Puerperium and Lactation

Puerperium and Lactation

D. Keith Edmonds1,2

1 Imperial College London, London, UK

2 Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, London, UK

The puerperium is the period from delivery of the placenta until 6 weeks after delivery. It is a time of enormous importance to the mother and her baby and yet it is an aspect of maternity care that has received relatively less attention than pregnancy and delivery. During the puerperium the pelvic organs return to the non‐gravid state, the metabolic changes of pregnancy are reversed and lactation is established. In the absence of breastfeeding, the reproductive cycle will recommence within a few weeks. The puerperium is a time steeped in myth, cultural dogma and rituals, and indeed many of the medical recommendations about the puerperium have developed as adaptations of socially acceptable traditions rather than science.

The puerperium is also a time of psychological adjustment. While most mothers’ elation following the arrival of a newborn baby is obvious, the transition to becoming a responsible parent and anxiety about the child’s welfare will influence the mother’s ability to cope. These anxieties may be compounded if she has had a difficult labour or if she has any medical complications. However, the majority of women are subject to another problem that new mothers find very difficult to cope with and this is the plethora of well‐meaning but conflicting advice from doctors, midwives, relatives and friends. These cultural influences may be in conflict with the mother’s own beliefs and so whilst it is understandable that these individuals wish to support the mother, it is extremely important that an atmosphere be created whereby a mother can learn to handle her baby with confidence in her own way. Midwifery and obstetric staff play an important role in supporting this philosophy. In caring for a woman during the early puerperium, the role of the obstetrician and midwife is to monitor the physiological changes of the puerperium, to diagnose and treat any postnatal complications, to establish infant feeding, to give the mother emotional support and to advise about contraception and other measures that will contribute to her continuing health. It is important to bear in mind that maternal morbidity and mortality are an ongoing risk in the puerperium and hence its importance cannot be understated.

Physiology of the puerperium

Two major physiological events occur during the puerperium: the establishment of lactation and the return of the physiological changes of pregnancy to the non‐pregnant state. Some changes occur quite rapidly (within 2 weeks) whilst others take 6–12 weeks to complete.

The uterus

The crude weight of the pregnant uterus at term is approximately 1000 g while the weight of the non‐pregnant uterus is 50–100 g. From a clinical perspective the uterine fundus is no longer palpable abdominally by 10 days after delivery. By 6 weeks after birth, the uterus has returned to its normal size. The cervix is very flaccid after delivery, due to the reduction in collagen content as a result of cervical remodelling prior to labour, but within a few days returns to its original state. The placental site in the first 3 days after delivery is infiltrated with granulocytes and mononuclear cells and this process extends into the endometrium and the superficial myometrium. By the seventh day, there is evidence of regeneration of endometrial glands and by day 16 the endometrium is fully restored. Decidual necrosis begins on the first day and by the seventh day a well‐demarcated zone exists between necrotic and viable tissue. The presence of mononuclear cells and lymphocytes persists for about 10 days and it is presumed that this acts as some form of antibacterial barrier. Haemostasis immediately after birth is accomplished by arterial smooth muscle contraction and compression of vessels by the uterine muscle. The vessels in the placental site are characterized during the first 8 days by thrombosis, hyalinization and obliterative fibrinoid endarteritis. Immediately after delivery, bleeding lasts for several hours and then rapidly diminishes to a red‐brown discharge by the third or fourth day after birth. This vaginal discharge is known as lochia and after the third or fourth day becomes mucopurulent and sometimes malodorous. This is known as the lochia serosa and it has a mean duration of 22–27 days. However, 10–15% of women will have lochia serosa for at least 6 weeks [1]. Not infrequently, there is a sudden but transient increase in uterine bleeding between 7 and 14 days after delivery. This corresponds to the shedding of the slough over the placental site and as myometrial vessels are still at this stage larger than normal, this accounts for the dramatic bleeding that can occur. However, although some women are alarmed by this event, it is self‐limiting and subsides within 1–2 hours. The endometrium will proliferate from the basal layers of the decidua but this is influenced by the method of infant feeding. If lactation is suppressed, the uterine cavity may be covered by new endometrium within 3–4 weeks; however, if lactation is established, endometrial growth in the majority of women may be suppressed for as long as breastfeeding continues. This is because lactation suppresses ovarian function and so a physiological hypo‐oestrogenic state is created that prevents endometrial cell growth

Ovarian function

Women who breastfeed their infants will be amenorrhoeic for long periods, often until the child is weaned. However, in non‐lactating women, ovulation may occur as early as 27 days after delivery, although the mean time is approximately 70–75 days. Among those women who are breastfeeding, the mean time to ovulation is 6 months. Menstruation resumes by 12 weeks after birth in 70% of women who are not lactating and the mean time to first menstruation is 7–9 weeks. The risk of ovulation within the first 6 months after delivery in women exclusively breastfeeding is between 1 and 5% [2]. The hormonal basis of puerperial ovulation suppression in lactating women appears to be the persistence of elevated serum prolactin levels, which may suppress adipoleptin secretion from adipocytes. Prolactin levels fall to the normal range by the third week after birth in non‐lactating women but remain elevated to 6 weeks after birth in lactating women. Prolactin is then only elevated during episodes of suckling.

