Role Relationships

17 Role Relationships

Understanding family dynamics and role relationships is essential to the delivery of health care services to children and adolescents in all pediatric settings. However, pediatric primary care providers carry the major responsibility for advising parents on how to effectively handle relationship issues with children at home, in school, and in the community. Parents and other family members are solely responsible for the health and welfare of their young children and must learn key communication and interaction skills to effectively rear their child. The pediatric provider must be sensitive to the roles that parents or caregivers, siblings, extended family members, and peers have in shaping the developing child. Likewise the community is an extension of the family and serves as a major component in the widening circle of influence that affects the lives of children and adolescents. Chapter 2 outlines important considerations and appropriate tools to be used when assessing family systems. This chapter discusses the family life cycle and family variations. In addition, it covers the assessment and management of situations or events that the provider is likely to encounter in a primary care setting related to family relationship problems, sibling rivalry, violence, and child maltreatment or neglect. Preventive interventions for role-relationship problems directed at specific individuals or groups at risk (selective interventions) as well as at the population as a whole (universal interventions) are identified. Advice about securing safe, nurturing, and developmentally appropriate childcare is also discussed.

image Family Relationships and Dynamics

Family Life Dynamics

The family is a dynamic social system that is usually the most powerful and constant influence of a child’s development and socialization. The family provides emotional connections, behavioral constraints, and modeling that affect the child’s development of self-regulation, emotional expression, and expectations regarding behaviors and relationships (Coley, 2009). Changes in one family member’s behavior affect everyone else in the family unit.

Healthy families are cohesive and adaptable, with positive communication patterns. Family cohesion is an indication of the strength of the emotional bonding between family members and can range from the extremes of very low (disengaged) to very high (enmeshed) bonding, with moderate to high (connected) bonding representing the middle ground. Family adaptability is the ability of a family system to change its power structure, role relationships, and relationship rules in response to situational and developmental stress. The range of adaptability varies from very rigid (very low) to chaotic (very high), with a middle ground between structured and flexible. A key element in adaptability is the ability to change as appropriate in a given situation. Communication patterns range from positive communication skills that convey messages such as empathy, reflective listening, and supportive comments, to negative communication skills that reflect double messages, double binds, criticism, and minimize opportunities to share feelings. Communication is one of the most crucial elements within an interpersonal relationship. Family cohesion and adaptability are threatened and thwarted with negative communication patterns. The result of negative communication is a chaotic household marked by high levels of family distress.

Each family has its own unique pattern of growth and development, and family systems evolve and change, demonstrating different dynamics depending on the stage of the family’s life cycle. Just as a child goes through stages of development, so do family units. Family life with young infants and preschool children is vastly different from family life with school-age children, with early versus late adolescents, or with young adults. Also different types of family units—nuclear, single-parent, divorced, or blended—express different styles or patterns of family life.

Dimensions of Family Functioning

Common themes exist within all families, and six key dimensions have a significant effect on family functioning, contributing to cohesiveness, adaptability, and positive communication (Box 17-1). To assist parents and children across the family life cycle and especially during times of stress, the provider must carefully assess these elements.

BOX 17-1 Six Key Dimensions Affecting Family Functioning

Resources that are available to the family include a social support network of extended family members, friends, and community, in addition to financial and other material assets. Families with limited resources or social support networks are more vulnerable to stressful life events than are families with resources and support systems in place.

Stresses and changes the family faces are numerous and can include financial strains, illness, marital strain, family transitions, losses, and lack of effective coping strategies. Life brings transitions that necessitate change. Many transitions are normal, some are anticipated, and others are unexpected; all can have a significant effect.

Childrearing styles are composed of parenting behaviors and beliefs that influence the environmental milieu in which the child learns about the world. Certain childrearing styles (e.g., an uninvolved, permissive, or strict authoritarian parenting style) are ineffective and have dire consequences for the emotional health of a child.

Values shared by family members provide a framework to guide, explain, and understand events being experienced and within which to find comfort, joy, and solace. Spiritual beliefs are one example of values that can support a family in its everyday life and in times of challenge.

Roles and structures vary greatly from one family to another, within an individual family, and as family members grow and develop. Role responsibilities and structures often change in response to external demands experienced by the family; shifts in the role of one family member can affect the role functions of other family members.

Coping style of the family speaks to the ways that demands are met, transitions handled, and concerns resolved. Positive or effective coping is characterized as a creative response to a change or stressor that results in a new behavior or attitude. Coping styles reflect habitual patterns of action. Over time, coping effort develops into a coping style.

The Interactive Family

A family is interactive, both within the family circle and between the family and its community. Within the family each member influences all other family members and is likewise affected by them. Maladaptive patterns of interaction among family members can place a child and family at risk for negative outcomes. For example, if the family unit does not provide a protective, interactive, supportive, and loving environment to nurture the child or fails in its responsibility to help the child learn self-discipline and the ability to socialize with others, the child often develops maladaptive behaviors.

