• Headlight.
• Nasal speculum.
• Frazier suction, 8F and 10F.
• Bayonet forceps.
• Yankauer suction.
• Tongue retractor/tongue blade.
• Absorbable topical vasoconstrictor (oxymetazoline).
• Expandable cellulose intranasal tampons.
• Antibiotic ointment (eg, bacitracin).
• Layered quarter-inch gauze with petroleum.
• Silver nitrate sticks.
• Hemostatic material.
• Cottonoid pledgets.
• 4% topical lidocaine or tetracaine hydrochloride.
• As in any patient who is hemorrhaging, assess airway, breathing, and circulation first.
• Wear protective eyewear, gown, and gloves; maintain universal precautions.
• Once hemorrhage is controlled, instruct the patient against sneezing or coughing with his or her mouth closed, bending over, straining, or nose picking or blowing.
• Do not discharge a patient as soon as the bleeding stops; rather, observe him or her for at least 30 minutes to ensure that the patient is stable and the bleeding does not recur.
• Always look in the posterior oropharynx, behind the uvula, to ensure that blood is not dripping down and being swallowed.
• Do not cauterize both sides of the septum. Loss of the perichondrial layers on both sides of the septum can result in cartilage necrosis and septal perforation.
• If a patient has recurrent epistaxis, consider a neoplastic process, especially if bleeding always occurs on the same side.
• Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas are highly vascular tumors arising in the nasopharynx that usually present as recurrent unilateral hemorrhage in pubescent males.
• Always provide systemic antibiotic coverage against Staphylococcus species.
• Severe epistaxis may require endotracheal intubation (for airway obstruction), cardiac monitoring and pulse oximetry, and vascular access (to administer intravenous crystalloid solution).
• Obtain a history, if possible, about digital nasal trauma, foreign bodies, hematologic disorders, medications, and nasal fracture.
• Obtain a blood count, clotting screen, and a sample for a cross-match.
• Inform the patient and parents that bleeding will be controlled in a stepwise fashion.
• If the patient is stable, have patient or assistant maintain firm digital pressure by pinching the nose closed with a gauze sponge.
• Consider sedation.