There is no chapter in the history of obstetrics that is more central to the development of the clinical art of obstetrics than the invention and evolution of the obstetric forceps. Indeed, there are few surgical instruments that remain in use, albeit modified, more than three centuries after their introduction. In contrast, the other instrument used to assist vaginal delivery, the vacuum extractor, while having its origins some 150 years ago, has really only been developed in practical clinical terms over the past half century. Because assisted vaginal delivery was and remains an essential clinical obstetrical skill its history and evolution over almost four centuries will be recorded here. Indeed, to a large extent it was the development of the obstetric forceps in the hands of the ‘man-midwife’ that allowed the physician access to the birth chamber, formerly almost the sole purview of the midwife.
Four important events mark the evolution of the obstetric forceps: (1) the invention, (2) the introduction of the pelvic curve, (3) the introduction of axis-traction devices, (4) the return to a modified ‘straight’ forceps for application to the low, transversely placed head.
The Invention of The Forceps
On 3 July 1569 there disembarked at Southampton a Huguenot refugee family by the name of Chamberlen (Chamberlayne, Chamberlaine and Chamberlin are other spellings). The family consisted of William the father (whether he ever practised medicine or was qualified to do so has not been determined), his wife and three children. Two other sons were born a year and 3 years, respectively, after the family had settled in England. The eldest and the youngest son were both named Peter and are referred to by obstetric historians as ‘Peter the older’ and ‘Peter the younger’. To add to the confusion there was a third Peter, a son of Peter the younger, known under the designation ‘Dr Peter Chamberlen’ because he was Doctor of Medicine at Padua (1619), Oxford (1620) and Cambridge (1621) and a Fellow of the College of Physicians (1628); while the father and uncle were of the Barber Surgeons Company (date of admission round about the years 1596–8). Further reference to these three Peters will be under the respective numbers I, II and III which some historians have very wisely adopted for the purpose of distinguishing them.
For many years the invention was attributed to Peter III (Dr Peter Chamberlen), who was born in 1601 and died in 1683. This impression, however, is almost certainly refuted by his own statement: ‘My Fame begot me envie and secret enemies which mightily increased when my Father added to me the knowledge of “Deliveries and the Cures of Women”.’ There is therefore every justification for concluding that the inventor of the obstetric forceps was either Peter I or Peter II, or possibly both.
Peter I (1560?–1631) attained the greater distinction and his rise to fame was as dramatic as it was rapid. He attended Anne of Denmark, Queen Consort of James I and other notable women in society in their confinements. And for so doing as a Barber Surgeon he was arraigned before the College of Physicians in 1612 and incarcerated in Newgate Prison. By the intervention of the Queen and the Archbishop of Canterbury, the President and Censors of the College were prevailed upon to permit his release.
Peter II (1572–1626), the brother, some 10 or 12 years younger, was also interested in midwifery and he was the first to suggest the creation of an Incorporation of Midwives, a project with which Peter III, his son, was more particularly identified.
The probability is that Peter I was the inventor and that the date of the invention was shortly before or shortly after 1600. There is of course the other remote possibility that if ‘Old Father William’ did practise medicine, as some historians thought was the case, he may have been the actual inventor of the instrument.
The secret was kept in the family for 100 years or more. But many attempts were made – presumably the secret was beginning to leak out – to trade the instrument in Paris and Amsterdam by Hugh Chamberlen Senior (son of Peter III), who possessed all his father’s combativeness and business instincts, coupled with his ability to retain a position at Court and amongst numerous clients in the highest social scale. Historical was his encounter with the great obstetrician Francois Mauriceau (1637–1709) in Paris in 1670 when, to test the value of the forceps, Mauriceau gave him a rachitic dwarf (who had been many days in labour) to deliver. Of course, Chamberlen failed and Mauriceau chuckled! Yet, like all commercial travellers, so little was he abashed by his failure that within 6 months we find him again in Paris, on this occasion attempting to sell the invention to the French Government.
