• Screening for congenital or acquired heart disease.
• Follow-up of established cardiac disorders:
• Progression of chamber enlargement.
• Hypertrophy.
• Conduction disorders.
• Ischemic changes.
• Evaluation of apparent life-threatening event, syncope, chest pain, or new-onset seizure.
• Arrhythmia detection and evaluation.
• Evaluation of conduction disorder.
• Monitoring cardiac effects of medication.
• Evaluation for appropriate pacemaker or defibrillator function.
• Evaluation of cardiac effects of electrolyte or metabolic abnormalities.
• Improper lead positioning is a major source of abnormal tracings.
• Results in repeat ECGs or unnecessary further testing.
• As many as 15–20% of pediatric ECGs performed in emergency departments or intensive care units show improper lead placement.
• The most common recording error is limb lead reversal.
• White electrode should be on right arm.
• Black electrode should be on left arm.
• Automated ECG interpretations that read “left atrial rhythm” usually reflect limb lead reversal.
• Negative P, QRS, and T waves in leads I and aVL are another indicator of lead reversal.
• Make sure the initial recording is at the appropriate speed: 25 mm per second, and appropriate gain: 10 mm per mV.
• Eliminating as much patient movement as possible is essential; blowing bubbles over young children often allows time for recording without movement.
• Lead placement is important and must be consistent.
• Inappropriate placement of limb or precordial leads results in interpretation errors, including hypertrophy or infarct patterns.
• Figure 23–1 shows placement of leads.
• RA: Right forearm, distal to insertion of deltoid muscle.
• LA: Left forearm, distal to insertion of deltoid muscle.
• RL: Right leg.
• LL: Left leg.
• V1: Fourth intercostal space, right sternal edge.
• V2: Fourth intercostal space, left sternal edge.
• V3: Halfway between V2 and V4.
• V4: Fifth intercostal space, midclavicular line.
• V5: Same level as V4 on anterior axillary line.
• V6: Same level as V4 on midaxillary line.
• Place electrode stickers appropriately.
• Attach the leads, with careful attention to limb lead placement.
• Enter the patient data into the ECG machine. ECGs without name, age, and date cannot be officially interpreted.
• Select gain and paper speed (standard speed 25 mm per second and standard gain 10 mm per mV).
• Use standard settings initially.
• Modify gain as needed.
• Select the type of tracing desired.
• 12-lead ECG.
• 12-lead rhythm strip.
• 3-lead rhythm strip.
• Ensure the patient is still and the tracing is stable on the monitor of the ECG machine.
• Once there is no artifact, record.
• Inspect the tracing before disconnecting the leads.
• If no additional tracings are needed, disconnect the leads and remove the electrode stickers.