© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
Emily S. Jungheim (ed.)Obesity and Fertility10.1007/978-1-4939-2611-4_55. Preconceptional Obesity and Fetal Outcomes: Transdisciplinary Evidence for Obesity’s Effects on Fertility
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Washington University School of Medicine, Campus Box 8064, 660 S. Euclid Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Barnes Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO, USA
The most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reported that the US age-adjusted prevalence of obesity in adults was 35.7 % in 2010 but has remained stable since 2003 [1], indicating a leveling off of the previously alarming rise. Despite this encouraging trend, several smaller studies showed that rates of prepregnancy obesity among reproductive-age women have continued to rise over this time period [2–4]. This is an important distinction because women of reproductive age are usually not yet burdened by the chronic conditions associated with obesity, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. However, maternal obesity can also affect reproductive functions, contributing to infertility, multiple pregnancy complications, and adverse fetal outcomes [5–7]. The mechanisms by which obesity may hinder reproductive function remain largely unknown; thus, designing preconception counseling or interventions to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes for obese patients remains a significant challenge.
This chapter will examine the current evidence that obesity affects reproduction at the preconception stages and causes abnormal development and function of oocytes, preimplantation embryos, or both. The chapter will first focus on the clinical evidence in human spontaneous conceptions and those using assisted reproductive technologies (ART) that suggest an early-stage reproductive dysfunction in obese women. Next, it will review the animal and in vitro models that demonstrate the effects of obesity on oocyte quality and subsequent early embryo development. Lastly, the chapter will discuss data suggesting that paternal obesity may also have detrimental effects on gamete and embryo quality.
Obesity and Oocyte/Embryo Quality in Human Reproduction
Compared to normal-weight women, obese women have a higher prevalence of infertility—defined as the inability to conceive within 12 months of having regular unprotected intercourse—and subfertility—requiring a longer time to pregnancy once a couple starts trying to conceive [8–13]. For example, analysis of data from 7,327 women enrolled in the Collaborative Perinatal Project revealed that fecundability, or the probability of conceiving in a given cycle, was reduced by 18 % in obese women; they required two months longer to conceive than women with a BMI in the normal range [14]. These findings indicate that obesity may affect female fertility at the earliest stages of pregnancy: pre- and peri-implantation.
Because obesity is a known risk factor for anovulation, subfertility in obese women has often been attributed to this disorder. However, several studies focused specifically on analyzing pregnancy in ovulatory women revealed that obesity negatively affects fertility even after adjusting for menstrual cycle length and regularity [12, 14, 15]. A follow-up prospective cohort study of 3,029 subfertile ovulatory women found that the chance of spontaneous pregnancy was reduced by about 5 % for every BMI unit above 29 kg/m2 [16]. These data strongly argue that anovulation is not the only mechanism contributing to subfertility in obese women.
Studies directly investigating the effects of obesity on human oocyte and embryo quality are difficult to conduct. Therefore, the data are few and the results are inconsistent. One of the earliest such reports analyzed 398 in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles and stratified the oocytes into “good quality”—those at metaphase I and II—and “bad quality”—those that were at germinal stages, were postmature, or had a fractured zona [17]. Oocytes retrieved from women with a BMI ≥ 25 were significantly less likely to be “good quality” than were those retrieved from women with a BMI of 20–25. Although other studies have found no differences in the quality of oocytes retrieved from obese women and those with a BMI in the normal range, they did report that maternal obesity is associated with lower mean embryo grade and lower numbers of embryos used in IVF cycles [18, 19]. These results suggest that even if an oocyte appears to develop properly and be competent for fertilization, underlying damage may adversely affect subsequent embryo quality. It must be noted, however, that other groups have reported no differences in the number or quality of embryos transferred or the implantation rates between obese and normal-weight women undergoing ART [20, 21].
Obese women who achieve pregnancy with ART are at increased risk for spontaneous abortion in the first trimester [21, 22] and very early pregnancy loss (before week 6 of gestation) [20]. Because embryo development this early in gestation is most likely affected by gamete quality [23], these findings support a hypothesis that maternal obesity affects oocyte quality before fertilization, thus leading to defects in early embryo development or implantation, and subsequent early pregnancy loss.
