Cystic fibrosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa , nontuberculous mycobacterium, CFTR modulators, infection control, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia , Achromobacter xylosoxidans , MRSA, MSSA, small-colony Staphylococcus aureus variants
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common inherited lethal disease of whites. It occurs primarily among individuals of Central and Western European origin and affects more than 30,000 Americans and 60,000 people worldwide. The estimated incidence in the United States is 1 in 3200 whites, 1 in 15,000 black, 1 in 31,000 Asian-American, and 1 in 9200 Hispanic live births.
CF has an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Affected individuals are phenotypic homozygotes, and both parents usually are heterozygotes or carriers. The carrier frequency in whites in the United States is approximately 1 in 28, with full siblings of children with CF having a one in four chance of being affected.
Mutations in a single gene located on the long arm of chromosome 7 account for the defective protein in CF. A range of different mutations at the DNA level account for the abnormal protein. The most common mutation, p.Phe508del, is the absence of three sequential nucleotides, which leads to the deletion of phenylalanine at the 508 position on the CF transmembrane conductance regulator protein (CFTR). Approximately 80% of individuals with CF have this mutation, and half of CF patients are homozygous for p.Phe508del. To date, more than 2000 mutations in the CFTR gene have been identified, but fewer than 25 occur with a frequency of more than 0.1%. Certain populations have higher frequencies of specific mutations, such as W128X in Ashkenazi Jews or G551D in French Canadians.
Five to six classes of mutations have been proposed to account for reduced CFTR chloride channel function. Class 1 mutations are mutations in which stop codons or frame shift mutations cause early termination of mRNA translation and minimal to no protein production. In class 2 mutations (p.Phe508del), protein fails to mature, resulting in little expression of CFTR at the cell membrane. Class 3 and class 4 mutations are associated with defective regulation and decreased conductance of chloride at the cell membrane. Protein production and transit to the cell surface occur, but altered chloride conductance is present or chloride conductance is nonexistent. Class 5 mutations are splice site mutations, which affect the amount of CFTR produced. Class 6 mutations are unstable and turn over rapidly.
Disease expression in CF is affected by CFTR mutations, genetic modifiers, and the environment. The presence of more than 2000 mutations for CFTR has prompted investigators to evaluate the association of genotype with clinical disease. The Cystic Fibrosis Phenotype Genotype Consortium has shown that certain mutations from classes 3 to 5 are associated with pancreatic sufficiency and lower sweat chloride levels. However, minimal correlation of CF genotype with the severity of pulmonary disease has been observed. In general, class 1 to class 3 mutations are associated with higher sweat tests, pancreatic insufficiency, and bronchiectasis. Measurement of lung function is highly variable in patients with the same CFTR mutation (e.g., p.Phe508del), suggesting that other genetic and nongenetic factors determine the severity of lung disease. In a study of monozygotic and dizygotic twins, equal contribution of genetic and nongenetic factors contributed to the variance observed in pulmonary function; that is, approximately 50% to 60% of the variance observed in lung function was secondary to genetic factors. Several modifier genes have been identified that affect disease severity of different organ systems in CF ( Fig. 25.1 ). The wide variation in pulmonary disease observed in CF reflects the effects of genetic modifiers, environment, patient compliance, and polymorphisms in CFTR.

CFTR is a glycoprotein expressed at low levels by surface epithelial cells in the lung, sweat glands, pancreas, liver, large intestine, and testes. Higher levels of expression have been reported in submucosal glands. CFTR protein is a member of a group of membrane transport proteins known as the ABC-transporter superfamily . Researchers have confirmed that CFTR functions as an apical chloride and bicarbonate channel mediated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate containing 1480 amino acids. It is composed of two membrane-spanning domains, two nucleotide-binding domains that interact with adenosine triphosphate, and a regulatory domain. Activation of the channel is regulated by protein kinase A, which serves as a target for phosphorylation. CFTR in epithelial cell membranes may influence the expression of other proteins important in regulating inflammation, ion transport, and cell signaling, altering the CF phenotype. CFTR regulates the activity of separate calcium-activated chloride channels and downregulates sodium transport, balancing the rates of chloride secretion and sodium absorption, although this view has undergone a recent challenge.
CFTR is responsible for the proper hydration of secretions in the airway, pancreas, and other tissues. An inability to secrete chloride, bicarbonate, and excessive absorption of sodium and water contribute to altered luminal secretions in patients with CF. In the lung, this alteration leads to decreased airway surface liquid, decreased mucociliary clearance, and a predisposition to chronic bacterial infections.
Clinical Manifestations
Individuals with CF have exocrine gland dysfunction, which results in progressive suppurative obstructive lung disease, pancreatic insufficiency (85–90%), elevated sweat electrolytes, male infertility (>95%), and female infertility. Less common manifestations include hepatobiliary disease, osteoarthropathy, diabetes mellitus, nasal polyposis, and meconium ileus ( Box 25.1 ). With the institution of newborn screening and improved treatment, CF has become a disease of both children and adults, with roughly 50% of affected individuals living beyond the age of 18 years. Onset of disease in the respiratory and digestive systems begins within 6 months of age.
0–2 Years
Meconium ileus
Obstructive jaundice
Hypoproteinemia and anemia
Bleeding diathesis
Heat prostration and hyponatremia
Failure to thrive
Rectal prolapse
Staphylococcal pneumonia
2–12 Years
Recurrent pneumonia and bronchitis
Nasal polyps
>13 Years
Chronic pulmonary disease
Abnormal glucose tolerance
Diabetes mellitus
Chronic intestinal obstruction
Recurrent pancreatitis
Focal biliary cirrhosis
Portal hypertension
A strong association between pancreatic function and genotype has been reported for individuals homozygous for p.Phe508del. Most patients homozygous for p.Phe508del have pancreatic insufficiency. Obstruction of the pancreatic duct begins in utero, resulting in fibrosis and loss of exocrine pancreatic function. Pancreatic fluid from patients with CF is low in enzyme and bicarbonate concentrations, resulting in maldigestion of fat and protein. Clinically, children can present with steatorrhea, protein-calorie malnutrition, muscle wasting, and progressive failure to thrive. A voracious appetite is characteristic, and stools are described as bulky, greasy, and foul smelling. Approximately 10% to 15% of patients have enough preservation of pancreatic function to allow for normal digestion of food (pancreatic sufficiency). At least five mutations from classes 3 to 5 described earlier are associated with pancreatic sufficiency, whereas almost all patients homozygous for p.Phe508del have pancreatic insufficiency.
Failure to thrive was a common complication observed at the time of diagnosis before newborn screening was implemented; however, this complication is now rare. If malnutrition is present and severe, hypoproteinemia and edema are observed. In addition, malabsorption can lead to vitamin deficiency, especially of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. These problems can be reversed with pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, oral nutritional supplements, and routine vitamin supplements. Infants diagnosed by newborn screening may have normal absorption of food for several months after birth; however, with time, pancreatic function is lost and symptoms of malabsorption develop.
Glucose metabolism often becomes impaired with age, because fibrosis of the pancreas occurs in patients with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. In the 2014 CF registry, 35% of adults were reported to have impaired glucose tolerance or CF-related diabetes with and without fasting hyperglycemia. Decreased secretion of insulin and reductions in peripheral glucose use and hepatic insulin sensitivity are observed in patients with impaired glucose tolerance. CF-related diabetes has features of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The prevalence increases with age and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality disproportionately in women. Progressive fibrosis of the pancreas causes destruction of insulin-producing β cells within the islets of Langerhans. In addition, destruction of islet α cells impairs glucagon secretion; therefore, ketoacidosis is rare. Microvascular complications have been reported in up to 20% of patients with CF-related diabetes. Diabetes in CF is common and strongly affected by genetic modifiers. Affected-twin studies have reported that genetic modifiers were primarily responsible for the age at onset of diabetes.
