Screening for Fetal Abnormalities

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
Kanna Jayaprakasan and Lucy Kean (eds.)Clinical Management of Pregnancies following ART10.1007/978-3-319-42858-1_7

7. Screening for Fetal Abnormalities

Alec McEwan 

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Queens Medical Centre Campus), Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK



Alec McEwan

MaternityPregnancyScreeningMultipleDown syndromeAnomalyAssisted conceptionPregnancy complication


The UK NSC defines screening as “a process of identifying apparently healthy people who may be at increased risk of a disease or condition. They can then be offered information, further tests and appropriate treatment to reduce their risk and/or any complications arising from the disease or condition.” A screening test is usually offered to a specific larger population and identifies individuals who are at much higher risk than background of the condition which is being screened for. This smaller group can then be offered diagnostic tests, which are usually highly accurate. In the context of pregnancy, this of course means offering tests which will identify women at increased risk of fetal problems such as congenital anomalies (chromosomal and structural) but also fetal growth restriction, gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. This chapter focuses on the screening tests available to women aimed at detecting fetal anomalies, with an emphasis on how this screening might be influenced by preceding assisted reproduction.

Before examining these screening tests in detail, it is helpful to revise some of general characteristics of a screening test so that we might better understand what makes a screening test a “good” one and how one screening test compares with another.

The sensitivity of a test measures its performance, or its detection rate (DR). If, in a given screened population, there are 100 individuals affected by condition X, and the screening test identifies 85 of these people as being at particularly high risk of X, then the sensitivity is 85 %. Unfortunately, all screening tests will identify some of the unaffected population as high risk, even when they do not actually have the condition. These are the “false positives” and they will be exposed to anxiety and the risks of the subsequent diagnostic tests only to discover later that they were unaffected.

Some screening tests quote the “screen positive rate.” This totals all of the positives together (true positives plus false positives). It is clear that a “good” screening test should have a high sensitivity and low false positive and screen positive rates. The positive predictive value of a screening test (PPV) indicates how likely an individual is to actually have the condition if their screening result is positive (i.e., high risk). This depends very much on the prevalence of the condition in the screened population. A high PPV is ideal for a screening test. However, if the prevalence of the condition is low, then the PPV will be limited because of the high proportion of positive results being “false” positives. Furthermore, the value of these parameters achieved by a screening test is highly dependent on where the threshold is set for a screening result to be deemed positive. The lower this threshold is made, the more cases will be deemed high risk and the higher the detection rate will be. However, this comes at the cost of a higher false positive rate (FPR) and lower PPV. Increasing the threshold reduces the FPR and increases the PPV, but causes a fall in detection rate (sensitivity).

Screening tests should not only be judged by their statistical outcomes. A screening test will inevitably be offered to a large subpopulation (e.g., all pregnant women), so it must be acceptable to those being screened, cost effective, safe and most importantly there must be value in screening for the specific condition. Those deemed “high risk” following screening will then be offered a diagnostic test and this is usually more expensive and hazardous to undertake than the screening test. Whilst waiting for these second line tests, patients will usually be very anxious about the test itself, the potential result and all its implications. It is clear that keeping the false positive rate of a screening test low is of vital importance.

The background incidence of major congenital anomalies (including chromosomal abnormalities) is usually quoted as 2–3 %. Worldwide, many countries now offer all pregnant women screening for the common trisomies (principally Down syndrome) and fetal structural abnormalities. In the UK, screening regimens for fetal anomalies were initially varied, haphazard and poorly standardised until the Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP) was established by the Department of Health in 2003. It is now overseen by the UK NSC, within Public Health England (PHE), and it has the following aims:

  • To provide information so that women can exercise informed choice

  • Identify abnormalities inconsistent with life

  • Identify abnormalities which may benefit from antenatal treatment

  • Identify abnormalities which require early intervention

FASP have systematically defined and monitored screening standards and have supervised a stepwise improvement in Down syndrome screening and the recent introduction of screening for trisomies 18 and 13 (Edward’s syndrome and Patau’s syndrome). The UK Fetal Anomaly Ultrasound Screening Programme is also working to standardise the aims and outcomes from the second trimester detailed scan so that it also fulfils its role as a screening test. It is clear that where these tests are offered outside of a formal national screening programme, standards fall, detection rates slide and false positives increase.

