Chapter 3 – Chromosome Abnormalities and the Infertile Male


Male infertility is a highly heterogeneous, multifactorial, complex pathology of the reproductive system, affecting approximately 7% of the general male population. Genetic factors are estimated to contribute to nearly 20–25% of severe male infertility cases and inversely correlate with sperm production [1]. In fact, their frequency is 0.4% of the general population, while patients with a spermatozoa count of less than 5 million/ml already show a 10-fold higher incidence (4%) [2].

Chapter 3 Chromosome Abnormalities and the Infertile Male

Csilla Krausz and Viktória Rosta

3.1 Introduction

Male infertility is a highly heterogeneous, multifactorial, complex pathology of the reproductive system, affecting approximately 7% of the general male population. Genetic factors are estimated to contribute to nearly 20–25% of severe male infertility cases and inversely correlate with sperm production [1]. In fact, their frequency is 0.4% of the general population, while patients with a spermatozoa count of less than 5 million/ml already show a 10-fold higher incidence (4%) [2]. The aberrations include numerical defects, among them Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY), which represents the most common karyotype abnormality in azoospermia. Structural chromosomal abnormalities, such as Robertsonian translocations (RobT), reciprocal translocations (RecT), or inversions are relatively frequent in severe male factor infertility. The most frequent molecular genetic causes of oligo/azoospermia are the submicroscopic deletions on the Y-chromosome (Yq), called AZF (azoospermia factor) deletions. The most widely accepted clinical indications for karyotype analysis are azoospermia and oligozoospermia below 10 million spermatozoa/ml and a family history of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), malformations, or mental retardation independent from the sperm count. AZF deletion screening is indicated in azoospermia and oligozoospermia below 5 million spermatozoa/ml [3]. In order to provide a better risk assessment for chromosomal abnormalities, besides sperm count, the integration of clinical characteristics (follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and mean testicular volume) has been recently proposed [4]. Males with structural karyotype abnormalities are at an increased risk of producing aneuploid sperm or unbalanced chromosomal complements and uniparental disomies (in the case of RobTs), therefore genetic counseling in these couples is mandatory. Similarly, carriers of AZF deletions should be informed about the obligatory transmission of this genetic defect to the male offspring, who will be affected by spermatogenic disturbances.

The advent of high-resolution genomic platforms allowed the discovery of X chromosome linked genetic factors, such as copy number variations (CNVs) and TEX11 intragenic deletion with potential clinical interest [5]. Genetic testing is an essential diagnostic tool, not only for personalized clinical decision making, but also for predicting the outcome of testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and indicates the risk of transmitting genetic disorders to the offspring through assisted reproductive technology (ART). This chapter aims to provide both an overview of the routine chromosomal testing and a description of clinically relevant novel data related to chromosomal anomalies involved in quantitative spermatogenetic disturbances (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 Chromosomal abnormalities in quantitative disturbances of spermatogenesis

Chromosomal alterations Semen phenotype Testis volume/ histology Genetic test Biological parenthood (natural or ART)
Numerical chromosomal alterations 47, XXY >90% men with azoospermia, rarely severe oligozoospermia or cryptozoospermia hypotrophic, firm/ diffuse tubular hyalinization and fibrosis Karyotype analysis

  • ART: (m)TESE + ICSI;

  • natural conception: extremely rare

Trisomy 21 from oligozoospermia to azoospermia

  • hypotrophic or

  • normal/ hypospermatogenesis or meiotic arrest

natural conception: extremely rare #
Structural chromosomal alterations RobT most frequently oligozoospermia, but also normozoospermia hypotrophic or normal/ hypospermatogenesis Karyotype analysis

  • ART: ICSI or IVF with PGT;

  • natural conception: possible

RecT most frequently azoospermia

  • hypotrophic/

  • SGA or SCOS or hypospermatogenesis

idic Y most frequently azoospermia *

  • hypotrophic or

  • normal/

  • hypospermatogenesis* or SCOS* or SGA*, Leydig-cell hyperplasia

Yq (–) azoospermia* hypotrophic/SCOS Virtually impossible*
AZFa deletion complete: azoospermia hypotrophic/SCOS, Leydig-cell hyperplasia

