The number of twin pregnancies continues to increase worldwide as both the number of pregnancies obtained by medically assisted reproduction and age at first pregnancy keep rising. Preterm delivery is the major complication associated with twin pregnancies. The effectiveness of preventive treatments such as progesterone or cervical cerclage for women with a short cervix is doubtful in twin pregnancies. The effectivity of cervical pessaries in preventing preterm birth and its associated morbidity and mortality is also controversial.
We sought to investigate if the Arabin pessary reduces adverse neonatal outcomes in twin pregnancies with a short cervix.
Study Design
This open-label, multicenter, randomized controlled trial on twin pregnancies with a cervical length of <35 mm compared pessary placement at 16+0 to 24+0 weeks’ gestation with standard care alone. The primary endpoint was a composite of adverse neonatal outcomes, namely peripartum or neonatal death or significant neonatal morbidity before hospital discharge, defined as at least 1 of the following complications: bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage grade III to IV, periventricular leukomalacia, necrotizing enterocolitis grade II or higher, culture-proven sepsis, and retinopathy requiring treatment. A sample size of 308 pregnancies was planned to ensure 80% power to compare the proportions of women with at least 1 infant with an adverse neonatal outcome. The intention-to-treat analysis after multiple imputation of missing data, was supplemented with a secondary analysis that controlled for gestational age and cervical length, both at inclusion. The primary endpoint was also compared between randomization groups in the per-protocol population, which excluded patients with prespecified major protocol violations (mostly cervical cerclage and/or progesterone after inclusion). Secondary endpoints included preterm birth, spontaneous preterm birth, and pessary side effects.
In total, 315 women were randomized to either receive a pessary (n=157) or standard management (n=158). Overall, 10.8% (34 women) of participants had a missing value for the primary endpoint, mostly (79%) because of the lack of paternal consent for neonatal data collection. In the intention-to-treat analysis, the adverse neonatal outcome occurred in 16.8% of the pessary group vs in 22.5% of the control group (risk ratio, 0.69; 95% confidence interval, 0.39–1.23; P =.210). The per-protocol analysis did not show any significant difference between groups (risk ratio, 0.78; 95% confidence interval, 0.47–1.28; P =.320). The occurrence of preterm birth or spontaneous preterm birth did not differ significantly between groups. No serious side effects were associated with pessary use.
Pessary use in our study did not significantly reduce adverse neonatal outcomes in twin pregnancies with a short cervix.
The number of twin pregnancies is rising worldwide as medically assisted reproduction and age at first pregnancy continue to increase. Preterm delivery is one of the major complications associated with twin pregnancies. The proportion of early preterm deliveries (<34 weeks’ gestating) is higher in twin than in singleton pregnancies, with an incidence of 19.5% and 2.1%, respectively, in 2018 in the United States. In addition, neonatal mortality among twins is more than quadruple that in singletons regardless of gestational age (GA).
Why was this study conducted?
Twin pregnancies are at high risk for adverse neonatal outcomes associated with preterm delivery. Unlike in singleton pregnancies, no treatment has proven to be effective for twins.
Key findings
In asymptomatic twin pregnancies with a cervical length <35 mm, measured between 16- and 23-weeks’ gestation, 16.8% of the pessary group had adverse neonatal outcomes vs 22.5% of the control group (risk ratio, 0.69; 95% confidence interval, 0.39–1.23).
What does this add to what is known?
In our study, pessaries did not decrease adverse neonatal outcomes in twin pregnancies with a short cervix <35 mm.
Today, in singleton pregnancies with a short cervix, vaginal progesterone has been shown to be effective in reducing the preterm delivery rate, , as well has cerclage. Neither of these treatments, however, has been effective for twin pregnancies with a short cervix. , , Similarly, several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have been unable to reach a definitive conclusion about the efficacy of cervical pessaries in twin pregnancies with a short cervix for reasons including the heterogeneity of results and the poor quality of evidence on the outcomes. Studies in this high-risk population, currently without preventive therapeutic resources, remain necessary.
We conducted a multicenter RCT to test the hypothesis that cervical pessary placement, compared with usual management, would reduce the occurrence of a composite outcome of neonatal morbidity and mortality in twin pregnancies.
