronic infection may benefit from receiving IVIG. Severe fetal hydrops usually requires in utero and neonatal blood transfusions for anemia.
Enteroviruses are small RNA viruses and members of the Picornaviridae, along with polioviruses and rhinoviruses. The nonpolio enteroviruses are most frequently associated with mild respiratory or gastrointestinal illnesses, often occurring in late summer or early fall, but can be a cause of more severe manifestations like myocarditis or aseptic meningitis. Significant hepatic necrosis can occur in neonates with disseminated disease, particularly with serotype echovirus 11. It often is accompanied by hepatomegaly, thrombocytopenia, viral sepsis syndrome, aseptic meningoencephalitis, myocarditis, and elevated aminotransferase and serum bilirubin levels. Coxsackievirus B and echoviruses 9 and 30 also are associated with fatal disease. Enteroviruses may be transmitted to neonates perinatally from the mother or through contact with ill family members. Health care–associated nursery outbreaks with enteroviruses also have been reported. The diagnosis is established by detection of viral RNA by PCR in throat, stool or rectal swab, urine, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or tissue samples. Treatment is supportive; however, case reports suggest that IVIG and pleconaril may have some clinical benefit in severely ill neonates.
Measles Virus
Measles virus is an RNA virus that is a member of the Paramyxoviridae, along with parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, metapneumovirus, and mumps virus. Of all the paramyxoviruses, measles virus is associated most often with hepatitis. Ten to twenty percent of children with measles will have subclinical hepatitis, although severe disease of the liver, lungs, and brain may occur in immunocompromised patients. Rare reports of severe giant-cell hepatitis, often leading to liver failure, have implicated paramyxoviruses of undetermined type. Measles and other paramyxoviruses may be identified by detection of virus-specific IgM antibody in serum and by isolation of virus or detection of RNA by PCR in secretions, blood, or tissue. No specific antiviral therapy is licensed for measles virus; however, ribavirin, a broad-spectrum antiviral agent, may have some activity against the virus. Prevention is achieved by vaccination with the live measles vaccine or by postexposure administration of IVIG.
Rubella Virus
Rubella virus is a member of the Togaviridae of RNA viruses. Clinical disease associated with infection by rubella virus generally is mild, but as many as 10% of children with rubella may have subclinical hepatitis with transient elevation of aminotransferase levels. Congenital rubella syndrome caused by intrauterine infection with rubella virus, however, is associated with significant liver involvement, and hepatomegaly with jaundice is noted at birth. Congenital rubella syndrome also is associated with intrauterine growth retardation, cataracts, congenital heart disease, thrombocytopenia, purpura, and hearing loss. Because isolating the virus is technically challenging, the diagnosis of rubella most often is made serologically by detection of virus-specific IgM antibody or by detection of viral RNA by PCR in reference laboratories. No specific antiviral therapy is available. Rubella can be prevented, however, by vaccination with the live rubella virus vaccine.
Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses
The hemorrhagic fever viruses are a diverse group of RNA viruses from a variety of different virus families. They include arenaviruses such as Lassa fever virus, bunyaviruses such as hantavirus, filoviruses such as Marburg and Ebola, and flaviviruses such as yellow fever virus and dengue. Hemorrhagic fever is characterized by fever, malaise, lethargy, headache, retroorbital pain, myalgia, conjunctivitis, rash, and intravascular coagulation with hemorrhage. Liver involvement with these viruses is a very common event, and elevation of aminotransferase levels to 500 IU/mL occurs in almost every patient, with a thousand times the normal range seen in patients who are severely ill. Jaundice is a significant component of yellow fever. The diagnosis is established by serologic means or by detection of the viral agent with electron microscopy or PCR techniques, which in most cases should be attempted only in biosafety level IV reference laboratories. Treatment of most hemorrhagic fevers is supportive; however, intravenous ribavirin reduces the mortality rate associated with Lassa fever and also may be of benefit to patients with hemorrhagic fever caused by other arenaviruses.