It was not until the 18th century was well advanced that the secret of the forceps became known. It was first announced by Edmund Chapman (1680?–1756), the obstetrician of Essex and London, who publicly made known the forceps used by the Chamberlens.
Space does not permit, nor is the occasion suitable, to pursue here the story of this most remarkable family and its doings; nor to describe the schemes – medical, political and commercial – which they sponsored. Fortunately, in Aveling’s historic volume we possess a complete record of all these details and of what perhaps was the crowning event in the romance of the forceps, the discovery in 1818 of a number of the Chamberlens’ instruments ( Fig 10-1 ) in a well-concealed chest in Woodham Mortimer Hall, Essex, which had been purchased by Peter III round about 1630 and continued in the possession of the family until 1715.

On the death in 1728 of Hugh (Junior), son of Hugh (Senior) and grandson of Peter III, the male line of the Chamberlens became extinct. He too was a popular obstetrician and physician and carried on a most successful practice amongst the highest classes of society of London. As far as can be judged, he shed the aggressive enthusiasm, commercial instincts and timely sanctimoniousness of his forebears. He mellowed, was popular with the fellows and was three times elected a Censor of the College of Physicians. He is commemorated in the cenotaph in the north aisle of the choir in Westminster Abbey erected by the son of his patron the Duke of Buckingham, no doubt at the instigation of the Duchess, with whom he lived on intimate terms following the death of the Duke. Thus is the story of the family rounded off by these events!
The forceps of the Chamberlens – admittedly those illustrated here were early patterns – was simple in design and possessed only a cephalic curve, and in this form they remained for well over 100 years (1600?–1747).
The Introduction of The Pelvic Curve
To André Levret (1703–1780) is attributed this improvement, which he brought to the notice of the Paris Academy in 1747. As is often the case, other individuals came up with the same idea at about the same time. Benjamin Pugh (1715–1798), an obstetrician in Chelmsford, Essex, claimed, in the preface of his 1754 Treatise of Midwifery, ‘The curved forceps I invented upwards of 14 years ago…’ It is likely that about the same time William Smellie (1697–1763) independently conceived the same modification, but in respect of the design of the forceps it is mainly for the simplification of the lock (‘English lock’) that we are indebted to him. The lock Chapman designed was simply a slot in each blade and not nearly so secure as Smellie’s lock.
Incidentally, we would mention here that Smellie was the first to recommend forceps for the delivery of the after-coming head in breech extractions and it was largely because he found the straight forceps unsuitable that he invented a long double-curved forceps.
With the addition of this new pelvic curve the instrument was obviously more suitable for extracting a fetal head arrested high in the pelvis, but it still suffered from one of the chief faults of the long straight forceps: namely that when applied to a high head much of the traction force (a third to a half) was expended by pulling the head against the pubes.
The Introduction of Axis-Traction Devices
Etienne Stéphane Tarnier (1828–1897) will ever be honoured as the inventor of axis-traction forceps. But long before Tarnier described his instrument in 1877 it had been fully appreciated that, even with the long double-curved forcep, traction in the axis of the pelvis was impossible and that a great deal of the force exerted by the operator was lost by the head being pulled against the anterior pelvic wall. Levret, Smellie and Baudelocque, for example, in order to obviate this, gave directions how traction was to be made as far back as possible. Charles Pajot (1816–1896) of Paris popularized the manoeuvre to assist this posteriorly directed traction ( Fig 10-2 ). Although known as Pajot’s manoeuvre it was first described by the Danish obstetrician Mathias Saxtorph (1740–1800).

With the object of obtaining traction in the axis of the pelvis, many alterations and additions to the ordinary double-curved forceps were suggested in times past. One of the earliest – that of Saxtorph – was the use of bands through the fenestrae of the blades. A century later this suggestion reappeared in the recommendation of Poullet to pass cords through holes made immediately below the fenestrae of the blades; in more recent times Haig Ferguson once again recommended this primitive device.
