- 1.
Which of the following measures is/are proven to improve performance in the operating room?
- a)
Team training.
- b)
Surgical skills training leading to improved psychomotor performance.
- c)
Ergonomic operating-room design improving comfort and procedural efficiency.
- d)
Checklists reducing mortality.
- e)
Sterile cockpit communication protocols improving clinical outcome.
- a)
- 2.
The following statements is/are true regarding the ergonomic design of the operating room?
- a)
It can improve cognitive and motor skills.
- b)
It can enhance perceptual skills.
- c)
It cannot improve a surgeon’s performance.
- d)
It can reduce physical complaints.
- e)
It is an important aspect of occupational health.
- a)
- 3.
Which of the following is/are true about simulation training?
- a)
Simulation provides a risk-free environment for the trainee to practise under minimal level of stress and distraction.
- b)
Simulation can help trainees to bypass the early learning curve with its inherently higher risk of complications.
- c)
Simulators are more beneficial to novice groups compared with more skilled surgeons.
- d)
Intermediate and novice trainees take the same number of sessions to achieve the same standard of simulated surgery.
- e)
Trainees using simulation by box trainers did not show improved performance when assessed on virtual-reality simulators and vice versa.
- a)
- 4.
In defining the relevant definitions of validity of a simulator used, which of the following statements is/are true?
- a)
Content validity measures the degree of realism of the simulator.
- b)
Face validity measures the appropriateness of the simulator as a teaching modality.
- c)
Construct validity assesses whether a simulation method can identify the differences between applicants with different levels of experience.
- d)
Identifying novices from experts by their performance on a simulator is called construct validity.
- e)
Consequential validity measures whether the test predicts future performance.
- a)
- 5.
Which of the following is/are true about training curricula?
- a)
Expert feedback is an important part of the training and should be concurrent (i.e. feedback given to trainee at the time of performing the task).
- b)
Distributed, as opposed to mass practice, results in better acquisition and transfer of skills.
- c)
The best training programmes are proficiency-based rather than time-based.
- d)
Training and assessing with varying levels of difficulty of the motor task has a negative effect on the learning process.
- e)
Formative assessment of training has a better effect on learning than summative assessment.
- a)
- 6.
Open laparoscopic entry (Hasson technique) is associated with which of the following?
- a)
Less bowel injury than closed entry techniques.
- b)
Differences in bowel injury rates due to the technique alone.
- c)
Less vascular injury than closed entry techniques.
- d)
A lower mortality rate than closed entry techniques.
- e)
Evidence based on meta-analysis.
- a)
- 7.
The rate of visceral injury in laparoscopic gynaecologic surgery is about:
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- e)
- a)
- 8.
To avoid vascular injury in laparoscopy, it is beneficial to:
- a)
Place the woman in the Trendelenburg position for entry.
- b)
Direct the Veress needle more perpendicular to the skin for more lean women.
- c)
Aspiration of the Verress needle to check for vascular placement.
- d)
Use a downward stabbing motion with the scalpel when making skin incisions.
- e)
Insert secondary trocars under direct visualisation.
- a)
- 9.
Which of the following is/are true about the Manchester repair?
- a)
It is an abdominal operation.
- b)
It is an example of a uterine preservation procedure.
- c)
It is the ‘gold standard’ option for treating uterine prolapse surgically.
- d)
It has a reported prolapse recurrence risk of up to 20%.
- e)
A recent modification showed that Manchester repair was associated with less middle-compartment recurrences than vaginal hysterectomy.
- a)
- 10.
Which of the following is/are true about sacrospinous hysteropexy?
- a)
It routinely involves the use of mesh.
- b)
It is only be carried out unilaterally.
- c)
Established evidence exists for its superiority to vaginal hysterectomy.
- d)
It involves the fixation of the uterus to the uterosacral ligament.
- e)
It was first described in 1968.
- a)
- 11.
Which of the following is/are true about the laparoscopic approach for uterine prolapse?
- a)
It is an established technique for women who want to preserve fertility.
- b)
It usually involves suspending the uterus to the sacral promontory.
- c)
The outcomes of pregnancy after laparoscopic uterine suspension are well-established.
- d)
A recent RCT has proven that recurrence with laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy is significantly more than the gold standard vaginal hysterectomy.
