Chapter 9 – The Economics of IVF: Evaluating the Necessity and Value of Public Funding


Infertility is recognized by the WHO as a condition leading to disability, and it is widely acknowledged that patients have a right to treatment. One of the treatment options is ART. The International Glossary on Infertility and Fertility care defines procedures of ART as “all interventions that include the in vitro handling of both human oocytes and sperm or of embryos for the purpose of reproduction. This includes, but is not limited to, IVF and ET, ICSI, embryo biopsy, PGT, assisted hatching, gamete intrafallopian transfer, zygote intrafallopian transfer, gamete and embryo cryopreservation, semen, oocyte and embryo donation, and gestational carrier cycles.

Chapter 9 The Economics of IVF: Evaluating the Necessity and Value of Public Funding

Evelyn Verbeke , Jeroen Luyten , and Thomas D’Hooghe

Overview of Public Funding of ARTs (In Selected Countries)

Infertility is recognized by the WHO as a condition leading to disability, and it is widely acknowledged that patients have a right to treatment[1]. One of the treatment options is ART. The International Glossary on Infertility and Fertility care defines procedures of ART as “all interventions that include the in vitro handling of both human oocytes and sperm or of embryos for the purpose of reproduction. This includes, but is not limited to, IVF and ET, ICSI, embryo biopsy, PGT, assisted hatching, gamete intrafallopian transfer, zygote intrafallopian transfer, gamete and embryo cryopreservation, semen, oocyte and embryo donation, and gestational carrier cycles. Thus, ART does not, and ART-only registries do not, include assisted insemination using sperm from either a woman’s partner or sperm donor[2].” This right to treatment and the wide scope of ART that is available to patients is, however, confronted with limited and often already pressurized healthcare budgets. The unavoidable question is, therefore, which ART programs should be funded by public health insurance and which can be referred to private resources or private health insurance? This chapter discusses the public funding of ARTs and hence the access to them by large segments of the population.

Even though most common ARTs are technically available worldwide, substantial differences in access exist between and within countries (Figure 9.1). The most generous funding policies exist in Europe and the resulting highest utilization rates are found in Denmark, the Czech Republic, and Belgium. In Denmark 15 449 ART cycles per million females of reproductive age were performed, compared to 3844 cycles in Portugal. With a need for fertility treatments that is likely to be comparable over these countries, these large differences illustrate the impact of regulation and public funding on access to ARTs and hence the importance of finding a fair and sustainable funding scheme.

Figure 9.1 Data for 2014, for 12 European countries for which complete ART data are available. ART cycles include: IVF, ICSI, frozen-thawed ET (FER), egg donation, IVM, frozen oocyte replacement, and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) combined. For women aged 15–45 years.

Table 9.1 provides an overview of funding policies for the three most frequently used ARTs in Europe (in terms of treatment cycles in 2014): ICSI (46.6%), followed by FER (24.7%), and IVF (18.8%)[3]. Reported in this table are the European countries included in the International Federation of Fertility Societies (IFFS) and ESHRE reports and, to provide a broader comparison, six non-European countries (China, India, Israel, Japan, Russia, and the United States).

