Key Points
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A number of gastrointestinal food allergic disorders are not typically associated with food-specific IgE antibodies.
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These dietary protein-induced cell-mediated disorders usually present in infancy.
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There is a broad differential diagnosis to consider when evaluating infants with possible gastrointestinal food allergy.
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Diagnosis may require medically supervised oral food challenges, and treatment requires dietary elimination.
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Except for celiac disease, these non-IgE-mediated gastrointestinal allergies typically resolve during childhood.
This chapter focusses upon four non-IgE-mediated food hypersensitivity disorders that affect the gastrointestinal tract: food protein-induced proctocolitis, enterocolitis, enteropathy and celiac disease. These disorders have overlapping symptoms, but are distinguishable clinically and have distinct patterns of symptoms and clinical course.
Dietary Protein Proctocolitis
Eosinophilic proctocolitis is characterized by the presence of mucusy, bloody stools in an otherwise healthy infant. The disorder is attributed to an immune response directed, most commonly, against cow’s milk protein. The mean age at diagnosis is approximately 60 days, with a range of 1 day to 6 months. The bleeding is often mistakenly attributed to perirectal fissures, although bleeding associated with fissures tends to present with streaks of blood on hard, formed stool rather than mixed in frothy, mucusy stool, which is typical of proctocolitis. Failure to thrive is absent. About 60% of cases occur in breastfed infants where the immune response results from maternal ingestion of the food allergen, usually cow’s milk, which is passed in immunologically recognizable form into the breast milk. In formula-fed infants, the reaction is associated with cow’s milk or, less commonly, soy. Proctocolitis has rarely been described in infants fed hypoallergenic, extensively hydrolyzed formulas. Associated peripheral blood eosinophilia, hypoalbuminemia and/or anemia are uncommon. Markers of atopy such as atopic dermatitis or a positive family history of atopy are not significantly increased compared with the general population.
Endoscopic examination is usually not needed for diagnostic purposes but, when performed, shows patchy erythema, friability and a loss of vascularity generally limited to the rectum. High numbers of eosinophils (5 to 20 per high-power field) or eosinophilic abscesses are seen in the lamina propria, crypt epithelium and muscularis mucosa. The eosinophils are frequently associated with lymphoid nodules (lymphonodular hyperplasia) and rarely with granuloma formation. However, lymphonodular hyperplasia is not unique to this condition. The pathophysiology is unknown. Because inflammation is confined to the lower colon and is common in breastfed infants, it has been hypothesized that dietary antigens complexed to breast milk IgA may play a part in the activation of eosinophils and the distribution of the inflammatory process.
The frequency of food allergy causing rectal bleeding in infants has not been extensively studied. Xanthakos and colleagues performed colonoscopy and biopsy on 22 infants presenting with rectal bleeding, and proved eosinophilic colitis in 14 (64%). The remainder had normal biopsies (23%) or nonspecific colitis (14%). This group recommended dietary elimination for those with eosinophilic colitis and the majority had resolution within 1 to 3 weeks. However, the relationship of cow’s milk protein to symptoms was not proven by rechallenge. Arvola and colleagues examined 40 infants presenting with rectal bleeding. Infants were randomized to either avoid cow’s milk protein or maintain their current diet. The duration or severity of bleeding was no different between the two groups. During follow-up, cow’s milk allergy was diagnosed in 18% of the infants (based upon various criteria including flares of atopic dermatitis and urticaria upon food challenge as well as rectal bleeding) and for these infants, there was a reduced length of bleeding when they had been randomized to an elimination diet at study outset. Atopic dermatitis and inflammation of the colonic mucosa were associated with persistence of cow’s milk allergy to the age of 1 year. These studies indicate that food allergy may not be a common cause of rectal bleeding in infants unless there are additional signs of allergy, and that milk protein-induced proctocolits has to be differentiated from benign idiopathic neonatal transient eosinophilic colitis.
Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (Dietary Protein Enterocolitis) ( Box 44-1 )
Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome [FPIES]) describes a symptom constellation of profuse vomiting, lethargy and diarrhea, usually diagnosed in the first months of life and most commonly attributable to an immune response to cow’s milk or soy. Inflammation involves both the small and large bowels. Unlike allergic proctocolitis, the majority of affected infants are asymptomatic while exclusively breastfed on an unrestricted maternal diet. When the causal protein remains in the diet (e.g. in young infants fed with cow’s milk or soy-based formulas), chronic symptoms can include watery or bloody diarrhea, poor growth, anemia, hypoalbuminemia and fecal leukocytes; the illness may progress to dehydration and hypotension over the course of days to weeks. Removal of the causal protein leads to resolution of symptoms but re-exposure results in a characteristic delayed (by about 1 to 3 hours) onset of repetitive, often projectile vomiting, lethargy, elevation of the peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocyte count and possibly reduced temperature, thrombocytosis, hypotension, diarrhea, dehydration, acidemia and methemoglobinemia. These reactions mimic sepsis.
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May mimic sepsis with presentations that include vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, acidemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, hypotension and methemoglobinemia.
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Common triggers include milk, soy, rice and oats.
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For infants with milk or soy FPIES, use an extensively hydrolyzed casein-based formula rather than a soy or milk formula due to common (up to 50%) concomitant FPIES to these foods.
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For infants with milk/soy FPIES, avoid oats/rice as first solids.
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Onset of FPIES after the age of 1 year is uncommon and FPIES typically resolves in the first 1 to 5 years.
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Children with detectable milk-specific IgE antibodies have a more protracted course than those without IgE antibodies; some may convert to immediate IgE-mediated milk allergy.
Powell initially characterized the syndrome. She described nine infants with severe, protracted diarrhea and vomiting. The symptoms developed at 4 to 27 days after birth (mean, 11 days) in infants on a cow’s milk-based formula. Switching to a soy-based formula resulted in transient improvement, but symptoms generally recurred in 7 days. Seven of the nine infants were below birth weight, and eight of nine presented with dehydration. Eight of the infants appeared acutely ill and underwent sepsis evaluations that were negative. All infants were noted to have low serum albumin, elevated peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocyte counts, and stools that were positive for hemoglobin and reducing substances. The hospital course usually involved improvement while on intravenous fluids, followed by recurrence of dramatic symptoms with reintroduction of soy- or cow’s milk-based formula, including the development of shock in several infants. Follow-up with oral challenges was carried out with cow’s milk and soybean formulas at a mean age of 5.5 months, and 14 of the 18 challenges were positive. Ten of 14 challenges resulted in vomiting (onset 1 to 2.5 hours after ingestion; mean 2.1 hours) and all experienced diarrhea (onset 2 to 10 hours; mean 5 hours) with blood, polymorphonuclear leukocytes and eosinophils, and increased carbohydrate in the stool. There was a rise in peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cell counts in all positive challenges, peaking at 6 hours after ingestion, with a mean rise of 9900 cells/mm 3 (range 5,500 to 16,800 cells/mm 3 ). Only isolated gastrointestinal symptoms were reported.
The results of these studies led Powell to propose criteria for a positive oral challenge to diagnose food protein-induced enterocolitis of infancy. Confirmation of the allergy included a negative search for other causes, improvement when not ingesting the causal protein and a positive oral challenge resulting in vomiting/diarrhea, evidence of gastrointestinal inflammation through stool examination, and a rise in the peripheral polymorphonuclear leukocyte count to over 3,500 cells/mL.
Numerous foods, other than milk and soy, have subsequently been documented as triggers for FPIES, including rice, oat, meats, fish, fruits, vegetables and egg. The dramatic nature of the presentation often results in evaluations for sepsis or surgical diagnoses, and a delay in final diagnosis until more than one episode has occurred.
