Gastrointestinal Drugs

Gastrointestinal Drugs

Catherine O’Brien

Jennifer Lowry

Kristine Palmer

Henry C. Farrar

Gregory L. Kearns

Laura P. James


Gastrointestinal disorders are common in children and a wide variety of drugs are used to treat these conditions. The prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has been estimated to be as high as 8% in children (1,2). Although gastric and peptic ulcer diseases are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality in adults (3), these conditions are thought to be relatively infrequent in children (4). However, large-scale studies in children have yet to be performed, and the true prevalence and economic impact of pediatric ulcer disease is unknown (5). “Stress gastritis” is being increasingly recognized in children and adolescents and the most serious cases are typically secondary to Helicobacter pylori infection, which requires combination therapy to eradicate (6). Stress gastritis commonly occurs in critically ill hospitalized patients, including children, and many children are presumptively treated for the condition (7,8,9).

Children are commonly referred to as “therapeutic orphans” to reflect the relative disproportion of drug studies performed in pediatric as opposed to adult populations. Although this term was coined more than 40 years ago, it remains relevant today. Although progress has occurred in the last 15 years and an increased number of drugs have received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for pediatric indications, many drugs commonly used to treat gastrointestinal conditions in children have not been thoroughly studied. This is especially true of off-patent drugs. Significant knowledge gaps remain in the pharmacology of these drugs in children, particularly for children younger than 1 year. This chapter reviews the current pediatric knowledge of drugs utilized to treat the more common pediatric gastrointestinal disorders. When available, the specific pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of these drugs in children are discussed.

Antiemetic Agents

Nausea and vomiting occur in a wide variety of diseases and clinical settings. Vomiting is controlled by the vomiting center of the medulla and has input from at least four sources, the chemoreceptor trigger zone, the cortex, the vestibular apparatus, and the gastrointestinal tract (10,11). These pathways are mediated by various neurotransmitters including serotonin (5-HT), which acts through central and peripheral 5-HT3 receptors (12). Various clinical factors, such as the emetogenic potential of chemotherapeutic drugs or the etiology of vomiting, determine the efficacy of antiemetics. Because multiple neurotransmitters are involved in vomiting, a number of agents from various drug classes have been used to treat vomiting, including muscarinic agents, cannabinoids, steroids, and antagonists of histamine, dopamine, and serotonin receptors (10).

The dopamine antagonists (metoclopramide and the phenothiazines) and the 5-HT3-receptor antagonists (ondansetron) are commonly used antiemetics (11,12,13). Metoclopramide blocks central dopamine receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone (13). Promethazine is a phenothiazine derivative with histamine H1-receptor antagonist and anticholinergic properties. The 5-HT3 antagonists block 5-HT3 receptors in the enterochromaffin cells of the intestinal mucosa, thereby decreasing vagal input to the vomiting center, although these agents may also block receptors in the central nervous system (10,11,12). The high degree of receptor specificity of the 5-HT3-receptor antagonists is associated with high efficacy and relatively fewer adverse effects of these drugs (14), compared with other agents used for this indication.

The 5-HT3 antagonists are used for the management of anesthesia-, chemotherapy-, and radiation-related nausea and vomiting (12,15,16). Of the available drugs in this class, ondansetron has received the most study in children. The 5-HT3 antagonists are generally viewed to be as effective as, or superior to, antidopaminergic drugs, and their efficacy is further enhanced by the adjunctive use of dexamethasone (12,15,16,17). Ondansetron’s efficacy for the treatment of chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting in children appears to vary by age and emetogenicity of the chemotherapeutic regimen. Younger children were shown to have better response rates in a survey study (18). In the setting of gastroenteritis, ondansetron was found to be superior to placebo or metoclopramide (19,20) or dexamethasone (21) in the management of vomiting associated with acute gastroenteritis (19,20,21,22,23). Ondansetron is also effective in children with gastroenteritis who fail oral rehydration therapy (22) and its use may reduce the length of stay in
the emergency department (23). In addition, ondansetron given prior to ketamine for procedural sedation reduced vomiting rates in children (24). Granisetron is also approved for use in children with chemotherapy-related and postoperative nausea and vomiting (25,26).

