
March 2012 (vol. 206, no. 3, page 226)

In response to a letter to the editors published in the current issue of the Journal (Miller DA, Miller LA. Three-tier versus five-tier systems of fetal heart rate classification. Am J Obstet Gynecol XX. ), the authors of the research article cited (Coletta J, Murphy E, Rubeo Z, et al. The 5-tier system of assessing fetal heart rate tracings is superior to the 3-tier system in identifying fetal acidemia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2012;206:226.e1-5.) have revised Table 5. The table appeared, unnumbered, with the article summary in the print edition of the March 2012 issue of the Journal as well as numbered in the full-length article at

The revised table, whose data, according to the authors, strengthen their original conclusions, appears below.


Statistical measures in prediction of pH <7.0

Variable Sensitivity, % Specificity, % False negative, % False positive, %
Category I 4.2 79.2 95.8 20.8
Green 8.3 66.7 91.7 33.3
Blue 0 75 100 25
Green or blue 8.3 58.3 91.7 41.7
Category III 12.5 100 87.5 0
Orange 41.7 100 58.3 0
Red 37.5 100 62.5 0
Orange or red 79.2 100 20.8 0

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May 15, 2017 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Correction

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