Benign Disease of the Uterus

Benign Disease of the Uterus

Thierry Van den Bosch

Department of Development and Regeneration, University Hospitals KU Leuven, , Leuven, Belgium

Benign disease of the uterus includes uterine fibroids, adenomyosis and endometrial polyps. These pathologies may remain asymptomatic or cause considerable morbidity. Uterine fibroids are the most prevalent benign lesions of the uterine corpus. Benign focal intracavitary lesions are present in‐one third of premenopausal women and in almost half of postmenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding. In premenopausal women, focal intracavitary lesions, including intracavitary fibroids and endometrial polyps, become more prevalent with advancing age [1].

This chapter discusses each of these conditions and considers their aetiology, pathogenesis, presenting symptoms, diagnosis and treatment with inclusion of new developments, particularly in the treatment of symptomatic fibroids.



Adenomyosis is defined as the presence of endometrial tissue, including endometrial glands and stroma, in the myometrium and is associated with smooth muscle proliferation in the inner myometrium [2]. It may be either diffuse or focal. Adenomyosis typically results in uterine enlargement and an irregular endo‐myometrial border or junctional zone. The histological definition of adenomyosis usually includes a depth of penetration between 2.5 and 5 mm [3].


The reported incidence of adenomyosis in hysterectomy specimens varies considerably, ranging from 9 to 62% [4]. This wide range is likely to reflect the varying diagnostic methodologies used by different pathologists.


The ectopic endometrium is responsive to steroid hormones. In addition, gene polymorphisms have been identified in the oestrogen receptor, with mutations of oestrogen receptor alpha [5]. This ectopic tissue may respond to the cyclical hormone changes of the menstrual cycle, contributing to the symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) and dysmenorrhoea. Abnormal prostaglandin production also occurs and this could exacerbate both pelvic pain and heavy bleeding.

Clinical presentation

The commonest presentation is HMB and dysmenorrhoea, the latter being worse in deep infiltrating disease [6]. However, adenomyosis is often diagnosed in women without bleeding or pain symptoms, leading Weiss et al. [4] to challenge the causative relationship between adenomyosis and symptoms. The condition is reportedly characteristic of the fifth decade of life, with 45 years being the commonest age of presentation. It is uncommon in nulliparous women and occurs less frequently in smokers [7].


The diagnosis is made on histological examination of the uterus after hysterectomy but the preoperative diagnosis may be suggested on ultrasound examination. Typical ultrasound features of adenomyosis include an asymmetrical thickening of the myometrium or a globular uterus, myometrial cysts, myometrial echogenic islands, fan‐shaped shadowing, subendometrial echogenic lines and buds, translesional vascularity and an irregular or interrupted junctional zone [8,9] (Fig. 59.1).

8 Illustrations of ultrasonographic features of adenomyosis displaying asymmetrical thickening, cysts, hyperechoic islands, fan shaped shadowing, echogenic subendometrial lines and buds, etc.

Fig. 59.1 Ultrasonographic features of adenomyosis.

Source: Van den Bosch T, Dueholm M, Leone FP et al. Terms, definitions and measurements to describe sonographic features of myometrium and uterine masses: a consensus opinion from the Morphological Uterus Sonographic Assessment (MUSA) group. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2015;46:284–298.

Reproduced with permission of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

On MRI, adenomyosis has historically been linked with a thickened junctional zone [10]. According to Brosens et al. [11], the thickening seen on MRI relies on the disruption of the inner myometrial architecture secondary to smooth muscle hyperplasia but, unlike the ultrasound features, does not evidence mucosal invasion of the myometrium.


The treatment is mainly symptomatic, and aims to relieve HMB and dysmenorrhoea. Various medical and minor surgical techniques have been shown to be of some benefit in the short term. Antifibrinolytics, non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs, the oral contraceptive pill and progestins may be considered as first‐line methods of treatment. The levonorgestrel‐releasing intrauterine system (LNG‐IUS) has been shown to be effective for reducing uterine volume and relief of adenomyosis‐related symptoms at 1 year, but the efficacy of this device declines with time [12]. Endometrial ablation is not used as a first‐line treatment of adenomyosis as it fails to remove deeply infiltrating endometrial glands. It has been shown to improve menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea in some women, and those with superficial disease have good results from this treatment option. Those with deeply infiltrating disease, however, tend to have persistent symptoms and, if conservative therapy fails, should be offered hysterectomy if fertility is not an issue [13].