Despite the efficacy of ondansetron in the setting of gastroenteritis, its use does not appear to be widespread. A review of antiemetic use in industrialized nations showed that up to 23% of children with gastroenteritis receive prescriptions for antiemetics. The most common drugs prescribed included promethazine, dimenhydrinate, diphenhydramine, and domperidone and prescription patterns varied by country. Promethazine was most commonly prescribed in the United States, and ondansetron compromised only 3% of prescriptions for this condition (27).

Other 5-HT3 antagonists include dolasetron, granisetron, tropisetron, ramosetron, and palonosetron. In adults, the elimination half-lives for these compounds range from 3.9 to 10.6 hours (28). Of these compounds, palonosetron has the longest elimination rate; it has a half-life of up to 60 to 80 hours in adults, allowing for once-daily dosing and prolonged efficacy of up to 7 days (29). All drugs in this class are metabolized by CYPP450. Tropisetron and dolasetron are primarily metabolized by CYP2D6, and granisetron is primarily metabolized by CYP3A4. Ondansetron is metabolized by CYP2D6, CYP2E1, CYP3A, and CYP1A2 (28). The role of genetic variability in CYP2D6 activity has been examined as a determinant of drug efficacy (30,31). Approximately 5% to 10% of Caucasians are poor metabolizers (PMs) for CYP2D6, while 2% are considered ultrarapid metabolizers. Other ethnic populations have higher percentages of ultra rapid metabolizers. The efficacy of tropisetron and ondansetron was compared between ultra rapid and poor metabolizers for CYP2D6 in an oncology setting. Ultra rapid metabolizers were shown to have reduced control of nausea and vomiting compared with poor metabolizers following treatment with tropisetron; this effect was similar but less pronounced with ondansetron (32). These data suggest that a personalized medicine approach may be appropriate and feasible in the clinical setting of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (28).

Common adverse effects associated with ondansetron and other 5-HT3 antagonists include anxiety, drowsiness, headache, constipation, and diarrhea (14). In addition, 5-HT3 drugs have the potential to block either cardiac sodium or potassium channels, resulting in prolongation of the QRS or QTc intervals, respectively. Prescribing information for dolasetron and tropisetron contain warnings related to this potential cardiac toxicity (28). Granisetron altered cardiac conduction intervals in children receiving chemotherapy, but these events were asymptomatic (33). Buyukavci examined the effect of ondansetron (0.1 mg per kg infusion) versus granisetron (40 μg per kg infusion) on the electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart rate in children (n = 22) receiving antiemetics as prophylaxis during high-dose treatment with methotrexate (34). A decrease in heart rate at 1 and 3 hours and significant prolongation of mean QT and QTc dispersions at 1 hour after infusion were noted for granisetron. However, it should be noted that patients with these findings were asymptomatic. In contrast, no ECG or heart rate changes were noted in patients that received ondansetron. Similar findings have been reported for adults, although some case reports demonstrate increased symptomatology in select patients (35,36). It is recommended that 5-HT3 receptor antagonists not be used in combination with drugs that have the potential to prolong QRS or QTc intervals. Concomitant use of 5-HT3 antagonists that are highly metabolized by CYP2D6 (e.g., dolasetron, tropisetron) with drugs such as that inhibit CYP2D6 (e.g., fluoxetine, paroxetine, quinidine, or haloperidol) have the potential to cause drug interactions and possible adverse events (28). Limited pediatric data exist for the newer drugs in this class.