It is possible that obesity affects the endometrium and creates an unfavorable environment for the implanting embryo. A way to differentiate between effects on the oocyte and the endometrium is to compare the outcomes of ART between obese women who use autologous oocytes and those who use donor oocytes. One study found that the rate of pregnancy loss persisted in obese women receiving donor oocytes, suggesting that altered endometrial receptivity was responsible [24]. A more recent, larger analysis, which used data from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology Clinic Online Reporting System on 45,163 ART embryo transfers, confirmed that obesity was associated with reduced rates of clinical intrauterine pregnancy in women who used autologous oocytes but not in women who used donor oocytes [25]. Although these studies were limited by the small number of women using donor oocytes, the data suggest that maternal obesity affects oocyte quality independent of any endometrial deficiencies.
Oocyte Quality and Function in Murine Models
Given the obvious difficulties with examining reproductive tissues in humans, researchers have turned to animal models to decipher the mechanisms responsible for subfertility in obese females. Several murine models of diet-induced obesity have now been reported. Although the studies differ in the fat content (22–36 %) of the diets, age at and duration of exposure, mouse strain, and other characteristics, they all report that female mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) have significantly higher total body weight and adipose tissue weight than mice fed regular chow [26–28]. The HFD-fed mice also have elevated levels of fasting serum glucose and free fatty acids, suggesting altered energy metabolism similar to that which occurs in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). If mated naturally, the obese mice are more likely to be anovulatory than their chow-fed counterparts, but a significantly higher number of oocytes are recovered if they do ovulate [27]. However, if mice are superovulated with gonadotropin, ovarian follicles of the obese mice show evidence of increased apoptosis, and the subsequent oocytes are smaller than those from control mice and exhibit delayed maturation [26, 29]. These observations suggest that maternal obesity affects both follicles and oocytes.
Studies are now suggesting that oocytes from obese mice are impaired in their ability to sustain normal embryo growth. Fertilized oocytes isolated from obese mice demonstrate delayed progression starting from the four-to-eight-cell stage [27]. The resulting blastocysts also have aberrant cellular composition, with a greater number of cells constituting the trophectoderm than the inner cell mass. Another study found that two-cell embryos isolated from HFD-fed obese mice were more likely to be developmentally delayed (remained at or did not reach the two-cell stage) or to degrade than were embryos from control-fed mice [30]. Furthermore, whereas more than 50 % of embryos isolated from control-diet-fed mice reached the blastocyst stage, less than 20 % of those from HFD-fed mice did so. Notably, when the morphologically normal blastocysts from obese and control females were transferred into uteri of control female mice, those from the obese group exhibited altered growth, characterized by smaller fetal and placental sizes at gestational day 14.5 [26, 30]. Additionally, 20 % of the fetuses from obese mothers had gross brain abnormalities; these were absent in the fetuses from control mice [30]. Together, these data suggest that maternal obesity begins to have detrimental effects as early as the oocyte stage and that some of the defects may be subtle, allowing the early embryo to appear morphologically normal, but lead to significant developmental abnormalities later in gestation. A number of possible mechanisms to explain the lasting effects of preconceptional maternal obesity on oocyte and embryo quality are being explored, such as aberrant glucose and insulin metabolism, mitochondrial dysfunction, cell division defects, and lipotoxicity.
Effects of Maternal Obesity on Oocyte and Embryo Quality: Possible Mechanisms
In an effort to understand the mechanisms by which obesity affects oocyte and embryo quality, it is useful to examine other disorders with similar metabolic consequences. For example, obesity is associated with both hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, which also characterize T2DM. By contrast, type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), which usually occurs as a result of an autoimmune disease that destroys the insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells, is characterized by severe hyperglycemia and low or absent serum insulin levels.
Women with T1DM are known to be at a high risk for miscarriage and giving birth to infants with congenital malformations [31]. A murine genetic model of T1DM has significantly more apoptosis of granulosa and cumulus cells, both of which surround the maturing oocyte, than a non-diabetic control group [32]. Additionally, oocytes isolated from diabetic mice are smaller in size and have a delay in completion of meiosis I, a phenotype analogous to the murine diet-induced obesity model [26]. Although the hyperglycemia that characterizes obesity is less severe than that in T1DM, exposure to excess glucose could be responsible for aberrant follicular and oocyte development in both contexts.
