Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations

Chapter 21


Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations

Matthew F. Abts, MD, and Susanna A. McColley, MD, FAAP, FCCP



Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) are abnormal fistulous connections between pulmonary arteries and veins that bypass the alveolar-capillary network and prevent the exchange of oxygen.


PAVMs have an incidence rate of 2 to 3 per 100,000 people, with a female-to-male ratio of 1.5 to 1.0.

Congenital (>80%): May be idiopathic or associated with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by vascular shunts in multiple organ systems

Acquired (<20%): May be due to infection, chest trauma, cardiac surgery, hepatic cirrhosis, Fanconi anemia, malignancy, and/or pregnancy


Underlying Pathogenesis

Possibly due to incomplete resorption of vascular septae during fetal capillary development and the formation of cavernous, thin-walled vascular beds

HHT-associated PAVMs due to mutations in the endoglin (ENG) gene, activin A receptor type II kinase 1 (ALK1/ACVRL1) gene, or MADH4 gene

Anatomic Characteristics

Defect commonly occurs at the arteriolar level but may be more proximal.

HHT-associated PAVMs are usually multiple, involving the lower lobes.

Idiopathic PAVMs are usually isolated or single lesions with no lobe preference.

Most PAVMs are peripheral and frequently involve the pleura.

There are multiple subclassifications:

Simple (80%): Aneurysmal fistulous sac with a single afferent artery and 1 or more draining veins

Complex (20%): Multilobed fistulous sac with multiple feeding arteries and draining vessels

Diffuse (rare): May involve whole lung segments or entire lobe(s)

Telangiectatic: Subtle, multiple, and associated with HHT


Right to left intrapulmonary shunting and systemic hypoxemia

Deoxygenated pulmonary arterial blood from the right side of the heart flowing through 1 or more fistulous vascular conduits (PAVMs) and directly into the pulmonary venous circulation, thereby completely bypassing the alveolar-capillary network

Natural History

Time, hemodynamic stress, and hormonal changes as seen during puberty and pregnancy may cause progressive enlargement and wall necrosis or erosion of PAVMs.

Clinical Features

Half of cases are asymptomatic and may not appear until early adulthood.

Symptoms are more common when lesions are large in size and/or number.

Symptoms and signs usually do not appear until right-to-left shunt accounts for >20% of systemic cardiac output.

Signs and symptoms include


Chest pain





Thoracic bruit or thrill

Hypoxemia that does not improve with administration of supplemental oxygen

Platypnea: Dyspnea in the upright position that is relieved with recumbence

Orthodeoxia: Decrease in oxyhemoglobin saturation ≥2% in the upright position

Differential Diagnosis

Hepatopulmonary syndrome

Seen in the context of chronic liver disease and portal hypertension

Intrapulmonary capillary and/or venous dilations with right-to-left shunting and clinical manifestations that overlap with PAVMs

Radiographically, PAVMs may be confused with

Pulmonary artery aneurysmal disease

Pulmonary sequestration

Congenital pulmonary airway malformation

Bronchogenic cyst


Infection or pneumonia

Vascular tumors

Diagnostic Considerations

Chest Radiography

PAVMs are well-circumscribed, round areas of soft-tissue density (usually 1–2 cm in diameter) with accompanying linear extensions that represent afferent or efferent vessels.

Small or complex PAVMs may be less well defined.

See Figure 21-1.


Figure 21-1: Plain frontal (left) and lateral (right) radiographs obtained in a 2-year-old girl with profound hypoxemia and suspected pulmonary arteriovenous malformation. Note the focal consolidation in the right lung base (arrows) and poor visualization of the right hemidiaphragm on the lateral projection.

Contrast-Enhanced Echocardiography (aka “Bubble Study”)

The preferred initial screening test for those with suspected PAVM, this modality is useful in diagnosing hepatopulmonary syndrome.

It is a noninvasive and highly sensitive test that confirms the presence of right-to-left shunting (sensitivity of 100% and negative predictive value of 100% for PAVMs).

Imaging is performed by injecting agitated saline (“microbubbles”) into the peripheral venous system and observing its passage through the cardiopulmonary cycle via 2-dimensional echocardiography.

Right-to-left shunting is confirmed by the presence of unfiltered microbubbles within the left atrium. If present, the quantity of microbubbles (grading) present in the left atrium over time (timing) is helpful in predicting the location and size of the suspected lesion.

See Figure 21-2.

Computed Tomography

Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) is the preferred modality for diagnosis and is more sensitive than conventional angiography (98% vs 60%, respectively).

A PAVM appears as a well-defined, uniform, round or oval area of high attenuation, with or without multilobulation.

Feeding arteries and draining veins blend seamlessly with each lesion and are generally larger than neighboring vessels.

Associated vessels tend to be larger than neighboring vessels, and draining veins may be slightly larger than feeding arteries by 1–2 mm.

See Figure 21-3.