Table 9.1 Overview of public health insurance coverage in selected countries

Country Public coverage regulated by federal/ national law[2] Type of coverage provided[3] Public insurance typically covers[2] Age limit for coverage[2] (age women)
IVF (maximum number of cycles) ICSI Cryopreservation of embryos for FP for medical indications Cryopreservation of embryos from IVF cycle
Austria Yes Partial (~70%)[4] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (40, men 50)
Belarus No None No No No No Yes
Belgium[5] Yes Complete Yes (6) Yes No Yes Yes (43)
Bulgaria Yes Partial Yes Yes No Yes Yes
China No None No No No No NA
Czech republic[6] Yes Complete Yes (4) No No No Yes (40)
Croatia[4] NA Partial Yes (6) NA NA NA Yes (42)
Denmark Yes Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Estonia[4] Yes NA Yes Yes No Yes Yes (40)
Finland Yes Partial Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
France[6] Yes Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (43)
Germany[6] Yes Partial (50% + 25% federal states) Yes Yes No No Yes (40, men 50)
Greece NA Partial No No No No Yes (50 unrelated to reimbursement)
Hungary[4] Yes Partial (75%) Yes (5) Yes No Yes Yes (45–49)
India NA None No No No No NA
Ireland No None No No No No No
Israel Yes Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Italy[6] Yes Partial (~65%) Yes Yes No Yes Yes (50)
Japan Yes Partial Yes (6) Yes No Yes Yes
Netherlands Yes Complete Yes (3) Yes Yes Yes Yes (43)
Norway Yes Partial Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Poland[6] Yes None No No No No NA
Portugal[4] Yes Partial Yes (3) Yes No Yes Yes (40)
Romania[6] Yes Partial (up to €1375) Yes (1) No Yes Yes Yes (40)
Russia Yes Complete Yes Yes No No No
Slovak Republic[4] Yes NA Yes No No No Yes (40)
Spain[6] No Complete Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sweden[6] Yes Complete Yes (3) Yes Yes Yes Yes (40, men 46)
Switzerland NA No No No No No NA
Turkey Yes Partial Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
United Kingdom[6] No Partial Yes (Scotland 3[7], Wales 2, Northern Ireland one 2-part cycle) Yes Yes Yes Yes (40)1
United States No No No (6 – state specific) NA NA No NA

NA: not available

1 Applicable in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland; in England funding is region-dependent.

Ireland, Poland (since 2016), and Switzerland are the only European countries not providing any public coverage for ART programs. Of the countries that do offer reimbursement, all of them cover IVF. ICSI is not covered in the Czech Republic, Romania, and Slovakia. However, “complete coverage” does not imply that costs are fully reimbursed for all patients. Additional restrictions often apply: restrictions can be related to the patient’s marital status, a maximum number of reimbursed cycles can be stated ranging from one cycle (Romania) to six (Belgium, Croatia, and Japan) and most countries impose an age limit for women, most commonly between 40 and 45 years. This age limit for reimbursement can differ from the legal age limit to undergo fertility treatment. In Belgium for example, the legal age limit for egg retrieval is 45 and 48 for ETs whereas these treatments are only reimbursed when the patient is younger than age 43 on the day of the insemination of the eggs[4].

These substantial discrepancies in public insurance coverage and usage of ART are the result of differences in priority setting and resource allocation among countries. How can policymakers decide which ART programs to fund, to which extent (fully or partially?), on which scale (for whom?) and how much money should in total be spent on ARTs? In this chapter, we explain some of the answers to these questions offered by cost-effectiveness analyses and their limitations in prescribing a fair and efficient public funding scheme.

Health-economic Evaluation of ARTs

Available methods

Important first answers to the question which ART to fund are offered by economic evaluation studies. These analyses systematically compare two or more interventions on their costs and expected outcomes and express the value of the more promising option in terms of an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER): the additional costs required by a program per effect gained. Different types of economic evaluation exist, with the unit in which the health effects are expressed determining the type of evaluation. The broadest form of evaluation is cost–benefit analysis (CBA), expressing outcomes in monetary terms (e.g., the money equivalent of a clinical pregnancy achieved), which can be compared to the costs incurred. The advantage of this approach is that everything is expressed in money terms and this allows incorporating all possible sources of value of the outcome (not just clinical aspects of an ART but also its impact on, e.g., well-being to parents or economic benefits of having a child). The estimated return-on-investment can then be compared to the money returns of any other way of spending available resources. The disadvantage is that such a broad monetization of outcomes (especially of those that are typically kept out of the economic sphere) is considered ethically sensitive and highly challenging, and available estimates often lack reliability and validity.