Liver disease in CF is associated with pancreatic insufficiency. Approximately 25% of patients with CF develop focal biliary cirrhosis, but fewer than 5% progress to multilobar biliary cirrhosis and portal hypertension. In the absence of CFTR, bile becomes inspissated and associated with periductal inflammation and fibrosis. Liver function tests frequently are abnormal, as is a small, poorly functioning gallbladder. Cholelithiasis has been reported in 12% of patients and may be related to loss of bile acids in the stool. Meconium ileus, the thick inspissated meconium that mechanically obstructs the distal ileum, occurs in 8% to 20% of newborns with CF. It also is associated with pancreatic insufficiency. Both CFTR and modifier genes are thought to play an important role in the development of meconium ileus. A similar syndrome (distal intestinal obstructive syndrome) mimicking meconium ileus can occur in older children and young adults with CF. Complete or incomplete obstruction can occur in the terminal ileum or proximal colon. Higher rates are observed in patients with pancreatic insufficiency, positive history of meconium ileus, and previous episodes of distal intestinal syndrome.
Absence of the vas deferens with secondary aspermia renders 98% of men with CF infertile. Sexual potency is normal, and with microsurgical techniques for sperm aspiration, affected men can become biologic fathers. Men with congenital absence of the vas deferens can have abnormal CF alleles with little clinical expression of disease other than the reproductive system. Fertility in women with CF may be decreased secondary to amenorrhea (malnutrition) and dehydrated cervical mucus. Pregnancy in women with mild to moderate disease appears to be well tolerated and not associated with an increased risk for death. The live birth rate is 1.9/100.
Pulmonary disease is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with CF. Expression of CFTR has been localized to the airways and submucosal glands of the lung. Clinical studies in young children with CF have found significant inflammatory changes in the airways in bacterial-positive and bacterial-negative patients. Large-animal models of CF suggest that infection occurs first, followed by inflammation. Imaging studies using high-resolution computed tomography (CT) in infants with CF describe the presence of thickened airway walls and nonhomogeneous air trapping. Smaller airways and tracheal ring abnormalities are noted at birth in the CF porcine model. Human lungs are reported to be morphologically normal at birth; within weeks, they begin showing evidence of small-airway abnormalities and inflammation. Small and medium-sized airways become obstructed, and neutrophils are the inflammatory cells primarily recovered from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. An intense neutrophilic response leads to the release of proteases that cause chronic injury to the respiratory epithelium and supporting airway structure. The massive numbers of neutrophils subsequently release elastase, which overwhelms the antiproteases in the airway, contributing to enhanced destruction of tissue. Large amounts of neutrophil-derived DNA and cytosol proteins are released into the airway lumen, increasing sputum viscosity and worsening airway obstruction.
Progressive bronchiectasis develops with time, leading to advanced destruction of the airways and parenchyma ( Figs. 25.2 and 25.3 ). Bronchiectatic cysts are prominent, especially in the upper lobes. Death eventually occurs from respiratory failure. Progressive deterioration of pulmonary function occurs despite the routine use of antiinflammatory therapy, mucolytics, airway clearance, and antimicrobial agents. Progressive destruction of the airway and increasing obstruction lead to air trapping, hyperinflation, hemoptysis, and spontaneous pneumothorax.

Many children with CF present during infancy with recurrent wheezing or persistent bronchiolitis. Most infants are asymptomatic at birth; however, many develop tachypnea, wheezing, hypoxia, and hyperinflation after having a respiratory viral infection. These findings often resolve with therapy. As mucopurulent secretions increase, chronic cough develops. Digital clubbing occurs gradually and correlates with severity of lung disease. Cough is the earliest symptom in infants and precedes persistent sputum production, crackles, or clubbing. It is present in half the infants in a prospective study of CF infants diagnosed by newborn screening. Predictive risk factors included the presence of pancreatic insufficiency, infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity. On examination, evidence of crackles and decreased breath sounds secondary to mucopurulent secretions is seen. Acute exacerbations may develop, requiring intravenous antibiotic therapy and frequent hospitalization. More than a third of patients with CF in the 2014 US CF patient registry experienced a pulmonary exacerbation requiring intravenous antibiotics. As lung disease progresses, tolerance for exercise is reduced, dyspnea increases, and respiratory failure develops. Marked heterogeneity occurs in the rate of progression of pulmonary disease. Some patients live to the sixth decade of life, whereas others die as a result of respiratory failure before their 20th birthday. Since newborn screening was instituted, patients are being treated at an earlier age, improving the health in children.
In 2014, the median predicted survival for individuals with CF was 39 years. Survival for children born in 2005 is expected to increase, with the median age approaching the fifth decade of life. In the United States, 50% of people with CF are 18 years old or older, and within 5 years, half are expected to be older than 18 years.
The diagnosis of CF has changed over the past 15 years. Newborn screening for CF has been adopted by the United States, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and many Latin American countries. The CF newborn screening program identifies patients at risk for the disease by measuring values of immunoreactive trypsinogen in dried blood spots. Trypsinogen is produced in the pancreas and is released into the serum secondary to pancreatic duct dysfunction. After an abnormal immunoreactive trypsinogen value is identified, many programs perform DNA testing to identify known CFTR mutations. Other programs repeat the immunoreactive trypsinogen testing 2 weeks after the initial test. Both programs report 90% to 95% sensitivity and identify infants with varying disease severity. After a positive screen, infants are referred for diagnostic testing (sweat test or molecular genetic testing). For most patients, the sweat test remains the best diagnostic test to establish the diagnosis of CF. If the sweat test results are in the intermediate range, then DNA analysis may help in the diagnosis. The clinical significance of all 2000 CF mutations is unknown. Many are sequence variants without known clinical disease. Others are known to cause loss of CFTR function and are associated with clinical abnormalities in one or more organ systems. Sequence analysis of the exons, introns, and promoter regions and detection of deletions and duplications identifies 98% of CFTR mutations. Infants are generally asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis, although some may be underweight. Data from the 2014 US CF registry reported that newborn screening accounted for more than 60% of newly diagnosed patients. In the absence of newborn screening, an in utero diagnosis, or a family history of CF, a strong clinical suspicion is required for early recognition. Most children present with a history of recurrent lower respiratory tract disease and symptoms secondary to malabsorption. Approximately 15% to 20% of children have meconium ileus at birth, a family history of CF, or both. A consensus panel convened by the US Cystic Fibrosis panel recommended a combination of phenotypic features, family history of CF, or positive newborn screen and one or more laboratory tests to diagnose CF. A new CF consensus panel was convened in 2015, but results have not been published. Laboratory tests include identification of known CF mutations, abnormal bioelectric transepithelial membrane properties, and elevated concentrations of sweat chloride. The World Health Organization adopted similar recommendations.
The quantitative pilocarpine iontophoresis sweat test is the primary test to establish a diagnosis of CF. A sweat chloride concentration greater than 60 mEq/L is consistent with a diagnosis of CF. Values between 40 and 60 mEq/L are considered borderline, and values less than 40 mEq/L are normal. Infants with a positive newborn screen and sweat chloride values between 30 and 59 mEq/L under 6 months of age are considered to have values in the intermediate range. Molecular genetic testing should be pursued in those infants with indeterminate sweat chloride values. In the presence of two CF-causing mutations, a diagnosis of CF can be made. Infants with intermediate sweat test values and one CF-causing mutation cannot be diagnosed definitively with CF and will need to be followed longitudinally. Infants with an elevated immunoreactive trypsinogen level and inconclusive CFTR functional and genetic testing should be designated CFTR-related metabolic syndrome (United States) or CF Screen Positive, Inconclusive Diagnosis (Europe). If the sweat test is positive, it should be repeated on two separate occasions. Identification of two CF mutations by genotype is highly specific but less sensitive and should be confirmed with a sweat test. Mutational analysis can be done by several different techniques, with commercial laboratories testing for the most common 30 to 87 mutations. These laboratories identify approximately 90% of CF mutations but leave more than 1000 mutations unidentified. Extensive screening for the remaining 10% of mutations is expensive. For rare mutations, gene sequencing is available. The mutational classifications in the CFTR2 project ( ) should be used to help with diagnosis. The p.Phe508del mutation is found in 89% of patients with CF in the United States and a similar number of CF patients in the United Kingdom. Because each patient has two chromosomes, however, only 50% of patients are homozygous for p.Phe508del.