Pediatric dose-ranging studies of ondansetron for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting have used doses of 0.05 to 0.2 mg per kg (37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45). Khalil (46) showed in a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study that intravenous ondansetron (0.1 mg per kg) was safe and effective in the prevention of postoperative emesis in 1- to 24-month-old pediatric patients undergoing elective surgery under general anesthesia. In general, higher doses of ondansetron appear to have greater efficacy, although doses of 0.05 mg per kg are effective in many patients (37,38,39). Similar doses are frequently used to treat chemotherapy-related emesis with a titration to clinical effect (12). For treatment of vomiting-associated gastroenteritis, unit doses of 2 mg, 4 mg, and 8 mg have been used in children weighing 8 to 15 kg, 16 to 29 kg, and more than 29 kg, respectively (23). A single dose of drug is thought to be sufficient for the treatment of gastroenteritis (22). Although ondansetron is expensive, its use in this setting may avoid the need for hospitalization for intravenous hydration, especially when oral rehydration is possible.

The pharmacokinetic profile of ondansetron in children does not differ substantially from that of adults (12). The terminal elimination half-life in younger children (3 to 12 years), adolescents, and adults varies between 2.5 and 4 hours, being slightly less in younger children (12). Similarly, there are minor variations in the volume of distribution, area under the concentration versus time curve, and clearance. The 5-HT3 antagonists are generally well absorbed (60%), although ondansetron undergoes a significant first-pass effect. Significant hepatic insufficiency may prolong the elimination of ondansetron, but toxicity has not been reported in this setting (17). Enzyme-inducing agents may enhance the elimination of ondansetron, but no toxicities secondary to drug interactions have been reported (12).

Promethazine and Metocopramide

Promethazine has a long history of use as an antiemetic, particularly in the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting and in the treatment of motion sickness. Side effects associated with the drug have limited its use and include sedation, extrapyramidal effects, hallucinations, seizures, tachycardia, and hypotension. Despite these concerns, it remains the most commonly prescribed antiemetic in the United States (27). In addition, metoclopramide is used as an antiemetic, but its use is associated with sedation, anticholinergic effects, and extrapyramidal symptoms (14,40). Metoclopramide is reviewed extensively in the “Prokinetic Agents” section.


Antacids are used in children for the treatment of gastritis, esophagitis, peptic ulcer disease, and GERD (41,42). In addition, they are included in combination treatment regimens for the management of H. pylori-related disease (42). In the past, antacids were used as prophylaxis for stress ulceration in intensive care units (8) and prior to surgical procedures. In recent years, antacids have been largely replaced by other acid-modifying drugs [e.g., H2-receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)] due to safety and dosing concerns. Antacids are considered appropriate for use as short-term therapies (<2 weeks) for dyspepsia.

Antacids reduce and neutralize secreted gastric acid and have cytoprotective effects. Data from adult studies show that antacids at the proper doses are effective in the treatment of ulcer disease (42) and stress ulcer prophylaxis (43). Sucralfate, ranitidine, and almagate were equally effective as prophylaxis for gastrointestinal hemorrhage in critically ill children (8).

Sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate are the most potent antacids, followed by magnesium- and then aluminum-containing products. Sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate are also rapid-acting antacids. Chronic use of sodium bicarbonate is associated with fluid retention, systemic alkalosis, and the milk alkali syndrome. Calcium carbonate has a longer duration of action than sodium bicarbonate and has also been associated with hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, renal calcium deposits, compromised renal function, and gastric acid hypersecretion (44,45). Diarrhea and hypermagnesemia are associated with the use of magnesium-containing antacids, particularly in patients with compromised renal function. Adverse events associated with the use of aluminum-containing antacids include constipation, hypophosphatemia, and hypocalcemia. Aluminum accumulation and the formation of bezoars have also been reported for aluminum-containing antacids, particularly in young infants with compromised renal function (41,47).

Concomitant use of other drugs with antacids may decrease drug absorption, and alteration of gastric pH may change the dissolution rate of drugs. Dosing of antacids 2 hours after other drugs (e.g., quinolones, H2-receptor antagonists) may help to avoid this drug interaction (48). In general, the smallest effective dose of antacid should be utilized in children, beginning at 0.5 to 1.0 mL per kg in infants and 5 to 10 mL in children, up to a single dose of 10 to 20 mL. Administration of antacids 1 hour after meals has been shown to be effective in reducing gastric acidity in infants and to allow for reduction of the antacid dose (49). Long-term therapy (>2 to 4 weeks) with antacids in infants and children should be closely monitored for adverse effects.