Alternative evaluation techniques are cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and cost-utility analysis (CUA). In CEA, the outcomes considered are restricted to particular natural units of effects gained by the program. The ICER will hence be reported in terms of, e.g., a cost per live birth achieved, without specifying how valuable a live birth is. The advantage is its straightforwardness and, often, such estimates are meaningful to clinicians or decision-makers who have to allocate a ring-fenced budget (e.g., a fixed budget only to be used for ARTs). The disadvantage is that cost comparisons are only possible within the sphere of the particular effect that was considered (e.g., per live birth/per clinical pregnancy or per cycle) and a consensus on the most meaningful denominator for ARTs is currently lacking[5]. Furthermore, cost-effectiveness comparisons of interventions that operate in different healthcare domains, and where different health outcomes are “produced,” become impossible. This means that from cost-effectiveness estimates we can judge which intervention is the most “technically efficient” one (producing desired outcomes at minimal cost), but we cannot judge whether the overall ART budget size is appropriate, and whether from a more global perspective on healthcare funding, resources are used where they create the most value (i.e., “allocative efficiency”).

A third evaluation technique is somewhere in between CBA and CEA in terms of scope: CUA. Here, health effects are translated into “utilities” such as quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). A QALY is a generic “unit” of health, representing one life year in perfect health. Health effects of an intervention will thus consist of a certain number of QALYs gained, determined by the expected increase in life years, adjusted for the expected quality of life during those years. Quality-of-life weights are attributed to each year ranging from zero for a life that has the same value as death and one for a life in perfect health. CUA is the commonly-used method in the economic evaluation of healthcare programs as it allows cost-effectiveness comparisons of interventions in different health domains in terms of €/QALY, while avoiding the problems of monetizing health in CBA[6].

Cost-Effectiveness of IVF, ICSI, and Cryopreservation of Embryos

We summarize 18 recent cost-effectiveness studies in Table 9.2. This table is based on a targeted (rather than systematic) review, selecting recent economic evaluations related to the assessment of cost-effectiveness of IVF, ICSI, and cryopreservation of embryos (as these subjects were also included above). This search was conducted for articles published between 2009 and 2019, on PubMed and in high-impact journals focusing on fertility, human reproduction, or health economics. We discuss the reported cost-effectiveness results for the most common research questions and explore existing discrepancies in methodology.

Table 9.2 Summary of cost-effectiveness studies

First author (year) country of publication Focus of study No. of observations Costs Effectiveness Reported cost-effectiveness (CE)
Elective single ET (eSET) versus double ET (DET)

  • Crawford

  • (2016)

  • United States[1]

Assessment of costs and outcomes of DET and projection of the difference in costs and outcomes had the double ET cycles been performed as sequential eSETs 10 001 cycles DET, 4129 cycles eSET, patients <35 years with no prior ART use consisting of cryopreservation

  • Average total cost per cycle, including infant-associated medical costs during first year of life:

  • $38 600 USD SET

  • $58 100 USD DET

  • (2006; USD)

  • Cumulative birth rate

  • 68% SET

  • 57.7% DET

  • Multiple birth rates:

  • 1.2% SET

  • 24.7% DET

  • If 10 001 DETs would have been performed as sequential eSETs, this would have saved $195 million USD and increased live birth rates by 10.3%

  • (Own calculations:)

  • $56 765 USD per live birth SET

  • $100 693 USD per live birth DET

Assumes no infants stillborn in a multiple birth, assumes same success rates for DET as the projected sequential eSET group. Ignores higher risk of drop-out in the case of eSET

  • Fiddelers

  • (2009)

  • The Netherlands[2]

  • The CE of seven different strategies is calculated. Three options are combined: 1. eSET in all patients

  • 2. eSET in good-prognosis patients and DET in the remainder of patients (=STP)

  • 3. DET in all patients

  • The seven strategies consist of:

  • 1. Three eSET

  • 2. eSET + two STP

  • 3. eSET + STP + DET

  • 4. eSET + two DET

  • 5. Three STP

  • 6. STP + two DET

  • 7. Three DET

308 couples who started their first IVF cycle

  • Expected cost per couple per strategy:

  • 1. €16 381

  • 2. €16 655

  • 3. €17 092

  • 4. €17 440

  • 5. €16 999

  • 6. €17 444

  • 7. €18 046

  • (2003; €)