Since infantile FPIES is a diagnosis that can be made clinically, there are no large series in which biopsies have been performed solely in patients fulfilling Powell’s criteria. Regarding immunopathology, studies have focussed upon the role of T cells and the importance of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α. In a large cohort of Japanese infants with non-IgE-mediated food allergy, TNF-α, interleukin (IL)-6, and Th2 cytokines (IL-3, IL-5 and IL-13), but not interferon (IFN)-γ or IL-17 were increased in the supernatant from milk protein-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures of patients compared to nonallergic controls. Chung and colleagues examined the presence of TNF-α in duodenal biopsy specimens using immunostains in infants with FPIES. Semiquantitative analyses revealed higher staining for TNF-α in affected infants with villus atrophy compared to those without atrophy and in normal controls. Taken together, these studies support the notion that TNF-α plays a role in the acute and chronic symptoms of FPIES. It is also known that the regulatory cytokine transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 is involved in the protection of the epithelial barrier of the gut from the penetration of foreign antigens. Chung and colleagues demonstrated that the type 1, but not type 2, receptor for TGF-β1 were decreased in duodenal biopsy specimens in patients with FPIES compared to controls. Analysis of humoral features in milk-induced enterocolitis showed milk-protein specific IgA, but very low levels of specific IgG1 and IgG4; this has been theorized to be pathogenic because IgG4 might otherwise block complement fixing antibodies. Specific IgE is sometimes noted as well, and may be a marker of persistence.
Dietary Protein Enteropathy
This disorder is characterized by protracted diarrhea, vomiting, malabsorption and failure to thrive. Additional features may include abdominal distention, early satiety, edema, hypoproteinemia and protein-losing enteropathy. Symptoms usually begin in the first several months of life, depending on the time of exposure to the causal proteins. The disorder was described primarily from the 1960s to the 1990s and was commonly attributed to cow’s milk protein. A decrease in prevalence was documented in Finland and Spain and attributed to a rise in breastfeeding and/or the use of adapted infant formula. There have been no clear reports of this diagnosis in the past several years, although presentations of eosinophilic gastroenteritis with protein-losing enteropathy share many features with previous descriptions of this disorder.
Unlike gluten-sensitive enteropathy (celiac disease), this enteropathy generally resolves in 1 to 2 years, and there is no increased threat of future malignancy.
Celiac Disease
Celiac disease, also termed celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy and estimated to affect 1% of the population, is caused by an immune response triggered by wheat gluten or related rye and barley proteins that results in inflammatory injury to the small intestinal mucosa. The classic presentation occurs in infants after weaning, at the time when cereals are introduced into the diet. Early (<4 months of age) or delayed (>7 months) introduction of wheat may be a risk factor, and breastfeeding may be a related protective factor. Symptoms partly reflect malabsorption, with patients exhibiting failure to thrive, anemia and muscle wasting. Additional symptoms are varied and include diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, osteoporosis, bone pain and aphthous stomatitis. Subclinical or minimal disease is possible, delaying diagnosis into adulthood. Chronic ingestion of gluten-containing grains in patients with celiac disease is associated with increased risk of enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma. Celiac disease is associated with autoimmune disorders and IgA deficiency. Another associated disorder is dermatitis herpetiformis, a gluten-responsive dermatitis characterized by pruritic, erythematous papules, and/or vesicles distributed symmetrically on the extensor surfaces of the elbows and knees, and also on the face, buttocks, neck and trunk.
Endoscopy of the small bowel in active celiac disease typically reveals total villous atrophy and extensive cellular infiltrate. The disorder is caused by gliadin-specific T cell responses against deamidated gliadin produced by tissue transglutaminase. Gliadin stimulation of monocytes and macrophages may also contribute to the inflammatory response. Antigen presentation appears to be a central issue in the immunopathology because about 95% of patients are HLA-DQ2, with the remainder being HLA-DQ8. Gliadin is one of the few substrates for tissue transglutaminase, which deamidates specific glutamines within gliadin, creating epitopes that bind efficiently to DQ2 gut-derived T cells. The activation of DQ2- or DQ8-restricted T cells initiates the inflammatory response. Elimination of gliadin from the diet results in a down-regulation of the T cell-induced inflammatory process and normalization of the mucosal histology.