Nasal potential difference measurements assess the transepithelial electric potential difference that exists across nasal epithelium. Different patterns of potential difference are found in patients with CF. Abnormalities in chloride transport and sodium absorption alter the transepithelial electric potential difference in CF in contrast to normal epithelia. The test can be useful in individuals with mild or atypical phenotypic features of CF, but it is not readily available and requires experienced personnel to perform.
Newborn screening programs are associated with long-term benefits in children with CF diagnosed shortly after birth. Improved nutritional status as a result of newborn screening has been reported in a controlled, randomized trial in Wisconsin as well as in countries other than the United States. A total of 90% of screened infants in the Wisconsin study diagnosed with CF at birth maintained their weight greater than the 10th percentile in contrast to only 60% of unscreened controls. Children in the screened group were less likely to fall below the 10th percentile for weight and height from early childhood through 16 years of age. In addition, cognitive function improved significantly in the screened group. No long-term improvements in pulmonary status were observed in the Wisconsin study; however, several observational studies have reported improved pulmonary outcomes, less colonization with P. aeruginosa, decreased hospitalization for complications, and improved nutrition in children diagnosed by newborn screening.
In addition to improving nutritional outcomes, newborn screening may result in improved survival rates for children. A systematic literature review of mortality in children with CF reported a survival benefit for patients diagnosed by newborn screening. A survival effect also was shown in a study from Wales. Without screening, approximately 60% of patients are diagnosed by the time they reach 1 year of age and almost 90% by the time they are 5 years old. Early diagnosis through neonatal screening improves nutritional outcome, with increasing evidence that these programs are associated with improved pulmonary outcomes and improved long-term survival.
The diagnosis of CF should be based on the presence of one or more clinical features ( Box 25.2 ), a positive newborn screening test, and laboratory evidence of abnormal CFTR function. Laboratory tests include elevated sweat chloride concentration, two identifiable CF mutations, or abnormal in vivo nasal potential difference measurements made across the nasal epithelium.
≥1 Phenotypic Features
Chronic sinopulmonary disease
Gastrointestinal and nutritional abnormalities
Salt loss syndromes: acute salt depletion
Chronic metabolic alkalosis
Male urogenital abnormalities resulting in obstructive azoospermia
Plus Laboratory Evidence of CFTR Abnormality (≥1)
Elevated sweat chloride concentrations
Identification of two CFTR mutations
In vivo evidence of abnormal ion transport across nasal epithelium
CFTR, Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator.
The CFTR protein is a cyclic adenosine monophosphate–regulated chloride channel that resides primarily in the apical membranes of epithelial cells. CFTR is highly expressed in airways; its loss of function leads to defective secretion of chloride and bicarbonate and subsequent dehydrated and acidic airway secretions. Sweat glands, pancreas, liver, intestinal tract, and reproductive organs are among the other organ systems affected by dysfunctional CFTR. In affected organs, the abnormal chloride and fluid secretion impairs fluid movement and leads to ductular obstruction and organ damage. Mucociliary clearance is impeded, and a destructive cycle of inflammation and chronic infection in the airways results.
Chronic inflammation and resultant lung damage in CF results from failure of the innate immune system to protect the airways from invading pathogens. The complex process of CFTR dysfunction leading to inflammation in the airways is still not fully understood. In the CF lung, decreased volume of airway surface liquid (ASL) impairs mucociliary clearance (MCC), which is the body’s primary defense against inhaled particulate matter and various microbial pathogens. The ASL is composed of a gel and sol layer that function together to help trap microbial pathogens to be propelled up and out of the lungs by beating cilia. The sol or periciliary liquid layer consists of low-viscosity fluid to hydrate mucins and allows ciliary movement to occur. The periciliary liquid layer is thin, 7 µm in height, bathes the cilia, and allows them to beat freely. The gel or mucous layer floats on top of the sol and is composed of high-molecular-weight mucins with carbohydrate side chains that bind inhaled particulate matter and pathogens.
The ASL and mucus layer is a dynamic structure that changes in response to the environment and host. ASL volume is regulated by the respiratory epithelium through ion transport processes by CFTR. Salt concentrations can be changed to regulate the hydration of the airway lining fluid to maintain optimal mucociliary function. The absence of CFTR in the apical cellular membrane decreases the ability of cells to secrete chloride into the periciliary fluid. CFTR inhibits the epithelial sodium channel; in its absence, excessive absorption of sodium occurs. Other channels are available for secretion of chloride (i.e., calcium-activated chloride channel) in the respiratory epithelium; however, they cannot compensate for the loss of CFTR. The net effect is increased absorption of sodium, chloride, and water, which reduces the periciliary volume, alters the composition of mucins, and decreases mucociliary clearance. The reduction in the periciliary fluid impairs ciliary movement, as they are weighed down by the heavy gel layer and mucus cannot be transported and cleared. This initiates the cycle of airway obstruction, chronic infection, inflammation, and progressive lung destruction.
Altered chloride channel function and fluid secretion also help to explain the presence of disease in the sweat gland, intestine, pancreas, and male genital tract. The epithelial cells affected by CFTR mutations in various organs represent different channel and regulatory activities of CFTR but result in deficient secretion of fluids. This deficiency causes accumulation of mucus, obstruction, and various degrees of organ damage. Plugging of pancreatic ducts leads to chronic fibrosis, pancreatic atrophy, and loss of digestive enzymes and islet cells. Similar obstruction in the biliary tract can cause inflammation and focal biliary cirrhosis. Glandular obstruction of the vas deferens causes involution of the Wolffian duct and infertility in more than 95% of men with CF. Women with CF produce abnormally tenacious cervical mucus, with reported rates of infertility of 20%.
Human cell culture models of normal and CF epithelia have shown that the airway surface liquid is decreased in CF ; this remains the primary hypothesis of the impaired MCC in the disease.
Work with large-animal models of CF has revealed that there is likely a more complex pathology for early defects in MCC. CF piglets showed abnormal MCC not due to periciliary liquid depletion but rather due to abnormal CF submucosal gland secretion. Even when periciliary fluid volume was replaced, abnormal mucins remained tethered to glandular ducts, thus preventing normal upward movement on the mucociliary ladder.
Submucosal glands have high expression of CFTR. Loss of CFTR function alters the composition of mucins produced by the submucosal glands, leading to ductular dilation with mucus and obstruction. Mucus is tightly adhered to the respiratory epithelium and prevents normal flow of the mucociliary elevator. Failure to clear mucous plugs, continued mucin secretion, and abnormal adherent mucus to the airway surface provides the focus for infection. Pili extending from the surface of the bacterium are able to bind to mucin. In CF, dysfunctional bicarbonate secretion also results in ASL that is 8-fold more acidic than that of individuals without CF. This low pH can inactivate ASL and mucus antimicrobial peptides.