Prokinetic Agents

Prokinetic agents are utilized to improve gastric hypomotility, a frequent component of many pediatric gastrointestinal disorders (50). GER is the most common disorder of gastric motility in children and infants, and approximately 50% of mothers report that their infants regurgitate two or more times per day (50,51). For the majority of infants, GER is a self-limited, transient problem that resolves by 8 to 12 months of age and can be managed with nonpharmacologic therapies (51). However, pharmacotherapy may be indicated in children with pathologic GER (e.g., poor weight gain, Sandifer syndrome, esophagitis, esophageal stricture, aspiration, and airway inflammation). Surgical management is typically reserved for patients who fail therapy with acid-reducing drugs and prokinetic agents (51).

Transient relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter is considered one of the most important factors in the pathogenesis of GER. Delayed gastric emptying is also a factor and is noted in approximately one-half of patients with GER (51). Bethanechol, metoclopramide, and erythromycin improve lower esophageal sphincter tone, and metoclopramide and erythromycin, but not bethanechol, improve gastric emptying. However, with the withdrawal of cisapride (discussed later) and the adverse effects associated with metoclopramide, other prokinetic agents, such as erythromycin, are more commonly used.

Feeding intolerance in premature newborns is another common clinical problem in pediatrics. Migrating motor complexes are responsible for phasic contractions that move distally through the intestine. These complexes appear, at least in part, to be stimulated by increased activity of the receptor for motilin, a polypeptide hormone (52,53). Infants begin to express increased numbers of motilin receptors at approximately 32 weeks of gestational age (53). Enteral feeding may result in increased release of enteric polypeptide hormones (50). Thus, prokinetic drugs that stimulate motilin receptor activity may result in improved tolerance of feeding in premature newborns. Currently, motilin receptor agonists are undergoing safety and efficacy testing in early phase clinical trials in adults with impaired gastric motor function (54,55,56).


Bethanechol is an acetylcholine receptor agonist and has its greatest effect on the smooth muscle of the distal esophagus. At doses of 0.1 mg per kg, bethanechol increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, whereas higher doses (0.2 mg per kg) are required to increase the amplitude and duration of esophageal peristaltic activity (57,58). These effects are absent in the upper esophagus, probably because of the predominance of striated muscle in this portion of the esophagus. Bethanechol appears to have less of an effect on gastric motility, increasing the amplitude but decreasing the frequency of antral contractions with no overall increase in gastric emptying (59). Thus, bethanechol may have a use in the treatment of GER through its effects on the lower esophageal sphincter.

Clinical studies of bethanechol in the treatment of GER have yielded mixed results. Some studies reported that bethanechol was effective in controlling clinical symptoms, improving weight gain, and reducing acid reflux by pH probe measurements; these findings have not been consistently reproduced (58,60,61). Orenstein et al. showed that children with normal lower esophageal tone by manometry actually had an increase in the number and duration of reflux episodes with bethanechol (58). Another study reported bethanechol to be comparable to liquid antacids
in the treatment of GER-related symptoms (62). Although bethanechol increases lower esophageal sphincter tone, its variable effect on gastric motility likely contributes to its variable efficacy in the treatment of GER (59). The efficacy of bethanechol may also be influenced by the baseline tone of the lower esophageal sphincter (58). The optimal dose of bethanechol in children has not been clearly defined because of a lack in pharmacokinetic studies of bethanechol in children. The typical dose of bethanechol is 0.1 to 0.2 mg per kg given 30 minutes prior to feeding up to four times per day (63).

Dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, bronchoconstriction, and acute dystonic reactions have been reported in association with the use of bethanechol (60,62,64). Because bethanechol is a cholinergic agonist and can precipitate bronchoconstriction, it should be avoided or used with caution in children with a history of or at risk for bronchospasm.