As far as can be ascertained, the suggestion of having special traction handles was made first by Hermann of Berne in 1844. But the rods in Hermann’s forceps were employed on the same principle as that by which Saxtorph and Pajot effected their manoeuvres. Hermann’s device seems to have been forgotten, if, indeed, it ever became very generally known.
An important step in the evolution of the instrument was Hubert’s traction bar, described in 1860, for by it traction could undoubtedly still be exerted in the axis of the pelvis. Still later, the ends of the handles were bent backwards in a wide perineal curve. Alternatively, a detachable traction handle incorporating a perineal curve was applied to either the upper or the lower ends of the handles – some patterns recently employed (Neville-Barnes, Haig Ferguson) have the latter arrangement. It is perfectly evident to everyone that, in employing the ordinary forceps with the head at the brim, a large amount of force is dissipated against the anterior pelvic wall: Tarnier estimated that nearly half the traction force was lost. With axis-traction forceps this is avoided in greater part. The mechanics of axis-traction forceps were very carefully considered by Tarnier and by Milne Murray. To those interested in this now historical subject we would commend the writings of those two authorities.
The Introduction of Straight Forceps for Rotation of The Fetal Head
The Norwegian obstetrician, Christian Kielland (1871–1941), designed straight forceps without a pelvic curve to facilitate delivery from the mid-pelvis in cases of malrotation with occipito-transverse and occipito-posterior positions of the fetal head. In fact, William Smellie had used the same principles of rotation almost two centuries before. Kielland laid down very precise rules for the use of his forceps which could be more correctly applied than forceps with a pelvic curve to the incompletely rotated fetal head in the mid or upper pelvis. In 1928, Lyman Barton (1866–1944), a rural general practitioner in New York State, developed straight forceps with a hinged anterior blade to facilitate application to the fetal head arrested in the transverse position at the pelvic brim. Arvind Moolgaoker later modified the Kielland forceps to incorporate a distance-spacing wedge between the handles to maintain the parallel positions of the forcep blades around the fetal head. Kielland’s forceps enjoyed considerable use in the middle part of the 20th century and continue to be applied in some hospitals for arrested occipito-posterior and occipito-transverse positions in the low–mid-pelvis.
The Vacuum Extractor
The history of the vacuum extractor is much shorter but its use is increasing, so that a majority of assisted vaginal deliveries are now performed using this instrument as opposed to the obstetric forceps. The vacuum principle was probably first applied in medicine with a cupping-glass to treat depressed skull fractures in infants and adults. The first attempted obstetrical application was in 1705 by James Yonge, surgeon to the Naval Hospital in Plymouth, England. He unsuccessfully attempted to deliver a fetus ‘by a cupping-glass fixt to the scalp with an air pump’. Neil Arnott (1788–1874), a Scot who received his education in Aberdeen and London, practised medicine in London and outlined the principles of a pneumatic tractor. There is no evidence that Arnott used his tractor for clinical purposes but he did propose its application in obstetrics: ‘Now it seems peculiarly adapted to the purpose of obstetric surgery, viz, as a substitute for the steel forceps in the hands of men who are deficient in manual dexterity, whether from inexperience or natural inaptitude’.
Some 20 years later James Young Simpson of Edinburgh (1811–1870), acknowledging the work of Arnott, developed a practical suction-tractor ( Fig 10-3 ). After his initial publications Simpson wrote no more on the subject and in the same year developed the obstetric forceps that bear his name and continue in use 150 years later.

The next century saw a number of attempts to apply the vacuum principle to assist vaginal delivery, but none achieved clinical utility. Tage Malmström of Sweden (1911–1995) was the father of the modern extractor. His unique contribution was a metal cup with an in-curved rounded margin. Thus, the peripheral margin of the cup attached to the fetal scalp had a narrower diameter than the upper margin, thereby producing a ‘chignon’ and effectively increasing the total surface area of application and reducing the risk of cup detachment during traction. Malmström introduced his prototype in 1953 with refinements culminating in 1957. Malmström’s cup had the suction and traction portions attached by one port in the centre of the cup. The English obstetrician Geoffrey Bird (1922–2001), who worked in Kenya, Australia and Papua New Guinea, made the next significant contribution to development of the vacuum extractor. He separated the traction and suction ports and emphasized the importance of accurate cup placement over the flexion point of the fetal head to minimize the presenting diameter. In order to facilitate placement of the cup over the flexion point in deflexed occipito-transverse and occipito-posterior positions Bird further modified the cup so that the suction port originated from the lateral margin. This so-called ‘posterior cup’ facilitated placement over the flexion point in the deflexed fetal head.