Differential Diagnosis
Because the gastrointestinal tract has a limited number of responses to inflammatory damage, there is an overlap in the symptoms observed with these disorders. Differentiating them requires consideration of key, distinct clinical features and directed laboratory examinations. Moreover, numerous medical disorders must be considered in the evaluation of patients presenting with gastrointestinal complaints. Some of these disorders include other food hypersensitivities, but food intolerance (nonimmune disorders such as lactase deficiency) and toxic reactions (e.g. bacterial poisoning) are potential considerations.
The differential diagnosis can encompass virtually any cause of abdominal complaint, including the following categories: infection (viral, bacterial, parasitic), anatomic (pyloric stenosis, anal fissures, motility disorders, lymphangiectasia, Hirschsprung’s disease, reflux, intussusception), inflammatory disorders (inflammatory bowel disease), metabolic disorders (disaccharidase deficiencies), malignancy, immunodeficiency and others. The differential diagnosis of severe FPIES includes anaphylaxis. Depending on the constellation of findings, various diagnostic strategies are used, description of which is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, the presence of a number of clinical elements may underscore the possibility of a food allergic disorder. The general approach to the diagnosis of food-allergic disorders affecting the gut is outlined in Figure 44-1 . Various features may suggest a differentiation of the disorders described in this chapter from those related to IgE antibody-mediated gastrointestinal allergies (oral allergy, gastrointestinal anaphylaxis) and those that are sometimes associated with IgE antibodies (eosinophilic gastroenteropathies and reflux). The timing of symptoms following ingestion of the causal food (acute in IgE antibody-mediated disease), symptoms (isolated vomiting in gastroesophageal reflux disease) and selected test results (biopsy revealing an eosinophilic infiltrate in allergic eosinophilic gastroenteropathy) differentiate these food allergic disorders. The food-related disorders must also be distinguished from a host of disorders that have similar clinical findings but alternative etiologies. Table 44-1 delineates the disorders whose features may most closely overlap the cell-mediated food allergic disorders.

Clinical Disease | Symptoms |
Proctocolitis |
Enteropathy |
The distinguishing clinical features of dietary protein-induced proctocolitis, enteropathy, enterocolitis and celiac disease are listed in Table 44-2 . Although they may represent a spectrum of disorders with similar etiologies, the treatment and natural course of these diseases vary, making a specific diagnosis imperative. The causal foods, symptoms and family history usually indicate the likely disorder. In some cases, the diagnosis requires initial confirmation of reactivity/association determined by resolution of symptoms with an elimination diet and recurrence of symptoms after oral challenge. In some cases, specific tests are needed (e.g. serologic tests for IgA endomysial or tissue transglutaminase antibody and small bowel biopsy). The disorders are not IgE antibody-mediated, but if there has been immediate onset of symptoms following ingestion or an association of gastrointestinal allergy with other features of IgE antibody-mediated food allergy (e.g. atopic dermatitis, asthma), screening tests for food-specific IgE antibody (prick skin tests, serum food-specific IgE antibodies) may be helpful in defining the process causing the reactions. A number of tests are of unproved value for the diagnosis of food allergy and should not be used. These include measurement of IgG4 antibody, provocation-neutralization (drops placed under the tongue or injected to diagnose and treat various symptoms) and applied kinesiology (muscle strength testing).
Vomiting | Diarrhea | Growth | Foods | Other | Onset | |
Proctocolitis | Absent | Minimal, bloody | Normal | Breast/milk/soy | Days to 6 months | |
FPIES | Prominent | Prominent | Poor | Milk/soy/rice/oat | Re-exposure: severe, subacute symptoms | Days to 1 year; adult onset to shellfish |
Enteropathy | Variable | Moderate | Poor | Milk/soy | Edema due to intestinal protein loss | 2–24 months |
Celiac | Variable | Variable | Poor | Gluten | HLA-DQ2–associated | >4 months |

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