General Discussion

Peripheral neuropathy represents one of the most common neurologic disorders encountered by primary care physicians. Peripheral neuropathy may be the result of hereditary, toxic, infectious, inflammatory, metabolic, ischemic, or paraneoplastic causes. Diabetes and alcoholism are the most common etiologies of peripheral neuropathy in adults living in developed countries. Despite extensive evaluation, an etiology is not found in 13–22% of cases.

Most patients can be diagnosed, classified, and managed based on the history and physical examination. Classifying the patient’s neuropathy clinically based upon time course (acute, subacute, chronic, or lifelong), functional modalities affected (motor or sensory) and the distribution (distal, proximal, or patchy) can assist in diagnosis. Other important information includes medication use, past medical history, age of onset, and family history.

Aug 17, 2016 | Posted by in PEDIATRICS | Comments Off on PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY

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