In the 1970s, in an attempt to reduce scalp trauma attributed to the metal cups, vacuum cups were manufactured with soft material. These softer cups did reduce the superficial scalp trauma but were associated with a much higher failure rate of achieving delivery, up to 25%, compared to a failure rate of < 5% with the metal cups. By the end of the 20th century, due to this high failure rate, vacuum cups were manufactured with harder plastic, and these continue in widespread use.
General Considerations
Assisted vaginal delivery of cephalic presentations involves the use of either forceps or vacuum to achieve delivery of the fetal head. These instruments allow the operator to apply extraction forces along the pelvic curve. In the case of the vacuum this is achieved by applying suction and traction to the fetal scalp, while the forceps cradle the parietal and malar bones of the fetal skull and, in addition to applying traction, laterally displace maternal tissue. The second stage of labour is one of the most dramatic occasions in a woman’s life and the decision to intervene and use instrumental delivery of the fetal head is a significant one. From the obstetrician’s point of view assisted vaginal delivery is the application of the art of obstetrics in stressful circumstances. The spectre of litigation looms and the level of expectation is high. In an increasing number of areas in obstetrics evidence-based data are available, but for assisted vaginal delivery this is very limited and the outcome depends more on the judgement, training and experience of the obstetrician.
The rates of assisted vaginal delivery vary from country to country and within countries from hospital to hospital. In broad terms the range varies between 5 and 20% and it is commonly about 10–12% of all deliveries. Similarly, there are variations in obstetric practice worldwide which influence the choice of forceps and vacuum for assisted vaginal delivery. These variations depend on operator choice, clinical indications, local policies and, occasionally, maternal choice. However, the last 10–15 years have seen an almost universal increase in the frequency of use of vacuum extraction and a decline in the use of forceps assisted delivery. There is no evidence to support improved safety of either instrument over the other. A Cochrane systematic review showed that compared with forceps the vacuum extractor is:
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more likely to fail to achieve vaginal delivery
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more likely to be associated with cephalhaematoma and retinal haemorrhage
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more likely to be associated with maternal worries about the baby
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less likely to be associated with significant maternal perineal and vaginal trauma
- •
no more likely to be associated with low 5-minute Apgar scores or the need for phototherapy.
The vacuum extractor has been favoured by many because of the reduction in maternal pelvic floor injury compared with forceps delivery. Although this is the case in the short term, a 5-year follow up of women in one randomized-controlled trial showed no difference in long-term maternal pelvic floor function between the two instruments. A potential drawback to the use of the vacuum extractor is the higher rate of failed delivery compared with forceps. This then raises the dilemma of the sequential use of forceps following failed vacuum, with potentially increased risk to mother and infant; this will be discussed later in this chapter. We will not further debate in detail the comparative merits of the two instruments as the well-trained obstetrician should be adept with both and should select the one best suited to the woman’s individual circumstances.
Utero-Fetal-Pelvic Relationships
A number of these principles have been reviewed in Chapter 5 but the main elements will be emphasized here. The interaction between uterine work, descent of the fetal head and the pelvic architecture should be viewed as a dynamic relationship rather than a set of mathematical measurements. Factors to be assessed are: uterine work; maternal effort; fetal head, including: presentation, position, attitude (flexed/deflexed), synclitism, station, caput and moulding; and the bony pelvis.