The minimally invasive radiological technique of uterine artery embolization (UAE) is used in some centres for the treatment of symptomatic adenomyosis. It has been shown to be effective in the short term, but there is a high rate of symptom recurrence within 2 years of treatment [14].

Endometrial polyps


Endometrial polyps are discrete outgrowths of the endometrium containing a variable amount of glandular tissue, stroma and blood vessels. Polyps may be pedunculated or sessile, single or multiple. They are relatively insensitive to cyclical hormonal changes and thus are not shed at the time of menstruation. Hyperplastic or malignant foci within a polyp are infrequent. The incidence of cancer in asymptomatic women and in women with postmenopausal bleeding diagnosed with a polyp is 0.1–1.5% and 1.0–4.5%, respectively [15,16].


In symptomatic women the prevalence of polyps is reported as ranging between 6 and 32% [17]. In the general population aged 20–74 years, Dreisler et al. [17] reported the presence of endometrial polyps in 7.8%, the occurrence being very low below age 30. In their study they did not find an association between the presence of polyps and abnormal bleeding.


Postmenopausal uterine bleeding, HMB, intermenstrual bleeding, dysmenorrhoea and subfertility have been related to endometrial polyps.


Both fluid instillation sonography and hysteroscopy have a comparable diagnostic accuracy in detecting focal intracavitary lesions [18].

On transvaginal ultrasound examination a polyp typically is a relatively hyperechogenic lesion with or without small and regular internal cysts. The interface between the endometrium and the lesion often appears as a bright echogenic edge. On colour imaging a dominant vessel is often visible [19]. In a premenopausal woman with a spontaneous menstrual cycle, an echogenic polyp is more readily detected in the proliferative phase of the cycle, when the endometrium is more hypoechogenic (three‐layer pattern). In women on hormonal therapy or who are postmenopausal, where timed examination is not feasible, instillation of fluid into the uterine cavity will create a negative contrast against which focal intracavitary lesions are easily visualized (fluid instillation sonography) (Fig. 59.2). Both saline infusion sonography and gel instillation sonography may be used [20].

Image described by caption.
Image described by caption.

Fig. 59.2 (a, b) Fluid instillation sonography demonstrating endometrial polyps. On power Doppler imaging (b) the vascular pedicle is visible. (See also colour plate 59.2)

Hysteroscopy enables direct visualization of the uterine cavity and is often considered the reference test. On hysteroscopy, polyps can be distinguished from pedunculated fibroids as they have fewer vessels over their surface. Malignant polyps are more likely to be irregular, vascular and/or friable. Hysteroscopic‐guided biopsy (preferably total excision of the lesion) and pathological analysis confirm the diagnosis, as visual appearance alone is insufficient.

Endometrial polyps are frequently missed with blind endometrial sampling, including dilation and curettage. There is no place for blind sampling without imaging in modern gynaecology [21,22].


There is consensus that symptomatic women with endometrial polyps should undergo hysteroscopically guided removal under direct vision. In the vast majority this will result in cessation of the abnormal uterine bleeding [23]. The resection may be performed either under general anaesthesia or in an outpatient setting with or without local anaesthesia or sedation [24].

Uterine leiomyomata (fibroids)


Uterine leiomyomata or fibroids are the most common benign tumours of the female genital tract, arising from neoplastic transformation of single smooth muscle cells of the myometrium. They usually appear as well‐circumscribed firm tumours with a characteristic white‐whorled appearance on cross‐section. Fibroids are paler than the surrounding myometrium and there is usually a very sharp line of demarcation between the tumour and the normal uterine muscle (Fig. 59.3).

Image described by caption.