  • Mean live birth rate per strategy:

  • 1. 39.6%

  • 2. 43.3%

  • 3. 43.3%

  • 4. 45.7%

  • 5. 47.5%

  • 6. 49.9%

  • 7. 53.4%

  • Combining several transfer policies was found not to be CE. The choice between eSET, STP and DET will be determined by the willingness to pay

  • (WTP) <€7350: 3x eSET is to be preferred

  • €7350 <WTP€15 250: 3x STP

  • WTP>€15 250: 3x DET

Costs from societal perspective including health-care costs and costs outside healthcare sector. From two weeks before randomization up to six weeks after birth/two weeks after last ovum pickup

  • Hernandez Torres

  • (2015)

  • Spain[3]

CE of IVF-ICSI with eSET followed by the transfer of cryopreserved embryos (eSFET), versus DET 121 women <38 years old undergoing their first or second IVF cycle; 57 eSET + eSFET and 64 DET

  • Average cost per patient:

  • €5641 eSET + eSFET

  • €5562 DET

  • (2012; €)

  • Cumulative live birth:

  • 38.6% eSET + eSFET

  • 42.19% DET group

  • (differences were not statistically significant)

  • The chance of eSET+ eSFET being CE is <50% for all threshold values

  • (ICER is not reported because no alternative was more effective for a higher cost)

Costs include direct medical costs associated with AR treatment, pregnancy, childbirth, and neonatal care

  • Scotland

  • (2011)

  • UK[4]

Assessment of cumulative costs and consequences of eSET and DET in women commencing IVF with treatment ages 32, 36, and 39 years 6153 women, 10 511 fresh cycles, 3106 frozen cycles. Up to three full cycles per patient Not stated Not stated

  • Compared to eSET, DET leads to additional costs per live birth:

  • £27 356 age 32

  • £15 539 age 39

  • Additional cost per QALY of women for DET:

  • £28 300 age 32

  • £20 300 for age 39

  • =>eSET more CE for women ≤36 years old; older women: case-by-case decision

  • Time horizon of 20 years. In addition, use of QALYs to assess the cost-utility of the alternatives

  • (Discount rate costs and effects: 3.5%) [2007; £]

  • Van Loendersloot

  • (2017)

  • The Netherlands[5]

CE of SET followed by an additional frozen-thawed (eSFET), compared to DET, in relation to female age 3390 patients undergoing IVF/ICSI

  • Cost per strategy:

  • 1. SET + eSFET:

  • €4491 for age 30 – €3623 for age 43

  • 2. DET:

  • €5291 for age 30 – €3627 for age 43

  • (2010; €)

  • Cumulative live birth rate:

  • 1. SET + eSFET:

  • 36.8% at age 30

  • ≥49.7% at age 40

  • 2. DET:

  • 34.1% at age 30

  • ≥11.7% at age 40

  • ICER (DET compared to SET eSFET):

  • Age 30: €-29 032

  • Age 31: €-114 576

  • starting from age 32 DET becomes more cost-effective:

  • Age 32: €50 348

  • ≥Age 43: €53

  • SET followed by eSFET is dominant over DET for women under 32 years. After the age of 32 DET was more effective but also more costly

Including direct medical costs, including cost of singleton/twin birth until six weeks after birth

  • Veleva

  • (2009)

  • Finland[6]

CE of eSET compared to DET

  • DET period (1995–1999): 1359 fresh embryo cycles + 589 frozen cycles

  • eSET period (2000–2004): 107 fresh and 683 frozen cycles

  • Total discounted costs per woman:

  • €4942 DET period

  • €4584 eSET period

  • [2008; €], discount rate 3%

  • Cumulative live birth rate:

  • eSET period: 41.7%

  • DET period: 36.6%

  • €19 889 saved per term live birth in the eSET period:

  • eSET with cryopreservation is more effective and less expensive than DET

Total treatment charges and medication costs for fresh and frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles until pregnancy test. Costs from complications of ovarian stimulation were not included
Freeze-only versus fresh ETs

  • Le

  • (2018)

