Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Anemia

© Springer India 2016
Alpesh Gandhi, Narendra Malhotra, Jaideep Malhotra, Nidhi Gupta and Neharika Malhotra Bora (eds.)Principles of Critical Care in Obstetrics10.1007/978-81-322-2686-4_38

38. Diagnosis and Management of Fetal Anemia

S. Suresh1, 2  
MediScan Systems, Chennai, India
Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, India
S. SureshDirector Visiting Prof. in Perinatology
Fetal anemia is an inadequate number or quality of red blood cells in the fetal circulatory system. Normal fetal hemoglobin concentration increases linearly during pregnancy: from about 10 to 11 g/dL at 17 weeks to about 14 to 15 g/dL at term, one standard deviation is approximately 1 g/dL [1, 2].

Causes of Fetal Anemia

The most common causes of fetal anemia are red cell alloimmunization, parvovirus infection, and chronic fetomaternal hemorrhage. The other causes for fetal anemia are inherited red cell abnormalities like alpha thalassemia, tumors like sacrococcygeal teratoma, and placental chorioangioma.

Rhesus Alloimmunization in Pregnancy

The standard obstetrical nomenclature for designating a pregnant woman’s blood type is the ABO type and either Rh positive or Rh negative. These terms are commonly used to describe a woman who has or does not have the Rh(D) antigen on her red blood cells (RBCs). The Rh blood system consists of numerous other antigens, most commonly C, c, E, e, and G.
Maternal Rh(D) alloimmunization develops as a result of maternal immune system exposure to Rh(D)-positive red blood cells (RBCs). Maternal immunization can occur as a result of transplacental fetomaternal hemorrhage during any pregnancy, injection with needles contaminated by Rh(D)-positive blood, or inadvertent transfusion of Rh(D)-positive blood (including during transplantation).

Minor Red Blood Cell Antibodies during Pregnancy

Minor red blood cell (RBC) antibodies are immunoglobulins associated with RBC antigens other than ABO and Rh (i.e., C, c, D, E, e) like Kell, Duffy, MNS systems, P system, etc.

Pathogenesis of Fetal Anemia

The pathogenesis of fetal anemia is the same for both major and minor RBC antibodies. The predominant mechanism involves transplacental passage of a maternal IgG antibody directed against a fetal erythrocyte antigen. Red blood cell hemolysis is cell mediated, rather than a complement mediated. In Kell alloimmunization in addition to cell-mediated hemolysis, the erythropoiesis is suppressed at the level of the progenitor cell. Because of this, at the same level of anemia, the fetus with Kell alloimmunization has a lower number of circulating reticulocytes and normoblasts compared with the fetus with Rh(D) alloimmunization [3, 4]. The suppressive effect of anti-Kell antibodies does not extend to fetal granulocyte or megakaryocyte progenitors [5], and hence significant thrombocytopenia is less common than in Rh(D) alloimmunization [6, 7].


The diagnosis of Rh(D) alloimmunization is based upon detection of anti-Rh(D) antibody in maternal serum. In Rh(D)-negative women, the antibody screen may be repeated at 28 weeks of gestation and should be repeated at delivery [8, 9].
A positive anti-D titer means that the fetus is at risk for hemolytic disease, not that it has occurred. Variation in titer results between laboratories is common.
Critical Titer
A critical titer refers to the titer associated with a risk for fetal hydrops. In most centers, an anti-D titer between 8 and 32 is considered critical.
Minor red blood cell (RBC) antibodies, with the exception of Kell sensitization, are rarely present in pregnant women and usually remain at low titer (≤4).
If the critical titer is reached, the fetus should be evaluated for the presence of anemia.

Assessment of Fetal Anemia

Over the years, various studies state that Doppler assessment of the fetal middle cerebral artery (MCA) peak systolic velocity is the best noninvasive tool for predicting fetal anemia in at-risk pregnancies [10].

Middle Cerebral Artery

Doppler assessment of the fetal MCA peak systolic velocity (PSV) in alloimmunized pregnancies was based on the principle that the anemic fetus preserves oxygen delivery to the brain by increasing cerebral flow of low viscosity blood. However, under physiologic circumstances, it appears that the relationship between fetal hemoglobin and viscosity is the primary factor determining MCA-PSV [11].
Middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity (MCA-PSV) is measured at 1- to 2-week intervals beginning as early as 18 weeks of gestation. MCA-PSV ≥1.5 multiples of the median is predictive of fetal anemia [12].


Severe fetal anemia can be defined as a hematocrit below 25 % or two standard deviations below the mean hematocrit for the gestational age. Severe fetal anemia is an indication for intervention because it may result in fetal cardiac failure and hydrops.
Intrauterine transfusions (IUTs) are generally done between 18 and 34 weeks. Leukodepleted, irradiated O-negative blood cros-matched to the mother’s blood packed to a hematocrit of 75–85 % is used.
The volume of blood for IUT depends upon the initial fetal hematocrit, size of the fetus, the donor hematocrit, and the target hematocrit to be achieved. There are prescribed formulae and charts to calculate the volume for infusion. After 24 weeks of gestation, a target hematocrit of 40–50 % is preferable. The average neonatal survival rate is 80 % [13]. The loss rate from the procedure is approximately 1–3 % per procedure [14, 15].
The packed cells may be given intraperitoneally or by the intravascular route in the umbilical vein either in the cord or intrahepatically. In hydropic cases, the intravascular route is preferred.
The use of intraperitoneal route is on the decline after direct access to the fetal circulation was possible. IPT is effective in non-hydropic cases and is resorted only if vascular access is not available due to fetal position or there is a need to perform a transfusion prior to 20 weeks. The approximate volume of transfusion is calculated by the formula – (gestational age in weeks – 20 × 10).
Vascular access to the fetus can be achieved through the umbilical vein near the insertion into the placenta, in the free loop of the cord, or through the intrahepatic portal vein. The intrahepatic route is what we prefer and use for almost all our transfusions.


