The figures herein illustrate the case of a pregnant woman referred to our center for a nonprimary cytomegalovirus infection. After a normal second trimester ultrasound during a scan performed at 29 weeks, a nonvascularized dilatation of 30×35 mm of the left scrotum was noted in the fetus ( Figure 1 , Supplemental Material, Video1 ). The penis and the contralateral testicle were normal in appearance. This was at first hypothesized to represent a hydrocele, perhaps associated with testicular torsion or inguinal herniation. At the follow-ups performed at 31 and then at 34 weeks, the echogenic structure became less homogeneous ( Figure 2 , Supplemental Material, Video2 ). The patient delivered spontaneously at 39 weeks. At postnatal ultrasound, both the testicles were normally located, but a large left inguinal hernia was reported with meconium peritonitis and an entrapped intestinal loop causing the hydrocele. Serology for cytomegalovirus infection in the newborn was negative. The newborn underwent surgical hernia repair.

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