Authoritative parents closely monitor their children with warmth and emotional support while maintaining firm boundaries. An authoritative style grants autonomy that is age-appropriate and permits the child to make decisions based on readiness factors; encourages the expression of feelings, thoughts, and desires; and promotes joint decision-making when appropriate as the young child matures and develops throughout childhood and adolescence. Research has demonstrated that parents with authoritative parenting styles have a positive influence on eating habits, teenage driving, and risk-taking behaviors (Ginsburg et al, 2009; Montgomery et al, 2008; Ventura and Burch, 2008).

There are factors that are protective and foster resiliency. Certain temperaments, a caring relationship and/or social support outside the immediate family, community resources and opportunities, and effective parenting can counter the negative effects of adverse risk factors and contribute to a child’s positive mental health. The degree of satisfaction as a couple and as parents is an important outcome measure of how well the family is functioning as a family unit. Single-parent households may face many challenges that can have a negative effect on the family unit, but can be enhanced by developing nurturing relationships in both the parent’s and the child’s life. Children are at risk for developing mental health problems as a result of environmental factors, such as living in poverty, living in a community with a high crime rate, living in a home marked by marital conflict or domestic violence, living in a home in which they or their siblings are the victims of child maltreatment or neglect, or having a parent who abuses alcohol or other substances, or has a mental illness.

image Assessment of Family Relationships and Dynamics

In addition to stressful issues that may arise with “typical” family relationships, providers are likely to encounter not only parent- or child-initiated concerns, situations, and events related to relationship problems, but also violence, child maltreatment, or neglect. Families and children who are experiencing or who are at risk for stressful situations must be identified. Assessment of families is also discussed in Chapter 2.

Family strengths and attributes that sustain and help families effectively deal with any level of stress are important factors to evaluate. In an assessment of family dynamics, the health care provider must investigate the relationships between the child, parent, or caretaker, as well as the social and environmental factors. Each factor must be analyzed separately, with its various components identified. The interactive effect of these factors must then be explored. The goal of assessment is to determine factors that have a positive or negative effect on the child’s growth and development.

Though the list is not exhaustive, Box 17-2 includes significant child, parent or caregiver, and social and environmental factors that can be used to alert the provider to areas that need further investigation.

image Family Relationships and Challenges

Working Parents and Child Care

In 2009, more than 59% of mothers with preschool-age children (younger than 6 years) were employed and 76% of those worked full-time. During the same year, 72% of women with children between 6 and 17 years old were employed (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010). According to the Children’s Defense Fund fewer than 10% of child care centers and fewer than 1% of family child care homes are accredited. Additionally the annual cost of child care in a center for a 4-year-old child is more than annual in-state tuition at a public four year college; in five states it is at least twice the cost (Children’s Defense Fund, 2010).

When a single parent works outside the home or both parents in a two-parent family work outside the home, the two roles of working parents need to be coordinated to promote positive family outcomes. Carter (1999) identified three unresolved problems related to work and families that can affect parenting: men’s unequal contributions to housework, workplace inflexibility, and the increasing number of hours both men and women are spending outside the home. Many studies have explored the effect of maternal employment on children. The outcomes are complex and depend not just on whether a mother is employed, but on the family circumstances, daycare, home environment, marital status, consistency of employment, work stress, and other variables (Halpern, 2005). Consistently shown, however, is that poverty operates to create negative outcomes for children and families; maternal employment may mitigate this factor. Research findings show that, generally, children can develop equally well regardless of the employment status of their parents; the home environment is more important (Halpern, 2005).

Separation and Divorce


Divorce or the separation of parents has a profound effect on all family members. Divorce is an emotionally stressful and complex transition for families. It can lead to significant emotional disruption and disequilibrium in the lives of children who perceive divorce as a dramatic, painful, and challenging event in their lives. Behavioral changes are an expected reaction as the child attempts to adjust to the changing family situation. Custodial and visitation arrangements for children are variable. Joint custody is an option that allows both parents the opportunity to participate in mutual decision-making about their child’s life and welfare. Various living arrangements and visitation rights are possible with joint custody. There are instances in which single custody is in the best interest of the child, however, and the noncustodial parent may have limited contact and involvement in the child’s life.

Taking a developmental-behavioral perspective of understanding divorce as an ongoing process rather than a concrete event is key. Each child has a unique history and resultant possible new family life. Regardless of the parents’ perspective, divorce is a loss of family as the child knows it and therefore the child will experience grief. Important parent factors include a stable parenting foundation provided in early years and parental warmth and praise for the child through the divorce. Children with behavior problems and more difficult temperaments before the divorce tend to have more difficulty adjusting to divorce than children with an easy temperament, above-average intelligence, who are physically attractive, and have a sense of humor and better self-esteem (Tanner, 2009).