Materials and Methods
Study design and participants
This multicenter, open-label RCT took place from November 2014 through October 2018 in 20 centers in France. Women with an asymptomatic monochorionic or dichorionic twin pregnancy between 16 +0d and 24 +0d weeks’ gestation and a cervical length (CL) <35 mm (ie, the 25th percentile at 22 weeks’ GA ) were asked to participate and were randomly allocated to standard care with or without an Arabin pessary in a 1:1 ratio. A vaginal swab was used to collect samples for bacteriologic examination in both groups. An accredited sonographer performed all CL measurements by transvaginal sonography. Accreditation required sonographers to provide 3 CL measurements to verify their quality according to the criteria described by Iams et al. Exclusion criteria included monoamniotic twins, placenta previa, uterine malformation, previous conization, chronic maternal diseases (type 1 and type 2 diabetes, ongoing heparin therapy, chronic kidney disease, and hypertension), cerclage, progesterone treatment at inclusion, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, major fetal abnormalities, and fetal weight discordance exceeding 40%. All women consented to participate in writing after information was provided. Because it is required by French law, the consent of fathers was sought for neonatal data collection. The appropriate French ethics committee (2014-A00616-41) approved this study. The trial was registered under NCT02328989 with .
Randomization and masking
We used a web-based randomization system with varying random block sizes, stratified by GA (2 periods: 16 +0d to 19 +6d weeks and 20 +0d to 24 +0d weeks). The allocation sequence was generated by a statistician and concealed from the obstetricians and clinicians enrolling the patients. Given the nature of the intervention, participants and obstetricians were aware of the allocated intervention. Neonatal outcome assessors and data analysts were, however, blinded to it.
Study procedures
We used a single size Arabin (ASQ type) pessary (Dr Arabin GmbH and Co KG, Witten, Germany) of 65×25×32 mm (ie, lower larger diameter, height, and upper smaller diameter, respectively). Before pessary insertion, a vaginal swab was used to collect samples for bacteriologic examination. An obstetrician inserted the pessary in an outpatient procedure. A video about this insertion, produced by the PECEP-Twins trial Group at the Val d’Hebron, was provided to participating obstetricians to view before the study started. Investigators also received written guidance on pessary insertion, management, and removal, which was done during a vaginal examination at 36 weeks’ gestation in asymptomatic patients. Indications for earlier removal were severe patient discomfort, persistent signs of preterm labor despite tocolysis, active vaginal bleeding, and any sign of chorioamnionitis. Preterm premature rupture of membranes (pPROM) was not an indication itself for pessary removal.
Women in both groups received standard care based on the 2009 French College of Obstetrics and Gynecology guidelines for the management of twin pregnancies. Any adverse effects were recorded. Preterm labor was defined as painful uterine contractions with a shortened CL. Tocolysis and corticosteroids were considered before 34 weeks’ gestation; atosiban was the first-line tocolytic treatment for preterm labor. Neither vaginal progesterone nor cervical cerclage after randomization was permitted under the protocol but they were systematically recorded in the data set if they occurred. All outcome measurements were collected at delivery and during the neonatal period, extracted from the hospital records, and entered into a standardized electronic case report form. The centers were monitored regularly throughout the study. A clinical research associate (CRA) performed quality control of screening and data processing and verified protocol compliance and adverse event reporting during regular visits. These took place during the study at a frequency that depended on the number of inclusions and at study conclusion. Moreover, the records of all women who gave birth before 34 weeks’ gestation were reviewed by the CRA to determine whether the birth was spontaneous or medically indicated. Spontaneous births included those for whom labor began spontaneously and those with PROM, regardless of whether labor was induced. The surveillance of the pregnant women and of the infants ended, respectively, at birth and at hospital discharge.
Study endpoints
The primary endpoint was a composite of any one of perinatal death (ie, medical termination of pregnancy, intrauterine fetal death, intrapartum death), neonatal death (within 28 days post-theoretical term), and significant neonatal morbidity until hospital discharge, defined as one or more of the following complications: bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage grade III to IV, periventricular leukomalacia, necrotizing enterocolitis grade II or higher, culture-proven sepsis, and retinopathy of prematurity requiring treatment. The primary endpoint, defined as at least 1 infant with an adverse perinatal outcome, was determined for each mother. Secondary endpoints included preterm birth (PTB) before 34 weeks’ gestation, time to delivery after inclusion in days, and pessary side effects (vaginal discharge, vaginal or uterine infection, early removal of pessary, pain with pessary, or cervical tear).
Sample size
Sample size calculations were based on the expected proportions of women with at least 1 infant with an adverse perinatal outcome. When we assumed a proportion of 25% and 12% in the control and pessary arms, respectively, based on the Dutch ProTWIN trial, 308 patients were required to have an overall power of 0.80 with a 2-sample binomial test using a continuity correction to consider the normal approximation to the binomial, with an equal sample size for both arms and an overall 2-sided type I error of 0.05.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were based on the intention-to-treat (ITT) principle after multiple imputation of missing data. These analyses were complemented by a per-protocol (PP) analysis, excluding patients with prespecified major protocol violations, defined as violation of at least 1 eligibility criterion (pessary placement for patients randomized to the control group, no pessary placement for patients randomized to the pessary arm, cerclage and vaginal progesterone use, and women found not eligible after randomization). The PP analysis was based on the available data (without imputation). To test several assumptions about missing values, we performed unadjusted sensitivity analyses of the ITT population based on the best-case scenario (ie, each missing outcome treated as no adverse perinatal outcome) and the worst-case scenario (ie, each missing outcome treated as an adverse perinatal outcome for at least 1 infant). A post hoc analysis of the primary outcome was also performed on the subpopulation of pregnancies with a CL of <25 mm.