Fig. 59.3 Macroscopy: transverse section through the uterine corpus, with a fibroid. Figure courtesy of Ann Cornelis. (See also colour plate 59.3)

Histologically, they are typically composed of varying proportions of spindled smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. The size of fibroids varies greatly. The vast majority of fibroids are found in the corpus (body) of the uterus, but they may also occur in the cervix, uterine ligaments and ovary. Fibroids may be single but are commonly multiple and should be reported using the FIGO classification [25] (Fig. 59.4):

  1. 0 pedunculated intracavitary;
  2. 1 submucosal, <50% intramural;
  3. 2 submucosal, ≥50% intramural;
  4. 3 100% intramural, but in contact with the endometrium;
  5. 4 intramural;
  6. 5 subserosal, ≥50% intramural;
  7. 6 subserosal, <50% intramural;
  8. 7 subserosal pedunculated;
  9. 8 other (e.g. cervical, parasitic).
Illustration of a uterus with nodes in different sizes labeled 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 2–5 illustrating the FIGO classification for fibroid localization.

Fig. 59.4 FIGO classification for fibroid localization.

Source: Van den Bosch T, Dueholm M, Leone FP et al. Terms, definitions and measurements to describe sonographic features of myometrium and uterine masses: a consensus opinion from the Morphological Uterus Sonographic Assessment (MUSA) group. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2015;46:284–298.

Reproduced with permission of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.


The incidence of fibroids increases with age: it has been reported to occur in 20–40% of women during reproductive life and in as many as 70% of uteri removed at the time of hysterectomy [7]. Especially in postmenopausal women, conservative treatment including myomectomy, myoma morcellation, UAE or endometrial ablation [26] should be considered only after malignancy has been excluded [27,28].

The incidence of malignancy (leiomyosarcoma) is 0.64 per 100 000 women per year and is extremely uncommon in women below the age of 40. Unlike a fibroid, which consists of spindled cells arranged in fascicles with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and uniform nuclei, a leiomyosarcoma is hypercellular and consists of atypical smooth muscle cells with hyperchromatic enlarged nuclei and shows increased mitotic activity and tumour cell necrosis [29]. However, the pathogenesis of leiomyosarcomas remains unclear and no evidence exists to suggest that fibroids undergo neoplastic change.

There are significant racial differences in the incidence of fibroids, with Afro‐Caribbean women having a twofold to ninefold greater risk. In addition, they tend to present at a younger age compared with Caucasian women and have multiple fibroids and higher uterine weights and are more prone to both anaemia and severe pelvic pain [30,31]. Reproductive factors also influence the risk of fibroids, with a reduction in incidence with increasing parity (beyond 24 weeks’ gestation) and the prolonged use of the oral contraceptive pill [31,32]. Environmental factors also influence the risk of fibroid development. Independent of body mass index, smoking appears to decrease the risk of fibroid development [33,34].


The pathophysiology of fibroids remains poorly understood. Clonality studies using the homozygosity of glucose 6‐phosphate dehydrogenase forms show that multiple tumours in the same uterus are derived from individual myometrial cells rather than occurring through a metastatic process. This, together with their high prevalence, suggests that initial development arises from a frequently occurring event, the nature of which is currently unknown. Growth of fibroids is partly dependent on the ovarian steroids that act through receptors present on both fibroid and myometrial cells. It is likely that the control of growth is due, in part, to alterations in apoptosis. Bcl‐2, an inhibitor of apoptosis, is significantly increased in cultured leiomyoma cells. It is also influenced by the steroid hormone milieu.

Cytogenetic abnormalities occur in 40% of uterine fibroids. Most commonly, these involve translocation within or deletion of chromosome 7, translocations of chromosomes 12 and 14, and occasionally structural aberrations of chromosome 6 [35]. These cytogenetic abnormalities are not observed in normal myometrial tissue and may not be present in all the fibroids in a single uterus [36]. Abnormalities in uterine blood vessels and angiogenic growth factors are also involved in the pathophysiology of uterine fibroids. The myomatous uterus has increased numbers of arterioles and venules and is also associated with venule ectasia or dilatation. It has been noted that there are no mature vessels running through uterine fibroids despite the fact that they have a well‐developed blood supply.

