Clinical Aspects of Sexual Violence – Multiple Choice Questions for Vol. 27, No. 1

  • 1.

    The current legal definition of rape in England and Wales is restricted to the following non-consensual act(s):

    • a)

      Penetration of the vagina by penis only.

    • b)

      Penetration of female vagina, anus or mouth by penis only.

    • c)

      Penetration of male or female vagina, anus or mouth by penis only.

    • d)

      Penetration of male or female vagina, anus or mouth by penis or digit.

    • e)

      Penetration of male or female vagina, anus or mouth by penis or digit or object.

  • 2.

    A male complainant of rape experienced an erection, ejaculation, or both during the assault. Which of the following does this indicates?

    • a)

      The complainant gave his consent, therefore no offence was committed.

    • b)

      The complainant may not have given his consent but enjoyed the experience.

    • c)

      The complainant is likely to be homosexual.

    • d)

      That erection and ejaculation are physiological responses that are not fully under conscious control and can be provoked by high anxiety and anal stimulation.

    • e)

      That it is not possible to achieve an erection during rape because of the fear and therefore the complainant is lying.

  • 3.

    The following statement(s) is/are true about sexual violence:

    • a)

      Sexual violence is an unusual crime because the victim is often to blame for the act.

    • b)

      A man cannot rape his wife if rape in marriage is not illegal.

    • c)

      Boys and men may be victims of sexual violence from men and women.

    • d)

      Most rapes are not reported to the police.

    • e)

      The most accurate prevalence measures are from research that has questions asking about behaviourally specific acts.

  • 4.

    The following statement(s) is/are true findings from research on the prevalence of sexual violence:

    • a)

      In some countries and settings, more than one in two women have been raped by their husband or boyfriend.

    • b)

      Population-based estimates from the USA are that nearly one in five women have been raped in their lifetime.

    • c)

      Male rape by other men is mostly a problem for gay men.

    • d)

      Except in war, sexual violence always most commonly occurs between intimate partners.

    • e)

      First sex forced by male partners is chiefly a problem for women.

  • 5.

    The following statement(s) is/are true findings from research on sexual violence:

    • a)

      It is not possible to learn the population prevalence of perpetration of sexual violence.

    • b)

      Gang rape, or rape by more than one man, is a phenomenon confined to criminal gangs.

    • c)

      Prevalence estimates are sensitive to the methods used in the research and training and support given to interviewers.

    • d)

      Questions on sexual violence must ask specifically about experience with intimate partners and non-intimate partners.

    • e)

      In countries where women are secluded, they are protected from rape.

  • 6.

    The following statement(s) is/are true for research on child sexual abuse:

    • a)

      It is difficult to estimate reliably and comparably the proportion of the population who ever experience abuse during childhood without interviewing children.

    • b)

      Repressed memory of acts of child sexual abuse causes prevalence estimates to be under-estimates.

    • c)

      Sexual violence in schools is an important problem globally.

    • d)

      Most child sexual abuse is reported to police and social services.

    • e)

      If school students willingly have sexual relationships with teachers it is not called abuse.

  • 7.

    The following statement(s) is/are true about taking skin swabs:

    • a)

      Ultraviolet light causes all body fluid types to fluoresce so should always be used to identify the sample site.

    • b)

      Swabs used for clinical purposes are suitable for forensic skin swabbing.

    • c)

      Cotton swabs are the most suitable to recover trace evidence from skin.

    • d)

      The double-swabbing technique is widely recognised as a successful method for recovering trace evidence from skin.

    • e)

      The Forensic Science Provider does not require the Forensic Medical Practitioner (FMP) to take background control swabs when sampling skin.

  • 8.

    The following statement(s) is/are true in relation to the seizing of clothing from a complainant of sexual assault:

    • a)

      Clothing worn by the complainant at the time of the alleged assault is rarely seized.

    • b)

      Viewing the complainant in torn clothing may provide the FMP with points of reference to injuries on the body.

    • c)

      The attending staff should be instructed to remove the complainant’s clothing before the FMP assesses them.

    • d)

      It is acceptable for the FMP to cut through points of existing damage when examining a patient.

    • e)

      Record photography of clothing in situ is not required.

  • 9.

    Ideally, the woman should have the following ability(ies) for optimal competence in terms of choice:

    • a)

      The ability to communicate choices.

    • b)

      The ability to keep information confidential.

    • c)

      The ability to understand relevant information upon which the choice is made.

    • d)

      The ability to appreciate the situation according to the patient’s own values.

    • e)

      The ability to weigh various values to arrive at a decision.

  • 10.

    Exceptions to the rule of informed consent are acceptable in the following situation(s):

    • a)

      During an emergency where the woman cannot communicate her wishes to you.