Research studies that investigate the psychological consequences of divorce on children have reported varying data about its negative effect. Although children from divorced families have more adjustment problems and depressive symptoms than children whose parents do not divorce (Ge et al, 2006), those problems may arise from the conflictive relationships existing before the divorce, rather than the divorce per se. Children whose parents were cooperative reported better relationships with their parents, grandparents, and siblings (Ahrons, 2007).

Divorce can also be positive when parents are able to develop a more civil relationship with each other that focuses on what is best for the child. The child may also gradually adopt roles that support self-reliance, awareness of needs of others, and an increase in responsibility (Tanner, 2009).


The goal of assessment of the family experiencing separation or divorce is to determine both the needs and strengths of the family in order to assist the family with healthy coping. Child-related factors to consider include the developmental stage of the children and common psychosocial reactions to divorce likely at that stage. Additionally the psychosocial effect of the divorce on the parents and the economic consequences of divorce on the family unit must be determined (Box 17-3).


Anticipatory guidance given to parents who are in the process of separating and divorcing is outlined in Table 17-1.

TABLE 17-1 Key Anticipatory Guidance Issues for Families Experiencing Divorce or Separation

Anticipatory Guidance Issue Discussion Points With Parents
Advise parents to prepare the child for the impending breakup.
Explain to parents the need to discuss the following key issues with their children.
Reassure children that they did not cause the divorce or separation, that they cannot correct their parents’ unhappiness in the marriage, and that the divorce is the parents’ decision.Explain what the family structure will look like afterward and what changes will be necessary in the way the family functions.Explain the visitation arrangements as soon as they are established.Reassure children that they will be cared for, and they are not being abandoned by either parent, unless a parent has disappeared or refuses involvement.Tell children that feelings of sadness, anger, and disappointment are normal; encourage them not to “take sides,” but love both parents.
Discuss the need for consistency. Parents should strive to maintain consistent daily routines between the two households; encourage the use of security items that the child may depend on or carry familiar items between the homes during the transitional period.Be consistent in disciplinary practices.
Suggest self-help measures. Children and parents may benefit from attending divorce recovery workshops, classes about families in transition, or peer support groups.School counselors, religious groups, or community and social service agencies may be helpful resources.
Acknowledge grief. Providers should acknowledge the grief that both the parent and child are experiencing, and provide support.
Discuss when referral for mental health counseling might be indicated. Children often demonstrate internalized or externalized psychosocial problems in response to divorce. Counseling may be indicated for the family members.

Patient Education and Prevention

The goal of health education for children and parents experiencing divorce is to help restore a sense of wholeness and integrity in children’s lives. Providers must stress those factors that have been shown to significantly affect whether the child will experience a healthful adjustment to the divorce (Box 17-4). Successful efforts implemented during initial periods of disequilibrium and reorganization will strengthen normal development and prevent future psychological trauma. In an early research study, Wallerstein (1983) identified six psychological tasks that children of divorce must master beginning from the time of parental separation and culminating in young adulthood (Box 17-5). These tasks continue to be relevant for children whose parents are divorced. If these psychological tasks are not achieved, the child’s mastery of normal developmental tasks associated with growing up is negatively affected. Long-range and preventive interventions need to focus on helping the child achieve these tasks or goals.

It may be a good idea to schedule additional visits or telephone contacts with the family to monitor their adjustment. Support can be provided by focusing on the family’s positive strengths and ability to be resilient.

Single-Parent Families


Numerous circumstances lead to single-parent households, including unemployment, divorce, births to unmarried mothers, abandonment of the family by a parent, incarceration of a parent, or death of a parent. Although the vast majority of single parents are women, increasingly fathers are raising their children in single-parent homes. Single-parent households may be headed by a divorced parent or by a parent who has never been married. Today single parents may range from adolescents enrolled in welfare programs to company executives with live-in nannies. In general, children living with a divorced parent have an advantage; divorced parents tend to be older, with more years of completed schooling, and with higher levels of income than do parents who have never been married. Children in single-parent families benefit when both parents are involved in their lives, regardless of marital or living arrangements. Clearly, understanding the family context is fundamental to assessing these families.

Single parents across socioeconomic parameters all experience the demands and burdens of raising a child alone. Even with help, the weight of responsibility is felt and exacerbated by lack of time and role strain. Single mothers who are employed experience more distress than partnered employed women but factors such as income adequacy, psychological work quality, and work-family conflict also affect the outcomes (Dziak et al, 2010). Single parents sometimes have difficulty accessing health care. Research suggests that affordability is a more significant issue than time pressures or workplace demands (Kneipp, 2002). The relatively large proportion of single parents who are classified as “working poor” puts them above the income level for subsidized care and below the level where they could realistically afford health insurance.