Preliminary analysis of missing data among the intent-to-treatsample
For 34 women (10.9% of enrolled pregnancies), the composite perinatal outcome was missing for both infants. Moreover, for 2 women, an adverse perinatal outcome was observed for 1 infant, whereas there were no data for the other twin in those pregnancies; these women were classified as having an adverse perinatal outcome ( Figure 1 ). Most often (27/34), missing information was because of a failure to obtain paternal consent to collect the neonatal data.

Analyses of the effects of the missing value mechanism were applied at a 10% level of significance because of their exploratory nature. Chi-square tests were used to examine the characteristics of patients with a missing primary endpoint (n=34) in comparison with patients (n=281) with known perinatal outcomes. We then explored whether factors that were unbalanced between individuals with complete and incomplete primary endpoints differed by randomization group. Specifically, we used logistic regression models including an interaction term the between randomization group and covariate as the independent variables and missing primary endpoint (yes/no) as the dependent variable. Finally, factors that were unbalanced between patients with a complete and those with incomplete primary endpoints were entered in the multiple imputation model as auxiliary variables.
Three factors were associated with a missing primary endpoint—mode of conception (85/281 vs 3/32 pregnancies obtained by in vitro fertilization [IVF]), history of late miscarriage between 16 and 22 weeks (6/281 vs 3/32), and steroids after inclusion (178/281 vs 25/29) ( Supplemental Table 1 ). GA at delivery also differed between the 2 groups: no patient with a missing primary endpoint gave birth before 24 weeks of gestation, thus all women delivering <24 weeks had a known adverse neonatal outcome or primary endpoint. Moreover, there was a significant interaction between GA and randomization groups in the logistic regression model predicting the probability of a missing primary endpoint.
Multiple imputation of missing primary outcome
Multiple imputation by chained equations was used to fill in the missing values for the variables introduced in the analysis model. The imputation process was applied at the level of the mother.
Potential predictors of the perinatal outcome and variables found to be associated with the probability of this missing value for the primary endpoint were introduced into the imputation model. It thus included randomization group, GA at randomization (16–19 weeks or 20–24 weeks), mother’s age at randomization, mother’s prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) (<30 kg/m 2 vs ≥30 kg/m 2 ), parity (nulliparous vs parous), pregnancy obtained after IVF (yes/no), chorionicity, CL at inclusion (<15 mm, 15–24 mm, or 25–35 mm), infection during pregnancy (urinary, pelvic, or genital), group B streptococcal infection, corticosteroid administration, tocolysis after inclusion, cerclage after randomization, magnesium sulfate use at delivery, GA at delivery, and the perinatal outcome.
Statistical approach
We described, by randomization group, the demographic and clinical characteristics of all randomized patients, the treatments administered after inclusion (cerclage, progesterone, steroids, and tocolysis), and distribution of the outcomes at birth and the neonatal morbidities among live births.
Log binomial models were used to estimate risk ratios (RRs), comparing the pessary and control arms with their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Analysis of the multiple imputed data estimated the RRs between arms for each imputed data set and pooled them according to Rubin’s rules.
We estimated the crude (ie, unadjusted) RR for an adverse perinatal outcome for patients allocated to the pessary and control arms. RRs were then adjusted for GA at inclusion (stratification variable, 16–19 weeks and 20–23 weeks) and CL at inclusion, which were considered to be strongly related to the primary endpoint. Because unbalanced use of steroids and tocolytics after inclusion between the randomization groups in this unblinded trial could impact the estimate of the difference between the interventions, this model was further adjusted in a secondary analysis for administration of corticosteroids and/or tocolysis after inclusion (categorized into 3 groups: no corticosteroids [regardless of tocolytic status], corticosteroid therapy but no tocolysis, or both corticosteroid therapy and tocolysis). CL was dichotomized by using the cutoff (15 mm or 25 mm) that produced the model that fit the data best according to the P value of the overall model to test that all coefficients (excluding the constant) were equal to zero. The interaction terms between CL at inclusion and randomization group and between randomization group and corticosteroid administration or tocolysis after inclusion were tested.