    • b)

      When exercising the therapeutic privilege.

    • c)

      When the woman’s husband requests a waiver of consent on her behalf.

    • d)

      When the woman who is capable of giving consent requests a waiver.

    • e)

      When the woman’s family usually make decisions on her behalf.

  • 11.

    Which of the following reasons is/are true with regard to why confidential information should be treated with the utmost care:

    • a)

      To ensure the woman is cared for compassionately.

    • b)

      To exclude unauthorised people from being privy to this information.

    • c)

      The information could be embarrassing to the patient.

    • d)

      To preserve the privacy of the patient.

    • e)

      To facilitate the sharing of sensitive information with the goal of helping the patient.

  • 12.

    Which of the following is/are sources from which confidentiality draws such a high value:

    • a)


    • b)


    • c)


    • d)

      Respect for persons.

    • e)


  • 13.

    The specific evidentiary examination component ‘trace evidence and biological material collection’ has to be carried out:

    • a)

      Less than 72 h after the alleged assault.

    • b)

      With consent.

    • c)

      Using colposcopy.

    • d)

      After police reporting.

    • e)

      Under standardised conditions.

  • 14.

    The forensic examination has to be interpreted and documented in a written legal report. Which of the following is/are true?

    • a)

      Interpretations of findings are a specialist skill.

    • b)

      Age of injuries and mechanism and force of injury infliction are key issues.

    • c)

      Standard terminology is essential.

    • d)

      Conjunctival petechiae with neck injury may be consistent with strangulation.

    • e)

      Conjunctival petechiae of any aetiology, is a marker of life-threatening injury.

  • 15.

    Which of the following is/are true about the effect of forensic evidence on legal outcomes in sexual violence?

    • a)

      It is significantly associated with injuries.

    • b)

      The correlation to conviction is the best predictor of a proper forensic examination.

    • c)

      A reduction in negative health consequences for the victim would be an appropriate end point for research as well as conviction rates.

    • d)

      Forensic examination is carried out to prosecute and convict the alleged assailant.

    • e)

      Forensic examination is carried out to protect the alleged assailant.

  • 16.

    A 45-year-old woman has made an allegation of vaginal rape, saying that the assault has happened 4 h ago. Which of the following is/are true about the genital examination?

    • a)

      Absence of injury indicates that the allegation is not true.

    • b)

      Vaginal bleeding is conclusive evidence of the rape.

    • c)

      Even if she has had consensual intercourse within 24 h, then a genital examination may be warranted.

    • d)

      This should routinely be done in the left lateral position.

    • e)

      The posterior fourchette is the site most likely to sustain an injury.

  • 17.

    Which of the following is/are true about external female genitalia?

    • a)

      The labia minora contain sebaceous glands.

    • b)

      The vagina is lined by simple columnar epithelium.

    • c)

      The fossa navicularis sits distal to the clitoris and anterior to the hymen.

    • d)

      The lower vagina is formed from the paramesonephric ducts.

    • e)

      Lacerations are very rare after sexual assault.

  • 18.

    Which are the following is/are true about conducting a genital examination after an assault:

    • a)

      Toluidine blue dye is not good at detecting bruises.

    • b)

      Photographic images of the genitalia should be discarded if no injuries are seen.

    • c)

      A catheter balloon can be used to visualise the hymen edges.

    • d)

      Stranger rapes are more likely to result in genital injuries than acquaintance rapes.

    • e)

      The legal definition of the vagina has it as the distal end starting with the vulva.

  • 19.

    A 23-year old woman has been examined after an allegation of rape. Which of the following is/are true?

    • a)

      A vaginal laceration is more likely with an anteverted uterus.

    • b)

      A vaginal laceration is likely to be due to a sharp object being inserted.

    • c)

      Injuries to her body surfaces are more likely than genital injuries.

    • d)

      Intoxication with alcohol by the girl makes her less likely to have sustained genital injuries.

    • e)

      The risk of blood-borne viruses is unrelated to genital trauma.

  • 20.

    The following statement(s) is/are true about emergency contraception after sexual assault.

    • a)

      An intrauterine device (IUD) is the most reliable form of emergency contraception.

    • b)

      Most victims of sexual assault prefer to take oral forms of emergency contraception such as: Levonelle or Ella One.

    • c)

      Levonelle (Norgestrel) is licensed to be given for up to 5 days after unprotected sexual exposure in females under or over the age of 16 years.

    • d)

      Ella One (Ulipristal) is a new oral emergency contraception that is licensed in women aged 16 years or older for up to 72 h after unprotected sexual exposure.