Cardiovascular and coagulation systems

Changes take place in the cardiovascular and coagulation systems that have practical and clinical implications and these are summarized in Table 31.1. Although both heart rate and cardiac output fall in the early puerperium, there may be an early rise in stroke volume and, together with the rise in blood pressure due to increased peripheral resistance, it is a time of high risk for mothers with cardiac disease and these mothers require extra supervision at this time (see Chapter 8). Although by 6 weeks a woman’s body has changed physically back to the non‐pregnant state, it can be seen from Table 31.1 that cardiac output may remain elevated for up to 24 weeks after birth. During the immediate postnatal period, fibrinolytic activity is increased for 1–4 days before it returns to normal by 1 week. Platelet counts are normal during pregnancy but there is a sharp rise in platelets after delivery, making it a time of high risk for thromboembolic disease [3].

Table 31.1 Changes in the cardiovascular and coagulation systems during the puerperium.

Early puerperium Late puerperium
Heart rate Falls: 14% by 48 hours Normal by 2 weeks
Stroke volume Rises over 48 hours Normal by 2 weeks
Cardiac output Remains elevated and then falls over 48 hours Normal by 24 weeks
Blood pressure Rises over 4 days Normal by 6 weeks
Plasma volume Initial increase and then falls Progressive decline in first week
Fibrinogen Rises in first week Normal by 6 weeks
Clotting factors Most remain elevated Normal by 3 weeks
Platelet count Falls and then rises Normal by 6 weeks
Fibrinolysis Rapid reversal of pregnancy inhibition of tissue plasminogen activator Normal by 3 weeks

Urinary tract

During the first few days, the bladder and urethra may show evidence of mild trauma sustained at delivery and these changes are usually associated with localized oedema. These are transient and do not remain in evidence for long. The changes that occur in the urinary tract during pregnancy disappear in a similar manner to other involutional changes and within 2–3 weeks the hydroureter and pelvic dilatation in the kidney are almost eliminated and completely return to normal by 6–8 weeks after birth.

Weight loss

There is an immediate loss of 4.5–6 kg following birth due to the baby, the placenta, amniotic fluid and blood loss that occurs at delivery. By 6 weeks after delivery, 28% of women will have returned to their pre‐pregnancy weight; those women who did not have excessive weight gain in pregnancy should have returned to their normal pre‐pregnancy weight by 6 months after delivery. Women with excessive weight gain in pregnancy (>15 kg) are likely to find that at 6 months they still have net gain of 5 kg, which may persist indefinitely [4]. Breastfeeding has no effect on postpartum weight loss unless lactation continues for 6 months [5]. Diet and exercise have no effect on the growth of infants who are being breastfed and women can therefore be encouraged to return to normal activity and to regain their weight even though they are lactating [6].

Thyroid function

Thyroid volume increases by approximately 30% during pregnancy and this returns to normal over a 12‐week period. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine return to normal within 4 weeks after birth.

Hair loss

Hair growth slows in the puerperium and women will often experience hair loss as temporarily more hair is lost than regrown. This is a transient phenomenon but it is important for women to realize that this may take between 6 months and a year to return to normal. The low levels of circulating oestrogen are the aetiology of this phenomenon and so it is more common in breastfeeding mothers.

Management of puerperium

The morbidity associated with the puerperium is underestimated and an important review showed that mothers have high levels of postpartum problems. Nearly one‐third (31%) of women felt that they had major problems for up to 8 weeks after birth. In trying to reduce the impact of this morbidity, there are a number of principles which need to be applied in planning postnatal care.