Control of growth

More information is available on the control of uterine fibroid growth than on the aetiology of these benign tumours. Growth factors are of importance in controlling the growth of fibroids and their composition. Higher concentrations of the angiogenic fibroblast growth factor have been found in fibroids than in the surrounding myometrium. In addition, the functions of transforming growth factor‐β, granulocyte–macrophage colony‐stimulating factor and epidermal growth factor (EGF), amongst others, have been shown to differ between fibroid and normal myometrial tissue [36].

As fibroids have not been identified in prepubertal girls and usually shrink at the time of the menopause, it has long been assumed that these lesions are dependent on the presence of the sex steroids, oestrogen and progesterone. The sex steroids act via receptors. The steroid combines with the receptor, which is then translocated to the nucleus of the cell. Studies have identified that steroid receptors are present in higher concentrations in fibroids than in the surrounding myometrium and that the concentration of receptors is significantly affected by the administration of agents which alter circulating estradiol concentration. Further work has centred on the relationship between steroid hormones and growth factors, such as EGF and insulin‐like growth factor (IGF), which would appear to be important, possibly as mediators for oestrogen action. The number of progesterone receptors is greater in fibroids than in the surrounding myometrium. Like oestrogen, it has an impact on EGF receptor content and also suppresses apoptosis. Progesterone stimulates and inhibits fibroid growth, the former by upregulating EGF and Bcl‐2 and downregulating tumour necrosis factor‐α expression, the latter by downregulating IGF‐1 [37].

Symptoms associated with uterine fibroids

It is estimated that only 20–50% of women with one or more fibroids will experience symptoms that are directly attributable to them. However, it is not always clear why some produce symptoms and others do not [7]. In the case of small fibroids, it is often the assumed that only those impinging on the uterine cavity cause symptoms. This may be a result of the presence of surface vessels on the fibroid and/or the resultant increased surface area of the uterine cavity.

Symptoms associated with fibroids may be variable, ranging from mild to severe, causing distress and impinging significantly on health‐related quality of life. Women commonly present with menstrual problems, particularly HMB [38]. Dysmenorrhoea may be an additional problem leading to a further negative impact on a woman’s health. Not all women will present with a menstrual problem, some experiencing symptoms related purely to the size of the fibroid. This may be a dragging sensation or feeling of pressure in the pelvis, abdominal swelling or urinary symptoms. Table 59.1 highlights the commonly encountered symptoms associated with fibroids. The relationship between fibroids and fertility is discussed in Chapters 51 and 52.

Table 59.1 Presenting symptoms of uterine fibroids.

Menstrual upset: menorrhagia and/or dysmenorrhoea
Abdominal discomfort
Sensation of pelvic pressure or backache
Abdominal distension
Urinary frequency, difficulty in micturition, incomplete bladder emptying or incontinence
Bowel problems such as constipation
Reproductive dysfunction: difficulty in conceiving, pregnancy loss, postpartum haemorrhage


The uterus is often found to be enlarged and presents as a pelvic mass (often central and mobile) on both abdominal and vaginal examination. However, it may be difficult to distinguish between an enlarged uterus and an ovarian mass and so further imaging is mandatory. Ultrasonography, especially transvaginal, is very useful as a first‐line diagnostic test (Fig. 59.5). Fibroids are typically well‐defined round or lobulated myometrial lesions. The echogenicity is highly variable: it may be uniform hypoechogenic, isoechogenic or hyperechogenic as compared with the surrounding myometrium, or non‐uniform due to mixed echogenicity, internal hyperechogenic spots or calcifications. These calcifications may cause intense shadowing. On colour Doppler a fibroid typically has circumferential vascularization, and sometimes some internal vascularization.

8 Ultrasonography results displaying an intrauterine fibroid with 7 vertical lines on the first result at the top left area.
3 Fluid instillation sonography displaying the close-up view of an intrauterine fibroid, each with a corresponding illustration of 2 concentric circles with a shaded irregular shape at the upper middle portion.

Fig. 59.5 Fluid instillation sonography showing an intrauterine fibroid [44].