Screening for Trisomies

It is still the case that a definitive prenatal diagnosis of a chromosomal disorder can only be made by invasive testing with amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. These carry a 0.5–1.0 % risk of causing a miscarriage, and it is this fact which prevents some women from choosing screening or diagnostic testing for these conditions. The UK screening programme offers screening for T21, 18 and 13, with opt out for T21 available to mothers. The discussion here will focus mostly on screening for Down syndrome, with a mention of these other autosomal trisomies later.

The subject of Down syndrome screening is a complex and confusing one. Biochemical and ultrasound variables in the first and second trimester can be combined with a maternal age “a priori” risk to give an individualised risk for Down syndrome in each pregnancy. These variables are mostly continuous and independent of one another and can be used to increase or decrease the a priori risk depending on how far they deviate from the median value for a normal pregnancy. Women with a final adjusted risk above a predetermined threshold are offered invasive testing. Exciting new molecular approaches using cell free DNA have recently transformed the landscape and a review of these will follow.

Biochemical Variables

It has been known since the 1980s that the maternal serum levels of certain pregnancy-derived proteins are shifted away from the median in pregnancies affected by Down syndrome. In the second trimester (14–20 weeks), for example, hCG values in a pregnancy affected by T21 are approximately twice those of a normal pregnancy, and the maternal serum AFP is approximately half. The higher the hCG, and the lower the AFP, the higher the risk for Down syndrome becomes. Low hCG and high AFP levels are conversely associated with a lower risk of Down syndrome. Computer algorithms combine maternal serum levels with the maternal age at conception and compute an adjusted risk value for T21, which is usually expressed as the chance of a livebirth of a baby with Down syndrome. In the 1980s and early 1990s in the UK, if this risk was higher than 1 in 250, the result was described as “screen positive” and an amniocentesis was offered. This was called the double test, and it carried a false positive rate (FPR) of 5 %, with a sensitivity of only approximately 60–65 %. The later addition of oestriol, and then inhibin A, described as the triple and quadruple tests, respectively, has helped to improve the sensitivity. The quadruple test remains the second trimester screening test recommended in the UK by FASP [1], where the standard to be reached is a DR of 80 % for a FPR of between 2.5 and 3.5 %. Only women with a risk of 1 in 150, or greater, are now offered invasive testing with amniocentesis. This detection rate of 80 % means that 1 in 5 affected pregnancies will be deemed “low risk” by the screening test (so the diagnosis will be missed) and approximately 1 in 30 women will have a false positive screening result. Furthermore, not all screening programmes using the quadruple test have been able to reach these standards.

There is an understandable desire for Down syndrome screening to occur as early in pregnancy as possible. The levels of pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) tend to be lower in Down syndrome pregnancies in the first trimester (9–13 weeks), and those of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and free β-hCG tend to be higher. Even when used together, these first trimester biochemical markers have insufficient sensitivity to constitute a viable screening test, but they have been very successfully combined with nuchal translucency scanning (see below – the combined test) resulting in a much higher sensitivity despite lower false positive rates. The addition of first trimester maternal serum levels of AFP and placental growth factor (PlGF) may further benefit the performance of first trimester Down syndrome screening protocols in the future.