  1. Continuity of care. An ideal pattern of care is one that offers continuity from the antenatal period through childbirth and into the puerperium involving the smallest team of health professionals with which the mother can empathize.
  2. Mother–infant bonding. It is now well established that mothers and their partners should be able to hold and touch their babies as soon as possible after delivery. Good postnatal facilities that allow rooming‐in, privacy and the opportunity for close contact play an important part in helping parents have a good experience of early parenting.
  3. Flexible discharge policies. The optimum duration of postnatal stay varies with the needs of the individual mother and her baby. Some mothers will elect to have a home confinement, some will elect to have early discharge at 6 hours postnatally and others may have greater needs, particularly those who have had complicated deliveries and those who wish to establish breastfeeding before going home. The current pressure on maternity services in the Western world means that any length of stay in hospital to respond to maternal needs as opposed to medical necessity has curtailed this flexibility. While this has not had an impact on successful breastfeeding, psychological morbidity may have increased.
  4. Emotional and physical support. Mothers require help and support after childbirth and this may come from partners, relatives and friends. Good professional support is also important and good communication between hospital staff, community midwives, general practitioner (GP) and health visitor is essential.

Routine observations

During the patient’s stay in hospital, regular checks are made of her pulse, temperature, blood pressure, fundal height and lochia and any complaints noted. The perineum should be inspected daily if there has been any trauma and the episiotomy or other wounds checked for signs of infection. It is also important that urinary output is satisfactory and that the bladder is being emptied completely. These observations are necessary to give the earliest warning of any possible complications.

Ambulation in the puerperium

It is now well established that early mobilization after childbirth is extremely important. Once the mother has recovered from the physical rigours of her labour, she should be encouraged to mobilize as soon as possible. The physiotherapist has an important role to play in returning the patient to normal health during the puerperium. Leg exercises will be particularly important to encourage venous blood flow in any mother who has been immobilized in bed for any reason. Exercises to the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles are most valuable in restoring normal tone, which may have been lost during pregnancy.

Complications of the puerperium

Serious and sometimes fatal complications may arise during the puerperium. The most serious complications are thromboembolism, infection and haemorrhage, but mental disorders and breast problems occur also.

Thrombosis and embolism

The MBRRACE‐UK 2014 report [7] shows that pulmonary embolism is still the major cause of death in the puerperium. The rate of death has remained unchanged for many years and approximately 50% of deaths occur post partum (Table 31.2). The authors suggest that it is unsurprising that there has been little impact on these figures because of the direct association with obesity. Some 49% of women who died of pulmonary embolism were either overweight or obese and this has become a major international issue. Data from the USA suggest that their maternal mortality rate is rising and one accepted factor is obesity. Over 60% of women falling pregnant in the USA are seriously overweight. Other factors are also contributing to the increased risk, including increased maternal age, changing ethnicity, and increasing medical complications of pregnancy.

Table 31.2 Deaths from pulmonary embolism reported by MBRRACE‐UK.

Triennium Total deaths Rate per 100 000 Postnatal Rate per 100 000
1985–1987 30 1.3 13 0.6
1988–1990 24 1.0 11 0.5
1991–1993 30 1.3 17 0.7
1994–1996 46 2.1 25 1.1
1997–1999 31 1.5 13 0.6
2000–2002 25 1.3 16 0.8
2003–2005 33 1.56 15 0.8
2006–2008 18 0.79
2010–2012 26 1.08

All pregnant women should be assessed for venous thromboembolism (VTE) during pregnancy and this should be repeated either during or after birth to determine their suitability for thromboprophylaxis. If thromboprophylaxis is deemed appropriate, moderate‐risk women should receive this for 10 days and high‐risk women for 42 days.

Puerperal infection

Puerperal pyrexia, which is potentially fatal, may have several causes but is an important clinical sign that merits careful investigation. Infection may occur in several sites and each needs to be investigated in the presence of elevated temperature.

Genital tract infection

Genital tract infection continues to be a life‐threatening problem for women and Table 31.3 shows the risk of puerperal sepsis and maternal death over the last years of maternal death reports. The most virulent organism is β‐haemolytic Streptococcus but more commonly Chlamydia, Escherichia coli and other Gram‐negative bacteria will be the infective agents. Table 31.4 summarizes the main causes of postnatal pyrexia. Early diagnosis and treatment are imperative if the long‐term sequelae are to be avoided. Whilst it is encouraging that rates of death have halved in the last 5 years, they have still not returned to those of 1985. Vigilance with diagnosis and rapid administration of antibiotics are important strategies, as is the involvment of infectious disease consultants, especially when a woman fails to respond to the antibiotic of first choice.

Table 31.3 Deaths from puerperal sepsis as reported by MBRRACE‐UK.

Triennium Total deaths Rate per 100 000 Postnatal Rate per million
1985–1987 09 0.4 2 0.9
1988–1990 17 0.72 4 1.7
1991–1993 15 0.65 4 1.7
1994–1996 16 0.73 11 5.0
1997–1999 18 0.85 4 1.9
2000–2002 13 0.65 5 2.5
2003–2005 18 0.85 3 1.4
2006–2008 26 1.13
2010–2012 12 0‐5

Table 31.4 Causes of postnatal pyrexia.