Reproduced with permission of John Wiley and Sons. (See also colour plate 59.5a)

Abdominal ultrasound and MRI may be of additional value in the case of larger fibroids. MRI is useful for examining large fibroids or in obese women where adequate imaging on transvaginal or transabdominal ultrasonography is precluded, or in cases of suspected malignancy. There are no pathognomonic features for a leiomyosarcoma on any imaging technique. A large (≥8 cm), solitary, oval‐shaped, heterogeneous myometrial tumour, with strong and irregular vascularization, central necrosis/degenerative cystic changes and absence of calcifications should raise the suspicion of a leiomyosarcoma. Rapid increase in size has been reported in leiomyosarcoma. MRI with gadolinium enhancement gives an indication of the vascularity and may prove helpful in differentiating between a leiomyosarcoma and a fibroid. Total lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and LDH isozyme 3 are reportedly elevated in leiomyosarcoma. Elevated CA125 levels are seen in advanced‐stage leiomyosarcoma only [27,28].

Treatment of uterine fibroids

The management of fibroids depends on the symptoms, the type and size of the fibroid, the patient’s age and the desire to preserve fertility. Surgical treatment includes hysterectomy and myomectomy. Medical treatments do not eradicate fibroids but are designed to provide symptomatic relief.

Medical treatment

Gonadotrophin‐releasing hormone agonists

The most established medical option is administration of a gonadotrophin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist. These drugs lead to the downregulation of pituitary receptors that result initially in stimulation of gonadotrophin release, followed by gonadotrophin output reduction and consequent reduction in ovarian steroid production within 2–3 weeks of commencing treatment. The decreased output of ovarian steroids continues while treatment is ongoing. These analogues are given as 1‐ or 3‐monthly depot injections or as nasal spray. Fibroid shrinkage occurs rapidly in the first 3 months but then tends to slow down with little further decline. Most studies suggest a fibroid volume reduction of 40% [39]. The principal disadvantages of GnRH analogue administration are that the fibroids regrow when treatment has stopped. In addition, they are associated with postmenopausal side effects consisting of hot flushing, vaginal dryness and, with prologed use, significant bone loss. An ‘add‐back’ therapy by administering low‐dose oestrogen replacement therapy counteracts these side effects without inducing fibroid regrowth.

GnRH agonists have a licence for use in the UK in women with severe anaemia. Their administration results in amenorrhoea, which is associated with a significant increase in haemoglobin. Agonists are also useful prior to surgery [40,41], for example enabling a hysterectomy to be carried out vaginally, with or without laparoscopic assistance. GnRH agonists have also been used prior to myomectomy for similar reasons. However, it is important to note that the plane of cleavage between the fibroid and the surrounding myometrium can be masked after preoperative use, making the surgery significantly more difficult.

Selective progesterone receptor modulators

Selective progesterone receptor modulators (SPRMs) are effective in reducing pain, bleeding and fibroid size, and are associated with an improvement in quality of life [37,42]. Unlike GnRH analogues, SPRMs do not lead to oestrogen deficiency and do not cause hot flushes, nor osteoporosis. Short‐term administration appears to be safe and these preparations may influence the way we treat symptomatic fibroids in the future [43].

The SPRM ulipristal acetate reduces the proliferation of leiomyoma cells and induces apoptosis [44]. Moreover, it inhibits neovascularization, cell proliferation and cell survival in the fibroid but not in the normal surrounding myometrium. Side effects include headache and breast tenderness. The progesterone antagonist action may lead to unopposed oestrogen stimulation of the endometrium. Administration for a longer period may lead to endometrial thickening. Progesterone receptor modulator‐associated endometrial changes (PAEC) characterized by cystic glandular dilatation should be distinguished from endometrial hyperplasia. Long‐term studies are needed to evaluate outcomes after prolonged use.

Levonorgestrel‐releasing intrauterine system

LNG‐IUS has revolutionized the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding and may be one of the reasons why the hysterectomy rate has declined over recent years. However, the use of this system in women with fibroids is considered to be a relative contraindication, partly because the device is more likely to be expelled during a very heavy bleeding episode and because the presence of a distorted uterine cavity may make insertion of the device more difficult and increase the expulsion risk.

