ASA 1. A normal healthy patient
ASA 2. A patient with mild systemic disease
ASA 3. A patient with severe systemic disease
ASA 4. A patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life
ASA 5. A moribund patient not expected to survive for 24 h with or without the operation
ASA 6. Declared brain-dead patient whose organs are being removed for donor purposes
A modifier “E” can be added for emergency cases
Most anesthesia-related morbidity is respiratory in nature. There is an increased incidence of respiratory adverse events in children who have a current or recent upper respiratory tract infection (URTI). Complications include bronchospasm, laryngospasm, desaturation, coughing, and stridor. It is clear that children with current severe URTI, systemic illness or signs of lower respiratory tract infection should have elective surgery postponed. A high risk of perioperative adverse events is present in the first 2 weeks after a URTI (Von Ungern-Sternberg et al. 2010). Children with URTI greater than 2 weeks prior to surgery have a low risk of perioperative respiratory events, and surgery can be undertaken. As children have six or more URTI a year, it is difficult to find a window of opportunity when they are free of URTI. For children with mild current or mild recent URTI less than 2 weeks prior to surgery, it may be appropriate to proceed for practical reasons. This approach accepts that there is an increased risk of adverse respiratory complications. Other risk factors for perioperative respiratory complications include underlying asthma, chronic lung disease of prematurity, or other chronic lung disease such as cystic fibrosis. Atopy, a strong family history of atopy, and exposure to second-hand smoking have also been found to be associated with increased risk (Von Ungern-Sternberg et al. 2010). For these children respiratory function should be optimized prior to elective surgery, and a lower threshold for postponing surgery in the presence of a URTI should be exercised. In particular, asthma should be well controlled before surgery. In children with underlying cardiac disease or chronic lung disease of prematurity, a more conservative approach is warranted as even minor respiratory complications can have potentially catastrophic consequences.
Any decision whether or not to proceed when a child has a URTI needs to involve informed consent with the parents as well as discussion with the surgeon. Other factors such as the age of the child and the nature and urgency of the surgery need to be considered. The threshold for cancellation may need to be lower in hospitals that do not look after pediatric patients on a regular basis or that do not have backup to manage complications. Anesthesia management should be tailored to minimize risk. An anesthetist with ongoing experience in pediatric anesthesia is important in minimizing risk. See Table 2.2.
Table 2.2
Guide to preoperative decision making in the child with a URTI
Clinical presentation | Child with no underlying cardiac or respiratory disease | Child with underlying cardiac or respiratory disease |
Current severe URTI | Postpone for 2–3 weeks | Postpone for 4–6 weeks |
LRTI | ||
Fever or other signs of systemic illness | ||
Current mild URTI | Proceed with cautiona | Postpone for 2–4 weeks |
URTI <2 weeks prior to surgery | ||
URTI >2 weeks prior to surgery | Proceed | Proceed with caution or Postpone until 4 weeks after symptoms resolve |
Children with congenital heart disease are another group at risk of cardiorespiratory complications in the perioperative period. This group should be referred for review. Echocardiography should be sought to assess ventricular systolic and diastolic function, intracardiac shunts, valvular dysfunction, and pulmonary hypertension. The child with a previously undiagnosed murmur presents a different challenge. Generally, children with asymptomatic murmurs who are active and keep up with their peers without shortness of breath, fatigue, cyanosis, and without difficulty feeding or failure to thrive (infants) will tolerate general anesthesia for minor surgery. Any children who are symptomatic or undergoing major surgery should be reviewed prior to surgery. All children with high-grade murmurs, diastolic murmurs, or pansystolic murmurs should also be reviewed prior to surgery. Other signs, such as reduced femoral pulses or signs of cardiac failure should be sought. Consideration should be given to indications for antibiotic prophylaxis in children with cardiac lesions.
Underlying syndromes can present multiple challenges for anesthesia. These include airway anomalies, respiratory disease, and cardiac, musculoskeletal, and renal abnormalities. A group of syndromes are associated with difficult airway and difficult intubation. These include Pierre Robin sequence, Treacher Collins syndrome, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, the mucopolysaccharidoses (e.g., Hunter syndrome, Hurler syndrome, Sanfilippo syndrome), and Goldenhar syndrome, also known as Oculo-Auriculo-Vertebral (OAV) syndrome. Characteristic airway features of many of these syndromes are small mouth opening, small and recessed mandible, and a relatively large tongue. In the mucopolysaccharidoses, tissue deposits in the airway and elsewhere increase over time such that the airway becomes progressively more difficult to manage. Many syndromes have associated congenital cardiac anomalies which may or may not have required surgery. Neuromuscular and musculoskeletal abnormalities can present challenges for vascular access and positioning. Abnormalities involving the chest wall can result in restrictive lung defect and respiratory failure. Bulbar dysfunction can lead to swallowing difficulties and a tendency to recurrent aspiration further compromising respiratory function. Generalized muscle weakness or myopathy leads to sensitivity to the respiratory depressant effects of sedative, anesthetic, and analgesic agents. Some patients may require postoperative ventilation, or noninvasive respiratory support, or at the very least continuous pulse oximetry and apnea monitoring.