Uterine Work
Before considering operative vaginal delivery one should ensure that there has been adequate uterine action to provide maximum descent of the fetal head by propulsion before resorting to traction. This is particularly important in the nulliparous woman and in those with epidural analgesia. It is important to recognize that in normal spontaneous labour there is an increase in the endogenous production of oxytocin in the second stage. Thus, nature actively manages the second stage of labour with increased oxytocin production to augment uterine action and aid descent of the presenting part. Epidural analgesia blocks Ferguson’s reflex so that this normal endogenous surge of oxytocin in the second stage of labour does not occur. This is particularly evident in the nulliparous woman in whom the addition of oxytocin in the second stage of labour will, to some extent, offset the increased need for operative vaginal delivery associated with epidural analgesia. This is much less often required in the multiparous woman but, occasionally, and after careful appraisal to rule out cephalopelvic disproportion, oxytocin augmentation may be necessary for the multiparous woman with epidural analgesia in the second stage of labour.
Maternal Effort
It is essential that the resource of maternal effort should be guided appropriately. During the second stage of labour the fetal head descends, flexes and rotates anteriorly. These cardinal movements are accomplished by effective uterine action and maternal expulsive efforts. From the aspect of maternal effort there are two phases to the second stage of labour. In the first, passive phase , uterine action causes descent of the fetal head to the pelvic floor. At this point maternal effort will be productive and should be added as the active phase . In the multiparous woman the passive phase may be very brief as the head often descends rapidly to the pelvic floor after full cervical dilatation. In the nulliparous woman, however, the fetal head is often only at the level of the ischial spines at full dilatation and time, aided by effective uterine action, is required to allow descent to the pelvic floor before enlisting maternal effort and entering the active phase of the second stage.
As with the first stage of labour the progressive nature of the second stage is more important than a fixed time limit. A working definition of arrest of progress in the second stage is no descent after 30 minutes in the multiparous woman and 60 minutes in the nulliparous woman. Protracted progress is < 2 cm/hour descent in multipara and < 1 cm in nullipara. Protracted progress in the second stage of labour is much more common in the nulliparous woman than in multipara. In the nulliparous woman it is reasonable to encourage no maternal effort for 1 hour after full cervical dilatation. In about half of nulliparous women the descent of the fetal head will be quite rapid during this time and descent to the pelvic floor will be obvious – productive maternal effort can then be encouraged. In the remaining half, however, progress is protracted and after 1 hour oxytocin augmentation should be started. This can be administered for another hour, after which maternal effort is encouraged as the oxytocin augmentation is continued. The virtue of this approach is that it reduces the likelihood of exhausting the mother in achieving fetal descent through the mid-pelvis, which is more appropriately accomplished by uterine contractions. Although individual women’s stamina varies considerably, 1 hour of full maternal effort is usually the most productive. Thus, with the above guiding principles, by 3 hours of the second stage one should be in a position to decide whether vaginal delivery is imminent with continued maternal effort, or whether assisted vaginal delivery may be necessary. If there is continued arrest of descent in the mid-pelvis then caesarean section may be more appropriate ( Fig 10-4 ).

Fetal Head
There are a number of characteristics of the fetal head that can be assessed to evaluate its accommodation by the bony pelvis and pelvic floor.
The position may be occipito-anterior, occipito-transverse or occipito-posterior. Usually the head descends to the mid-pelvis in the transverse position. The normal progression is for the head to rotate anteriorly as it descends to the pelvic floor. Such rotation is favoured by the available space and the tone of the pelvic floor musculature, a benefit which may be lost with regional anaesthesia. If the pelvic floor muscle tone is not maintained the forward and medial sloping nature of the pelvic floor is lost, favouring deflexion and malrotation of the fetal head. Posterior rotation is less advantageous as it presents a larger diameter to the pelvis.
The attitude of the fetal head may be flexed (smaller diameter) or deflexed (larger diameter).
