Growth Hormone

Growth Hormone

Celia Rodd

Harvey J. Guyda


The therapeutic use of growth hormone (GH), derived from human cadaveric pituitaries, was introduced in the late 1950s and early 1960s (1). The production of pituitary GH slowly increased over the next two decades, but supplies did not meet the treatment needs of all patients believed to have GH deficiency (GHD) due to difficulties in obtaining sufficient cadaveric pituitaries. The recognition of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) in recipients of pituitary-derived GH in 1985 led to its immediate discontinuation in most countries. The last two decades have seen a dramatic increase in worldwide availability of natural sequence recombinant human GH (rhGH), with improvement in treatment protocols for children with GHD. GH has been used increasingly for short children with non-GHD conditions in childhood and adolescence, including idiopathic short stature (ISS), intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) or small for gestational age (SGA) infants, chronic renal failure (CRF), and genetic syndromes such as Turner syndrome (TS), Down syndrome (DS), and Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS). In addition, studies began in the 1990s on the adult population of childhood onset of GHD, as well as on adult-onset GHD and the elderly.

Growth Hormone Secretion

Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone and Somatostatin

GH secretion is pulsatile, with diurnal variation, and varies significantly with sleep, nutrition, hormonal milieu (e.g., glucocorticoids, sex steroids), and pubertal status, with tightly controlled feedback mechanisms. GH self-entrains the ultradian rhythm of episodic GH release (2,3). The frequency of GH pulses is preserved across all species, occurring at approximately 3- to 4-hour intervals, with the largest spontaneous peaks occurring during onset of deep sleep. Somatostatin (SST) plays a critical role in the pulse frequency of GH release (4). Historically, it has been considered that only two hypothalamic hormones, growth hormone–releasing hormone (GHRH) and SST, control GH secretion: the former stimulates and the latter inhibits pituitary somatotroph release of GH (4,5). It is recognized that endogenous GHRH is required for the normal GH response to each of the following pharmacologic stimuli: L-dopa, arginine, insulin hypoglycemia, and pyridostigmine.

Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone Receptor

GH-releasing hormone receptors (GHRHRs) are located on the pituitary somatotrophs; these receptors belong to the G protein-coupled receptor family. Homozygous or compound heterozygous inactivating mutations in the GHRHR cause complete lack of functional GHRHR protein and lack of detectable increase in serum GH to all provocative stimuli (6). These mutations cause severe familial isolated GH deficiency (IGHD type 1b), and patients have profound short stature with decreased serum levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 and -2 (IGF-1 and IGF-2) and IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows hypoplasia of the anterior pituitary (7). As expected, these individuals respond appropriately to exogenous GH administration.

Growth Hormone Secretagogues

GH-releasing peptides (GHRPs) and nonpeptide mimetics, collectively referred to as GH secretagogues (GHSs), are a family of synthetic peptide and nonpeptide compounds that are capable of inducing GH release in all species, including humans. A novel feature is that they can stimulate GH release when given by oral, intranasal, or parenteral route (8). The coadministration of GHRP with GHRH produces a synergistic GH release. Children with classical GHD, and especially those with pituitary stalk interruption syndrome (PSIS) on MRI, have a markedly diminished GH response to GHRPs (7). This has been interpreted as a chronic absence or diminution of endogenous GHRH secretion. It should also be noted that the reliability of GH stimulation tests, with the use of GHRH or GHRPs in particular, can be improved if endogenous SST tone is modified by pretreatment with various agents, including pyridostigmine, arginine, or SST and its analogues (5,9,10).

Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor

GHS receptor (GHSR) is a G protein-coupled receptor expressed mainly in the somatotrophs of the anterior lobe of the pituitary, the hypothalamus, and the hippocampus, and on GHRH neurons. It is selective for the specific GHS peptides, such as ghrelin, which is a 28-amino acid peptide that is an endogenous ligand of GHSR. Activation of GHSR by synthetic ligands initiates and amplifies pulsatile GH release in animals, including humans, via the stimulated release of GHRH, which can be blocked by SST and GH (11). To date, four children with short stature relative to their families were found to have a shared missense mutation in the ghrelin receptor or type 1a GHSR; GH therapy has been initiated and felt to be beneficial (12).


Endocrine cells in the gastric mucosa produce ghrelin, but expression in intestine, pancreas, hypothalamus, and testis has also been reported (13). Ghrelin stimulates GH secretion in vivo and from anterior pituitary cells in vitro. At least two different types of ghrelin receptors have been identified; their activation are involved in the secretion of a variety of pituitary hormones, appetite and long-term regulation of energy homeostasis (14,15).