Intuitively, if the cavity is regular, a trial with an LNG‐IUS system may be appropriate. However, coil placement should be checked after a very heavy bleeding episode to exclude expulsion.

Other medical treatments tending to reduce menstrual bleeding without effect on fibroid size include progestogens, the oral contraceptive pill and tranexamic acid.

Surgical treatment


Hysterectomy remains the most common surgical treatment option for uterine fibroids. It ensures immediate and definitive resolution of fibroid‐associated symptoms. However, it also guarantees infertility, which may not be an appropriate option for some women. Moreover, it is associated with significant morbidity, a relatively long inpatient hospital stay and prolonged recovery period. Major complications occur with hysterectomy and data from a large UK audit (the VALUE study) suggest that complications are all increased in the presence of uterine fibroids [46].


In women who wish to retain their fertility, uterine‐sparing options must be considered. The first of these is myomectomy, which involves the selective removal of the fibroid. This can be carried out as an open/abdominal, laparoscopic or hysteroscopic procedure. Intracavitary fibroids (FIGO type 0, 1 and some type 2) lend themselves to hysteroscopic removal, which decreases blood loss and improves fertility. The feasibility of hysteroscopic resection depends on fibroid location (FIGO classification), size and number and on the surgeon’s skills. Complications during hysteroscopic myomectomy include uterine perforation and the associated potential for visceral damage, haemorrhage, infection and fluid overload.

Some of these issues are likely to be even more significant when laparoscopic myomectomy is performed. Rupture of the uterus in labour is also a risk after myomectomy if the cavity is breached during the myomectomy.

Uterine artery embolization

UAE is a minimally invasive radiological technique. Pelvic arterial embolization has been used in the treatment of massive obstetric haemorrhage for more than three decades, and was first reported by the French gynaecologist Ravina [47]. UAE involves the cannulation of the common femoral artery with a small plastic tube that is fed around the aortic arch, through the iliac vessels and thereafter into the contralateral internal iliac artery and corresponding uterine artery. Multiple particulate material (usually in the form of polyvinyl alcohol) is then injected into the circulation to effect embolization and thus cease flow beyond the level of the uterine artery. Visualization of the latter is facilitated by the use of a contrast medium and digital fluoroscopy. The procedure may be performed under local anaesthesia, or under intravenous conscious sedation. Opiate analgesia is usually required up to 24 hours following treatment and most women are managed thereafter with oral analgesia, returning to normal activities within 2 weeks of the procedure.

For poorly understood reasons, the blood supply to the normal myometrium renews itself via the rich pelvic collateral circulation, with contributions from ovarian and vaginal arteries. However, the fibroids do not usually revascularize to a significant extent. This leads to shrinkage of the fibroids and subsequent relief of fibroid‐related symptoms. In contrast to the effects of GnRH agonists, where shrinkage of fibroids is maintained only as long as treatment continues, embolization results in sustained shrinkage.

There has been much discussion in the literature regarding the pros and cons of UAE [48]. Observational data suggest that there is a significant beneficial effect on menstrual blood loss and bulk‐related symptoms [48,49]. Patient satisfaction rates following the procedure are also high and comparable to those found after hysterectomy. More recent data suggest that in addition to the shorter hospital stay and recovery period associated with UAE, improvements in health‐related quality of life are also sustained in the long term after UAE [51]. Another significant benefit of embolization is uterine conservation, and thus preservation of fertility.

The average uterine shrinkage is 40%, although in some instances this can be greater. A cervical or submucosal fibroid may also pass vaginally in the weeks or months following treatment, resulting in an anatomically normal uterus. However, variable recurrence rates for fibroids have been reported after embolization as occurs with myomectomy [52]. Unlike hysterectomy, there is no guarantee that the procedure will eliminate all menstrual symptoms and revascularization with subsequent regrowth of fibroids does occur in some women. Nonetheless, most case series report improvements in HMB of 85–88% at 1 year [52]. More recently, longer‐term data from randomized trials have been published, stating that health‐related quality‐of‐life measures improve significantly and remain stable at 5‐year follow‐up evaluation [53].