Synclitism is the parallel relationship between the planes of the fetal head and of the pelvis. This is assessed by feeling the sagittal suture of the fetal head and its relationship to the transverse plane of the pelvic cavity. When both parietal bones present equally and neither precedes the sagittal suture, the head is synclitic. Anterior asynclitism, which is normal, occurs when the anterior parietal bone is felt more easily because it precedes the sagittal suture which is further back in the transverse plane of the pelvis. In posterior asynclitism, a sign of cephalopelvic disproportion, the posterior parietal bone occupies more of the transverse plane and it precedes the sagittal suture which is more anterior ( Fig 10-5 ).

The station of the fetal head is the relationship of the foremost bony part of the fetal head to the ischial spines. When this is at the level of the ischial spines the station is zero; levels above and below the ischial spines are designated −1 cm to −5 cm and +1 cm to +5 cm respectively.
Caput Succedaneum
Caput succedaneum is the oedematous swelling formed on the presenting portion of the fetal scalp during labour. This is a serous effusion which overlies the aponeurosis. The assessment of caput is rather subjective but is expressed as none, +, ++, or +++. One+ or two+ is quite compatible with normal spontaneous delivery. Three+ may also be compatible with normal or easy assisted vaginal delivery, but in general is more indicative of a tighter fit between the fetal head and the pelvis.
Moulding is the change in shape of the fetal head as it adapts to the pelvic canal. This is associated with compression of the bones of the skull and the relationship of the edges of these bones to each other is how moulding is classified. Depending on accessibility to the examining finger, this is usually assessed by the relationship of the two parietal bones at the sagittal suture or the occipital and parietal bones in the area of the posterior fontanelle. In this regard the parietal bones always over-ride the occipital bone. This point is a guide to identification of the posterior fontanelle. The classification of moulding is as follows: none = bones normally separated; + = bones touching; ++ = bones overlapping but easily separated with digital pressure; +++ = bones overlapping and not separable with digital pressure ( Fig 10-6 ). The + and ++ degrees of moulding are compatible with normal vaginal delivery. Three+, however, is more likely to denote relative cephalopelvic disproportion, particularly if it exists at both the sagittal suture and the posterior fontanelle.
‘With the tip of my finger I could hardly reach the jutting forward of the last vertebra of the loins and upper part of the sacrum; from which circumstances I understood the pelvis at that part was not above half or three-quarters of an inch narrower than those that are well formed’.
William Smellie
A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery. London: D. Wilson, 1752

Bony Pelvis
X-ray pelvimetry has a limited, if any, role in modern labour management. Ultrasound has been used as an aid to documenting the position and station of the fetal head and the extent of overlap of the fetal cranial bones. This application of ultrasound has not found widespread clinical application on the labour floor.
Clinical pelvimetry has limitations but is still a worthwhile endeavour. If one carries this out in every patient managed during labour a useful bank of clinical experience will be obtained. By measurement of your own fingers and fist you should be able to assess the following points:
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diagonal conjugate – at least 12 cm ( Fig 10-7 )
Measurement of the diagonal conjugate.
- •
curve of the sacrum – should be curved and the lower end should not be inclined anteriorly
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pelvic sidewalls – should be parallel and not converge
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ischial spines – blunt and not prominent
- •
sacrospinous ligaments – should accept two finger-breadths (> 4 cm)
- •
subpubic arch – not narrowed, should accommodate two fingers
- •
inter-tuberous diameter – should hold the closed fist (at least 10 cm).