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is an autosomal dominant pharmacogenetic condition. When susceptible patients are exposed to suxamethonium and volatile anesthetic agents, a hypermetabolic cascade commences in skeletal muscle. This results in rhabdomyolysis, hyperthermia, and lactic acidosis with hypercarbia. The condition is often fatal when not recognized and treated promptly. Genetic testing will provide a diagnosis in 50 % of cases (Ungern-Sternberg and Habre 2007). In vitro contracture testing of muscle biopsy is the diagnostic test. However, this can only be performed in older children because of the size of the muscle biopsy required. A trigger-free anesthetic should be used in all patients with a diagnosis of MH or with a family history of MH. Central core disease, multi-minicore disease, nemaline rod myopathy, Evan’s myopathy, and King-Denborough syndrome are associated with malignant hyperthermia (MH). The muscular dystrophies (Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Becker dystrophy) can result in rhabdomyolysis with exposure to volatile anesthetic agents and suxamethonium. Hyperkalemic cardiac arrest can result. Volatile anesthetic agents should be avoided or used with extreme caution in these patients. Suxamethonium is contraindicated.
Preoperative fasting is necessary to minimize the risk of aspiration of gastric contents under anesthesia. Clear fluids will typically empty from the stomach in less than 1 h (Splinter and Schreiner 1999). Solids empty more slowly from the stomach and the rate of emptying is dependent on the volume and type of food ingested. Solids are foods that are in a solid state when in the stomach. Milk and infant formula are in a liquid form when ingested but form solid curds upon reaching the stomach (Splinter and Schreiner 1999). In general, breast milk empties faster than infant formula but nevertheless requires more than 2 h to ensure complete emptying (Splinter and Schreiner 1999). Gastric transit time is generally greater for infants than it is for adults. Factors that slow gastric emptying include trauma, pain, opiates, gastrointestinal illness, gastroesophageal reflux, and systemic illness. Studies have shown that there is unlikely to be an increase in residual gastric fluid volume in obese children after a 2-h clear fluid fast (Scott et al. 2009).
Fasting times for infants are adjusted according to their age, feeding requirements, and expected increased gastric transit time as well as according to the type of feed they ingest. There is no evidence that prolonged fasting reduces the risk of aspiration of gastric contents. Prolonged daytime fasting may increase the risk of intraoperative hypoglycemia (Leelanukrom and Cunliffe 2000). Fasting has been liberalized and clear fluids are allowed up to 2 h preoperatively in all patients without risk factors for gastric stasis. This improves patient comfort and avoids preoperative dehydration without increasing the volume or acidity of gastric contents (Splinter and Schreiner 1999; Castillo-zamora et al. 2005; Murat and Dubois 2008). While some guidelines recommend a 3-h fast after breast milk ingestion, a more conservative 4-h fast ensures low residual gastric fluid volumes in all healthy infants without causing prolonged, unnecessary distress. See Table 2.3.
Table 2.3
Fasting guidelines for infants and children
Neonate and infants under 6 months |
Clear fluids – 2 h |
Breast milk – 3 h |
Formula – 4 h |
Infants 6 months to 12 months |
Clear fluids – 2 h |
Breast milk – 4 h |
Formula – 6 h |
Solids – 6 h |
Children |
Clear fluids – 2 h |
Milk – 6 h |
Solids – 6 h |
Preoperative Anxiety
It is common for children and parents to be apprehensive during the lead-up to surgery. Excessive apprehension prior to anesthesia and surgery can make the task of preparation, transfer, and anesthesia difficult and traumatic for the child and all concerned. High levels of anxiety can result in parental dissatisfaction, increased postoperative pain and analgesic requirements (Chorney and Kain 2010), and negative behavioral changes (nightmares, separation anxiety, eating problems, and increased fear of doctors) in the postoperative period. Young age is a risk factor for preoperative anxiety with preschool children between the ages of 1 and 5 being at highest risk. High baseline anxiety and previous stressful experiences with health-care providers and high levels of parental anxiety are also predictive of preoperative anxiety. The two main methods for managing anxiety at the time of induction are sedative premedications and parental presence at induction of anesthesia. Other methods, including behavioral modification and preparation programs, may be effective but are time consuming and generally less practical.