- e)
A recent RCT showed that it is associated with a quicker return to normal activities compared with abdominal hysteropexy.
- a)
- 12.
Which of the following is/are true about laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy?
- a)
It normally involves attaching mesh to the vagina.
- b)
A 25% risk of obstructive defecation can occur after laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy.
- c)
It addresses all the three compartments.
- d)
The longest follow up is 10 years.
- e)
The risk of dyspareunia is significantly less then vaginal sacrospinous hysteropexy.
- a)
- 13.
Which of the following is/are true about bowel endometriosis?
- a)
In most cases, the sigmoid is involved.
- b)
Digestive symptoms are the most frequent.
- c)
Lesions larger than 3 cm require a radical approach.
- d)
A stoma is required in all cases of bowel resection.
- e)
Colonoscopy is mandatory in the preoperative work-up.
- a)
- 14.
Which of the following about the general strategy for endometriosis is/are true?
- a)
Exposure is achieved exclusively with the woman in the Trendelenburg position and with the use of pneumoperitoneum imaging.
- b)
A low-residue diet facilitates field exposure.
- c)
A thorough recto-vaginal examination is useful when dealing with deep infiltrating endometriosis.
- d)
Detaching the sigmoid colon from the abdominal wall permits access to the left ureter and adnexa.
- e)
Uterine and ovarian suspension can be useful to free the assistant.
- a)
- 15.
What is the gold standard for ovarian endometriosis management?
- a)
Laser vaporization.
- b)
- c)
Drainage and lavage.
- d)
- e)
Drainage, gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues and second look.
- a)
- 16.
Which of the following is/are true about minimal-invasive surgery?
- a)
Laparoscopic surgery has favourable long-term oncological outcome compared with open or robotic surgery in endometrial and cervical cancer.
- b)
The main benefit of robotic surgery is an improved ergonomic environment for the surgeon.
- c)
Robotic surgery has replaced other modes of surgery for cervical cancer in most developed countries.
- d)
One randomised-controlled trial showed a significantly higher rate of cervical cancer recurrence in open procedures.
- e)
One of the limitations of single-incision laparoscopic procedures is restricted mobility of the operating surgeon.
- a)
- 17.
Which of the following is/are true about radical ovarian cancer debulking?
- a)
It is an accepted mode of surgical treatment for advanced-stage ovarian, peritoneal and tubal cancers.
- b)
The current Gynecologic Oncology Group standard of surgical treatment for ovarian cancer is interval debulking for all advanced stage ovarian, peritoneal and tubal cancers.
- c)
Upper abdominal surgeries carry unacceptable morbidity during radical debulking of ovarian cancer.
- d)
Optimal debulking to no-residual disease (R = 0) has better prognostic value in primary surgery.
- e)
Optimal debulking to no-residual disease (R = 0) has better prognostic value in interval surgery.
- a)
- 18.
Which statement(s) is/are true about fertility-sparing procedures?
- a)
All early stage cervical cancer (Stage 1A1–1B2) can be treated successfully with radical trachelectomy without increasing the recurrence rate.
- b)
Women with early stage ovarian cancer who have undergone fertility sparing-surgery do not need further follow up until their family is complete.
- c)
Endometrial cancer has better subsequent pregnancy rates than cervical cancer.
- d)
Endometrial cancer has better subsequent pregnancy rates than ovarian cancer.
- e)
Pelvic lymph-nodes status is vital for proceeding with radical trachelectomy, as positive lymph-node status has poor prognosis.
- a)
- 19.
Which of the statement(s) is/are true about exenteration procedures?
- a)
They are mainly carried out for palliation of symptoms.
- b)
They are associated with major morbidity in 15–30% of patients.
- c)
Exenteration morbidity can significantly affect quality of life.
- d)
They are only offered to patients with central recurrence of disease.
- e)
Histological confirmation is always necessary before embarking on definitive diversion procedures.
- a)
- 20.
Women with hydrosalpinges referred to an in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) programme should:
- a)
Always have a salpingectomy before entering the IVF programme.
- b)
Only have hydrosalpinges removed if previous IVF cycles have failed.
- c)
Not have the tubal mucosa evaluated before removal.
- d)
Have a salpingostomy if the prognosis for hydrosalpinges is good.
