Chorioamniotic membrane senescence: a signal for parturition?


Senescence is an important biological phenomenon involved in both physiologic and pathologic processes. We propose that chorioamniotic membrane senescence is a mechanism associated with human parturition. The present study was conducted to explore the association between senescence and normal term parturition by examining the morphologic and biochemical evidences in chorioamniotic membranes.

Study Design

Chorioamniotic membranes were collected from normal term deliveries; group 1: term labor and group 2: term, not in labor. Senescence-related morphologic changes were determined by transmission electron microscopy and biochemical changes were studied by senescence-associated (SA) β-galactosidase staining. Amniotic fluid samples collected from both term labor and term not in labor were analyzed for 14 SA secretory phenotype (SASP) markers.


Morphologic evidence of cellular senescence (enlarged cells and organelles) and a higher number of SA β-galactosidase-stained amnion and chorion cells were observed in chorioamniotic membranes obtained from women in labor at term, when compared to term not in labor. The concentration of proinflammatory SASP markers (granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin-6 and -8) was significantly higher in the amniotic fluid of women in labor at term than women not in labor. In contrast, SASP factors that protect against cell death (eotaxin-1, soluble Fas ligand, osteoprotegerin, and intercellular adhesion molecule-1) were significantly lower in the amniotic fluid samples from term labor.


Morphologic and biochemical features of senescence were more frequent in chorioamniotic membranes from women who experienced term labor. Senescence of chorioamniotic membranes were also associated with amniotic fluid SASP markers.

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Understanding the initiation signals and sequential set of events culminating in normal labor is integral to deciphering the mechanism of alterations in the timing of labor, especially preterm labor. The role of fetal endocrine signals functioning as the biologic clock of organ maturation and as triggers for labor at term has been well documented. However, knowledge gaps still exist in our understanding of the initiator and effecter signals of normal term labor.

In this study, we propose that senescence may play a role in term labor. The term “senescence” refers to the physiologic and biomolecular mechanisms that are normal and natural associated with aging of a living organism. Senescence involves irreversible arrest of cell growth. The importance of senescence have been demonstrated in age-related pathologies such as Alzheimer disease, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders such as diabetes, and chronic inflammatory conditions. Lack of senescence or failure of cell cycle arrest is associated with cancer. Therefore, senescence has been implicated in normal physiologic aging of living organisms; however, premature senescence may also lead to pathologic states.

Morphologic evidence of senescence is characterized by enlargement of cells, often doubling in volume, and biochemically by the presence of senescence-associated (SA) β-galactosidase (gal) and formation of DNA-damaged foci with chromatin alterations and phosphorylation of histone 2AX. Unlike apoptosis (programmed cell death), senescent cells persist, alter their function, and change the tissue environment with a unique inflammatory milieu. Recent studies by our laboratory have reported markers of SA with term labor chorioamniotic membranes compared to term not in labor.

Senescence is also associated with changes in a set of biomarkers that are termed as SA secretory phenotype (SASP). SASP is marked by differential production of various natural compounds. These compounds include, but are not limited to, cytokines, chemokines, angiogenic and other growth factors, matrix-degrading enzymes, as well as inhibitors, cell adhesion molecules, apoptotic inducers and their ligands may constitute the inflammation associated with term labor. Coppé et al reported SASP factors secreted by senescent fibroblasts, epithelial cells, and epithelial tumor cells after genotoxic stress in culture, and in epithelial tumor cells in vivo, after treatment with DNA-damaging chemotherapy.

SASP overlaps with inflammatory markers associated with term labor. A review of the literature prior to initiation of this study revealed that differences in the concentrations of 24 of the 74 SASP factors have been reported between term labor and term not in labor amniotic fluids and chorioamniotic membranes ( Table 1 ). Some of the most notable SASP markers reported in amniotic fluid from women with term labor include cytokines, interleukin (IL)-1α and IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Induction of prostaglandins in utero by these cytokines and chorioamniotic membrane extracellular matrix degradation by MMPs facilitate parturition. SASP-associated cytokines in maternal blood contributing to inflammation and parturition have also been reported recently. Although many of the SASP markers have been reported to be different between term labor and term not in labor, none of them have been associated with senescence-related changes in the literature, but are mostly generalized as inflammatory changes during labor.