The oocyte is not directly exposed to glucose; it instead receives nutrients, signaling molecules, and metabolic intermediates from the cumulus cells with which it is intimately coupled via gap junctions and paracrine signaling [33]. The cumulus cells in the cumulus–oocyte-complexes (COCs) are responsible for metabolizing available glucose and supplying the oocyte with its major source of energy, pyruvate [34, 35]. In fact, oocytes denuded of their surrounding cumulus cells cannot metabolize glucose efficiently and require pyruvate supplementation for survival [36]. Therefore, hyperglycemia may indirectly impair oocyte development by altering cumulus cell function. One study showed that cumulus cells from mice with T1DM had increased apoptosis rates and significant mitochondrial dysfunction [37]. The apoptotic cumulus cells also demonstrated a diffuse cytochrome c staining pattern and decreased caspase-3 activation, suggesting activation of the apoptosis pathway. Although the exact initiating event for mitochondrial dysfunction is unclear, glucose deprivation through downregulation of glucose transporters is a strong possibility [33]. In support of this idea, hyperglycemia has been shown to result in downregulation of the glucose transporter GLUT1, decreased glucose uptake, and increased apoptosis in murine preimplantation embryos and cumulus cells [37–40]. Decreased glucose uptake in cumulus cells from mice with chemically induced T1DM also correlates with lower ATP levels in the COCs [41]. Whether or not these are the mechanisms by which maternal obesity affects oocyte quality needs to be determined, but the above models of T1DM and hyperglycemia provide a good starting point for future research.
Unlike T1DM, obesity and T2DM are characterized by insulin resistance, which results in hyperinsulinemia in addition to hyperglycemia. Insulin signaling is mediated via the insulin receptor (IR) and insulin-like growth factor receptors (IGF1R and IGF2R), which are expressed in human, bovine, rat, and murine oocytes [42–46]. In vitro exposure of murine COCs to excess insulin produces morphologically normal oocytes but hinders subsequent embryo development from the two-cell to blastocyst stage [47]. However, this deleterious effect is only evident when follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is present in the culture media. Because insulin acts on granulosa cells in synergy with FSH to induce their differentiation and steroidogenesis [48], excess insulin may lead to aberrant differentiation of granulosa cells and an inability to support proper oocyte development [49, 50].
A recent study demonstrated that murine and human cumulus cells are capable of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, whereas murine oocytes are not (human oocytes have not been assayed) [51]. This study also revealed that insulin activates the canonical phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway, which is required for glucose transporter translocation to the cell surface, in cumulus cells. When mice were fed a HFD for four weeks, resulting in hyperinsulinemia without hyperglycemia, insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in the cumulus cells was significantly reduced. Impaired insulin sensitivity and subsequently decreased glucose uptake in cumulus cells is another potential mechanism for obesity’s detrimental effects on oocyte and early embryo development.
Another group recently suggested that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARγ) pathway may mediate the adverse effects of maternal obesity on oocyte and early embryo development [27]. Activation of the PPARγ pathway in adipocytes stimulates transcription of genes involved in lipid and glucose metabolism, resulting in improved insulin and lipid homeostasis [52]. PPARγ is also expressed in murine, ruminant, and human ovarian tissues, particularly in the granulosa cells [53]. Treatment of mice with the PPARγ agonist and the insulin-sensitizing agent rosiglitazone for 4 days before ovulation reverses the delays in early embryo progression observed in fertilized oocytes harvested from mice fed a HFD prior to conception [27]. The treatment also shows a trend towards reversing the cellular composition abnormalities in resulting blastocysts. In addition, rosiglitazone alters the expression of several PPARγ target genes within the ovary, suggesting a direct effect in this tissue [27]. However, its administration leads to significant weight loss and lower levels of serum glucose, serum triglycerides, and insulin in HFD-fed mice. Thus, it is still unclear whether the observed effects on oocytes and early embryo development are a consequence of whole-body improvements in insulin sensitivity and subsequent reversal of hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia or reflect direct action of rosiglitazone on the ovary. Although further studies are required, we can glean some additional answers from rats with a conditional knockout of PPARγ in the ovary. The resulting females are either infertile or severely subfertile [54]. They have normal follicular development, ovulation, and corpus luteum size, but the majority of the resulting embryos fail to implant. Because PPARγ was specifically knocked down in the ovary but not the uterus in these experiments, it is reasonable to hypothesize that PPARγ plays a significant role in ovarian function, either through regulation of oocyte competence or steroidogenesis after ovulation. Together, the above studies suggest that insulin sensitizers that specifically affect the PPARγ pathway may reverse some of the adverse effects of hyperinsulinemia on oocyte developmental competence by altering glucose metabolism in granulosa and cumulus cells.
Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Mitochondrial abnormalities are another potential mechanism to explain poor oocyte quality and impaired embryo development in obese women. Like all other cells, oocytes rely on mitochondria for energy production in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). As mentioned above, it is thought that the surrounding cumulus cells provide the oocyte with pyruvate [35], which is metabolized through the mitochondrial oxidative pathways to synthesize ATP. The importance of pyruvate metabolism was illustrated by a study examining the effects of conditional inactivation of one of the subunits of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, Pdha1 [55]. The resulting oocytes appeared to progress through the growth phase but were unable to support embryo development after fertilization. As expected, the Pdha1-deficient oocytes also had decreased ATP levels. Interestingly, the developmental defect was partially rescued in oocytes that were matured within intact COCs, suggesting that cumulus cells can provide the oocyte with ATP or other metabolites through gap junctions [55].
Mitochondrial distribution and morphology are altered in oocytes harvested from diet-induced obese mice [28]. Whereas mitochondria in control-derived oocytes are distributed diffusely throughout the ooplasm, mitochondria in obese-derived oocytes are perinuclear and in cortical clusters. Transmission electron microscopy of oocytes and the surrounding cumulus cells from obese mice reveal mitochondria that have fewer and disarrayed cristae, increased swelling, more vacuoles, and decreased electron density of the matrix [30]. Similar aberrations in mitochondrial morphology have been found in oocytes and cumulus cells from T1DM mouse models and in embryos undergoing cleavage arrest [37, 56, 57].
Maternal obesity also appears to alter the function of mitochondria in oocytes. Oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria produces reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can damage the cell when present in excess. Mitochondria tightly regulate the redox status of cells by regenerating antioxidant systems and maintaining the NADPH:NADP+ ratio in the cytosol [58]. Using a low-toxicity potentiometric fluorescent dye, one group observed that oocytes from obese mice had a significantly higher inner mitochondrial membrane potential than those from control mice, and this difference persisted in the zygotes [28]. This was likely due to an increase in mitochondrial respiration because these oocytes and zygotes also had a shift of the redox status towards oxidation and increased rates of ROS production. One proposed mechanism for these findings is that the increased availability of energy substrates, such as carbohydrates and fatty acids, found in an obesogenic state causes mitochondrial hyperactivity and increased ROS production and ultimately leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and oocyte damage. A growing body of evidence suggests that abnormal energy balance in the oocyte due to mitochondrial abnormalities leads to abnormal spindle and chromosome alignments, oocyte maturation failure, and early embryo developmental defects [59].
Mitochondrial dysfunction induced by excess ROS is thought to cause compensatory upregulation of mitochondrial biogenesis in numerous cell types [60], and there is evidence that this may be the case in oocytes as well [57]. Oocytes derived from mice fed a HFD have significantly higher mitochondrial DNA copy number than those from control-fed mice [28, 30]. These oocytes also have increased expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, including PGC-1α, Drp-1, TFAM, and NRF1. Interestingly, oocytes form obese mice have lower levels of citrate but unchanged levels of ATP, suggesting that although mitochondrial function is disturbed, overall oocyte metabolism is not, perhaps as a result of compensatory increases in mitochondrial number [30]. However, zygotes isolated from obese mice 24 h after mating show no evidence of increased mitochondrial biogenesis [28], nor do the number of zygotes recovered from the HFD and control groups differ. This is surprising given that signs of ROS-induced damage persist in obese-derived zygotes. This finding might be explained by the fact that a period of mitochondrial DNA turnover and maternal RNA destruction occurs shortly after fertilization [61]. These initial studies using the HFD-fed murine model are still only correlative, with no proof that ROS-induced mitochondrial damage is responsible for the inability of the oocytes to support further embryo development. Further studies will also be needed to determine whether obesity’s effects on ROS homeostasis contribute to the long-term developmental deficiencies observed in the offspring of obese mice, such as small fetal size and congenital abnormalities.
Spindle and Chromosomal Alignment Defects
Oocytes from mice on a HFD have a higher incidence of metaphase II chromosome misalignment, ectopic microtubule organizing centers, and malformed spindles than oocytes from mice fed a control diet [30]. Similar chromosomal abnormalities are found in oocytes from T1DM mouse models [41, 57]. It is thought that proper chromosome alignment and spindle formation relies on mitochondrial function and distribution within the cell [57, 62]. The Pdha1-deficient mice described above provide evidence for this; 98.4 % of the oocytes from these mice have gross abnormalities in meiotic spindle formation, chromosome alignment, and meiotic maturation [55]. Studies also link lower ATP levels in oocytes with abnormal spindle formation, suggesting that meiotic spindle formation requires adequate energy supplies [55, 63]. Alternatively, a biochemical study showed that microtubule assembly during spindle formation requires adequate NADPH, most likely for maintaining a proper redox state [64]. Although the pentose phosphate pathway was the provider of NADPH in this study, we know that in the oocyte, where glucose is poorly metabolized, mitochondrial metabolism of pyruvate regulates NADPH availability [58].
