Supplementary Mammographic Projections

Fig. 24.1
Correct client position for mediolateral projection
Fig. 24.2 illustrates positioning technique for this projection
Fig. 24.2
Correct mediolateral positioning

Lateral Images: Lateromedial Projection

Region Demonstrated

The medial breast tissue and inframammary angle.

Positioning Technique

The machine is positioned as for the mediolateral projection. The client is positioned again facing the machine with the image receptor outer edge in line with the sternum. The ipsilateral arm is raised and rested across the machine with the elbow slightly flexed. The breast should be lifted upwards and forwards away from the chest wall until the sternum is resting against the machine and the medial breast in contact with the image receptor. Position the nipple in profile, bearing in mind this can be more difficult to achieve in the lateromedial projection.
Figure 24.3 illustrates positioning technique for this projection.
Fig. 24.3
Correct lateromedial positioning

Cleavage Projection

Region Demonstrated

Maximises the volume of medioposterior breast tissue bilaterally and clearly shows the cleavage.

Positioning Technique

Commence positioning as for a CC projection but keep the client centralised rather than off set to one side as is the case when performing separate right or left breast imaging. Lift both breasts forwards separately and rest them onto the image receptor. Lean the client inwards to maximise visualisation of the inner breasts. Place a thumb on each medial aspect and rotate the breasts laterally to demonstrate fully the medial regions while applying compression.
Figures 24.4 and 24.5 illustrate ideal positioning technique for this projection.
Fig. 24.4
Correct cleavage view positioning
Fig. 24.5
Correct cleavage view positioning
NB It is important that a manual exposure is selected (probably guided by a previously recorded CC projection) to avoid the AEC delivering a suboptimal exposure.

Mediolateral Axillary Tail Projection

Region Demonstrated

The axillary tail, pectoral muscle and low axilla.

Positioning Technique

Set the machine and commence positioning initially for a standard mediolateral oblique projection as described earlier in Chap.​ 21. The machine height is then raised higher to include more of the breast axillary tail and lower axilla regions. The affected shoulder should be as relaxed as possible and compression applied, making sure the humeral head and clavicle are not caught by the compression paddle.

Nipple in Profile Projection

Region Demonstrated

The nipple should be in perfect profile to demonstrate the subareola structures. Provides clarification that a perceived mass on a standard CC view (where the nipple was not in profile) is in fact the nipple superimposed onto the adjacent breast tissue. Also facilitates accurate orientation, allowing measurement of the location of a perceived abnormality in relation to the nipple.

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May 29, 2017 | Posted by in GYNECOLOGY | Comments Off on Supplementary Mammographic Projections

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