Obstruction of small terminal airways and submucosal glands with thickened mucopurulent secretions are often the first signs of early disease in infants with CF. Ductular dilation, neutrophil infiltration, glandular hyperplasia, and peribronchiolar inflammation are classic findings of the disease. Thick mucus adherent to epithelial cell surface is seen in the lungs of even newborn CF pigs. A recent study showed that CFTR activity of bicarbonate transfer is greater in small-airway epithelial cells compared with larger airways and the effect of nonfunctioning CFTR in small airways leads to more acidic, viscous ASL with impaired bacterial killing. This may help explain the vulnerability of the small airways to bacterial infection and disease. Air trapping is found in infants with CF as young as a few months old even when clinically asymptomatic. Also, piglets with CF have been shown to have air trapping prior to the onset of infection and inflammation in the airways. These piglets were found to have a smaller trachea and proximal airways compared with non-CF piglets. These data suggest that working CFTR is necessary for normal development of early airways.
Early and exaggerated inflammation occurs in the CF airways that begins in infancy and may precede bacterial infection. In CF lung disease, various immune cells migrate to the airways, contributing to the chronic unrelenting inflammation. Neutrophils predominate to fight bacterial and fungal pathogens, but the activation of these cells can lead to tissue destruction through oxidant and protease release. The serine proteases released have been shown to predict the development of bronchiectasis in CF. Neutrophil elastase mediates killing of P. aeruginosa by degrading its outer membrane protein but also breaks down structural airway matrix proteins, cleaves proteins important for host defense, and increases mucus secretion. Neutrophil elastase has a clear role in the development of bronchiectasis and tissue destruction in progressive CF lung disease. Other proteases, such as cathepsins (found to be increased in BAL samples of infants and children with CF) and matrix metalloproteinases, may play a role in early CF disease. Calgranulins are proinflammatory proteins that are also increased in CF sputum and have been shown to activate key processes of CF lung inflammation.
The inflammatory response in CF involves different immune pathways. Neutrophils, macrophages, TLR4-dependent responses, and T lymphocytes have all been shown to have defective functioning associated with CFTR deficiency.
Lipid abnormalities, such as an accumulation of epithelial ceramide, have been suggested in CF to increase cell death, increase bacterial binding to extracellular DNA, and release inflammatory chemokines. Other investigators highlight the importance of ceramides in lipid rafts needed to clear infection. CF cell membranes are also reported to have increased arachidonic acid compared to docosahexaenoic acid. Docosahexaenoic acid has important antiinflammatory properties. Chronic infection, with retention of the by-products of inflammation, ultimately leads to the severe bronchiectatic changes and derangements of gas exchange characteristic of end-stage CF.
A hypoxic environment develops within the thickened mucous plugs that form in the airways, which may hinder host defenses and favor bacterial growth and inflammation. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, after binding to mucin, is able to penetrate the thickened mucus and grow in an anaerobic environment. P. aeruginosa is able to grow in anaerobic conditions because of the production of nitrate reductase, which allows it to cleave oxygen from nitrate ( Fig. 25.4 ). When it is in the anaerobic environment, an alginate polysaccharide is formed. Biofilm-containing macrocolonies of P. aeruginosa are then established. The established macrocolonies remain within the airway lumen. These macrocolonies are very resistant to antibiotics and host defense and allow chronic infection, inflammation, and airway destruction to occur.

Several in vivo studies have assessed the location of bacterial adherence within the lung of CF patients and the attachment of bacteria to CF and non-CF cells in vitro. P. aeruginosa is found within the lumen of airways of patients with CF obtained from autopsy specimens. These organisms are observed within the inflammatory exudates of the airway and not within epithelial cells lining the lung or in alveolar spaces. In vitro studies have shown adherence of P. aeruginosa in areas of epithelial cell destruction. No adherence to the apical membrane of intact epithelial cells has been noted, however. In contrast, evidence in cell culture models indicates that defects in CFTR enhance bacterial binding to immortalized airway epithelial cells. A tetrasaccharide (asialo GM 1 ) is expressed more on CF than on non-CF cells and promotes P. aeruginosa binding to the epithelial membrane. Pseudomonal exoproducts, such as neuraminidase, increase the amount of asialo GM 1 available for bacterial binding and facilitate bacterial adherence to airway epithelial cells. CFTR itself can act as a receptor for P. aeruginosa and initiate an effective innate immune response in the initial stages of infection to clear Pseudomonas from the airway. CFTR binding to P. aeruginosa induces release of IL-1β, nuclear translocation of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), and neutrophil influx. Endocytosis of Pseudomonas by the epithelial cells and subsequent clearance of infected epithelial cells by desquamation has been reported. In the absence of CFTR, clearance of infection with P. aeruginosa is impaired.
Mucins also are important in binding bacteria within the airway. Sialylated and neutral forms of mucins bind P. aeruginosa. Removal of sialylic acid from mucin by neuraminidase reduces adherence of P. aeruginosa . Mucus dehydration can lead to increased concentration of mucins, decreased pH, and a reduction in glutathione, which decreases mucus viscoelasticity. Decreased bicarbonate secretion results in mucin cross-linking by calcium. Polymeric macromolecules within the gel matrix reduce pore size from 500 to 150 nm, immobilizing bacteria within the mucus and inhibiting neutrophil migration and clearance. The concentrated mucus impairs neutrophil migration, promotes an anaerobic environment, and reduces mucociliary transport. Mucin, a component of mucus, is decreased in CF; its decreased content may promote development of infection.
The balance between oxidants and antioxidants is known as redox balance. Imbalance can lead to acute or long-term oxidative or reductive stress. Chronic redox imbalance favoring an oxidative environment is hypothesized to contribute to the disease state in CF.
Increased oxidant production by neutrophils has been proposed as a mechanism of airway injury in CF. Evidence of the effects of oxidative damage in airway epithelial cells and extracellular fluids can be seen in the peroxidation of lipids and modifications of proteins. Markers of reactive oxygen species increase during acute pulmonary exacerbations and improve with treatment but do not normalize.
An intracellular imbalance in oxidant metabolism has been proposed for airway epithelial cells in CF. ASL in CF is characterized by lower levels of glutathione (GSH) and nitric oxide. Mucins, reduced glutathione, α-tocopherol, and metal-binding proteins function in the airway as antioxidants. The cysteine residues and carbohydrates of mucin account for its antioxidant properties. Secretion of mucins is increased with oxidative stress; however, dehydration of mucins may impair its ability to scavenge reactive oxidative metabolites. Glutathione is important in regulating inflammation related to oxidative stress. GSH is reduced in ASL either from increased consumption or secondary to CFTR dysfunction. GSH is found in large amounts in airway lung fluid from normal patients ; however, it is reduced in patients with CF. CFTR may alter glutathione transport, impairing defense to oxidant injury. High-throughput metabolomic analyses of human primary airway epithelia measured decreases in GSH, glutathione disulfide, and a metabolite of S -nitroglutathione in CF versus non-CF cells. Also, the GSH/glutathione disulfide ratio was diminished in CF cells, suggesting oxidative stress.
Reduced intracellular concentrations of GSH affect hydrogen peroxide content of airway cells and increase NF-κB production, contributing to airway inflammation. GSH acts to scavenge free radicals in epithelial lining. GSH is also important in the immune response with chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and oxidative burst. Impaired absorption of antioxidants from the gut in CF may contribute as well. Thus, increased production of reactive oxygen species from neutrophils and impaired antioxidant biosynthesis associated with mutant CFTR create an environment within the airway for excessive inflammation and cellular injury.
There are repeated descriptions of abnormalities in oxidants and antioxidants in CF plasma, cells, and ASL. However, several studies failed to show significant clinical benefit of antioxidant therapies in CF. Further studies using omics technology may help us to better understand redox in CF and potential therapies.