Urinary tract infection
Genital tract infection
      Infected episiotomy
Wound infection following caesarean section
Deep venous thrombosis
Other infection, e.g. chest infection, viral infections

Patients may present more acutely ill with what is now known as a systemic inflammatory response. The presence of any two of new onset of confusion, sustained heart rate of more than 90 bpm, respiratory rate of greater than 20 breaths/min and a temperature of more than 38.3°C or less than 36°C confirms the diagnosis. Immediate administration of antibiotics should be commenced without waiting for investigation results. If any one of the following signs is present, a diagnosis of severe sepsis should be made with consideration of transfer to intensive care:

  1. systolic blood pressure less than 90 mmHg;
  2. heart rate more than 130 bpm;
  3. oxygen saturation less than 91%;
  4. respiratory rate more than 25 per min;
  5. responds only to pain or unresponsive.

Urinary tract infection

This is a common infection in the puerperium following the not infrequent use of catheterization during labour. Some women will also develop urinary retention and require indwelling catheters. Escherichia coli is the commonest pathogen and again early treatment is advised.

Respiratory infection

Chest infections are not normally a serious problem in the puerperium, although recent outbreaks of potentially fatal influenza viruses have increased the level of concern. The infrequent use of general anaesthesia has reduced the risk of chest infection in the immediate postpartum period but any woman who presents with signs of a serious chest infection must have the possibility of an underlying pulmonary embolus excluded.

Other causes

Any surgical wound should be examined for evidence of infection and this is obviously important following caesarean section. Wound infection may manifest itself as a reddened tender area around the incision, with associated swelling and induration. Treatment will depend on the extent and severity of the infection. If the infection is well localized, it may discharge spontaneously but an abscess may require incision and drainage. Broad‐spectrum antibiotics will be required and bacteriological specimens should be sent for examination. It is occasionally necessary to re‐suture wounds after infection but often wounds will granulate from the base and heal spontaneously. The legs should always be inspected if a puerperal pyrexia is present because of the risk of thrombophlebitis and it may also be a sign of deep venous thrombosis. The breasts should be examined for signs of breast infection, although breast abscess formation is very unusual before 14 days after birth.

Urinary complications

Other than infection, urinary retention is the commonest complication following delivery, especially if there has been any trauma to the urethra and resulting oedema round the bladder neck. A painful episiotomy may make it very difficult for women to spontaneously micturate and retention of urine may occur. Following epidural anaesthesia, there may be temporary interruption of the normal sensory stimuli for bladder function and over‐distension of the bladder may occur. It is extremely important that in the immediate postnatal period urinary retention is avoided as over‐distension may lead to an atonic bladder, which is then unable to empty spontaneously. If the bladder is distended, it is usually palpable abdominally but if this is not the case or the clinician is uncertain of the abdominal findings, an ultrasound scan should be performed to determine the volume of urine retained in the bladder. The treatment of urinary retention is to leave an indwelling catheter on continuous drainage for 48 hours. The patient can be ambulant during this time. After the bladder has been continuously emptied, the catheter can be removed and then the volumes of urine passed can be monitored. If there is any suspicion that further retention is occurring, then a suprapubic catheter should be inserted so that the bladder can undergo a further period of continuous drainage and then intermittent clamping of the catheter can be instituted until normal bladder function returns.

Incontinence of urine

Urinary incontinence will occur in many women immediately following delivery and approximately 15% of women will have urinary incontinence that persists for 3 months after birth [8]. However, a study by Glazener et al. [9] showed that three‐quarters of women with urinary incontinence 3 months after childbirth still have this 6 years later. A further follow‐up study has shown that this does not improve after 12 years, with 75% still experiencing urinary incontinence [10]. Urinary incontinence is more frequently seen following instrumental delivery and least frequently after elective caesarean section. Urinary fistulae are uncommon in obstetric practice today, although direct injury from obstetric forceps may occasionally occur. Complications to the ureter are most commonly seen after a complicated caesarean section, when ureteric injury may either result in a ureteric fistula or ureteric occlusion. Women with this type of urinary problem should not be managed by obstetricians but should be referred to a urological colleague for surgical management.

