Chapter 9 – Antioxidants to Improve Sperm Quality


Infertility is defined as a failure of spontaneous conception after one year of regular sexual intercourse in the absence of contraceptive measures [1]. This entity represents a rising medical complaint since one out of eight couples find it difficult to conceive a child for the first time, and up to one in six find it difficult to conceive twice. Currently, 70 million couples of reproductive age suffer from infertility worldwide, accounting for an estimated overall prevalence of 15% [2].

Chapter 9 Antioxidants to Improve Sperm Quality

Elena Martínez-Holguín , Enrique Lledó-García , Ángel Rebollo-Román , Javier González-García , José Jara-Rascón , and Carlos Hernández-Fernández

9.1 Introduction

Infertility is defined as a failure of spontaneous conception after one year of regular sexual intercourse in the absence of contraceptive measures [1]. This entity represents a rising medical complaint since one out of eight couples find it difficult to conceive a child for the first time, and up to one in six find it difficult to conceive twice. Currently, 70 million couples of reproductive age suffer from infertility worldwide, accounting for an estimated overall prevalence of 15% [2].

Age remains the leading cause of infertility among women (its incidence abruptly increasing above the age of 35). However, multiple factors including a number of environmental exposures have been identified for the male patient [3]. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are the result of cellular aerobic metabolism. Physiologic amounts of ROS are required for adequate cell defense against these exposures [4]. However, its excessive accumulation may overcome the natural antioxidant agent concentration levels, thus inducing cellular plasmatic membrane peroxidation, DNA damage, and other oxidative stress deleterious effects [5].

Recently, a number of different studies have linked the excessive accumulation of ROS in seminal liquid to male infertility. Conversely, antioxidant oral supplementation therapy would play a role in counterbalancing the excess of ROS in seminal liquid, thus improving the quality of the sperm of subfertile men [6]. This chapter aims to provide an updated review on this controversial topic.

9.2 Reactive Oxygen Species and Fertility

Aerobic organisms depend on oxygen for vital functions. ROS are the result of this aerobic metabolism [4]. The main source of ROS in the seminal liquid are different oxidative reactions related to the electron transporting chain located at the mitochondrial membrane of the cellular seminal component [7], particularly within the white blood cells [8], producing 1,000-fold more quantity than the remaining cellular populations, but also spermatozoa, and tubular epithelial cells [5].

Physiologic amounts of ROS are required for adequate seminal cellular function. They facilitate spermatozoa chromatin condensation, thus playing an important role in the regulation of germ cell population by inducing apoptosis or enhancing spermatogonia proliferation [9]. In the mature spermatozoon, ROS favor sperm capacitation, acrosome reaction, zona pellucida binding, and sheath stability/mobility; all of them of capital importance for fertility [4,10]. ROS also have an important role as second intracellular messengers for functions other than fertilization [11].

Optimal ROS levels are crucial for cellular defense against a number of different environmental exposures (including pollution, electromagnetic radiation, pesticides, and increased testicular local temperature among others), toxic habits (tobacco and alcohol), lifestyle factors (physical activity and obesity), infections, chronic processes (hypertension and diabetes), and autoimmune diseases [12]. Furthermore, immature spermatozoa and those with altered morphology produce higher amounts of ROS than structurally normal mature spermatozoa, thus decreasing the fertilizing potential of the semen [13]. Hence, different studies have linked ROS seminal levels with male infertility, since abnormally increased ROS concentration values in seminal liquid have been detected in up to 40% of subfertile men [6]. However, although moderately increased ROS concentration values significantly decrease spermatozoa mobility, via adenosine triphosphate (ATP) excessive consumption and phosphorylation reduction of the axonemal proteins encharged for spermatozoa movement, do not seem to alter sperm viability to a greater extent [10].

Varicocele (i.e. varicose dilation of the pampiniform venous plexus of the testes – see Chapter 15) merits special attention. It represents a relatively common anomaly (11.7% of all adult males) and a well-known etiologic factor for infertility in young males, thus being present in 25.4% of men with an abnormal seminal analysis [1]. Although oxidative stress induced by increased local temperature in the testicular environment is still considered the main cause for seminal damage in these men [14], its exact mechanism of action has not been clearly elucidated to date.

9.3 Oxidative Stress and Infertility

Oxidative stress appears as soon as ROS production exceeds the antioxidant agent levels in the sperm, thus inducing cellular plasmatic membrane peroxidation [5]. Spermatozoa plasmatic membranes are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids with a small proportion of scavenging enzymes [15]. This structural composition provides the cell membrane with flexibility, but makes it vulnerable to ROS-related oxidative damage. Increased ROS levels induce a peroxidation of the lipid chains located at this level, thus producing a loss of integrity that alters the plasmatic membrane permeability, which in turn affects spermatozoa morphology, mobility, and some of its vital functions (i.e. eventually resulting in cell death) [16].