Metoclopramide, 2-methoxy-5-chloro-procainamide, is a prokinetic agent commonly used to treat GER, dysmotility disorders, and feeding intolerance in infants and children. Although structurally similar to procainamide, metoclopramide is without any appreciable anesthetic or antiarrhythmic properties. Metoclopramide’s mechanism of action is thought to result from a combination of central and peripheral dopamine antagonism. The drug’s antiemetic effects are most likely mediated centrally at the dopamine D2 receptor. Peripherally, the augmentation of acetylcholine release from postganglionic nerve terminals is likely responsible for the drug’s effect on gastrointestinal smooth muscle (65,66). In addition, metoclopramide appears to sensitize the muscarinic receptors of gastrointestinal smooth muscle to acetylcholine (35,67). The effect of metoclopramide on cholinergic neurons is unlike that of bethanechol or other “cholinomimetic” agents, as metoclopramide does not increase gastric acid secretion, endogenous gastrin release, or salivation. The motility effects of metoclopramide appear unique to this drug class, promoting the coordination of gastric, pyloric, and duodenal motor function. This overall prokinetic effect is due to the drug’s coordination of accelerated gastric emptying by increasing gastric tone, increasing the amplitude of antral contractions and relaxation of the pylorus and duodenum, while increasing the peristalsis of the jejunum, thus accelerating intestinal transit from the duodenum to the ileocecal valve (65).

Efficacy studies of metoclopramide in children have yielded variable results. Randomized, controlled studies utilizing doses of 0.1 and 0.125 mg per kg of metoclopramide every 6 hours demonstrated some improvement in reflux symptoms, with greater improvement in older children, whereas doses of 0.2 mg per kg every 6 hours significantly improved all measures of reflux disease (68,69). Improvement in GER-related symptoms have been reported in small studies of infants with GER (70,71). Hyman et al. (71) found that infants with gastroparesis following surgery demonstrated considerable improvement in gastric motility with metoclopramide, whereas infants with gastroparesis of prematurity did not have a significant change in gastric emptying. Other small studies reported improved feeding tolerance and decreased gastric residual volumes in neonates treated with metoclopramide (72,73). Metoclopramide has also been used for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (13), postsurgical gastroparesis, and to facilitate the passage of nasoenteric feeding tubes beyond the pylorus (74,75).

A systematic review of the use of metoclopramide for the treatment of GER illustrates the contradictions in the literature for this drug. A review of 12 prospective trials (76) including 5 randomized, blinded clinical trials was conducted. Eight studies showed improvement in at least one outcome after treatment with metoclopramide; one study showed worsening of symptoms. The remaining studies showed that metoclopramide had no effect or an effect comparable to placebo. The weight of the evidence supporting the use of metoclopramide was judged to be “poor” due to the limited number of studies, small sample sizes, quality of study designs, and the lack of consistency in the literature. Given the high risk for adverse effects (detailed later), the existing evidence for its safety and efficacy was deemed “inconclusive” (76). Inconsistencies in the existing data point to the need for large clinical trials to thoroughly assess pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and safety and efficacy of metoclopramide in children.

Metoclopramide is rapidly absorbed following oral administration and substantial interindividual variation has been observed in maximal serum concentrations as well as in the drug’s oral bioavailability (range, 32% to 97%) (66,77). This variation is most likely due to first-pass drug metabolism (78,79). Approximately 40% of metoclopramide is bound to plasma protein, primarily α1-acid glycoprotein (80). The drug is readily excreted into breast milk (81). The majority of metoclopramide is metabolized in the liver by sulfation, and approximately 20% of the dose is excreted unchanged in the urine. Its elimination half-life in adults ranges from 2.5 to 5 hours (78,79).

