Arterial Puncture



  • • Collection of arterial blood for blood gas analysis to manage cardiopulmonary disorders and maintain acid-base balance.

    • Collection of arterial blood when unable to sample venous blood to help manage fluid and electrolyte imbalance.




  • • Allen test indicates that collateral circulation is compromised.

    • Circulatory defects.

    • Sampling area is infected.


  • • Coagulation abnormalities, such as hypercoagulability or hypocoagulability.

    • Patient has disease associated with hypercoagulability or hypocoagulability.

    • Hematoma at site.

    • Anatomic abnormalities in limb.



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• Caution: All equipment must be latex free.

  • • Gloves.

    • 23-gauge or smaller butterfly needle.

    • 1-mL heparinized syringe for blood gas sampling.

    • Syringes for blood sampling.

    • Disinfectant (povidone-iodine, chlorhexidine, and alcohol) swabs.

    • Sterile gauze pads.

    • Topical anesthetic.



  • • Ischemia.

    • Hematoma.

Pearls and Tips


  • • Use smallest gauge needle to minimize arterial trauma.

    • Hold pressure over puncture to prevent hematoma formation and bleeding.

    • The radial artery and the femoral artery are the preferred sites for arterial puncture.

    • If the pulse is hard to palpate, use Doppler and mark the location.

    • In small infants, the radial artery may be located by transillumination.

    • The Allen test involves the following:

    • • Localizing and assessing the radial pulse.

      • Encircling the patient’s wrist with your hand and elevating the hand.

      • Applying occlusive pressure on the radial and the ulnar arteries.

      • Releasing the ulnar artery and continuing to apply occlusive pressure on the radial artery.

      • Monitoring palmar blush.

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Jan 4, 2019 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Arterial Puncture

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