Table 1

Senescence-associated secretory phenotype-related biomarkers reported in amniotic fluid or chorioamniotic membranes from term labor and term not in labor

Biomarkers Biomarker status term labor vs term not in labor Biological samples tested References
Term labor Term not in labor
IL-1α Amniotic fluid
IL-1β Amniotic fluid
IL-6 Amniotic fluid
IL-8 Amniotic fluid
PAI-1 Chorioamniotic membranes
PAI-2 Chorioamniotic membranes
tPA Amniotic fluid
EGF Amniotic fluid
GRO Amniotic fluid
MIP-1α Amniotic fluid
IFN-y Amniotic fluid
uPAR Chorioamniotic membranes
TIMP-1 Fetal membranes
Nitric oxide Amniotic fluid
Fibronectin Amniotic fluid
GCSF Amniotic fluid
MIF Amniotic fluid
MMP-1 Amniotic fluid
MMP-3 Amniotic fluid
MMP-9 Amniotic fluid
OPG Amniotic fluid
TRAIL-R3 Amniotic fluid
ENA-78 Amniotic fluid
MCP-2 Chorioamniotic membranes
GM-CSF Amniotic fluid
sTNFR1 Amniotic fluid
PGE2 Amniotic fluid
MIP-3a Amniotic fluid
ICAM-1 Amniotic fluid
ICAM-3 Chorioamniotic membranes

References listed are limited to 1. Multiple studies have reported similar changes with certain biomarkers in amniotic fluid or chorioamniotic membranes. A comparison between term labor vs term not in labor has not been done for the following reported senescence-associated secretory phenotype markers in amniotic fluid or chorioamniotic membranes: IL-7, -13, -15; MCP-4; human CC chemokine-4; eotaxin-1; thymus-expressed chemokine; I-309; interferon-inducible T-cell alpha chemoattractant protein; amphiregulin; epiregulin; heregulin; b fibroblast growth factor; hepatocyte growth factor; keratinocyte growth factor; angiogenin; stem cell factor; stromal cell-derived factor-1; phosphatidylinositol-glycan biosynthesis class F protein; nerve growth factor; insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7; MMP-10, -12, -13, -14; eotaxin-3; TIMP-2; cathepsin B; soluble TNF receptor 2; soluble glycoprotein-130; epidermal growth factor receptor; collagens; lamin. We acknowledge that senescence-associated secretory phenotype markers vary between various tissues and systems, and differ based on pathologies. Markers listed here do not represent complete list.

EGF , epidermal growth factor; ENA , epithelial neutrophil-activating protein; GCSF , granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; GM-CSF , granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor; GRO , growth-regulated alpha protein; ICAM , intercellular adhesion molecule; IFN , interferon; IL , interleukin; MCP , monocyte chemoattractant protein; MIF , macrophage migration inhibitory factor; MIP , macrophage inflammatory protein; MMP , matrix metalloproteinase; OPG , osteoprotegerin; PAI , plasminogen activator inhibitor; PGE , prostaglandin E; sTNFR , soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor; TIMP , tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase; tPA , tissue plasminogen activator; TRAIL-R3 , tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 10c; uPAR , urokinase receptor; ↑, increase; ↔, no change; ↓, decrease.

Behnia. Senescence of chorioamniotic membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

We postulate that senescence of the chorioamniotic membranes is a natural and physiological process that is initiated at the time of placentation, and term labor can be considered as an end stage of life for chorioamnion. The acceleration of chorioamniotic membrane senescence may be influenced by oxidative stress likely due to increased metabolic demands by the growing fetus. In vitro, we have shown induction of senescence by oxidative stress in fetal cells. SASP markers generated from senescent fetal cells may constitute sterile intrauterine inflammation and function as a signal to promote labor. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to investigate senescence-related morphologic and biochemical changes in chorioamniotic membranes in women who experienced term labor. We also examined the concentrations of 14 SASP-associated markers in the amniotic fluid of women with term labor and compared them to term not in labor.

Materials and Methods

Amniotic fluid samples used for this study were from the Nashville Birth Cohort Biobank established to study genetic and biomarkers differences contributing to racial disparity in preterm birth. Samples were collected at the Centennial Medical Center, Nashville, TN, from 2008 through 2011. The study protocols were approved by the Western Institutional Review Board, Seattle, WA, for recruitment and collection of amniotic fluid samples and the reuse of samples for preterm birth–related projects was approved by the Institutional Review Board at University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. The study complied with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki regarding ethical conduct of research involving human subjects. Informed, written consent was obtained from subjects prior to sample collection. Enrollment occurred at the time of admission for delivery, either at term or preterm. Chorioamniotic membranes used for this study were obtained from John Sealy Hospital at the University of Texas Medical Branch from women delivering at term. Institutional review board approval as an exempt status for discarded tissues was obtained prior to collection of these samples.


