Electronic Fetal Monitoring and Information Technology

Electronic Fetal Monitoring and Information Technology

Patricia Robin McCartney RNC, PhD, FAAN

Despite controversy, the use of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) technology in birth is escalating and obstetric care providers must understand the nature and capabilities of the tools in use. As a technology, EFM is not only a biophysical and electronic engineering tool used to capture the fetal heart rate (FHR) signal but, in many cases, also a component of a digital health information tool. A solid understanding of the information technology capabilities of EFM is necessary for providers to harness the information benefits and use EFM appropriately and effectively for optimum birth outcomes. This chapter will provide a brief introduction on how EFM relates to the electronic health record, computerized clinical information systems, and informatics. Clinicians are encouraged to access the chapter references for additional learning.

The Electronic Health Record

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report Crossing the Quality Chasm called for elimination of handwritten data and set a goal to implement a paperless electronic health record (EHR) before the end of the decade, citing evidence that the EHR improves health care quality, safety, and efficiency (IOM, 2001). The electronic format provides a record of clinical data that are legible, organized, complete, and accessible by multiple users across sites of care and episodes of care. In addition, the electronic records enable a database of clinical information that can be automatically analyzed. The IOM goal immediately reinforced and promoted the present efforts by the government, health care agencies, professional organizations, and industry partners to develop the EHR. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) established two goals for the effective use of health information technology that are particularly relevant to obstetric patients and fetal monitoring: (a) informing clinical practice and (b) interconnecting clinicians (U.S. DHHS, 2006). Informing clinical practice aims to bring electronic data directly to the front-line providers, to reduce duplicative work, and to provide access to clinical data immediately (e.g., one-time entry of the mother’s expected delivery date that flows to all parts of the medical record simultaneously; immediate access to interpret and document on a fetal tracing). Interconnecting clinicians aims to promote sharing of data with interoperable standards, so information is portable and travels with the patient (such as immediate access to prenatal FHR assessments and diagnostics). The DHHS identified several key strategies to achieve these goals: adoption of the EHR, development of a Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) as the interoperable system for the secure exchange of health care information, and development of Regional Health Information Organizations (RHIOs) for local health information exchange. Collectively, these strategies will deliver the right information to the right person at the right time.

The transition to an EHR poses education and practice challenges for currently practicing obstetric
care providers, which can overwhelm the provider and subsequently compromise successful implementation. A multidisciplinary summit sponsored by the American Health Information Management Association addressed such training needs and listed specific actions for not only health care workers, but also employers, vendors, educators, and the government to promote workforce competencies (2006). This panel recommended that health care workers themselves identify knowledge gaps and seek ongoing professional development. Obstetric clinicians must recognize how the national agenda will shape EFM practice with clinical information systems and informatics.

EFM and Clinical Information Systems

Clinical information systems (CISs) are networks of computers that share clinical data in a digital format, typically bedside computer workstations connected to a central server. The CIS is the backbone or architecture for the paperless EHR. The use of CISs in obstetrics expanded in the 1990s with “perinatal systems” capable of transmitting and displaying the fetal tracings recording from all the bedside stations in the system on all the screens in the system (surveillance), and storing the tracings in an electronic format on an optical disk (archiving). Networks expanded to include remote transmission of the fetal tracings through an Internet connection or wireless device to and from settings outside the labor and delivery unit, such as antepartum testing units and ambulatory offices, on a desktop or hand-held device. Clinicians began documenting on the computer tracing. Gradually, the monitor paper was used less or turned off. This conversion from the traditional fetal monitor paper to a digital perinatal system challenges and changes the actual clinical workflow and requires substantial staff effort. Clinicians need to see direct benefits from the system. Initially, clinicians were most interested in the risk management benefit of what came to be known as “central monitoring,” or the display of all fetal tracings at a centrally located station. With central monitoring, clinicians could monitor tracings when a care provider could not be at the bedside. Quality assurance projects reported less loss of tracings with electronic storage. And soon, clinicians recognized the value of the CIS database functions, including documentation or data entry, data analysis (such as aggregation and trending), and data reporting.

Perinatal systems are niche systems, developed to meet the unique clinical needs in a specialty area. These small systems are generally not integrated or interoperable with the main CIS in the health care organization; however, industry engineers are addressing this constraint. These niche systems are needed as few general CISs have perinatal-specific documentation forms. Some unique issues to consider with perinatal CISs are the following: a direct application of the device on the patient (FHR monitor) requires approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, one admission actually generates at least two admissions, all patients are transferred between units, and the litigation risk is high.

Perinatal Information System Functions

State-of-the-art perinatal systems provide a comprehensive and longitudinal EHR, with surveillance, archiving, documentation, and database applications in use across the care continuum: from prenatal primary care to inpatient birth, newborn, and postpartum care and then, to postpartum primary care. This overview focuses on the applications, benefits, and limitations to consider in using computerized systems with EFM tracings (Table 8-1).


Effective surveillance, communication, and response to potential risk promote patient safety. The safety goal with EFM is to correctly recognize, communicate, and intervene with a nonreassuring FHR tracing. Computerized EFM surveillance systems are intended to promote this safety goal and reduce risk. Computer surveillance can certainly help clinicians assess, but there are some limitations to consider.