Figure 21-2. Contrast-enhanced echocardiography. An apical 4-window view was obtained after peripheral venous injection of agitated saline. A. Agitated saline is noticeable in the right atrium (RA) and right ventricle (RV). Note the absence of bubbles on the left side of the heart. B. After 3–4 cardiac cycles, agitated saline is now visible in the left atrium (LA) and left ventricle (LV). Findings are suggestive of intrapulmonary shunting. Images courtesy of Michael R. Carr, MD.

Contrast-Enhanced Pulmonary Angiography

The standard of reference for defining anatomy and architecture of suspected PAVM

Should be performed for the purpose of therapeutic embolization or surgical planning

Visualized as 1 or more fistulous sacs with dilated feeding and/or draining arteries and veins

Blood flow through the lesion brisk and dependent on size

See Figure 21-4

Other Helpful Diagnostic Tests

Pulmonary shunt fraction

Arterial blood gas analysis

Complete blood count to look for anemia and/or polycythemia

Complete metabolic panel to look for evidence of liver and/or kidney disease


Figure 21-3. Axial contrast-enhanced computed tomographic image obtained in a 2-year-old girl with profound hypoxemia and a suspected pulmonary arteriovenous malformation that is represented by a multilobular vascular mass in the right lower lobe.


Figure 21-4. Selective catheter angiography. A. Simple-type pulmonary arteriovenous malformation with an aneurysmal sac (white arrow) shunting into pulmonary venous drainage (black arrow). B. Selective embolization of the feeding pulmonary artery with multiple 8- and 10-mm platinum coils (arrow); there is cessation of flow through the shunt. (Images courtesy Karim Valji, MD, and Giri Shivaram, MD.)


Not all PAVMs require intervention, particularly in the asymptomatic child. The decision to pursue therapy should be based on individual patient characteristics, the size and number of vascular lesions, and the relative risks and/or benefits of each type of procedure.


Invasive angiographic occlusion of feeding arteries via catheter-directed placement of intravascular coils or plugs (Figure 21-4)

Usually performed in those with afferent artery size of ≥2 mm

Should result in immediate and long-term improvements regarding symptoms, radiographic findings, and oxygenation

Surgical Intervention

Reserved for those with lesions refractory to embolotherapy and those with life-threatening complications where embolotherapy is not an option

Vascular ligation, local resection, lobectomy, pneumonectomy

Lung transplantation

For hepatopulmonary syndrome, liver transplant

Adjunctive Therapies

There is no approved pharmacological therapy for PAVMs at this time.

Estrogens, antifibrinolytic agents, and angiogenesis inhibitors are emerging as possible therapies for HHT-related extrapulmonary vascular lesions.

Treating Associated Conditions

If HHT is suspected, international HHT guidelines suggest referral to a center experienced in caring for patients with this relatively rare condition.

Iron supplementation may be indicated if iron-deficiency anemia is present.

Avoid air emboli during intravenous infusions.

Antibiotic prophylaxis may be indicated for nonsterile surgeries (eg,  dental work).

The patient should avoid scuba diving because of the risk of air emboli.

Expected Outcomes/Prognosis


Reactive polycythemia due to chronic hypoxemia

Iron deficiency anemia

Pulmonary hemorrhage due to ruptured PAVM

Hemothorax due to ruptured PAVM

Paradoxical emboli

Migraine headaches

Cerebrovascular or transient ischemic attacks

Brain abscesses and/or endocarditis

Pulmonary hypertension

High-output cardiac failure (usually only seen in HHT)

Short-term Complications after Embolization

Pleuritic chest pain (the most common complication; may respond to short-term corticosteroids)

Transient ischemic attacks, stroke

Dislodgement and migration of embolic material

Arterial perforation

Long-term Complications after Embolization

Growth of pulmonary or systemic collateral vessels

Worsening pulmonary hypertension

Chronic pleurisy


PAVMs do not resolve spontaneously.

Prognosis is dependent on the severity of lesion(s) and presence of comorbidities.

Prognosis is worse in high-risk individuals (adolescents, pregnant women).

Embolotherapy carries a success rate as high as 98%.

When to Refer

Children with unexplained hypoxemia should be referred to an experienced pulmonologist for thorough evaluation.

Any suspicion for underlying HHT necessitates referral to a medical center with staff experienced in caring for patients with this relatively rare condition.

When to Admit

Persistent hypoxemia, dyspnea, and/or hemoptysis

Acute neurological or mental status changes in the setting of known PAVM

Resources for Families

HHT Foundation International. www.curehht.org

Clinical Pearls

PAVMs result in right to left intrapulmonary shunting and systemic hypoxemia.

PAVMs should be suspected in the setting of unexplained hypoxemia that is unresponsive to supplemental oxygen.

Contrast-enhanced echocardiography is a highly sensitive and noninvasive screening tool.

Contrast-enhanced CT is the diagnostic test of choice for suspected PAVMs.

Angiography with embolotherapy is the mainstay of treatment.

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