In this nested cross-sectional analysis, pregnant women between the ages of 18-40 years provided amniotic samples. Amniotic fluid samples were obtained from subjects in spontaneous term (≥37 0/7 weeks) labor (defined as the presence of strong, regular uterine contractions at a minimum frequency of 2 contractions/10 min, followed by changes in cervical effacement and dilatation that led to delivery at term (≥37 0/7 ). Amniotic fluid samples were also collected from women, not in labor, undergoing elective cesarean deliveries. Gestational age was determined by the last menstrual period, and was corroborated by ultrasound biometry. Subjects with multiple gestations, preeclampsia, placenta previa, fetal anomalies, gestational diabetes mellitus, and/or other medical/surgical complications of pregnancy were excluded. Subjects who were treated for preterm labor or for suspected intraamniotic infection and delivered at term were excluded from the study. Details of this cohort and samples can be found in our other publications.

Collection of samples

For vaginal deliveries, amniotic fluid samples were collected during labor, immediately before artificial rupture of the membranes, by transvaginal amniocentesis of intact membranes, using a 22-gauge needle through the dilated cervical os. In cases undergoing cesarean delivery, samples were collected by transabdominal amniocentesis. Amniotic fluid samples were centrifuged immediately for 10 minutes at 2000 g to remove cellular and particulate matter and supernatant aliquots were processed rapidly and stored in the dark at –80°C in filled tubes, to minimize autooxidation until analysis. We studied 29 term labor and 33 term not in labor, which provided >80% power to detect the difference in analyte concentrations between the groups, at a .05 significance level for each analyte in their log-transformed form.

Demographic data were collected from patient interviews and clinical data were abstracted from the medical records of the patients. Data collected included age, socioeconomic status (education, annual income, insurance status, and marital status), behavioral factors (smoking, alcohol and drug use during pregnancy), prepregnancy body mass index (BMI), and a complete medical and obstetrical history.

Documentation of ultrastructural morphology of term chorioamniotic membranes by transmission electron microscopy

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was performed to determine the presence of SA morphologic changes in chorioamniotic membranes. For this, we used images from our ongoing studies and the detailed protocol for TEM studies are described in our prior publications. Chorioamniotic membranes from term births (n = 6 each from labor and not in labor) were fixed, stained, and embedded in PolyBed 812 (Polysciences, Washington, PA). Both amnion and chorion layers were evaluated separately and also as a unit. Briefly, initial fixation was for 24 hours at 4°C in a fixative with 2.5% paraformaldehyde, 0.2% glutaraldehyde, and 0.03% picric acid in 0.05 mol/L cacodylate buffer. After fixation, samples were rinsed 3 times with cacodylate buffer and postfixed with 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 mol/L cacodylate buffer. Osmicated tissue was rinsed twice with deionized water and stained en bloc with 2% aqueous uranyl acetate for 1 hour at 60°C. The samples were then dehydrated by a series of ethanol-water solutions (50%, 75%, 95%, and 100% ethanol for 3 exchanges). Dehydrated tissue was infiltrated with 2 exchanges of propylene oxide, then with propylene oxide–diluted PolyBed resin at a 1:1 ratio, a 1:2 ratio, then twice with pure PolyBed 812. Finally, the samples were embedded in PolyBed 812, and cured overnight at 60°C. Since precise tissue orientation could not be maintained during curing of the resin, the first resin blocks were cut to give a wide flat face of the desired sectioning plane, replaced into new embedding molds, and cured again. Samples were cut as 90-nm sections, placed on formvar-coated slotted grids, and poststained for 3 minutes with a solution of Reynold lead citrate. Images were taken with a JEM 1400 electron microscope (JEOL, Tokyo, Japan).