Incontinence of faeces

It is now recognized that 35% of women undergoing their first vaginal delivery develop anal sphincter injury [11,12]. Approximately 10% will still have anal symptoms of urgency or incontinence at 3 months after birth. Again, in the 12‐year follow‐up study by Glazener et al. [10], there was no improvement in this anal incontinence rate over time and at 6 years the faecal incontinence rate actually increased to 13%. The aetiology of this type of anal sphincter trauma is complex in the same way that mechanisms which maintain continence are complex, but include instrumental delivery, prolonged second stage of labour, birthwieght over 4.0 kg, occipito‐posterior position and episiotomy. Instrumental delivery is a recognized cause of trauma and randomized trials suggest that the use of vacuum extraction is associated with less perineal trauma than forceps delivery [13,14]. The incidence figures confirm this: forceps delivery is associated with a 32% incidence of anal incontinence compared with a 16% incidence for vacuum extraction. The incidence of third‐ and fourth‐degree tears varies enormously from centre to centre, suggesting that the clinical ability to recognize this type of trauma may vary. In those women who have a recognized anal sphincter rupture, 37% continue to have anal incontinence despite primary sphincter repair [15]. A recent Cochrane review of the role of caesarean section in avoiding anal incontinence concluded that there is insufficient evidence to recommend this [16].

Secondary postpartum haemorrhage

Delayed postpartum bleeding occurs in 1–2% of patients. It occurs most frequently between 8 and 14 days after birth and in the majority of these cases it is due to sloughing of the placental site. However, if this bleeding is not self‐limiting, further investigation will be required. Ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity will usually determine whether there is a significant amount of retained products, although it can be difficult to distinguish between blood clot and retained placental tissue. Suction evacuation of the uterus is the treatment of choice and, if this is required, it is imperative that antibiotic cover is given. If curettage is not required immediately to arrest bleeding, it is best to start antibiotics at least 12 hours beforehand. This will reduce the risk of endometritis leading to uterine synechae. A combination of metronidazole and co‐amoxiclav can be used in those patients who have endometritis without retained products of conception. In those who do have retained products who require curettage, intravenous antibiotics in the form of metronidazole and a cephalosporin, clindamycin or gentamicin are the antibiotics of choice. Great care must be taken at the time of curettage as the infected uterus is soft and easy to perforate. Rarely, these measures do not result in cessation of bleeding, and in life‐threatening circumstances embolization of the uterine arteries may be effective in controlling the bleeding, as may the use of uterine tamponade using a Foley catheter balloon. If these techniques fail, then hysterectomy as a life‐saving procedure may be needed.

It is important to remember that choriocarcinoma may present in this manner and, if suspected, can be diagnosed by elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin. Rarely, a patient with a coagulopathy may present with a secondary haemorrhage.

Puerperal psychological disorders

Mild pyschological disturbance and transient depression are extremely common in the few days after birth. This transient state of tearfulness, anxiety, irritation and restlessness has been variously described as the ‘blues’ and it may occur in up to 70% of women. It usually resolves by day 10 after delivery and is probably associated with disruptive sleep patterns and the adaptation and anxiety of having a newborn baby. The changes in steroid hormone levels that occur immediately following delivery are not correlated with this transient depressive state, and because it is transient no therapy is needed. Postpartum depression and psychosis are dealt with in Chapter 14.

Counselling of patients after perinatal death

See Chapter 29.

Drugs during lactation

Drugs taken by a breastfeeding mother may pass to the child, and it is important to consider whether particular drugs will have any effect on the fetus. This is often a difficult problem and the reader is referred to Schaefer et al. [17] for more information.

Infant feeding

The major physiological event of the puerperium is the establishment of lactation. Some mothers in developed countries still reject breastfeeding in favour of artificial feeding but there is increasing evidence of the important short‐ and long‐term benefits of breastfeeding. The World Health Organization (WHO) now recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months.

Advantages of breastfeeding

Nutritional aspects of breast milk

Human milk does not have a uniform composition: colostrum differs from mature milk and the milk of the early puerperium differs from the milk of late lactation. Indeed, the content of milk varies at different stages of the same feed. Nevertheless, there are substantial differences in the constituent concentrations of human milk and cows’ milk (Table 31.5), with human milk having less protein but more fat and lactose. Human milk and milk formulas also differ with respect to a number of specific components, for example the long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, and this may have important neurodevelopmental consequences for the baby [18]. There is no doubt that breast milk is the ideal nutrition for the human baby.

Table 31.5 Comparison of the constituents of human and cows’ milk.

