Chapter 16 – Donor Insemination: Past, Present and Future Perspectives


Donor insemination (DI) has undergone radical changes in the last 25 years, for example exclusive use of frozen semen, and increasing use of DI for single women. A summary of these is presented as are the potential challenges we still face. The latter include key questions such as what are the key methods for optimising treatment. Can we improve our success rates? If so, how can this be done? Moreover, the use of DI as a research tool, often ignored, is presented.

Chapter 16 Donor Insemination: Past, Present and Future Perspectives

Christopher L. R. Barratt , Rachel Agnew , and Eleanor Heighton

Donor insemination (DI) has undergone radical changes in the last 25 years; for example, moving to exclusive use of cryopreserved semen, increasing treatment of patients who do not suffer from male factor infertility and changes in society’s attitudes to the use of donor gametes, to name but a few. The main focus of this chapter is to briefly examine the past to gain some perspective of where we have been, present a discussion of what major changes have occurred and thoughts on where the future may lie.

In the 1980s, a dramatic event changed the way DI operated, namely the transmission of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III) (since termed HIV) to four of eight recipients of donor semen from a man who was HIV sero positive. This added further evidence that HIV was transmitted via semen but, for DI, it had a profound impact on the recruitment, selection and screening of donors [1]. It was also recognised that there was a delay in men sero-converting after they became infected. Effectively, not only did it mean the mandatory use of cryopreserved spermatozoa, but also that frozen donor semen needed to be quarantined prior to treatment. Although a number of authorities (e.g. CECOS – Centre d’Étude et de COnservation du Sperme) had operated a cryopreservation service prior to 1985, many other clinics used fresh semen for convenience and the perception of higher success rates. Unfortunately, the change to exclusive use of cryopreserved cells and quarantining samples was a gradual process with many reluctant to change their beliefs that cryopreservation dramatically reduced success rates as well as adding significant inconvenient steps and associated costs to the process. Remarkably, even 10 years after the recognition of the risk of HIV transmission, some clinics still used fresh semen. We do not know if this latency in uptake had an effect on the transmission of HIV, such as were there further unnecessary cases of HIV following insemination of non-quarantined semen? Technology took some time to catch up with clinical practice so that rapid testing of samples for HIV and other viruses would be robust and reliable; however, even with these available technologies, cryopreservation and quarantine remain the standard practice.

Further changes regarding the way DI services operated were catalysed by the introduction of intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), which enables the use of partners’ sperm utilising in vitro fertilisation (IVF) technology, thus avoiding the need for donor sperm. Initial data in national registers showed a dramatic decrease in the use of DI as ICSI steadily replaced DI as a potential treatment. In fact, for some time it looked as though DI would become a redundant treatment and disappear altogether. On reflection, this doomsday scenario was premature. Data from the United Kingdom (UK), where ART is regulated by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) shows that since 1992 (when data were recorded) there is a clear trend with a decline until about 2007 (3,901 cycles), but then an increase or at least stabilisation to current times (5,446 cycles, 2016) (Figure 16.1, Table 16.1). Moreover, the use of donor sperm in IVF/ICSI has increased steadily (1,288 cycles in 1992 compared to 3,041 in 2016, Table 16.1). A similar picture is seen in other countries, for example in Australia and New Zealand, where there has been a decline from 5,425 DI cycles in 1998 to 3,356 cycles in 2005, but this figure then stabilised to 3,198 in 2016. In parallel, there has been an increase in the number of ICSI cycles in the UK (137 in 1992 to 24,441 in 2016, Table 16.2, Figure 16.2), although the proportion of ICSI/IVF cycles has not changed since 2004 (~35%) (Figures 16.3 and 16.4).

Figure 16.1 Number of DI cycles per year in the UK, 1992–2016.

Table 16.1 Trends in donor insemination in the UK,1992–2016

Year Number of DI treatment cyclesa % LBR Number of IVF cycles with donor spermb % IVF cycles using donor spermb
1992 26,081 5 1,288 9.0
1993 24,265 6 1,713 10.4
1994 21,490 8 1,670 8.9
1995 18,014 9 1,565 7.0
1996 14,927 10 1,401 5.6
1997 13,309 10 1,209 4.8
1998 11,581 10 1,114 4.2
1999 10,230 11 1,037 4.0
2000 8,414 11 979 3.8
2001 7,621 11 876 3.3
2002 7,332 11 916 3.4
2003 7,330 11 904 3.3
2004 6,917 11 940 3.2
2005 5,883 11 1,033 3.3
2006 4,254 11 916 2.7
2007 3,901 12 1,036 2.9
2008 3,999 12 1,269 3.3
2009 3,896 11 1,622 3.9
2010 3,948 13 1,993 4.6
2011 4,108 12 2,243 5.0
2012 4,478 13 2,371 5.4
2013 4,642 13 2,535 5.8
2014 4,696 14 2,695 6.2
2015 4,971 13 2,705 6.3
2016 5,446 12 3,041 7.3

a Excludes IVF with donor sperm

b Fresh cycles using own eggs

Abbreviations: DI, donor insemination; LBR, live birth rate; IVF, in vitro fertilisation

Table 16.2 Treatment cycles per year for DI, IVF and ICSI in the UK, HFEA data, 2016