  • Vietnam[7]

CE of freeze-only strategy compared to fresh ET after one complete IVF/ICSI cycle in women without PCOS 782 infertile couples

  • Estimated total cost per couple:

  • €3906 freeze only

  • €3512 fresh

  • (2016; €)

  • Live birth rate after one completed cycle:

  • Freeze only: 48.6%

  • Fresh ET: 47.3%

  • Estimated cost per live birth:

  • €8037/live birth for freeze-only strategy

  • €7425/live birth for fresh ET strategy

  • Data from one single private IVF center in Vietnam. Costs include direct medical costs from randomization to delivery and treatment complications. Travel expenses and accommodation costs included

  • It should be noted that these costs are significantly lower compared to other studies

  • Papaleo

  • (2017)

  • Italy[8]

CE of IVF freeze-all policy (entire cohort of embryos is cryopreserved) compared with fresh ET (only supernumerary embryos are cryopreserved) Patients: 67 freeze-all policy, 189 fresh transfer

  • Mean cost per patient:

  • Freeze-all: €6863

  • Fresh: €6952

  • Cumulative live birth rate:

  • Freeze-all: 52.4%

  • Fresh: 45.5%

  • Mean cost per live birth:

  • Freeze-all: €13 101

  • Fresh: €15 279

  • =>Freeze-all more cost-effective although difference not significant

  • Only direct healthcare costs considered.

  • Freeze-all patients: patients for OHSS risk, high progesterone levels on trigger day>1.5 ng/mL, detection of sacto, and hydrosalpinx and suspected endometrial pathology

  • Roque

  • (2015)

  • Brazil[9]

CE of freeze-all cycles compared to fresh ETs 530 ICSI cycles: 351 fresh embryo cycles and 179 freeze-all cycles

  • 1. From perspective of private center policy and charges:

  • Fresh: $7424

  • Freeze-all: $7598

  • 2. Including cryopreservation and thawing costs from all patients in freeze-all group:

  • Fresh: $7417

  • Freeze-all: $9020

  • (2015; USD)

  • Pregnancy rate (clinical pregnancy after confirmation of fetal heartbeat after 7–8 weeks of gestation) per cycle:

  • 31.1% fresh group

  • 39.7% freeze-all group

  • Total cost per ongoing pregnancy:

  • Cost scenario 1

  • Fresh group: $23 060

  • Freeze-all group: $19 157

  • Cost scenario 2

  • Fresh group: $23 040

  • Freeze-all group: $22 742

  • Freeze-all policy is CE compared to fresh ET

Freeze-all patients: progesterone level on trigger day <1.5 ng/mL. Exclusion of patients with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHHS) risk. Exclusion of indirect costs
Delayed versus immediate IVF

  • Eijkemans

  • (2017)

  • The Netherlands[10]

  • CE of immediate versus delayed IVF in relation to prognostic characteristics of the couple.

  • Scenario one: wait one year and then undergo IVF for one year.

  • Scenario two: immediate IVF during one year plus one year trying to conceive naturally

5962 couples with primary infertility

  • Cost per scenario (two years):

  • Unexplained infertility:

  • Scenario one: €6792 (age 30) to €6695 (age 38)

  • Scenario two: €7379–€7331

  • Endometriosis:

  • Scenario one: €6787–€6759

  • Scenario two: €6985–€7047

  • (2014; €)

  • Live birth rate after scenario (= two years):

  • Unexplained infertility:

  • Scenario one: 55% (age 30) to 33.8% (age 38)

  • Scenario two: 55.1–37.6%

  • Endometriosis:

  • Scenario one: 43.5–24.6%

  • Scenario two: 44.2–28.5%

  • Discounted cost efficiency ratio (cost per live birth gained by immediate IVF):

  • Unexplained infertility:

  • €56 500 (age 30) to €16 600 (age 38)

  • Endometriosis:

  • €19 400 (age 30) to €8700 (age 38)

  • Recommendation for couples with unexplained infertility and female partner <31 years of age to wait three years before IVF can be considered

  • Excluding frozen embryos. Discount rate of 3.5% for costs and effects.