Parental presence at induction reduces separation anxiety and is overwhelmingly preferred by parents. However, some studies have shown that while a calm parent can reduce anxiety in an anxious child, anxious parents do not benefit anxious children (Kain et al. 2006) and can lead to increased anxiety in previously calm children. The decision of whether or not to have parents present at the time of induction should be made with discussion between anesthetist and parents. The use of induction rooms allows induction of anesthesia to occur in a less threatening environment. Parents can be allowed to accompany children into the induction room or operating theater. Parental presence requires that a designated person be available to assist parents and accompany them from the operating theater or induction room once their child is anesthetized.
Sedative premedications have been found to be superior to parental presence at reducing preoperative anxiety. Midazolam and clonidine given orally are two commonly used sedative agents. Midazolam has the advantages of having a rapid onset of effect and providing sedative anxiolysis with retrograde amnesia. It has the disadvantages of being bitter to taste and a relatively short duration with peak effect after oral dosing between 20 and 30 min. Oral clonidine has no unpleasant taste. It provides sedation within 30–45 min. Clonidine is analgesic and anxiolytic but does not cause amnesia. Ketamine given orally or intramuscularly is also used as a sedative premedication. All children who have received sedative premedication should have appropriate monitoring and supervision instituted. Supplemental oxygen and continuous pulse oximetry may be required.
Mode of Anesthesia Induction
Children can safely undergo inhalational or intravenous induction of anesthesia.
Inhalational induction is indicated in cases where spontaneous ventilation needs to be maintained such as difficult airway, foreign body in the airway or acute airway obstruction. Intravenous induction is indicated in the patient at risk of aspiration of gastric contents who needs a rapid sequence induction or in a child who requires resuscitation prior to induction of anesthesia. Aside from these specific indications, the choice of inhalational or intravenous induction is largely determined by the preference or experience of the anesthetist. Inhalational induction is commonly used in pediatric practice. Infants and small children may be difficult to cannulate and inhalational induction is perceived to be less threatening. It is often preferred by younger children. However, it still requires a cooperative child. It can be more distressing to achieve inhalational induction in a noncooperative child than it is to secure intravenous access. With the use of topical anesthetic preparations and skilled distraction techniques, intravenous access can be achieved in the awake child with minimal discomfort or distress. Intravenous induction is often preferred by older children. The advantages of intravenous induction include rapid onset and the inherent safety of having a cannula in place prior to loss of consciousness and loss of protective airway reflexes. Intravenous induction with propofol, the most common agent, can cause pain at the site of injection, which can be distressing and explicitly recalled.
Patient Positioning
The size of the pediatric patient creates challenges for vascular access, placement of monitoring, patient positioning, and surgical access. Patient positioning is a team effort and should result in easy access to the airway and intravenous lines as well as allow unencumbered surgery while protecting the patient from pressure trauma and heat loss. The child is usually placed at head-end of the operating table. For small children this means that only the upper end of the table is used, so that anesthetic, surgical, and nursing staff are all clustered around one end of the table. The surgical site(s) and the airway or intravenous access sites are often very close together. This carries the risk of inadvertent dislodgment of tubes or lines, accidental de-sterilization of the operative field, and accidental injury to limbs, face, and other body parts, through pressure, retraction, or other mechanisms. Careful attention to fixing cannulae, drains, and catheters is essential. Taping of urinary catheters to the abdomen instead of the thigh reduces the risk of inadvertent (or intentional) distraction, removal, and disconnection.
Fluid Management
Intraoperative fluid management aims to replace fasting deficit, to provide maintenance fluid to meet metabolic requirements, and to replace intraoperative losses. Fasting deficit can easily be calculated by multiplying the hourly maintenance fluid requirements by the number of hours fasted. This fluid can be replaced over the duration of the procedure for long cases (Leelanukrom and Cunliffe 2000). An alternative approach is to administer 25 ml/kg to replace routine fasting deficit in children up to 3 years of age and 15 ml/kg in children 4 years and over (Leelanukrom and Cunliffe 2000). If intravenous fluids have been commenced preoperatively, this may not be necessary. Modifications may need to be made in situations where there is increased loss or deficit such as febrile illness or sepsis. The acutely hypovolemic child should be resuscitated prior to induction of anesthesia. Induction of anesthesia in a hypovolemic patient can lead to catastrophic hypotension and even cardiac arrest. Maintenance requirements in the anesthetized child are minimal and 4 ml/kg/h provides a reasonable guide. Insensible loss can be as high as 20 ml/kg/h for major abdominal surgery or up to 50 ml/kg/h during procedures with high exposure and high third space losses such as necrotizing enterocolitis or repair of gastroschisis in premature infants (Leelanukrom and Cunliffe 2000; Murat and Dubois 2008). See Table 2.4.
Table 2.4

Guide schedule for fluid replacement in children

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