Year DI IVF ICSI Total
1992 26,081 18,208 137 44,426
1993 24,265 21,243 628 46,136
1994 21,490 23,539 1,345 46,374
1995 18,014 25,425 3,905 47,344
1996 14,927 27,241 6,236 48,404
1997 13,309 25,481 8,552 47,342
1998 11,581 25,155 10,512 47,248
1999 10,230 24,128 10,752 45,110
2000 8,414 24,154 11,284 43,852
2001 7,621 24,344 11,938 43,903
2002 7,332 25,185 12,331 44,848
2003 7,330 24,941 12,552 44,823
2004 6,917 26,272 13,853 47,042
2005 5,883 27,013 14,991 47,887
2006 4,254 27,584 17,079 48,917
2007 3,901 28,542 18,419 50,862
2008 3,999 30,402 20,394 54,795
2009 3,896 31,650 22,991 58,537
2010 3,948 33,883 24,144 61,975
2011 4,108 34,997 25,582 64,687
2012 4,478 34,922 25,314 64,714
2013 4,642 36,658 25,190 66,490
2014 4,696 38,158 25,383 68,237
2015 4,971 40,392 24,983 70,346
2016 5,446 43,649 24,441 73,536

Abbreviations: DI, donor insemination; IVF in vitro fertilisation; ICSI, intracytoplasmic sperm injection; HFEA, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority

Figure 16.2 Number of ICSI cycles per year in the UK, 1992–2016.

Figure 16.3 Percentage of total IVF/ICSI treatment cycles which used ICSI, in the UK 1992–2016.

Figure 16.4 Proportion of IVF/ICSI cycles in the UK, 1992–2016.

Whilst it is not possible to accurately quantify the reasons for the decline in DI treatment, an overriding factor is the availability of ICSI. However, in the UK, as with a number of other countries (see below), there has been a significant number of changes in the regulatory framework, for example removal of anonymity of gamete donors which may have exacerbated the decline in the availability of donor sperm hence restricting the possibility of treatment. To counterbalance this there has been increased use of DI for non-male factor cases. As such, there appears to be a continual steady demand for DI (~100 per million population). For example, in 2016 in the UK, only 42% of the DI recipient cycles were for male partner infertility, 41% of patients had a female partner and 17% for no partner. DI is therefore a treatment which has evolved from almost exclusively treatment for male factor infertility to include almost equal numbers of social infertility (no male partner) cases.

A third key change in DI has been in the regulatory and operational landscape. Perhaps the most significant change was the removal of anonymity in a number of countries. Sweden was one of the first to effectively remove anonymity. On 18 March 1985, the Swedish Parliament enacted legislation providing the child with the right “when sufficiently mature” to receive identifying information about the semen provider. The reasons for the removal of anonymity include the principle that children have a right for information regarding their genetic parents. Following the example of Sweden, a number of countries have removed the use of anonymous sperm donors, for example, the UK. Whilst there were initial concerns among infertility service providers that the change in policy would result in a significant decline in the availability of donors, at least in UK, the number of donors has stabilised so that the demand for treatment (~4,500 DI cycles per annum) can be satisfied. Interestingly, not all countries have adopted a regulatory framework whereby the children born from DI can find out the identity of their biological father and there is wide variation, even within the European Union (EU).

The change in anonymity status has been in place in several countries for some time, hence we have more research, albeit variable, in its conclusions, to indicate the magnitude of these changes. Clearly, despite existence of regulation/legislation, at least initially, not all couples had told their children about the mode of conception let alone their ability to identify their biological father [2]. The inevitable conclusion is that considerable support needs to be in place for recipient couples. A 20-year follow-up study in Sweden provided encouraging data in that the majority of couples were relatively open about their treatment and their likelihood of disclosure to the offspring. Moreover, data from a single CECOS centre where sperm donation is anonymous showed that an overwhelming majority of parents of DI-conceived children had disclosed the use of donor gametes to their children [3]. Furthermore, a nationwide study of CECOS centres came to similar conclusions [4]. In contrast, an Australian study found that only one in three couples had told their offspring about their origins [5]. However, further research is necessary to determine exactly how this information is presented to the offspring, at what stage, in what format and what support structures both formal and informal are necessary to facilitate the information sharing process [2,6].

Whatever the intellectual arguments for/against anonymity, we must be cognisant of the real-world situation. Critically, in this age that genetic testing is widely available to individuals such as “23and me” (, it is inconceivable that we can maintain a system where children are prevented from discovering the identity of their biological father. McGovern and Schlaff present this eloquently in their article “Sperm donor anonymity: a concept rendered obsolete by modern technology” [7]. It may be a difficult transition for some countries/states to move to a system whereby the children are able, by regulation or legislation, to identify the biological father but we can learn from other examples such as Sweden and be proactive in this important arena.

16.1 Outcomes from Donor Insemination

In general, the data suggests that there are minimal significant concerns over the health of offspring of donor conceived children [8,9]. For example, a recent large retrospective study of HFEA data (n = 95,787 cycles) on IVF/ICSI with donor sperm compared to partner sperm showed no increased risk in adverse perinatal outcomes following use of donor sperm [10]. Moreover, a retrospective analysis of data from the Centre for Disease Control United States of America on offspring produced from donor sperm with IVF/ICSI compared to partner sperm, provided similar reassuring conclusions [11].

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