Senescence detection by SA β-gal staining

Chorioamniotic membranes were dissected from placenta after normal term (labor and not in labor) deliveries (3 samples collected from Nashville, TN, and 6 from University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX). Tissue samples were collected and processed as described in prior publications. Briefly, midzone portion of the chorioamniotic membranes were dissected from the placenta, rinsed in phosphate-buffered saline, and decidua and blood clots were scraped off using cotton gauze. Multiple scrapings without peeling the membranes were performed to obtain chorioamniotic membranes used in this study. Decidua was removed to determine the senescence of chorioamniotic membranes, since decidual SA with preterm labor has already been shown in animal models. Tissues were embedded in OCT (Sakura Finetek, Torrance, CA) and frozen until tissues were sectioned for staining. Cryostat sectioning was performed on tissues (6 μm thickness) and mounted onto glass slides prior to staining. Senescent cells were identified by SA β-gal staining in a distinct pH (6.0) using a histochemical staining kit in frozen tissue sections (senescence detection kit; BioVision Inc, Milpitas, CA). Frozen tissue sections were fixed with 0.5 mL of fixative solution for 15 minutes, at room temperature. Staining was performed on frozen section as per manufacturer’s protocol and counter-stained lightly with eosin to better visualize cellular morphology. Number of senescent cells per high-power field was examined and a semiquantitative assessment of the number of cells staining for SA β-gal (blue staining) was performed. Two independent assessments were made by investigators who were blinded to the outcome. Ten high-power fields were examined for both amnion and chorion layers separately and number of positive (blue staining) and negative (only eosin stained) cells were counted. Statistical difference in the percentage of cells positive for SA β-gal was calculated between term labor and term not in labor samples.

Selection of biomarkers

Fourteen biomarkers that belong to cytokines and growth factors (IL-15, monocyte chemoattractant protein [MCP]-2, granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor [GM-CSF], IL-6, IL-13) chemokines (eotaxin-1, IL-8), angiogenic factors (angiogenin, vascular endothelial growth factor), matrix-degrading enzymes (MMP-1) and its inhibitor (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1), and apoptotic factors (soluble Fas ligand [sFasL], osteoprotegerin [OPG], intercellular adhesion molecule [ICAM]-1) were chosen for this study, based on their potential role at term pregnancies ( Table 2 ). We selected markers that perform major biological function in the cell cycle (proliferation, arrest, or apoptosis) and inflammation (chemotaxis, tissue/extracellular matrix destruction, and remodeling).

Table 2

Rationale for choosing biomarkers tested in this study

SASP marker Reported biologic function
Eotaxin-1 Angiogenesis, antisenescence
sFasL Apoptotic
IL-15 Antiapoptotic
MCP-2 Activates immune cells, apoptotic
MMP-1 Protease/collagenase/remodeling
OPG Cytokine receptor, antiapoptotic
Angiogenin Growth factor, antiapoptotic
IL-6 Proinflammatory cytokine
IL-8 Chemokine
IL-13 Antiinflammatory cytokine
TIMP-1 Inhibitor of MMP
VEGF Growth factor
ICAM-1 Adhesion molecule
GM-CSF Growth factor

GM-CSF , granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor; ICAM , intercellular adhesion molecule; IL , interleukin; MCP , monocyte chemoattractant protein; MMP , matrix metalloproteinase; OPG , osteoprotegerin; SASP , senescence-associated secretory phenotype; sFasL , soluble Fas ligand; TIMP , tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase; VEGF , vascular endothelial growth factor.

Behnia. Senescence of chorioamniotic membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