Production of cell adherence molecules and inflammatory cytokines is intact in patients with CF. Defects in bacterial opsonization, reduction in antiinflammatory cytokines, and proinflammatory effects of bacterial DNA have been reported. Impaired phagolysosomal function and decreased respiratory burst have been found in neutrophils in CF with upregulation of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and downregulation in TLR2. These abnormalities would be expected to reduce the ability of neutrophils to clear bacteria. Inflammation and infection can increase intracellular Ca 2+ and affect the immune response mediated by airway epithelial cells and T-helper cells. Increased intracellular Ca 2+ in CF mice helper T-cells affect gene expression and favor a Th2 differentiation rather than the Th1 needed for bacterial clearance. Altered T-helper lymphocytes impair macrophage activation for bacterial killing. Humoral antibody responses are normal; however, increased elastase in the CF airway can alter opsonic receptors, impairing phagocytosis. Large amounts of elastase are present in lavage fluid from airways of patients with CF, overwhelming the normal antiprotease activity. This condition can lead to local impairment in phagocytosis of bacteria within the airway lumen, contributing to bacterial persistence.
Proinflammatory mediators are elevated in BAL fluid from young patients with CF, as are macrophages expressing intracellular cytokines. Increased numbers of neutrophils and interleukin 8 (IL-8) in BAL fluid are seen in bacterial culture–negative and bacterial culture–positive infants with CF in contrast to controls. Proinflammatory mediators IL-1, IL-2, tumor necrosis factor-α, and IL-8 are markedly elevated in children with advanced disease. In contrast, some antiinflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-10) are found in reduced amounts in BAL from patients with CF. These observations have prompted some investigators to assess production of IL-10 from bronchial epithelial cells in normal subjects and subjects with CF. Bronchial epithelial cells from normal individuals produce significantly greater amounts of IL-10 than cells of subjects with CF. NF-κB is a transcription factor for several proinflammatory mediators and is activated persistently in CF. Inhibitors to NF-κB, including IL-10, are downregulated.
Enhanced intracellular Ca 2+ signaling in response to infection and inflammation in both airway epithelial and immunomodular cells may account for the hyperinflammatory response noted in CF. Both phases of Ca 2+ release, either by Ca 2+ influx or endoplasmic reticulum release, can upregulate NF-κB and production of proinflammatory cytokines. Chronic airway inflammation and infection increase endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+ stores, enhancing the inflammatory response. Therefore, the CF gene defect may result in an inability to control airway inflammation after exposure to repeated infections, altering the innate and immune responses to specific pathogens. Although the understanding of this disease pathogenesis is incomplete, airway damage that occurs from excessive inflammation and chronic infection remains a target for new therapeutic modalities.
The range of severity of disease is related to the production of functioning CFTR. Patients with at least one “mild” mutation in CFTR have some low level of CFTR expression. They retain some degree of pancreatic function, have less severe lung disease, and have sweat chloride concentrations that are borderline normal. Male patients with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens are pancreatic sufficient, exhibit little or no lung disease, can have normal sweat chloride concentrations, and are thought to have CFTR expression that is 10% of normal. Carriers for CFTR who are heterozygotes expressing half the expected amount of CFTR are at increased risk for developing pancreatitis, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), and sinusitis. As we begin to see the clinical effects of pharmacologic therapies that correct and potentiate CFTR function, we are learning more about the direct effect of CFTR on the symptoms of CF. The potentiator ivacaftor has been able to show that improvement in CFTR function, evidenced by dramatic improvement in sweat chloride tests, leads to improvement in multiple clinical factors. Lung function assessed by forced expiratory volume in 1 second and MCC improved and rates of P. aeruginosa infection dropped by 18% in 6 months after initiation of the drug in one study.
Variation in phenotype also exists in individuals with the same genotype, indicating that other factors—including modifier genes and epigenetic and environmental factors—influence the disease process.
Specific Cystic Fibrosis Pathogens
Viral Pathogens
Numerous studies have evaluated the role of nonbacterial infections with pulmonary exacerbations in CF. A clear correlation between respiratory viral infection and exacerbations of lung disease has been shown in most of these reports. Viral lower respiratory tract infections occur more often in younger children with CF and are associated with increased pulmonary disease in 40% of cases. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has been identified most often with CF pulmonary exacerbations; however, influenza, adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, rhinovirus, picornavirus, and human metapneumovirus also have been reported. Respiratory viruses are isolated from patients with CF requiring hospitalization, and infection is associated with increased morbidity rates. Infants with CF infected with RSV can experience prolonged hospitalizations, mechanical ventilation, and supplemental oxygen at hospital discharge. Severe viral infections in infants with CF were reported in 31 of 80 children diagnosed by newborn screening. Half of the children hospitalized had a respiratory virus identified at the time of hospitalization, and RSV infection accounted for hospitalization in 7 of the 31 children.
Two studies have reported prolonged bronchiolitis-like syndromes in infants younger than 6 months of age. These infants required intensive respiratory therapy, including bronchodilators, chest physiotherapy, and mechanical ventilation. Increased hospitalization was observed for children with CF who were infected with RSV in another study of children younger than 3 years of age. Although prolonged hypoxia and respiratory failure were not observed, pulmonary function was markedly decreased after hospitalization and persisted for several months after infection. Studies in older children with CF have reported reduction in pulmonary function, clinical scores, and radiographic scores and increased hospitalization after viral infection. These studies show that infection with respiratory viruses results in clinical deterioration, hospitalization, and decreases in lung function.
Mechanisms to explain the enhanced disease observed with respiratory viral infections are being investigated. Normal airway epithelia use an adenosine-regulated pathway to maintain periciliary fluid volume by regulation of sodium absorption and chloride secretion. In a CF model, this regulation can be normalized by phasic motion simulating movement of the lung. Periciliary volume is restored to normal by release of adenosine triphosphate into the periciliary liquid and activation of alternative chloride channels. Viral infections, such as RSV, upregulate the extracellular adenosine triphosphatase activity, reducing periciliary fluid volume. Reduction in periciliary liquid volume promotes mucous stasis and plugging. Other investigators have shown impaired innate defense manifested by reduced production of nitric oxide and impaired interferon-γ signaling pathway. Synergism between bacteria and respiratory virus infection was suggested by Przyklenk and coworkers after an increase in the number of bacterial colony-forming units was found in sputum of subjects with CF. Hordvik and associates and Efthimiou and coworkers noted that patients with CF and severe pulmonary disease recovered slowly from viral infection. The underlying severity of lung disease was crucial in predicting response to viral respiratory infection.
The interrelationship between the acquisition of P. aeruginosa and viral respiratory infection is unclear. Increased colonization with P. aeruginosa has been observed during the respiratory viral season, and infection with P. aeruginosa has been associated with hospitalization for viral respiratory illness. Antipseudomonal antibodies have been reported to increase after RSV infection, and new infection with P. aeruginosa has been observed during an acute respiratory illness. Other investigators have not observed any change in bacterial infection or change in colonization associated with viral respiratory infection. In cell culture models, RSV acts as a coupling agent between P. aeruginosa and enhances attachment to respiratory epithelial cells. Petersen and colleagues and Ong and associates reported more severe pulmonary disease with viral infection in the presence of P. aeruginosa colonization, but Przyklenk and coworkers found no correlation.
Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae
Haemophilus influenzae is frequently the earliest pathogen isolated from patients with CF, most prevalent in the CF population during the first 5 years of life. The advent of the H. influenzae type b vaccine has not had an impact on the prevalence of this organism because patients with CF harbor nontypeable strains. Generally, H. influenzae is susceptible to a wide variety of agents and is amenable to treatment. However, recent studies suggest that more than 20% of young patients with CF are infected with H. influenzae, with some antibiotic resistance detected in current strains. Despite the frequent recovery of this organism from infants and children, the impact of this organism on the clinical course of CF has been difficult to assess because of the frequent occurrence of coinfection with other pathogens.