  • Microdeletion screening, based on ±PCR

  • (according to the EAA-EMQN guidelines)

  • complete: mostly unsuccessful sperm retrieval by TESE **

  • partial:


  • natural conception: rarely

  • partial:

  • oligozoospermia or normozoospermia

normal/ hypospermatogenesis
AZFb deletion complete: azoospermia normal/SGA

  • partial:

  • oligozoospermia or normozoospermia

normal/ hypospermatogenesis
AZFc deletion from severe oligozoospermia to azoospermia hypotrophic or normal/ hypospermatogenesis, SCOS

  • ART: (m)TESE + ICSI;

  • natural conception: rarely

gr/gr deletion from normozoospermia to oligozoospermia hypotrophic or normal/hypospermatogenesis
X chromosome linked CNV67 from oligozoospermia to azoospermia hypotrophic or normal/ hypospermatogenesis or SCOS Array-CGH


  • natural conception: rarely

TEX11 hemizygous deletion azoospermia normal/meiotic arrest ART: TESE likely to be unsuccessful
Sex reversal XX male syndrome azoospermia hypotrophic, firm/ SCOS, Leydig-cell hyperplasia Karyotype analysis and ±PCR or FISH for SRY detection Virtually impossible

Abbreviations: AZF: azoospermia factor; ART: Assisted Reproduction Techniques; CGH: comparative genomic hybridization; EAA: European Academy of Andrology; EMQN: European Molecular Genetics Quality Network; ICSI: intracytoplasmic sperm injection; idic Y: isodicentric Y chromosome; IVF: in vitro fertilization; RecT: reciprocal translocation; RobT: Robertsonian translocation; SGA: Spermatogenic Arrest; SCOS: Sertoli-cell only syndrome; TESE: testicular sperm extraction; (m)TESE: micro-TESE; TGCT: testicular germ cell tumor; PCR: polymerase chain reaction; PGT: Pre-implantation Genetic Testing.

# Three cases reported by Stefanidis et al. [11].

* Depends on the proportion of cells with the aberrant Y chromosome; whether the AZF subregions are intact or absent; and depends on the proportion of 45, X0 cells.

** Minimal chance in few cases, and depends on the proportion of 45, X0 cells.

3.2 Numerical Alterations of the Chromosomes

3.2.1 Klinefelter Syndrome

Klinefelter Syndrome (KS) represents the most common sex chromosome aneuploidy in humans, accounting for the main genetic cause of nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA). About 80–90% of KS patients carry the 47, XXY karyotype, while nearly 10% display various grades of mosaicism with the 46, XY/47, XXY karyotype or rarely present higher-grade sex chromosomal aneuploidy, such as 48, XXXY, 49, XXXXY, or structurally abnormal X chromosomes. Although the incidence of the syndrome is relatively high (1:660 in live births and 1:300 in spontaneous abortions), about two-thirds of KS patients are still misdiagnosed or remain undiagnosed [6]. The remaining 32% of KS patients are diagnosed in the following age groups: (i) in the fetus, during prenatal genetic diagnosis (10%); (ii) in childhood mainly for cognitive problems (3%); (iii) in adolescent age due to delayed puberty and gynecomastia (2%); and (iv) in adulthood due to infertility or sexual dysfunction (17%).