Growth Hormone Gene

The human GH gene locus is on the long arm of chromosome 17 and encodes for both pituitary GH (hGH-N), a single polypeptide chain of 191 amino acid residues that is secreted from the pituitary, as well as placental hGH (hGH-V) (16). The GH gene locus is close to the gene locus for chorionic somatotropin or human placental lactogen derived from the placenta. The primary full-length 22-kDa peptide is alternately spliced to yield a 20-kDa peptide that is cosecreted with and circulates at 5% to 10% of 22-kDa GH levels. Isolated GHD attributed to GH gene mutations may be inherited as autosomal recessive, dominant or X-linked, with the last entity being associated with hypogammaglobulinemia. Deletions of hGH-N produce very severe autosomal recessive growth failure after birth (17).

Growth Hormone Receptor

GH exerts many of its physiologic functions by regulating the transcription of genes of a variety of proteins, including IGF-1, transcription factors, and metabolic enzymes (18). The GH receptor was cloned in 1987 and led to the study of GH signaling at a molecular level. The cDNA for the human GH receptor encodes a 638-amino acid protein that has single extracellular, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic domains. It is a member of the cytokine/hematopoietin receptor superfamily that binds more than 25 ligands, including prolactin and leptin. In the working model of GH action, a single molecule of GH binds to two molecules of the GH receptor in a sequential fashion to form a dimer, an event that is crucial to subsequent GH-signaling events. During activation, the extracellular domain undergoes proteolytic cleavage to yield a soluble GH-binding protein in plasma or GHBP. GH binding to two receptor molecules increases the affinity of each receptor for a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase termed JAK2. Activation of JAK2 induces phosphorylation of itself and of tyrosine residues on the cytoplasmic domain of the GH receptor, initiating a cascade of signaling molecules that are beyond the purview of this chapter (18).

Inactivating mutations of the GH receptor gene or downstream signaling pathways cause the GH insensitivity syndrome (GHIS). Laron syndrome or classical GHIS is rare; its phenotype resembles that of GHD except for the presence of high serum GH concentrations and low levels of IGF-1, IFG-2, and IGFBP-3. Subcutaneous injections of recombinant IGF-1 or recombinant IGF-1–recombinant IGFBP-3 complex offer some promise of significantly improving height growth (19). A patient with a post-GH-receptor defect in conjunction with a primary immunodeficiency was described, and a mutation in the STAT5b gene has been implicated (20).

Growth Hormone Actions

GH is a powerful anabolic hormone, and has a broader spectrum of action than implied by its original name. The growth-promoting effects and metabolic effects of GH are mediated via interaction with the specific GH receptor and through the important intermediary IGF-1 and its receptor (18,21,22). Three general outcome measurements have been frequently assessed:

  • In childhood, auxologic measures provide parameters of linear growth response to GH: height standard deviation score (HT SDS), height velocity (HV), weight, pubertal progression, skeletal maturation, and attainment of adult final height (FH). One must distinguish between short-term changes in growth velocity and the attainment of adult FH, which may not be concordant. Thus, increased HV over intervals of less than 1 year and predictions of FH are not reliable predictors of increased adult height attainment (23,24,25). Age, initial HT SDS, delayed bone age, GH-secretory capacity, and GH dosage are important general predictors of a good growth response in children (24,25).

  • In both, children and adults, biochemical indices have been utilized to predict and/or monitor GH effects on cellular and tissue metabolism. GH increases protein synthesis, leading to retention of nitrogen; enhanced skeletal growth; increased sodium, phosphate, and calcium excretion; increased glucose and amino acid transport; and decreased lipogenesis. Indices of bone and mineral metabolism include calcium, phosphate, bone alkaline phosphatases, osteocalcin, propeptides of procollagen type I and type III, and bone mineral content (21). GH is the most important regulator of IGFs in all body tissues. In children and adults, there is a dose-related increase in both serum IGF-1 and IGF-II with acute GH administration (26). IGF-I increases more rapidly and to a relatively greater extent than IGF-1I. For this reason, serum IGF-I levels have become the most
    commonly utilized measurement for assessing adequacy of GH secretion and monitoring the status of patients with GHD or excess.

  • Body mass index (BMI), percentage total body fat, total body or extracellular water, and bone mineral density are used most frequently to assess body composition (21). GH action on the adipocyte leads to reduction of body fat due to both decreased lipogenesis and increased lipolysis. Modest acute changes with wide variability have been observed with most of these body composition measurements.