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus aureus is the bacterium cultured most commonly from the respiratory tracts of children with CF; the earliest descriptions of CF lung infections focused on this species. Subsequently, P. aeruginosa was increasingly isolated from children with CF, and studies established an association between P. aeruginosa and CF lung disease, largely shifting the focus of CF microbiologic research and therapy. Recently, increases in S. aureus prevalence, both methicillin-susceptible (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant (MRSA), have been described in CF. Data from the Cystic Fibrosis Patient Registry shows that the overall prevalence of MSSA increased from 37% in 1995 to 54% in 2015. Similarly, MRSA prevalence increased from 0.1% in 1995 to 26% in 2015, although it varied substantially from center to center (range per center, 5–48%). Causes for this variability are unclear but could reflect different laboratory practices and clinical practices or regional differences in community-acquired MRSA. Although MRSA generally infects older patients, it is associated with deterioration in both pediatric and adult patients. Methicillin resistance is conferred by the mecA gene located within the staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC). Several SCCmec types have been described and may also carry the putative virulence factor Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), which is commonly detected in the USA300 epidemic strain in the United States. A six-center observational study in the United States (STARCF) examined the clinical impact of different MRSA strains characterized by molecular typing. Of the over 200 isolates obtained from pediatric patients with chronic MRSA infection, 69.5% were SCCmec II- PVL negative, consistent with hospital associated-MRSA. The remaining isolates were 13% SCCmec IV-PVL negative and 17% SCCmec IV-PVL positive. Ongoing studies are evaluating chronic MRSA infection in CF with different SCCmec types and PVL status to determine their roles in clinical and disease outcomes.
Recent studies of children with CF noted similar inflammation and lung function decline during infection with S. aureus compared with P. aeruginosa , and the pathologic consequences of MRSA infection in patients with CF have been recently determined. Chronic MRSA infection in patients with CF is associated with increased rate of lung function decline, failure to recover lung function after a pulmonary exacerbation, and decreased survival. These observations have led to a reexamination of S. aureus and its role in CF lung disease.
Slow-growing, antibiotic-resistant mutants of S. aureus known as small-colony variants (SCVs) have been isolated from respiratory secretions in both adults and children with CF with specific but infrequently used culture techniques. Distinction of SCVs is based on colony size on the agar plate, slower growth, nonpigmentation, reduced production of alpha-toxin, and thymidine dependence. There is evidence that exoproducts of P. aeruginosa enhance SCV formation; conversely, SCV growth provides a survival advantage for S. aureus in the presence of P. aeruginosa infection. Clinically, SCVs are associated with higher rates of antimicrobial resistance and more advanced lung disease in CF. The rarity of clinical laboratory culture for SCVs indicates that physicians are frequently unaware of these highly antibiotic-resistant infections in selecting treatments for their CF patients, underestimating the presence both of all S. aureus and of a subtype that correlates with worse respiratory disease. Therefore, routine S. aureus SCV surveillance would provide more complete information to guide treatment.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
P. aeruginosa is the most common and important pathogen in patients with CF. Initial strains are nonmucoid, antibiotic-susceptible strains that express pili, flagella, and a more highly acylated lipid A component of lipopolysaccharide. P. aeruginosa also produces virulence factors, including exotoxin A, exoenzyme S, leukocidin, phospholipase C, elastase, and alkaline protease, which contribute to the pathogenesis of sepsis, acute lung infections, and bacteremia. These factors may be chemotactic stimuli for neutrophils, and exotoxins may increase the viscosity of secretions, impair ciliary clearance, and cause small airway obstruction, thus ultimately lung destruction.
Over time, P. aeruginosa adapts to the CF lung and undergoes genetic and phenotypic alterations. P. aeruginosa initially attaches to solid surfaces (e.g., mucin or respiratory epithelial cells), using flagella and type IV pili. Attachment activates genes that synthesize extracellular polysaccharide (alginate), which confers the mucoid phenotype of P. aeruginosa unique to chronic infections in CF. Strains associated with chronic infections lack pili, lack flagella, and undergo structural changes in lipopolysaccharide. These changes may render P. aeruginosa more resistant to host defenses, including defensins and the innate inflammatory response. The lasR-lasI system (quorum-sensing genes) promotes the initial formation of microcolonies, which differentiate into alginate-encased mature biofilms. Bacteria in biofilms avoid ciliary clearance, evade phagocytosis, and are antibiotic resistant. Biofilms are the proposed mechanism by which P. aeruginosa is able to infect the CF airway chronically and avoid eradication by host defenses and by antimicrobial agents. The CF lung can harbor very high concentrations of P. aeruginosa —10 8 to 10 9 organisms per gram of sputum may be present.
In 2015, the CF Registry reported that 30.4% of patients with CF younger than 18 years of age were infected with P. aeruginosa. Infection with P. aeruginosa is associated with increased morbidity and mortality rates caused by recurrent pulmonary exacerbations and a gradual deterioration in lung function. Children who are infected with P. aeruginosa are more likely to have cough and lower chest radiograph scores than are uninfected children. Investigators have shown that infants younger than 2 years of age infected with S. aureus and P. aeruginosa have worse pulmonary function, chest radiograph scores, and 10-year survival rates than do uninfected children. In a recent large, multicenter cohort of US children with CF, there was no detectable association between early acquisition of P. aeruginosa and more rapid decline in lung function or change in growth parameters. P. aeruginosa detection/acquisition was associated with an increased rate of pulmonary exacerbations, more frequent detection of crackles or wheeze on examination and increased emergence of MRSA, S. maltophilia and Achromobacter xylosoxidans on respiratory cultures.
The mucoid phenotype of P. aeruginosa is associated with a more rapid decline in lung function. Multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa (MRPA) was identified in 8.6% of all patients with CF in 2014. MRPA isolates are defined as resistant to all antibiotics evaluated in two or more of the following groups: aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, and β-lactams. Infection with MRPA as opposed to P. aeruginosa has been shown to cause more rapid decline in pulmonary function and increase in the likelihood of death or lung transplantation. Additional studies have linked poor patient prognosis to a specific MRPA strain, as in the cases of the Liverpool epidemic strain and the Australian epidemic strains.
Burkholderia cepacia Complex
Infection with Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) and the associated cepacia syndrome was reported first in 1979 among adolescent Canadian patients with CF. The cepacia syndrome is characterized by a virulent course, high fevers, bacteremia, rapid deterioration in lung function, and early death. Generally, patients with CF do not have bacteremia caused by other pathogens. Different clinical courses can be associated with Bcc, including transient colonization, a gradual decline in lung function, or the virulent cepacia syndrome.
Through a series of genetic and phenotypic studies, researchers have discovered that B. cepacia is actually a complex of several different species, previously called genomovars , which are indistinguishable phenotypically but distinguishable genotypically. Additional genomovars are likely to be described. Several international investigators have described the epidemiology and clinical courses associated with different genomovars, although these studies usually involved a single strain and might not be generalizable to all strains of a given genomovar. Most CF isolates are Burkholderia cenocepacia (genomovar III) or Burkholderia multivorans (genomovar II). The former may be associated with a more rapidly progressive clinical course, whereas B. multivorans is more likely to be associated with transient colonization. However, patient-to-patient transmission and clinical deterioration has been associated with B. multivorans . An outbreak of Burkholderia dolosa (genomovar VI) associated with increased morbidity and mortality rates in the patients following acquisition of this bacterium has also been reported. Virulence factors for Burkholderia spp. include multidrug resistance, the ability to form biofilms, the ability to reside intracellularly, and the ability to spread from patient to patient. Studies are ongoing to unravel potential environmental reservoirs of Burkholderia spp.