Fetal paralysis may be achieved by an intramuscular injection of pancuronium in a dose of 0.1–0.3 mg per kg body weight of the fetus is given in the fetal deltoid or gluteal muscle. Intravenous injection of fentanyl (10 μg/kg × 1.25 for placental correction) has been shown to be effective in reducing fetal stress response.
The umbilical vein/portal vein is accessed using a 20 g long spinal needle. Adequate sample of blood is drawn for determining the hematocrit, hemoglobin, grouping and Rh typing, direct Coombs test, and karyotyping. The packed cells are transfused at a rate of 2–4 ml/min. The volume of blood to be transfused depends on the donor hematocrit, fetal hematocrit, and the fetoplacental blood volume at this period of gestation [16] Nicolaides et al. [15]. Another guideline proposed by [17] Macgahan et al. [16] is: volume of packed cells = (desired Hct – actual Hct) × estimated fetoplacental blood volume × estimated fetal weight (Kg)/donor hematocrit.
The transfusion is given till a fetal Hct of 45–50 is achieved. Serial 2-week follow-up is performed to decide on the next transfusion which will be typically 2–3 weeks after the first transfusion. The rate of drop of fetal hematocrit will be around 0.8–1.1 per day. Combined with MCA Doppler, this can be used as a guide to time the next transfusion. If the fetus is doing well, there is no need to deliver the babies preterm.
A clear delivery plan with a good neonatal team that is informed well ahead of time is needed to be in place. These babies who have had intrauterine transfusion may need neonatal care including exchange/simple transfusions and management of hyperbilirubinemia.
Complications of intrauterine transfusion include preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, fetal bradycardia (cord transfusion), and chorioamnionitis. Placental abruption has been reported but is a relatively rare occurrence. In expert hands, the rate of complications are relatively less and the benefits of the procedure far outweigh the risks.
Prior to 18 weeks of gestation, intraperitoneal fetal transfusion is technically easier than intravascular transfusion. When technically possible, the intravascular transfusion is preferred because the therapeutic effects are more rapid and reliable. After 35 weeks, the procedure is generally considered riskier than late preterm delivery for neonatal treatment of severe anemia.
Combined plasmapheresis and intravenous immune globulin therapy to decrease the severity of disease has only been described in case reports and small case series [7, 1316, 1820], and the efficacy of this approach is still not proven [17, 18, 21, 22].

Kell-Sensitized Pregnancies

Management of pregnancies complicated by minor RBC antibodies should be the same as for women with Rh alloimmunization [7, 23]. The efficacy of this approach has been demonstrated in multiple series involving various minor RBC antibodies [19, 24].

Parvovirus B19 Infection

Parvovirus B19 is a small non-enveloped DNA virus that frequently infects humans, with antibodies to B19 found in 30–60% of adults. The incidence of B19 infection during pregnancy is 3.3–3.8% [20, 21, 25, 26].
Most intrauterine parvovirus infections do not have an adverse outcome. Rarely, it can lead to fetal loss and hydrops fetalis.

Pathogenesis and Clinical Features

B19 is cytotoxic to fetal red blood cell precursors and may cause anemia and hydrops fetalis and eventually fetal death [22, 23]. B19 can infect myocardial cells, and thus myocardial injury may contribute to the development of hydrops and fetal death in some cases [24, 25].
The risk of developing these complications appears to be greater in women infected during the first half of pregnancy [26, 27].
Maternal parvovirus infection has been associated with transient isolated fetal pleural or pericardial effusions that resolve spontaneously before term. These effusions are thought to result from direct pleural or myocardial inflammation.
Severe thrombocytopenia has been observed in parvovirus-infected fetuses with hydrops [27]. Hence, the platelet count should also be determined and platelets should be available for transfusion at the time of any fetal procedures.


Pregnant women who are suspected to have parvovirus infection should have serologic testing for IgG and IgM antibodies. A positive parvovirus IgM is consistent with acute infection. If both IgG and IgM are negative, PCR testing of maternal plasma for parvovirus B19 DNA may be more sensitive and should be performed [28].
Circulating IgM antibodies can be detected approximately 10 days after exposure and just prior to the onset of symptoms. They may persist for 3 months or longer [38].
Women diagnosed with acute infection should be monitored for serial ultrasounds to evaluate for fetal hydrops. Fetal anemia is diagnosed noninvasively by measuring the peak systolic velocity (PSV) of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) with Doppler ultrasound. A MCA-PSV value ≥1.5 multiples of the median (MoM) correlates strongly with severe fetal anemia.
When severe anemia is suspected on ultrasound findings, the fetus requires close monitoring, and intrauterine transfusion of RBCs is indicated to prevent fetal death from severe anemia.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing on amniotic fluid is the method of choice to make the fetal diagnosis.


Intrauterine transfusion of RBCs is indicated to prevent fetal death from severe anemia. Fetal transfusion for hydrops improved the survival rate (82 % vs. 55 % without transfusion) [24, 29, 30].

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