FAST Quant-microspot assays for biomarker measurement

All samples included in this study were assayed simultaneously to avoid variability introduced during assay procedures. The assays were performed on amniotic fluid samples using the FAST Slide protein microarray platform developed and manufactured by Maine Manufacturing (now GVS Life Sciences, Sanford, ME). Briefly, the FAST Slide surface uses a nitrocellulose-based 3-dimensional polymer coating to provide reproducibility and sensitivity for microarray assays. The polymer binds proteins in a noncovalent, irreversible manner, and can be probed using the same method as in traditional blots. The 3-dimensional nature of the matrix allows for the retention of arrayed protein in near-quantitative fashion resulting in linear increases in signal intensities in response to increased concentration of antigen/analyte, over a very wide range of concentrations. Sixteen-pad nitrocellulose-coated glass slides were arrayed in triplicate with reference markers and capture antibody for analytes in that array, using a piezo-electric spotter. Lack of cross-reactivity among these markers was established. The detailed protocols for the assay can be found at . Briefly, slides were blocked by incubating in 70-μL protein array blocking buffer for 15 minutes at room temperature; the blocking buffer was removed, and 70-μL samples or standards added to the appropriate pad and incubated overnight. The slides were then washed 5 times in 1X protein array wash buffer, and 70 μL of biotinylated detection antibody cocktail was added and incubated for 1 hour. Following a further 5 washes, 70 μL streptavidin-Cy5 solution was added and the slides were incubated for 1 hour in the dark, washed 5 times, and allowed to dry. The slides were imaged in an Axon GenePix 4200A fluorescent imaging system (Axon Instruments, Foster City, CA). Images were analyzed using Imaging Research ArrayVision software (Imaging Research, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada). Briefly, spot intensities were determined by subtracting background signal. Spot replicates from each sample condition were averaged and then compared to the appropriate standard curves. Accuracy of Fast Quant protein arrays is comparable to the correspondent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay determinations with a similar linear range. The advantages of protein array as compared to conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay are the assessment of multiple cytokines using smaller volume and different specimens at the same time. Samples were diluted until the sample’s readings fell within the antigen’s standard curve, then the sample’s cytokine concentrations were determined by correcting these values for the dilution.

The limit of detection was calculated as the average value from 0 antigen samples plus 3 SD, extrapolated from the standard curves calculated by ArrayVision. Limits of detection are conservative estimates based on development of FAST Quant arrays using buffer-diluted antigens. These values are guidelines; actual detection limits may be lower ( Table 3 ).

Table 3

LODs of assay biomarkers

Cytokine LOD in pg/mL
Eotaxin-1 9
sFasL 11
IL-15 33
MCP-2 2
MMP-1 395
Angiogenin 160
ICAM-1 200
IL-6 1
IL-8 1
IL-13 150
TIMP-1 151

GM-CSF , granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor; ICAM , intercellular adhesion molecule; IL , interleukin; LOD , limit of detection; MCP , monocyte chemoattractant protein; MMP , matrix metalloproteinase; OPG , osteoprotegerin; sFasL , soluble Fas ligand; TIMP , tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase; VEGF , vascular endothelial growth factor.

Behnia. Senescence of chorioamniotic membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

Statistical analyses of SASP markers

For our primary analysis, we considered SASP markers as our exposure variables and term labor vs term not in labor (reference group) as our outcome. To identify baseline characteristics associated with term labor, variables including maternal age, race, education, marital status, BMI, smoking, parity, gestational age, infant sex, and delivery type were examined using multivariate logistic regression to derive odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals, and P values. As SASP markers were not normally distributed, we used nonparametric test to examine correlation among markers as well as differences in SASP marker distributions between groups. Correlation among senescence markers was determined by Spearman correlation test and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney was used to examine differences in the distribution of SASP markers between women at term labor and term not in labor.

To analyze associations between SASP markers and term labor vs term not in labor, regression modeling was utilized. First, given that dichotomizing a continuous exposure leads to loss of statistical power and often relies on the use of an arbitrary cut-point for our primary analysis, we choose to examine SASP markers as continuous variables. We used generalized additive models with smoothing splines to explore relationships between SASP markers and term labor (term not in labor as reference). A generalized additive model does not assume a parametric relationship between an exposure and outcome and therefore is a flexible nonparametric regression technique. This type of exploratory modeling approach can be used to determine appropriate transformations and for building parametric models. There were significant nonparametric trends between all SASP markers and term labor and we subsequently transformed SASP markers to the log base 2 (creating a normal distribution) and used logistic regression to examine associations between SASP marker concentrations and term labor. Thus, a 1-U increase in a SASP marker (in log scale) can be interpreted as a doubling of intensity. To derive inferences about odds of term labor when SASP markers are elevated, we dichotomized SASP markers by the median and calculated odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals using logistic regression. Potential covariates were included in the full model and once removed, any variables that changed the coefficient by >10% was considered a confounder. Parity, BMI, cigarette smoking, socioeconomic factors (defined by education, income, marital and insurance status) appeared to have an effect on some markers (all contributors of oxidative and psychosocial stress during pregnancy that can impact senescence), and were included in the final regression model. We used Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons and a P value < .0018 was considered statistically significant. All analyses were conducted using SAS V9.2 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC).