Limited pharmacokinetic data are available to characterize the disposition of metoclopramide in children (70,78,82). One study found that children, ages 7 to 14 years, had pharmacokinetic parameters that were similar to those of adults (78). Kearns et al. (82,83) reported that the mean values for plasma clearance and volume of distribution were increased 1.4- and 2.1-fold in neonates, respectively, in comparison to values reported in adults (65). The mean value for elimination half-life in neonates was not significantly different from that in older infants, children, and adults (78,82). However, interindividual variability for elimination half-lives was large in neonates and older infants, and in several individual patients half-lives were more than 10 hours (70,82). Developmental or pharmacogenetic influences on drug metabolism, particularly in the sulfotransferase isoforms responsible for the N-4-sulfation of metoclopramide (78,82), may contribute to this variability. The data support a starting oral dose of metoclopramide of 0.15 mg per kg administered every 6 hours in term newborns, infants, and children (70). Lower doses (0.1 mg per kg every 6 hours) may be appropriate in the neonatal population because delayed clearance may be a concern.

Adverse reactions associated with the use of metoclopramide include drowsiness, restlessness, dry mouth, lightheadedness, and diarrhea. Overall, adverse reactions may occur in as many as 20% of patients treated with the drug
and appear to be dose related. Less common adverse events include extrapyramidal effects, such as torticollis and oculogyric reactions, and are secondary to the drug’s effect on dopamine and acetylcholine. Extrapyramidal effects occur in approximately 1% of patients, and young age and high dose appear to be risk factors associated with their occurrence (84,85). Avoidance of concurrent therapy with drugs with dopamine antagonist activity (e.g., phenothiazines) may help to lower the risk of extrapyramidal reactions. Rare adverse events include methemoglobinemia, seizures, elevation of serum prolactin concentrations, breast enlargement, nipple tenderness, galactorrhea, and menstrual irregularities (65,83).

Because of the effects of metoclopramide on gastric emptying and intestinal motility, it has the potential to alter the oral bioavailability and resulting serum concentration relationships (e.g., peak plasma concentration and time to peak plasma concentration) of a multitude of drugs. Studies of this potential drug interaction have yielded variable results, indicating an inconsistent effect of metoclopramide on the gastrointestinal absorption of concurrently administered drugs (77).


Cisapride, a benzamide compound, has been shown to be effective for the treatment of GER in children (86,87). The drug enhances peripheral acetylcholine release, which subsequently increases antral motility and duodenal contractility, increases coordination of antroduodenal function, and accelerates gastric emptying (88). Cisapride has no effect on dopamine receptors (88). Cisapride also improves lower esophageal sphincter tone and esophageal contractility (67,88). In placebo-controlled studies comparing cisapride to metoclopramide, it appears to be at least as effective as, if not more effective than, metoclopramide (69,88,89). Cisapride has not been associated with the development of the extrapyramidal effects seen with other prokinetic agents.

Increased use of cisapride in the treatment of motility disorders, especially in adults, resulted in recognition of an association with electrocardiographic abnormalities, particularly the development of prolonged QTc intervals and associated ventricular arrhythmias (90). This adverse event did not appear to occur as frequently in the pediatric population (36,91). Risk factors for cardiac effects have been well described and include excessive dosing, inappropriate dosing in premature infants, treatment with drugs known to inhibit the CYP3A4 isoforms, and use in patients with existing QTc prolongation. Additional concerns include underlying cardiac disease, electrolyte disturbances, renal insufficiency, hepatic dysfunction, and concurrent therapy with medications known to alter cardiac conduction intervals (90). Because of persistent concerns over the safety, cisapride was removed from the market in the United States and Canada. The drug remains widely available throughout the rest of the world.


Erythromycin has been demonstrated to have prokinetic activity and is effective at doses less than those typically used for antimicrobial therapy (92). The drug appears to have pharmacodynamics similar to the polypeptide hormone motilin, stimulating migrating motor complexes in the gastrointestinal tract and promoting the aboral movement of nutrients (52,53). Erythromycin was found to increase the lower esophageal sphincter tone and the duration but not the amplitude of contractions of the distal esophagus in adults with GER (52). A recent review comparing erythromycin to metoclopramide supported the use of erythromycin as a prokinetic agent (93).