Ultrasound Variables

As the quality of ultrasound images improved in the 1980s and 1990s it became clear that the collection of fluid in the skin at the back of the fetal neck between 11 and 13 + 6 weeks gestation, the “nuchal translucency” (NT), could also be used to adjust the a priori risk for T21. The greater the measurement of the NT, the more likely Down syndrome would be. The fluid of the nuchal translucency accumulates during this time whilst the fetal lymphatics are still developing and vascular resistance in the placenta is still relatively high. The maturation of the fetal lymphatics tends to occur later in the fetus with a chromosomal anomaly, and the amount of fluid collecting tends to be greater. NT scanning was introduced in 1990 and although it lead to risk estimates being performed significantly earlier in pregnancy, used in isolation it failed to significantly raise the detection rate much above that of the triple test, reaching a DR of approximately 70 % for a FPR of 5 %. Chorionic villus sampling was required if the couple chose immediate invasive testing, with concerns that the miscarriage risk was slightly higher than that of amniocentesis. The Fetal Medicine Foundation and, more recently, the Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme have invested hugely in the education and audit of sonographers performing these technically demanding scans, pushing up the quality of nuchal translucency scanning country wide, and subsequently increasing its contribution to screening performance.

There are also additional first trimester ultrasound features that can be used to further refine the risk for Down syndrome. Tricuspid regurgitation, reversal of the “a” wave in the ductus venosus, and absence or hypoplasia of the nasal bone are all more common in the fetus with trisomy 21. These are perhaps even more demanding to perform than a nuchal translucency measurement and their use tends to be confined to private services, and fetal medicine units.

Second trimester scanning can also be used to adjust the risk for Down syndrome [2], although opinions vary significantly with regard to the value of the “genetic sonogram” in this regard [3]. Finding a congenital heart defect will significantly increase the risk of Down syndrome, with approximately 40 % of fetuses with major septal defects having aneuploidy, very commonly T21 [4]. However, short femur, increased nuchal fold, echogenic cardiac foci, mild renal pelvic dilatation, echogenic bowel, mild cerebral ventriculomegaly and absent or hypoplastic nasal bone have all been found more commonly in pregnancies affected by T21. Some of these ultrasound features carry a greater likelihood ratio of T21 than do others, and the more of these features that are present, the higher the risk becomes. Absence of any of these features on ultrasound at 18–23 weeks probably does reduce the prior screening or age related risk for Down syndrome and Agathokleous et al [5] have calculated that the combined negative likelihood ratio is 0.13.

The UKNSC issued a Programme Statement in 2009 following review of the available evidence. This stated that women who were found to be at low risk of DS following a formal first or second trimester screening test should not have this chance value recalculated in the presence of the following findings on the second trimester scan:

  • Choroid plexus cysts

  • Dilated cisterna magna

  • Cardiac echogenic foci

  • Two vessel cord

These “soft markers” were considered to have too weak an association with T21 to be of value. The statement went on to say that there are other findings which should be reported and should prompt referral for further assessment. These are;

  • A nuchal fold >6 mm

  • Ventriculomegaly (ventricular atrium >10 mm)

  • Echogenic bowel

  • Renal pelvic dilatation >7 mm

  • Small measurements compared to dating scan (significantly <5th centile)

It is not clear from the statement what effect, if any, these should have on the quoted Down syndrome risk. Most fetal medicine specialists will offer amniocentesis if there is cerebral ventriculomegaly, a significantly small baby or an enlarged nuchal fold. Some still also offer invasive testing for a finding of echogenic bowel.

Combining the Variables

It is clear then that there are a plethora of variables, accessible to prenatal scrutiny, which can be used to refine a risk for Down syndrome. Because these variables are independent of one another, each can be used to separately adjust the maternal age related risk, either up or down. The more variables are included in the screening protocol, the higher the sensitivity becomes for a fixed false positive rate. Worldwide, the protocols available through state funded care, or private care, are determined by resources, moral and ethical values.

A “combined” test describes a screening protocol where a number of ultrasound and biochemical variables are tested at approximately the same gestation, and their effects on the Down syndrome risk are superimposed. This term is used in the UK to describe the current NSC “gold standard” of Down syndrome screening which is an NT scan at 12 weeks gestation with first trimester PAPP-A and free β-hCG values between 10 and 13 weeks gestation. The performance of this test varies, but a recent position statement by the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis quoted an 80 % sensitivity for a 3 % FPR. The FASP standard for the combined test is a sensitivity rate of 85 % for an FPR of between 1.8 and 2.5 %. Adding in examination for the nasal bone to the combined test increases the sensitivity to 91 %. Failure to achieve a technically satisfactory NT measurement remains a problem, especially in women with a raised BMI, and some women continue to book later than the NT window. Current UK recommendations are for these women to be offered the quadruple test as an alternative.