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, an intrinsically multidrug-resistant, gram-negative bacillus, is a well-known hospital-acquired pathogen in non-CF patients and is isolated with increasing frequency from the respiratory tract of patients with CF. The overall prevalence of this organism in patients with CF is 13.5% (range 0–40% in individual centers). There is evidence that many clinical laboratories fail to identify this potential pathogen. Transient colonization also seems to be a common occurrence; Demko and colleagues reported that 50% of patients with CF at their center had only a single positive culture for this microorganism. Increased use of antibiotics has been shown to be a potential risk factor for acquisition of S. maltophilia, and the role of S. maltophilia as a pathogen in CF is still being investigated. Case-control studies have shown that S. maltophilia has not had a significant impact on lung function or mortality. In contrast, Demko and colleagues found that the 5-year survival of patients with S. maltophilia ( n = 211) was 40% in contrast to patients without S. maltophilia ( n = 471), whose 5-year survival was 70%.
Achromobacter xylosoxidans
The clinical significance of A. xylosoxidans in CF also is unclear; this organism was reported to the CF patient registry in 1996 when 2.7% of patients harbored this multidrug-resistant, gram-negative bacillus. In 2014, A. xylosoxidans was found in 6.1% of patients. The nationally reported prevalence most likely is underestimated; 8.7% of participants in the aerosolized tobramycin trial had positive cultures for A. xylosoxidans . Further complicating the epidemiology of this potentially emerging pathogen is the observation that A. xylosoxidans may be misidentified as another nonlactose-fermenting, gram-negative bacillus, and that P. aeruginosa, B. cepacia complex, and S. maltophilia may be misidentified as A. xylosoxidans . In addition, the impact of this organism is difficult to assess fully because A. xylosoxidans generally is cultured from patients concomitantly infected with other CF pathogens, especially P. aeruginosa. A. xylosoxidans is associated with an increase in pulmonary exacerbations.
Anaerobic Bacteria
Anaerobes are organisms that do not require oxygen for growth. Steep oxygen gradients exist within CF mucus such that even at relatively shallow depths within mucus, the environment is considered to be hypoxic or even frankly anaerobic. Conventional culture-dependent approaches are not optimized for identifying anaerobes. Specific anaerobic culture methods, or culture-independent techniques, may be more appropriate. Several studies on tracheal aspirates, sputum, or BAL fluid have confirmed the presence of anaerobes in the lower airways in CF in up to 80% of samples and at bacterial densities of between 10 7 and 10 9 cfu/mL in sputum. The most common genera identified were Prevotella , Veillonella , Propionibacterium , Actinomyces , Staphylococcus saccharolyticus , Peptostreptococcus , and Clostridium . No data linking anaerobes to inflammation or clinical outcomes in CF are available. Longitudinal studies are also lacking, although a comprehensive longitudinal study conducted in a single patient suggested that anaerobes of the Streptococcus milleri group contributed to the development of pulmonary exacerbations. Ulrich and colleagues reported that 16 of 17 patients with CF produced antibodies against two immunoreactive antigens of Prevotella intermedia compared with 0 of 30 controls, suggesting that anaerobes are, indeed, immunogenic in CF. In studies in which anaerobes were specifically targeted during treatment for pulmonary exacerbations, the results have been conflicting. Worlitzsch and colleagues did not identify any significant reduction in the density of anaerobes in sputum after treatment with antibiotics despite an increase in pulmonary function during the period of treatment. Similarly, Tunney and colleagues identified only limited reduction in the density of anaerobes at the end of 2 weeks of treatment. An important factor to consider when treating anaerobic infections is that anaerobic organisms are often resistant to the commonly administered antibiotics.
Fungal Species
Oral and aerosolized antimicrobial agents are risk factors for colonization with Aspergillus spp., with 19.7% of patients with CF in the CF Registry having at least one positive culture for this mold in 2014. Recent findings also confirmed the formation of biofilms and increased antifungal drug resistance by A. fumigatus . Although Aspergillus spp. do not normally invade the parenchyma, the airways can become impacted with mucus-containing fibrin, eosinophils, and mononuclear cells, which can cause airway obstruction and bronchiectasis. The role of Aspergillus colonization is unclear, and most experts do not recommend treatment.
Scedosporium spp. can be isolated from the lungs of patients with CF, but the clinical significance of this microorganism is also unknown. In the aerosolized tobramycin trial, 2.4% of patients harbored saprophytic fungi, and in a single center, 8.6% of 128 patients followed for more than 5 years were colonized or infected with Scedosporium apiospermum . Additional selective media beyond routine culture methods are necessary to recover most Scedosporium spp. and obtain more accurate infection rates.
Candida albicans and other Candida spp. are frequently isolated from CF sputum; colonization rates are best predicted by features of advanced CF pulmonary disease. At present, the clinical role of C. albicans , if any, is unclear and there is no evidence to suggest treatment benefit.
ABPA is an allergic reaction to colonization of the lungs, with the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus affecting approximately 5% of people with CF in 2014. Several studies have also implicated S. apiospermum in ABPA-like reactions. ABPA is associated with an accelerated decline in lung function. Of patients with CF, 2% to 10% develop APBA, which can be associated with a dramatic loss of lung function. The diagnosis of ABPA can be difficult to establish because of variability in the application of standardized diagnostic criteria, confusion regarding these criteria, and limited recognition by physicians. This immunologically mediated syndrome is marked by a brisk immunoglobulin E (IgE) response, specific antibody to Aspergillus fumigatus, peripheral eosinophilia, and symptoms of reactive airway disease. Short-lived pulmonary infiltrates may be noted on chest radiograph. A workshop sponsored by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation sought to further the understanding of the diagnostic criteria needed for ABPA in CF. This committee established minimum criteria for the diagnosis, which include (1) new clinical deterioration not attributable to another cause; (2) asthma; (3) chest roentgenographic infiltrates—current or in the past—may be detectable on CT when chest radiography is unremarkable; (4) immediate cutaneous reactivity to Aspergillus species; (5) elevated total serum IgE (>417 IU/mL or >1000 ng/mL); (6) serum precipitating antibodies to A. fumigatus ; (7) central bronchiectasis on chest CT; (8) peripheral blood eosinophilia; and (9) elevated serum IgE and/or IgG to A. fumigatus .
Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
Since the early 1990s, appreciation has been increasing that nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) may be pathogens in patients with CF. Estimates of the prevalence of NTM in the CF population have ranged from 1.3% in the earliest study reported in 1984 to 32.7% in a review of patients with CF over the age of 40 years in Colorado. In a nested case-control study from 2006 to 2010 in France, data suggested that azithromycin may be a primary prophylaxis for NTM in CF adults.
The NTM species most commonly identified in individuals with CF from North America and Europe are the slow-growing Mycobacterium avium complex (including M. avium , M. intracellulare , and M. chimaera ), which can be found in up to 72% of NTM-positive sputum cultures, and the rapid-growing M. abscessus complex (comprising the subspecies M. abscessus subsp. abscessus [ M. a. abscessus ], M. a. bolletii , and M. a. massiliense [the latter currently classified as part of M. a. bolletii ]), which in many centers has now become the most common NTM isolated from individuals with CF. Other less commonly isolated species include M. simiae , M. kansasii , and M. fortuitum . There are geographic differences in both the prevalence of NTM-positive cultures and the relative frequency of different species seen between but also within countries.