The optimal dose of erythromycin for improved gastrointestinal motility is 1 to 3 mg per kg. Higher doses (10 to 15 mg per kg), similar to those used in antimicrobial therapy, tend to cause continuous high-amplitude contractions or motor quiescence (94). A dose-ranging study in healthy adults noted enhanced gastric motility with increasing doses of 0.75, 1.5, and 3 mg per kg, and a 1.5 mg per kg dose of erythromycin was found to be equivalent to a standard 10-mg dose of metoclopramide (95). In a study of premature newborns, intravenous erythromycin at a dose of 0.75 mg per kg significantly increased gastric and duodenal contractions (30).

The efficacy of erythromycin in the management of feeding intolerance in premature newborns may be dependent on gestational age (92). Erythromycin did not decrease the time interval required to tolerate full feedings or decrease vomiting in two placebo-controlled clinical trials (31,96). However, in both of these studies, antimicrobial doses of erythromycin (12 to 15 mg per kg per day) were used, and the infants studied were younger than 31 of weeks of gestation. In a study evaluating age-related motilin receptor activity, infants younger than 32 weeks of gestation had no response to erythromycin, whereas 50% of children older than 32 weeks of gestation had increased motor activity with erythromycin (53). Thus, it is not clear whether lower doses may be effective in stimulating gastrointestinal motility or whether the developmental stage of migrating motor complexes is the most important limitation of erythromycin therapy.

In older children, 1 mg per kg of erythromycin was as effective as 0.15 mg per kg of metoclopramide in reducing preoperative gastric residual volumes (97). Other observational reports have described the efficacy of erythromycin in the treatment of other disorders of gastrointestinal motility (98,99). Thus, erythromycin may be useful in the treatment of gastrointestinal dysmotility in selected older children at doses of 1 to 3 mg per kg.

Ongoing studies of motilin receptor agonists, including other macrolides, will determine their safety, efficacy, and role in the pharmacologic management of impaired gastric motor function (54,55,56). The agonist, ABT-229, slightly, but significantly, reduced the duration of acid reflux in a dose-dependent manner in adults, although in another study this drug did not improve acid reflux-related symptoms (100,101). However, many of these studies have been unsuccessful (including ABT-229), possibly due to development of tachyphylaxis at the receptor site (102).

The inhibitory effect of erythromycin on the cytochrome P450 system, especially CYP3A4, has been well described and is a significant factor for the development of adverse drug reactions. In addition, the rapid intravenous infusion of erythromycin lactobionate has been associated with
bradycardia, hypotension, prolongation of the QTc interval, and ventricular arrhythmias (103,104).

The association of erythromycin use in infants and the development of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is also of concern. After the widespread use of erythromycin for pertussis prophylaxis of newborns in a community, there was a nearly sevenfold increase in the rate of pyloric stenosis, from 4.7 to 32 cases per 1,000 livebirths, and the risk appears to increase with treatment periods of 14 days or longer (105,106). However, much of the literature on this association has been retrospective in nature and has not clearly defined a causal relationship (106). In addition, the studies that evaluated erythromycin as a prokinetic agent failed to monitor for the development of pyloric stenosis as an adverse event. Low-dose treatment with erythromycin has not been associated with the development of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (107).

Other Prokinetic Agents

Additional drugs that have been used as prokinetics or are under development include dopamine antagonists, serotonin agonists, and baclofen. Peripheral dopamine receptor antagonists have been used in the past for the treatment of GER. Domperidone is a D2 antagonist that has been shown to increase motility and gastric emptying (108). However, due to its cardiovascular side effect profile including QTc prolongation, the manufacturer ceased production. Itopride is a dopamine D2 antagonist with acetylcholinesterase inhibitory actions that is currently in clinical trials. It has compared favorably to domperidone in symptom relief, patient tolerance, safety, and efficacy (109). In a recent placebo-controlled trial, itopride was found to be superior to placebo in symptom scores of patients with functional dyspepsia (110).

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