    • e)

      The victim should be offered a pregnancy test before taking emergency contraception to reduce the chance they are already pregnant with their partner’s child.

  • 21.

    The following statement(s) about human immunodeficiency (HIV) post-exposure prophylaxis (PEPSE) is/are true:

    • a)

      HIV PEPSE should be considered in vaginal penile penetration and high-risk assailants.

    • b)

      HIV PEPSE is recommended in anal penile penetration and high risk assailants.

    • c)

      HIV PEPSE can be started for up to 5 days after unprotected sexual exposure.

    • d)

      HIV PEPSE has no side-effects and is generally well tolerated.

    • e)

      HIV baseline tests are not required before administration of HIV PEPSE.

  • 22.

    During an examination of a pre-pubertal girl in the supine position and using separation of the labia, you are unable to see the hymenal edge. Which of the following is/are acceptable ways to manage this?

    • a)

      Do nothing and say these were normal findings.

    • b)

      Use traction.

    • c)

      Put the girl in knee chest position.

    • d)

      Use a Foley catheter.

    • e)

      Use general anaesthesia to examine her.

  • 23.

    An adolescent girl alleges rape. At examination, the hymen is folded and fleshy. There are no apparent tears, lacerations or bruises. Which of the following is/are acceptable ways to manage this?

    • a)

      Do nothing: state the hymen was normal and there were no injuries to be seen.

    • b)

      Use a moistened swab to separate the folds.

    • c)

      Examine in the knee chest position.

    • d)

      Use a Foley catheter.

    • e)

      Use general anaesthesia to examine her.

  • 24.

    A pre-pubertal child alleges penetration of genitalia by her uncle 4 weeks previously. At examination, there are no clinical findings. What can you reasonably conclude in this situation?

    • a)

      Normal clinical findings do not support the allegation.

    • b)

      The majority of children alleging sexual abuse have no injury so this is expected.

    • c)

      There may have been signs initially but healing has occurred.

    • d)

      There may not have been penetration.

    • e)

      These findings neither support nor negate the allegation.

  • 25.

    Peri-orbital bruising (black eye) may be caused by:

    • a)

      Compression of the neck.

    • b)

      Blows to the frontal region of the scalp.

    • c)

      Nasal bone fractures.

    • d)

      Occipital skull fracture.

    • e)

      Forceful hair pulling.

  • 26.

    Tram-line bruising is typically associated with:

    • a)

      The application of a ligature to the wrists.

    • b)

      Self-inflicted injury.

    • c)

      Beating with a rod-like weapon.

    • d)

      Fingertip pressure.

    • e)

      Whipping with a chain.

  • 27.

    The following is/are true concerning sexual assault?

    • a)

      The lifetime rate of sexual assault for women with mental health difficulties is higher than the general population.

    • b)

      The lifetime risk of being raped for women in the UK is about 20%.

    • c)

      If a woman is raped by a stranger, rather than someone she knows, she will have less difficulty re-establishing intimate relationships.

    • d)

      If a woman is raped by someone she knows, rather than a stranger, she will have less difficulty re-establishing intimate relationships.

    • e)

      For a formal diagnosis of PTSD to be made, the symptoms must be present for 6 months.

  • 28.

    Which one of the following statements is/are true about the prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

    • a)

      Cognitive–behavioural therapy is effective for preventing PTSD.

    • b)

      Individual psychological debriefing has been found to reduce the onset of PTSD.

    • c)

      Symptoms of PTSD can be prevented by using venlafaxine.

    • d)

      Eye-movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy is effective for preventing PTSD.

    • e)

      Expressive writing has been found to be effective in preventing PTSD.

  • 29.

    Studies have found that women who suffer from sexual abuse are at greater risk of developing HIV because:

    • a)

      They use condoms inconsistently.

    • b)

      They have risky sexual partners.

    • c)

      They tend to have more sexual partners.

    • d)

      They are more likely to reuse needles when using injectable drugs.

    • e)

      They are more likely to become involved in transactional sex.

  • 30.

    Which one of the following statements is/are true about the health consequences of sexual violence against women?

    • a)

      Women suffering from intimate partner sexual and physical abuse have the same risk of experiencing health problems as women who experience physical abuse alone.

    • b)

      Mental health symptoms do not improve spontaneously.

    • c)

      Women who have experienced sexual violence are found to use preventive health services more frequently.

    • d)

      PTSD is diagnosed when symptoms are present for at least 2 weeks.

    • e)

      Eating disorders, including overeating, have been found to be associated with sexual violence.

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Nov 8, 2017 | Posted by in OBSTETRICS | Comments Off on Clinical Aspects of Sexual Violence – Multiple Choice Questions for Vol. 27, No. 1

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