- e)
Have thin-walled hydrosalpinges visible on ultrasound removed, as the prognosis for these are poor.
- a)
- 21.
In women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are resistant to clomiphene:
- a)
It is economically more beneficial to refer her to a programme of ovulation induction with gonadotrophins instead of carrying out ovarian drilling.
- b)
Transvaginal ovarian drilling is less effective than laparoscopic ovarian drilling.
- c)
Ovarian drilling plus ovulation induction with gonadotrophins are considered second-line treatments.
- d)
Transvaginal ovarian drilling caries a higher risk of postoperative adhesion formation, as the procedure requires vaginal access.
- e)
They should be referred directly to an IVF programme.
- a)
- 22.
Multi-centre studies compared with single-centre studies can be:
- a)
More reliable.
- b)
More valid.
- c)
Completed through rapid accrual.
- d)
More generalisable.
- e)
Less susceptible to bias.
- a)
- 23.
Which of the following is/are true about clinical trials?
- a)
The numbers of multi-centre studies are increasing exponentially in obstetrics and gynaecology.
- b)
Concealment and randomisation in trials is improving.
- c)
The quality of surgical trials improves if the patient and clinician are blinded to the intervention.
- d)
Blinding in surgical trials specifically, can be very difficult.
- e)
A comparator is always needed in an effectiveness study.
- a)
- 24.
Recruitment into clinical trials can be improved in the following ways:
- a)
If the study is multi-centred.
- b)
By paying patients to participate.
- c)
By raising study awareness using social media and information leaflets.
- d)
By creating an enthusiastic, motivated research team.
- e)
By participation in research collaboratives and networks.
- a)
- 25.
Which of the following is/are currently the principal indication(s) for single-port surgery (SPAL)?
- a)
Adnexal mass.
- b)
- c)
- d)
Endometrial cancer.
- e)
Ovarian cancer.
- a)
- 26.
Which instrument(s) is/are used to carry out SPAL?
- a)
0 degree camera.
- b)
Specifically designed trocars for SPAL.
- c)
Conventional laparoscopic instruments.
- d)
Robotic instruments.
- e)
Only disposable instrumentation.
- a)
- 27.
The main obvious advantage(s) of SPL surgery over multi-access laparoscopy is/ are:
- a)
Better cosmetics.
- b)
Easier removal of the specimen.
- c)
Less operative time.
- d)
Absence of ancillary ports.
- e)
- a)
- 28.
The following is/are reasons why laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy has not yet become the universal standard of practice:
- a)
Gynaecologists require a long learning curve to learn the skills of laparoscopic hysterectomy
- b)
Higher complication rates are related to the operative procedure
- c)
Higher cost of the procedure
- d)
Vaginal Hysterectomy has higher complication rates
- e)
Abdominal Hysterectomy has still remained the default hysterectomy
- a)
- 29.
The following statement(s) is/are true about intraoperative imaging:
- a)
Laparoscopic ultrasound probes are rigid.
- b)
Conventional B-mode real-time ultrasound is the technique of choice for the detection of all pelvic sentinel lymph nodes (SLN) in gynaecological cancers.
- c)
Positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography fusion imaging (FDG– PET and computed tomography) together with intraoperative gamma probe is more accurate in detecting SLN than operative gross palpation.
- d)
Intraoperative ultrasound detects more metastatic liver lesions than preoperative computed tomography imaging.
- e)
Intraoperative ultrasound detects small para-aortic lymph nodes more accurately than computed tomography.
- a)
- 30.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about congenital uterine abnormalities (Müllerian duct anomalies)?
- a)
Hysterosalpingography is a reliable technique for assigning the condition to the correct classification.
- b)
No imaging technique can replace the gold standard of combined hysteroscopy and laparoscopy before proceeding with surgical management.
- c)
Three-dimensional ultrasound has equal accuracy compared to hysteroscopy for detecting and making the correct diagnosis in these conditions.
- d)
Three-dimensional ultrasound compared with magnetic resonance imaging scanning is more cost effective and has higher accuracy at detecting all types of these anomalies.
- e)
Imaging is used in these conditions to make the diagnosis preoperatively; however there is still some benefit from performing intraoperative imaging even after the correct diagnosis has been established.
- a)