
Christopher P. Coppola, Alfred P. Kennedy, Jr. and Ronald J. Scorpio (eds.)Pediatric Surgery2014Diagnosis and Treatment10.1007/978-3-319-04340-1_82
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

Note Templates

Christopher P. Coppola 

Department of Pediatric Surgery, Janet Weis Children’s Hospital, 100 N. Academy Av. MC 21-70, Danville, PA 17822, USA



Christopher P. Coppola


Admission orders





Admitting service/physician/location



Covering resident(s) and contact information






Condition (stable, fair, poor, critical, moribund, etc.…)



Vital sign frequency (also neurologic checks, pulse checks, weights, body part diameters, pulse oximetry)



Continuous monitoring/telemetry needed



Activity (bed rest, out of bed to chair, ambulate, assistance needed, fall risk, seizure prophylaxis)






Nursing procedures


Wound and dressing care/changes



Parameters for which to call surgeon (temperature, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, urine output, change in examination, function, or mental status)



Tubes and drains (both placement and monitoring of output)



Tubes/orifices which cannot be manipulated, any signs to post over bed



Compression hose and/or sequential compression devices




Diet or NPO orders



In/Out monitoring and frequency



Intravenous access and fluids





Scheduled medication



Continuous infusions



Symptomatic medication



Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis



Stress ulcer prophylaxis



Home medications to stop/continue



Sliding scale for insulin




Laboratory specimens to collect/process



Blood bank orders for type and cross or transfuse



Diagnostic imaging to obtain






Services to consult



Respiratory therapy orders



Physical/occupational therapy orders




Preoperative note and checklist





Planned Procedure(s)






Consent form status



Anesthesia evaluation requested/accomplished






Vital signs



Relevant laboratory values


Serum studies



Evaluation of coagulation






Blood bank type and cross or type and hold




Relevant diagnostic imaging



Electrocardiogram and other cardiac studies



Evaluation of pulmonary function: pulmonary function test, arterial blood gas



NPO order status and timing



Intravenous fluids



Preoperative antibiotics



Bowel preparation



Medications to continue/hold for operation





Cardiac medication






Jan 7, 2017 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on Templates

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