Analysis of interaction between biomarkers using multifactor dimensionality reduction analysis

We used multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) to explore interactions among SASP markers that influence term labor. We are the first to report biomarker interactions in preterm birth using this approach. MDR is considered a powerful approach to detect nonlinear interactions by combining categorical attribute selection, attribute construction, and classification with cross-validation and permutation testing ( ). MDR has been used to examine gene-gene and gene-environment interactions. However, we have successfully used MDR to explore interactions among biological markers. To run the MDR software, we first had to exclude patients with missing data (n = 3) and then categorize SASP in quartiles. We then used default MDR settings, with 1 exception where we used a Fisher exact test set at 0.01, rather than tie cells, which require an even number of cases and controls. MDR is a method that categorized combinations of biomarker models by risk to produce models that most consistently predict disease determined by cross-validation consistency (CVC). CVC or testing accuracy ranges from 0-1, where the highest CVC indicated the most accurate model. We then incorporated permutations (MDR permutation application) to determine a P value for statistical significance.


TEM of the chorioamniotic membranes demonstrated classic signs of senescence in chorioamniotic membrane cells from term labor compared to term not in labor. We evaluated both amnion and chorion cell organelles separately, as shown in Figures 1 to 4 . In general, changes in term labor membranes were characterized by flat and enlarged cells with SA heterochromatic foci ( Figures 1, A; 2, A; 3, A; and 4 , A), enlargement, pallor and rounding, suggesting swelling of organelles, particularly mitochondria ( Figures 1, A and 2 , A vs 1, B and 2 , B), and endoplasmic reticulum ( Figures 3, A and 4 , A vs 3, B and 4 , B) in term labor, compared to term not in labor. Size and morphology of nuclei were not different between the groups; however, chromatin condensation was more prominent in term labor, along with more irregular nuclear contours than in term not in labor. We have previously reported some of our findings in term labor, but a comparison between term labor and not in labor has not been made previously.

Figure 1

Transmission electron microscopy of human amnion cell mitochondria from term labor and term not in labor

A , Amnion cell mitochondria (red arrows) from term labor show enlargement and dilation. Mitochondria have small electron-dense areas with increased electron-lucent haloes around them and exhibited vacuolization with loss of matrix density. B , Term not in labor mitochondria was small, dark, and elongated. Very few mitochondria showed vacuolization.

Behnia. Senescence of chorioamniotic membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

Figure 2

Transmission electron microscopy of human chorion cell mitochondria from term labor and term not in labor

A , Mitochondria are enlarged and demonstrate vacuolization and electron-lucent haloes in term labor ( red arrow ). B , Chorionic mitochondria were predominantly dark, small, and elongated in term not in labor. Few enlarged mitochondria with lucent spaces were also seen in chorion ( red arrow [ inset ]).

Behnia. Senescence of chorioamniotic membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

Figure 3

Transmission electron microscopy of human amnion cell ER from term labor and term not in labor

A , Amnion cell rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) shows remarkable swelling in term labor ( red arrow ). B , Amnion cell rough ER is normally folded and appears normal in term not in labor group ( red arrow ). Smooth ER demonstrates substantial swelling in both cell types in term membranes ( red arrow [ insets ]).

Behnia. Senescence of chorioamniotic membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

Figure 4

Transmission electron microscopy of human chorion cell ER from term labor and term not in labor

A , Chorion cell rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) shows remarkable swelling in term labor ( red arrow ). B , Chorion cell rough ER mostly is normally folded and appears normal in term not in labor group ( red arrow ). Smooth ER demonstrates substantial swelling in term labor membranes ( red arrow [ insets ]).

Behnia. Senescence of chorioamniotic membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

Specifically, we examined changes to mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, as oxidative stress to these organelles is often associated with cellular dysfunction and senescence. In the amnion, in the term labor group, mitochondria were often enlarged, rounded, and electron lucent, and sometimes contained amorphous matrix densities ( Figure 1 , A). In the term not in labor group, mitochondria usually had a condensed conformation, with moderately dense matrices ( Figure 1 , B). Term not in labor mitochondria in amnion were dark, small, and elongated, with a minimal number of mitochondria demonstrating an electron-lucent halo or vacuolization. As in the amnion, mitochondria in the chorion in the term labor group ( Figure 2 , A) generally appeared dilated and had electron-lucent matrices and sometimes amorphous matrix densities, while those in the term not in labor group generally had moderately electron dense matrices, had relatively lucent spaces within cristae, and appeared elongated rather than round ( Figure 2 , B). We performed a semiquantitative estimation of mitochondria with electron-lucent matrices as a measure of mitochondrial swelling. We report that 70.7% of mitochondria (323/423) in term labor and 10% (19/189) in the not in labor group demonstrated electron-lucent matrices and vacuolization. Both amnion and chorion preparations were independently analyzed and the pattern of vacuolization was similar in both cell layers. This change in mitochondrial structure has been previously reported as senescence-related change.