In an individual patient, determining if NTM is colonizing the lung or causing disease can be difficult. Signs and symptoms of mycobacterial disease are nonspecific and may be consistent with CF pulmonary exacerbations. Making the diagnosis of NTM does not, per se, necessitate the institution of therapy, which is a decision based on potential risks and benefits of therapy for individual patients. The CF Foundation and the European Cystic Fibrosis Society recommend that (1) cultures for NTM be performed annually in spontaneously expectorating individuals with a stable clinical course, with oropharyngeal swabs not used; (2) individuals receiving azithromycin as part of their CF medical regimen who have a positive NTM culture should not continue azithromycin treatment while evaluation for NTM disease is under way, as azithromycin monotherapy may lead to resistance; (3) American Thoracic Society/Infectious Diseases Society of America diagnostic criteria, which include a combination of clinical, radiographic, and microbiologic elements, be used; and (4) the potential for cross-infection of NTM (especially M. abscessus complex) between individuals with CF should be minimized by following national infection control guidelines. Expert consultation should be obtained when NTM is encountered or when isolates usually representing environmental contamination are recovered. Recent studies focusing on M. abscessus have also failed to identify risk factors for infection, highlighting the need to determine if NTM causes progressive deterioration in lung function and, if so, the optimal therapy.
Treatment of Pathogens in Cystic Fibrosis Patients
Airway infections are a key component of CF lung disease. Whereas the approach to common pathogens such as P. aeruginosa is guided by a significant body of evidence, other infections often pose a considerable challenge to the treating clinicians. A cornerstone of CF care is the aggressive use of oral, intravenous, and aerosolized antibiotics. The increasing longevity of patients with CF has paralleled the development of effective antibiotics. Antibiotics may be used during several stages of CF lung disease (1) to prevent acquisition of pathogens, most commonly MSSA; (2) to eradicate initial acquisition of pathogens, most commonly P. aeruginosa and MRSA, in efforts to prevent or delay chronic infection; (3) to treat pulmonary exacerbations caused by classic CF pathogens; (4) to treat patients infected with P. aeruginosa, as long-term suppressive therapy; and (5) to treat emerging multidrug-resistant pathogens. Newer molecular techniques have demonstrated that the airway microbiome consists of a large number of microbes, and the balance between microbes, rather than the mere presence of a single species, may be relevant for disease pathogenesis. A better understanding of this complex environment could help define optimal treatment regimens that target pathogens without affecting others. The recognition that there is a diverse microbiota in sputum samples from people with CF raises questions about how we approach antibiotic therapy. Conventional bacterial culture in aerobic conditions allows isolation of a limited number of organisms. Extended culture methods identify a much wider range of bacteria, which include more difficult to culture bacteria, such as anaerobic bacteria. At present, there is no readily available methodology to identify all of these organisms in a way that makes this information valuable for clinical treatment. Studies are under way to develop technologies to allow molecular identification without prior culture.
Prophylaxis to Prevent Acquisition of Staphylococcus aureus
Few studies have been conducted on antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with CF, and these studies have focused exclusively on S. aureus . The rationale for this strategy is to prevent S. aureus infection and to delay acquisition of P. aeruginosa. From 1985 to 1992, British investigators studied 42 newly diagnosed infants randomly assigned to 12 months of flucloxacillin versus standard care. Infants treated with flucloxacillin had fewer infections with S. aureus and fewer hospitalizations, but both groups had similar pulmonary function. In a placebo-controlled trial conducted in the United States, 119 patients newly diagnosed with CF (mean age, 16 months) were randomly assigned to receive cephalexin or placebo for 5 to 7 years. No significant differences were found in pulmonary function, the number of pulmonary exacerbations, nutritional status, or chest radiograph scores in the two groups. In contrast, subjects treated with cephalexin had decreased incidence of infection with S. aureus but increased incidence of infection with P. aeruginosa. Similarly, an analysis of the German national database showed that patients receiving antistaphylococcal agents had increased acquisition of P. aeruginosa and no improvement in lung function.
Antistaphylococcal prophylaxis, although practiced in the United Kingdom in infants, has not been widely endorsed in the United States because of concerns about the emergence of resistance, the increased risk of acquiring P. aeruginosa, and the lack of impact on lung function. The different findings in these studies may reflect the different agents studied because cephalexin is broader spectrum than is flucloxacillin or the different durations of therapy, or both. In an era of increasing prevalence of MRSA, strategies to prevent MSSA may prove to be less useful. To date, no studies have been done to assess antibiotic prophylaxis for other pathogens in CF.
Early Eradication of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Eradication of initial S. aureus infection in CF represents a different approach than outlined earlier (chronic suppressive therapy). One of the earliest reports of attempts to eradicate S. aureus (MSSA) from the CF airways was a retrospective cohort study of a Danish CF center following 191 CF patients treated with 2349 courses of antistaphylococcal chemotherapy from 1965 to 1979. They reported eradication of S. aureus in 74% of these subjects after a single course of therapy and, with further treatment, only 9% of subjects were chronically infected with S. aureus . Based on these data, the European CF Consensus group evaluating early intervention in CF lung disease has recommended an initial 2 to 4 weeks of antistaphylococcal treatment with new S. aureus infection and an additional 1- to 3-month course of antibiotics if the initial course fails. The long-term sequelae of this treatment approach are not known and warrant further investigation. Researchers in the United Kingdom reported that patient segregation and aggressive antibiotic eradication therapy achieved S. aureus eradication in the majority of their patients with CF; the most successful regimens were those that included two oral antibiotics (one of which was rifampin) and nebulized vancomycin. Currently, there are two ongoing studies investigating the use of inhaled vancomycin, including one accessing a novel dry powder formulation. The results of these trials will help to delineate the risks and benefits of treating chronic MRSA infection.
Early Eradication of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
An increasingly practiced therapeutic strategy is to use antibiotics to eradicate initial acquisition of P. aeruginosa and prevent or delay chronic infection. This strategy was described first in Europe at the Danish Cystic Fibrosis Center. The rationale for this approach is that antibiotics may be effective at eradicating initial infection and colonization with P. aeruginosa because the organism burden is low, organisms are largely susceptible, and a biofilm has not yet been established.
Evidence for the optimal regimen for successful eradication is emerging. In some CF centers in Europe, colistin and ciprofloxacin are administered every 3 months after the initial isolation of P. aeruginosa has occurred. Compared with historical controls, patients treated with this approach had improved lung function, improved survival rates, decreased prevalence of P. aeruginosa, and increased resistance to the therapeutic regimen. In Australia, investigators used intravenous antibiotics followed by ciprofloxacin or aerosolized agents and found that six of 24 children no longer had P. aeruginosa isolated for 12 months or longer. Compared with children treated with placebo, children treated with inhaled tobramycin within 7 to 12 weeks of initial infection and colonization with P. aeruginosa had shorter time to conversion from a positive to negative culture. All eight subjects treated with inhaled tobramycin compared with 1 of 13 subjects treated with placebo had successful eradication of P. aeruginosa .
Despite the concerns about the potential emergence of antimicrobial resistance and lack of long-term studies that show the durability of eradication or an improvement in lung function, the growing consensus has been that early eradication for P. aeruginosa has merit. The Early Pseudomonal Infection Control randomized trial rigorously evaluated the efficacy of different antibiotic regimens for eradication of newly identified Pseudomonas in children with CF. Protocol-based therapy in the trial was provided based on culture positivity independent of symptoms and resulted in a lower rate of Pseudomonas recurrence but comparable hospitalization rates as compared to a historical control cohort less aggressively treated with antibiotics for new-onset Pseudomonas .
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation clinical care guidelines for the prevention of P. aeruginosa infection recommend (1) use of inhaled antibiotic therapy for the treatment of initial or new growth of P. aeruginosa from an airway culture, with a regimen of inhaled tobramycin (300 mg twice daily) for 28 days as the favored antibiotic; (2) against the use of prophylactic antipseudomonal antibiotics to prevent the acquisition of P. aeruginosa ; and (3) routine oropharyngeal cultures rather than cultures obtained by bronchoscopy in individuals with CF who cannot expectorate sputum to determine if they are infected with P. aeruginosa .

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