Assessment for Assisted Vaginal Delivery
In assessing suitability for assisted vaginal delivery, it is essential that a combined abdominal and vaginal examination be performed to accurately establish the level of descent of the fetal head. In this context vaginal examination can be misleading because of the difficulty in assessing the contribution of caput and moulding to the true level of descent ( Fig 10-8 ). It is here that careful abdominal palpation following the principles laid down by Crichton is most helpful. He proposed a clinical estimation of descent of the fetal head in fifths, as palpable above the pelvic brim ( Fig 10-9 ). The occiput and sinciput should be carefully palpated. In general, if only the sinciput is palpable the head is one-fifth above the pelvic brim and this corresponds to the lowest part of the fetal bony skull being at the level of the ischial spines. With vaginal examination alone and a moderate or major degree of moulding the bony part of the fetal skull may appear to be much lower. If none of the fetal head can be palpated above the pelvic brim then it has descended to at least spines +1 to +2 cm. In modern obstetrics it is rarely indicated to assist vaginal delivery at a level higher than this. Thus, abdominal palpation is in many ways the critical and decisive component of the combined abdominal–vaginal assessment. As Chassar Moir (1964) noted in a previous edition of this book:

‘It is a good working rule never to apply the forceps if the sinciput can still be felt per abdomen. This should be remembered when examining the patient that has been long in labour, for the extreme moulding of the head and the considerable size of the caput succedenaum may give a false impression to the examining vaginal fingers to the degree of descent already achieved.’
In addition to accurately determining the level of descent of the fetal head, the position and attitude of the fetal head are very important. These can be ascertained by identifying the sagittal suture and the anterior and posterior fontanelles. In this context the occipital and frontal bones always ride under the parietal bones with moulding. By identifying the posterior fontanelle of the fetal head the position (occipito-anterior (OA), occipito-transverse (OT), occipito-posterior (OP)) can be readily ascertained. If the posterior fontanelle is easily palpable the head must be well flexed, which presents the smallest diameter to the pelvis.
If, however, the posterior fontanelle cannot be felt, move in the opposite direction along the sagittal suture to see if the anterior fontanelle is palpable. Normally, with a well-flexed fetal head the anterior fontanelle is difficult to feel as it is much deeper in the pelvis towards the sinciput. If it is easily palpable the head is usually considerably deflexed, which presents a larger diameter to the pelvis. If, due to caput, there is difficulty in identifying the sutures one should feel anteriorly for the fetal ear. Feel for the pinna and canal, as the ear can be folded forward to give a false impression of the true position. The ear as a landmark can be useful in assessing the level of the head as it is just below the maximum biparietal diameter. Thus, if it is easily felt during maternal bearing-down effort, there is unlikely to be significant disproportion. The acquisition of these clinical skills requires the proverbial ‘long apprenticeship at the bedside of women in labour’; indeed, many of the necessary skills could be described as ‘obstetric braille’.
Indications for Operative Vaginal Delivery
Most indications for assisted vaginal delivery are relative and fall into three categories: maternal, fetal and non-progressive labour/dystocia.
The mother’s medical condition may limit the desirability or ability for maternal effort, e.g. cerebrovascular disease, severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, and cardiac disease. Maternal fatigue and exhaustion may lead to unproductive, non-progressive and demoralizing effort. This may culminate in maternal request for assisted vaginal delivery.
Presumed fetal compromise as manifest by non-reassuring fetal heart rate pattern is a common indication for assisted vaginal delivery. Here again, the indication is often relative and dependent upon the interpretation of the fetal heart rate abnormality, the presence or absence of meconium, and the availability of fetal scalp blood sampling (see Chapter 6 ). In these circumstances, in the second stage of labour, the fetus can often be delivered more rapidly by assisted vaginal delivery than by caesarean section. However, it is essential to be sure that assistance with either forceps or vacuum is straightforward as the combination of hypoxia and trauma is potentially damaging to the fetal brain.
Non-Progressive Labour/Dystocia
In a prolonged, non-progressive second stage of labour the indication to assist delivery is usually based on a combination of maternal and fetal reasons. The mother may be exhausted and demoralized that her efforts are not productive. Prolonged second stage of labour may damage the maternal pelvic floor. The fetal contribution to a non-progressive second stage of labour may be due to macrosomia or an unfavourable position and attitude of the fetal head presenting a wider diameter to the pelvis. Most commonly this occurs with a deflexed occipito-transverse or occipito-posterior position of the fetal head, with the larger diameter resulting in relative cephalopelvic disproportion. Skilfully performed, assisted vaginal delivery can correct the unfavourable position and flex the fetal head allowing safe and easy vaginal delivery. A prolonged, non-progressive second stage of labour may cause the potentially lethal combination of trauma and hypoxia to the fetal brain; with the third potentially damaging component being fetal infection, manifest by chorioamnionitis. The following guidelines have been suggested for time limits in the second stage of labour, at which point consideration should be given to assisted delivery:
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nullipara: 2 hours without regional anaesthesia and 3 hours with regional anaesthesia
- •
multipara: 1 hour without regional anaesthesia and 2 hours with regional anaesthesia.