GH dose exerts a very significant positive influence on all parameters used to assess effects on growth and metabolism. Few of the tests just described can reliably predict and/or monitor response to GH therapy. Of these, serum IGF-1 appears to offer the best indicator of the action of GH throughout all age groups. Lack of GH action is seen in children with classical GHD. In these patients, there is a decrease in serum GH, IGF-1, and IGFBP-3; decreased height SDS and growth velocity; delayed skeletal maturation; delayed pubertal onset; and increased abdominal adiposity. These are reversed with GH therapy. Excessive GH action is classically seen in patients with acromegaly, who demonstrate increased serum GH not suppressed with glucose, increased serum IGF-1 and IGFBP-3, increased BMI, and acral enlargement. With treatment of acromegaly, clinical improvement is usually best correlated with reductions in serum levels of GH and IGF-1.

The Role of the Growth Hormone–Insulin-Like Growth Factor Axis on Fetal Growth Regulation

The fetal endocrine milieu of hormones and growth factors is likely of secondary importance in the regulation of human fetal growth due to redundancy and the ability of several different systems to interact to protect fetal viability (27). In this context, GHD is relatively less important than GH insensitivity, and the paracrine/autocrine system of growth control involving local regulatory factors such as the IGFs and the IGFBPs becomes significant. IGF-1 and IGF-2 are endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine modulators of fetal growth and metabolism. In the human, circulating levels of the IGFs increase in both maternal and fetal serum during gestation, with IGF-2 present in two- to fivefold higher amount than IGF-1 (27,28). Animal gene knockout models support a predominant role for IGF-2 in fetal growth regulation (27). Therefore, IGF-2 may well be particularly important in early gestation, where it may dictate the size of the placenta and its ability to transport nutrients, both of which could profoundly affect fetal size (29).

In the human genetic model of GH insensitivity or Laron syndrome due to mutations of the GH receptor, there is a marked decrease in fetal serum IGF-1 and IGF-2, despite markedly elevated serum GH and very low serum GHBP. The neonates are small at birth (30).

The Diagnosis of Growth Hormone Deficiency

The large majority of short children have nonendocrine causes for their growth failure. The variable prevalence of idiopathic GHD per million of total population from 18 to 24 per million in Europe to 287 per million in the United States is related to differences in diagnostic criteria employed (25,31). The diagnosis of GHD requires a combination of auxologic and biochemical criteria to identify the most severe or “complete” forms of GHD (32,33,34). Short children who are young and growing slowly are most likely to have significant GHD and to benefit most from GH treatment. A molecular genetic cause for GHD is relatively rare (35). Mutations in such genes as Pit-1, PROP-1, HESX-1, and LHX3 are heritable; of note, these are usually associated with multiple hormone deficiencies as well as a positive family history (36).

The analysis of GH testing for GHD in childhood is confounded by the lack of a worldwide consensus on the definition of GHD (31,32,33,34). This difficulty largely relates to the recognition that GH secretion is a continuous spectrum with endogenous cyclicity and that children exhibit variable responses to multiple provocative stimuli. Because no one GH stimulation test has 100% sensitivity (no false negatives) and 100% specificity (no false positives), most countries have established an arbitrary cutoff to define a “normal” GH peak response to at least two provocative GH stimulation tests (31,32,33,34). However, even using these criteria, the percentage of children who retest as having “normal” GH secretion after the discontinuation of their GH treatment may be as high as 70% (31,32,37,38).

Moreover, the difficulties in assessing GH secretion in children can also be related to the lack of standardization of GH tests. A striking example was reported from France, with 6,373 GH stimulation tests from 3,233 short children with the diagnosis of GHD (39). Eleven different pharmacologic tests were used, and 62 of the possible 66 pairs were used at least once; the most frequent combination was used in only 12.7% of patients. Given the difficulty in interpretation of these findings, it is evident that only a limited number of standardized GH stimulation tests should be used. Physiologic assessment of GH secretion by frequent sampling throughout the 24-hour period is not more reliable (i.e., encompassing both sensitivity and specificity) than standard provocative GH stimulation tests, and is not used routinely for GH assessment (25,32,33).

An additional hurdle in unifying the diagnosis of GHD lies not only with nonstandardized testing protocols but the fact that GH as well as IGF-1 assays produce very disparate results on different analyzers (40). Most analyzers utilize immunochemiluminescent or immunoenzymatic GH assays, which, however, may detect different isoforms. These newer assays have led to a systematic lowering of assay results for serum GH levels. This in turn dictates that the use of arbitrary cutoff values above 8 to 10 μg per L with current assay methods should be abandoned (41). However, the cutoff level used to define GHD has not always been comparably reduced (42). To reduce such discrepancies, Japan has moved to a unified system of GH analyses, with national standardization. As a result, the diagnostic cutoff peak of GH has changed from 10 to 6 μg per L (43).

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