Care of critically ill pregnant patients with coronavirus disease 2019: a case series


The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the outbreak of which has caused a global pandemic, is spreading rapidly throughout the United States, with major metropolitan areas such as Philadelphia, seeing a dramatic rise in infection rates. Although pregnant women are not affected more severely than nonpregnant patients, a number of obstetrical patients will nevertheless require intensive care similar to their nonpregnant counterparts. Here, we review 5 critical cases of COVID-19 during pregnancy, as well as general management principles.

Study Design

This was a retrospective, multicenter case series of symptomatic pregnant women who had a positive result for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) testing and required critical care.


The clinical courses of 5 pregnant women with severe cases of COVID-19 disease, all requiring mechanical ventilation, are described below and summarized in the Table . Testing for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 was done through a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction test of a nasopharyngeal swab unless otherwise specified.


Maternal and clinical characteristics of critically ill pregnant patients with COVID-19

Characteristics Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5
Age (y) 29 33 39 27 35
Race/ethnicity Asian White Hispanic Black White
BMI (kg/m 2 ) 24.6 27.8 42.5 34.7 32
Admission GA 31 wk 2 d 26 wk 0 d 28 wk 3 d 30 wk 3 d 25 wk 2 d
Chief complaint Fever, dyspnea Fever, cough, dyspnea Fever, cough Fever, cough, dyspnea Fatigue, cough, rhinorrhea, headache, fever, dyspnea
Medical comorbidities Chronic kidney disease (C1q nephropathy), hypertension (on ACE inhibitor before pregnancy) Mild, intermittent asthma Obesity, hypertension, insulin-dependent diabetes Hypertension (no medication) obesity
Notable admission laboratory results Elevated creatinine (patient baseline) None Elevated CRP and lactic acid Thrombocytopenia Elevated amniotransferases
Number of days from symptom onset to intubation 9 10 14 7 9
Adjunctive therapy HCQ, remdesivir HCQ, remdesivir HCQ, remdesivir HCQ remdesivir HCQ, remdesivir
Antenatal steroids and HD administered Betamethasone, HD 3 Dexamethasone, HD 3, 4 Betamethasone, HD 7, 8 Betamethasone, HD 3, 4 Betamethasone, HD 1, 2
Additional clinical details Intubated at 31 wk 4 d, extubation HD 16 with reintubation, final extubation HD 20, discharged HD 24 Intubated at 26 wk 1 d, prone ventilation (× 2), tracheostomy 29 wk 1 d, suspected inferior vena cava thrombus Intubated at 28 wk 3 d, prone ventilation (× 1), extubated on HD 19 Intubated at 30 wk 5d, bacteremia, extubated HD 15, discharged HD 20 Intubated at 25 wk 2 d, extubation HD 6 with reintubation, final extubation HD 8, discharged HD 13
Delivery Yes No Yes Yes No
Indication Maternal Maternal Maternal
GA at delivery 31 wk 4 d 30 wk 2 d 31 wk 3 d
Mode Cesarean Cesarean Cesarean
Neonatal birthweight (g) 1500 2110 1845
Apgar score 9, 9 8, 9 2, 4, 4
Neonatal SARS-CoV-2 PCR result at 24 HOL Negative Negative Negative

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Aug 9, 2020 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Care of critically ill pregnant patients with coronavirus disease 2019: a case series

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