Constituent Human milk Cows’ milk
Energy (kcal/100 mL) 75 66
Protein (g/100 mL) 1.1 3.5
Fat (g/100 mL) 4.5 3.7
Lactose (g/100 mL) 6.8 4.9
Sodium (mmol/L) 7 2.2

Protection against infection

One of the most important secondary functions of breastfeeding is to protect the infant against infection. This is particularly important in developing countries, where it has been estimated that in each year there are 500 million cases of diarrhoea in infants and children and about 20 million of these are fatal. However, the extent to which breastfeeding protects against infection in infants in developed countries has been a matter of dispute. In a study from Dundee, Scotland, it was found that babies who had been breastfed for at least 3 months had greatly reduced incidences of vomiting and diarrhoea compared with babies who were either bottle‐fed from birth or completely weaned within a short time of delivery [19]. This study also found that the protection against gastrointestinal illness in breastfed babies persisted beyond the period of breastfeeding itself and, in the developed country setting at least, was not undermined by the early introduction of at least some supplements. There was a smaller protection against respiratory tract infections but not against other illnesses.

A number of mechanisms contribute to the anti‐infective properties of breast milk. Breast milk contains lactoferrin which binds iron, and because E. coli requires iron for growth, the multiplication of this organism is inhibited. Breastfeeding also encourages colonization of the gut by non‐pathogenic flora that competitively inhibit pathogenic strains. In addition, bactericidal enzymes such as lysozyme are present in breast milk that contribute to its protective effect.

However, the most specific anti‐infective mechanism is an immunological one. If a mother ingests a pathogen that she has previously encountered, the gut‐associated lymphoid tissue situated in the Peyer’s patches of the small intestine will respond by producing specific IgA, which is transferred to the breast milk via the thoracic duct (Fig. 31.1). This immunoglobulin, which is present in large amounts in breast milk, is not absorbed from the infant’s gastrointestinal tract but remains in the gut to attach to the specific offending pathogen against which it is directed. In this way the breastfed infant is given protection from the endemic infections in the environment against which the mother will already have immunity [20]. Breast milk also contains living cells, such as polymorphs, lymphocytes and plasma cells, and although their functions are not yet fully understood they may also be active against invading pathogens.

Illustration of woman breastfeeding a baby, with arrows depicting pathogen ingestion (1), B cell activation in Peyer’s patches (2), migration to breast becoming plasma cells (3), and secretion of IgA into milk.

Fig. 31.1 Pathways involved in the secretion of IgA in breast milk by the enteromammary circulation.

Breastfeeding and neurological development

Previous studies have suggested that breastfed infants have a superior neurodevelopmental advantage and for many years this has been part of the campaign to encourage breastfeeding. However, there may not be such a great impact when the confounding variables, including parental IQ and socioeconomic status, are controlled for. In a 10‐year follow‐up study, Jedrychowski et al. [21] suggest that the increase in IQ ranges from 2.1 to 3.8 points depending on the length of breastfeeding. It would seem wise not to overestimate this effect when couselling mothers about the advantages of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding and atopic illness

There are a number of reports that show a lower incidence of atopic illness, such as eczema and asthma, in breastfed babies. This effect is particularly important when there is a family history of atopic illness [22]. When the atopic illness is present, it is commonly associated with raised levels of IgE, especially to cows’ milk protein. Oddy et al. [23] suggest that apart from a positive family history, the most important predisposing factor for atopic illness is the early introduction of weaning foods. The protective effect of breastfeeding against atopic illness may therefore be secondary rather than primary, because breastfeeding mothers tend to introduce supplements at a later stage. Nevertheless, mothers with a family history of atopic illness should be informed of the advantages of breastfeeding and of the dangers of introducing supplements too quickly.

Breastfeeding and disease in later life

Breastfeeding may be associated with reduced juvenile‐onset diabetes mellitus [24] and neoplastic disease in childhood [25]. It is possible that some of these benefits are related to the avoidance of cows’ milk during early life rather than to breastfeeding per se, for example it is possible that early exposure to bovine serum albumin could trigger an autoimmune process leading to juvenile‐onset diabetes. Breast milk is a particularly important ingredient in the diet of preterm infants as it appears to help prevent necrotizing enterocolitis among these particularly vulnerable babies.

Breastfeeding and breast cancer

There is an epidemic of breast cancer among women in the developed countries of the Western world. A number of recent studies have shown a reduced risk (~10%) of premenopausal breast cancer among women who have breastfed their babies [26]. Because breastfeeding appears to have no effect on the incidence of postmenopausal breast cancer, its overall protective effect will be relatively small but the protection offered by lactation still represents an important advantage against a much feared and common disease.