In amnion, in the term labor group, profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum were often dilated, as was the nuclear envelope ( Figure 3 , A). This change was not seen in most sections in the term not in labor group ( Figure 3 , B). Both rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum in chorion from term labor were enlarged and prominently dilated, whereas more normal-appearing stacks of endoplasmic reticulum were seen in term not in labor ( Figure 4 , A). A few chorion cells in the term not in labor group also demonstrated both rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum dilation and senescence-related morphology ( Figure 4 , B, inset), but these cells were much fewer than in the term labor group.

Beta-gal activity is seen at a higher pH in senescent cells, and are therefore termed SA β-gal. Beta-gal hydrolyses the cleavage of β-gal at a pH of 6.0 seen in senescent cells compared to its action at a pH of 4.0 as seen in normal cells. A total of 18 sample preparations (9 each from term labor and not in labor) were stained and examined. As shown in Figure 5 , amniochorion from term labor and term not in labor ( Figures 5 , A to F) demonstrated SA β-gal activity. Overall, the number of SA β-gal-positive cells were much higher at term labor and term not in labor (77% vs 46%; P = .002) ( Figure 5 , G). Both amnion ( Figure 5 , C) and chorion layers ( Figure 5 , E) showed more SA β-gal-positive cells in term labor compared to term not in labor ( Figures 5 , D and F). We did not see any differences between fresh samples examined vs frozen samples collected earlier and stored in our biobank and data between term labor and not in labor were reproducible.

Figure 5

Senescence-associated secretory phenotype related biomarkers in term pregnancy

Light microscopy of senescence-associated (SA) β-galactosidase (gal) staining ( blue ) of term labor (n = 9) and term not in labor (n = 9) chorioamniotic membrane layers demonstrating differential staining patterns. Tissue sections are counter-stained with eosin ( red ). Red arrows show blue-stained cells. A , Amnion and chorion layers from term labor have more positive SA β-gal staining cells. B , Amnion and chorion layers from term not in labor are mostly negative for SA β-gal staining (×20). C , Amnion layer from term labor demonstrating SA β-gal staining (×40). Inset : sections with no counter-staining demonstrating blue-staining cells. D , Amnion layer from term not in labor demonstrating SA β-gal staining (×40). Compared to term labor, very few cells are positive for SA β-gal. Inset : sections with no counter-staining demonstrating scarce SA β-gal staining. Inset : sections with no counter-staining. E , Chorion cells from term labor mostly showing SA β-gal-positive staining (×40). Inset : sections with no counter-staining demonstrating blue-staining cells. F , Chorion layer in term not in labor has far fewer cells with SA β-gal-positive staining. Staining is lighter and diffuse in term not in labor chorion (×40). Inset : sections with no counter-staining. G , Percentage of SA β-gal-positive cells in term labor (L) and term not in labor (NIL). Significantly higher percentage of SA β-gal-positive ( P = .002) cells is seen in term L than in term NIL membranes.

Behnia. Senescence of chorioamniotic membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

Amniotic fluid samples from 62 subjects were analyzed (29 term labor and 33 term not in labor) for this report. Demographic and clinical data are provided in Table 4 . No significant differences were seen between term labor and term not in labor subjects except for parity and mode of delivery, which is expected. Median gestational age was 39 weeks for term labor and 38 weeks for term not in labor. Other parameters compared included maternal age, race, education, marital status, BMI, smoking status, gestational age, mode of delivery, Apgar score, infant sex, and birthweight.