Secondary endpoints were then analyzed. The proportion of preterm deliveries before 34 weeks’ gestation was compared between randomization groups. The proportion of births after spontaneous labor and before 34 weeks’ gestation was also compared between groups after exclusion of patients who gave birth after labor was induced before 34 weeks’ gestation for a non-PROM reason. These outcomes were compared between randomization groups by using log binomial models. Finally, the duration of pregnancy was described using Kaplan-Meier curves that showed the cumulative distribution of pregnancy durations and Cox proportional hazards models with delivery as the event. The proportion of preterm deliveries and of spontaneous preterm deliveries before 28 weeks and before 37 weeks were also reported by randomization group. Unadjusted analyses were completed by analyses adjusted for GA at inclusion and CL at inclusion (<25 mm or ≥25 mm). Interactions between CL and randomization group were tested for secondary outcomes.
Significance was defined as a P value of <.05.
In total, 315 women were randomized, 157 to the pessary arm and 158 to the control arm. Figure 1 presents the study flowchart. Baseline characteristics were similar between the 2 groups ( Table 1 ). There were 84 (26.7%) patients randomized between 16 and 19 weeks and 229 (72.7%) between 20 and 23 weeks. Figure 2 presents the distribution of CL at inclusion by randomization group. Three patients (1.9%) had a second pessary placed after removal of their first. Median GA at first pessary removal was 34.0 weeks (Q1–Q3, 29.0–36.0).
Characteristics | Pessary n=157 | Control n=158 |
Maternal age (y), mean (SD) | 30.9 (5.5) | 31.5 (5.3) |
Missing (n) | n=0 | n=0 |
BMI (kg/m 2 ) median, (Q1–Q3) | 23.2 (20.3–26.6) | 23.1 (20.7–25.9) |
Missing (n) | n=6 | n=5 |
Nulliparous, n (%) | 96 (61.9) | 93 (58.9) |
Missing (n) | n=2 | n=0 |
Previous preterm delivery a , n (%) | 14 (9.0) | 12 (7.6) |
Missing (n) | n=2 | n=0 |
Conception, n (%) | ||
Natural | 102 (65.8) | 100 (63.3) |
Ovulation induction | 11 (7.1) | 12 (7.6) |
IVF | 42 (27.1) | 46 (29.1) |
Missing (n) | n=2 | n=0 |
Cigarette smoking during pregnancy >5 per d, n (%) | 17 (11.0) | 16 (10.1) |
Missing (n) | n=2 | n=0 |
Monochorionic twins, n (%) | 45 (28.7) | 51 (32.3) |
Missing (n) | n=0 | n=0 |
GA at randomization (wk), mean (SD) | 20.8 (2.0) | 20.9 (2.2) |
Missing (n) | n=0 | n=0 |
Cervical length at randomization (cm), median (Q1–Q3) | 27.0 (21.0–31.0) | 25.0 (19.0–30.0) |
Missing (n) | n=0 | n=0 |
GA at first pessary placement (wk), mean (SD) | 20.8 (2.0) | NA |
Missing (n) | n=2 | NA |
GA at first pessary removal (wk), median (Q1–Q3) | 34 (29–36) | NA |
Missing (n) | n=3 | NA |
a Nulliparous patients considered not to have had a previous preterm delivery.

Primary endpoint
At the infant level, an adverse perinatal outcome was observed for 45 infants in the pessary group (45/291, 23 missing infant-level outcomes) and for 54 infants in the control group (54/269, 47 missing infant-level outcomes).
The proportion of adverse perinatal outcomes for at least 1 infant was 16.8% in the pessary arm (95% CI, 10.7–22.9) and 22.5% in the control arm (95% CI, 15.7–29.4) (RR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.39–1.23; P =.210) ( Table 2 ). In the model adjusted for GA at inclusion (16–19 weeks or 20–23 weeks), CL at inclusion (<25 mm vs ≥ 25 mm), and administration of corticosteroids and/or tocolysis after inclusion, no significant difference in adverse perinatal outcomes was observed (RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.34–1.19; P =.153). When restricted to the subgroup of pregnancies with a CL of <25 mm at inclusion, the randomization groups did not differ significantly: 23.6% of adverse perinatal outcomes for at least 1 infant (95% CI, 12.2–34.9) in the pessary group vs 32.4% (95% CI, 20.9–44.0) in the control group (RR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.29–1.44).
Population | Pessary | Control |
ITT analysis of complete data, n/N | 25/146 | 32/135 |
% | 17.1 | 23.7 |
ITT analysis (N=315, m=10) | n=157 | n=158 |
% | 16.8 | 22.5 |
95% CI | 10.7–22.9 | 15.7–29.4 |
RR Pessary vs Control | 0.69 | |
95% CI | 0.39–1.23 | |
P value | .210 | |
RR Pessary vs control adjusted c | 0.73 | |
95% CI | 0.40–1.32 | |
P value | .295 | |
PP analysis (n=256), n/N | 24/139 | 26/117 |
% | 17.3 | 22.2 |
95% CI | 11.4–24.6 | 15.1–30.8 |
RR Pessary vs Control | 0.78 | |
95% CI | 0.47–1.28 | |
P value | .320 |

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