Although these are reasonable guidelines no rigid time limits should be applied; however, maternal and perinatal morbidity are increased when the second stage of labour exceeds 3 hours. It is also inappropriate to have a laissez-faire, open-ended approach which can lead to an indefinite, indecisive and interminable second stage. Of relevance is the duration of the active phase with maternal effort, as this has the most potential for negative effects on the fetal head and the maternal pelvic floor. The appropriate time for intervention is based upon a combination of the fetal and maternal factors noted above, a careful appraisal of the feto-pelvic relationships and the mother’s wishes.
Classification of Assisted Vaginal Delivery
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has been the organization that has most consistently defined the types of operative vaginal delivery. Other speciality organizations have adopted this classification ( Table 10-1 ).
Mid | Fetal head is ≤ one-fifth palpable per abdomen |
Leading point of the skull is above station +2 cm (0 => +1 cm) but not above the ischial spines | |
Two subdivisions:
| |
Low | Leading point of the skull (not caput) is at station ≥ +2 cm and not on the pelvic floor |
Two subdivisions:
| |
Outlet | Fetal scalp visible without separating the labia |
Fetal skull has reached the pelvic floor | |
Sagittal suture is in the antero-posterior diameter, or right or left occiput anterior, or occiput posterior position (rotation ≤ 45°) | |
Fetal head is at or on the perineum |
Prerequisites for Assisted Vaginal Delivery
Indication and Assessment
The indication should be clearly established and documented. The essentials of the feto-pelvic relationship should be confirmed and these include: full cervical dilatation and membranes ruptured; vertex presentation; the exact position and attitude of the head should be known; the head should be ≤ one-fifth palpable per abdomen and the pelvis should be deemed adequate. As mentioned previously, it should be rare that operative vaginal delivery is undertaken with the head even one-fifth palpable above the pelvic brim. The bladder should be emptied by straight catheterization and if an indwelling catheter is in place, the bulb should be deflated and the catheter removed just before the procedure to reduce the risk of urethral or bladder damage.
Informed Consent
Genuinely informed consent can be difficult to obtain in the stressful environment surrounding the second stage of labour. However, the options generally include waiting, assisted vaginal delivery or caesarean section – and these should be discussed with the woman and her partner. In some circumstances the course of action is quite clear, e.g. acute fetal bradycardia with the head at the pelvic outlet requiring only easy assistance with forceps or vacuum. On other occasions the head may be arrested in the low–mid-pelvis and a more detailed outline of the options and answers to the woman’s questions are more appropriate.
If the assistance required is in the low or outlet portion of the pelvis, infiltration of the perineum with local anaesthetic may be all that is required. Alternatively, pudendal block is effective for most low assisted deliveries. In general, more analgesia is required for forceps than for vacuum assisted deliveries. If the fetal head is in the low–mid-pelvis, and particularly if rotation is required, then epidural or spinal anaesthesia is optimum.
The potential for maternal and fetal trauma with assisted vaginal delivery performed by inexperienced operators is considerable. Obstetricians in training should have adequate supervised experience with spontaneous vaginal delivery and low and outlet assisted vacuum and forceps delivery. The judgement and technical skills required for assisted vaginal delivery in the low–mid pelvis, particularly with rotation, are considerable and more senior obstetrical staff with experience should directly supervise juniors in the acquisition of these skills. This is an area of obstetrics fraught with risks of poor clinical outcome and litigation. The two go hand-in-hand and it is not acceptable for inadequately trained staff to be unsupervised in the performance of these procedures.

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