Malondialdehyde (MDA) is the final byproduct of the above-mentioned lipidic peroxidative reactions. Since this metabolite is stable at room temperature, its concentration in semen has been widely used as a diagnostic tool to estimate the degree of oxidative harm to the sperm [17,18]. In this way, MDA seminal concentrations in males suffering from astheno-zoospermia have been shown to be twice as high as those of individuals with normal seminal values. In addition, previous studies have demonstrated that a significant reduction in MDA concentration improves the chance of a successful conception [19].

9.4 The Physiologic Antioxidant System

In aerobic cells, ROS must be adequately counterbalanced by natural plasmatic antioxidant agents to avoid their potential deleterious oxidative effects [5]. The antioxidant physiologic system consists of enzymatic factors (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase), non-enzymatic factors (coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, vitamins E and C), micronutrients (selenium, zinc, copper), and other factors [19]. The combined interaction between all these elements provides optimal protection against the toxic oxidative effects induced by ROS (Figure 9.1). Likewise, a significant reduction in the antioxidant ability of this system (secondary to the complete absence or even the critical reduction in the seminal concentration of any of the components included) facilitates the accumulation of ROS in the seminal liquid, a fact that explains a detrimental parallel effect on its fertile capacity [19,20]. Conversely, a direct relationship between antioxidant oral therapy and improvement of sperm quality has already been established [2]. The recommended oral supplementation doses for different antioxidant agents are summarized in Table 9.1.

Figure 9.1 Zn: zinc; Vit C: vitamin C, Vit A: vitamin A, Vit E: vitamin E; ROS: reactive oxygen species; SOD: superoxide dismutase; NAC: N-acetyl-cysteine; Se: selenium; ALA: Alpha-lipoic acid; CAT: catalase; Q10: coenzyme Q10; GPX: glutathione peroxidase; LC: L-carnitine

Table 9.1 Recommended and maximum daily doses of oral supplements of antioxidant [10,61,62]

Recommended daily dose Recommended supplementation Maximum daily dose
Vitamin A 900 mcg 504 mcg 3,000 mcg
Vitamin C 90 mg 200–1,000 mg 2,000 mg
Vitamin E 15 mg 300–600 mg 1,000 mg
Zinc 11 mg 30–40 mg 40 mg
Selenium 55 mcg 100 mcg 400 mcg
L-Carnitine NR 3,000 mg 3,000 mg
Q10 coenzyme NR 200–300 mg 12 mg/kg
N-Acetylcysteine NR 600 mg NR

NR: Non-referred; mcg: micrograms; mg: milligrams

9.4.1 Enzymatic Factors

The most important seminal antioxidant enzymatic system is composed of three enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione-peroxidase (GPX). Although adequate concentrations of this enzymatic triad are crucial to counterbalance the negative effect of ROS in the seminal liquid, the excessive accumulation of these elements above a critical value may facilitate a paradoxical increase of ROS levels, thus negatively impacting the sperm fertile capacity. For instance, excessive seminal amounts of SOD and CAT may stop acrosome reaction, while excessively high CAT concentration values may prevent local oxidation, thus inhibiting spermatozoa capacitation [21]. Superoxide Dismutase

The metallo-enzyme complex SOD consists of three different isoforms that are present in variable concentrations in the cytoplasm and the mitochondrion (SOD-1 and SOD-2) of the cellular compartment, as well as freely dissolved in the seminal liquid (SOD-3). A prostatic origin has been proposed for SOD-1 and SOD-2 [22]. These isoforms are responsible for 75% and 25% of the overall enzymatic activity, respectively. Their intracellular concentrations are modulated according to the presence of different stress conditions (such as proinflammatory status), since their main effect is directed to eliminate the free radicals of the superoxide anion. SOD decreases oxidative stress markers, protects spermatozoa from lipidic peroxidation, reduces DNA damage, improves sperm morphology, and plays a role in spermatic mobility [10]. In addition, a number of previous studies have demonstrated a significant reduced activity of SOD complex in the semen of infertile patients when compared to normally fertile individuals [11]. Catalase

