Can placental growth factor in maternal circulation identify fetuses with placental intrauterine growth restriction?


We investigated whether decreased concentrations of placental growth factor (PlGF) in maternal circulation differentiated placental intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) from constitutionally small fetuses. Excluding congenital syndromes, infection, and aneuploidy, we assumed IUGR with an abnormal placental pathology to be of placental origin.

Study Design

The study design included a single site, case-control study of 16 cases (9 placental IUGR, 7 constitutionally small) and 79 normal controls with singleton pregnancies. Plasma PlGF was measured by Triage PlGF immunoassay according to the product insert. A positive PlGF test was defined as a concentration less than the fifth percentile for gestational age for normal pregnancy.


A positive PlGF test was found in 9 of 9 placental IUGR cases, 1 of 7 constitutionally small fetuses, and 4 of 79 controls ( P < .0001). PlGF identified placental IUGR from constitutionally small fetuses with 100% sensitivity and 86% specificity ( P = .0009).


These preliminary data suggest PlGF may identify placental IUGR antenatally.

Fetuses with abdominal circumferences (AC) below the 10th percentile for gestational age on antenatal ultrasound attract increased clinical attention because of the potential for adverse pregnancy outcomes as a result of poor in utero growth. However, fetuses with AC <10th percentile can be divided into 2 main populations: those who are constitutionally small (small but healthy fetuses) and those who are pathologically growth restricted.

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a leading cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity. This group of pathologically growth-restricted fetuses can be further subdivided into 2 main groups: those with placental IUGR and those with syndromic IUGR (arising from congential infection, fetal syndromes, and/or aneuploidy). Placental IUGR is of serious clinical concern because these fetuses are at increased risk for intrauterine fetal demise, preterm delivery, and subsequent developmental sequelae as a consequence of exposure to placental dysfunction.

Constitutionally small fetuses and fetuses with placental IUGR are difficult to differentiate clinically. As such, constitutionally small (and healthy) fetuses may be followed up as though they are high risk, adding unnecessary burden to families and the health care system. These fetuses will be at risk for adverse events such as iatrogenic preterm delivery should they be misdiagnosed as placental IUGR.

The ability to tailor assessment and surveillance to accurately determine the presence or absence of placental IUGR would represent a significant advance in antenatal care. Biomarkers present in maternal circulation that are reflective of placental functional status may provide this vital piece of additional information. Additional surveillance tools would help to streamline and improve care for the high-risk fetus (placental IUGR) and avoid unnecessary monitoring, health care costs, and parental anxiety for the low-risk fetus (constitutionally small).

Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels from existing endothelium and is a key component of placental formation. It is mediated by various factors that either promote or restrict vessel formation and is critical for development of a healthy placenta and fetus. Placental growth factor (PlGF) is a key factor in these angiogenic processes and is present in maternal circulation and placental tissues during pregnancy. In normal pregnancy, PlGF levels gradually increase until the end of the second trimester and then decrease gradually until delivery. Decreased PlGF in maternal circulation is characteristic of preeclampsia, another obstetrical complication related to placental dysfunction.

Studies suggest that low PlGF in preeclampsia may have diagnostic utility, especially in cases in which the etiology is related to placental implications. Some of these studies have also reported decreased PlGF concentrations in the circulation of women who deliver small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants. However, these studies used varying birthweight cutoffs to define SGA and failed to categorize pregnancies based on the cause of SGA (pathological or physiological). In addition, most research has investigated PlGF alterations in pregnancies delivering SGA fetuses only in association with preeclampsia, not in normotensive women. The relationship between maternal levels of PlGF and fetuses with and without placental IUGR remains to be further elucidated.

We propose that differences in maternal PlGF concentrations may have the ability to discriminate between fetuses with placental IUGR and constitutionally small fetuses. In this study, we sought to characterize PlGF in pregnancies complicated by placental IUGR compared with pregnancies having constitutionally small fetuses and uncomplicated pregnancies. We tested the hypothesis that a positive PlGF test (low PlGF in maternal circulation) as measured on a new point-of-care rapid assay differentiates fetuses with placental IUGR from constitutionally small fetuses.

Materials and Methods

Study population

In this retrospective case-control study, blood samples were prospectively collected from women with singleton pregnancies diagnosed antenatally with IUGR following written informed consent, between November 2004 and August 2007 at BC Women’s Hospital in Vancouver, Canada. Ethics approval was granted by the University of British Columbia Children’s and Women’s Health Centre Research Ethics Boards. Other data pertaining to this cohort of women have previously been published. Eligible women were consecutively recruited from inpatient and outpatient services at BC Women’s Hospital. Women were excluded if they were in active labor at the time of eligibility or were within 48 hours of antenatal betamethasone administration.