Integrated testing describes the biochemical testing of the pregnancy in both the first and second trimesters, with or without scan variables, and only giving a risk estimate after the second trimester component. Sensitivity rates comfortably exceed 90 % for a 3 % FPR; however, the risk estimate is provided relatively late in gestation and the protocols are resource heavy. Contingency screening is a compromise between combined and integrated testing. Following the first round of the screening protocol in the first trimester, only the women with borderline risk estimates go forward to the second stage. Women with a very high risk are offered invasive testing immediately and those with a very low risk are not offered the second round. Approximately 1 in 5 women will go forward to the second stage, and this significantly saves on resources without seriously compromising detection rates.

As testament to the efforts of research teams, and the Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme, detection rates for T21 have increased significantly, hand in hand with a reduction in the false positive rate. Fewer women are labelled “high risk” and have to face the dilemma of invasive testing, and yet the detection rate for T21 has continued to climb. However, the PPV of even the best screening protocols remains only 3–4 %, meaning that approximately 30 invasive tests are performed for every affected pregnancy detected. With a miscarriage risk of 0.5–1.0 % associated with amniocentesis and CVS, the potential for iatrogenic loss of an unaffected pregnancy remains evident.

Screening Using cfDNA

“Cell free” DNA (cfDNA) refers to fragments of DNA which circulate in plasma having been released from the nuclei of damaged or dying cells. They have a short life span but because they are continually escaping from cells there is a relatively steady state. The fragments are random in size and chromosomal origin but in totality cover the entire genome and give an indication of gene dosage, i.e., how many copies of a particular part of the genome exist in that individual. Tumour biologists recognised some time ago that cfDNA arising from tumour cells could provide non-invasive genetic information regarding a malignancy by the analysis of a simple blood test from an affected individual. Even though cfDNA from cancerous cells could not be physically isolated from the cfDNA of normal cells, somatic genetic mutations contributing to the malignant potential of a tumour could be identified by studying the cfDNA because their DNA sequences differed from those of the host DNA. In 1997, Lo [6] showed that a pregnancy also contributes to the pool of cfDNA circulating in a pregnant woman. As the “host” she would not be expected to have cfDNA derived from the Y chromosome in her circulation, and identification of such Y-chromosomal DNA fragments using sensitive PCR techniques applied to her plasma, from a simple blood draw, would indicate she was carrying a male fetus. This was the first application of this knowledge and technique to prenatal testing and was soon joined by the non-invasive testing of fetal Rhesus D blood group in pregnancies complicated by Rhesus D isoimmunisation. Rhesus D negativity is usually caused by a deletion of the entire RhD gene. A RhD negative woman with anti-D antibodies would not be expected therefore to have cfDNA fragments from the Rhesus D gene in her circulation if she was carrying a RhD negative fetus. A RhD positive fetus would contribute RhD DNA fragments to the total cfDNA pool, and these would then be detectable using PCR techniques. Prior to this non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), an amniocentesis would have been required to ascertain the RhD status where the father of the baby was RhD heterozygous. Both these applications are now common practice in clinical genetics and fetal medicine clinics, and there are a number of other single gene disorders that can be tested for non-invasively in this way. Until recently, however, the clinical applications in a prenatal setting have been limited to this relatively small group of specific indications. A shift in thinking and rapid progress in DNA sequencing technology have now moved NIPT into the realm of screening for the common trisomies and testing for some of the more common deletion syndromes.