The antioxidant enzyme, catalase (CAT), although ubiquitous in the organism, is particularly present in the seminal liquid and peroxisomes of the spermatic cells. CAT detoxifies the hydrogen peroxide via splitting this metabolite into innocuous molecular oxygen and water [10]. There is a constant activity of this enzyme in the testicle, so men with astheno-teratozoospermia have lower levels of CAT in the seminal liquid when compared to males with normal sperm. This enzyme level has a positive correlation with spermatic capacitation (via nitrous oxide production), the progressive motility of the sperm, and also to the number of spermatozoa [23]. Glutathione Peroxidase

Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) is produced and excreted in the epididymis head [10], and also plays an important role in the defense against oxidative stress by protecting the cell membrane from lipidic peroxidation [24]. This enzyme facilitates a chemical reduction of different organic peroxides (i.e. including hydrogen peroxide), transforming them into inert hydroperoxides (i.e. water). Adequate CAT concentrations in seminal plasma significantly improve different seminal parameters in subfertile patients, including spermatozoa concentration, progressive motility, and normal morphology. Therefore, oral glutathione supplements have been proposed by some authors as a therapy to counteract the deleterious effect of a number of inflammatory andrological conditions [19].

9.4.2 Non-Enzymatic Factors

Non-enzymatic antioxidants can be either a byproduct of endogenous metabolism or directly incorporated from diet, mainly acting as coenzymes for the enzymatic factors previously detailed. Q10-coenzyme

Q10-coenzyme is a vitamin-like liposoluble ubiquinone commonly found in different lipoproteins and the cellular membrane [7]. Most of the Q10-coenzyme in the human body is obtained directly through oral intake from a number of dietary sources including meat, fish, nuts, and vegetable oils [16]. However, a minor proportion of endogenous Q10-coenzyme is synthesized via cholesterol metabolism. Its antioxidant activity relies on adequate seminal concentrations and aims to protect the cell membrane from lipidic peroxidation [16]. As one of the components of the electron transporting chain, it participates in the mitochondrial cell respiration (i.e. dedicated to energy production for tail mobility), thus being found predominantly in the mitochondrial-rich middle zone of the spermatozoon [2,7].

An ordinary Q10-coenzyme oral intake from diet has not been linked to any change in seminal parameters [16]. Nevertheless, numerous studies have analyzed the impact of supplementary oral doses of Q10-coenzyme on different seminal characteristics (Table 9.2). All these clinical trials agree to identify an improvement in overall spermatic concentration and mobility [7,2527]. However, a recent meta-analysis conducted by Thakur and colleagues [28] found that although spermatic concentration and mobility were significantly improved with 150 mg daily dose of oral Q10-coenzyme supplementation, a parallel increase in pregnancy or live-birth rates was not observed using this strategy.

Table 9.2 Summary of the most important literature evidence regarding oral supplementation with antioxidant agents to improve the quality of semen.

Author Year Sample Type of study Treatment Time End-points Results

  • Suleiman et al.

  • [17]

1996 110 males with asthenozoospermia Double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 300 mg Vit E

  2. Placebo

26 weeks Spermatic mobility and lipidic peroxidation level Improvement in mobility in male with asthenozoospermia and reduction of lipidic peroxidation level

  • Scott et al.

  • [50]

1998 69 males with asthenozoospermia Randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 100 mcg Se

  2. 100 mcg Se + 1 mg Vit A +10 mg Vit C + 15 mg Vit C

3 months Concentration, mobility, morphology and Se in blood Improvement in mobility
Keskes-Ammar et al. [34] 2003 54 infertile males Randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. Vit E 400 mg + 225 mcg Se

  2. Vit B

13 weeks Concentration, mobility, morphology, volume, MDA viability, Vit E and cholesterol in blood Improvement in mobility
Lenzi et al. [37] 2004 60 males with OAT Randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial –2 g/d LC + 1 g/d LAC 6 months Concentration, mobility, morphology and volume Rise in mobile sperm cells and in progressive sperm cell mobility

  • Cavallini et al.

  • [40]

2004 219 males with oligoastheno-zoospermia + varicocele Randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 2 g/d LC + 1 g/d LAC

  2. Placebo

6 months Concentration, mobility, morphology and testicular volume Significant rise of spermatic mobility, concentration and morphology. No in varicocele grades IV and V

  • Greco et al.

  • [30]

2005 64 males with idiopatic infertility and DNA fragmentation. Double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 1 g/day Vit E + 1 g/day Vit C

  2. Placebo

2 months Concentration, mobility, morphology and DNA fragmentation. DNA damage reduction and improvement in results in patients with previous DNA damage

  • Balercia et al.