The antenatal diagnosis of IUGR was defined as fetal AC less than the 10th percentile for gestational age identified by antenatal ultrasound. Maternal blood samples were collected at this time but were not included into the study until after delivery. Inclusion required either birth weight less than the fifth percentile for gestational age at delivery and sex or birthweight less than the 10th percentile with either uterine artery Doppler notching at 22 +0 to 24 +0 weeks’ gestation, absent/reversed umbilical artery end diastolic flow, or oligohydramnios (amniotic fluid index <50 mm) documented during pregnancy.

A total of 19 confirmed low-birthweight cases were recruited. Two were excluded from the primary analysis because of IUGR being attributed to fetal congenital anomalies confirmed at delivery (one Treachers-Collins syndrome, one Cornelia de Lange syndrome). One additional case was excluded because of IUGR of unknown origin. During this pregnancy, the women had an appendectomy at 10 weeks’ gestation, followed by cerclage for cervical incompetence at 12 weeks. Preterm spontaneous rupture of membranes occurred at 29 +2 weeks followed by the delivery of a live fetus 3 weeks later (birthweight less than the 10th percentile). Placenta pathology showed chorioamnionitis and funisitis but no evidence of abnormal placentation. No infection was noted.

The remaining 16 cases were subgrouped based on the presence or absence of placental IUGR. Placental IUGR (n = 9) was defined as IUGR with an abnormal placental pathology report. Abnormal placenta pathology included decidual necrosis, adherent thrombus, low placental weight, fibrin deposition, fetal surface vessel thrombosis, decreased fetal vascularization, decidual vasculopathy, calcification, infarcts, intervillous thrombus, and advanced/delayed villous maturation and villitis.

A constitutionally small fetus (n = 7) was defined as a fetus clinically diagnosed antenatally with IUGR and with a normal placental pathology report. Although not included in the primary analysis, the 3 syndromic IUGR cases all had normal placental pathology reports. Placental pathology status was determined by a perinatologist blinded to all aspects of the woman’s history, pregnancy course, and pregnancy outcomes.

A total of 79 non-smoking women served as normal pregnancy controls. These women had no documented concerns of hypertension, proteinuria, gestational diabetes or IUGR during their pregnancy. Normal pregnancy controls were matched for maternal age (±5 years), gestational age (±2 weeks), and parity (0, 1, ≥2).

Sample collection and PlGF analysis

Maternal venous blood was collected antenatally in EDTA tubes in the standard fashion. Plasma was obtained through centrifugation and samples were frozen at –80°C. Laboratory staff was blinded to the clinical diagnosis of all women. Samples were analyzed for PlGF using the automated Triage PlGF assay kit (Alere San Diego, San Diego, CA) according to the product insert. This immunoassay uses fluorescently labeed murine monoclonal antibodies against PlGF for PlGF quantification. Briefly, plasma is thawed to room temperature and mixed by inversion. A total of 250 μL of thawed plasma is pipetted into the sample port of a PlGF test cartridge. The cartridge is inserted into the Triage meter. The results are displayed on the meter in approximately 15 minutes in picograms per milliliter.

The cartridge contains chemistries for on-board positive and negative control systems. Control systems at the level of the cartridge and meter ensure that the quantitative PlGF result is valid. Calibration information is supplied by the manufacturer in the form of a lot-specific EPROM chip that is contained within each kit of devices. The measurable range of the assay is 12–3000 pg/mL. Concentrations less than 12 pg/mL are value assigned based on the calibration curve, but this value is displayed to the user as a qualitative result less than 12 pg/mL. A positive test was defined as a PlGF concentration below the fifth percentile for gestational age of normal controls, as described in the product insert and derived from Knudsen et al.

Samples were batch assayed to minimize any effect of interassay variability.


Data were analyzed using Prism 4.0 (GraphPad, San Diego, CA). Descriptive data are expressed as median and interquartile range (IQR) for nonnormally distributed data. A χ 2 or Fisher’s exact test was used for the comparison of categorical variables. A Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance or Mann-Whitney U test was used for continuous variables.

The primary outcome of a positive test identifying placental IUGR was evaluated using a 2 × 3 contingency table (positive vs negative tests for each group) and a test of association (the Freeman-Halton test for the complete 2 × 3 table and the Fisher exact test of the relevant 2 × 2 subtable). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values (PPVs) and negative predictive values (NPVs) for a positive PlGF test identifying placental IUGR from constitutionally small fetuses were calculated with 95% confidence intervals as a secondary analysis. We performed this analysis with and without the 3 syndromic IUGR cases excluded from the primary analysis.

PPV and NPV were calculated to characterize the 2 × 2 tables, despite the artificial prevalence in this case-control study. Also, qualitative PlGF results less than 12 pg/mL were set equal to 12 pg/mL for the purpose of statistical analysis. This approximation does not affect the reported test performance in terms of clinical sensitivity, or specificity, but may slightly underreport the significance of the difference between groups in the Kruskal-Wallis analysis.

Differences with P < .05 were judged to be statistically significant. The STARD (Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy) Initiative guidelines were consulted throughout the design and analysis of this study.

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May 24, 2017 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Can placental growth factor in maternal circulation identify fetuses with placental intrauterine growth restriction?

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