For all functions

Benefits of electronic health record: legible, complete, accessible through digital transmission, federal requirements for privacy and security, improved charge capture and positive financial return on investment

Costs of system implementation and maintenance

Computer downtime

Inability to interface with other systems


Accessibility of fetal tracing on connected workstations and mobile devices provides viewing from remote locations

Effective communication of fetal heart rate (FHR) data promotes safety, rapid identification, and response to a nonreassuring FHR

Visual appearance of fetal tracing displays differences that could result in interpretation differences

Remote viewing may replace or reduce assessment at the bedside

Computer clock may not be synchronized with wall clocks


Less loss of fetal tracing data than with monitor paper and microfiche

Federal standards mandate data security (retrievable and reproducible)

Data loss or corruption despite federal mandates

Retrieval barriers with older tracings and older technology

Long statutes of limitations requirements to retrieve and reproduce the tracings

High litigation risk


Maternal-fetal-newborn data is entered once and immediately populates the entire record

Record is simultaneously accessible to multiple providers, at multiple sites, over time

Effective access to clinical data identifies risks and promotes safety

Database is available for data analysis and outcomes reporting

Electronic record can link with other electronic safety technologies (provider order entry, electronic medication administration record, bar code medication administration, decision support, knowledge portals)

Workforce training for documentation

Database management analyst needed

Central displays assist with the recognition and communication aspects of safety. Although central displays can provide extra “eyes” for clinicians, a commonly voiced concern is the potential for the caregivers to focus their attention on the computer screens and assess the mother and fetus “from the desk” rather than at the bedside. Most perinatal systems have visual or auditory alarm functions to assist with recognition by notifying the clinician when the FHR is outside preset parameters (such as signal loss or a change in baseline rate). However, when central displays and alarms are used, clinicians must acknowledge and respond for the safety process to be complete.

FHR interpretation and discrimination between a reassuring and nonreassuring tracing is a learned
skill built from practicing visual analysis of patterns. So any distortion in the visual image (the scale of the grid underlying the fetal waveform or in the speed of the grid underlying the fetal waveform) could distort the appearance of the pattern and affect interpretation. A chief concern with use of the digital tracing is the visual match between the traditional monitor paper printout and (a) the computer screen display (for interpreting the tracing during care), (b) the computer paper printout (for interpreting the tracing generated from a computer printer), and (c) the archived tracing (for interpreting the tracing retrieved later from the archive) (Fig. 8-1). In some cases, the computer screen, printout, or stored pattern is not comparable to the actual monitor paper pattern and suggests different interpretations of the FHR status. The standards of speed and scale must be identical. Presently, there is not an agreed-upon standard. Additional issues to consider with electronic displays is the clarity of the waveform and grids, the length of the tracing segment visible on the screen at one time, and the ergonomics of viewing the screen (brightness, height, angle, position of the screen, split screens competing for visual attention).

The time stamp on the EFM tracing is the legal medical record and must accurately correspond to the time of interventions. Since computer clocks and wall clocks are seldom synchronized, clinicians must have a clear policy regarding the time source, documentation of time, and documentation of discrepancies (McCartney, 2003b).


Fetal monitoring tracings are a part of the medical record described as “patient identifiable source data,” or data from which interpretations are derived, and must be stored and retrievable (McCartney, 2002). Many settings that use computer displays and archiving no longer run monitor paper during care or save monitor paper. However, when patient care is documented on the monitor paper tracing, the paper becomes a record of care and must be stored and retrievable. Some settings store both laser and paper records because of concern about retrieving archived tracings. Each health care agency should have a policy describing the medical record components and particular storage media.

The security of electronic health records is now protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards (which pertain only to patient data in electronic form; the paper forms do not have this security protection) (McCartney, 2003a). The security requirements protect electronic records from wrongful access, alteration, and loss through safeguards such as electronic user identification, audit trails of who has accessed a file, and a data backup plan for network failure. To attain HIPAA compliance, the system must demonstrate that EFM tracings are retrievable and reproducible.

Documentation and Databases

CIS documentation or data entry is done with a variety of user input devices (keyboard, mouse, light pen, touch screen) at a bedside or mobile computer workstation. Data is also automatically entered from biophysical monitoring devices (EFM, maternal blood pressure, pulse oximeter). With a fully electronic record, FHR data and any electronic charting entered on the tracing automatically flow to all parts of the EHR, so there is no need for duplicate charting or “double-documenting.” Eliminating duplicate documentation reduces the risk of transcription inconsistencies. The computer screens used for documentation (forms) are usually customizable and should be designed to match obstetric workflow and standard of care. Studies report that electronic obstetric records improve the accuracy and completeness of data entry and improve the collection of outcome data (Dombrowski, Tomlinson, Bottoms, Johnson, & Sokol, 1995; Nielson, Thomson, Jackson, Kosman, & Kiley, 2000). In addition, the privacy of electronic health records is protected by HIPAA standards (McCartney, 2003a).

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