Oocytes with significant spindle or chromosomal alignment abnormalities are likely to fail to fertilize, generate embryos with aneuploidy, or produce embryos incapable of normal developmental progression. These abnormalities could contribute to the higher rates of infertility and spontaneous pregnancy loss observed in obese women. In support of this idea, a recent study reported that oocytes from obese women undergoing IVF often have gross morphological abnormalities, spindle anomalies, and non-aligned chromosomes [65, 66].
Although the full function of adipose tissue is poorly understood, it is known that this tissue stores excess nutrients in the form of triglycerides and that it also plays an endocrine role as a source of adipokines [67, 68]. Accumulating evidence now suggests that both of these functions can become dysregulated in the context of obesity, thus damaging other tissues, including the reproductive tract [69]. As the storage capacity of adipose tissue becomes overwhelmed, triglycerides begin to accumulate in non-adipose tissues. The resulting high levels of fatty acids cause a lipid-induced apoptotic cascade-termed lipotoxicity [70]. Although this process is not yet fully understood, the resulting increased oxidative stress is thought to induce endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, an unfolded-protein response, and apoptosis. Prime examples of lipotoxicity include lipid accumulation in the liver, skeletal muscle, heart, and pancreas; such accumulation contributes to the development of obesity, diabetes, and heart failure.
Mammalian oocytes contain lipid droplets, which are thought to be necessary for oocyte and preimplantation embryo development [71, 72]. For example, fatty acid oxidation is required for oocyte germinal vesicle breakdown and early embryo development through the blastocyst stage in mice [73, 74]. Mice fed a HFD for 4 weeks have higher levels of lipids within their oocytes and surrounding cumulus cells than mice fed a control diet [29]. These COCs also have increased expression of the ER stress marker genes ATF4 and GRP78 and decreased fertilization rates. Additionally, Wu et al. found that ATF4 expression is elevated in granulosa cells from obese women, suggesting that ER stress contributes to lower conception rates in obese women [29]. The source of the excess lipid within oocytes and cumulus cells remains an unanswered question. Possibilities include de novo lipogenesis in the oocyte and cumulus cells or diffusion from the maternal serum or follicular fluid. Consistent with the latter possibility, increased triglyceride levels have been observed in the follicular fluid of obese women [75]. Another study also found that elevated follicular free fatty acid (FFA) levels are associated with poor COC morphology in women undergoing IVF [76]. Interestingly, this study found that serum FFA levels do not correlate with follicular FFA levels, suggesting that the follicular environment is the source for the excess lipids accumulating in the COCs and granulosa cells.
As adipose tissue accumulates to accommodate the excess energy, adipocytes grow in quantity and size and alter their secretory profiles [67]. One important secreted adipokine is leptin (the product of the Obesity [Ob] gene in mice), which primarily acts on the hypothalamus to regulate satiety. Levels of leptin in the serum and leptin mRNA in adipocytes both directly correlate with BMI in humans [77]. In addition to its stimulatory effects on the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis [78], leptin appears to directly regulate ovarian function. In fact, the leptin receptor is expressed in human and rodent oocytes, theca cells, and granulosa cells [79, 80]. Additionally, follicular fluid from women undergoing IVF contains leptin, the levels of leptin positively correlate with BMI [81], and increased follicular leptin levels are associated with poor ovarian response and decreased IVF success rates [82–84]. Numerous studies using human tissue and various animal models have shown that excess leptin has deleterious effects on oocyte and embryo development [83]. One such study reported that although there were no differences in number of oocytes retrieved, fertilized, or developed past the cleavage stage, the embryos generated from oocytes retrieved from women with high leptin:BMI ratios were of reduced quality at day three post-retrieval [84]. The subsequent implantation rates were also significantly lower in the high vs. low leptin:BMI groups (13.2 % vs. 26.7 %). These findings support a hypothesis that excess leptin has deleterious effects on the oocyte, which in turn affect embryo quality and lead to increased pregnancy loss. It is also possible that developmental defects resulting from elevated leptin at the preconception stage persist in the surviving fetuses and contribute to some of the congenital defects reported in children of obese mothers.

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