  • Costs from societal perspective: direct and indirect medical and nonmedical costs (treatment, delivery and neonatal period)

  • Pham

  • (2018)

  • Australia[11]

CE of delaying IVF for six months in couples with unexplained infertility compared to immediate IVF treatment 8781 couples aged <40 years. 17 418 fresh and 10 230 frozen ET cycles

  • Estimated out-of-pocket costs for three cycles IVF:

  • $7125–$19 500 AUS

  • (assuming results are reported in AUS dollars; not stated)

  • Live birth rate:

  • women <30 years: 64%

  • women age 35–39: 48.7%

  • Potential out-of-pocket savings if 90% of couples delayed IVF:

  • $4.7–$12.2 million AUS for 27 648 cycles (with total Medicare cost savings up to $15.1 million AUS).

  • Delaying IVF for six months was found to substantially decrease costs without compromising live births

Other studies

  • Groen

  • (2013)

  • The Netherlands[12]

  • CE of modified natural cycle (MNC) IVF or ICSI as an alternative for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) IVF or ICSI. Three scenarios:

  • 1. Three cycles MNC versus one cycle COH with SET or (DET) + subsequent transfer of cryopreserved embryos

  • 2. Six cycles MNC versus one cycle COH with strictly SET + subsequent transfer of cryopreserved embryos

  • 3. Six cycles MNC with minimized medication (hCG ovulation trigger only) versus one cycle COH with SET or DET + subsequent transfer of cryopreserved embryos

1994 MNC cycles and 392 fresh COH cycles with subsequent transfer of cryopreserved embryos

  • Total costs per patient:

  • MNC-IVF: €5415

  • MNC-ICSI: €5096

  • COH-IVF: €3221

  • COH-ICSI: €4167

  • (2009; €)

  • Cumulative live birth rate:

  • MNC-IVF: 21.9%

  • MNC-ICSI: 26.2%

  • COH-IVF: 21.9%

  • COH-ICSI: 32.1%

  • Costs per live birth:

  • MNC-IVF: €24 728

  • MNC-ICSI: €19 452

  • COH-IVF: €14 710

  • COH-ICSI: €12 980

  • ≥COH dominates

Cost of singleton, twins included. Costs of medication, costs of treatment procedures, cost of ongoing pregnancies for singletons and twins including costs of pregnancy, delivery, and costs up to six weeks after delivery

  • Messinger

  • (2015)

  • United States[13]

CE of TA to IVF in women who desire fertility after tubal ligation 2256 tubal anastomosis procedures, number of IVF observations not specified Average cost not stated

  • Ongoing pregnancy after TA:

  • Age <35: 63%

  • Age 35–40: 44%

  • Age >40: 5%

  • Ongoing pregnancy after IVF:

  • Age <35: 40%

  • Age 35–40: 28%

  • Age >40: 10%

  • Ongoing pregnancy after frozen IVF cycle:

  • Age <35: 39%

  • Age 35–40: 35%

  • Age >40: 21%

  • Costs per ongoing pregnancy:

  • $16 466–$223 482 USD after TA

  • $32 902–$111 679 USD for IVF

  • => For women <40 years old, TA was found to be more CE; for women>41 years old IVF was the main CE approach

The charges for IVF included physician visits, ultrasound and laboratory evaluation, oocyte retrieval, ICSI, ET, embryology fees, and all medications [2014; USD]

  • Moolenaar

  • (2011)

  • The Netherlands[14]

  • CE of ovarian reserve testing in IVF. Scenarios:

  • 1. No treatment

  • 2. Up to three cycles of IVF limited to women <41 years old + no ovarian

  • reserve testing

  • 3. Up to three cycles of IVF with dose individualization of gonadotropins according to ovarian reserve

  • 4. Up to three cycles of IVF with ovarian reserve testing and exclusion of expected poor responders after

  • the first cycle

Computer-simulated cohort of subfertile women aged 20–45 years old, based on prospective cohort study following 4928 couples during 12 months