Breastfeeding and fertility

The natural contraceptive effect of breastfeeding has received scant attention in the Western world because it is not a reliable method of family planning in all cases. Nevertheless, on a population basis, the antifertility effect of breastfeeding is large and of major importance in the developing world. It has to be remembered that the majority of women in the developing world do not use artificial contraception and rely on natural checks to their fertility. By far the most important of these natural checks is the inhibition of fertility by breastfeeding. In many developing countries, mothers breastfeed for 2 years or more, with the effect that their babies are spaced at intervals of about 3 years. In the developing world, more pregnancies are still prevented by breastfeeding than by all other methods of family planning combined. The current decline in breastfeeding in the developing world is a cause for great concern because, without a sharp rise in contraceptive usage, the loss of its antifertility effect will aggravate the population increase in these countries.

Mechanisms of lactational amenorrhoea

The mechanisms of lactational amenorrhoea are complex and incompletely understood. The key event is a suckling‐induced change in the hypothalamic sensitivity to the feedback effects of ovarian steroids. During lactation, the hypothalamus becomes more sensitive to the negative feedback effects and less sensitive to the positive feedback effects of oestrogen. This means that if the pituitary secretes enough follicle‐stimulating hormone to initiate the development of an ovarian follicle, the consequent oestrogen and inhibin secretion will inhibit gonadotrophin production and the follicle will fail to mature. During lactation there is inhibition of the normal pulsatile release of luteinizing hormone from the anterior pituitary gland which is consistent with these observations.

From a clinical standpoint, the major factor is the frequency and duration of the suckling stimulus, although other factors such as maternal weight and diet may be important confounding factors. If supplementary food is introduced at an early stage, the suckling stimulus will fall and early ovulation and a return to fertility will be the consequence.

Breastfeeding and obesity

Artificially fed children have twice the risk of childhood obesity compared with breastfed children [27]. Breastfed children also have a significantly reduced blood pressure [28]. These children have a significantly reduced chance of being obese as adults and dying prematurely from cardiovascular disease. These reports are primarily observational studies, and therefore some caution must be observed as the risks are multifactorial.

Trends in infant feeding in the UK

Because of the many advantages of breastfeeding, it is important that mothers are given accurate information and encouraged to breastfeed successfully whenever possible. Conversely, mothers who choose to bottle‐feed should be given proper instructions on best practice and be supported in their decision. In the UK, about 74% of mothers overall start to breastfeed but many discontinue after a short time. The prevalence of breastfeeding in the UK up to 2013 is shown in Table 31.6 and the figures have shown no significant change over the previous 10 years, although a small increase in breastfeeding at birth is noted. Factors associated with a higher breastfeeding prevalence include higher social class, primiparity, older age of mother and place of residence (mothers in the south of the UK have a higher prevalence). In attempting to improve these disappointingly low rates of successful breastfeeding, it is important that health professionals should understand the physiology of lactation.

Table 31.6 Prevalence of breastfeeding from birth until 9 months, 1985–2013.

1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2013
Birth 63 62 66 69 76 74
6 weeks 41 42 42 42 41
4 months 26 28 27 28 27 12
6 months 23 22 21 21 22
9 months 14 14 14 13 12 1

Physiology of lactation

At puberty, the milk ducts that lead from the nipple to the secretory alveoli are stimulated by oestrogen to sprout, branch and form glandular tissue buds from which milk‐secreting glands will develop (Fig. 31.2). During pregnancy, breast tissue is further stimulated so that pre‐existing alveolar–lobular structures hypertrophy and new ones are formed. At the same time milk‐collecting ducts also undergo branching and proliferation. Both oestrogen and progesterone are necessary for mammary development in pregnancy but prolactin, growth hormone and adrenal steroids may also be involved. During pregnancy only minimal amounts of milk are formed in the breast despite high levels of the lactogenic hormones prolactin and placental lactogen. This is because the actions of these lactogenic hormones are inhibited by the secretion of high levels of oestrogen and progesterone from the placenta and it is not until after delivery that copious milk production is induced.

Illustration of the structure of lactating breast with parts labeled pectoral muscles, adipose tissue, interlobular connective tissue, areola, nipple, mammary ducts, and mammary gland lobules.

Fig. 31.2 Structure of the lactating breast.

Milk production

Two similar but independent mechanisms are involved in the establishment of successful lactation (lactogenesis): the first causes release of prolactin, which acts on the glandular cells of the breast to stimulate milk secretion (Fig. 31.3), and the second induces release of oxytocin, which acts on the myoepithelial cells of the breast to induce the milk ejection reflex (Fig. 31.4). Although these two mechanisms are similar, in that they can both be activated by suckling, they are mediated through two entirely different neuroendocrinological pathways. As can be seen in Figs 31.3 and 31.4, the key event in lactogenesis is suckling and the sensitivity of the breast accommodates itself to this important activity. During pregnancy the skin of the areola is relatively insensitive to tactile stimuli but becomes much more sensitive immediately after delivery. This is an ingenious physiological adaptation which ensures that there is an adequate stream of afferent neurological stimuli from the nipple to the hypothalamus to initiate and maintain the release of prolactin and oxytocin, both of which are required for successful lactation.