Studies demonstrate higher levels of depressive symptoms and problematic substance use in children living in single-parent families compared with mother-father families (Barrett and Turner, 2005). Barrett and Turner report that this relationship probably is linked more with exposure to stress and association with deviant peers. Likewise, living in a single-parent household is strongly associated with poorer child health, largely as a factor of an associated accumulation of social disadvantage (Bauman et al, 2006). Cohabitation of a parent and a nonparent is considered to be more detrimental to children than a single parent living alone. Rates of divorce are higher among those who later marry, and breakups occur during the cohabitation period. More children experience child abuse, and poverty rates tend to be higher than with married families.

Single-parent families are distinguished from multigenerational families, which are defined as families with a single parent or a married couple living with their children, their parents, their in-laws, or their grandchildren.


Resiliency in single-parent families is associated with individual characteristics of optimism, perseverance, faith, expressions of emotions, and self-confidence (Greeff and Ritman, 2005). Many single families cope well with the demands they face, benefiting from advice, anticipatory guidance, encouragement, and support of the provider. On an individual level, several critical factors promote successful childrearing in single-parent homes. The availability of a social support network and positive communication patterns are key (Box 17-6). Social organizations such as Big Brothers Big Sisters offer a supportive role model for children in single-parent families. Parents Without Partners is a national organization that offers social activities and support for single parents.

Single parents commonly seek advice about dating situations and explaining money problems to their children. Suggest that the parent meet his or her date outside the home until a decision is made as to the direction of the adult relationship. Young children tend to quickly attach to individuals who are kind and spend time with them, whereas an older child may become jealous or see the individual as a threat. Financial concerns frequently are issues in single-family homes. Urge the parent to explain the family’s money situation in a way the child can understand based on age. When money is limited or tight, the child can be told simply and briefly that the family may have to wait to buy or limit buying “extras” or that some activities may have to be curtailed. The child can be helped to learn about the value of saving money for special treats.

If parents request specific help or demonstrate signs of being exhausted, depressed, overwhelmed, burdened, or socially isolated, a referral for more specialized services such as counseling may be appropriate. Similar signs in children plus deviant behaviors, emotional adjustment problems, or school disciplinary, academic, or behavioral problems can be indicators for mental health referral.

Remarriage: the Blended Family


The goal of primary care interventions is to foster positive parenting behaviors, protect the development of the children, and enhance family functioning. Some counseling tips are listed in Box 17-7. Carefully assess any behavioral concerns. Whether the family is given guidance and followed closely by the primary care provider or given a referral to mental health services depends on the presence of significant behavioral or mental health problems. Providers should investigate community services that assist blended families, such as a self-help group for stepparents or a parenting group. Written information including telephone numbers of community resources should be maintained in a handbook or resource guide kept in the practice setting.

BOX 17-7 Assessment of and Counseling Tips for Children in Blended Families


Adoptive Parent Families


Assessment of these families includes asking about the legal status of the adoption, the timing of the adoption in the child’s life, arrangements regarding involvement of the birth parents or other family members, decisions about how and when to tell the child about being adopted, and potential health concerns related to the birth parents or family, if known.

Important information that the provider should attempt to ascertain when assisting adoptive families includes the following:


Often parents request a preadoption consultation. This is an ideal time to review any identified issues. Other families may be in a foster care situation and considering adoption. Support through this process, before adoption is finalized, is crucial because there may be many hurdles with which to contend. Once adoption is finalized, close monitoring and support by the primary care provider during the initial adoption period are important. Scheduling of additional or more frequent health supervision visits is appropriate even when all appears well, but especially if high-risk situations or conditions are identified. If problems arise, prompt referral to specialty medical services, mental health, or social service agencies is imperative. Children with known special needs who are adopted are often eligible for federal and state financial support and services. The presence of a social support network is important. Adoptive parents face the same parenting challenges as biologic parents do when their child passes through the various developmental stages of childhood. In addition, adoption is a lifelong commitment that can present special challenges for parents. Excellent books about adoption for adults and children are available.

Families adopting children with special needs may require extra assistance with family bonding, behavioral, mental health, and physical needs. Such families seek social support when experiencing emotional pain, using informal social support systems first and then looking for professional help when other interventions have been found inadequate, often as a crisis intervention. These families need preventive resources, reassurance of competence, and encouragement to strengthen social support networks before child placement.

Patient Education and Prevention

When considering adoption, parents often benefit from a preadoption visit to the health care provider who will take care of their child. Parents often have many questions about the initial adoption period and the establishment of a family relationship. Issues that the provider should address with parents include the following:

image Variations in the Family Unit

There are a number of variations in the family unit. Some reflect changes in American family life and the diversity of parental experiences. Each situation is unique and requires a thorough assessment. Discussion regarding key issues related to some of these variations follows.

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