  • Absolute costs per woman per scenario:

  • 1. €0

  • 2. €6917

  • 3. €6678

  • 4. €5892

  • (2008; €)

  • Cumulative live births:

  • 1. 9%

  • 2. 54.8%

  • 3. 70.6%

  • 4. 51.9%

  • ICER per scenario (€/additional live birth):

  • 1. base case

  • 2. €15 166

  • 3. €10 837

  • 4. €13 743

  • If society’s WTP>€10 900, dose individualization according to ovarian reserve has the highest probability of being CE

Costs of IVF cycle, ovarian reserve testing, and gonadotropin dose increase (limited cost inclusion)

  • Tjon-Kon-Fat

  • (2015)

  • The Netherlands[15]

  • CE of:

  • 1. IVF with ovarian stimulation, SET and subsequent cryocycles (three cycles)

  • 2. IVF in an MNC (six cycles)

  • 3. IUI-COH (controlled ovarian hyperstimulation) (six cycles)

  • as a first-line treatment for patients with unexplained subfertility

602 couples with unexplained infertility, age 18–38

  • Mean costs per couple:

  • €7187 for IVF-SET

  • €8206 for IVF-MNC

  • €5070 for IUI-COH

  • (2013; €)

  • Live birth rate:

  • IVF-SET: 52%

  • IVF-MNC: 43%

  • IUI-COH: 47%

  • ICER of IVF-SET compared with IUI-COH = €43 375

  • (IVF-MNC is more expensive and less effective> dominated).

  • Both IVF strategies significantly more expensive than IUI-COH without being significantly more effective.

  • CE of IVF-SET depends on society’s WTP

ART treatment costs, medication, and pregnancy leading to delivery. Costs of pregnancy and delivery included

  • Vitek

  • (2013)

  • United States[16]

CE of split IVF-ICSI for the treatment of couples with unexplained fertility 154 couples

  • One cycle:

  • All IVF: $13 842

  • Split IVF-ICSI: $15 605

  • All ICSI: $15 605

  • Two cycles:

  • All IVF: $21 197

  • Split IVF-ICSI: $22 176

  • All ICSI: $22 552

  • (2012; USD)

  • Cumulative birth rates

  • One cycle:

  • All IVF: 38.8%

  • Split IVF-ICSI: 41.8%

  • All ICSI: 41.8%

  • Two cycles:

  • All IVF: 61.6%

  • Split IVF-ICSI: 64.9%

  • All ICSI: 64.8%

  • ICER

  • One cycle:

  • All IVF = base case (= preferred approach)

  • Split IVF-ICSI: $58 766 USD

  • All ICSI: $58 766 USD

  • Two cycles:

  • All IVF = base case

  • Split IVF-ICSI: $29 666 USD (= preferred approach)

  • All ICSI: $42 343 USD

Direct costs of IVF and ICSI (procedure, medication, and cryopreservation, ET, donor insemination)
Yilmaz (2017) Turkey[17] Perinatal outcomes and CE of patients with advanced age. (Assessment of the current age cut-off in Turkey at 40 years old) 456 patients: 158>39 years old,298 <39 years old

  • Mean cost per cycle for hormonal stimulation:

  • ≥39 $1058 USD

  • <39 $732 USD

  • Clinical pregnancy rate:

  • ≥39 = 11.3%

  • <39 = 38.6%

  • Mean expense per pregnancy:

  • ≥39 = $9294 USD

  • <39 = $1874 USD

No cost details provided

  1. 1. Crawford S et al. Costs of Achieving Live Birth from Assisted Reproductive Technology: A Comparison of Sequential Single and Double Embryo Transfer Approaches. Fertil Steril. 2016; 105(2): 444–50.

  2. 2. Fiddelers AAA et al. Cost-Effectiveness of Seven IVF Strategies: Results of a Markov Decision-Analytic Model. Hum. Reprod. 2009; 24(7): 1648–55.

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Sep 17, 2020 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Chapter 9 – The Economics of IVF: Evaluating the Necessity and Value of Public Funding

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