Illustration of pathway of prolactin release from the anterior pituitary, with arrow from a human breast to neutral arc, to prolatin release, to prolactin in blood, then to milk secretion for suckling.

Fig. 31.3 Pathway of prolactin release from the anterior pituitary (AP).

Illustration of pathway of oxytocin release from the posterior pituitary, with arrow from a human breast pointing to neutral arc, to paraventricular nucleus, to oxytocin in blood, to milk ejection for suckling.

Fig. 31.4 Pathway of oxytocin release from the posterior pituitary. PVN, paraventricular nucleus.

Milk ejection reflex

Successful breastfeeding depends as much on effective milk transfer from the breast to the baby as on adequate milk secretion. The milk ejection reflex is mediated by the release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland (see Fig. 31.4). Oxytocin causes contraction of the sensitive myoepithelial cells that are situated around the milk‐secreting glands and also dilates the ducts by acting on the muscle cells that lie longitudinally in the duct walls. Contraction of these cells therefore has the dual effect of expelling milk from the glands and of encouraging free flow of milk along dilated ducts. This is recognized by the mother as milk ‘let‐down’ and she may be aware of milk being ejected from the opposite breast from which the baby is suckling. In contrast to prolactin, which is secreted only in response to suckling, oxytocin can be released in response to sensory inputs such as the mother seeing the baby or hearing its cry. Oxytocin has a very short half‐life in the circulation and is released from the posterior pituitary in a pulsatile manner. The highest levels of oxytocin may be released prior to suckling in response to the baby’s cry, while prolactin is released only after suckling commences. The milk ejection reflex is readily inhibited by emotional stress and this may explain why maternal anxiety frequently leads to failure of lactation. Successful breastfeeding depends on engendering confidence in the mother and ensuring correct fixing and suckling on the nipple.

Another factor is of potential physiological importance as an inhibitor of breast milk: if the milk is not effectively stripped from the breast at each feed, this will inhibit lactopoiesis and lead to a fall in milk production.

Volumes of breast milk

During the first 24 hours of the puerperium the human breast usually secretes small volumes of milk, but with regular suckling milk volumes steadily increase and, by the sixth day of the puerperium, an average volume of 500 mL will be taken by the baby. Once lactation is fully established, an average daily milk volume is about 800 mL. In well‐established lactation, it is possible to sustain a baby on breast milk alone for 4–6 months.

Management of breastfeeding

Despite the fact that it is a physiological event, many women experience difficulties in establishing breastfeeding. The greatest asset that a nursing mother can have is the support of an experienced and sympathetic counsellor. This counsellor may be a midwife, a health visitor or a lay person but the creation of a relaxed and confident environment is vital for successful breastfeeding. Babies are individuals, so there is no simple strategy that works in every case; mothers should be encouraged to learn to respond to their own babies but all too often well‐meaning but dogmatic and conflicting advice is given. The best approach is to give mothers all the options and let them make their own decisions; they will soon learn by trial and error what is best for their own babies. As an important stimulus to the promotion of effective breastfeeding, the concept of ‘baby‐friendly’ hospitals has been developed, with breastfeeding an important part of that assessment. The Baby‐Friendly Initiative has adopted 10 successful steps to breastfeeding as its central strategy and these are outlined in Table 31.7. Support for the breastfeeding mother is both an art and a science and the reader is referred to some of the detailed texts on the subject [29,30].

Table 31.7 Ten steps to successful breastfeeding.

 1 Have a written breastfeeding policy
 2 Train all staff
 3 Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding
 4 Help mothers to initiate breastfeeding within 30 min of birth
 5 Show mothers how to breastfeed
 6 Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups
 7 Practice 24‐hour rooming‐in
 8 Encourage breastfeeding on demand
 9 Give newborn infants no other food or drink, unless medically indicated
10 Use no artificial teats

Suppression of lactation

Those women who do not wish to breastfeed should not be given any medication to suppress lactation routinely. They should be encouraged to use non‐pharmacological approaches initially and only if these fail should a pharmacological approach be used. The drug of choice is cabergoline 1 mg stat to prevent lactation or 0.25 mg twice daily for 2 days to suppress established lactation. Bromocriptine is contraindicated due to the risk of heart attack and stroke.

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