Heterogeneous clinical phenotypes of the disease, which may range from different grades of undervirilization, eunuchoid habitus, tall stature, long extremities, gynecomastia, hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, and azoospermia (90%), are likely related to the genotype. The overdosage of the SHOX (short stature homeobox) gene, located in the pseudo-autosomal region 1 (PAR1) on the short arm of Y and X chromosomes together with the delay of testosterone-induced closure of epiphyses have been proposed as possible explanations for the tall stature. In the majority of mosaic KS cases, few spermatozoa can be found in the ejaculate. A constant finding in KS patients is the small firm testis, due to testicular hyalinization and fibrosis, leading to testicular failure. Elevated LH and FSH levels are universal, whereas decline in the testosterone levels shows high interindividual variability. For most of the subjects, serum-testosterone concentrations after the age of 15 years remain in the low-normal adult range, and there is no absolute decline as they age. Testicular sperm extraction by conventional way (cTESE) and especially microsurgical TESE (micro-TESE) combined with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) represent an opportunity for KS patients to father their own biological children. The average sperm retrieval rate (SRR) is about 40% [7] ranging from 28 to 62.5% [8], and it has been suggested that the success rates progressively decrease after the age of 30 [9]. Many different parameters have been studied with the aim to establish predictive factors for successful sperm retrieval, but available data have failed to identify clinically useful prognostic markers. Since apoptosis of spermatogonia and histological changes have been detected at onset of puberty, the question about the timing of testis biopsy has been the object of long debate. Preserving the fertility potential of young KS patients has been proposed in three different age groups: (i) pre-pubertal; (ii) peri-pubertal; and (iii) young adulthood. Some authors suggested that early pre-pubertal testicular sampling – before the complete germ cell loss occurs – might offer a greater chance of retrieving gametogenic cells. Although spermatogonia can be found in about 50% of a small number of adolescent KS boys by (m)TESE, testicular tissue freezing techniques as well as in vitro maturation strategies require further investigation. Data by Rohayem and colleagues in 2015 [9] suggest that the most promising predictive factors of finding spermatozoa in late adolescence and young adulthood are the patients’ age (between 15 and 25 years at biopsy) and the near compensated Leydig cell function. The cut-off values for hormones have been found to be a combination of total serum testosterone above 7.5 nmol/l with an LH below 17.5 U/l; however, these findings need further validation. Still, overall data in the literature do not support the necessity of adolescent TESE, since various studies have not found higher retrieval rates of spermatozoa in post-pubertal boys versus young adult KS patients [9]. Regarding the data of 1,248 adult KS patients in the meta-analysis performed by Corona and colleagues [7], the SRR was on average 40% and the live birth rate was about 16% of subjects who underwent TESE approach. Sperm retrieval was independent of a number of clinical and biological parameters such as age, testis volume, hormonal status, and bilateral approach [7,9].

Another controversial topic is related to androgen replacement therapy, which was supposed to have a negative influence on the future fertility of KS patients. Recently published reports did not confirm the deleterious effect of testosterone supplementation [7,9]. Some authors found that using hormonal stimulation by aromatase inhibitors improved the chances of successful SRR.

In KS patients with successful sperm retrieval, the genetic constitution of spermatozoa has been questioned. Recent evidence suggests that non-mosaic KS patients who produce sperm have mosaicism confined to the testis, and only 46, XY spermatocytes can achieve meiosis. However, in the analysis of sperm from KS patients assessed by using cell fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), higher aneuploidy rates of sex chromosomes and autosomes (especially chromosomes 13, 18 and 21) have been revealed. It is highly likely that the elevated aneuploidy rate in spermatozoa from KS patients results from abnormal meiosis in 46, XY spermatocytes, rather than from 47, XXY spermatocyte cells, since the presence of a supernumerary X chromosome prevents meiosis. For the above reasons, Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) is recommended, although with few exceptions, the nearly 200 babies born worldwide from KS fathers with ICSI without PGT were normal. According to a study on a large cohort undergoing prenatal genetic diagnosis, KS accounts for 0.17% (188 out of 106,000) of all cases, which was similar to the incidence detected at birth by various studies [10].

KS is not confined to infertility but includes a series of comorbidities leading to increased mortality and morbidity, such as metabolic syndrome, autoimmune diseases (i.e. systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes mellitus, etc.), venous thromboembolism, bone fractures due to osteoporosis, behavioral and socio-economic problems, etc. (Figure 3.1). They also present susceptibility to specific neoplasias, like breast cancer or extragonadal germ cell tumors and hematological malignancies [6]. The possible development of comorbidities implies that these patients need follow up (possibly by a multidisciplinary team) throughout their lifetime in order to actuate preventive strategies (life style change, diet, regular physical exercise, etc.) and therapies (i.e. testosterone replacement therapy, etc.).