Nonviral acute hepatitis can be caused by bacterial illnesses (see Box 47.1 ). Sepsis with gram-positive organisms, especially pneumococci, or with gram-negative organisms, particularly gram-negative enteric bacteria, can produce hepatic dysfunction, primarily from the cholestatic effects induced by bacterial endotoxins. In this form of hepatic dysfunction, the patient will appear jaundiced with mild hepatomegaly, and conjugated bilirubin levels will be elevated out of proportion to the modest elevation in aminotransferase or alkaline phosphatase levels. Neonates also may have jaundice secondary to urinary tract infection with gram-negative enteric organisms. The diagnosis is made by isolating the offending bacteria from blood, urine, or other usually sterile site. Treatment involves specific antimicrobial therapy.
Other bacterial diseases may cause chronic or granulomatous hepatitis, including actinomycosis, brucellosis, listeriosis, nocardiosis, bartonellosis (cat-scratch disease), and tuberculosis. Diseases caused by atypical mycobacteria, especially Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (MAC complex) or Mycobacterium mucogenicum may be seen, particularly in patients with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency states. Rarely disseminated disease with hepatitis can occur as a complication of vaccination with bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in children or, in adults, as a complication of bladder irrigation for bladder carcinoma. Bacterial toxins, such as the emetic toxin of Bacillus cereus, also have been linked to fulminant hepatic failure in some patients. A diagnosis of hepatitis caused by these unusual or indolent bacterial pathogens usually is accomplished by isolating the organism from blood or the affected organ. The diagnosis may be supported by positive skin test results in the case of tuberculosis or atypical mycobacterial disease, serologically by elevated titers to Bartonella quintana or Bartonella henselae, and by positive imaging studies that show hepatic microabscesses, as in the case of hepatic involvement with cat-scratch disease. Antimicrobial therapy is guided by the susceptibility of the offending pathogen.
Acute infection with T. pallidum, the agent of primary or early secondary syphilis in adolescents or adults, may cause acute or granulomatous hepatitis with serum aminotransferase levels up to 5 to 10 times normal. Jaundice rarely develops, but a chancre of primary disease or a rash of secondary disease often is present. Congenital syphilis also is associated commonly with hepatosplenomegaly in the neonate, along with elevated aminotransferase and bilirubin levels. Other clinical manifestations of congenital syphilis include petechiae or purpura, osteitis, and meningitis. Laboratory diagnosis is confirmed by reactive VDRL and positive fluorescent treponemal antibody tests. Treatment with penicillin is recommended.
Leptospirosis, or infection with the pathogenic bacterium Leptospira interrogans, can cause acute hepatitis. Leptospirosis usually is an abrupt, anicteric, flulike illness, but approximately 10% of patients will have an icteric or septicemic syndrome with a biphasic clinical course. Patients with the icteric or severe form will exhibit jaundice, hepatomegaly, and characteristic conjunctival injection. Usually levels of serum bilirubin are elevated out of proportion to the more modest elevations in serum aminotransferases, suggesting a defect in excretion of bilirubin rather than direct hepatic necrosis as the pathogenesis of the jaundice. Meningitis, renal failure, and even liver failure may occur in some patients. The diagnosis should be considered in older children and adolescents with a history of exposure to wild and domestic mammals, especially dogs, rats, and livestock, which may excrete Leptospira organisms in their urine, or with a history of exposure to contaminated water in ditches, lakes, or streams. The diagnosis is established by serology. Treatment with penicillin or doxycycline is recommended.
The rickettsial organism Coxiella burnetii causes Q fever, both the acute and chronic forms, in which hepatitis is a prominent feature along with persistent fever, malaise, rash, weight loss, and pneumonitis. Clinical jaundice is a rare finding, and most often the hepatitis is subclinical. A history of exposure to mammals or birds suggests the diagnosis, which can be confirmed serologically by reference clinical laboratories. Treatment with antibiotics, usually doxycycline, is recommended.
Parasites and Fungi
A variety of parasites may invade the liver and occasionally cause hepatic dysfunction or disease. Such parasites include Plasmodium spp. (malaria), Entamoeba histolytica (liver abscess), T. gondii (toxoplasmosis), and Toxocara canis (visceral larval migrans). Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworms) may invade the common bile duct and cause acute obstructive jaundice.
Fungi also may invade the liver, usually with only minimal elevation of aminotransferase levels and rarely causing jaundice or elevated levels of bilirubin. Patients with a compromised immune system may have hepatic abscesses with Candida spp. or abscesses or necrotic lesions with Aspergillus spp., as well as other unusual fungal species. Both immunocompromised and normal hosts may have liver involvement with Histoplasma capsulatum or Cryptococcus neoformans.

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