Some women may require further treatment with hysterectomy, myomectomy, endometrial ablation or a repeat embolization. Importantly, with increasing long‐term follow‐up, it appears that such reinterventions associated with UAE occur more often than previously suggested, with rates of 28% being reported at 5 years [53].

A number of complications (Table 59.2) may be associated with embolization and these may be serious, particularly if severe sepsis occurs.

Table 59.2 Complications of uterine artery embolization.

Groin injury: haematoma, infection
Contrast allergy
Radiation exposure to ovaries
Non‐target or mis‐embolization: ovary, bowel or bladder
Fibroid expulsion
Persistent vaginal discharge
Amenorrhoea: secondary to premature ovarian failure, endometrial atrophy or intrauterine adhesions
Ovarian failure
Post‐embolization syndrome
Sepsis requiring emergency hysterectomy (occurs in <1%)
Death (rare)
Treatment failure: failed cannulation, revascularization or regrowth of fibroids

In approximately 10% of women, the post‐embolization syndrome occurs 7–10 days after the procedure. It consists of a flu‐like illness and is characterized by general malaise and pelvic pain in association with a mild pyrexia and raised white cell count. This is not as a result of infection but is thought to be due to cytokine release at the time of necrosis of the fibroid. The syndrome is often very difficult to distinguish from infection and is treated with a combination of analgesia, adequate hydration, prophylactic antibiotics and reassurance.

Another significant problem resulting from embolization is infection. Most women require a simple course of antibiotics but, rarely, sepsis may occur, a complication that may lead to the patient’s death.

There is a radiation penalty to the ovaries associated with the procedure which occurs during digital fluoroscopy. This, in combination with disruption of uterine blood flow and with non‐target embolization, may increase the risk of premature ovarian failure. Reassuringly, however, recent studies demonstrate that there is no evidence for UAE accelerating a decline in ovarian function at 1 year following treatment when compared with surgery, irrespective of age [54,55].

There are some studies reported in the literature of pregnancies. While some suggest that the outcome is not adversely affected [56], others report increased rates of miscarriage, intrauterine growth restriction, preterm delivery, malpresentation and postpartum haemorrhage following embolization [57].

While a few non‐randomized studies have assessed UAE versus myomectomy [58], a randomized study suggests that of the two treatment options, myomectomy is associated with superior reproductive outcomes in the first 2 years after treatment in terms of miscarriage, pregnancy and labour rates. Perinatal outcomes were similar [59].

The cost‐effectiveness of UAE versus surgery has been studied. Short‐term data reported embolization to be more cost‐effective at 1 year [60], but more recent unpublished studies suggest that owing to reintervention and return visits to hospital after UAE, both embolization and surgery are cost‐neutral in the long term.

Ablation procedures

Endometrial ablation may be performed with or without myomectomy and is associated with a high rate of amenorrhoea. Provided that the uterine cavity is not too enlarged or distorted, ablation appears to be a successful option. It would seem that microwave and bipolar radiofrequency endometrial ablation may be the best of the second‐generation techniques, although randomized data looking at fibroids in particular are not available [61].

A new transcervical device (VizAblate®) is currently available, allowing radiofrequency ablation of fibroids under real‐time sonographic guidance. The first reports have shown a significant reduction in fibroid size, together with symptomatic relief in the first 12 months after the procedure [62].

High‐intensity focused ultrasound

With high‐intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), an extracorporeal source of focused ultrasonic energy is used to induce coagulative necrosis in the fibroid, without damaging the surrounding tissues. The procedure is MRI‐guided to monitor the exact anatomical location of the target lesion and the temperature within the lesion as well as in the surrounding tissues [63]. Recently, sonographically guided HIFU has also been introduced [64]. HIFU of the target lesion causes tissue destruction by a thermal effect, cavitation and direct damage to the lesion’s blood vessels. Unlike UAE, HIFU is not associated with an infarction‐like syndrome. Quality‐of‐life symptom severity scores are similar to those associated with UAE, but the impact of treatment on HMB is less than for embolization [65]. This modality is neither suitable for large fibroids nor large numbers of fibroids, and its impact on the recurrence rate of these benign tumours is unclear.

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