Figure 3.1 Phenotypic characteristics and co-morbidities in KS.

3.2.2 Down Syndrome

Trisomy 21 occurs with an estimated frequency of 1:150 conceptions, 1:600 live births in the general population, and it correlates with advanced maternal age. The presence of an extra chromosome 21 has a detrimental direct and indirect effect on the reproductive capacity of the affected male subjects. The detailed pathophysiology of infertility in men with Down syndrome has not yet been elucidated. According to investigations addressing the causes of infertility, hormonal deficits, morphological alterations of the gonads, abnormal spermatogenesis, and psychological and social factors related to the mental retardations may play roles in this process. To date, three cases of parenting by fathers with Down syndrome have been described in the literature [11].

3.3 Structural Alterations of the Chromosomes

3.3.1 Detectable with Karyotyping Structural Anomalies of the Autosomes

Couples with male carriers of structural abnormalities of the autosomes, such as Robertsonian translocations (RobT, inversions and reciprocal translocations (RecT) may experience reduced fertility, RPL and chromosomally unbalanced offspring. Most patients are likely to be fertile; however, structural chromosomal abnormalities occur in infertile patients 10 times more than in general populations. RobTs result from centromeric fusion of two acrocentric chromosomes (13,14,15,21,22) and more commonly occur between nonhomologous pairs. The short p-arms of the translocated chromosomes may be lost during early cell division, but it has relatively little impact, since the short arms of the acrocentric chromosomes consist largely of various classes of satellite DNA, as well as hundreds of copies of ribosomal RNA genes. Translocations can either be balanced or unbalanced, depending on the conservation of the genetic material. The vast majority of balanced translocations involve chromosomes 13 and 14 (13:14), which account for 75% of RobTs, and the most frequent unbalanced translocations involve chromosomes 21 (21:21). The prevalence of autosomal balanced translocations in infertile men ranges between 1.6 and 6.6%. RobT-s are considered the most common balanced chromosomal rearrangements, with an incidence of 1:1,000 in the general population and with normal sperm parameters in about 25.7% of patients. This type of rearrangement is more common in oligozoospermic versus azoospermic patients (1.6% vs 0.09%), while RecT-s – when two nonhomologous chromosomes exchange segments – are more commonly associated with azoospermia. Individuals with chromosomal translocations produce a very high rate of chromosomally abnormal embryos, such as a paternally derived trisomy 13 or 21 conceptus (Patau and Down syndrome). These abnormalities are often the cause of recurrent miscarriages or birth defects [12,13]. Several studies reported 54–72% of embryos to be unbalanced for RobT-s, while the even higher percentage of unbalanced embryos are RecT-s (75–82%) [13]. Furthermore, there is an increased risk of aneuploidy and uniparental disomy (UPD). Genomic imprinting – which refers to the differential expression of genes depending on its parental origin – among the acrocentric chromosomes have been observed in RobT cases. Chromosomes 14 and 15 have been documented as clinically relevant imprinted chromosomes; according to published reports, maternal UPD 15 is associated with Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS) in 30% of cases and paternal UPD 15 is associated with Angelman Syndrome (AS) in 2–5% of cases. The occurrence of UPD is estimated to be 1:3500 in newborn babies and 8–10% of all UDPs derive from parents with non-homologous RobTs [14].

In vitro fertilization (IVF) with PGT represents a viable option for these couples to obtain chromosomally normal embryos. Comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) with a variety of testing methods – including FISH, two main types of microarrays (comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) arrays and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarrays), or next generation sequencing (NGS), are available for embryo selection. Despite huge efforts that have been made enabling the selection of balanced and translocation-free embryos, so far PGT remains challenging and these new strategies need further validation [14].

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