Table 4

Association between demographic and clinical variables and term labor

Variable Term labor Term not in labor OR (95% CI) or P value
Maternal age (y), median (IQR) 30 (10) 28 (8) .7
Race, n (%)
White 19 (65.5) 24 (72.7) Reference
Black 10 (34.5) 9 (27.3) 1.4 (0.5–4.1)
Education (y), n (%)
<12 7 (24.1) 4 (12.1) Reference
12 9 (31.0) 7 (21.2) 0.7 (0.2–3.5)
≥12 13 (44.8) 22 (66.7) 0.3 (0.1–1.4)
Married, n (%)
Yes 17 (58.6) 26 (78.9) Reference
No 12 (41.4) 7 (21.2) 2.6 (0.9–7.9)
BMI, median (IQR) 27.4 (9.6) 31.2 (7.1) .1
Smoker, n (%)
No 26 (89.7) 27 (81.8) Reference
Yes 3 (10.3) 6 (18.2) 0.5 (0.1–2.3)
Parity, n (%)
1 18 (66.7) 10 (30.3) Reference
≥2 9 (33.3) 23 (69.7) 0.2 (0.1–0.6)
Gestational age (wk), median (IQR) 38 (1.6) 39 (1.0) .1
Infant sex, n (%)
Female 11 (47.8) 16 (50.0) Reference
Male 12 (52.3) 16 (50.0) 1.4 (0.5–4.3)
Birthweight, mean (SD) 3404 (480) 3394 (740) .6

BMI , body mass index; CI , confidence interval; IQR , interquartile range; OR , odds ratio.

Behnia. Senescence of chorioamniotic membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 .

We refer to the biochemicals chosen for analysis as SASP, since senescence creates a sterile inflammatory condition. A total of 14 SASP markers were investigated and are listed in Table 5 and all of them were detected in every amniotic fluid sample assayed in this study. Median SASP marker concentrations and interquartile range are reported for amniotic fluid concentration for term labor and term not in labor in Table 5 . Of all the markers tested, 7 (IL-15, MCP-2, MMP-1, angiogenin, IL-13, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor) were not different between term labor and term not in labor and the others were dysregulated between groups. The distribution of GM-CSF (median, 144 vs 83 pg/mL; P < .005), IL-6 (median, 1603 vs 346 pg/mL; P < .0001), and IL-8 (median, 5571 vs 2941 pg/mL; P < .0079) were 3 key factors that significantly differed between term labor and term not in labor. Conversely, the distribution of eotaxin-1 was marginally significant (median, 542 vs 726 pg/mL; P < .056), whereas sFasL (median, 31.6 vs 62.5 pg/mL; P < .001, OPG (median, 283 vs 735 pg/mL; P < .0001), and ICAM-1 (median, 128,392 vs 241,827 ng/mL; P < .0001) were significantly different in term labor than term not in labor. After correction for multiple comparisons and adjustment for confounders, IL-6 ( P = .0017) was associated with an increase in the log odds of having term labor compared to term not in labor. In contrast, sFasL ( P = .0006), OPG ( P = .0014), and ICAM-1 ( P = .0007) were associated with a decrease in the log odds of term labor ( Table 6 ). Results were similar in the dichotomized models ( Table 7 ). This was further verified in a nonparametric model-free analysis using MDR. We did not find any statistically significant interaction between biomarkers associated with term labor, but a strong interaction between sFasL and MCP-2 that predicted 62% of term not in labor status with 80% CVC (permutation P of .01). It is noteworthy that MCP-2 alone was not an independent variable that differed between term labor and term not in labor, but that it shows an interactive association to predict the term not in labor status.

Table 5

Distribution of senescence-associated secretory phenotype markers in term labor and term not in labor

Variable Term labor, median (IQR) Term not in labor, median (IQR) P value
Eotaxin-1, pg/mL 542 (288) 726 (652) .05
sFasL, pg/mL 31.6 (15) 62.5 (53) < .001
IL-15, pg/mL 194 (113) 208 (142) .9
MCP-2, pg/mL 595 (570) 630 (712) .9
MMP-1, ng/mL 50.8 (35.7) 53.63 (59.9) .4
OPG, pg/mL 283 (274) 735 (592) .0001
Angiogenin, ng/mL 144.6 (69.4) 176.8 (90.1) .4
GM-CSF, pg/mL 144 (127) 83 (57) .005
ICAM-1, ng/mL 128.4 (43.8) 241.8 (96.5) < .0001
IL-6 , pg/mL 1603 (4467) 346 (33) < .0001
IL-8, pg/mL 5571 (12,220) 2941 (3364) .008
IL-13, pg/mL 3887 (1016) 3678 (965) .4
TIMP-1, ng/mL 2179.5 (1835.1) 1768.5 (1035.4) .6
VEGF, pg/mL 2213 (589) 2175 (797) .9

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May 6, 2017 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Chorioamniotic membrane senescence: a signal for parturition?

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