These genetic disorders result in a quantitative change in DNA, rather than a qualitative change. Individuals with T21 do not have genetic mutations per se, they have an extra copy of the otherwise normal genes on chromosome 21. This initially excluded NIPT from this field of prenatal testing because the early techniques relied on a difference in sequence between the mother and her unborn baby. However, as our ability to sequence DNA fragments has improved exponentially, it is now possible to sequence literally millions of DNA fragments in a matter of hours. The chromosomal origin of these fragments can be identified because we have mapped the entire human genome. Although the feto-placental unit makes only a small contribution of its cfDNA to the total pool of cfDNA in the maternal circulation, this is sufficient to mean that if the fetus has an imbalance in its chromosomal make-up, this will be detectable in the maternal pool of cfDNA. So, a fetus with trisomy 21 will contribute more chromosome 21 fragments to the cfDNA pool, meaning that a greater proportion of the total pool of cfDNA fragments will come from chromosome 21, even though the fetal cfDNA cannot be identified separately from the maternal. The technology behind this is remarkable, and it is being improved and becoming cheaper all the time.

A number of different techniques have been developed, the details of which will not be described here. They each rely on meticulous laboratory standards and complex statistical algorithms to maximise the sensitivity and positive predictive value of the testing process.

The use of cfDNA in the testing of pregnancies for Down syndrome and other trisomies has been developed and promoted, until very recently, by the commercial sector, with biotechnology companies in North America and Hong Kong dominating the market. There are now a plethora of published studies attesting to the power of these new techniques (summarised in a meta-analysis by Taylor –Phillips [7]). However, the picture emerging is that NIPT cannot be considered a diagnostic test. The headlines quoting detection rates of 99 % and false positive rates of <0.1 % are eye-catching; however, the test may not perform quite as well when confined to the end of the first trimester, or when used in a general obstetric population, rather than the high risk groups common to many of these studies. A recent meta-analysis of 41 studies [7] also found publication bias, which will further overestimate test accuracy. The International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis [8] have recently calculated a positive predictive value of 56 % for cfDNA testing for Down syndrome, although the Taylor-Phillips meta-analysis put this at 91 %. The latter figure would mean that when a cfDNA test gave a high risk for Down syndrome, in 9 out of 10 cases a subsequent invasive test would confirm the diagnosis. All commercial providers firmly recommend invasive testing for women with a cfDNA test showing a “high likelihood of an affected pregnancy.” Of course, when compared with the PPV of 3–4 % of current screening methods for Down syndrome, this is a major advance. Far fewer women are given a “high risk” result, and of those that are, nearly all will be carrying an affected pregnancy. Decision making will be easier, and the number of test-related miscarriages will fall dramatically if cfDNA is introduced widely.

The RAPID study [9] is the only one to date to use cfDNA testing for Down syndrome in a publicly funded “real life” healthcare system and, as such, gives the most valuable insight into how cfDNA testing would perform if it was introduced as part of a national screening programme. RAPID used cfDNA testing in a contingent manner, i.e., all women were offered the combined test or quadruple test as per current NSC guidelines. Those with a risk >1 in 1000 for Down syndrome were then offered NIPT. If this test indicated a high likelihood of Down syndrome, they were then offered invasive testing. In the final analysis, the RAPID team were able to set the threshold for the offer of NIPT at 1 in 150, 1 in 500 or 1 in 1000. At all thresholds, the overall detection for Down syndrome was increased above that of the current screening protocol, and there was a huge reduction in the number of invasive tests performed, and the number of test-related miscarriages. However, with current costs of cfDNA technology, only the use of a threshold of 1 in 150 kept costs for the screening programme neutral (in fact it had a small associated saving). As the costs of testing fall, the threshold of the primary screening test at which NIPT can be offered will also fall, with an associated increase in the proportion of Down syndrome pregnancies detected. This leads to the question as to whether cfDNA testing should be offered to all women, as the primary screening test. Costs are prohibitive currently for this option, and there are realistic concerns that test accuracy will fall, and the number of invasive tests performed will climb again, despite only a relatively small increase in the additional cases of Down syndrome detected. Concerns have been raised about losing the nuchal translucency scan, and the use of first trimester biochemical markers, because of the other pregnancy complications these test components can be a marker of.

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