  • [25]

2005 60 males with asthenozoospermia Double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 3 g/d LC

  2. 3 g/d LAC

  3. 2 g/d LC + 1 g/d LAC

  4. Placebo

6 months Concentration, mobility, morphology, volume and total antioxidant capacity LC and LAC raise progressive sperm cell mobility. and total antioxidant capacity. 9 pregnancy during treatment with LC and 5 after combined treatment

  • Ebisch et al.

  • [43]


  1. 47 fertile males

  2. 40 subfertile males

Double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 5 mg folic acid + 66 mg Zn

  2. Placebo

26 weeks Seminal characteristics. Seminal concentration improvement

  • Galatioto et al.

  • [36]

2005 42 males with oligospermia Randomized controlled clinical trial

  1. 600 mg NAC + Zn + vitamins and minerals

  2. No treatment

3 months Concentration, mobility, morphology and volume Rise in perm cell count

  • Sigman et al.

  • [39]

2006 21 males with asthenozoospermia Randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 2 g/d LC + 1 g/d LAC

  2. Placebo

24 weeks Volume, mobility, concentration, progressive mobility and carnitine levels in semen No improvement

  • Tremellen et al.

  • [49]

2007 60 males with morphology, motility or membrane integrity and>25% of sperm cells with DNA fragmentation. Randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 6mg/d lycopene + 400 IU Vit E+ 100 mg Vit C+25 mg de Zn+ 26 mcg SE+ 0.5 mg folate, + 1,000 mg garlic

  2. Placebo

3 months Embryo quality and pregnancy results during IVF-ICSI Higher success in pregnancy in ICSI vs IVF
Safarinejad et al. [51] 2009 468 males with OAT Randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 200 mcg Se

  2. 600 mg NAC

  3. 200 mcg Se + 600 mg NAC

  4. Placebo

30 weeks Concentration, mobility, morphology, volume, viscosity, liquefaction time and oxidative status. Improvement in all seminal parameters after Se and NAC administration
Balercia et al. [7] 2009 60 males with asthenozoospermia Double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 200 mg Q10

  2. Placebo

6 months Concentration, mobility, morphology, volume and total antioxidant capacity Rise in spermatic mobility in patients that received treatment. 12 spontaneous pregnancies during the study
Moslemi et al. [45] 2011 690 males with asthenoteratozo-spermia Non-controlled clinical trial

  1. 200 mcg Se + 400 IU Vit E

100 days Seminal characteristics and pregnancy rate 52.6% improvement in sperm cell mobility, morphology or both, and 10.8% of spontaneous pregnancy after oral treatment vs patients with no treatment
Safarinejad et al. [26] 2012 228 males with OAT Randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 200 mg Ubiquinone

  2. Placebo

26 weeks Seminal parameters and total antioxidant capacity Density, mobility and spermatic morphology improvement vs control group
Hadwan et al. [44] 2012

  1. 37 infertile males

  2. 37 males with asthenozoospermia

Double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 220 mg Zn sulphate twice a day

3 months Quantitative and qualitative semen characteristics Rise in seminal volume, sperm cell count and spermatic mobility
Abad et al. [58] 2013 20 males with asthenoteratozoo-spermia Non-controlled, non-blinded study

  1. 1500 mg de LC+ 60 mg de VITC+ 20 mg de q10+10 mg de VIT E+ 10 mg de ZN,+200 mcg de SE +1 mcg de B12

3 months DNA fragmentation and seminal characteristics Reduction of DNA fragmentation. Significant raise in concentration, mobility, vitality and spermatic morphology
Nadjarzadeh et al. [27] 2014 47 males with OAT Randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 200 mg q10

  2. Placebo

3 months Effects over CAT and SOD Rise in CAT and SOD level in the seminal liquid with an important positive relation between Q10, CAT, SOD and the normal sperm cell morphology
Haghighian et al. [54] 2015 44 males with asthenozoospermia Randomized triple-blinded controlled clinical trial

  1. 600 mg/day ALA

  2. Placebo

12 weeks Seminal characteristics and oxidative stress markers in semen. Total antioxidant capacity

  • Rise in sperm cell count, concentration and spermatic mobility.

  • Improvement in total antioxidant capacity and MDA levels

OAT: oligoastheno-teratozoospermia; mcg: micrograms; mg: milligrams; IVF: in vitro fertilization, ICSI: intracytoplasmic sperm injection; IU: international units; Se: selenium; Zn: zinc; ALA: Alpha-lipoic acid; LC: L-carnitine; LAC: L-acetyl-carnitine; NAC: N-acetyl-cysteine.

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